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牙齿发育的过程,是一个连续并且复杂的过程。牙齿发育的分子机制可总结为:通过外胚层来源的上皮和其下方的间充质相互作用,来调节牙齿的形态学发生。成纤维细胞生长因子(Fibroblast Growth Factor,FGF)是一类肽类分子,它们通过与细胞膜上特异性受体的结合来发挥作用,以此来调节细胞生长。并且具有多种生物活性,是胚胎生长发育和成体组织创伤修复中最具有重要功能的细胞因子。通过众多科学研究,牙齿发育与FGF信号通路的关系已经研究的比较透彻,在牙齿的生长发育过程中,FGF发挥了关键性作用。  相似文献   

杨志  姚俊  曹新 《遗传》2018,40(7):515-524
内耳是感受听觉和平衡觉的复杂器官。在内耳发育过程中,成纤维生长因子(fibroblast growth factor, FGF)信号通路参与了听基板的诱导、螺旋神经节(statoacoustic ganglion, SAG)的发育以及Corti器感觉上皮的分化。FGF信号开启了内耳早期发育的基因调控网络,诱导前基板区域以及听基板的形成。正常表达的FGF信号分子可促进听囊腹侧成神经细胞的特化,但成熟SAG神经元释放的过量FGF5可抑制此过程,形成负反馈环路使SAG在稳定状态下发育。FGF20在Notch信号通路的调控下参与了前感觉上皮区域向毛细胞和支持细胞的分化过程,而内毛细胞分泌的FGF8可调控局部支持细胞分化为柱细胞。人类FGF信号通路异常可导致多种耳聋相关遗传病。此外,FGF信号通路在低等脊椎动物毛细胞自发再生以及干细胞向内耳毛细胞诱导过程中都起到了关键作用。本文综述了FGF信号通路在内耳发育调控以及毛细胞再生中的作用及其相关研究进展,以期为毛细胞再生中FGF信号通路调控机制的阐明奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

不管是在胚胎骨骼形成还是出生后骨骼发育过程中,FGF/FGFR信号都发挥着重要的作用,成骨细胞在骨骼形成过程中起主导作用,成骨细胞不断地分化是骨骼形成的必要条件,FGF/FGFR信号可调控成骨细胞分化过程中不同标志性基因的表达。该信号不仅可以通过自身作用于成骨细胞分化,而且也可与其他信号通路(BMP,Wnt和PTH)相互作用,共同协调控制成骨细胞分化。FGFR突变会引起成骨细胞分化异常从而出现各种骨疾病,如颅缝早闭,骨质疏松,异位骨化等。现对FGF及FGFR家族,成骨细胞分化过程中标志性基因及相应的标志物,FGF/FGFR信号调控成骨细胞分化作用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

