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The heat capacity plays a major role in the determination of the energetics of protein folding and molecular recognition. As such, a better understanding of this thermodynamic parameter and its structural origin will provide new insights for the development of better molecular design strategies. In this paper we have analyzed the absolute heat capacity of proteins in different conformations. The results of these studies indicate that three major terms account for the absolute heat capacity of a protein: (1) one term that depends only on the primary or covalent structure of a protein and contains contributions from vibrational frequencies arising from the stretching and bending modes of each valence bond and internal rotations; (2) a term that contains the contributions of noncovalent interactions arising from secondary and tertiary structure; and (3) a term that contains the contributions of hydration. For a typical globular protein in solution the bulk of the heat capacity at 25°C is given by the covalent structure term (close to 85% of the total). The hydration term contributes about 15 and 40% to the total heat capacity of the native and unfolded states, respectively. The contribution of non-covalent structure to the total heat capacity of the native state is positive but very small and does not amount to more than 3% at 25°C. The change in heat capacity upon unfolding is primarily given by the increase in the hydration term (about 95%) and to a much lesser extent by the loss of noncovalent interactions (up to ~5%). It is demonstrated that a single universal mathematical function can be used to represent the partial molar heat capacity of the native and unfolded states of proteins in solution. This function can be experimentally written in terms of the molecular weight, the polar and apolar solvent accessible surface areas, and the total area buried from the solvent. This unique function accurately predicts the different magnitude and temperature dependences of the heat capacity of both the native and unfolded states, and therefore of the heat capacity changes associated with folding/unfolding transitions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用网络进化分析研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,随着高通量实验技术的发展和广泛应用,越来越多可利用的蛋白质相互作用网络数据开始出现.这些数据为进化研究提供了新的视角.从蛋白质、蛋白质相互作用、模体、模块直到整个网络五个层次,综述了近年来蛋白质相互作用网络进化研究领域的主要进展,侧重于探讨蛋白质相互作用、模体、模块直到整个网络对蛋白质进化的约束作用,以及蛋白质相互作用网络不同于随机网络特性的起源和进化等问题.总结了前人工作给学术界的启示,探讨了该领域未来可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

Goldstein RA 《Proteins》2011,79(5):1396-1407
When we seek to explain the characteristics of living systems in their evolutionary context, we are often interested in understanding how and why certain properties arose through evolution, and how these properties then affected the continuing evolutionary process. This endeavor has been assisted by the use of simple computational models that have properties characteristic of natural living systems but allow simulations over evolutionary timescales with full transparency. We examine a model of the evolution of a gene under selective pressure to code for a protein that exists in a prespecified folded state at a given growth temperature. We observe the emergence of proteins with modest stabilities far below those possible with the model, with a denaturation temperature tracking the simulation temperature, despite the absence of selective pressure for such marginal stability. This demonstrates that neither observations of marginally stable proteins, nor even instances where increased stability interferes with function, provide evidence that marginal stability is an adaptation. Instead the marginal stability is the result of a balance between predominantly destabilizing mutations and selection that shifts depending on effective population size. Even if marginal stability is not an adaptation, the natural tendency of proteins toward marginal stability, and the range of stabilities that occur during evolution, may have significant effect on the evolutionary process.  相似文献   

Disulfide bonds and the stability of globular proteins.   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An understanding of the forces that contribute to stability is pivotal in solving the protein-folding problem. Classical theory suggests that disulfide bonds stabilize proteins by reducing the entropy of the denatured state. More recent theories have attempted to expand this idea, suggesting that in addition to configurational entropic effects, enthalpic and native-state effects occur and cannot be neglected. Experimental thermodynamic evidence is examined from two sources: (1) the disruption of naturally occurring disulfides, and (2) the insertion of novel disulfides. The data confirm that enthalpic and native-state effects are often significant. The experimental changes in free energy are compared to those predicted by different theories. The differences between theory and experiment are large near 300 K and do not lend support to any of the current theories regarding the stabilization of proteins by disulfide bonds. This observation is a result of not only deficiencies in the theoretical models but also from difficulties in determining the effects of disulfide bonds on protein stability against the backdrop of numerous subtle stabilizing factors (in both the native and denatured states), which they may also affect.  相似文献   

