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Due to an impact of a bolide at the K/Pg boundary, the planktonic foraminifera have suffered sever mass extinction. However, no small Benthic Foraminifera species have documented mass extinction at the K/Pg boundary. Nevertheless, many species showed disturbance. The Maastrichtian assemblages may be different from those of the lower Paleogene by their species content, diversity and frequencies. At Oued Es Smara and Oued Abiod sections, the small benthic foraminifera indicate lower bathyal environment, and manifest significant faunal turnover. Until the uppermost Maastrichtian, their assemblages are highly diversified, with 77 species and 76 species respectively at Oued Es Smara and Oued Abiod sections. These are dominated by endobenthic morphotypes. At the K/Pg boundary, although 33 species (42,85%) (Oued Es Smara section) and 27 species (35,52%) (Oued Abiod section) of them seem to disappear, but only few species have really extinct such as Arenobulimina obesa. Nevertheless, the majority of species persist elsewhere at the Danian (e.g., Pseudoglandulina manifesta, Cibicioides proprius, Clavulinoides amorpha, Coryphostoma plaitum, Pullenia coryelli). At the lower Danian, the survivor Maastrichtian species are of 58% (Oued Es Smara) and 65% (Oued Abiod). Throughout the Parasubbotina pseudobulloides subzone, 4 others species were progressively disappeared. They are oligotrophic and low oxygen tolerant. About the Masstrichtian species, at the two studied sections (e.g. Gaudryina inflata and Tritaxia midwayensis) they seem to be more trophic exigent. Consequently, the benthic Foraminifera did not suffer massive extinction at the K/Pg boundary, but their assemblages underwent a significant faunal turnover which reflects important environmental changes. These changes are compatible with the catastrophic scenario induced by the large asteroid impact.  相似文献   

Long-term observations on living benthic foraminifera in the laboratory were performed to investigate their behaviour and life style. We noticed that the formation of cysts or sedimentary envelopes is a common feature within many groups of foraminifera (organic walled, agglutinated and calcareous) in the laboratory. Several kinds of cyst were observed. In most cases, the entire foraminiferal shell was canopied with detritus or particles, but some specimens covered only parts of their body, such as the aperture region or pseudopods. Cysts were found attached to the glass walls of culture vessels or free in and on the sediment. Foraminifera stayed within cysts for hours to weeks. After leaving sedimentary envelopes, some specimens immediately started to build new ones, others not. The function of cyst formation observed in the present study was not clear, except one case where reproduction took place. Some monitored structures seemed not to be sedimentary cysts but unilocular agglutinated foraminifera with probably allogromiid-like organization. The formation of sedimentary envelopes seems to be a very basic character of foraminifera, suggesting a mechanism for the evolution of shells.  相似文献   

Marine benthic Foraminifera are abundant and thus represent a potential food source for fish. Previous studies of Foraminifera in fish diets have examined only small samples, with significant input reported only for a single surface-feeding species of fish. The present study is the first based on a significant sample (247 fish belonging to 83 species, 291 species of Foraminifera identified from more than 20,000 specimens examined). It provides new information on the contribution of Foraminifera to fish diets, and on the impact of fish predation on Foraminifera. The planktonic Tretomphalus phases, selectively ingested by Pomacentrus amboinensis, were the only significant nutritional input from Foraminifera. Herbivorous fish accidentally ingested living epiphytic Foraminifera, which were still living after digestion, and were defecated, with a significant effect on their dispersion. Carnivorous fish ingested a small number of tests, which were generally altered by the acidic phase of digestion and had no impact on foraminiferal assemblages. Sediment feeders ingested large quantities of empty tests that were released elsewhere, suggesting a possible bias in paleontological interpretations by mixing the thanatocoenoses. Observations on gut contents showed that the fish sometimes fed on a wide range of food, changing with food availability and individual preferences of fish.  相似文献   

