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Although the genetic organization of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) differs considerably from that of the tripartite viruses (alfalfa mosaic virus [AlMV] and brome mosaic virus [BMV]), all of these RNA plant viruses share three domains of homology among their nonstructural proteins. One such domain, common to the AlMV and BMV 2a proteins and the readthrough portion of TMV p183, is also homologous to the readthrough protein nsP4 of Sindbis virus (Haseloff et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 81:4358-4362, 1984). Two more domains are conserved among the AlMV and BMV 1a proteins and TMV p126. We show here that these domains have homology with portions of the Sindbis proteins nsP1 and nsP2, respectively. These results strengthen the view that the four viruses share mechanistic similarities in their replication strategies and may be evolutionarily related. These results also suggest that either the AlMV 1a, BMV 1a, and TMV p126 proteins are multifunctional or Sindbis proteins nsP1 and nsP2 function together as subunits in a single complex.  相似文献   

The study of thiamine-binding proteins (ThBP) isolated from liver and kidneys of rats was held in order to find out the peculiarities and physiological role of the ThBP isolated earlier from the rat brain. It was demonstrated that ThBP from liver and kidneys of rats as well as ThBP from rat brain described earlier, were bifunctional: on an equal footing with ability to bind thiamine specifically, they show an ability to hydrolyse the phosphoric esters of thiamine selectively. The ThBP of these tissues (liver, kidneys and brain) didn't differ by the molecular weight, but differed by the enzymatic activities. The molecular weight of ThBP was estimated to be 100 kDa by gel-filtration; 63 kDa and 35 kDa by sodium dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis. Specific thiamine-binding activity increases as follows: ThBP from rat brain < ThBP from rat liver < ThBP from rat kidneys.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant protein A (SP-A), a main component of lung-specific lipid-protein complex (pulmonary surfactant), is characterized by a collagen-like sequence in its amino terminal half and by N-linked glycosylation. The structural characteristics necessary for the various functions of SP-A are not yet completely understood. In the present study we examined the roles of the oligosaccharide moiety of SP-A and its collagenous domain in causing the aggregation of phospholipid liposomes and enhancing the uptake of phospholipids by type II cells. SP-A in the deglycosylated form increased turbidity, measured to evaluate liposome aggregation, to some extent at 400 nm, but this ability of the deglycosylated protein appeared to be less than that of control SP-A. The collagenase-resistant fragment of SP-A completely failed to aggregate phospholipid liposomes. Deglycosylated SP-A was able to enhance the uptake of phospholipids by type II cells, whereas removal of the collagenous domain of SP-A resulted in the loss of the ability to enhance phospholipid uptake.  相似文献   

Nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBMPR) was employed as a probe of the nucleoside transporters from rat and guinea-pig liver. Purified liver plasma membranes prepared on self-generating Percoll density gradients exhibited 16-fold (rat) and 10-fold (guinea pig) higher [3H]NBMPR-binding activities than in crude liver homogenates (3.69 and 14.7 pmol/mg of protein for rat and guinea-pig liver membranes respectively, and 0.23 and 1.47 pmol/mg of protein for crude liver homogenates respectively). Binding to membranes from both species was saturable (apparent Kd 0.14 and 0.63 nM for rat and guinea-pig membranes respectively) and inhibited by uridine, adenosine, nitrobenzylthioguanosine (NBTGR) and dilazep. Uridine was an apparent competitive inhibitor of high-affinity NBMPR binding to rat membranes (apparent Ki 1.5 mM). There was a marked species difference with respect to dipyridamole inhibition of NBMPR binding (50% inhibition at 0.2 and greater than 100 microM for guinea-pig and rat respectively). These results are consistent with a role of NBMPR-binding proteins in liver nucleoside transport. Exposure of rat and guinea pig membranes to high-intensity u.v. light in the presence of [3H]NBMPR resulted in the selective radio-labelling of membrane proteins which migrated on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels with apparent Mr values in the same range as that of the human erythrocyte nucleoside transporter (45 000-66 000). Covalent labelling of these proteins was abolished when photolysis was performed in the presence of non-radio-active NBTGR as competing ligand.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase (GS) has been purified from the cytosolic fraction of non-frozen human brain tissue. The purified GS migrated as a main band around 44 kD on reducing SDS-PAGE. Two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed heterogeneity within subunits of GS. The masses of eight different peptides from a tryptic digest of GS as measured by high resolution MALDI-MS matched with the respective masses from an in silico tryptic fingerprint of the Swiss-Prot database entry of human liver GS, proving that at least 24% of the primary sequences of GS from brain and liver are identical. Sedimentation equilibrium profiles obtained from analytical ultracentrifugation experiments at 10°C showed that human brain GS is mainly octameric. The quaternary structure of human brain GS at 10 M (subunit concentration) was not significantly affected by cations, such as magnesium (5 and 20 mM) or manganese (0.2 and 1 mM) within the range of pH 7.1-7.8.  相似文献   