目的阐明Epha4基因在大脑皮层发育早期放射性胶质细胞(RGCs)命运决定中的功能。方法利用Cre-loxp技术分别在孕龄为11.5 d或13.5 d的小鼠皮层细胞中敲掉Epha4基因。根据小鼠的基因型分为3组:对照组、Nestin;Epha4fx/fx及GFAP;Epha4fx/fx,分别通过尼氏染色、免疫荧光共染色及免疫印迹分析了突变小鼠大脑皮层表现型、大脑皮层RGCs增殖和分化及皮层细胞信号通路。组间比较利用F检验进行统计学分析。结果尼氏染色结果表明,与正常新生小鼠皮层(709±30)μm相比,在孕龄11.5 d Epha4基因敲除新生小鼠大脑皮层厚度减少至(475±66)μm,差异具有统计学意义(t=7.252,P<0.05),而孕龄13.5 d Epha4基因敲除新生小鼠大脑皮层厚度(727±37)μm,差异无统计学意义。Brd U标记及免疫荧光共染色结果表明,在孕龄14.5 d两种突变小鼠中RGCs增殖能力减弱(46±1)%vs Epha4fx/fx(58±2)%,t=10.72,P<0.05;GFAP;Epha4fx/fx(50±2)%vs Epha4fx/fx(58±2)%,t=5.575,P<0.05),而向神经元分化能力增强(Nestin;Epha4fx/fx(34±5)%vs Epha4fx/fx(25±1)%,t=4.269,P<0.05;GFAP;Epha4fx/fx(35±2)%vs Epha4fx/fx(25±1)%,t=12.48,P<0.05。Western blotting分析表明分离的皮层细胞经成纤维生长因子(FGFs)作用时ERK及FRS2α磷酸化减弱。结论 Epha4基因决定大脑皮层发育早期RGCs的命运,这一过程是通过FGFs信号通路完成的。这些发现为临床治疗脊髓损伤及阿尔茨海默症等神经疾病提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Wnt信号通路参与细胞增殖、胚胎发育、组织再生和干细胞维持等多种生物学过程。近年来,Wnt信号通路在骨骼系统发育及代谢过程中的作用引起广泛关注。探讨Wnt信号通路调节成骨细胞分化、增殖以及维持整个骨骼系统平衡的分子机制,对于临床治疗各种骨疾病(如骨质疏松)具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sonic Hedgehog(Shh)基因属于Hedgehog(Hh)基因家族,该家族最早在果蝇体内被发现,进化上呈高度保守状态。Sonic Hedgehog定位在7号染色体长臂远端(7q36),其通过细胞表面特殊受体Patched(Ptc)和Smoothened(Smo)被接收和传导,从而激活锌指蛋白C i/G li家族。Sonic Hedgehog基因作为重要的形态发生素,在胚胎发育、机体器官组织形成的过程中发挥了重要的作用,它的缺失或者失活会导致一系列严重的遗传疾病。其与体节、神经管、消化道、头面部、上下肢芽的发育以及肿瘤形成等有密切关系。本文主要就Sonic Hedgehog基因及其在发育中的调控作用作一综述。  相似文献   

SonicHedgehog(Shh)基因属于Hedgehog(Hh)基因家族,该家族最早在果蝇体内被发现,进化上呈高度保守状态。SonicHedgehog定位在7号染色体长臂远端(7q36),其通过细胞表面特殊受体Patched(Ptc)和sInoothened(smo)被接收和传导,从而激活锌指蛋白Ci/Gli家族。SonicHedgehog基因作为重要的形态发生素,在胚胎发育、机体器官组织形成的过程中发挥了重要的作用,它的缺失或者失活会导致一系列严重的遗传疾病。其与体节、神经管、消化道、头面部、上下肢芽的发育以及肿瘤形成等有密切关系。本文主要就SonicHedgehog基因及其在发育中的调控作用作一综述。  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子9(fibroblast growth factor 9, FGF9)是成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor,FGF)家族成员之一,属于一种自分泌或旁分泌生长因子。在脑组织中,FGF9主要表达于海马和皮质区,具有促进细胞增殖和维持细胞存活的功能。研究发现,FGF家族在抑郁症患者的多个脑区出现表达紊乱,FGF9在抑郁行为中扮演着负调控角色,但其介导抑郁行为的分子机制尚不清楚。本文综述了FGF9及其家族成员在抑郁中的作用; 围绕其受体(FGFR)信号在中枢神经系统中的功能特点,深入分析FGF9调节抑郁行为中的作用机制;结合运动抗抑郁的神经营养假说,提出经由FGFR/GSK3β/β-catenin通路的FGF信号,可能介导抑郁症的运动干预机制的假设。这些将为FGF9介导抑郁行为和运动抗抑郁的有关研究提供理论的基础和探索的思路。  相似文献   

Wnt信号通路在脊椎动物的胚胎发育过程中发挥重要作用. Dkk1(Dickkopf1)是Dkk基因家族的成员之一,通过编码一种分泌型的糖蛋白与Wnt信号蛋白竞争细胞表面受体,来维持Wnt信号通路的稳态,从而调控胚胎器官的正常发育. 同时,在人类成体中,Dkk1基因活性的改变与肿瘤、代谢性骨病和骨关节炎等疾病的发生密切相关. 本文对Dkk1在头部、肢、眼和牙齿等器官的胚胎发育过程中的相关分子调控机制以及Dkk1与肿瘤发生的关系进行综述.  相似文献   

