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Abstract:  Xenoposeidon proneneukos gen. et sp. nov. is a neosauropod represented by BMNH R2095, a well-preserved partial mid-to-posterior dorsal vertebra from the Berriasian–Valanginian Hastings Beds Group of Ecclesbourne Glen, East Sussex, England. It was briefly described by Lydekker in 1893, but it has subsequently been overlooked. This specimen's concave cotyle, large lateral pneumatic fossae, complex system of bony laminae and camerate internal structure show that it represents a neosauropod dinosaur. However, it differs from all other sauropods in the form of its neural arch, which is taller than the centrum, covers the entire dorsal surface of the centrum, has its posterior margin continuous with that of the cotyle, and slopes forward at 35 degrees relative to the vertical. Also unique is a broad, flat area of featureless bone on the lateral face of the arch; the accessory infraparapophyseal and postzygapophyseal laminae which meet in a V; and the asymmetric neural canal, small and round posteriorly but large and teardrop-shaped anteriorly, bounded by arched supporting laminae. The specimen cannot be referred to any known sauropod genus, and clearly represents a new genus and possibly a new 'family'. Other sauropod remains from the Hastings Beds Group represent basal Titanosauriformes, Titanosauria and Diplodocidae; X. proneneukos may bring to four the number of sauropod 'families' represented in this unit. Sauropods may in general have been much less morphologically conservative than is usually assumed. Since neurocentral fusion is complete in R2095, it is probably from a mature or nearly mature animal. Nevertheless, size comparisons of R2095 with corresponding vertebrae in the Brachiosaurus brancai holotype HMN SII and Diplodocus carnegii holotype CM 84 suggest a rather small sauropod: perhaps 15 m long and 7600 kg in mass if built like a brachiosaurid, or 20 m and 2800 kg if built like a diplodocid.  相似文献   

七里峡宣汉龙(Xuanhanosaurus qilixiaensis gen. et sp. nov.)具有较发达的前肢和残存的第Ⅳ掌骨,是巨齿龙科中较原始的一种特征。据此推断其生存的时代为中侏罗世。  相似文献   

记述了四川会理下侏罗统益门组的蜥脚类化石。经研究,将化石归于马门溪龙科,建立新属新种何氏通安龙Tonganosaurus hei gen.et sp.nov.。通安龙具有进步蜥脚类的特点:颈椎细长、荐前椎发育侧凹、前肢较长,为后肢的0.80等;同时,通安龙也具有原始蜥脚类的特点:脊椎骨组织坚实不中空、肱骨和股骨骨干粗而圆。从国内外已有的资料看,原始蜥脚类主要发现于侏罗纪早期,而进步蜥脚类则主要发现于侏罗纪中晚期。由于通安龙兼具原始蜥脚类和进步蜥脚类的特点,且时代为早侏罗世,因此,通安龙化石材料的发现对中国西南地区早期蜥脚类的系统演化研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

orderAdpenseriformesBerg,l94oFaedyPolyodontidaeBonaparte,l838Genu8Protopsephuru8gen.nov.TyPespede8P.liuigen.etsp.nov.Protopsephuru8liuigen.etsp.nov.(Fig.1Ipl.1)HolotypeAnearlycompletefishanditscounterpart,lackingpartofitscau-dalfin.GMV2032-la,b.Horizonandl0ealityUpperJurassicYixianF0rmation,S0ngzhangzivillage,LingyuanCounty,LiaoningProvince.Diagn0chPadd1efishofmiddlesizewithtotallengthreachinglm0rmore.Rostralpartisaboutl/40fthefishlengthwithmanyr0stralsandrareste1latebones.Derm0sphe…  相似文献   

四川威远恐龙足迹一新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>1985年,自贡恐龙博物馆的朱时达、高人彦、彭光照根据四川威远县荣胜乡沙坝村村民李元吉、李鸣章的报告和地矿部第二地质大队提供的资料,在威远县荣胜乡老鸦坡下侏罗统珍珠冲组下部黄色砂岩上发掘出6个连续恐龙足迹化石,并把这批标本运回自贡恐龙博物馆保存。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Vertebrae of Suuwassea demonstrate an interesting combination of plesiomorphies and autapomorphies among known members of the Flagellicaudata. The cranial cervical vertebrae have proportions close to Diplodocus but resemble those of Apatosaurus except by having greatly reduced cranial and caudal spinozygapophyseal laminae. As a result, they have craniocaudally compressed, caudally positioned spinous processes excavated on all sides by fossae. The cranial thoracic vertebrae are again similarly proportioned as those of Diplodocus but are morphologically similar to those of Apatosaurus . The most distinguishing feature of Suuwassea caudal vertebrae are the short, amphiplatyan, distalmost 'whiplash' caudal vertebrae. These may be either a retention of or a reversal to the plesiomorphic sauropod condition because classic flagellicaudatan, biconvex distalmost caudals occur in the Middle Jurassic of England.  相似文献   

