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The interaction of Li+, a weak activator of pyruvate kinase, with substrate and inhibitor complexes of the enzyme has been investigated by magnetic resonance techniques. Proton relaxation rate (PRR) titrations indicate that the dissociation constant of Li+ from the ternary enzyme-Mn(II)-phosphoenolpyruvate (P-enolpyruvate) complex is 15 mm at 5 °C and 17 mm at 30 °C. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the enzyme-Mn(II)-Li(I)-P-enolpyruvate complex is the superposition of spectra for two distinct species (Reed, G. H., and Cohn, M. (1973) J. Biol. Chem.248, 6436–6442). Low temperatures favor the form giving rise to the more nearly isotropic spectrum, whereas high temperatures favor the species giving rise to the anisotropic “K+-like” spectrum. 7Li nuclear magnetic resonance data are consistent with a model in which the two forms observed by epr correspond to differing Mn(II) to Li(I) distances. The form giving rise to the anisotropic spectrum is characterized by a Mn(II) to Li(I) distance of 4.7 Å, and in the more isotropic form this distance is approximately 9 Å. The 4.7 Å separation of the Mn(II) and Li(I) in the anisotropic form of the complex compares favorably with the 4.9 Å separation of Mn(II) and T1(I) (Reuben, J., and Kayne, F. J. (1971) J. Biol. Chem.246, 6227–6234) in the P-enolpyruvate complex, although T1+ is a much better activator of the pyruvate kinase reaction. Thus, a change in the distance between the monovalent and divalent cations does not account quantitatively for the lower activation by Li+, inasmuch as more than 50% of the enzyme-Mn(II)-Li(I)-P-enolpyruvate complex has the “active” conformation with respect to the separation of the cations and the epr spectrum of the complex. As reported previously (Reed, G. H., and Morgan, S. D. (1974) Biochemistry13, 3537–3541), the dissociation constant of oxalate and the epr spectrum for the ternary complex of pyruvate kinase with Mn(II) and oxalate are not influenced by the species of monovalent cation present. The nuclear relaxation rates of Li+ are increased in the presence of the ternary oxalate complex, although the separation of the Mn(II) and Li(I) appears to be much greater than for the “anisotropic” form of the P-enolpyruvate complex.  相似文献   

The active site of aspartic proteinases   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
L Pearl  T Blundell 《FEBS letters》1984,174(1):96-101
The active site of the aspartic proteinase, endothiapepsin, has been defined by X-ray analysis and restrained least-squares refinement at 2.1 A resolution with a crystallographic agreement value of 0.16. The environments of the two catalytically important aspartyl groups are remarkably similar and the contributions of the NH2- and COOH-terminal domains to the catalytic centre are related by a local 2-fold axis. The carboxylates of the aspartyls share a hydrogen bond and have equivalent contacts to a bound water molecule or hydroxonium ion lying on the local diad. The main chains around 32 and 215 are connected by a novel interaction involving diad-related threonines. It is suggested that the two pKa values of the active site aspartyls arise from a structure not unlike that in maleic acid with a hydrogen-bonded intermediate species and a dicarboxylate characterised by electrostatic repulsions between the two negatively charged groups.  相似文献   

The azole-based P450 inhibitor ketoconazole is used to treat fungal infections and functions by blocking ergosterol biosynthesis in yeast. Ketoconazole binds to mammalian P450 enzymes and this can result in drug-drug interactions and lead to liver damage. To identify protein-drug interactions that contribute to binding specificity and affinity, we determined the crystal structure of ketoconazole complexed with P450eryF. In the P450eryF/ketoconazole structure, the azole moiety and nearby rings of ketoconzole are positioned in the active site similar to the substrate, 6-deoxyerythronolide B, with the azole nitrogen atom coordinated to the heme iron atom. The remainder of the ketoconazole molecule extends into the active-site pocket, which is occupied by water in the substrate complex. Binding of ketoconazole led to unexpected conformational changes in the I-helix. The I-helix cleft near the active site has collapsed with a helical pitch of 5.4 A compared to 6.6 A in the substrate complex. P450eryF/ketoconazole crystals soaked in 6-deoxyerythronolide B to exchange ligands exhibit a structure identical with that of the original P450eryF/substrate complex, with the I-helix cleft restored to a pitch of 6.6 A. These findings indicate that the I-helix region of P450eryF is flexible and can adopt multiple conformations. An improved understanding of the flexibility of the active-site region of cytochrome P450 enzymes is important to gain insight into determinants of ligand binding/specificity as well as to evaluate models for catalytic mechanism based on static crystal structures.  相似文献   