In rat-liver nuclei, isolated by the non-aqueous technique, the concentrations and labelling rates of the purine moiety of acid-soluble nucleotides were determined and compared with corresponding data for non-fractionated tissue and nuclei-free cytoplasm. Livers were used from untreated rats, from rats with a highly stimulated synthesis of NAD and from rats following a heavy metabolic load with adenosine. Under all circumstances, the nuclear and cytoplasmic concentrations of nucleotides (e.g. ATP and its dephosphorylated forms, pyridine nucleotides) and of free glucose were practically identical. Specific radioactivities after a pulse with formate also indicated a nucleo-cytoplasmic equilibrium for purine-containing nucleotides. It is concluded that precursor pools for nuclear biosyntheses as well as energy supply for other nuclear activities may be determined by an analysis of the non-fractionated tissue.  相似文献   

Lysyl- and arginyl-tRNA synthetases have been found to exist in multiple molecular weight forms in rat liver. The small molecular weight forms of lysyl- and arginyl-tRNA synthetases copurify throughout a five step chromatographic procedure resulting in a purification of 370- and 140-fold, respectively. The enzymes appear to be homogeneous on Sephadex G-200 and elute at an apparent molecular weight of 240,000. Gas chromatography reveals that the synthetases contain nearly 14% carbohydrate by weight. The carbohydrates present are: mannose, fucose, glucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine. This is the first report that aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases may exist as glyco-proteins.  相似文献   

1. Pulmonary surfactants from ox, rabbit, rat and sheep were isolated and analysed. 2. All preparations had a high anenoic phosphatidylcholine content and would produce stable surface tensions of 0.01 Nm-1 or less. 3. Protein content was 8-18% of the dry weights. A number of proteins were observed; their overall composition were high in hydrophobic amino acid residues. 4. Lipid content varied from 79% (ox) to 90% (rabbit) with phosphatidylcholine representing from 58% (sheep) to 83% (rabbit) of the total lipid. The surfactant preparations were rather similar in lipid composition except that sheep surfactant contained about 10% lysophosphatidylcholine. 5. Hexadecanoic acid was the principal fatty acid. It was particularly high in phosphatidylcholine. 6. Phosphatidylglycerol was a minor constituent of all surfactants but phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine was not detected.  相似文献   