The thermodynamic properties of unfolding of the Trp‐cage mini protein in the presence of various concentrations of urea have been characterized using temperature‐induced unfolding monitored by far‐UV circular dichroism spectroscopy. Analysis of the data using a two‐state model allowed the calculation of the Gibbs energy of unfolding at 25°C as a function of urea concentration. This in turn was analyzed by the linear extrapolation model that yielded the dependence of Gibbs energy on urea concentration, i.e. the m‐value for Trp‐cage unfolding. The m‐value obtained from the experimental data, as well as the experimental heat capacity change upon unfolding, were correlated with the structural parameters derived from the three dimensional structure of Trp‐cage. It is shown that the m‐value can be predicted well using a transfer model, while the heat capacity changes are in very good agreement with the empirical models based on model compounds studies. These results provide direct evidence that Trp‐cage, despite its small size, is an excellent model for studies of protein unfolding and provide thermodynamic data that can be used to compare with atomistic computer simulations. Proteins 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A previously developed computer program for protein design, RosettaDesign, was used to predict low free energy sequences for nine naturally occurring protein backbones. RosettaDesign had no knowledge of the naturally occurring sequences and on average 65% of the residues in the designed sequences differ from wild-type. Synthetic genes for ten completely redesigned proteins were generated, and the proteins were expressed, purified, and then characterized using circular dichroism, chemical and temperature denaturation and NMR experiments. Although high-resolution structures have not yet been determined, eight of these proteins appear to be folded and their circular dichroism spectra are similar to those of their wild-type counterparts. Six of the proteins have stabilities equal to or up to 7kcal/mol greater than their wild-type counterparts, and four of the proteins have NMR spectra consistent with a well-packed, rigid structure. These encouraging results indicate that the computational protein design methods can, with significant reliability, identify amino acid sequences compatible with a target protein backbone.  相似文献   


Proteome—the protein complement of a genome—has become the protein renaissance and a key research tool in the post-genomic era. The basic technology involves the routine usage of gel electrophoresis and spectrometry procedures for deciphering the primary protein sequence/structure as well as knowing certain unique post-translational modifications that a particular protein has undergone to perform a specific function in the cell. However, the recent advancements in protein analysis have ushered this science to provide deeper, bigger and more valuable perspectives regarding performance of subtle protein-protein interactions. Applications of this branch of molecular biology are as vast as the subject is and include clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. The 21st century hails the use of products, procedures and advancements of this science as finer touches required for the grooming of fast-paced technology.  相似文献   

Jiménez JL 《Proteins》2005,59(4):757-764
To understand the evolutionary forces establishing, maintaining, breaking, or precluding protein-protein interactions, a comprehensive data set of protein complexes has been analyzed to examine the overlap between protein interfaces and the most conserved or divergent protein surface areas. The most divergent areas tend to be found predominantly away from protein interfaces, although when found at interfaces, they are associated with specific lack of cross-reactivity between close homologues, like in antibody-antigen complexes. Moreover, the amino acid composition of highly variable regions is significantly different from any other protein surfaces. The variable regions present higher structural plasticity as a result of insertions and deletions, and favor charged over hydrophobic residues, a known strategy to minimize aggregation. This suggests that (1) a rapid rate of mutations at these regions might be continuously altering their properties, making difficult the coadaptation, in shape and chemical complementarity, to potential interacting partners; and (2) the existence of some form of selective pressure for variable areas away from interfaces to accumulate charged residues, perhaps as an evolutionary mechanism to increase solubility and minimize undesirable interactions within the crowded cellular environment. Finally, these results are placed into the context of the aberrant oligomerization of sickle-cell anemia hemoglobin and prion proteins.  相似文献   