C L Liu  H Hatano 《FEBS letters》1974,42(3):352-354

The crystal structure of a mutant of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from Rhodospirillium rubrum, where Asp193, one of the ligands of the magnesium ion at the activator site, is replaced by Asn, has been determined to a nominal resolution of 0.26 nm. The mutation of Asp to Asn induces both local and global conformation changes as follows. The side chain of Asn193 moves away from the active site and interacts with main-chain oxygen of residue 165, located in the neighbouring strand beta 1 of the alpha/beta barrel. The side chain of Lys166, which forms a salt bridge with Asp193 in the wild-type enzyme, interacts with Asn54 from the second subunit and creates a new subunit-subunit interaction. Another new subunit-subunit interaction is formed, more than 1.2 nm away from the site of the mutation. In the mutant enzyme, the side chain of Asp263 interacts with the side chain of Thr106 from the second subunit. Asp193 is not part of a subunit-subunit interface area or an allosteric regulatory site. Nevertheless, replacement of this residue by Asn results, unexpectedly, in a difference in the packing of the two subunits, which can be described as a slight rotation of one of the subunits relative to the second. The observed structural changes at the active site of the enzyme provide a molecular explanation for the differing behaviour of the Asp193----Asn mutant with respect to activation.  相似文献   

The conformational responses of aspartate aminotransferase (cytosolic isoenzyme from pig) to the binding of the coenzyme and competitive inhibitors and to the bond rearrangement steps during the transamination reaction were probed by the method of peptide hydrogen deuterium exchange. Binding of the coenzyme to the apoenzyme results in a marked retardation of hydrogen exchange; binding of the competitive inhibitor maleate to the pyridoxal enzyme induces a retardation of exchange somewhat exceeding that observed in the presence of the transaminating substrate pair glutamate and 2-oxoglutarate (Pfister, K., K?gi, J.H.R., and Christen, P. (1978) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 75, 145-148). On formation of the complex of apoenzyme with N-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl)-L-glutamate or-L-aspartate, analogs of the covalent coenzyme substrate intermediates, a similar exchange retardation occurs. The extent of the exchange retardation in these different functional states of the enzyme correlates with previous results of differential chemical and proteolytic modifications. Apparently, the diverse methods register shifts in one and the same conformational equilibrium. Moreover, the conditions under which peptide hydrogen exchange indicates a pronounced tightening of the protein matrix correspond with those inducing crystallization of the enzyme in the "closed" form. Thus, the transition between the "open" and "closed" form of the enzyme, i.e. the bulk movement of the small domain, as observed and defined by x-ray crystallography (Kirsch, J. F., Eichele, G., Ford, G. C., Vincent, M. G., Jansonius, J. N., Gehring, H., and Christen, P. (1984) J. Mol. Biol. 174, 497-525) is the major structural correlate of the conformational changes undergone by the enzyme in solution.  相似文献   

Two chimeric enzymes were constructed by exchanging domains between porcine pepsinogen and rhizopuspepsinogen in order to examine the contributions of the subsites present on different domains toward enzymatic specificity. Both chimeras exhibited the characteristic features of aspartic proteinases, such as auto-activation at low pH and abrogation of enzymatic activity by pepstatin. The activity of the chimera containing the N-terminal domain of rhizopuspepsinogen and the C-terminal domain of porcine pepsinogen (rhzNppC) could be observed by HPLC after prolonged incubation with the substrates. In contrast, the reciprocal chimera, ppNrhzC, containing the N-terminal domain of porcine pepsinogen and the C-terminal domain of rhizopuspepsinogen exhibited catalytic activity, measurable by a spectrophotometric assay. Kinetic data and inhibitor analyses strongly suggest that interdependency may exist between adjacent subsites contributed by different domains. Therefore, in order to develop an optimal substrate or inhibitor, the effect of adjacent residues of the ligand has to be examined along with the preferences for each subsite.  相似文献   

