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黑河流域生态经济带分异协调规律与耦合发展模式   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
方创琳 《生态学报》2002,22(5):699-708
在西北干旱地区建设黑河流域生态经济带,是从根本上高效配置流域水资源,彻底化解流域上,下游利益冲突,实现利益共享,保护流域生态环境,推进流域可持续发展,全面实施国务院黑河流域分水方案的重要途径,通过对黑河流域生态经济带上-中-下游投入产出效益的比较分析和流域上、中、下游生态-生产、生活系统发展分异及互动协调关系的分析,提出了黑河流域生态经济带上-中-下游多维互动的协调耦合发展模式,进而提出了黑河流域生态经济带建设与发展的主要途径,包括推进黑河流域经济发展一体化和集成管理公司化,大力推行全流域水资源的差异化有偿使用制度,实施流动上、中、下游的水权转让贸易,实行规范的流域财政转移支付制度,建立流域资源与生态环境和经济的整合帐户体系,实行跨行政区域河流边界水量水质达标交接制度,等等。  相似文献   

农业生产的生态管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言自50年代起,我国开始从传统农业向现代常规农业转变。随着这一转变的深化,农业生产力水平有了迅速的提高。然而,迅速增长的人口压力,使我国农业一直面临着一些严峻的问题。众多的人口,使我国人均自然资源占有量处于极低的水平。土地资源、水资源及矿产资源的短缺,已成为我国农业发展的基本限制  相似文献   

赣南地区地处南方丘陵山地区域,是重要的生态功能区,其农业经济发展与生态功能保护的关系备受关注。促进农业生态经济系统的耦合协调发展,是赣南地区可持续发展的重要内容。利用2000-2015年赣州市各县(市)统计年鉴数据及遥感数据,构建了基于耦合协调度模型的区域农业生态经济系统的评价指标体系,开展时间和空间尺度上的农业生态经济系统的耦合协调发展研究。结果表明:(1)在时间尺度上,农业生态系统变化不大,在空间尺度上县(市)之间因自然条件的不同略有差异;农业经济综合评价值在2000-2015年之间有较大的增长,且不同县(市)间存在差异,农业经济系统的相对滞后是限制农业生态经济系统不能协同发展的原因。(2)耦合度和耦合协调度随时间而增长,大部分县(市)的耦合度经历了从中度耦合、高度耦合、再到极度耦合的过程,其中极度耦合的占比从2000年的0%提升到2015年的94%;耦合协调度从基本、中度协调耦合到中度、高度协调耦合,且都呈现以赣县、于都县、兴国县为主的中部较低,而南北部较高的态势。(3)2010年前,大部分县(市)的农业生态经济系统发展类型长期处于农业经济极度滞后状态,随后逐步向农业经济严重滞后过渡。农业生态经济系统耦合态势的分析有助于明晰当地的农业生态经济系统的发展、演变规律,促进农业系统的协调发展。  相似文献   

国家尺度区域农业系统协调度评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨世琦  杨正礼  高旺盛 《生态学报》2008,28(8):4047-4056
区域农业系统协调是农业持续高效发展的重要前提,也是构建和谐社会的主旋律.以数理统计学上的方差、平均数和变异系数原理为基础,构建了区域农业系统协调度评价的理论体系,其突出优点是既考虑指标间集中性,同时又考虑了离散性,评价结果更加客观科学.区域农业系统协调理论包括协调度概念、功效函数、功效系数、协调函数、协调度、协调度变化区间和协调等级等,核心是协调度与协调等级.区域农业系统评价指标体系的构建采用改进专家调查法,从生态、经济和社会子系统共筛选出29个评价指标.选取1990~2003年资料,对国家尺度区域农业系统协调度进行评价研究.研究结果表明:国家区域农业系统协调度呈现上升发展趋势,1997年从失调转向协调,2000年从弱度协调转向低度协调,总体呈现好转状态.经济子系统的协调等级从1990年的极度失调1级逐渐上升到2003年的高度协调9级.社会子系统的协调度在1990~2000年,从1级上升至8级协调等级,2001年下降6级,2002和2003两年上升至7级.生态子系统的协调等级由1990年的为中度失调3级,上升到2003年低度协调7级.1990~1992年,系统失调是由于生态、经济和社会子系统均处于失调状态;1993~1996年,系统失调是由于经济和社会子系统处于失调状态,生态子系统是弱度协调;1997~2003生态、经济和社会子系统的协调发展,系统转入协调状态,其中经济子系统贡献最大,成为决定系统协调度高低的主要原因,此时生态和社会子系统对区域农业系统协调发展有一定的制约作用.因此,发展农村经济,重视生态环境建设,构建和谐社会,是推动国家尺度区域农业系统协调发展的重要途径.  相似文献   

