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Horppila  Jukka  Kairesalo  Timo 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):323-331
Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland, suffered sewere eutrophication by sewage effluent from the city of Lahti during the 1960's and the early 1970's. The municipal sewage loading was diverted from the lake in 1976 and the lake started to recover. However, in the 1980's blue-green algal blooms increased again and the recovery of the lake faded. Enclosure experiments demonstrated that high roach (Rutilus rutilus) biomass is one of the key factors in the fading recovery of the lake. In this study, the influence of roach and another cyprinid fish species (bleak, Alburnus alburnus) to planktonic algal productivity and biomass in Lake Vesijärvi was examined. Enclosure experiments in the field showed the impacts of planktivorous bleak on water quality; in an enclosure with a density of 1 fish m–2 average daily algal production (1370 mg C m–2) and chlorophyll-a concentration (50–90 µg 1–1) were more than twice that in an enclosure without fish. Laboratory experiments showed that the availability of planktonic food affects the foraging behaviour of roach and consequently the internal nutrient loading from the sediment into the water. Roach caused the highest phosphorus loading and turbidity when there was no zooplanktonic food available in the water. The possible interactions between planktivorous and omnivorous fish species are discussed.  相似文献   

The responses of nutrients, water transparency, zooplankton and phytoplankton to a gradient of silver carp biomass were assessed using enclosure methods. The gradient of four silver carp biomass levels was set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m—2. Nutrients did not show any statistically significant differences among the treatments. An outburst of Daphnia only occurred in fishless enclosures where phytoplankton biomass was the lowest and water clarity significantly increased. While among fish enclosures, the small‐sized Moina micrura dominated throughout the experiment and both zooplankton and phytoplankton biomasses decreased with increased fish biomass. No large colonial cyanobacterial blooms occurred in the fishless enclosures as predicted. This might be due to low water temperature, short experiment time and the occurrence of large bodied Daphnia in our experiment. Cryptophyta was the most dominant group in most of the enclosures and the lake water throughout the experiment. The fishless enclosure had much lower proportion of Cyanophyta but higher proportion of Trachelomonas sp.  相似文献   

We assessed the long-term (16 years) effects of introducing piscivores (northern pike) into a small, boreal lake (Lake 221, Experimental Lakes Area) containing abundant populations of two planktivorous fish species. After the introduction, pearl dace were extirpated and yellow perch abundance was greatly reduced. Daphnia species shifted from D. galeata mendota to larger bodied Daphnia catawba, but the total zooplankton biomass did not increase, nor did the biomass of large grazers such as Daphnia. Phytoplankton biomass decreased after the northern pike introduction, but increased when northern pike were partially removed from the lake. Phosphorus (P) excretion by fish was ∼0.18 mg P m−2 d−1 before pike addition, declined rapidly to approximately 0.03–0.10 as planktivorous perch and dace populations were reduced by pike, and increased back to premanipulation levels after the pike were partially removed and the perch population recovered. When perch were abundant, P excretion by fish supported about 30% of the P demand by primary producers, decreasing to 6–14% when pike were abundant. Changes in phytoplankton abundance in Lake 221 appear to be driven by changes in P cycling by yellow perch, whose abundance was controlled by the addition and removal of pike. These results confirm the role of nutrient cycling in mediating trophic cascades and are consistent with previous enclosure experiments conducted in the same lake.  相似文献   

An enclosure experiment was carried out to test trophic cascade effect of filter-feeding fish on the ecosystem: growth of crustacean zooplankton, and possible mechanism of changes of crustacean community structure. Four fish biomass levels were set as follows: 0, 116, 176 and 316 g m-2, and lake water (containing ca. 190 g m-2 of filter-feeding fishes) was comparatively monitored. Nutrient levels were high in all treatments during the experiment. Lowest algal biomass were measured in fishless treatment. Algal biomass decreased during days 21–56 as a function of fish biomass in treatments of low (LF), medium (MF) and high (HF) fish biomass. Crustaceans biomass decreased with increasing fish biomass. Small-bodied cladocerans, Moina micrura, Diaphanosoma brachyurum and Scapholeberis kingii survived when fish biomass was high whilst, large-bodied cladocerans Daphnia spp. and the cyclopoids Theromcyclops taihokuensis, T. brevifuratus, Mescyclops notius and Cyclops vicinus were abundant only in NF enclosures. Evasive calanoid Sinodiaptomus sarsi was significantly enhanced in LF, but decreased significantly with further increase of fish biomass. Demographic data indicated that M. micrura was well developed in all treatments. Our study indicates that algal biomass might be controlled by silver carp biomass in eutrophic environment. Changes of crustacean community are probably affected by the age of the first generation of species. Species with short generation time were dominant and species with long generation time survived less with high fish biomass. Evasive calanoids hardly developed in treatments with high fish biomass because of the (bottle neck) effect of nauplii. Species abundance were positively related to fish predation avoidance. Other than direct predation, zooplankton might also be suppressed by filter-feeding fish via competition.  相似文献   