The X-ray susceptibility of the lysine-pyridoxal-5'-phosphate Schiff base in Bacillus alcalophilus phosphoserine aminotransferase has been investigated using crystallographic data collected at 100 K to 1.3 A resolution, complemented by on-line spectroscopic studies. X-rays induce deprotonation of the internal aldimine, changes in the Schiff base conformation, displacement of the cofactor molecule, and disruption of the Schiff base linkage between pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and the Lys residue. Analysis of the "undamaged" structure reveals a significant chemical strain on the internal aldimine bond that leads to a pronounced geometrical distortion of the cofactor. However, upon crystal exposure to the X-rays, the strain and distortion are relaxed and eventually diminished when the total absorbed dose has exceeded 4.7 x 10(6) Ggamma. Our data provide new insights into the enzymatic activation of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate and suggest that special care should be taken while using macromolecular crystallography to study details in strained active sites.  相似文献   

Conformational changes have been studied in (Na,K) ATPase labeled at or near the ATP binding region with fluorescein following incubation with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). One or two fluorescein groups are bound per ATPase molecule. (Na,K) ATPase activity, phosphorylation from ATP, and nucleotide binding are abolished in labeled enzyme, but phosphorylation from inorganic phosphate or K-phosphatase activity are only partially inactivated. The fluorescein groups are incorporated only into the 96 KD catalytic chain of the (Na,K) ATPase, and presence of ATP during the incubation with FITC protects against the incorporation and inhibition of enzymic activity. Upon trypsin treatment of labeled membranes the fluorescein appears first in a 58 KD fragment and eventually is released into the medium. The fluorescein-labeled (Na,K) ATPase shows a large quenching of fluorescence (15–20%) on conversion of the E1 or E1 · Na conformation in cation-free or Na+-rich media to the E2 · (K) form in K+ (or congeners Tl+, Rb+, Cs+, NH 4 + ) rich media. Cation titrations suggest that K+ and Na+ ions compete at a single binding site and stabilize E1 · Na or E2 · (K) respectively;K K0.23 mM,K Na1.2 mM. The rate of the conformational transition E2 · (K) E1 · Na is slow,k=0.3 sec–1, but contrary to previous experience [7, 8] ATP does not stimulate this rate. The rate of the transitions E1 + K+ E2 · (K) rises sharply with K+ concentration and shows saturation behavior, from which ak max286 sec–1 andK k74 mM are deduced. The data support and extend the previous suggestion that K+ ions bound initially at a low-affinity (probably cytoplasm oriented) site in state E1 are trapped in the occluded form E2 · (K) by the conformational change poised far (K c1000) in the direction of E2 · (K). It is proposed in addition that at least two binding sites for K+ exist at the cytoplasmic surface of isolated (Na,K) ATPase in state E1 but a large difference in affinities precludes detection in fluorescence titrations of more than one site. A variety of ligands in addition to K+ produce fluorescence-quenched or E2 forms of the labeled (Na,K) ATPase. These include Mg2+ plus inorganic phosphate, without or with K+ ions (E2P or E2P · K) or with ouabain (E2-ouabain or E2P · ouabain). Na+ ions antagonize these effects. The collected data support the notion that there may be many subspecies of the E1 and E2 forms (either phosphorylated or nonphosphorylated) with different numbers of Na+ and/or K+ ions bound or occluded, each subspecies having a characteristic ability to catalyze reactions and/or transport cations. The relationship between the conformational changes in fluorescein-labeled enzyme and the subunit structure of the (Na,K) ATPase is discussed with particular reference to half of the site models for ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Pepsin reacts stoicheiometrically with the active-site-directed irreversible inhibitor N-diazoacetyl-l-phenylalanine methyl ester, with concomitant loss of all proteolytic and peptidolytic activity. The reagent esterifies a unique aspartic acid residue in pepsin, which is in the sequence:Ile-Val-Asp-Thr-Gly-Thr-Ser  相似文献   