Kringles 1 and 4 from human plasminogen are polypeptide domains of Mr approximately equal to 10000 each of which can be isolated by proteolysis of the zymogen. They have been studied by 1H-NMR spectroscopy at 300 MHz and 600 MHz. The spectra, characteristic of globular structures, show striking analogies that point to a close conformational relatedness among the two kringles, consistent with their high degree of amino acid conservancy and homology. The interaction of both kringles with p-benzylaminesulfonic acid (BASA), an antifibrinolytic drug that binds to a lysine-binding site, results in better resolved, narrower lines for both spectra. Aromatic and methyl-region spectra of BASA complexes of kringles 1 and 4 were compared and the latter was studied by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Analysis of the CH3 multiplets in terms of their resonance patterns, and the amino acid compositions and sequences of the two kringles, leads to the identification of most signals and to some assignments. In particular, a doublet at -1 ppm, exhibited by both kringles and also found in reported proton spectra of homologous bovine prothrombin fragments, has been assigned to Leu46, a residue that is conserved in all of the kringles studied to date by 1H-NMR. Since this resonance is somewhat more sensitive to BASA than other methyl signals, it is likely that Leu46 is proximal to the lysine-binding site. Nuclear Overhauser experiments reveal that Leu46 is surrounded by a cluster of closely interacting hydrophobic and aromatic side chains. Kringle 4 was also compared with a derivative chemically modified at Trp72 with dimethyl(2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl)sulfonium bromide. As judged from the proton spectra, the modified kringle 4 retains globularity and is perturbed mainly in the aromatic region, in analogy to that which is observed for the unmodified kringle upon BASA binding. Furthermore, although previous studies have indicated no retention of the modified kringle by lysine-Sepharose, the NMR studies point to a definite interaction between BASA and the kringle derivative. The spectroscopic data also suggest that the His31 imidazole is not significantly affected by the ligand and that the lysine-binding site is structured mostly by hydrophobic side chains, including Trp72 in the case of kringle 4, and probably Tyr72 in kringle 1.  相似文献   

This work studies damage to rat liver mitochondrial protein, lipid, and DNA caused by electronically excited states generated by cytochrome c-catalyzed diphenylacetaldehyde enol oxidation to triplet benzophenone. The extension of lipid peroxidation was estimated by production of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and by formation of Schiff bases with membrane proteins, evaluated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Concomitant with DPAA-driven mitochondrial permeabilization, extensive mtDNA fragmentation occurred and DNA adducts with aldehydes-products of fatty acid oxidation-were observed. The degree of lipid peroxidation and mtDNA alterations were significantly decreased by butylated hydroxytoluene, a potent peroxidation chain breaker. The lipid peroxidation process was also partially inhibited by the bioflavonoid rutin and urate totally prevented the mitochondrial transmembrane potential collapse. In all cases, the mitochondrial damage was dependent on the presence of phosphate ions, a putative bifunctional catalyst of carbonyl enolization. These data are consistent with the notion that triplet ketones may act like alkoxyl radicals as deleterious reactive oxygen species on biologic structures. Involvement of singlet dioxygen formed by triplet-triplet energy transfer from benzophenone in the model reaction with DPAA/cytochrome c in the presence of DCP liposomes was suggested by quenching of the accompanying chemiluminescence upon addition of histidine and lycopene.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of polyisoprenyl pyrophosphate phosphatase activity has been examined in rat brain by assaying the release of 32Pi from [beta-32P]dolichyl pyrophosphate (Dol-P-P) as described previously (Scher,M.G. and Waechter, C.J. (1984) J. Biol. Chem., 259, 14580-14585). The highest specific activities of Dol-P-P phosphatase in rat brain were found in the Golgi-enriched light microsomal, synaptic plasma membrane and heavy microsomal fractions. A comparative analysis of the distribution of galactosyltransferase and dolichol kinase reveals that Dol-P-P phosphatase activity co-fractionates with galactosyltransferase activity, and that the high level found in the Golgi-enriched fraction is not due to cross-contamination with heavy microsomes. When beta-labelled C95 Dol-P-P and the C95 allylic polyisoprenyl pyrophosphate (Poly-P-P) were compared as substrates for the Golgi-enriched light microsomal and heavy microsomal fractions, similar Km values were calculated for the two pyrophosphorylated substrates for each membrane fraction. Based on these kinetic analyses, the enzyme(s) catalysing this reaction do not distinguish between substrates containing saturated or allylic alpha-isoprene units. When Dol-P-P phosphatase activity was assessed in submicrosomal fractions obtained from rat liver by two separate procedures, the highest specific activity was also detected in the Golgi-enriched fraction. While the specific activities for Dol-P-P phosphatase and sialyltransferase were in the relative order of Golgi greater than smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) greater than rough ER, the relative order of dolichol kinase was rough ER greater than smooth ER greater than Golgi.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1. The effects of alkylating agents and disulphides on the thiol-containing proteins of nuclei from rat thymus and liver were studied. Three protein fractions were examined: histones extracted with 50mm- and 250mm-hydrochloric acid and the residual protein. None of the reagents selectively reacted with any one of the protein fractions. 2. Amino acid uptake in vitro into the histones of nuclei from rat thymus was analysed by preparative electrophoresis of the proteins extracted with 50mm- and 250mm-hydrochloric acid. After 1hr. at 37° the greater incorporation was into the proteins extracted with 50mm-hydrochloric acid. 3. Preparative electrophoresis was used to study the relative thiol contents of the proteins of the 50mm-hydrochloric acid extract from thymus nuclei by labelling the histones in vitro with 14C-labelled N-ethylmaleimide. 4. The capacity of the proteins extracted from rat thymus with 50mm- and 250mm-hydrochloric acid, and of the components from these extracts separated by preparative electrophoresis, to combine with DNA and to depress DNA-dependent RNA synthesis was studied. The histones extracted with 50mm-hydrochloric acid were more lysine-rich than those extracted with 250mm-hydrochloric acid. Wide variations were found in the abilities of the separated components to depress RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The covalent structure of the rat liver 60 S ribosomal subunit protein L37 was determined. Twenty-four tryptic peptides were purified and the sequence of each was established; they accounted for all 111 residues of L37. The sequence of the first 30 residues of L37, obtained previously by automated Edman degradation of the intact protein, provided the alignment of the first 9 tryptic peptides. Three peptides (CN1, CN2, and CN3) were produced by cleavage of protein L37 with cyanogen bromide. The sequence of CN1 (65 residues) was established from the sequence of secondary peptides resulting from cleavage with trypsin and chymotrypsin. The sequence of CN1 in turn served to order tryptic peptides 1 through 14. The sequence of CN2 (15 residues) was determined entirely by a micromanual procedure and allowed the alignment of tryptic peptides 14 through 18. The sequence of the NH2-terminal 28 amino acids of CN3 (31 residues) was determined; in addition the complete sequences of the secondary tryptic and chymotryptic peptides were done. The sequence of CN3 provided the order of tryptic peptides 18 through 24. Thus the sequence of the three cyanogen bromide peptides also accounted for the 111 residues of protein L37. The carboxyl-terminal amino acids were identified after carboxypeptidase A treatment. There is a disulfide bridge between half-cystinyl residues at positions 40 and 69. Rat liver ribosomal protein L37 is homologous with yeast YP55 and with Escherichia coli L34. Moreover, there is a segment of 17 residues in rat L37 that occurs, albeit with modifications, in yeast YP55 and in E. coli S4, L20, and L34.  相似文献   