Rationally redesigned variants of the 4-helix-bundle protein Rop are described. The novel proteins have simplified, repacked, hydrophobic cores and yet reproduce the structure and native-like physical properties of the wild-type protein. The repacked proteins have been characterized thermodynamically and their equilibrium and kinetic thermal and chemical unfolding properties are compared with those of wild-type Rop. The equilibrium stability of the repacked proteins to thermal denaturation is enhanced relative to that of the wild-type protein. The rate of chemically induced folding and unfolding of wild-type Rop is extremely slow when compared with other small proteins. Interestingly, although the repacked proteins are more thermally stable than the wild type, their rates of chemically induced folding and unfolding are greatly increased in comparison to wild type. Perhaps as a consequence of this, their equilibrium stabilities to chemical denaturants are slightly reduced in comparison to the wild type.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic proteins are multi-domain proteins that are created from fusions of genes, deletions and internal repetitions. An investigation of such evolutionary events requires a method to find the domain architecture from which each protein originates. Therefore, we defined a novel measure, domain distance, which is calculated as the number of domains that differ between two domain architectures. Using this measure the evolutionary events that distinguish a protein from its closest ancestor have been studied and it was found that indels are more common than internal repetition and that the exchange of a domain is rare. Indels and repetitions are common at both the N and C-terminals while they are rare between domains. The evolution of the majority of multi-domain proteins can be explained by the stepwise insertions of single domains, with the exception of repeats that sometimes are duplicated several domains in tandem. We show that domain distances agree with sequence similarity and semantic similarity based on gene ontology annotations. In addition, we demonstrate the use of the domain distance measure to build evolutionary trees. Finally, the evolution of multi-domain proteins is exemplified by a closer study of the evolution of two protein families, non-receptor tyrosine kinases and RhoGEFs.  相似文献   

Absorbance-detected thermal denaturation studies of the C102T variant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae iso-1-ferricytochrome c were performed between pH 3 and 5. Thermal denaturation in this pH range is reversible, shows no concentration dependence, and is consistent with a 2-state model. Values for free energy (delta GD), enthalpy (delta HD), and entropy (delta SD) of denaturation were determined as functions of pH and temperature. The value of delta GD at 300 K, pH 4.6, is 5.1 +/- 0.3 kcal mol-1. The change in molar heat capacity upon denaturation (delta Cp), determined by the temperature dependence of delta HD as a function of pH (1.37 +/- 0.06 kcal mol-1 K-1), agrees with the value determined by differential scanning calorimetry. pH-dependent changes in the Soret region indicate that a group or groups in the heme environment of the denatured protein, probably 1 or both heme propionates, ionize with a pK near 4. The C102T variant exhibits both enthalpy and entropy convergence with a delta HD of 1.30 kcal mol-1 residue-1 at 373.6 K and a delta SD of 4.24 cal mol-1 K-1 residue-1 at 385.2 K. These values agree with those for other single-domain, globular proteins.  相似文献   