We analyzed the effects of planktivorous Holeshestes heterodon Eigenmann (Characidae) predation on the plankton community of a small subtropical reservoir, using four enclosures (volume about 17.5 m3), open to the sediment, established in the littoral zone. Two enclosures were stocked with fish (mean TL 5.7 cm), at a density of about 4–5 fish m–3 (approx. 8 g m–3), whereas two remained fishless. The experiment lasted a little longer than one month. In the fish enclosures, most Crustacea and Chaoborus larvae remained scarce, probably as a result of visually selective fish predation. In both fishless enclosures, Chaoborus larvae became abundant. However, in only one of these did large individuals become relatively numerous; this discrepancy in the demographic structure of the Chaoborus populations between the two fishless enclosures is unexplained. Only in the fishless enclosure without appreciable numbers of large Chaoborus did densities of Crustacea increase greatly. It is suggested that in the enclosure containing large Chaoborus individuals, crustacean populations were prevented from developing due to predation pressure, while the small Chaoborus larvae of the other enclosure could not readily consume these prey. Rotifers were low in abundance in the absence of fish, probably as a consequence of Chaoborus predation. Phytoplankton density increased in all four enclosures, due probably to the lack of water flow. Only in the fishless enclosure with high densities of crustaceans did phytoplankton abundance decrease markedly at the end of the experiment, perhaps because of grazing losses.  相似文献   

Neutralization of acidic mine pit lakes by biotechnological means results in the production of labile metal-sulfides. These reaction products can theoretically be stored sustainably in the lake, provided reducing conditions are maintained at the lake bottom. In a field mesocosm experiment, we tested, if reducing conditions can be maintained in an acidic mine pit lake by the addition of a complex organic substrate.An enclosure of 30 m diameter was covered by a floating foil, and whey was repeatedly added to the water column to stimulate microbial respiration. A suspension of whey was successfully mixed into the enclosure by means of a boat motor. Whey was completely dissolved and subsequently consumed by microbial respiration in the water column. This resulted in oxygen consumption leading to anoxic conditions. About 10 mmol m−2 d−1 oxygen permanently entered the enclosure from the atmosphere, while a minor amount of oxygen was produced by primary production. By careful monitoring and repeated additions, it was possible to keep the bottom of the enclosure permanently anoxic, even during mixing periods in autumn and spring. Fe3+, however, was not reduced significantly. A laboratory experiment revealed that microbial iron reduction was inhibited by both low concentrations of organic substrates and low temperature. Since FeIII is a potential oxidizing agent, it is questionable, if the stability of metal-sulfides in acidic mine pit lakes can be increased by the addition of complex organic substrates.  相似文献   

Microcrustacean community and biomass dynamics were studied for two years in a Nymphaea-Eriocaulon macrophyte marsh and a nearby shallow lake which lacked macrophytes in the Okefenokee Swamp. In this blackwater, acidic wetland, microcrustacean diversity and biomass were similar to other circumneutral lakes and littoral areas, contributing to a productive fish assemblage. In the lake, the annual biomass pattern (15–1627 μg 1−1) was unimodal and was dominated by the crustaceans Diaptomus sinuatus and Eubosmina tubicen. Rotifers were occasionally important, constituting up to 55% of total biomass. Over the long term, mean annual biomass in this post-drought study are higher than in pre-drought years. In the marsh, biomass (11–777 μg 1−1) fluctuated biomodally with late winter depressions corresponding to low temperatures and midsummer declines indicative of increasing fish predation. Summer dominance shifted between years from Macrothricidae in 1982 to Sididae in 1983. Variation in biomass correlated most strongly with algal chlorophyll in the marsh and with bacterial density in the lake. In field enclosure experiments in which primary production was reduced by shading, microcrustacean responses varied between lake and marsh habitats and with season. Lake zooplankton were consistently suppressed by reduced algal resources in winter, spring and summer experiments, with greatest responses to shading in the summer. Marsh microcrustacea were most affected in the winter experiment and became less sensitive to manipulated resource levels in spring and summer. Decoupling of these consumers from autotrophic resources in the marsh, but not in the lake, coincides with times of high macrophyte turnover and warming temperatures which promote the conversion of detritus into heterotrophic resources such as bacteria. The conflict between interactions implied by the experimental approach vs statistical criteria emphasizes a need to interpret resource dependence from seasonal dynamics of field populations with caution.  相似文献   