Based upon the crystal structures of PcrA helicase, we have made and characterised mutations in a number of conserved helicase signature motifs around the ATPase active site. We have also determined structures of complexes of wild-type PcrA with ADPNP and of a mutant PcrA complexed with ADPNP and Mn2+. The kinetic and structural data define roles for a number of different residues in and around the ATP binding site. More importantly, our results also show that there are two functionally distinct conformations of ATP in the active site. In one conformation, ATP is hydrolysed poorly whereas in the other (activated) conformation, ATP is hydrolysed much more rapidly. We propose a mechanism to explain how the stimulation of ATPase activity afforded by binding of single-stranded DNA stabilises the activated conformation favouring Mg2+binding and a consequent repositioning of the gamma-phosphate group which promotes ATP hydrolysis. A part of the associated conformational change in the protein forces the side-chain of K37 to vacate the Mg2+binding site, allowing the cation to bind and interact with ATP.  相似文献   

The active site of Sulfolobus solfataricus aspartate aminotransferase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspartate aminotransferase from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus solfataricus binds pyridoxal 5' phosphate, via an aldimine bond, with Lys-241. This residue has been identified by reducing the enzyme in the pyridoxal form with sodium cyanoboro[3H]hydride and sequencing the specifically labeled peptic peptides. The amino acid sequence centered around the coenzyme binding site is highly conserved between thermophilic aspartate aminotransferases and differs from that found in mesophilic isoenzymes. An alignment of aspartate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus with mesophilic isoenzymes, attempted in spite of the low degree of similarity, was confirmed by the correspondence between pyridoxal 5' phosphate binding residues. Using this alignment it was possible to insert the archaebacterial aspartate aminotransferase into a subclass, subclass I, of pyridoxal 5' phosphate binding enzymes comprising mesophilic aspartate aminotransferases, tyrosine aminotransferases and histidinol phosphate aminotransferases. These enzymes share 12 invariant amino acids most of which interact with the coenzyme or with the substrates. Some enzymes of subclass I and in particular aspartate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus, lack a positively charged residue, corresponding to Arg-292, which in pig cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase interacts with the distal carboxylate of the substrates (and determines the specificity towards dicarboxylic acids). It was confirmed that aspartate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus does not possess any arginine residue exposed to chemical modifications responsible for the binding of omega-carboxylate of the substrates. Furthermore, it has been found that aspartate aminotransferase from Sulfolobus solfataricus is fairly active when alanine is used as substrate and that this activity is not affected by the presence of formate. The KM value of the thermophilic aspartate aminotransferase towards alanine is at least one order of magnitude lower than that of the mesophilic analogue enzymes.  相似文献   

Glucokinase (GK) is the central player in glucose-stimulated insulin release from pancreatic β-cells, and catalytic activation by α-D-glucose binding has a key regulatory function. Whereas the mechanism of this activation is well understood, on the basis of crystal structures of human GK, there are no similar structural data on ATP binding to the ligand-free enzyme and how it affects its conformation. Here, we report on a conformational change induced by the binding of adenine nucleotides to human pancreatic GK, as determined by intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, using the catalytically inactive mutant form T228M to correct for the inner filter effect. Adenosine-5'-(β,γ-imido)triphosphate and ATP bind to the wild-type enzyme with apparent [L](0.5) (ligand concentration at half-maximal effect) values of 0.27±0.02 mm and 0.78±0.14 mm, respectively. The change in protein conformation was further supported by ATP inhibition of the binding of the fluorescent probe 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate and limited proteolysis by trypsin, and by molecular dynamic simulations. The simulations provide a first insight into the dynamics of the binary complex with ATP, including motion of the flexible surface/active site loop and partial closure of the active site cleft. In the complex, the adenosine moiety is packed between two α-helices and stabilized by hydrogen bonds (with Thr228, Thr332, and Ser336) and hydrophobic interactions (with Val412 and Leu415). Combined with enzyme kinetic analyses, our data indicate that the ATP-induced changes in protein conformation may have implications for the kinetic cooperativity of the enzyme.  相似文献   



