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大气CO2浓度升高对森林食叶昆虫的潜在影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了大气CO2浓度升高对森林食叶昆虫的影响,昆虫对森林取食为害水平的潜在变化,以及研究中的主要实验方法.大气CO2浓度升高通过引起叶片化学变化进而影响食叶昆虫个体的取食和生长;但物种对环境变化反应的特异性、植物化学对高浓度CO2的反应强度、昆虫对植物生理变化的敏感性和适应性、研究周期的长短、其它环境因子的协同效应以及不同实验中植物生长条件和研究方法的差异均将影响昆虫反应的方向和强度;CO2气体浓度增高本身可能不足以对食叶昆虫个体的新陈代谢构成影响;大气CO2浓度升高也可能影响森林食叶昆虫种群的大小.  相似文献   

建立了包含技术进步作用的CO2减排经济影响的宏观经济模型,基于这个模型,开展了中国减排CO2经济影响的政策模拟,研究发现,中国每年降低排放0.2%的排放量(少增0.2%),到2050年GDP会比不控制下降5.12%,但是最高还能保持GDP年增长率为7.2%左右,如果中国承担年少排0.5%的减排任务,从2000年到2050年相当于50a少排放12.4%,GDP的年增长率的平均值为6%左右。如果中国加大教育科研投资0.5%GDP,则不仅减排的影响可以克服,而且到2050年GDP提高25%左右  相似文献   

森林生态系统土壤CO2释放随海拔梯度的变化及其影响因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联合国气候框架公约的签署提升了人们对全球变暖、碳循环的关注。土壤CO2释放作为土壤-大气CO2交换的主要途径之一,成为了各国生态学家研究的重点内容。通过对1800~2155m海拔梯度上森林生态系统土壤CO2释放进行研究,揭示了较小空间尺度上土壤CO2释放的变化规律及其控制机制。在研究区域内,随着海拔梯度的增加,森林土壤CO2释放由(1.94±006) μmol m-2 s-1逐渐增加至(2.22±0.07) μ mol m-2 s-1。土壤温度、土壤水分、土壤有机碳(SOC)、全N、全P与土壤CO2释放呈显著正相关(n=14, P<0.05);土壤容重与土壤CO2释放速率呈显著负相关(n=14,P<0.05);土壤pH对土壤CO2释放影响不显著。作为一个复杂的生态学过程,环境因子及其交互作用对土壤CO2释放产生影响,为了减少因子共线性影响,逐步降低因子维数,采用主成分分析(PCA)揭示了土壤温度、土壤水分、SOC、全N、全P、容重6个因子的联合作用,其累积贡献率达到了57%以上;进一步运用逐步回归分析方法,探讨了影响土壤CO2释放沿海拔梯度分布的主导因子,结果表明土壤水分是研究区域森林生态系统土壤CO2释放沿海拔梯度变化的主导因子。  相似文献   

东北主要树种倒木分解释放的CO2通量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙秀云  王传宽 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5130-5137
在倒木丰富的森林生态系统中,倒木分解释放的CO2通量(RCWD)是生态系统碳收支中不容忽视的一个组分。采用红外气体分析法(Li-6400IRGA)测定东北东部山区典型温带天然次生林中11个主要树种的RCWD及其相关环境因子。主要研究目标包括:比较11个树种的RCWD、倒木温度(TCWD)和倒木含水量(WCWD);量化RCWD与TCWD和WCWD的关系;量化RCWD的季节动态。研究结果表明:白桦、山杨、紫椴、胡桃楸、蒙古栎、色木槭、春榆、红松、黄菠萝、落叶松和水曲柳在测定期间RCWD的平均值分别为:10.64、8.38、7.85、6.59、6.01、4.07、3.88、2.55、2.29、1.96μmolCO.2m-.2s-1和1.90μmolCO.2m-.2s-1。软阔叶树种的RCWD最高;针叶树种的RCWD总体上低于阔叶树种的。在整个测定期间,不同树种的TCWD虽然没有显著性差异(p>0.1),但是其WCWD差异极显著(p<0.001)。树种、倒木个体、倒木所处的立地状况及其交互作用均显著地影响RCWD,但其影响程度因树种而异。所有树种的TCWD、WCWD及其交互作用显著地(p<0.01)影响RCWD;包括了这些作用的RCWD模型解释了39.9%~72.9%的RCWD变异。不同树种RCWD的季节变化呈现基本一致的单峰曲线格局,主要受TCWD的驱动;而WCWD主要影响RCWD的季节内变化和树种间的差异。  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高对红松和长白松土壤呼吸作用的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以开顶箱法研究了CO2浓度升高对红松和长白松土壤呼吸作用的影响.结果表明,500 μmol CO2·mol-1使红松和长白松土壤呼吸速率明显降低,土壤表面CO2浓度升高导致CO2扩散受阻可能是土壤呼吸受到抑制的主要原因.500 μmol CO2·mol-1下两树种土壤表面CO2浓度明显高于对照箱和裸地条件下的CO2浓度,增加幅度在40~150 μmol·mol-1之间;对照箱内长白松土壤表面CO2浓度略高于裸地,差异不显著,红松差异显著500 μmol CO2·mol-1下的长白松土壤全氮及总有机碳含量略高于对照组,差异不显著,红松裸地的碳氮含量明显低于500 μmol CO2·mol-1 及对照箱内土壤碳氮含量;500 μmol CO2·mol-1 及开顶箱的微环境对地下3 cm处土壤温度没有明显影响.  相似文献   