农业生态安全及其生态管理对策探讨   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
对生态安全和农业生态安全的基本内涵进行了探讨。认为生态安全是指不同尺度的生态系统及其生物要素、环境要素、资源要素等在数量、质量及其相互作用关系上的一种和谐、健康、稳定的状态和水平。农业生态安全包括农业环境安全、农业资源安全、农业生物安全和农业产品安全等几个方面的内容。提出了一系列农业生态安全管理对策 ,包括 :①加强农业生态安全管理 ,发展生态产业 ;②加强对现有资源与生态系统的保护、培育与可持续利用 ;③保护农业生物多样性 ,保障生物安全 ;④加强农业综合抗灾能力建设 ;⑤加强农业生态安全监测与法律法规体系建设 ;⑥建立良好的、和谐的社会、经济和政治关系。  相似文献   

提高湿地农业生态系统的总体功能与效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国农业可概分为湿地农业与旱地农业两大部分。湿地农业区主要分布于占国土面积32%的湿润区,耕地集中,系农副产品重要生产基地。仅以长江中下游地区为例,耕地占全国21%,稻、麦、棉、油菜的总产分别占全国的47%、20%、33.5%和50%,出栏猪头数、禽蛋和淡水鱼产量分别占全国的38.8%、35.8%和58.8%。随着商品经济发展,对湿地农业生产将有更高要求。由此,研究并提高湿地农业生态系统的总体结构、功能与效益就显得很迫切。本文拟以江苏为实例就如何开发与提高湿地农业生态系统的总体功能与效益作如下探讨。  相似文献   

大气质量提高与农业中的硫肥需求   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
论述了植物对硫素的生理需求,大气中含硫化合物的来源、组成与含量以及对植物生态系统的硫素补充作用,植物对气态硫化物的吸收、同化能力及适宜浓度等.近年来由于人类健康与生态环境的需要,世界各国纷纷通过法律体制对工业含硫废气的排放标准进行了严格控制,却导致了作物缺硫现象的频繁发生,在某些地区硫已成为限制农业生产的最重要肥料限制因素.为此,全球农业中硫肥的需求量猛增且有效性范围不断扩大,进而对硫肥的研究与开发利用提出了新的要求  相似文献   

大丰麋鹿种群的增长与管理   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
于长青  丁玉华 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):259-263
大丰自然保护区于1986年引入麋鹿39头,到1994年发展为191头,其成体平均产仔率为83.5%,周岁内仔鹿成活率为91%。周岁后年存活率平均为97%。根据Leslie矩阵模型,到1998年,麋鹿将发展到400余头,接近其环境容纳量,到2000年将发展到约1600头。届时它将逐渐达到稳定年龄分布。雌性麋鹿4岁时繁殖价最高。约为新产仔鹿的1.8倍。将麋鹿种群调整到环境容纳量水平上的固定年龄分布后,每年从1~2龄麋鹿中调出约28只(70.96%)。即可维持在种群规模为400头的固定年龄分布。  相似文献   

农业景观的生态规划与设计   总被引:67,自引:3,他引:67  
从景观生态学的基本理论出发,探讨农业景观的生态规划与设计原理及方法,认为因涉及问题的宏观空间性、关联性及综合性等特点,使农业景观的生态规划与设计成为景观生态学的重要应用领域,进而以地处我国半干旱半湿润地带冀西北涿盆地进行了案实践。  相似文献   

