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Summary Intracarotid infusion of isoprenaline, either alone or in combination with acetylcholine infusion was used to stimulate salivation by the mandibular glands of anaesthetized red kangaroos. Isoprenaline alone (0.20–1.25 mol·kg–1·min–1) elicited flow rates ranging from 0.014 to 0.239 ml·min–1 (1.21–28.1 l·g gland–1·min–1). Salivary concentrations of sodium, chloride, phosphate and urea were negatively correlated with flow, whereas potassium, calcium, magnesium, hydrogen ion, bicarbonate, protein, and osmolality were poorly correlated with flow. Relative to cholinergic saliva produced at equivalent flow rates, isoprenaline-evoked saliva had higher osmolality, saliva/plasma urea ratios and concentrations of protein, potassium, magnesium, bicarbonate, and phosphate, but lower sodium, chloride and hydrogen ion levels. At a steady salivary flow (0.5 ml·min–1), superimposition of isoprenaline infusion (0.15 mol·kg–1·min–1) on a pre-existing acetylcholine infusion reduced the rate of acetylcholine administration necessary to maintain flow, increased osmolality and the concentrations of protein, urea, potassium, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and phosphate and decreased sodium, chloride and hydrogen ion in the saliva. Salivary amylase activity was low and highly variable and the amylase activity/protein ratio fell substantially during isoprenaline stimulation. These results support the conclusion that the enzyme is of extrinsic origin. The response of the kangaroo mandibular gland to isoprenaline stimulation was very similar to that reported for rat mandibular gland, suggesting that the same ion transport phenomena underlie mandibular secretion in both species and probably in therian mammals generally.  相似文献   

Raised plasma endothelin-I concentration following cold pressor test   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Plasma concentration of immunoreactive endothelin-1 was measured by radioimmunoassay in 6 healthy subjects before and following cold pressor test by immersion of one fore-arm into ice-water. Mean (SEM) plasma endothelin-1 concentration rose from 1.2 (0.7) to peak value 8.4 (2.3) pg/ml in venous plasma from the immersed hand, and, reaching peak 2 minutes later, from 1.4 (0.5) to 4.6 (2.3) pg/ml in venous plasma from the contralateral hand. In 66 healthy control subjects, venous plasma concentration of endothelin-1 was 2.9 +/- 1.2 pg/ml (mean +/- SD). Exposure to cold is associated with raised blood levels of endothelin-1, which points to a relation between endothelin-1 and vasoconstriction associated with low temperature.  相似文献   

Continuous glucose monitors can measure interstitial glucose concentration in real time for closed-loop glucose control systems, known as artificial pancreas. These control systems use an insulin feedback to maintain plasma glucose concentration within a narrow and safe range, and thus to avoid health complications. As it is not possible to measure plasma insulin concentration in real time, insulin models have been used in literature to estimate them. Nevertheless, the significant inter- and intra-patient variability of insulin absorption jeopardizes the accuracy of these estimations. In order to reduce these limitations, our objective is to perform a real-time estimation of plasma insulin concentration from continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). Hovorka’s glucose–insulin model has been incorporated in an extended Kalman filter in which different selected time-variant model parameters have been considered as extended states. The observability of the original Hovorka’s model and of several extended models has been evaluated by their Lie derivatives. We have evaluated this methodology with an in-silico study with 100 patients with Type 1 diabetes during 25 h. Furthermore, it has been also validated using clinical data from 12 insulin pump patients with Type 1 diabetes who underwent four mixed meal studies. Real-time insulin estimations have been compared to plasma insulin measurements to assess performance showing the validity of the methodology here used in comparison with that formerly used for insulin models. Hence, real-time estimations for plasma insulin concentration based on subcutaneous glucose monitoring can be beneficial for increasing the efficiency of control algorithms for the artificial pancreas.  相似文献   

We consider treatment regimes in which an agent is administered continuously at a specified concentration until either a response is achieved or a predetermined maximum infusion time is reached. Response is an event defined to characterize therapeutic efficacy. A portion of the maximum planned total amount administered is given as an initial bolus. For such regimes, the amount of the agent received by the patient depends on the time to response. An additional complication when response is evaluated periodically rather than continuously is that the response time is interval censored. We address the problem of designing a clinical trial in which such response time data and a binary indicator of toxicity are used together to jointly optimize the concentration and the size of the bolus. We propose a sequentially adaptive Bayesian design that chooses the optimal treatment for successive patients by maximizing the posterior mean utility of the joint efficacy-toxicity outcome. The methodology is illustrated by a trial in which tissue plasminogen activator is infused intraarterially as rapid treatment for acute ischemic stroke.  相似文献   

目的:建立大鼠酒精性心肌病模型,采用异丙肾上腺素激发试验评价模型大鼠心功能。方法:成年雄性SD大鼠以20 g/(kg.d)白酒(52°v/v)灌胃15 d。观察大鼠一般状况、心肌标本病理学及超微结构改变;通过左心室插管、异丙肾上腺素试验(IPT),测量大鼠在不同状态下的左心室内压、收缩压、舒张压、最大收缩速度、最大舒张速度。结果:模型组大鼠心脏舒缩功能降低,心力储备明显下降,心血管系统整体调节能力降低。病理见心肌细胞肥大、坏死,炎症细胞浸润;电镜见线粒体肿胀变形,嵴受损,肌原纤维断裂。结论:高度酒灌胃可使大鼠发生酒精性心肌病,该法稳定可靠。异丙肾上腺素试验(IPT)可准确考察心脏心力储备状况,显现潜在心功能减退。  相似文献   