近年来,随着全球人口不断增加以及工业生产水平的提高,二氧化碳等温室气体的排放逐年增加,这些碳中的大部分,累积在大气圈中引起温室气体浓度升高,打破了大气圈原有的热平衡,导致全球变暖。森林在碳汇方面的积极作用(ForestCarbonSinks)近年来已被广泛关注,黑河林业以有林地201万公顷的保有量发挥着巨大的碳汇功能,黑河林业工作者致力于探索更好的经营方式来提升森林蓄积量即森林的碳汇功能。  相似文献   

中国森林生态系统土壤CO2释放分布规律及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
联合国气候框架公约的签署提升了人们对全球变暖、碳循环变化的关注。陆地生态系统在全球变暖格局下的地位与作用,尤其是土壤碳库对全球变暖格局的响应是全球变化研究的焦点。土壤CO2释放作为土壤-大气CO2交换的主要途径之一,也就成为各国生态学家研究的重点内容。在对我国森林生态系统CO2释放通量以及相关气候、生物等因子的资料进行收集、整理和分析的基础上,探讨了我国森林生态系统土壤CO2释放的分布规律,以及这种规律性分布的气候、生物影响因素。对于我国这样一个南北跨度大的国家,不同区域的森林生态系统土壤CO2释放通量间存在较大的差异,在全国尺度上,森林生态系统土壤CO2释放通量平均值为(1.79 ± 0.86) g C m-2 d-1,而且土壤CO2释放通量随着纬度增加逐渐降低。作为一个复杂的生态过程,土壤CO2释放受到生物、非生物因子或独立、或综合的影响。通过分析指出,在全国尺度上,年均温、降雨量、群落净生产力及凋落物量显著地影响森林土壤CO2释放通量。同时,也正是这些影响因子的纬度分布,导致了我国森林生态系统土壤CO2释放通量的纬度分布规律。作为衡量土壤CO2释放对温度敏感性的重要指标,计算了我国森林生态系统土壤CO2释放温度敏感性系数-Q10值,约为1.5,该值显著低于全球平均水平,2.0。  相似文献   

物种丰富的异龄老龄森林对陆地生态系统动态模型及全球碳收支具有十分重要的意义.目前,我国关于老龄森林碳通量的研究很少,亚热带地区的老龄林更鲜有报道.本研究利用涡度相关技术观测了我国中亚热带地区的浙江天目山一个老龄常绿落叶阔叶混交林生态系统的CO2通量.以2013年7月到2014年6月的观测数据为依据,分析了此老龄林净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)、生态系统呼吸量(Re)、生态系统总交换量(GEE)的变化.结果表明: 研究期间,老龄林常绿落叶阔叶混交林生态系统NEE月总量除12、2月为正值外(表现为碳源),其余月份均为负值(表现为碳汇).NEE月总量平均为-61.52 g C·m-2,各月碳吸收量以6月(-149.40 g C·m-2)最高,10月次之,呈双峰变化;最大碳源出现在2月(23.45 g C·m-2).各月NEE平均日变化差异明显,6月的平均通量峰值最大,达到-0.98 mg·m-2·s-1,12月最小,为-0.35 mg·m-2·s-1;NEE符号改变的时间也呈明显的季节变化特征;全年NEE、Re、GEE分别为-738.18、931.05、-1669.23 g C·m-2.与相近纬度相近林型的其他森林生态系统相比,由于其复层结构和多种幼龄更新树木的存在,其测定的固碳量较大.表明我国中亚热带天目山地区的老龄森林生态系统不是处于碳收支稳定状态,而是具有相对较高的固碳能力.  相似文献   