生态管理分区是建设用地扩张指引和生态空间管控的重要依据,对维护区域生态安全和生态文明建设具有重要意义。以我国北方沿海重要中心城市——大连市为例,选取食物供给、水源涵养、固碳释氧、土壤保持、生境维持和美学景观6项指标,综合运用模型法及生态经济学方法量化生态系统服务供给,并结合土地利用、人口和经济现状定量评估2015年生态系统服务需求。利用象限匹配法和耦合协调度模型,探究千米网格尺度下生态系统服务供需匹配关系和协调关系及其区域差异,进而通过空间叠置分析划分生态管理分区并提出相应管理措施,旨在为区域内生态修复以及差异化建设提供科学参考。研究结果表明:①大连市生态系统服务供需具有显著空间异质性,总体呈现北部林地和东西部沿海生态系统服务供给高、需求低,中南内陆城镇区生态系统服务供给低、需求高的空间格局;②生态系统服务供需不匹配和失调特征明显,匹配类型以高供给-低需求和低供给-高需求为主,生态系统服务供需耦合协调度平均值为0.38,表现为轻度失调;③综合分析将大连分为4个生态管理区,其中,生态涵养区为高供低需-供需失调区,要以保护为主培育为辅,重点保护;生态农业区为高需-供需平衡区,以生态保护和生态建设为主,提高其投入产出效率;生态改良为低供高需-供需失调区,以生态建设和整治为主,综合改善生态系统服务水平;生态一般保护区为高供-供需失调区,以综合保护为主,提高生态溢出效应。  相似文献   

Some of the largest riverine N fluxes in the continental USA have been observed in agricultural regions with extensive artificial subsurface drainage, commonly called tile drainage. The degree to which high riverine N fluxes in these settings are due to high net N inputs (NNI), greater transport efficiency caused by the drainage systems, or other factors is not known. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of tile drainage by comparing NNI and riverine N fluxes in regions of Illinois with similar climate and crop production practices but with different intensities of tile drainage. Annual values of NNI between 1940 and 1999 were estimated from county level agricultural production statistics and census estimates of human population. During 1945–1961, riverine nitrate flux in the extensively tile drained region averaged 6.6kgNha–1year–1 compared to 1.3 to 3.1kgNha–1 for the non-tile drained region, even though NNI was greater in the non-tile drained region. During 1977–1997, NNI to the tile-drained region had increased to 27kgNha–1year–1 and riverine N flux was approximately 100% of this value. In the non-tile-drained region, NNI was approximately 23kgNha–1year–1 and riverine N flux was between 25% and 37% of this value (5 to 9kgNha–1year–1). Denitrification is not included in NNI and, therefore, any denitrification losses from tile-drained watersheds must be balanced by other N sources, such as depletion of soil organic N or underestimation of biological N fixation. If denitrification and depletion of soil organic N are significant in these basins, marginal reductions in NNI may have little influence on riverine N flux. If tile drained cropland in Illinois is representative of the estimated 11 million ha of tile drained cropland throughout the Mississippi River Basin, this 16% of the drainage area contributed approximately 30% of the increased nitrate N flux in the Lower Mississippi River that occurred between 1955 and the 1990s.  相似文献   

共生理论视角下创新农业生态经济研究范式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱鹏颐  黄新焕 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6945-6952
共生理论认为异质共生生物在其生存过程中会表现出相互依存的关系。试图将这一论点移植到农业生态经济研究中,用以处理农业生产中生态效益与经济效益之间矛盾的问题。为此,把农业生态经济视为由生态单元与经济单元组成的异质共生体,分析了该共生体的结构与共生模式,并采用Logistic方程与数值模拟方法,探讨农业生态经济共生体的共生机制,揭示共生单元间的演化规律与成长特征。研究表明:共生模式在农业实践上创新应用的主要目标是将共生体从寄生共生模式向互惠共生模式转型,并提出正向转型的激励策略。共生单元的选择必须具有兼容性,共生单元间有明确的共生界面,促使物质、能量和信息的交流,以增加共生体内自由能。共生关系正向发展要遵循共生演进规律,偏利共生模式是演进到互惠共生模式的必经过程。培育互惠共生适存的共生环境对促进共生体演进至关重要。这些研究成果为农业生态经济研究提供一个新范式,并开创一条研究新思路与方法。  相似文献   