Ricin is a potent toxin and known bioterrorism threat with no available antidote. The ricin A-chain (RTA) acts enzymatically to cleave a specific adenine base from ribosomal RNA, thereby blocking translation. To understand better the relationship between ligand binding and RTA active site conformational change, we used a fragment-based approach to find a minimal set of bonding interactions able to induce rearrangements in critical side-chain positions.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the interaction between deionized supernatant aspartic aminotransferase and various anions (cacodylate, phosphate and chloride) were studied by the temperature-jump technique. The anion concentration in the range covered by our experiments does not affect the transamination rate. On the other hand the conformational transition, recently observed at the active site of the enzyme, is hindered by an excess of anions. A single relaxation effect was observed at the enzyme chromophore wavelength in systems containing the aldimine form of the enzyme and the above anions. It is shown that this effect corresponds to the protonation of the chromophore. The relaxation times were of about 10 mus with phosphate, 20-100 mus with cacodylate and 1-2 ms with chloride. The pH and concentration dependence of this effect were studied. The fits of experimental data to a rate equations for various models were tested by a chi2 analysis. The best fit was obtained with models where anions bind rapidly to a site close to the chromophore, so that the pK of the chromophore is affected by anions binding. The rate of the observed relaxation considerably increased when the anion has buffering capacities; this indicates, in the case of cacodylate and phosphate, that the acidic component of the buffer directly exchanges a proton with the enzyme chromophore.  相似文献   

Aqueous solvent interactions with the chromophoric pyridoxal phosphate prosthetic group of aspartate aminotransferase (EC were analyzed quantitatively with ethylene glycol, glycerol, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), sucrose, and xylitol as cosolvents. The smaller cosolvents perturb the visible absorption and visible dichroic spectra of the free enzyme, but this solvent perturbation is not observed with the acidic enzymeglutarate complex. Addition of cosolvents caused an increase in the enzyme's affinity for glutarate. This increase in affinity resulted from an increase in the acidic dissociation constant (pK2) of the enzyme-glutarate complex. The changes in the acidic dissociation constant of the enzyme-glutarate complex, upon addition of cosolvents, correlate well with the changes observed in the pKa's of carboxylic acids in comparable solvents. Since these solvents have little effect on the pKa of the enzyme itself, it is concluded that the increase in affinity is due to a specific solvation effect on a carboxyl group of the enzymebound glutarate, rather than resulting from a conformational change in the protein.  相似文献   

A Goldblum 《Biochemistry》1988,27(5):1653-1658
Semiempirical minimal neglect of differential overlap-self-consistent field calculations, corrected and modified for multiple hydrogen-bonding interactions, were applied to models of the active site of aspartic proteinases (AP). The propensities of the two active-site aspartates to ionize were compared under the influence of various neighboring residues and of water molecules. Asp-32 and Asp-215 in three aspartic proteinases (endothiapepsin, Rhizopus pepsin, and penicillopepsin) are found to be basically asymmetric, Asp-32 being preferentially (by 2-3 kcal) ionized with respect to Asp-215. In penicillopepsin, this asymmetry is compensated by effects of surrounding residues. In our largest model for the active site, which includes such other residues, near equality is found for the ionizing tendency of Asp-32 and Asp-215. The pK difference is rationalized in terms of first and second ionizations of the full active-site model. Its ionization enthalpies correlate well with those of other small organic diacids. This "gas-phase" approach to AP active-site interactions represents the main possible contributions to the acidity of the active site.  相似文献   

The binding of various ligand molecules to the binuclear Cu(I) site of deoxy-hemocyanin has been investigated through the changes produced in the aromatic region of the circular dichroism spectrum of the protein, where a cluster of tryptophan residues located in the vicinity of copper site undergo conformational reorientations in the presence of exogenous ligands coordinated to the metal. In agreement with expectations, the binuclear site of arthropod hemocyanin is severely hindered to the access of exogenous ligands except for very small molecules like CO, O2 or CN- while for mollusc proteins ligands such as thiourea and 2-mercaptoethanol bind easily to the Cu(I) sites. However, the access of the ligand becomes progressively hindered and eventually prevented as the size of substituents on the ligand increases.  相似文献   

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