柚树(Citrus grandis)幼树生长在砂和石至石的生长介质.每周供给0.05mmol P(正常P,P)和0.1mmol P(高磷,2P)的营养液.植株分别生长在空气CO2分压(约39Pa)和倍增CO2分压(81±5Pa)下45d.利用CI-301PS(CID,Inc)光合作用测定系统在较高光强(1150μmol·m-2·s-1)下测定叶片光合速率并得出的Pn-Pi关系曲线和在较高CO2分压(PCO2,56Pa)下得出Pn-PAR关系曲线计算有关光合参数.结果表明,大气CO2分压下2P植株最大光合速率较P植株高13.3%,倍增CO2分压下,无论P或2P植株最大光合速率较大气CO2分压下相应植株低,但在倍增CO2分压下2P植株较P植株高.且2P植株有较P植株高的表观量子产率和光能利用效率(P<0.05),但并不改变Γ*、Rd和Rubisco羧化速率(Vc)和氧速率的比率(P>0.05).在大气CO2分压下2P植株的Vcmax和Jmax较P植株分别高8.3%和12.5%.在倍增CO2分压下2P植株的Vcmax和Jmax均较P植株高.柚树在高CO2驯化中改变叶N在Rubisco和捕光组分分配系数,但不改变叶N在光合电子传递链的分配系数,结果表明,增加P供给可以促进高CO2分压下光合碳循环中P的周转,提高倍增CO2分压下植株的光合速率.调节柚树叶片的CO2驯化的光合参数.  相似文献   

大气CO2浓度增加对昆虫的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
戈峰  陈法军 《生态学报》2006,26(3):935-944
大气CO2浓度增加已经受到国内外的极大关注.CO2浓度升高不但影响植物的生长发育,而且还改变植物体内的化学成分的组成与含量,从而间接地影响到植食性昆虫,并进而通过食物链影响到以之为食的天敌.根据国内外研究进展,结合多年的研究,系统介绍了CO2浓度变化对植物-昆虫系统影响的研究方法,论述了CO2浓度变化对植食性昆虫、天敌的作用规律及作用机理,探讨了CO2浓度变化对植物-植食性昆虫系统影响的特征,分析了未来研究发展的趋势及其存在的问题.  相似文献   

人工林经营与全球变化减缓   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
冯瑞芳  杨万勤  张健 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3870-3877
以全球变暖和大气CO2浓度增加为主要特征的全球气候变化正在改变着陆地生态系统的结构和功能,威胁着人类的生存与健康,因而受到世界各国政府和科学家的普遍关注。森林,特别是森林土壤在全球碳循环中扮演着碳源、汇、库的角色,但其受到气候、森林类型和土地利用与覆被变化等自然和人为因素的综合调控。人工林的碳汇作用被认为是减缓全球变化的一种可能机制和最有希望的选择而成为全球变化减缓研究的核心内容。人工林土壤的碳汇功能受到经营水平的调控,同时还受到全球变暖的反馈作用。因此,人工林土壤碳汇形成机制及调控技术、基于增强土壤碳汇功能增强的人工林经营与管理技术、人工林生态系统的碳通量以及人工林碳汇与碳贸易等是未来全球变化和林业生态工程研究的重点内容。  相似文献   

