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The gangliosides of control rat embryo cells, 3-methylcholanthrene, Rauscher leukemia virus, and combined 3-methylcholanthrene-Rauscher leukemia virus transformants were examined using [14 C]glucosamine as a tracer. All four cell lines exhibited a complex pattern of gangliosides. While N-acetylgalactosaminyl-(N-acetylneuraminyl)-galactosyl-glucosyl-ceramide was the major ganglioside in the control cell line, N-acetylneuraminyl-galactosyl-glucosyl-ceramide was the major ganglioside in the three transformants. The 3-methylcholanthrene transformant possessed a ganglioside pattern different from that of the Rauscher leukemia virus transformant. Hydrolysis of the gangliosides indicated that galactosamine, N-acetyl-and N-glycolylneuraminic acid were the labeled components in all cell lines.  相似文献   

Quiescent cultures of rat embryo fibroblasts synthesize and secrete several proteins in response to mitogenic stimulation. Two of these proteins have been characterized in this study and the effect of oncogenic transformation on these proteins was monitored. A serum induced 48,000 protein was shown to be related to plasminogen activator inhibitor while another serum-induced protein ofM r 45,000 was found to be an inhibitor of DNA synthesis. Transformation of rat embryo fibroblasts with oncogenesmyc andras resulted in drastic reduction in the level of these proteins. The reduced levels of protease inhibitor may be responsible for the loss of anchorage dependence of the transformed cells. The DNA synthesis inhibitor protein may act as a negative growth regulator and reduced levels of this protein inmyc-ras transformed cells may accelerate the proliferation of these cells.  相似文献   

Chick embryo fibroblasts were transformed by the Bryan high-titer strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV-BH), or a mutant (RSV-BH-Ta) inducing temperature-dependent transformation. Surface membranes from normal and transformed cells were isolated as membrane vesicles by differential centrifugation, and as cell ghosts after ZnCl2 treatment and separation in an aqueous two-phase system. These preparations were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or phenol/urea/acetic acid. In general a greater resolution of individual bands was found in gels containing phenol/urea/acetic acid, which separates polypeptides on the bases of size and charge. Electrophoresis of preparations from nontransformed cells showed that two polypeptides (molecular weights 200 000 and 250 000) found in cell ghosts were missing in membrane vesicles. In cell ghosts, transformation by RSV-BH resulted in a significant decrease of the 250 000 molecular weight complex. Also a polypeptide (molecular weight 73 000) prominent in membrane vesicles from nontransformed cells was decreased in transformed cells. Surfaces from cells transformed by RSV-BH-Ta at 37 degrees C presented patterns similar to those for RSV-BH infected cells. Shifting these cells to 41 degrees C resulted in an increase in the 250 000 molecular weight complex, although the amount of this protein(s) never reached that found in noninfected cells. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis failed to block the morphological changes occurring in RSV-BH-Ta cells after temperature shifts from 41 degrees C to 37 degrees C or vice-versa. The same inhibitors caused a reduction in the levels of the 250 000 molecular weight complex at both temperatures. These data indicate that these large membrane-associated polypeptides play little or no role in the morphological changes associated with transformation and its reversal.  相似文献   

1. The induction of ornithine decarboxylase activity in mouse 3T3 fibroblasts or an SV-40 transformed 3T3 cell line by serum was prevented by addition of the naturally occurring polyamines putrescine (butane-1,4-diamine) and spermidine. Much higher concentrations of these amines were required to fully suppress ornithine decarboxylase activity in the transformed SV-3T3 cells than in the 3T3 fibroblasts. 2. Synthetic alpha omega-diamines with 3--12 carbon atoms also prevented the increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity induced by serum in these cells. The longer chain diamines were somewhat more potent than propane-1,3-diamine in this effect, but the synthetic diamines were less active than putrescine in the 3T3 cells. There was little difference between the responses of 3T3 and SV-3T3 cells to the synthetic diamines propane-1,3-diamine and heptane-1,7-diamine. 3. These results are discussed in relation to the control of polyamine synthesis in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

NCTC 2071 cells, transformed mouse fibroblasts, did not respond to choleragen when grown in chemically defined medium. When grown in medium containing 10 percent fetal calf serum, however, the cells accumulated cyclic AMP upon exposure to the toxin. Gangliosides isolated from the fetal calf serum were as effective as whole serum in inducing choleragen responsiveness in the cells. The putative choleragen receptor, the monosialo-ganglioside GM1, could not be detected by chemical analysis in cells exposed to serum. 3H-Labeled GM1 was detected in these cells, however, following sequential exposure to galactose oxidase and sodium borotritide. Thus, uptake of minute amounts of GM1 from serum by these cells sensitized them to choleragen.  相似文献   