Tátrai  I.  Tóth  G.  Ponyi  J. E.  Zlinskzky  J.  Istvánovics  V. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):167-175
Enclosures (17 m3) were used in the mesotrophic area of Lake Balaton to determine the impact of benthivorous bream (Abramis brama L.) on the lower trophic levels during summers of 1984–86. In enclosures with a fish biomass similar to the biomass in the eutrophic area of the lake, the number of phytoplankton species was highest. In enclosures with a low fish biomass the phytoplankton was dominated by the greens. A high biomass of bream in the mesotrophic basin caused bacterial production corresponding to that of the eutrophic part of the lake. Crustaceans were dominated by copepods and were unable to control phytoplankton peaks. Bottom-up effects of bream were more obvious than top-down effects and seem to be more important in the possible control of water quality.  相似文献   

Galanti  G.  Guilizzoni  P.  Libera  V. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):409-417
A long-term experimental aquatic plant management programme has been in progress since 1985 in the eutrophic Lago di Candia (Northern Italy). 7.7 ha of water chestnut (Trapa natans L.) were harvested in 1986, 8.2 ha in 1987 and 11.0 ha in 1988, from August to October, removing 334, 290 and 418 tons of fresh plant material, respectively, from the lake. This annual harvesting of about 50% of the total water chestnut cover resulted in the removal from the lake of about 70 kg yr−1 of phosphorus, a significant portion of the external annual loading originating mainly from run-off and precipitation. In addition, up to 38t yr−1 of organic matter and 1t yr−1 of nitrogen were removed. First results of the effect of the harvesting on Secchi-disc transparency, oxygen, total phosphorus, phytoplankton and zooplankton are discussed also in connection with a study of fish manipulation (Giussaniet al., 1990).  相似文献   

Restoration of the highly eutrophic Reeuwijk lakes (ca. 700 ha) started in 1986 by reducing the external phosphorus loading. As an additional measure to improve the quality of the lake water, the structure of the fish population in Lake Klein Vogelenzang (18 ha) was altered in 1989 by the removal of ca. 100 kg ha–1 bream from the lake in April and December. This constituted about 50% of the total bream biomass in the lake.The fish-stock reduction in April, 1989, was initially followed by high phosphorus concentrations, probably the result of considerable phosphorus release from the sediments. The resulting heavy algal blooms that occurred reduced the transparency to very low values. During the summer the zooplankton population increased markedly in numbers coinciding with reductions in total suspended matter including (blue-green) algae. A great improvement in Secchi-disc transparency was observed and by the end of December, 1989, the bottom of the lake (1.5–2.0 m) was visible. After heavy storms in January and February 1990, transparency dropped to < 1 m as a result of resuspension of high concentrations of suspended matter from the bottom sediments. Although transparency over the rest of 1990 was higher than in 1988, i.e. the year preceding the removal of fish (biomanipulation), it was lower than expected, based on the results of 1989. The study shows that technical and biological factors can cause serious management problems for the implementation of biomanipulation in larger water bodies.  相似文献   

A field study was undertaken of the hydrodynamics, water quality and adult and larval fish abundance in papyrus wetlands and surrounding coastal waters at Rubondo Island, Lake Victoria. Because they were exposed to the prevailing wind, the two bays facing east had small (0.01 km2) wetlands and were well flushed, with minimal accumulation of organic detritus and little oxygen depletion. Because it faced west, the third bay, Mlaga Bay, was sheltered and poorly flushed; organic matter accumulated in a large (1.41 km2) papyrus wetland. The rises and falls of the lake level at decadal time scales, may, by drowning or drying out wetlands, contribute significantly to storing organic matter as detritus. Vegetation decay in the wetlands, as well as primary production, resulted in large diurnal fluctuations of pH and dissolved oxygen concentration. Shading in daytime and cooling at night, cooled the wetlands water sufficiently to generate a baroclinic circulation whereby cold, wetland water sank and moved offshore in the lake while warm, lake water intruded in the wetlands near the surface. This flushing prevented the occurrence of anoxic conditions in the wetlands which were used by adult and larval fish, mainly tilapia, and freshwater shrimps (Caridina nilotica). No fish larvae were found at more than 150 m from the shore in the three bays. Both larval fish and Caridina nilotica appeared to move in and out of the wetlands at night, possibly as a result of low dissolved oxygen as well as sheltering from predation. Their abundance varied with the lunar phase, with maximum near new moon and first quarter. Being the only protected wetlands in Lake Victoria, Rubondo Island may increasingly become an important source of replenishment for fisheries in the lake which elsewhere appears overfished.  相似文献   