以长白山阔叶红松林为研究对象,利用Raupach提出的局地近场理论(localized near field, LNF)耦合垂直风速标准差σw(z)和拉格朗日时间尺度TL (z),建立林冠内CO2源汇强度和平均浓度廓线之间的关系.结果表明,拉格朗日模型能准确、稳定地模拟林冠与大气之间CO2的交换特征.模拟值比涡动相关系统实测值高出约15%,与实测值的相关性为89%,这种差异可能主要来自于输入的浓度廓线的波动以及大气稳定层结造成的涡动相关观测系统误差.在近地面层,由于土壤呼吸作用,整个时间段都为CO2源.林冠层的CO2源汇强度变化较为复杂,其日变化经历了源-汇-源的转变过程.林冠与大气间CO2通量交换明显受大气稳定度影响.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the sensitivity of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from wood energy to different forest management regimes when aiming at an integrated production of timber and energy biomass. For this purpose, the production of timber and energy biomass in Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands was simulated using an ecosystem model (SIMA) on sites of varying fertility under different management regimes, including various thinning and fertilization treatments over a fixed simulation period of 80 years. The simulations included timber (sawlogs, pulp), energy biomass (small‐sized stem wood) and/or logging residues (top part of stem, branches and needles) from first thinning, and logging residues and stumps from final felling for energy production. In this context, a life cycle analysis/emission calculation tool was used to assess the CO2 emissions per unit of energy (kg CO2 MWh?1) which was produced based on the use of wood energy. The energy balance (GJ ha?1) of the supply chain was also calculated. The evaluation of CO2 emissions and energy balance of the supply chain considered the whole forest bioenergy production chain, representing all operations needed to grow and harvest biomass and transport it to a power plant for energy production. Fertilization and high precommercial stand density clearly increased stem wood production (i.e. sawlogs, pulp and small‐sized stem wood), but also the amount of logging residues, stump wood and roots for energy use. Similarly, the lowest CO2 emissions per unit of energy were obtained, regardless of tree species and site fertility, when applying extremely or very dense precommercial stand density, as well as fertilization three times during the rotation. For Norway spruce such management also provided a high energy balance (GJ ha?1). On the other hand, the highest energy balance for Scots pine was obtained concurrently with extremely dense precommercial stands without fertilization on the medium‐fertility site, while on the low‐fertility site fertilization three times during the rotation was needed to attain this balance. Thus, clear differences existed between species and sites. In general, the forest bioenergy supply chain seemed to be effective; i.e. the fossil fuel energy consumption varied between 2.2% and 2.8% of the energy produced based on the forest biomass. To conclude, the primary energy use and CO2 emissions related to the forest operations, including the production and application of fertilizer, were small in relation to the increased potential of energy biomass.  相似文献   

As a carbon dioxide removal measure, the Norwegian government is currently considering a policy of large‐scale planting of spruce (Picea abies (L) H. Karst) on lands in various states of natural transition to a forest dominated by deciduous broadleaved tree species. Given the aspiration to bring emissions on balance with removals in the latter half of the 21st century in effort to limit the global mean temperature rise to “well below” 2°C, the effectiveness of such a policy is unclear given relatively low spruce growth rates in the region. Further convoluting the picture is the magnitude and relevance of surface albedo changes linked to such projects, which typically counteract the benefits of an enhanced forest CO2 sink in high‐latitude regions. Here, we carry out a rigorous empirically based assessment of the terrestrial carbon dioxide removal (tCDR) potential of large‐scale spruce planting in Norway, taking into account transient developments in both terrestrial carbon sinks and surface albedo over the 21st century and beyond. We find that surface albedo changes would likely play a negligible role in counteracting tCDR, yet given low forest growth rates in the region, notable tCDR benefits from such projects would not be realized until the second half of the 21st century, with maximum benefits occurring even later around 2150. We estimate Norway's total accumulated tCDR potential at 2100 and 2150 (including surface albedo changes) to be 447 (±240) and 852 (±295) Mt CO2‐eq. at mean net present values of US$ 12 (±3) and US$ 13 (±2) per ton CDR, respectively. For perspective, the accumulated tCDR potential at 2100 represents around 8 years of Norway's total current annual production‐based (i.e., territorial) CO2‐eq. emissions.  相似文献   

Global vegetation changes at the time‐scale of the Earth's orbital variations (104–105 years) have been interpreted as a direct effect of consequential climatic changes, especially temperature. At mid‐ and high latitudes, the evidence from fossil data and general circulation models (GCMs) supporting this hypothesis is strong, but at low latitudes there is a major discrepancy. GCMs predict temperature changes that are less than those inferred from palaeoclimatic data, including the plant fossil record. However, changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations can account for a high proportion of the low‐latitude vegetation change hitherto attributed to temperature change, and may thus explain the discrepancy. The implications of this finding are considerable for understanding patterns of macroevolution and ecosystem development throughout the geological record.  相似文献   