付思玲  赵婉滢  张雯婧  宋海  季红斌  汤楠 《遗传》2017,39(7):597-606
哺乳动物肺对于血液与外部环境之间的气体交换至关重要。而肺相关的疾病是现代人死亡的主要原因之一。肺的发育、再生和相关疾病的研究对临床治疗具有重要的指导作用。研究发现,Hippo信号通路参与细胞增殖与分化的调控、器官大小的控制,以及机械力的感应和传递。Hippo信号通路中的核心转录调控分子YAP/TAZ在肺部的多种细胞中均有表达,其表达及定位的变化在肺发育与再生中发挥着重要的调控作用。本文主要介绍了Hippo信号通路在肺生长发育中的功能及其与肺纤维化、肺癌的关系,并从肺泡力学和肺泡相关免疫两个角度对Hippo信号通路潜在的功能进行了展望。  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are signaling molecules with a wide range of actions that are involved in various processes in the body. Specifically for pancreas, FGFs are important for both organogenesis and carcinogenesis. They belong to the factors involved in the interaction between cancer and stromal cells representing a key component in the development of pancreatic cancer. Pathological changes in the FGF/FGFR signaling pathway is a complex process, which depends on type/isoforms of FGF receptors (FGFR) regulating the remodeling effect and subsequent activation of pancreatic cancer cells by FGF. FGFs and their receptors FGFR are considered as potential specific markers and putative targets for treatment of pancreatic cancer.  相似文献   

Bone repair is a major concern in reconstructive surgery. Transplants containing osteogenically committed mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) provide an alternative source to the currently used autologous bone transplants which have limited supply and require additional surgery to the patient. A major drawback, however is the lack of a critical mass of cells needed for successful transplantation. The purpose of the present study was to test the effects of FGF2 and FGF9 on expansion and differentiation of MSCs in order to establish an optimal culture protocol resulting in sufficient committed osteogenic cells required for successful in vivo transplantation. Bone marrow-derived MSCs cultured in αMEM medium supplemented with osteogenic supplements for up to three passages (control medium), were additionally treated with FGF2 and FGF9 in various combinations. Cultures were evaluated for viability, calcium deposition and in vivo osteogenic capacity by testing subcutaneous transplants in nude mice. FGF2 had a positive effect on the proliferative capacity of cultured MSCs compared to FGF9 and control medium treated cultures. Cultures treated with FGF2 followed by FGF9 showed an increased amount of extracted Alizarin red indicating greater osteogenic differentiation. Moreover, the osteogenic capacity of cultured cells transplanted in immunodeficient mice revealed that cells that were subjected to treatment with FGF2 in the first two passages and subsequently to FGF9 in the last passage only, were more successful in forming new bone. It is concluded that the protocol using FGF2 prior to FGF9 is beneficial to cell expansion and commitment, resulting in higher in vivo bone formation for successful bone tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) 1 and 3 have distinct mitogenic activities in vitro. In several cultured cell lines, FGFR1 transmits a potent mitogenic signal, whereas FGFR3 has little or no mitogenic activity. However, in other in vitro assays the FGFR3 intracellular domain is comparable with that of FGFR1. In vivo, FGFR3 negatively regulates chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation, and activating mutations are the molecular etiology of achondroplasia. By contrast, FGFR1 transmits a proliferative signal in various cell types in vivo. These observations suggest that inhibition of the proliferating chondrocyte could be a unique property of FGFR3 or, alternatively, a unique property of the proliferating chondrocyte. To test this hypothesis, FGFR1 signaling was activated in the growth plate in cells that normally express FGFR3. Comparison of transgenic mice with an activated FGFR1 signaling pathway with an achondroplasia-like mouse that expresses a similarly activated FGFR3 signaling pathway demonstrated that both transgenes result in a similar achondroplasia-like dwarfism. These data demonstrate that suppression of mitogenic activity by FGFR signaling is a property that is unique to growth plate chondrocytes. Surprisingly, we observed that in transgenic mice expressing an activated FGFR, some synovial joints failed to develop and were replaced by cartilage. The defects in the digit joints phenocopied the symphalangism that occurs in Apert syndrome and the number of affected joints was dependent on transgene dose. In contrast to the phenotype in the growth plate, the joint phenotype was more severe in transgenic mice with an activated FGFR1 signaling pathway. The failure of joint development resulted from expanded chondrification in the presumptive joint space, suggesting a crucial role for FGF signaling in regulating the transition of condensed mesenchyme to cartilage and in defining the boundary of skeletal elements.  相似文献   

