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To investigate the relationship between mechanical stimuli from substrata and related cell functions, one of the most useful techniques is the application of mechanical stimuli via periodic stretching of elastic substrata. In response to this stimulus, Dictyostelium discoideum cells migrate in a direction perpendicular to the stretching direction. The origins of directional migration, higher migration velocity in the direction perpendicular to the stretching direction or the higher probability of a switch of migration direction to perpendicular to the stretching direction, however, remain unknown. In this study, we applied periodic stretching stimuli to neutrophil-like differentiated HL-60 cells, which migrate perpendicular to the direction of stretch. Detailed analysis of the trajectories of HL-60 cells and Dictyostelium cells obtained in a previous study revealed that the higher probability of a switch of migration direction to that perpendicular to the direction of stretching was the main cause of such directional migration. This directional migration appears to be a strategy adopted by fast-crawling cells in which they do not migrate faster in the direction they want to go, but migrate to avoid a direction they do not want to go.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Most photosynthetic organisms are sensitive to very high light, although acclimation mechanisms enable them to deal with exposure to strong light up to a point. Here we...  相似文献   

The desert locust Schistocerca gregaria is a well known migrating insect, travelling long distances in swarms containing millions of individuals. During November 2004, such a locust swarm reached the northern coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, coming from the Sinai desert towards the southeast. Upon reaching the coast, they avoided flying over the water, and instead flew north along the coast. Only after passing the tip of the gulf did they turn east again. Experiments with tethered locusts showed that they avoided flying over a light-reflecting mirror, and when given a choice of a non-polarizing reflecting surface and a surface that reflected linearly polarized light, they preferred to fly over the former. Our results suggest that locusts can detect the polarized reflections of bodies of water and avoid crossing them; at least when flying at low altitudes, they can therefore avoid flying over these dangerous areas.  相似文献   

To survive, organisms need to precisely respond to various environmental factors, such as light and gravity. Among these, light is so important for most life on Earth that light-response systems have become extraordinarily developed during evolution, especially in multicellular animals. A combination of photoreceptors, nervous system components, and effectors allows these animals to respond to light stimuli. In most macroscopic animals, muscles function as effectors responding to light, and in some microscopic aquatic animals, cilia play a role. It is likely that the cilia-based response was the first to develop and that it has been substituted by the muscle-based response along with increases in body size. However, although the function of muscle appears prominent, it is poorly understood whether ciliary responses to light are present and/or functional, especially in deuterostomes, because it is possible that these responses are too subtle to be observed, unlike muscle responses. Here, we show that planktonic sea urchin larvae reverse their swimming direction due to the inhibitory effect of light on the cholinergic neuron signaling>forward swimming pathway. We found that strong photoirradiation of larvae that stay on the surface of seawater immediately drives the larvae away from the surface due to backward swimming. When Opsin2, which is expressed in mesenchymal cells in larval arms, is knocked down, the larvae do not show backward swimming under photoirradiation. Although Opsin2-expressing cells are not neuronal cells, immunohistochemical analysis revealed that they directly attach to cholinergic neurons, which are thought to regulate forward swimming. These data indicate that light, through Opsin2, inhibits the activity of cholinergic signaling, which normally promotes larval forward swimming, and that the light-dependent ciliary response is present in deuterostomes. These findings shed light on how light-responsive tissues/organelles have been conserved and diversified during evolution.  相似文献   

In this article, we study population dynamics of a general two-species discrete-time competition model where each species suffers from both strong Allee effects and scramble intra-specific competitions. We focus on how the combinations of the scramble intra-specific and inter-specific competition affect the extinction and coexistence of these two competing species where each species is subject to strong Allee effects. We derive sufficient conditions on the extinction, essential-like extinction and coexistence for such models. One of the most interesting findings is that scramble competitions can promote coexistence of these two species at their high densities. This is supported by the outcome of single species models with strong Allee effects. In addition, we apply theoretical results to a symmetric competition model with strong Allee effects induced by predator saturations where we give a completed study of its possible equilibria and attractors. Numerical simulations are performed to support our results.  相似文献   