四川威远恐龙足迹一新属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1985年,自贡恐龙博物馆的朱时达、高人彦、彭光照根据四川威远县荣胜乡沙坝村村民李元吉、李鸣章的报告和地矿部第二地质大队提供的资料,在威远县荣胜乡老鸦坡下侏罗统珍珠冲组下部黄色砂岩上发掘出6个连续恐龙足迹化石,并把这批标本运回自贡恐龙博物馆保存。  相似文献   

辽西义县组长节锯蜂科(昆虫纲,膜翅目)昆虫化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述产自辽宁西部北票上园地区和凌源大王杖子义县组长节锯蜂科(Xyelidae)巨长节锯蜂亚科(Macroxyelinae)昆虫化石12种,归于4族8属,其中6新属12新种,包括Angaridyela robusta sp.nov.,Angaridyela exculpta sp.nov.,Angaridyela suspecta sp.nov.,Angaridyela endemica sp.no  相似文献   

吐鲁番盆地鄯善地区中、晚侏罗世介形类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道吐鲁番盆地连木沁剖面七克以组及齐古组的介形类化石3属10种,其中2新种1未定种;Theriosynoecum?qiktimensis sp.no。,Th.huoyanshanenis sp.nov.,Darwinula sp.,根据化石组合面貌,自上而下可建立两个组合,即Darwinula-Metacypris组合和Theriosynoecum?-Darwinula组合,其时代分别为晚侏罗世和  相似文献   

黑龙江绥滨地区晚侏罗世东荣组的沟鞭藻类   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本文对黑龙江绥滨86-11孔的沟鞭藻类进行了初步研究,共描述化石10属16种(包括2新种,6未定种);其中不少是在我国首次描述的。这些化石分成两个组合,其优势分子分别为Gonyaulacysta jurassica和Amphorula delicata。根据组合内各分子的时代分布,两化石组合的时代分别为Late Oxfordian—Early Kimmeridgian和Portlandian期,并对其产出层位东荣组的时代作了讨论,认为属于晚侏罗世。  相似文献   

北票尖山沟义县组下部两种膜翅目昆虫化石   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了产自辽这西部北票上园地区尖山沟上侏罗统义县组上部膜翅目昆虫化石1新属2新种。新属新种Procretuania Pristina gen.et sp.nov.归人白垩旗腹姬蜂科(Cretevaniidae),新种Gurvanotrupes liaoningensis sp.nov。归入细蜂科(Serphidae).这是Cretevaniidae科和Gurvanotrupes属在我国的首次发现  相似文献   

内蒙古上白垩统二连组一长颈的镰刀龙类(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
镰刀龙类 (又称“懒龙”)是一类奇特的植食性兽脚类恐龙 ,化石记录主要局限于亚洲白垩纪地层中。由于镰刀龙类极其特化的形态和化石材料的局限性 ,这类恐龙的系统位置存在较多的争议。最近的发现 (RussellandDong ,1 994;Xuetal.,1 999)表明这类恐龙属于虚骨龙类 ,但其更为具体的系统位置依然存在争议 (Sues ,1 997;MakovickyandSues,1 998;Xuetal.,1 999;Sereno,1 999)。新发现于内蒙古苏尼特左旗赛罕高毕上白垩统二连组的镰刀龙类化石材料代表这类恐龙的一个新属种。杨氏内蒙古龙 (Neimongosaurusyangigen .etsp .nov .)的正型标本为一较为完整的骨架 ,是已知镰刀龙类当中第一件在同一个体中保存了大多数脊椎和几乎所有肢骨的标本。依据以下特征将内蒙古龙归入镰刀龙超科 :U形的下颌联合部、齿骨前端向下弯曲、齿骨前部没有牙齿、牙齿有一个收缩的基部、近圆形的齿根和叶形的齿冠、前部颈椎的神经脊低矮而轴向较长、后部颈椎背视呈X形、肱骨近端角状、肱骨有后转子、肱骨的尺骨髁和挠骨髁位于前部并为一狭窄槽分开、肠骨的耻骨柄细长而坐骨柄短以及跖部短。内蒙古龙的以下特征区别于其他镰刀龙类 :前部尾椎的横突下部有一圆形的窝 ,桡骨二头肌结节非常发育 ,后足趾节近端跟部非常发育 ,胫骨的腓骨嵴长  相似文献   

