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We have isolated and developed 180 new polymorphic chicken microsatellite markers. In addition, primers have been developed for 91 microsatellites derived from the GenBank sequence database (isolated by the laboratory of Terry Burke, Leicester University), of which 89 were polymorphic, and six existing polymorphic markers (HUJ) have been modified. The primer sequences were designed to allow optimal performance of the markers, in sets containing multiple microsatellites, on ABI sequencers. The average number of alleles for the 275 polymorphic markers described was 4·0. Of these markers, 93% were polymorphic in the Wageningen resource population whereas 57% of the markers were polymorphic in the East Lansing reference population and only 44% could be mapped in the Compton reference population. The microsatellite markers described in this paper, in combination with the microsatellite markers published previously, are particularly well suited for performing a total genome scan for the detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL).  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSR), also known as microsatellites, have been extensively used as molecular markers due to their abundance and high degree of polymorphism. We have developed a simple to use web software, called WebSat, for microsatellite molecular marker prediction and development. WebSat is accessible through the Internet, requiring no program installation. Although a web solution, it makes use of Ajax techniques, providing a rich, responsive user interface. WebSat allows the submission of sequences, visualization of microsatellites and the design of primers suitable for their amplification. The program allows full control of parameters and the easy export of the resulting data, thus facilitating the development of microsatellite markers.  相似文献   

Cercospora leaf spot caused by Cercospora beticola is a significant threat to the production of sugar and table beet worldwide. A de novo genome assembly of C. beticola was used to develop eight polymorphic and reproducible microsatellite markers for population genetic analyses. These markers were used, along with five previously described microsatellite loci to genotype two C. beticola populations from table beet fields in New York, USA. High allelic and genotypic diversity and low population differentiation were found between fields. Linkage disequilibrium of loci after clone-correction of datasets was attributed to the presence of two distinct clonal lineages within the populations. Linkage equilibrium of loci in one of the clusters supported the presence of sexual reproduction. The draft de novo genome assembly will help elucidate the reproductive system of C. beticola through investigating evidence of recombination in the C. beticola genome.  相似文献   

Microsatellites are widely distributed throughout nearly all genomes which have been extensively exploited as powerful genetic markers for diverse applications due to their high polymorphisms. Their length variations are involved in gene regulation and implicated in numerous genetic diseases even in cancers. Although much effort has been devoted in microsatellite database construction, the existing microsatellite databases still had some drawbacks, such as limited number of species, unfriendly export format, missing marker development, lack of compound microsatellites and absence of gene annotation, which seriously restricted researchers to perform downstream analysis. In order to overcome the above limitations, we developed PSMD (Pan‐Species Microsatellite Database, http://big.cdu.edu.cn/psmd/ ) as a web‐based database to facilitate researchers to easily identify microsatellites, exploit reliable molecular markers and compare microsatellite distribution pattern on genome‐wide scale. In current release, PSMD comprises 678,106,741 perfect microsatellites and 43,848,943 compound microsatellites from 18,408 organisms, which covered almost all species with available genomic data. In addition to interactive browse interface, PSMD also offers a flexible filter function for users to quickly gain desired microsatellites from large data sets. PSMD allows users to export GFF3 formatted file and CSV formatted statistical file for downstream analysis. We also implemented an online tool for analysing occurrence of microsatellites with user‐defined parameters. Furthermore, Primer3 was embedded to help users to design high‐quality primers with customizable settings. To our knowledge, PSMD is the most extensive resource which is likely to be adopted by scientists engaged in biological, medical, environmental and agricultural research.  相似文献   

Microsatellites, as the tracts of repetitive DNA, are an essential constituent of the plant genome that holds important evolutionary significance, and have been extensively used to develop molecular makers for genetic analysis. To understand the microsatellite dynamics of quinoa genome and its relatives, in this study we performed a genome‐wide analysis of microsatellites in five Amaranthaceae species using available genome sequences. The results demonstrated that the microsatellites of the five Amaranthaceae species were characterised by relatively high proportions of mono‐, di‐ and trinucleotide repeats with A/T rich motifs, implying conservative organisation and composition of microsatellites in this family. Furthermore, a significant negative correlation between microsatellite frequencies and GC contents (r = ?.87) were observed. In total, 533,961 (89.57%) and 542,601 (89.86%) microsatellite loci could be used to develop simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers, of which 7,178 were found to be polymorphic between the two sequenced quinoa cultivars, QQ74 and Real Blanca, through in silico PCR analysis. Finally, 15 SSR markers were randomly selected to validate their polymorphism across 12 quinoa accessions by wet‐lab PCR amplification. The newly developed genome‐wide SSR markers provide a useful resource for population genetics, gene mapping and molecular breeding studies in quinoa and beyond.  相似文献   