Broken chloroplasts activated by preillumination in the presence of dithiothreitol were supplied with phosphate and with a limited concentration of ADP. On re-illumination, ATP was formed until a steady state was attained. If after reaching the steady state light intensity was reduced to 20–50 W · m−2, net ATP hydrolysis took place, but after some time in weak light the level of ATP re-increased. Similarly, a drop of transmembrane ΔpH followed by a slow recovery was observed. Further data indicate that the reversible changes of ATP level and ΔpH are the result of partial uncoupling induced by ATP during the preceding strong light period and of restoration of coupling within a few minutes in weak light. Since similar changes of endogenous ATP level were found when intact chloroplasts were subjected to a strong-light/weak-light transition, it is proposed that ATP-induced partial uncoupling may play a role in regulation of photosynthetic energy conservation as a means to dissipate abundant transmembrane electrochemical energy and to permit flexibility of the stoichiometry of ATP-to-NADPH production.  相似文献   

The azimuth of vertical leaves of Silphium terebinthinaceum profoundly influenced total daily irradiance as well as the proportion of direct versus diffuse light incident on the adaxial and abaxial leaf surface. These differences caused structural and physiological adjustments in leaves that affected photosynthetic performance. Leaves with the adaxial surface facing East received equal daily integrated irradiance on each surface, and these leaves had similar photosynthetic rates when irradiated on either the adaxial or abaxial surface. The adaxial surface of East-facing leaves was also the only surface to receive more direct than diffuse irradiance and this was the only leaf side which had a clearly defined columnar palisade layer. A potential cost of constructing East-facing leaves with symmetrical photosynthetic capcity was a 25% higher specific leaf mass and increased leaf thickness in comparison to asymmetrical South-facing leaves. The adaxial surface of South-facing leaves received approximately three times more daily integrated irradiance than the abaxial surface. When measured at saturating CO2 and irradiance, these leaves had 42% higher photosynthetic rates when irradiated on the adaxial surface than when irradiated on the abaxial surface. However, there was no difference in photosynthesis for these leaves when irradiated on either surface when measurements were made at ambient CO2. Stomatal distribution (mean adaxial/abaxial stomatal density = 0.61) was unaffected by leaf orientation. Thus, the potential for high photosynthetic rates of adaxial palisade cells in South-facing leaves at ambient CO2 concentrations may have been constrained by stomatal limitations to gas exchange. The distribution of soluble protein and chlorophyll within leaves suggests that palisade and spongy mesophyll cells acclimated to their local light environment. The protein/chlorophyll ratio was high in the palisade layers and decreased in the spongy mesophyll cells, presumably corresponding to the attentuation of light as it penetrates leaves. Unlike some species, the chlorophyll a/b ratio and the degree of thylakoid stacking was uniform throughout the thickness of the leaf. It appears that sun-shade acclimation among cell layers of Silphium terebinthinaceum leaves is accomplished without adjustment to the chlorophyll a/b ratio or to thylakoid membrane structure.  相似文献   

An experiment was set up to test whether stoloniferous plants are able to avoid neighbours by means of asymmetric growth in response to low red:far-red (R:FR) ratios in light that is reflected by neighbouring plants. Neighbours were simulated by green mirrors that were placed on the north-side of the plants while spectrally neutral mirrors served as a control. Six stoloniferous species (Trifolium repens L., Hydrocotyle vulgaris L., Lysimachia nummularia L., Glechoma hederacea L., Lysimachia nemorum L. and Lamium galeobdolon L.) were included in the experiment. Measurements were made on branching frequency, timing of branching, stolon growth rate, internode length, growth direction and biomass distribution. Although differences between treatments were found in some of these parameters, they were too small to lead to the avoidance of the simulated neighbours. Only L. galeobdolon produced lower biomass in response to the green-mirror treatment compared to the control one.  相似文献   

草莓叶片光合作用对强光的响应及其机理研究   总被引:32,自引:9,他引:32  
用便携式调制叶绿素荧光仪和光合仪研究了强光下草莓叶片荧光参数及表观量子效率的变化.结果表明,Fm、Fv/Fm、PSⅡ无活性反应中心数量和QA的还原速率在强光下降低,在暗恢复时升高;而PSⅡ反应中心非还原性QB的比例在强光下增加,在暗恢复时降低.上述荧光参数的变化幅度均以强光胁迫或暗恢复的前10 min最大.强光下ΦPSII、ETR和qP先升高后降低,但qN先大幅度降低,然后小幅回升.强光处理4 h后,丰香和宝交早生的表观量子效率(AQY)分别降低了20.9%和37.5%;qE(能量依赖的非光化学猝灭)为NPQ(非光化学猝灭)的最主要成分.强光胁迫下丰香的Fo、Fm、Fv/Fm、ΦPSII、ETR和AQY的变化幅度均明显比宝交早生小.DTT处理后,草莓叶片的Fm和Fv/Fm明显降低,Fo显著升高.可以认为,依赖叶黄素循环和类囊体膜质子梯度两种非辐射能量耗散在草莓叶片防御光损伤方面起着重要作用,丰香的光合机构比宝交早生更耐强光.  相似文献   