Agricultural input intensity increases significantly during the rapid urbanization in China, which has contributed to the increasingly serious non-point pollution. Using the vector autoregression (VAR) model, this study analyzes the impact of urbanization on pollution-related agricultural input intensity in Hubei, China. Results of an impulse response function analysis reveal that pesticide use intensity continues to rise following shocks from the urban population proportion and the secondary and tertiary industry proportion. Responses of chemical fertilizer intensity first decrease and then increase subjected to the shocks from the urban population proportion and secondary and tertiary industry proportion. The intensity of agricultural plastic film use first increases and then decreases when receives the shocks from the urban population proportion which is the opposite to the response to the shock from the secondary and tertiary industry proportion. In addition, the responses of pesticide use intensity, chemical fertilizer use intensity and agricultural plastic film use intensity trend decrease following their own shocks after positive initial responses. The variance decomposition results demonstrate that the shocks due to pesticide use intensity, chemical fertilizer use intensity and agricultural plastic film use intensity generally explain the largest proportion of their own variation over the 10-year horizon. However, an increase in the urban population proportion plays a critical role in determining the variations of pesticide use intensity in late periods, it account for 56.88% the variations in the tenth period. And the contribution of the urban population proportion to the variations in agricultural plastic film use intensity increases consistently, it account for 33.74% of the variations in the tenth period. Therefore, the hidden drivers of these phenomena need to be further understood regarding the relationships between urbanization and diffuse pollution from agricultural production.  相似文献   

Field experiments (20 m2 plots) were conducted to compare Azolla and urea as N sources for rice (Oryza sativa L.) in both the wet and dry seasons. Parallel microplot (1 m2) experiments were conducted using 15N. A total of approximately 60 kg N ha-1 was applied as urea, Azolla, or urea plus Azolla. Urea or Azolla applied with equal applications of 30 kg N ha-1 at transplanting (T) and at maximum tillering (MT) were equally effective for increasing rice grain yields in both seasons. Urea at 30 kg N ha-1 at T and Azolla 30 kg N ha-1 at MT was also equally effective. Urea applied by the locally recommended best split (40 kg at T and 20 kg at MT) gave a higher yield in the wet season, but an equal yield in the dry season. The average yield increase was 23% in the wet season, and 95% in the dry season. The proportion of the N taken up by the rice plants which was derived from urea (%NdfU) or Azolla (%NdfAz) was essentially identical for the treatments receiving the same N split. Recovery of 15N in the grain plus straw was also very similar. Positive yield responses to residual N were observed in the succeeding rice crop following both the wet and dry seasons, but the increases were not always statistically significant. Recovery of residual 15N ranged from 5.5 to 8.9% for both crops in succeeding seasons. Residual recovery from the urea applications was significantly higher than from Azolla in the crop succeeding the dry season crop. Azolla was equally effective as urea as an N source for rice production on a per kg N basis.  相似文献   