Gross  Onno 《Hydrobiologia》2000,426(1):123-137
Foraminifera are a dominant group of amoeboid protists in the deep-sea and play possibly a significant role in decomposition processes of incoming organic matter. In order to study the poorly known ecology of these protozoans, microcosm experiments with living bathyal benthic foraminifera have been conducted. Foraminifera from 2880 m and shallower water depths were successfully maintained and their movement patterns investigated. By video documentation, high mean migration speed of 20,02 (N = 22) and 24,48 m min-1 (N = 10) at 4 °C were found for species such as Hoeglundina elegans and Quinqueloculina seminula from 1847 m and 1921 m water depth, respectively. The results demonstrate that some bathyal foraminifera have migration speeds comparable to those of shallow water species. Environmental factors such as temperature, food concentration and oxygen content showed a marked influence on the migration of some species. An increase in temperature from 10 °C to 15 °C resulted in an increase of 35% in the migration speed of Allogromia spp. However, other species reacted differently. Higher food concentration resulted in a decrease in speed of some species. While in Quinqueloculina lamarckiana speed was not greatly affected by a low oxygen content in the sediment, other foraminifera responded to oxygen depletion by migration to the surface layers. Observations of benthic foraminifera in the laboratory microcosms are discussed in relation to microhabitats and the fate of organic matter on the sea floor and in the sediment.  相似文献   

In fossil material from two welis from Java, one section from East Java and two sections from Madura, specimens belonging to the extinet genusLepidocyclina (Foraminifera) were examined. Attention was paid to the embryonic part of the megalospheric forms exclusively. The size of the protoconch and deuteroconch was measured, but in particular also their spatial relation as determined by the extent to which the latter encloses the former, or the extent to which the dividing-wall between them is curved (“degree of curvature”). This parameter was found to increase persistently from 10% in the Middle Oligocene to 67% in the Middle Miocene. The rate of evolution showed to be inconstant, changing from very slow to very fast to slow again and to fast again. The first period of rapid change coincides with the time (Middle Oligocene) during which the genus migrated from America to Europe and to the Far East and Australia. The second phase of rapid evolution took place from the beginning of the Miocene up to the moment of dying out of the genus. The progressive change of this parameter is considered from the point of view of genetic variation and selection.  相似文献   

Although foraminifers have been extensively used for biochronology, no quantitative evaluation of the quality of their application is available. In this work we apply a quantitative approach – the Unitary Association (UA) method – to evaluate the relative quality of planktic and benthic foraminifers in biostratigraphy. Based on 12,321 specimens belonging to 65 planktic and 132 benthic foraminifer species in 117 samples from the Paleocene–Eocene strata of the Kharga-Baris Oases (Western Desert, Egypt), the potential stratigraphic resolution power of benthic foraminifers is quantitatively assessed and compared to planktic foraminifers. The UA method accounts for superpositional contradictions between sets of coexisting taxa and generates unitary associations, which are conceptually similar to Oppel zones. The analysis produced fifteen unitary associations for the Paleocene–Eocene benthic Foraminifera of the studied sections, instead of three classical zones; most of these unitary associations are easily identified by the restricted occurrence of a single species. Although planktic Foraminifera have a higher seriation reality leading to a more robust biozonation, benthic Foraminifera have a higher stratigraphic resolution, at least at such regional scale. Furthermore, there was a significant positive correlation between the number of unitary associations and the number of species (R = 0.78 for planktic and 0.70 for benthic foraminifers; both with p < 0.001). These results corroborate that quantitative techniques may lead to a higher resolution in biochronology, even when applied to poor biochronological markers. Moreover, in contrast to simple spatiotemporal analyses, the Unitary Association method can accurately assess the stratigraphic potential of a given taxonomic group.  相似文献   

Studies of benthic Foraminifera typically rely on the morphological identification of dried specimens. This approach can introduce sampling bias against small, delicate, or morphologically ambiguous forms. To overcome this limitation, we extracted total DNA from sediment followed by PCR using group- and species-specific primers. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that approximately ninety percent of the PCR products represented previously undescribed sequence types that group with undersampled members of the allogromiid Foraminifera. We also used a modification of this technique to track individual species in sediment fractions too fine for normal morphological identification, and to confirm species placement of morphologically ambiguous foraminiferans. We were able to identify the DNA of several large foraminiferal species in fine fractions in a seasonally-dependent manner, indicating that in some seasons the majority of the standing stock of these species exists as gametes/juveniles. The approach outlined here represents a powerful strategy for exploring the total diversity of benthic foraminiferal communities.  相似文献   