In tests under controlled conditions Anopheles albimanus and A. stephensi were caught in significantly greater numbers by a 4-watt ultraviolet trap with a fan-generated updraft air stream than by a similarly equipped trap with a conventional downdraft air movement. Elevation in the test chambers also affected the traps' performance, which was best near the ceiling, poor near the floor. Mesh size of the hardware cloth screens on the traps influenced only the catches of A. albimanus females. Survival in both traps was improved by reduced air flow. This was accompanied by a marked decrease in total captures by the downdraft trap, but with the updraft model, capture levels were maintained despite substantial reduction in air velocity. The updraft trap therefore showed greater potential for recovery of live specimens. Observations of the mosquitoes' flight behavior near the traps offer an explanation for the superiority of the updraft principle.
Résumé Deux pièges à lumière ultraviolette sont comparés dans leur efficacité pour la capture des adultes Anopheles a.bimanus et A. stephensi en essai au laboratoire. Chaque trappe se compose d'une lampe BLB 4-watt fixée à une extrêmité d'un conduit de métal, l'autre extrêmité s'ouvrant sur une cage de grillage, cependant qu'un aspirateur (moteur 6-volts DC) placé dans le conduit fournit le courant d'air pour attraper les insectes. Dans un premier type de piège l'aspiration de l'air entraîne les insectes vers le bas dans la cage de grillage (downdraft trap), dans un second type les insectes sont au contraire tirés de bas vers le haut avec le courant d'air (updraft trap).Les tests ont été effectués dans les chambres à parois blanches de 1.8 m de côté. Les lampes BLB sont disposées à trois niveaux: (a) le plus haut à 20 cm sous le plafond: (b) le plus central à 91 cm au-dessus du plancher; et (c) le plus bas, 52 cm au-dessus du plancher. Tous les essais ont montré que le piège lumineux du type updraft était le meilleur pour la prise des adultes âgés de 5 à 6 jours. Les pièges disposés sous le plafond ont donné les meilleurs résultats.La survie des insectes capturés était meilleure dans le piège de type downdraft, pour une aspiration de l'air à une vitesse de 171 m/min. En réduisant le voltage à 5 ou 4 volts, la vitesse du courant d'air d'aspiration se réduit à 137 et 110 m/min et on observe une forte amélioration de la survie des insects capturés dans le piège updraft, sans qu'il y eut réduction du nombre des insectes capturés. Mais ce n'est pas le cas avec le piège de type down-draft pour lesquels le nombre des captures se trouve réduit avec diminution du voltage.Les observations du vol des moustiques autour des trappes permettent d'expliquer la supériorité du piège de type updraft.

Recent experiments revealed the perfect applicability of megaplex typing by autosomal short tandem repeats (STRs) to degraded DNA. The advantages of megaplex approaches lie in reduced amounts of sample material that are necessary and in remarkable time saving. Furthermore, megaplex typing clearly recognizes possible contaminations and thus has a large potential for indicating authenticity in ancient DNA analysis. This is demonstrated by three examples in which various types of contaminations could clearly be identified as such and even traced back to their origin. This would have been impossible using control samples, due to the sporadic nature of these types of contaminations.  相似文献   

Strand displacement cycles can be driven by sequential addition of short oligonucleotide sequences. Successive inter- and intra-molecular interactions based on the rules of Watson-Crick base pairing allow us to design self-assembling molecular systems with predictable folding pathways and conformational changes. Here we present a particular strand displacement cycle that starts from a tethered quadruplex-forming sequence from the human telomere repeat (T2AG3)4 that forms a G-quartet within a stem-loop structure. Adding an almost matching single strand converts the four-stranded section into a defective double helix. This is the first step of the cycle. The subsequent addition of a “fuel strand” removes the single strand from the loop sequence in favor of a perfect double helix. This displacement frees the hairpin-loop to go back to its initial state. Analysis of this cycle, that resembles an enzyme-substrate pathway as far as the initial state will be regained at the end of the cycle, advances our understanding of the interchanges between meta-stable states that underlie some fundamental steps in molecular biology, and allow for the construction of nano-molecular machines.  相似文献   