Two different methods were used to prepare isolated hepatocytes from the same rat livers. The cells prepared by a slice technique (HS cells) were compared with those prepared by a collagenase perfusion technique (HP cells). The cell yield was higher by the latter technique, HP cells had higher viability, content of RNA and protein, and initial oxygen consumption than HS cells. The rate of protein degradation and protein synthesis as well as the fractional incorporation of labeled valine into medium protein was also higher in HP cells. HP cells had a lower leakage of ALAT and LDH than HS cells. Some differences, such as leakage of ASAT and oxygen consumption, became reduced or were abolished with time during subsequent cell incubation. On the other hand differences with respect to cell viability, leakage of ALAT and LDH, fractional incorporation of labeled valine into medium proteins, and protein synthetic rate all became more marked with time.  相似文献   

Specialized plasma membranes from the endocytic complex of ileal epithelial cells of suckling rats were isolated by differential flotation. Thin-section and negative-stain electron microscopy showed the luminal surfaces of these membranes to be covered by an ordered array of particles 14.5-nm separations in long rows. This particulate coating was released from the membrane surfaces by 10 mM CaCl2 and recovered free of membranes after dialysis against 0.5 mM EGTA and high- speed centrifugation. Two proteins were resolved by gel filtration to be in supernate: n-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and a filamentous protein which attaches n-acetylglucosaminidase to the membrane surface thereby providing bidirectionality to the array of enzyme. We believe that the filamentous protein has not been previously described. Therefore we have called it ligatin from the latin ligare, which translates "to bind together". Furthermore, we suggest that the membranes of the endocytic complex contain sites for the extracellular digestion of carbohydrate moieties in the maternal milk.  相似文献   

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