Predator–prey size (PPS) relationships are determined by predator behaviour, with the likelihood of prey being eaten dependent on their size relative to that of the consumer. Published PPS relationships for 30 pelagic or benthic marine fish species were analysed using quantile regression to determine how median, lower and upper prey sizes varied with predator size and habitat. Habitat effects on predator foraging activity/mode, morphology, growth and natural mortality are quantified and the effects on PPS relationships explored. Pelagic species are more active, more likely to move by caudal fin propulsion and grow more rapidly but have higher mortality rates than benthic species, where the need for greater manoeuvrability when foraging in more physically complex habitats favours ambush predators using pectoral fin propulsion. Prey size increased with predator size in most species, but pelagic species ate relatively smaller prey than benthic predators. As pelagic predators grew, lower prey size limits changed little, and prey size range increased but median relative prey size declined, whereas the lower limit increased and median relative prey size was constant or increased in benthic species.  相似文献   

Three field predator exclusion experiments were conducted in 1992 on a lagoonal muddy pan of the Bay of Cádiz to measure the effects of large epibenthic predators (fish and crustacean decapods) on the benthic macroinvertebrate community at different periods of the year (May–June, August–September, November–December). At the end of each field experiment (30–31 days), benthic macrofaunal communities within exclosures and control plots (three replicates for each treatment) were compared. There were no considerable exclosure artifacts in all three experiments, but a great heterogenity in the spatial macrofaunal distribution was observed especially in the late autumn experiment. No systematic change in overall faunal characteristics was observed with the exclusion of epibenthic predators, except significantly greater mean individual sizes (all experiments) and lower total densities (June and December) within exclosures. For several benthic species, a statistically detectable increased density and larger mean individual size were also observed within exclosures in May–June and August–September experiments but not in December, probably related to the higher predatory activity during the warm season. Conversely, the amphipod Microdeutopus gryllotalpa showed lower density but also larger mean size when epibenthic predators were excluded. An algal cover (Ulva) was present at three field experiments and had a mixed effect on the density of benthic macrofauna. Some epifaunal species (or epifaunal stages) were positively affected by the algal biomass, while some infaunal species were negatively affected.  相似文献   

Heterochrony can be defined as change to the timing or rate of development relative to the ancestor. Because organisms generally change in shape as well as increase in size during their development, any variation to the duration of growth or to the rate of growth of different parts of the organism can cause morphological changes in the descendant form. Heterochrony takes the form of both increased and decreased degrees of development, known as “peramorphosis” and “paedomorphosis,” respectively. These are the morphological consequences of the operation of processes that change the duration of the period of an individual’s growth, either starting or stopping it earlier or later than in the ancestor, or by extending or contracting the period of growth. Heterochrony operates both intra- and interspecifically and is the source of much intraspecific variation. It is often also the cause of sexual dimorphism. Selection of a sequence of species with a specific heterochronic trait can produce evolutionary trends in the form of pera- or paedomorphoclines. Many different life history traits arise from the operation of heterochronic processes, and these may sometimes be the targets of selection rather than morphological features themselves. It has been suggested that some significant steps in evolution, such as the evolution of vertebrates, were engendered by heterochrony. Human evolution was fuelled by heterochrony, with some traits, such as a large brain, being peramorphic, whereas others, such as reduced jaw size, are paedomorphic.  相似文献   