One conserved feature among angiosperms is the development of flat thin leaves. This developmental pattern optimizes light capture and gas exchange. The blue light (BL) receptors phototropins are required for leaf flattening, with the null phot1phot2 mutant showing curled leaves in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). However, key aspects of their function in leaf development remain unknown. Here, we performed a detailed spatiotemporal characterization of phototropin function in Arabidopsis leaves. We found that phototropins perceive light direction in the blade, and, similar to their role in hypocotyls, they control the spatial pattern of auxin signaling, possibly modulating auxin transport, to ultimately regulate cell expansion. Phototropin signaling components in the leaf partially differ from hypocotyls. Moreover, the light response on the upper and lower sides of the leaf blade suggests a partially distinct requirement of phototropin signaling components on each side. In particular, NON PHOTOTROPIC HYPOCOTYL 3 showed an adaxial-specific function. In addition, we show a prominent role of PHYTOCHROME KINASE SUBSTRATE 3 in leaf flattening. Among auxin transporters, PIN-FORMED 3,4,7 and AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (AUX1)/LIKE AUXIN RESISTANT 1 (LAX1) are required for the response while ABCB19 has a regulatory role. Overall, our results show that directional BL perception by phototropins is a key aspect of leaf development, integrating endogenous and exogenous signals.

Phototropins perceive light direction in the leaf and control the auxin signaling pattern to regulate blade flattening.  相似文献   

To assess effects of the environmental stress on polyphenol compounds (polyphenols) in plants, the polyphenol contents were investigated in the seedlings of safflower (Carthamus tinctrius L.) and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) grown under three types of growth conditions: control; light stress, irradiated with strong light in the visible wavelength range; and light/water stress, irradiated with strong visible light with a limited water supply. The total polyphenol contents and the amounts of the major polyphenols, especially luteolin 7-O-glucoside in safflower cotyledons, and luteolin 7-O-glucoside and luteolin in safflower foliage leaves, increased in response to both stresses. The polyphenol increasing effect of light/water stress was clearly observed in safflower compared to cucumber, suggesting that plants that are resistant to these stresses can accumulate substantial amounts of polyphenols compared to the plants which respond weakly to the stresses.  相似文献   

Light environment, community structure, pigments, and photophysiological properties of mat-forming phytobenthos were studied in four shallow Antarctic lakes in 2007 at maximum water depths of 1.7–2.5 m. All lakes were oligotrophic, and water transparencies were high, enabling 45–60% of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) and 20–40% of ultraviolet radiation (300–400 nm) to reach the lake beds. Phytobenthic mats were dominated by cyanobacteria and green algae. Little PARL (500–700 nm) penetrated through the firm mat in the shallowest lake, while in the other lakes more (>20%) PARL got through the mats to the subsurface mat layers. Photochemical activities indicated almost no photoinhibition but low photosynthetic efficiency in all mat surface layers. Non-photochemical quenching was rarely detected, suggesting excess energy dissipation may not be efficient in the UV-rich environment. There was a positive correlation between photo-protective substances and incident radiation in the mats, and an inverse correlation between such substances and photochemical efficiency, suggesting that the phytobenthos survive by changing a light-protection/utilization balance. The communities under strong UV-B and PAR had firm mat textures and were characterized by high UV/photo-protective substance ratios that make them less transparent. Maximum relative electron transportation rates (rETRmax) and photochemical efficiencies, however, were low, possibly because the protective substances prevent efficient light usage. In contrast, communities under mild light were characterized by lower substance ratios and softer textures, while rETRmax values and photochemical efficiencies were greater. The phytobenthic mat surface seems to act as a filter for strong and harmful light, typically penetrating through the clear water of Antarctic lakes, and produces a milder light environment for the subsurface mat organisms.  相似文献   

RNA interference occurs when cytoplasmic small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) enter the RNA-induced silencing complex and one strand guides cleavage of the target RNA by the Argonaute 2 protein. A significant concern when applying siRNAs or expressing small hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) in human cells is activation of the interferon (IFN) response. Synthetic siRNAs harboring certain motifs can induce an immune response when delivered to mouse and human immune cells such as peripheral blood mononuclear cells, monocytes, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) and nonplasmacytoid dendritic cells (mDCs). In the present study we have tested the immunostimulatory effects of lipid-delivered siRNAs versus Pol III promoter-expressed shRNAs in primary CD34+ progenitor-derived hematopoietic cells. We show that in this system, lipid-delivered siRNAs are potent inducers of IFNalpha and type I IFN gene expression, whereas the same sequences when expressed endogenously are nonimmunostimulatory.  相似文献   

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