Analysis of the lipids of normal hamster embryo fibroblasts and polyoma virus transformed fibroblasts shows a decrease in phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine and a marked increase in a threonine phospholipid after transformation. Transformed cells also react differently with fluorodinitrobenzene and trinitrobenzenesulfonate. phosphatidylethanolamine of transformed cells reacts to a greater extent with both probes. Phosphatidylserine and the threonine phospholipid of both cells do not react with trinitrobenzenesulfonate. The threonine phospholipid is provisionally identified as phosphatidylthreonine.  相似文献   

Treatment of the transformed mouse embryo fibroblast cell line AKR-MCA with 1% N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) resulted in the restoration of a nontransformed phenotype in these cells. In order to determine if an increase in growth inhibitory peptides might be responsible for these changes in growth properties of the DMF-treated AKR-MCA cells we examined the serum-free conditioned medium for its ability to inhibit the anchorage-independent growth of a human colon carcinoma cell line. The extracellular levels of inhibitory activity were two-fold higher in conditioned medium derived from AKR-MCA cells than in AKR-MCA cells grown in 1% DMF (AKR-MCA/DMF). Fractionation of the crude conditioned medium indicated the presence of an Mr 20,000 inhibitory fraction in AKR-MCA/DMF conditioned medium which was reduced in AKR-MCA cells. This Mr 20,000 inhibitory activity was acid and heat stable and sensitive to dithiothreitol and trypsin. In addition to inhibiting the growth of a human colon carcinoma cell line this protein induced colony formation in AKR-2B cells and competed for binding to the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) receptor. Therefore, this Mr 20,000 inhibitory polypeptide induced by DMF is probably TGF-beta. TGF-beta was also shown to inhibit the growth of AKR-MCA cells in monolayer culture.  相似文献   

A mechanism of apoptotic death of normal rat embryo fibroblasts and of those transformed by E1A + cHa-Ras oncogenes following gamma irradiation has been investigated. The E1A + cHa-Ras transformed cells were shown to express wild type p53 which was able to trans-activate a reporter pG13-luc Plasmid. As a result of trans-activation, an accumulation of universal inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases--p21/Waf1 protein and an increase in the proportion of p21/Waf1 expressing cells were observed, The accumulated p21/Waf1 was found to bind with PCNA. The association with PCNA, however, did not lead to suppression of DNA replication according to the data of iododeoxyuridine (IdUr) incorporation. A high proportion of S-phase cells, in combination with cell cycle blocking in G2-phase, promoted polyploidization of E1A + cHa-Ras transformed cells after gamma irradiation. The polyploidic cells with DNA content equal and higher than 8c die 48-72 h following irradiation due to apoptosis. A significant proportion of E1A + cHa-Ras cells with incorporated IdUr contains labeled micronuclei, the fact being a morphological evidence of apoptosis of cells in S-phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Virally transformed fibroblasts have on their surfaces zero or reduced amounts of a large external transformation-sensitive (LETS) glycoprotein. This protein is extremely sensitive to proteolysis. When prelabeled normal fibroblasts are cocultivated with transformed cells, the LETS glycoprotein of the normal cells shows an increased rate of turnover. Experiments are described which investigate the possibility that this phenomenon and the absence of LETS glycoprotein are due to proteolysis by the transformed cells. In particular, the role of plasminogen activation is examined by the use of protease inhibitors and plasminogen-depleted serum. It is concluded that activation of plasminogen is not required for the disappearance of the LETS glycoprotein although the involvement of other proteases cannot be ruled out. The role of proteases in affecting cell growth and behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

Transformed cells have been isolated after transfection of chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) with the DNA of a recombinant clone (KXA 3457) in which the v-myb sequences are flanked by the two AMV-LTRs. Abnormal myb-specific RNA species and myb-related polypeptides were found to be expressed in these cells, suggesting that transformation of CEF by v-myb might require alterations of the oncogene product.  相似文献   

Membrane components and enzymes in virally transformed cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

p53-plus-ras-transformed rat cell lines express a tumor-specific transplantation antigen that is common to a number (85%) of independently derived p53-plus-ras-transformed cell lines. This has been shown by immunizing rats with irradiated p53-plus-ras-transformed cells and demonstrating protection of these animals by subsequent live-cell tumor challenge. Several c-myc-plus-ras-transformed cell lines (54% of the lines tested) and one adenovirus E1a-plus-ras-transformed cell line (9% of those tested) were shown to share a common tumor-specific transplantation antigen by their ability to immunize a rat against a p53-plus-ras cell line challenge. Several experimental approaches have been used to fractionate and identify the antigen common to these cell lines. The experimental results reported here make it clear that the p53 protein common to most of these transformed cell lines is not likely to be the tumor-specific transplantation antigen.  相似文献   