The question is considered of how to estimate the parameters of local plasma density fluctuations from reflectometry measurements made by probing the plasma with an extraordinary electromagnetic wave. In the geometrical-optics approximation, a formula is derived that relates the fluctuation amplitude of the phase of the reflected signal to the amplitude of local plasma density fluctuations and the range of its applicability is considered. The spectral sensitivity of reflectometry measurements in a reflection region of finite dimensions to poloidal perturbations with wavenumbers k ? k 0 is estimated by the phase-screen method, and the expressions obtained are compared with the results of numerical simulations. Based on the relationships derived, an algorithm is proposed for recovering the amplitude of the local plasma density fluctuations from the fluctuations in the reflected reflectometer signal. The results obtained are compared with the results of the full-wave simulations of the reflection of microwaves from a turbulent plasma. Finally, an example is given of how to recover the data on the amplitude of the local plasma density fluctuations in the T-10 tokamak plasma.  相似文献   

To determine the relationship between vascular response and plasma levels of kinins, 10 anesthetized mongrel dogs received an intravenous infusion of bradykinin in graded doses (0.3 to 10.0 μg/kg/mm). Arterial pressure was recorded and plasma kinins determined by radioimmunoassay. There was a significant (p < 0.001) correlation between the increment in plasma kinins and the decrement in blood pressure which stabilized within five minutes. At the highest dose, arterial blood pressure fell by 37 ± 5 mmHg, and plasma kinins had risen by 1.5 ± 0.4 ng/ml. The magnitude of the change in plasma kinin levels observed in this study is similar to that acutely reported with administration of converting enzyme inhibitors. Thus, kinins may contribute to the hypotensive effect of these agents.  相似文献   

Neutrophil-associated lung injury after the infusion of activated plasma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Previous studies from our laboratory have shown that the infusion of zymosan-activated plasma (ZAP) caused large numbers of neutrophils (PMN) to accumulate in the lung. Although PMN are known to be activated by ZAP, it is unclear whether PMN delayed in the lung by ZAP infusion actually cause lung injury. The present study was designed to examine this question by measuring airway epithelial and endothelial injury. Airway epithelial injury was determined by depositing a known dose of fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran in the lung and measuring its appearance in the blood, and endothelial injury was measured by injecting colloidal carbon and measuring its accumulation in the microvasculature of the lung. The data show that ZAP infusion caused a mild epithelial and endothelial injury that did not increase either extravascular water or protein. This injury could be prevented either by depleting the animals of PMN or by pretreating them with indomethacin. In addition, the effect of ZAP infusion could be partially restored by transfusing donor PMN into the PMN-depleted animals. We conclude that ZAP infusion produces a mild lung injury that is dependent on PMN and the products of the cyclooxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary An experimental method for the determination of the concentration of dissolved oxygen saturation in real fermentation media is described. It is based on a joint analysis of gas and liquid phases, applying a mass spectrometer for gas analyses and an oxygen electrode for the liquid phase measurements. This method enables the experimental measurement of oxygen solubilities in real fermentation broth within the bioreactor during the process and its application seems to be of general validity.  相似文献   

Stopped-flow measurements have been carried out to study some basic allosteric properties of muscle and yeast phosphofructokinase at physiological concentration of enzyme. An important increase in the affinity for fructose-6-P accompanied by an intense decrease in the ATP inhibition was observed with the muscle enzyme, which also became insensitive to fructose-2,6-P2 under these conditions. Yeast phosphofructokinase exhibited a significant diminution in the inhibition by ATP, although with no apparent change in the affinity for fructose-6-P. These results provide strong support in favor of the dependence of the allosteric regulation of phosphofructokinase on its concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

In isolated basolateral and canalicular rat liver plasma membrane vesicles the membrane potential (measured with DiS-C2 (5] varied with transmembrane concentration gradients of Na+, K+ and Cl- revealing the following ion permeabilities: basolateral vesicles: PNa/PK: 0.76, PCl/PK: 0.45 and canalicular vesicles: PNa/PK: 0.69, PCl/PK: 0.56. The data indicate a permselectivity of PK greater than PNa greater than PCl for both membranes.  相似文献   

RNA polymerases carry out the synthesis of an RNA copy from a DNA template. They move along DNA, incorporate nucleotide triphosphate (NTP) at the end of the growing RNA chain, and consume chemical energy. In a single-molecule assay using the T7 RNA polymerase, we study how a mechanical force opposing the forward motion of the enzyme along DNA affects the translocation rate. We also study the influence of nucleotide and magnesium concentration on this process. The experiment shows that the opposing mechanical force is a competitive inhibitor of nucleotide binding. Also, the single-molecule data suggest that magnesium ions are involved in a step that does not depend on the external load force. These kinetic results associated with known biochemical and mutagenic data, along with the static information obtained from crystallographic structures, shape a very coherent view of the catalytic cycle of the enzyme: translocation does not take place upon NTP binding nor upon NTP cleavage, but rather occurs after PPi release and before the next nucleotide binding event. Furthermore, the energetic bias associated with the forward motion of the enzyme is close to kT and represents only a small fraction of the free energy of nucleotide incorporation and pyrophosphate hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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