A cervical vertebra preserved at the famous and productive Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of Utah is that of an Apatosaurus, a sauropod dinosaur genus not previously recognized at the site and the first new dinosaur taxon identified at the site in years. The presence of Apatosaurus at a mudstone site dominated by other taxa, both theropod and sauropod, suggests a pattern of preservation within the Morrison Formation in which sites in fine-grained sediments yield dramatically uneven relative abundances of dinosaurs, with variable dominant taxa by site, compared with more time-averaged and attritional coarse-grained channel sandstone deposits. In addition, the continued demonstration of the wide-spread occurrence and abundance of Apatosaurus within the Morrison Formation, and the absence of its clade among diplodocid faunas on other continents, suggest that this group may have been endemic to North America during the Late Jurassic and that it may have originated there, though this is far from clear.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Abundant well-preserved jellyfish impressions are described from the Cerin Lagerstätte (Ain, eastern France). The enclosing sediments are lithographic limestones deposited in a Late Kimmeridgian lagoon lying on an emergent reef complex. Two new taxa of Scyphozoa are proposed: Paraurelia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (abundant) and Paraurelia sp. A (rare), and two new taxa of Cubozoa: Bipedalia cerinensis gen. et sp. nov. (rare) and Paracarybdea lithographica gen. et sp. nov. (very rare). Rapid covering by a microbial mat helped the preservation of the animals. Many specimens of Paraurelia cerinensis are deformed by slippage down the palaeoslope, which characterizes the margin of the lagoon. Their resultant morphology and their orientation clearly indicate the downslope direction. Tentacles of Bipedalia cerinensis and Paracarybdea lithographica are also orientated according to the palaeoslope. The jellyfish were probably dead individuals occasionally introduced into the Cerin lagoon. However, another hypothesis may be considered with reference to the model of the present-day jellyfish lakes in Palau (Caroline Islands, Western Pacific). Jellyfish could have lived in the more oxygenated upper layer of water of the Cerin lagoon that allowed pelagic life. This situation could have corresponded to short periods of easier communication between the open sea and the lagoon. Jellyfish are only found in the lower beds of the lithographic limestones and their distribution illustrates the supposed evolution of the Cerin lagoon. Initially, it was deep, mainly flooded, with possibly autochthonous jellyfish and allochthonous animals indicating clear marine influence. Later, the lagoon shallowed and its sediments often emerged with marginal marine burrows and plants indicating increasing terrestrial influence.  相似文献   

辽宁晚侏罗世~早白垩世一长颈双弓类爬行动物(英文)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
初步记述了采自辽西凌源地区晚侏罗世~早白垩世义县组一新的双弓类水生爬行动物化石材料,并确立其为、新属新种──凌源潜龙(Hyphalosaurus lingyuanensisgen.et sp.nov.)。化石产于凌源大王杖子乡范杖子村义县组合火山灰的灰白色湖相页岩中,与狼鳍鱼(Lycoptera)共生。 凌源潜龙的正模是一具几乎完整、保存完好的化石骨架,包括近乎完整的头骨、下颌骨和头后骨骼,仅尾椎有少量丢失,标本上主要显露腹面骨骼(中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号V11705)。其与水生爬行类Choristoderes共有特征包括平凹型脊椎,3个荐椎,背肋肿大,肢骨下节远短于上节,腕骨和跗骨弱骨化。凌源潜龙主要鉴别特征为:相对身体比例,头骨较小;颈部大大加长,颈椎19个;显著肿大的背肋呈S型;超过20组腹肋,每组由3段组成,而对应每一椎体有2~3组腹肋;第Ⅲ、Ⅳ 骨长度基本相等,第V 骨不为钩状。 凌源潜龙所具有的异乎寻常的长颈与三叠纪海相幻龙类(Nothosaurs)有相似的特征。其所具有的相对小的头骨,尖的吻部,似针状的牙,特殊的长颈及其埋藏特征反映该动物为适应湖泊环境的食鱼性动物。 凌源潜龙是迄?  相似文献   

Abstract: Fossil testate amoebae and their non‐marine finds are rare so their ecological importance through Earth history is poorly understood. The Lower Jurassic shallow water black‐shales of Trento Platform (north‐east Italy) are rich in micro‐organisms and contain a thecamoebian and ostracod assemblage representing the first known record of Early Jurassic oligohaline forms from the European mainland. The thecamoebians are represented by the genera Difflugia, Pontigulasia and Centropyxis. The present discovery of Lower Jurassic thecamoebians in fine carbonate organic‐rich deposits indicates, for the first time, that these sediments can preserve testate amoebae very well. The occurrence of difflugid testate amoebians confirm a transitional marine‐terrestrial habitat, outside large bodies of water, and suggests occasional eutrophication in ephemeral restricted aquatic environment in the Sinemurian–Pliensbachian Trento Platform.  相似文献   