The crinoid families Isocrinidae and Pentacrinitidae are well represented in the British Lower Jurassic, allowing a detailed investigation of their evolution at this time. The pseudopelagic pentacrinitids diverged from the benthic isocrinids during the Triassic. Seirocrinus arose from Pentacrinites through hyper‐morphosis prior to the start of the Jurassic but both genera subsequently show extreme evolutionary conservatism, perhaps attributable to constraints imposed by their unusual life‐style. From a single species in the Hettangian, the benthic isocrinids diversified in the Sinemurian and Carixian. A “central lineage”;, comprising three species of Chladocrinus, evolved along a peramorphocline by “intermittent anagenesis”;, prolonged periods of evolutionary stasis punctuated by short periods of gradualistic change. Two main offshoots, Balanocrinus and Hispidocrinus gen. nov., represent shifts into new habitats. Balanocrinus arose through progenesis, with subsequent evolution along a paedomorphocline, while Hispidocrinus may have arisen through extreme peramorphosis, although its spinose brachials are an evolutionary innovation. Both genera show an apparently punctuated mode of evolution. There is some correlation between morphology and faciès, and also between the emergence of new species and times of high sea level. Benthic isocrinids appear to have been greatly affected by the early Toarcian anoxic event but the pseudopelagic pentacrinitids were not.  相似文献   

1. The introduction of invasive species is one of the main threats to global biodiversity, ecosystem structure and ecosystem processes. In freshwaters, invasive crayfish alter macroinvertebrate community structure and destroy macrophyte beds. There is limited knowledge on how such invasive species‐driven changes affect consumers at higher trophic levels. 2. In this study, we explore how the invasive rusty crayfish Orconectes rusticus, a benthic omnivore, affects benthic macroinvertebrates, as well as the broader consequences for ecosystem‐level trophic flows in terms of fish benthivory and trophic position (TP). We expected crayfish to decrease abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates, making most fish species less reliant on benthic resources. We expected crayfish specialists (e.g. Lepomis sp. and Micropterus sp.) to increase their benthic dependence. 3. In 10 northern Wisconsin lakes, we measured rusty crayfish relative abundance (catch per unit effort, CPUE), macroinvertebrate abundance, and C and N stable isotope ratios of 11 littoral fish species. We used stable isotope data and mixing models to characterise the trophic pathways supporting each fish species, and related trophic structure to crayfish relative abundance, fish body size and abiotic predictors using hierarchical Bayesian models. 4. Benthic invertebrate abundance was negatively correlated with rusty crayfish relative abundance. Fish benthivory increased with crayfish CPUE for all 11 fish species; posterior probabilities of a positive effect were >95%. TP also increased slightly with crayfish CPUE for some species, particularly smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, rock bass and Johnny darter. Moreover, both fish body size and lake abiotic variables explained variation in TP, while their effects on benthivory were small. 5. Rusty crayfish abundance explained relatively little of the overall variation in fish benthivory and TP. Although rusty crayfish appear to have strong effects on abundances of benthic macroinvertebrates, energy flow pathways and trophic niches of lentic fishes were not strongly influenced by invasive rusty crayfish.  相似文献   

Female reptiles with viviparous reproduction should leave space for their eggs that reach the maximum mass and volume in the oviducts. Is the evolution of viviparity accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size, thus allowing viviparous females to increase the amount of space for eggs? To answer this question, we compared morphology and reproductive output between oviparous and viviparous species using three pairs of lizards, which included two Eremias, two Eutropis and two Phrynocephalus species with different reproductive modes. The two lizards in each pair differed morphologically, but were similar in the patterns of sexual dimorphism in abdomen and head sizes and the rates at which reproductive output increased with maternal body and abdomen sizes. Postpartum females were heavier in viviparous species, suggesting that the strategy adopted by females to allocate energy towards competing demands differs between oviparous and viviparous species. Reproductive output was increased in one viviparous species, but decreased in the other two, as compared with congeneric oviparous species. The space requirement for eggs did not differ between oviparous and viviparous females in one species pair, but was greater in viviparous females in the other two pairs greater in relative clutch mass and relative litter mass. In the two Phrynocephalus species, viviparous females produced heavier clutches than did oviparous females not by increasing the relative size of the abdomen, but by being more full of eggs. In none of the three species pairs was the maternal abdomen size greater in the viviparous species after accounting for body size. Our data show that the evolution of viviparity is not accompanied by a relative increase in maternal abdomen size in lizards. Future work could usefully investigate other lineages of lizards to determine whether our results are generalisable to all lizards.  相似文献   