Effect of cyanobacterial blooms on thermal stratification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Enclosure experiments were performed at Akanoi Bay, Lake Biwa, in 1995 to determine whether the blooms of cyanobacterial algae changed thermal stratification in the lake. We used four rectangular enclosures, each 10 m × 10 m, with a volume of 200 m3, which were open to the sediments. Two enclosures, A and B, were mixed artificially by aquatic pumps from 1000 to 1400 every day, and the other two enclosures, C and D, were controls with no mixing. The experiment was conducted during late summer from August 3 to September 27. Chlorophyll a concentrations were highest in enclosure D, followed by enclosure C, both of which were controls without mixing. Enclosure A had lower concentrations than enclosures C and D, and enclosure B had the lowest concentrations. No large cyanobacterial algae blooms of Anabaena sp. and Microcystis sp. were seen in the mixed enclosures A and B. In enclosures C and D, blooms of Anabaena sp. occurred in the middle of August, and Microcystis sp. later became dominant in enclosure D at the end of August. In enclosure D, the water temperature changed over the diel cycle before August 17, with thermal stratification during the day and complete mixing at night. After August 17, as Anabaena sp. and Microcystis sp. became dominant, the temperature at the bottom of the enclosure did not change clearly over the 24-h cycle. The APE (available potential energy) density (a measure of water column stability) in the enclosures increased by almost 100% when the biovolume of Anabaena sp. + Microcystis sp. exceeded 20 mm3 l−1. These results indicate that blooms of Anabaena sp. and Microcystis sp. can increase the available potential energy in the water column and create more stable stratification for their growth. Received: September 25, 1999 / Accepted: January 6, 2000  相似文献   

Ecological restoration in eutrophic Lake Wuli: A large enclosure experiment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A large-scale enclosure experiment for lake restoration was carried out in Lake Wuli, a northern bay of shallow and eutrophic Lake Taihu in China. The large enclosure with an area of 10 ha was set up in the littoral zone and was bordered by waterproof fabric which did not cover the sediments. Multiple approaches were used and included fish removal, piscivorous fish stocking, shoreline reconstruction, aquatic macrophyte planting, benthic macro-animal stocking, and silver carp cultivation in pens for reduction of cyanobacteria. The results showed that the coverage of aquatic macrophytes increased from 0% to 45.7%. Mean concentrations of TN and TP inside the enclosure from May 2004 to May 2008 were 22.2% and 26.0% of those outside, respectively. Secchi depth was 0.40 m outside the enclosures and 0.75 m inside. However, responses of phytoplankton to the restoration project lagged behind improvement of water quality and reestablishment of aquatic plants. The phytoplankton biomass gradually decreased after the third year of the restoration. Stocking piscivorous fish and planting submerged macrophytes could not increase zooplankton biomass and enhance graze pressure on phytoplankton, most likely due to high omnivorous fish density and lower nutrition inside the enclosure. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton was observed in May and October every year. Zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios were significantly negatively correlated with phytoplankton biomass outside (r = −0.440, p < 0.01) and inside the enclosure (r = −0.336, p < 0.05) from February 2004 to March 2007. Therefore, phytoplankton biomass inside and outside the enclosure was lower in May and October. Higher grazing pressure of zooplankton on phytoplankton in spring may result in occurrence of the clear-water phase that facilitated growth of submerged macrophytes in the littoral in Lake Wuli, and a clear-water state and improved water quality would likely be sustained throughout the year after reestablishment of submerged macrophytes.  相似文献   