The fibroblast growth factor/fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGF/FGFR) signaling system regulates a variety of biological processes, including embryogenesis, angiogenesis, wound repair, tissue homeostasis, and cancer. It exerts these regulatory functions by controlling proliferation, differentiation, migration, survival, and metabolism of target cells. The morphological structure of the lung is a complex tree-like network for effective oxygen exchange, and the airway terminates in the middle and distal ends of many alveoli. FGF/FGFR signaling plays an important role in the pathophysiology of lung development and pathogenesis of various human respiratory diseases. Here, we mainly review recent advances in FGF/FGFR signaling during human lung development and respiratory diseases, including lung cancer, acute lung injury (ALI), pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, and pulmonary fibrosis.  相似文献   

Yang C  Jin C  Li X  Wang F  McKeehan WL  Luo Y 《PloS one》2012,7(3):e33870


Recent studies suggest that betaKlotho (KLB) and endocrine FGF19 and FGF21 redirect FGFR signaling to regulation of metabolic homeostasis and suppression of obesity and diabetes. However, the identity of the predominant metabolic tissue in which a major FGFR-KLB resides that critically mediates the differential actions and metabolism effects of FGF19 and FGF21 remain unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We determined the receptor and tissue specificity of FGF21 in comparison to FGF19 by using direct, sensitive and quantitative binding kinetics, and downstream signal transduction and expression of early response gene upon administration of FGF19 and FGF21 in mice. We found that FGF21 binds FGFR1 with much higher affinity than FGFR4 in presence of KLB; while FGF19 binds both FGFR1 and FGFR4 in presence of KLB with comparable affinity. The interaction of FGF21 with FGFR4-KLB is very weak even at high concentration and could be negligible at physiological concentration. Both FGF19 and FGF21 but not FGF1 exhibit binding affinity to KLB. The binding of FGF1 is dependent on where FGFRs are present. Both FGF19 and FGF21 are unable to displace the FGF1 binding, and conversely FGF1 cannot displace FGF19 and FGF21 binding. These results indicate that KLB is an indispensable mediator for the binding of FGF19 and FGF21 to FGFRs that is not required for FGF1. Although FGF19 can predominantly activate the responses of the liver and to a less extent the adipose tissue, FGF21 can do so significantly only in the adipose tissue and adipocytes. Among several metabolic and endocrine tissues, the response of adipose tissue to FGF21 is predominant, and can be blunted by the ablation of KLB or FGFR1.


Our results indicate that unlike FGF19, FGF21 is unable to bind FGFR4-KLB complex with affinity comparable to FGFR1-KLB, and therefore, at physiological concentration less likely to directly and significantly target the liver where FGFR4-KLB predominantly resides. However, both FGF21 and FGF19 have the potential to activate responses of primarily the adipose tissue where FGFR1-KLB resides.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 21, a structural relative of FGF23 that regulates phosphate homeostasis, is a regulator of insulin-independent glucose transport in adipocytes and plays a role in the regulation of body weight. It also regulates ketogenesis and adaptive responses to starvation. We report that in a reconstituted receptor activation assay system using BaF3 cells, which do not endogenously express any type of FGF receptor (FGFR) or heparan sulfate proteoglycan, FGF21 alone does not activate FGFRs and that betaKlotho is required for FGF21 to activate two specific FGFR subtypes: FGFR1c and FGFR3c. Coexpression of betaKlotho and FGFR1c on BaF3 cells enabled FGF21, but not FGF23, to activate receptor signaling. Conversely, coexpression of FGFR1c and Klotho, a protein related to betaKlotho, enabled FGF23 but not FGF21 to activate receptor signaling, indicating that expression of betaKlotho/Klotho confers target cell specificity on FGF21/FGF23. In all of these cases, heparin enhanced the activation but was not essential. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes, up-regulation of glucose transporter (GLUT) expression by FGF21 was associated with expression of betaKlotho, which was absent in undifferentiated 3T3-L1 fibroblasts. It is thus suggested that betaKlotho expression is a crucial determinant of the FGF21 specificity of the target cells upon which it acts in an endocrine fashion.  相似文献   