Relative contributions of allochthonous inputs and autochthonous production vary depending on terrestrial land use and biome. Terrestrially derived organic matter and in-stream primary production were measured in 12 headwater streams along an agricultural land-use gradient. Streams were examined to see how carbon (C) supply shifts from forested streams receiving primarily terrestrially derived C to agricultural streams, which may rely primarily on C derived from algal productivity. We measured allochthonous input, chlorophyll a concentration, and periphyton biomass in each stream, and whole-stream metabolism in six streams. Our results suggest a threshold between moderate- and heavy-agriculture land uses in which terrestrially derived C is replaced by in-stream algal productivity as the primary C source for aquatic consumers. A shift from allochthonous to autochthonous production was not evident in all heavy-agriculture streams, and only occurred in heavy-agriculture streams not impacted by livestock grazing. We then compared our findings to rates of allochthonous input and GPP in streams with minimal human influences in multiple biomes to assess how land-use practices influence C sources to stream ecosystems. The proportion of C derived from allochthonous versus autochthonous sources to heavy-agriculture streams was most similar to grassland and desert streams, while C sources to forested, light-, and moderate-agriculture streams were more similar to deciduous and montane coniferous forest streams. We show that C source to streams is dependent on land use, terrestrial biome, and degradation of in-stream conditions. Further, we suggest that within a biome there seems to be a compensation such that total C input is nearly equal whether it is from allochthonous or autochthonous sources.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Xu J  Vail D  Weathers P 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(8):5076-5082
The feasibility of growth and oil production by Ettlia oleoabundans fed with anaerobic digester effluents of three agriculture wastes from the Arkansas Delta, catfish processing waste, soybean field waste, and rice hulls, was studied. Compared to standard BBM medium, all three effluents were deficient in phosphate and nitrate, but rich in ammonia and urea. Best growth was on 2% (v/v) soy effluent, but scant oil was produced on any of the effluents. When the three effluents were mixed, growth did not substantially increase, but oil content increased up to sixfold, depending on age of the effluent. Similar to growth in BBM, the main fatty acids produced were palmitic, oleic, and linoleic. These results show that anaerobically digested agricultural wastes can potentially support both growth and high oil productivity in E. oleoabundans.  相似文献   

Castaldi  Simona  Smith  Keith A. 《Plant and Soil》1998,199(2):229-238
N2O emissions from two slightly alkaline sandy soils, from arable land and a woodland, were determined in a laboratory experiment in which the soils were incubated with different sources of nitrogen, with or without glucose, and with 0, 1 and 100 mL C2H2 L-1. Large differences in the rate of N2O production were observed between the two soils and between the different N treatments. The arable soil showed very low N2O emissions derived from reduced forms of N as compared with the N2O which was produced when the soil was provided with NO 2 - or NO 3 - and a C source, suggesting a very active denitrifier population. In contrast, the woodland soil showed a very low denitrification activity and a much higher N2O production derived from the oxidation of NH 4 + and reduction of NO 2 - by some processes probably mediated by autotrophic or heterotrophic nitrifiers or dissimilatory NO 2 - reducers. In both soils, the highest N2O emissions were induced by NO 2 - addition. Those emissions were demonstrated to have a biological origin, as no significant N2O emissions were measured when the soil was autoclaved.  相似文献   

Straw return has been widely recommended as an environmentally friendly practice to manage carbon (C) sequestration in agricultural ecosystems. However, the overall trend and magnitude of changes in soil C in response to straw return remain uncertain. In this meta‐analysis, we calculated the response ratios of soil organic C (SOC) concentrations, greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, nutrient contents and other important soil properties to straw addition in 176 published field studies. Our results indicated that straw return significantly increased SOC concentration by 12.8 ± 0.4% on average, with a 27.4 ± 1.4% to 56.6 ± 1.8% increase in soil active C fraction. CO2 emission increased in both upland (27.8 ± 2.0%) and paddy systems (51.0 ± 2.0%), while CH4 emission increased by 110.7 ± 1.2% only in rice paddies. N2O emission has declined by 15.2 ± 1.1% in paddy soils but increased by 8.3 ± 2.5% in upland soils. Responses of macro‐aggregates and crop yield to straw return showed positively linear with increasing SOC concentration. Straw‐C input rate and clay content significantly affected the response of SOC. A significant positive relationship was found between annual SOC sequestered and duration, suggesting that soil C saturation would occur after 12 years under straw return. Overall, straw return was an effective means to improve SOC accumulation, soil quality, and crop yield. Straw return‐induced improvement of soil nutrient availability may favor crop growth, which can in turn increase ecosystem C input. Meanwhile, the analysis on net global warming potential (GWP) balance suggested that straw return increased C sink in upland soils but increased C source in paddy soils due to enhanced CH4 emission. Our meta‐analysis suggested that future agro‐ecosystem models and cropland management should differentiate the effects of straw return on ecosystem C budget in upland and paddy soils.  相似文献   

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