Using the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitution rates (Ka/Ks) is a common approach for detecting positive selection. However, calculation of this ratio over a whole gene combines amino acid sites that may be under positive selection with those that are highly conserved. We introduce a new covarion‐based method to sample only the sites potentially under selective pressure. Using ancestral sequence reconstruction over a phylogenetic tree coupled with calculation of Ka/Ks ratios, positive selection is better detected by this simple covarion‐based approach than it is using a whole gene analysis or a windowing analysis. This is demonstrated on a synthetic dataset and is tested on primate leptin, which indicates a previously undetected round of positive selection in the branch leading to Gorilla gorilla.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of alkaline liquefying alpha-amylase (AmyK) from the alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. KSM-1378 was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The AmyK structure belongs to the GH13 glycoside hydrolase family, which consists of three domains, and bound three calcium and one sodium ions. The alkaline adaptation mechanism of AmyK was investigated by the ancestral sequence evolutionary trace method and by extensive comparisons between alkaline and nonalkaline enzyme structures, including three other protein families: protease, cellulase, and phosphoserine aminotransferase. The consensus change for the alkaline adaptation process was a decrease in the Lys content. The loss of a Lys residue is associated with ion pair remodeling, which mainly consists of the loss of Lys-Asp/Glu ion pairs and the acquisition of Arg ion pairs, preferably Arg-Glu. The predicted replacements of the positively charged amino acids were often, although not always, used for ion pair remodeling.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of interest in developing small stably folded miniature proteins. A limited number of these molecules have been described, however they typically have not been characterized in depth. In particular, almost no detailed studies of the thermodynamics and folding kinetics of these proteins have been reported. Here we describe detailed studies of the thermodynamics and kinetics of folding of a 39 residue mixed alpha-beta protein (NTL9(1-39)) derived from the N-terminal domain of the ribosomal protein L9. The protein folds cooperatively and rapidly in a two-state fashion to a native state typical of those found for normal globular proteins. At pH 5.4 in 20mM sodium acetate, 100mM NaCl the temperature of maximum stability is 6 degrees C, the t(m) is 65.3 degrees C, deltaH degrees (t(m)) is between 24.6 kcalmol(-1) and 26.3 kcalmol(-1), and deltaC(p) degrees is 0.38 kcalmol(-1)deg(-1). The thermodynamic parameters are in the range expected on the basis of per residue values determined from databases of globular proteins. H/2H exchange measurements reveal a set of amides that exchange via global unfolding, exactly as expected for a normal cooperatively folded globular protein. Kinetic measurements show that folding is two-state folding. The folding rate is 640 s(-1) and the value of deltaG degrees calculated from the folding and unfolding rates is in excellent agreement with the equilibrium value. A designed thermostable variant, generated by mutating K12 to M, was characterized and found to have a t(m) of 82 degrees C. Equilibrium and kinetic measurements demonstrate that its folding is cooperative and two-state.  相似文献   

Many protein pairs that share the same fold do not have any detectable sequence similarity, providing a valuable source of information for studying sequence-structure relationship. In this study, we use a stringent data set of structurally similar, sequence-dissimilar protein pairs to characterize residues that may play a role in the determination of protein structure and/or function. For each protein in the database, we identify amino-acid positions that show residue conservation within both close and distant family members. These positions are termed \"persistently conserved\". We then proceed to determine the \"mutually\" persistently conserved (MPC) positions: those structurally aligned positions in a protein pair that are persistently conserved in both pair mates. Because of their intra- and interfamily conservation, these positions are good candidates for determining protein fold and function. We find that 45% of the persistently conserved positions are mutually conserved. A significant fraction of them are located in critical positions for secondary structure determination, they are mostly buried, and many of them form spatial clusters within their protein structures. A substitution matrix based on the subset of MPC positions shows two distinct characteristics: (i) it is different from other available matrices, even those that are derived from structural alignments; (ii) its relative entropy is high, emphasizing the special residue restrictions imposed on these positions. Such a substitution matrix should be valuable for protein design experiments.  相似文献   