Predation is a dominant structuring force in ecosystems, but its effects are almost always measured in the ecosystem of the predator. However, the effects of predators can potentially extend across ecosystem boundaries during ontogenetic niche shifts in prey. We compared the effects of fish predation on benthic versus emerging aquatic insects, and hypothesized that the relative effects of fish on these two stages of prey are mediated by fish foraging strategy (benthic versus water‐column feeders). Benthic‐feeding smallmouth buffalo reduced benthic insect biomass in the freshwater ecosystem by 89%, and reduced insect emergence to the terrestrial ecosystem by 65%. In contrast, water‐column feeding sunfish had no effect on benthic biomass in the freshwater ecosystem, but reduced emergence to the terrestrial ecosystem by 44% relative to the fishless control. When smallmouth and sunfish were combined in a substitutive design that kept total fish density the same as the single species treatments, their effects on benthic insects (50% reduction) were weaker than expected based on predictions from the single species treatments. In contrast, their combined effects on emergence (46% reduction) were additive. Tetragnathid spider densities increased during peak emergence, but did not respond to changes in emergence among treatments. These results demonstrate that the effects of fish on prey flux to the terrestrial ecosystem are not the same as their effects on benthic prey biomass in the aquatic ecosystem, and that this difference is likely mediated by foraging strategy.  相似文献   

Four species of archeogastropods, presumed members of threesubfamilies of the trochidae, exhibit significant differencesin developmental modes and shell coiling. All four species havelecithotrophic development which is reflected in their inflatedpausispiral protoconchis; however, Margarites marginatus andLirularia succincta have benthic development in gelatinous masses,while Margarites pupillus and Calliostoma ligatum have pelagicembryos and swimming larvae with a potential for dispersal overa period of a week or longer. These modes cannot be deducedfrom the size of the egg, the size or shape of the protoconch,or the size or relative prominence of female pallial reproductivestructures. The protoconch of C. ligatum is orthostrophicallycoiled, but the protoconchs of the other three species are hyperstrophicallycoiled although their teleconchs are orthostrophic. These threetrochoidean species thus share with architectonicoideans, pyramidelloideans,opisthobranchs, and pulmonates the distinctive shell characterof heterostrophy, previously unreported for archaeogastropods. These observations, considered together with others reportedin the literature, show: (1) that developmental mode (pelagicor benthic) cannot be inferred from protoconch appearance ortaxonomy in major trochoidean ganera; (2) that significant dispersalpotential is present in the histories of some trochoidean archeogastropoids;and (3) that character sets (pallial reproductive structures,pairing during spawning, heterostrophic shell coiling) thoughtnot to occur below the mesogastropod level are found in theTrochoidea. These conclusions bring into question the usefulnessof these characters in defining higher gastropod taxa and raiseadditional questions concerning the ancestry of the higher gastropods. (Received 16 February 1989; accepted 25 June 1989)  相似文献   

Due to a long-lasting drought afflicting the Sahel, the Casamance River has been transformed into a hyperhaline estuary, with salinities up to 170% at a distance of 210 km from the sea. Foraminifera and zooplankton populations both show a marked decrease in the number of species in increasingly confined water, the distribution of species being closely related to the evolution of abiotic variables. Our three-prong study allowed us to identify six zones, upwards from the sea. The uppermost ones are characterized by drastic conditions which considerably reduce the number of species. Therefore, the populations of Foraminifera, zooplankton and even fish become oligo or mono specific. The Casamance River appears to fit quite well into the general rules concerning hyperhaline environments. However, it shows some peculiar features which are: the large dimensions of the hyperhaline estuary (over 230 km long and over 5 km wide in the lower course); peak salinities among the highest known for a permanently open estuary (up to 170%); and water remaining trapped inside the river for several years.  相似文献   

