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Structure and expression of the Chinese hamster thymidine kinase gene.   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
My colleagues and I have cloned a nearly full-length Chinese hamster thymidine kinase (TK) cDNA in a lambda gt10 vector and characterized this cDNA by nucleotide sequencing. The hamster TK protein is encoded in this cDNA by a 702-base-pair open reading frame which specifies a 25,625-dalton protein closely homologous to the previously described human and chicken TK proteins. Using cDNA nucleotide sequence data in conjunction with sequence data derived from selected subclones of the hamster TK gene recombinant phage lambda HaTK.5, we have resolved the structure of the TK gene, finding the 1,219 base pairs of the cDNA sequence to be distributed through 11.2 kilobases of genomic DNA in at least seven exon segments. In addition, we have constructed a variety of Chinese hamster TK minigenes and exonuclease III-S1 derivatives of these genes which have permitted us to define the limits of the Chinese hamster TK gene promoter and demonstrate that efficient TK transformation of Ltk- cells by TK minigenes depends on the presence of both TK intervening sequences and sequences 3' to the site of mRNA polyadenylation.  相似文献   

The Chinese hamster thymidine kinase (TK) gene has been isolated from a recombinant phage library constructed with genomic DNA from mouse Ltk- cells transformed to Tk+ by transfection with Chinese hamster genomic DNA. The phage library was screened by the Benton-Davis plaque hybridization technique, using as probes, subclones of recombinant phage that were isolated from mouse Ltk+ transformants by the tRNA suppressor rescue method. The Chinese hamster TK gene is contained within 13.2 kilobases of genomic DNA in the isolate designated lambda 34S4. This gene, defined by restriction enzyme sensitivity experiments, homology studies with the chicken TK gene, and mRNA blotting experiments, may extend over 8.5 kilobases. Subclones of the lambda 34S4 isolate used as hybridization probes identified a 1,400-nucleotide polyadenylated RNA as the hamster TK mRNA. The abundance of this mRNA varies dramatically in Chinese hamster cells cultured under various growth conditions, providing direct evidence that the growth dependence of TK activity may be regulated in an important way at the level of cytoplasmic TK mRNA.  相似文献   

We have investigated the mechanism of activation of an inactive but functionally intact hamster thymidine kinase (TK) gene by the chemical carcinogen N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Following carcinogen treatment of TK- RJK92 Chinese hamster cells, aminopterin-resistant (HATr) colonies appeared at a frequency 50-fold higher than in untreated controls. More than 80% of these HATr variants expressed TK enzymatic activity and were divided into high- and low-activity classes. In all TK+ variants, TK expression was correlated with demethylation in the 5' region of the TK gene and the appearance a 1,400-nucleotide TK mRNA. Using high-performance liquid chromatography to measure the level of genomic methylation, we found that four of five high-activity lines demonstrated extensive genomic hypomethylation (approximately 25% of normal level) that was associated with demethylation of all TK gene copies. Restriction endonuclease analysis of 15 low-activity lines revealed four instances of sequence alterations in the far-5' region of the TK gene and one instance of a tandem low-copy amplification. In these lines, the structurally altered gene copy was demethylated. Thus, we propose that a chemical carcinogen can activate TK expression by several different mechanisms. Focal demethylation with or without gene rearrangement was associated with low TK activity, whereas demethylation throughout the genome was associated with high TK activity.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of the human thymidine kinase gene promoter.   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The promoter of the human thymidine kinase gene was defined by DNA sequence and genetic analyses. Mutant plasmids with deletions extending into the promoter region from both the 5' and 3' directions were constructed. The mutants were tested in a gene transfer system for the ability to transform TK- cells to the TK+ phenotype. This analysis delimited the functional promoter to within an 83-base-pair region upstream of the mRNA cap site. This region contains sequences common to other eucaryotic promoters including G X C-rich hexanucleotides, a CAAT box, and an A X T-rich region. The CAAT box is in an inverted orientation and is part of a 9-base-pair sequence repeated twice in the promoter region. Comparison of the genomic sequence with the cDNA sequence defined the first exon of the thymidine kinase gene.  相似文献   

Control of expression of the vaccinia virus thymidine kinase gene.   总被引:5,自引:13,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
mRNA extracted from vaccinia virus-infected cells early after infection directs cell-free synthesis of enzymatically active viral thymidine kinase (Hruby and Ball, Virology, in press). We used this assay for a specific vaccinia virus mRNA to study the induction and repression of the viral thymidine kinase gene during infection of thymidine kinase-deficient L-cells. As observed previously by other workers, the synthesis of thymidine kinase occurred immediately after infection but was switched off after 4 h later. We observed similar kinetics of accumulation and shutoff under conditions where viral DNA synthesis and late gene expression were inhibited. Cell-free translation of mRNA from infected cells showed that the concentration of functional message for viral thymidine kinase reached a peak 3 to 4 h after infection and then decreased with a half-life of about 1 h. These kinetics indicated that significant levels of thymidine kinase mRNA persisted in cells which had stopped synthesizing the enzyme. Under conditions where late gene expression was inhibited, high concentrations of functional mRNA could be isolated from cells at late times after infection. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the repression of thymidine kinase expression is mediated at the translational level by one or more early or delayed early viral genes. Repression is accompanied by, but does not depend on, the inactivation or degradation of thymidine kinase mRNA, which is a late gene function.  相似文献   

The thymidine kinase gene encoded by herpesvirus of turkeys has been identified and characterized. A viral mutant (ATR0) resistant to 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylthymine was isolated. This mutant was also resistant to 1-(2-fluoro-2-deoxy-beta-D-arabinofuronosyl)-5-methyluracil and was unable to incorporate [125I]deoxycytidine into DNA. The mutant phenotype was rescued by a cloned region of the turkey herpesvirus genome whose DNA sequence was found to contain an open reading frame similar to that for known thymidine kinases from other viruses. When expressed in Escherichia coli, this open reading frame complemented a thymidine kinase-deficient strain and resulted in thymidine kinase activity in extracts assayed in vitro.  相似文献   

A recombinant DNA of 5,150 base pairs was prepared containing the intact early region of polyoma virus, including the viral origin of replication and the structural sequences of the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase gene. Although no thymidine kinase activity was detected when herpes structural sequences alone were transfected into cells, activity was produced when the structural gene followed the polyoma early region. The recombinant DNA was encapsidated into polyoma virions when cotransfected into mouse 3T6 cells with helper DNA from an early polyoma virus mutant. Herpes thymidine kinase activity was detected by a rapid in situ autoradiographic assay in which [125]iododeoxycytidine was utilized as a substrate for the viral but not the cellular enzyme.  相似文献   

Cotransfer of two linked human genes, coding for the enzymes thymidine kinase (TK) and galactokinase (Gak) was demonstrated following incubation of Chinese hamster TK-deficient cells with isolated human chromosomes. The 5 colonies which were isolated all expressed a stable TK-positive phenotype. Cotransfer of the human genes coding for TK and Gak has also been observed in experiments in which isolated human chromosomes were incubated with TK-deficient human-Chinese hamster cell hybrids. These receipient hybrids had lost all human chromosomes at the time of incubation. From these experiments, four colonies were isolated, all expressing an unstable TK-positive phenotype. Using chromosome staining techniques, the presence of human chromosomes could not be demonstrated in either of the transformed clonal lines obtained with the Chinese hamster and the hybrid recipient cells. This indicates that incorporation of only the fragment of the human chromosome 17, bearing the genes for TK and Gak, has occurred in the recipient cells.  相似文献   

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