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Abstract Among the brown algae, species of the Fucaceae (Pelvetia, Fucus and Ascophyllum) were found to have a ‘photosynthetic buffering’ system, allowing the algae to carry out oxygen production without a concomitant uptake of inorganic carbon. This system was not found in other brown algae examined (e.g. Halidrys, Laminaria and Desmarestia) nor in 16 examined species of red and green algae. Pelvetia, Fucus and Ascophyllum belong to the littoral algae which are periodically emersed. In the Fucaceae, the meristodermal cells were found to have a special organization of organelles. Towards the outer cell wall there was a prominent layer of mitochondria while the chloroplasts were concentrated towards the inner and side walls. Between the mitochondria and the chloroplasts there was a large number of physodes. This arrangement of organelles was not found in the other brown algae examined nor in red or green algae. The significance of this organization of the mitochondria is discussed in connection with the function of the ‘photosynthetic buffering’ system.  相似文献   

Stimulation or light-saturated rates of photosynthesis in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. by blue light was eliminated by increasing dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) or by lowering pH in natural seawater. The amplitude of the circadian rhythm of photosynthesis was also diminished under these conditions, and the pH compensation points in a closed system were higher in the presence of blue light and during the circadian day. These observations suggest that blue light and the circadian clock regulate the activity of a carbon acquisition system in these plants. The inhibitor of external carbonic anhydrase, acetazolamide, reduced overall rates of photosynthesis by only about 30%, but ethoxyzolamide suppressed the circadian rhythm of photosynthesis almost completely and markedly reduced the duration of responses to blue light pulses. Similar patterns were obtained when photosynthesis was measured in strongly limiting DIC concentrations (0–0.5 mol m?3). Since blue light stimulated photosynthesis under these conditions of strong carbon limitation, we suggest that blue light activates the release of CO2 from an internal CO2 store. We propose a metabolic pathway with similarities to that of CAM plants. Non-photosynthetic fixation leads to the accumulation of a storage metabolite. The circadian clock and blue light control the mobilization of CO2 at the site of decarboxylation of this metabolite. In the presence of continuous blue light the pathway is proposed to cycle and act as a pump for CO2 into the chloroplasts. This hypothesis helps to explain a number of previously reported peculiarities of brown algal photosynthesis.  相似文献   

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