我国上侏罗统牛津阶-基末利阶(163-150Ma)保存有完好的最原始的蠼螋昆虫化石,首次描述,分析和讨论了原始蠼螋后翅脉序特征,认为与现代生存的蠼螋后翅基本相同。因此,提出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫分类学者不同的意见,认为始螋亚目(Aechidermaptera)应归入于革翅目(Dermaptera)之中,且视其为一个最原始的类群较为合理,内蒙古自治区这个原始类群的下列重要特征皆为首次发现;胸骨具有特殊的形态结构;革翅锁具(Tegmina locking device)和刺脊突(spiny crest)发育;前,中,后足跗节皆为5节;后足基节显著伸长;颈部被划分为前,后两个颈片;革翅后缘收缩变尖,上述5项被视为厚原始蠼螋特有的祖征,下列特征应为早期蠼螋共有的原始性状;虫体扁平,通常具毛;腹部侧缘彼此近平行;触角显长,丝状,多节(通常多于11节);两只单眼发育;上颚具齿;中胸小盾片显大;革翅较长,通常具有明显的翅脉;股节具隆脊;爪和爪垫通常发育;腹部各节背板与腹板不重叠(两者位置非简单的上,下关系);尾须柔软,多节,雌性产卵器鞘显著外伸,本文建立了始螋亚目1新科Sinopalaeo-dermatidae和2新属2新种Sinopalaeodermata neimonggolensis gen.et sp.nov,Jurassimedeola orientalis gen,et sp.nov。同时,对蠼螋昆虫的起源和演化重新进行了讨论,做出了与西方某些蠼螋昆虫研究者结论不同的推断。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The holotype and only known specimen of Geikia locusticeps (von Huene, 1942) from the Kawinga Formation (Tatarian) of Kingori, south-west Tanzania, is redescribed. It is compared to the type specimen of the Tanzanian geikiid Pelanomodon tuberosus von Huene, 1942. It is demonstrated that G. locusticeps is a juvenile specimen of P. tuberosus . Ontogenetic changes in the skull of this taxon are recorded. They mainly concern the degree of skull ornamentation, whereas the major osteological and proportional features remain remarkably constant. Pelanomodon tuberosus is referred to Geikia locusticeps as a junior subjective synonym. G. locusticeps is compared to Geikia elginensis and South African representatives of Pelanomodon . G. locusticeps is demonstrated to represent a valid species, one that is so far endemic to the Ruhuhu Basin of south-west Tanzania. The relevance of the orientation of the postorbital bone to Permian pristerodontian systematics is discussed, and a phylogenetic analysis and new diagnosis for the family Geikiidae are presented.  相似文献   

道虎沟化石层分布于内蒙古宁城县道虎沟以及毗邻的河北北部和辽宁西部等地,已报道4种有尾类、1个无尾类蝌蚪、1个幼年蜥蜴、3种带原始羽毛的兽脚类恐龙、2种翼龙、3种哺乳动物以及双壳类、叶肢介、昆虫和植物等化石(有学者称之为"前热河生物群")。该层位比热河群义县组低,但地层划分存在争议:中侏罗统九龙山组、上侏罗统道虎沟组和下白垩统热河群均有报道。本文研究的道虎沟蜥蜴是该地点发现的第2个蜥蜴化石,其身体细长,为一幼年个体;前颌骨、顶骨和额骨均成对;上颌骨的面突高;后额骨和后眶骨不愈合;后额骨较大,但可能未进入上颞孔;后眶骨具宽的后突;牙齿小而尖锐,结构简单且可能为侧生;头骨的眶前区较长;具27个荐前椎;虽然未成年但个体较大;未见真皮骨板;手掌和四肢较长。上述特征组合区别于所有现生蜥蜴类,四肢比例也与其他蜥蜴有较大区别。欧美中侏罗世-早白垩世的小盗蜥(Parviraptor)和蒙古早白垩世的一个幼年个体(可能属于壁虎型类)与道虎沟标本比较相似。头骨特征和较大的荐前椎数目显示道虎沟标本可能属于硬舌蜥类(scleroglossan)。但因标本为幼年个体,本文暂将它归入有鳞类属种未定(Squamata gen.et sp.indet.)。测量数据显示,道虎沟标本的手掌和前肢相对较长;该特征常见于适应攀爬的蜥蜴种类,似可显示攀爬习性。但肢体比例可能会随身体增长而发生变化,所以此生活习性并非定论。  相似文献   

<正> In 1976, a right mandible of a Mesozoic mammal was collected by Messrs. Cheng Zhengwu and Yue Zhao of Institute of Geology, the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, from the Middle Jurassic in Lingyuan County, Liaoning Province, Northeast China (fig. 1), When they were studying the Mesozoic stratigraphy of that area. This fossil site is most probably from the same locality as that of Yabeinosaurus tenuis reported by C.C. Young in 1958. Both fossils are derived from the same horizon.  相似文献   

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