Adenosine deaminase activities in chick embryo fibroblasts were substantially reduced after infection and transformation by Rous sarcoma virus. Concomitant with the reduction in adenosine deaminase activities, the incorporation of exogenous adenosine into RNA species of the virus transformed cells was moderately increased. The significance between reduction in adenosine deaminase activity and malignant transformation by Rous sarcoma virus remains to be eleucidated.  相似文献   

The proteolytic activities of normal, Schmidt-Ruppin Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) transformed, and infected (RAV) chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF) have been measured by a highly sensitive technique using 3H-acetylated haemoglobin as a substrate.When all 3 types of CEF cells were maintained in serumless media, no differences were detected in the amount of pH 3-4 protease activity released into the media over a 24-h period, and only negligible amounts of pH 7-6 proteolytic activity were found. When normal, transformed, and infected cells were maintained in serumless media and later incubated with 3H-acetylate haemoglobin, a significant proteolysis of the haemoglobin, a 6-fold increase compared to the normal CEF cells, was associated only with plates containing SR-RSV-CEF cells. A fluorescent assay for peptides confirmed that SR-RSV-CEF cells have increased cell-associated proteolytic activity. The net surface charge of the transformed CEF cells was unchanged by maintenance in serumless media but the net surface negativity of the normal and RAV-CEF cells was significantly increased by incubation in media minus serum for 24 h. This suggests that normal CEF cells, maintained in media plus serum, have a substance masking their surface charge which is absent from the surface of transformed cells, possibly because of proteolytic degradation.  相似文献   

Transformation by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) has been reported to block the expression of differentiated cell products in chicken cells. The expression of these proteins may or may not be suppressed when temperature-sensitive mutants are shifted from the nonpermissive to the permissive temperature. A general characteristic of cellular transformation is the disruption of the microfilament system. In passaged chick embryo fibroblast cultures (CEF), this system is principally composed of isomeric forms of actin designated alpha, beta, and gamma by their isoelectric focusing and when subjected to SDS-PAGE behavior. We present evidence that an alpha-actin in CEF cultures, identified by its electrofocusing behavior, retention in the cytoskeleton, and DNase 1 binding properties, is selectively and dramatically reduced in amount upon transformation by RSV. Little or no reduction is observed in the beta- and gamma-isoactins. The reduction of alpha-actin is shown to be reversible and transformation related by use of a temperature-sensitive mutant, tsNY68. The decrease in this transformation-sensitive isoactin is apparently due to a decrease in synthesis, though other possibilities are discussed. A specific decrease in a particular isoactin after transformation may give insight into the mechanism by which the microfilaments are normally maintained.  相似文献   

A key regulator of cellular senescence, mTORC1 complex, is a target of many signaling cascades, including Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK cascade. In this paper, we investigated the role of the MEK/ERK branch of this cascade in the process of cellular senescence induced by sodium butyrate (NaBut), a histone deacetylase inhibitor (HDACI), in transformed rat-embryo fibroblasts. Suppression of MEK/ERK activity by inhibitor PD0325901 did not prevent activation of mTORC1 complex induced by NaBut treatment. Inhibition of MEK/ERK increased mTORC1 activity and activated mTORC2 complex. Activation of mTOR-containing complexes was accompanied by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton (formation of actin stress fibers) and the appearance of cellular senescence markers. In contrast to NaBut-induced senescence, no protein accumulation was observed, probably due to increased activity of the degradation processes. Furthermore, senescence induction under suppression of MEK/ERK drastically decreased the cell viability, Thus, NaBut-induced senescence upon suppressed activity of the MEK/ERK branch of MAP kinase cascade has a more pronounced tumor-suppressing effect that is manifested by activation of both mTOR complexes, reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and protein degradation.  相似文献   

Two recombinant plasmids containing chick collagen DNA sequences have been used to characterize messenger RNAs for pro-alpha1 (type I) and pro-alpha2 collagen. Poly(A)-containing RNA from chick embryo calvaria and long bones, tissues which are very active in collagen synthesis, were electrophoresed on agarose gels containing methylmercuric hydroxide and transferred to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper; these covalently bound RNAs were hybridized to 32P-labeled pro-alpha1 or pro-alpha2 collagen DNA sequences derived from the recombinant plasmids. The pro-alpha1 collagen probe identified two RNAs, a major species of 5000 bases and a minor species of 7100 bases; the pro-alpha2 collagen probe hybridized to a major species very similar in size to the pro-alpha1 mRNA, about 5200 bases, and a minor species of 5700 bases. It is possible that the 7100 and 5700 base RNAs represent precursors of pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 collagen mRNA, respectively. When similar hybridization experiments were performed with RNA from chick embryo fibroblasts, both the pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 collagen mRNAs were observed, as well as their corresponding larger species. With RNAs from fibroblasts transformed by Rous sarcoma virus, however, the levels of all RNA species which hybridized with the pro-alpha1 and pro-alpha2 collagen DNA probes were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

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