Protein aggregation leads to several burdensome human maladies, but a molecular level understanding of how human proteome has tackled the threat of aggregation is currently lacking. In this work, we survey the human proteome for incidence of aggregation prone regions (APRs), by using sequences of experimentally validated amyloid‐fibril forming peptides and via computational predictions. While approximately 30 human proteins are currently known to be amyloidogenic, we found that 260 proteins (~1% of human proteome) contain at least one experimentally validated amyloid‐fibril forming segment. Computer predictions suggest that more than 80% of the human proteins contain at least one potential APR and approximately two‐thirds (65%) contain two or more APRs; spanning 3–5% of their sequences. Sequence randomizations show that this apparently high incidence of APRs has been actually significantly reduced by unique amino acid composition and sequence patterning of human proteins. The human proteome has utilized a wide repertoire of sequence‐structural optimization strategies, most of them already known, to minimize deleterious consequences due to the presence of APRs while simultaneously taking advantage of their order promoting properties. This survey also found that APRs tend to be located near the active and ligand binding sites in human proteins, but not near the post translational modification sites. The APRs in human proteins are also preferentially found at heterotypic interfaces rather than homotypic ones. Interestingly, this survey reveals that APRs play multiple, often opposing, roles in the human protein sequence‐structure‐function relationships. Insights gained from this work have several interesting implications towards novel drug discovery and development. Proteins 2017; 85:1099–1118. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the human genome, two key points have emerged. First, it is still not certain which regions of the genome code for proteins. Second, the number of discrete protein-coding genes is far fewer than the number of different proteins. Proteomics has the potential to address some of these postgenomic issues if the obstacles that we face can be overcome in our efforts to combine proteomic and genomic data. There are many challenges associated with high-throughput and high-output proteomic technologies. Consequently, for proteomics to continue at its current growth rate, new approaches must be developed to ease data management and data mining. Initiatives have been launched to develop standard data formats for exchanging mass spectrometry proteomic data, including the Proteomics Standards Initiative formed by the Human Proteome Organization. Databases such as SwissProt and Uniprot are publicly available repositories for protein sequences annotated for function, subcellular location and known potential post-translational modifications. The availability of bioinformatics solutions is crucial for proteomics technologies to fulfil their promise of adding further definition to the functional output of the human genome. The aim of the Oxford Genome Anatomy Project is to provide a framework for integrating molecular, cellular, phenotypic and clinical information with experimental genetic and proteomics data. This perspective also discusses models to make the Oxford Genome Anatomy Project accessible and beneficial for academic and commercial research and development.  相似文献   

Topological linking of proteins is a new approach for stabilizing and controlling the oligomerization state of proteins that fold in an interwined manner. The recent design of a backbone cyclized protein catenane based on the p53tet domain suggested that topological cross-linking provided increased stability against thermal and chemical denaturation. However, the tetrameric structure complicated detailed biophysical analysis of this protein. Here, we describe the design, synthesis and thermodynamic characterization of a protein catenane based on a dimeric mutant of the p53tet domain (M340E/L344K). The formation of the catenane proceeded efficiently, and the overall structure and oligomerization of the domain was not affected by the formation of the topological link. Unfolding and refolding of the catenane was consistent with a two-state process. The topological link stabilized the dimer against thermal and chemical denaturation considerably, raising the apparent melting temperature by 59 degrees C and the midpoint of denaturation by 4.5M GuHCl at a concentration of 50 microM. The formation of the topological link increased the resistance of the dimer to proteolysis. However, the m value decreased by 1.7kcalmol(-1)M(-1), suggesting a decrease in accessible surface area in the unfolded state. This implies that the stabilization from the topological link is largely due to a destabilization of the unfolded state, similar to other cross-links in proteins. Topological linking therefore provides a powerful and orthogonal tool for the stabilization of peptide and protein oligomers.  相似文献   

Araki M  Tamura A 《Proteins》2007,66(4):860-868
Intrinsic rules of determining the tertiary structure of a protein have been unknown partly because physicochemical factors that contribute to stabilization of a protein structure cannot be represented as a linear combination of local interactions. To clarify the rules on the nonlinear term caused by nonlocal interaction in a protein, we tried to transform a peptide that has a fully helical structure (Target Peptide or TP) into a peptide that has a beta-hairpin structure (Designed Peptide or DP) by adding seven residues to the C terminus of TP. According to analyses of nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, while the beta-hairpin structure is stabilized in some DPs, it is evident that the helical structure observed in TP is also persistent and even extended throughout the length of the molecule. As a result, we have produced a peptide molecule that contains both the alpha-helix and beta-hairpin conformation at an almost equally populated level. The helical structures contained in these DPs were more stable than the helix in TP, suggesting that stabilizing one conformation does not result in destabilizing the other conformation. These DPs can thus be regarded as an isolated peptide version of the chameleon sequence, which has the capability of changing the secondary structure depending on the context of the surrounding environment in a protein structure. The fact that the transformation of one secondary structure caused stabilization of both the original and the induced structure would shed light on the mechanism of protein folding.  相似文献   

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