Arvola  L.  Salonen  K. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):141-150
The impact of Daphnia longispina (Cladocera) on the plankton food web was studied in a polyhumic lake where this species comprised almost all zooplankton biomass. Plastic enclosures (volume 7 m3) were inserted into the lake retaining the initial water stratification except that in one enclosure zooplankton was removed. After the removal of Daphniaa rotifer, Keratella cochlearis, ciliates and heterotrophic nanoflagellates increased markedly and the density and biomass of bacteria decreased. Edible algal species, Cryptomonas rostratiformisand three small chrysophytes,Ochromonas, Pedinella and Spinifermonas, took advantage of the removal of Daphnia, while more grazing-resistant species declined. In spite of the changes in the species composition of phytoplankton, the removal of Daphnia did not affect the biomass, primary production or respiration of plankton. The results implied that the density of heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates was controlled by Daphnia, but in its absence the former took its role as the bacterial grazers.  相似文献   

Why biomanipulation can be effective in peaty lakes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effects of fish stock reduction (biomanipulation) was studied in an 85 ha shallow peaty turbid lake. The lake cleared in a 4-week period in April–May 2004, which demonstrated that biomanipulation can be effective in peaty lakes. We demonstrated that it is possible to reduce the fish stock to <25 kg ha−1 benthivorous fish and <15 kg ha−1 planktivorous fish, sufficiently low to switch the lake from a turbid to a clear state. Knowledge of lake morphology, fish stock, fish behaviour, and a variety of fishing methods was necessary to achieve this goal. It is expected that continuation of fisheries to remove young of the year planktivorous species is needed for several years, until macrophytes provide sufficient cover for zooplankton and can compete with phytoplankton. Cladocerans developed strongly after fish removal. The clearing of the lake coincided with a sudden decrease of filamentous cyanobacteria and suspended detritus, and a strong increase of Bosmina. We assume that Bosmina was able to reduce filamentous prokaryotes and detritus. After the disappearance of the cyanobacteria, Bosmina disappeared too. After the clearing of the lake Daphnia dominated in zooplankton and apparently was able to keep phytoplankton levels low. In our case, wind resuspension did not prevent biomanipulation from being successful. No correlation between windspeed and turbidity was found, neither in an 85 ha nor in a 230 ha shallow peaty lake. Regression analysis showed that on average 50% of the amount of suspended detritus can be explained by resuspension by fish and 50% by phytoplankton decomposition. The main goal of this biomanipulation experiment, clear water and increased submerged plant cover in a shallow peaty lake, was reached.  相似文献   

Considering water pollution as a potential threat to some endemic cichlids of Lake Barombi Mbo, Cameroon, an investigation was done in 2011 to determine trace metals in its water, linking their uptake in gills and liver of fish to water chemistry. ICP-MS and ICP-OES analyses of trace metals based on total concentration of unfiltered lake water samples showed the presence of trace metals. All fish species accumulated Al, Mn and Sr in the highest concentrations in their gills, with Cu, Cd, Co, Cr, Pb and U highest in the liver. Pungu maclareni accumulated Al, Cr, Co, Sr and Pb in the highest concentrations. The highest mean gill Al concentration of 140 µg g?1 dry weight was measured in P. maclareni gills, this being one of the critically endangered cichlids of the lake. Stable isotope analyses of carbon δ13C and nitrogen δ15N showed that P. maclareni had the highest mean δ13C (?30.2‰) and highest concentrations of Cr, Co, Pb and U in liver, probably linking the carbon source to the accumulation of metals. Though trace metal levels in the lake water were low, their presence in fish tissues suggest they are bioavailable, bioaccumulate and may pose a threat to the aquatic biota, and therefore should be monitored.  相似文献   

Ecosystem development in different types of littoral enclosures   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Vermaat  J. E.  Hootsmans  M. J. M.  van Dijk  G. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):391-398
Macrophyte growth was studied in two enclosure types (gauze and polythene) in a homogeneousPotamogeton pectinatus bed in Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands). The gauze was expected to allow for sufficient exchange with the lake to maintain similar seston densities, the polythene was expected to exclude fish activity and most water exchange. Polythene enclosures held higher totalP. pectinatus biomass (ash-free dry weight, AFDW) than the lake, gauze enclosures were intermediate. The enclosures had a higher abundance of other macrophyte species (Chara sp.,Potamogeton pusillus) than the lake. Seston ash content was not but seston AFDW, periphyton ash content and AFDW were lower in polythene than in gauze enclosures. The difference in plant biomass between gauze and polythene may be attributed to a difference in periphyton density and in seston AFDW due to zooplankton grazing (Rotatoria andDaphnia densities were higher in polythene enclosures). Since seston and periphyton AFDW and ash content were similar in lake and gauze enclosures, the intermediate macrophyte biomass in the gauze enclosures may be explained by reduced wave action and mechanical stress. Alternatively, phytoplankton inhibition by allelopathic excretions from the macrophytes may have caused the high macrophyte biomass in the polythene, and an absence of sediment-disturbing fish the intermediate biomass in the gauze enclosures. Creation of sheltered areas may favour macrophyte growth through both mechanisms and we conclude that this can be an important tool in littoral biomanipulation.  相似文献   