Why convergent evolution occurs among some species occupying similar habitats but not among others is a question that has received surprisingly little attention. Caribbean Anolis lizards, known for their extensive convergent evolution among islands in the Greater Antilles, are an appropriate group with which to address this question. Despite the well-documented pattern of between-island convergence, some Greater Antillean anoles are not obviously part of the convergence syndrome. One example involves aquatic anoles--species that are found near to and readily enter streams-which have evolved independently twice in the Caribbean and also twice on mainland Central America. Despite being found in similar habitats, no previous study has investigated whether aquatic anoles represent yet another case of morphological convergence. We tested this hypothesis by collecting morphological data for seven aquatic anole species and 29 species from the six convergent types of Greater Antillean habitat specialists. We failed to find evidence for morphological convergence: the two Caribbean aquatic species are greatly dissimilar to each other and to the Central American species, which, however, may be convergent upon each other. We suggest two possible reasons for this lack of convergence in an otherwise highly convergent system: either there is more than one habitat type occupied by anoles in the proximity of water, or there is more than one way to adapt to a single aquatic habitat. We estimate that almost all of the 113 species of Greater Antillean anoles occupy habitats that are also used by distantly related species, but only 15% of these species are not morphologically similar to their distantly related ecological counterparts. Comparative data from other taxa would help enlighten the question of why the extent of convergence is so great in some lineages and not in others.  相似文献   

The distribution of benthonic communities (particularly Foraminifera) were studied from fourteen samples obtained from the Ogun River estuary and environs. Ten species of benthonic Foraminifera were identified; two of these constitute over 90% of the total foraminiferal population.Two broad biofacies are recognisable, namely the upper estuarine facies of Ammobaculites and the lower estuarine facies comprising arenaceous and calcereous forms with a preponderance of Ammonia beccarii (Linnaeus).Large populations of few species occur in the lower estuary, an area of weakly saline water with marked salinity fluctuations. The upper estuary on the other hand is sparsely populated and contains tests mainly of arenaeous Foraminifera. A few species are distinctive of particular facies but some are distributed throughout the estuary. Substrate is not a causal ecological factor, because sediments are similar in physical attributes throughout the estuary. Salinity and rate of sedimentation are among the more important factors affecting the distribution of all species. The low-energy nature of the environment is established by the abundance of faecal pellets and the fragility of the tests of the arenaceous Foraminifera.  相似文献   

Sork  V. L. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):133-147
Mast-seeding is the synchronous production of large seed crops within a population or community of species every two or more years. This paper addresses three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses explaining the evolution of mast-seeding in temperate tree species, especially the genus Quercus: (1) mast-seeding is a consequence of mast-flowering which evolves to increased pollination efficiency in mast-flowering years; (2) mast-seeding has evolved as an anti-predator adaptation by which large seed crops during mast years satiate the seed predators and allow survival of some of the seeds; (3) selection on seed size by habitat can indirectly affect the evolution of masting if trees with large seeds require more time to accumulate reserves to mature those seeds. I find support for the pollination hypothesis in several wind-pollinated temperate tree species but not oaks. However, oaks show evidence favoring the predation and seed size hypotheses. I then develop a model to illustrate the relationships among the three hypotheses in their effects on the evolution of masting. Finally, using data from herbaria and Floras, the influence of selection via flowering, fruiting, and seed size in the evolution of masting in tropical oaks is discussed. I conclude that the need for a supra-annual cue to synchronize flowering and fruiting as well as the larger seed size found in many tropical oak species should contribute to the evolution of masting to a greater extent than seen among temperate oaks.  相似文献   

Sexual signals can comprise traits with multiple functions, and species with extreme phenotypes offer an opportunity to link function with signal evolution. This is the case in the serin Serinus serinus, a songbird with extremely fast syllable rate compared to related finches, and high sound frequency for its body size. Previous work on receiver responses showed that playback of artificially increased syllable rate is avoided and inhibits vocal responses, suggesting it is perceived as aggressive, while, on the contrary, higher sound frequency appears preferred by females. We tested whether senders also change these traits during aggressive singing, with a field playback experiment. Serin males responding aggressively by approaching the playback loudspeaker also increased syllable rate, while males responding less aggressively did not change syllable rate. Together with work on receiver responses, this suggests that aggressive signalling may have been an important selective pressure for the evolution of extremely fast syllable rate in this species. It is noteworthy that aggressive male serins still increase syllable rate, despite of their already elevated natural syllable rate. We found no changes in sound frequency when singing aggressively, which agrees with previous work that instead showed a female preference for high song frequency. We conclude that the evolution of extreme traits in serin song is best explained by multiple functions.  相似文献   

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