FGF and FGFR signaling in chondrodysplasias and craniosynostosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first experimental mouse model for FGF2 in bone dysplasia was made serendipitously by overexpression of FGF from a constitutive promoter. The results were not widely accepted, rightfully drew skepticism, and were difficult to publish; because of over 2,000 studies published on FGF‐2 at the time (1993), only a few reported a role of FGF‐2 in bone growth and differentiation. However, mapping of human dwarfisms to mutations of the FGFRs shortly, thereafter, made the case that bone growth and remodeling was a major physiological function for FGF. Subsequent production of numerous transgenic and targeted null mice for several genes in the bone growth and remodeling pathways have marvelously elucidated the role of FGFs and their interactions with other genes. Indeed, studies of the FGF pathway present one of the best success stories for use of experimental genetics in functionally parsing morphogenetic regulatory pathways. What remains largely unresolved is the pleiotropic nature of FGF‐2. How does it accelerate growth in one cell then stimulate apoptosis or retard growth for another cell in the same type of tissue? Some of the answers may come through distinguishing the FGF‐2 protein isoforms, made from alternative translation start sites, these appear to have substantially different functions. Although we have made substantial progress, there is still much to be learned regarding FGF‐2 as a most complex, enigmatic protein. Studies of genetic models in mice and human FGFR mutations have provided strong evidence that FGFRs are important modulators of osteoblast function during membranous bone formation. However, there is some controversy regarding the effects of FGFR signaling in human and murine genetic models. Although significant progress has been made in our understanding of FGFR signaling, several questions remain concerning the signaling pathways involved in osteoblast regulation by activated FGFR. Additionally, little is known about the specific role of FGFR target genes involved in cranial bone formation. These issues need to be addressed in future in in vitro and in vivo approaches to better understand the molecular mechanisms of action of FGFR signaling in osteoblasts that result in anabolic effects in bone formation. J. Cell. Biochem. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

FGF signaling is required during multiple stages of inner ear development in many different vertebrates, where it is involved in induction of the otic placode, in formation and morphogenesis of the otic vesicle as well as for cellular differentiation within the sensory epithelia. In this study we have looked to define the redundant and conserved roles of FGF3, FGF8 and FGF10 during the development of the murine and avian inner ear. In the mouse, hindbrain-derived FGF10 ectopically induces FGF8 and rescues otic vesicle formation in Fgf3 and Fgf10 homozygous double mutants. Conditional inactivation of Fgf8 after induction of the placode does not interfere with otic vesicle formation and morphogenesis but affects cellular differentiation in the inner ear. In contrast, inactivation of Fgf8 during induction of the placode in a homozygous Fgf3 null background leads to a reduced size otic vesicle or the complete absence of otic tissue. This latter phenotype is more severe than the one observed in mutants carrying null mutations for both Fgf3 and Fgf10 that develop microvesicles. However, FGF3 and FGF10 are redundantly required for morphogenesis of the otic vesicle and the formation of semicircular ducts. In the chicken embryo, misexpression of Fgf3 in the hindbrain induces ectopic otic vesicles in vivo. On the other hand, Fgf3 expression in the hindbrain or pharyngeal endoderm is required for formation of the otic vesicle from the otic placode. Together these results provide important insights into how the spatial and temporal expression of various FGFs controls different steps of inner ear formation during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

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