The elevated concentration of atmospheric CO2 may result in a decline of leaf nutritional quality (especially N) and an increase in some kinds of defensive secondary components (such as phenolics). The changes in the phytochemistry of trees, combined with the effect of elevated CO2 per se, have a potential negative influence on insect herbivores. Here, we review the effect of elevated CO2 on the performance of leaf-feeding forest insects at individual-level and commu-nity-level. The elevated CO2 per se have little influence on the metabolism of insects. Over half of the tree-insect experimental systems show that the performance of individual insect become poorer under high-CO2 grown trees; but the others show that the insects have just little or no response to the treatments. The direction and magnitude of the changes in the performance of insects could be mediated by various factors. The effects of treatment are strongly species-dependent. The magni-tude of changes in the phytochemistry, the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of insects to the poorer leaf quality, the differences in plant growth conditions and experimental methods, and the mediated effects of other environmental factors (such as soil nutrient availability, light, temperature, O3) were all closely related to the final performance of insects. However, the larvae's consumption usually increased under enriched CO2 treatment, which was widely thought to be a compensa-tory response to poorer plant quality. The experiments on forest community-level found identically a reduction in herbivory, which was contrary to the results from small-scale experiments. The changes in insect popula-tion and the actual response of consumption by leaf-feeding forest insects under CO2 enrichment remain unclear, and more field-based experiments need to be conducted.  相似文献   

Land‐based solutions are indispensable features of most climate mitigation scenarios. Here we conduct a novel cross‐sectoral assessment of regional carbon mitigation potential by running an ecosystem model with an explicit representation of forest structure and climate impacts for Bavaria, Germany, as a case study. We drive the model with four high‐resolution climate projections (EURO‐CORDEX) for the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 and present‐day land‐cover from three satellite‐derived datasets (CORINE, ESA‐CCI, MODIS) and identify total mitigation potential by not only accounting for carbon storage but also material and energy substitution effects. The model represents the current state in Bavaria adequately, with a simulated forest biomass 12.9 ± 0.4% lower than data from national forest inventories. Future land‐use changes according to two ambitious land‐use harmonization scenarios (SSP1xRCP2.6, SSP4xRCP3.4) achieve a mitigation of 206 and 247 Mt C (2015–2100 period) via reforestation and the cultivation and burning of dedicated bioenergy crops, partly combined with carbon capture and storage. Sensitivity simulations suggest that converting croplands or pastures to bioenergy plantations could deliver a carbon mitigation of 40.9 and 37.7 kg C/m2, respectively, by the year 2100 if used to replace carbon‐intensive energy systems and combined with CCS. However, under less optimistic assumptions (including no CCS), only 15.3 and 12.2 kg C/m2 are mitigated and reforestation might be the better option (20.0 and 16.8 kg C/m2). Mitigation potential in existing forests is limited (converting coniferous into mixed forests, nitrogen fertilization) or even negative (suspending wood harvest) due to decreased carbon storage in product pools and associated substitution effects. Our simulations provide guidelines to policy makers, farmers, foresters, and private forest owners for sustainable and climate‐benefitting ecosystem management in temperate regions. They also emphasize the importance of the CCS technology which is regarded critically by many people, making its implementation in the short or medium term currently doubtable.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that some agricultural carbon (C) mitigation options will yield no net C benefit under full carbon accounting (i.e. when costs are included alongside benefits). The largest likely C cost of implementing many options is the fuel cost associated with transporting resources from the place where they are produced to the place where they are used. In this article, we show that fuel C costs of transporting resources are much lower than the C benefits of agricultural mitigation options. These findings suggest that the agricultural C mitigation options examined here will yield a net C benefit, even under full carbon accounting.  相似文献   

中国森林C汇功能基本估计   总被引:50,自引:7,他引:50  
根据森林资源消长状况和未来变化趋势,对中国森林因C的现状和潜力进行了估计和预测.结果表明,中国森林目前C积累高于C释放,年平均净固C量为0.8627×108t·a-1,在未来20年内中国森林净固C能力约增加773×104t·a-1.到2000年,中国森林固C能力将达到1.4697×108t·a-1.  相似文献   

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