1. Declining abundances of forage fish and the introduction and establishment of non‐indigenous species have the potential to substantially alter resource and habitat exploitation by top predators in large lakes. 2. We measured stable isotopes of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) in field‐collected and archived samples of Lake Ontario lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) and five species of prey fish and compared current trophic relationships of this top predator with historical samples. 3. Relationships between δ15N and lake trout age were temporally consistent throughout Lake Ontario and confirmed the role of lake trout as a top predator in this food web. However, δ13C values for age classes of lake trout collected in 2008 ranged from 1.0 to 3.9‰ higher than those reported for the population sampled in 1992. 4. Isotope mixing models predicted that these changes in resource assimilation were owing to the replacement of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) by round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in lake trout diet and increased reliance on carbon resources derived from nearshore production. This contrasts with the historical situation in Lake Ontario where δ13C values of the lake trout population were dominated by a reliance on offshore carbon production. 5. These results indicate a reduced capacity of the Lake Ontario offshore food web to support the energetic requirements of lake trout and that this top predator has become increasingly reliant on prey resources that are derived from nearshore carbon pathways.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The development of bream populations, water transparency, chlorophyll‐a concentration, extent of submerged vegetation and densities of the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha, were analysed in three shallow eutrophic lake systems subject to different fish management. 2. In Lake Veluwemeer, the bream population was reduced from c. 100 to 20 kg ha?1 after 5 years of fishing. The mortality caused by the fishery was estimated at 38% of bream >15 cm in addition to a 13% natural mortality of bream >17 cm. The decline was followed by an expansion of the Chara beds present in the shallow parts, an increase in water transparency in the open‐water zone, an increase in the density of zebra mussels and a decrease in chlorophyll‐a concentrations. 3. The newly created Lake Volkerak showed trends opposite to those in Lake Veluwemeer. Bream colonised the lake in 1988 and reached a biomass of c. 140 kg ha?1 in 1998. The water transparency decreased from a maximum of 3 m to c. 1 m and the chlorophyll‐a concentration increased from 5 to 45 μg L?1. Submerged vegetation colonised up to 20% of the total lake area in the first 5 years after creation of the lake in 1987 but decreased to 10% as turbidity increased. 4. Seine fishery in the Frisian lake system did not appear to affect the bream population despite annual catches as high as 40–50 kg ha?1. The estimated natural mortality of fish >15 cm was 15% and mortality by fishery was 26%. The high loss was apparently compensated by good recruitment and high growth rates resulting from a c. 1 °C higher water temperature during the years when bream were removed by fishing. There was only a slight decrease in chlorophyll‐a concentrations and a slight increase in water transparency. 5. The results of this study suggest that the effects of bream exploitation in eutrophic lakes can vary depending on the efficiency of the fishery, recruitment success and temperature regime. In the absence of fishery, bream dominated the fish community in the study lakes and apparently prevented D. polymorpha and submerged vegetation from establishing because of physical disturbance, enhanced internal P‐loading and resettling of resuspended sediments.  相似文献   

In situ life table of a subtropical copepod   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  • 1 A life table of a subtropical population of Mesocyclops edax(Copepoda: Cyclopoida) was constructed from a cohort of individuals reared in enclosures in a small, eutrophic lake.
  • 2 The lake population was sampled concurrently to determine age structure, per capita birth, death and growth rates, body size and clutch size.
  • 3 Maturation times of enclosed males and females were 9.3 and 11.4 days, respectively. The population growth rate. r. was estimated to be 0.18 females day-1 for the enclosed population, but approximated zero on most dates in the lake population. Mortality was low in the enclosures which excluded predators and high in the field population exposed to planktivorous fish and Chaoborus.
  • 4 The means and variances of several fitness traits are related to the specific environment. The enclosure approach promises to be a useful tool in the study of zooplankton life history variation.

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