Highly polymorphic microsatellite loci offer great promise for gene mapping studies, but fulfillment of this potential will require substantial improvements in methods for accurate and efficient genotyping. Here, we report a genotyping method based on fluorescently labeled PCR primers and size characterization of PCR products using an automated DNA fragment analyzer. We capitalize on the availability of three distinct fluorescent dyes to label uniquely loci that overlap in size, and this innovation increases by threefold the number of loci that can be analyzed simultaneously. We label size standards with a fourth dye and combine these with the microsatellite PCR products in each gel lane. Computer programs provide very rapid and accurate sizing of microsatellite alleles and efficient data management. In addition, fluorescence signals are linear over a much greater range of intensity than conventional autoradiography. This facilitates multiplexing of loci (since signal intensities often vary greatly) and helps distinguish major peaks from artifacts, thereby improving genotyping accuracy.  相似文献   

本研究以47份经甄别鉴定的宁夏水稻品种(系)为试验材料,筛选出28对较均匀分布于12条染色体、条带清晰稳定、多态性丰富的SSR标记构建了宁夏水稻微卫星标记数据库。共检测到144个等位基因,标记间差异性位点数3~10个,平均5.14个;平均Nei's遗传多样性指数为0.6187。28个位点上参试材料间均有差异。只在1个位点上存在差异的是宁粳28号和宁粳23号,宁粳23和宁粳35号;其余品种差异性位点均在2个或2个以上,占参试材料的93.6%。28对引物中筛选出10对核心引物,各材料间至少有1对引物存在差异,能够把参试品种(系)一一区分开来。利用这10对引物,在相同的迁移位置上以1、0标记扩增片段的有无,构建了宁夏水稻DNA指纹图谱。  相似文献   

Reliable population DNA molecular markers are difficult to develop for molluscs, the reasons for which are largely unknown. Identical protocols for microsatellite marker development were implemented in three gastropods. Success rates were lower for Gibbula cineraria compared to Littorina littorea and L. saxatilis. Comparative genomic analysis of 47.2 kb of microsatellite containing sequences (MCS) revealed a high incidence of cryptic repetitive DNA in their flanking regions. The majority of these were novel, and could be grouped into DNA families based upon sequence similarities. Significant inter-specific variation in abundance of cryptic repetitive DNA and DNA families was observed. Repbase scans show that a large proportion of cryptic repetitive DNA was identified as transposable elements (TEs). We argue that a large number of TEs and their transpositional activity may be linked to differential rates of DNA multiplication and recombination. This is likely to be an important factor explaining inter-specific variation in genome stability and hence microsatellite marker development success rates. Gastropods also differed significantly in the type of TEs classes (autonomous vs non-autonomous) observed. We propose that dissimilar transpositional mechanisms differentiate the TE classes in terms of their propensity for transposition, fixation and/or silencing. Consequently, the phylogenetic conservation of non-autonomous TEs, such as CvA, suggests that dispersal of these elements may have behaved as microsatellite-inducing elements. Results seem to indicate that, compared to autonomous, non-autonomous TEs maybe have a more active role in genome rearrangement processes. The implications of the findings for genomic rearrangement, stability and marker development are discussed.  相似文献   

Rattans serve as an important source of raw non-wood materials for furniture and handicraft industries worldwide. However, their genomic sequence information in public databases is very limited. In this study, a set of 2,528 good-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were generated from a full-length cDNA library constructed previously with root, stem and male inflorescence tissues of Calamus simplicifolius C. F. Wei, a rattan species native to Hainan Island, China. The ESTs were assembled into 1,588 unigenes, including 1,221 singletons and 367 contigs. BlastX searches against the GenBank non-redundant protein database revealed that 1,248 (78.6 %) unigenes had at least one significant match (E ≤ 10?5). The gene ontology functional classification assigned 991, 669 and 977 of the unigenes to the cellular component, molecular function and biological process categories, respectively. A total of 71 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci were developed among these ESTs, including 65 polymorphic across 19 rattan species representing three genera. High levels of cross-species/genus transferability were observed for the EST-SSRs. For the polymorphic EST-SSR markers, the number of alleles per locus and polymorphic information content ranged from 2 to 25 (mean 11.1) and from 0.135 to 0.949 (mean 0.695), respectively. The EST sequences and the EST-SSR primers have been deposited in GenBank databases of EST (IDs JK838364–40891) and Probe (IDs Pr16718978–9048, to be assigned).  相似文献   

We have devised a novel method for automated microsatellite analysis using "universal" fluorescent labeling. This system is based on polymerase chain reactions driven by sequence-specific primers and a reporter primer labeled with a fluorescent dye at its 5' end. The forward sequence-specific primer is designed with a tag region bearing no homology to any human genomic sequence. Complementary tag sequences act as templates for the 6-carboxyfluorescein-labeled reporter primer, and those products can be analyzed with an autosequencer. The results we achieved with this assay system were consistent with the results of conventional assays using radioisotope-labeled primers, and diagnosis required less time. Furthermore, the fluorescent-labeled reporter primer is "universal" in that it can be used with different sequence-specific primers designed to carry the appropriate tag sequence at their 5'-ends. Our observations suggest that the "universal" fluorescent labeling method is an efficient tool for analyzing sequence variations in human DNA.  相似文献   

A microsatellite marker based linkage map of tobacco   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the first linkage map of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) generated through microsatellite markers. The microsatellite markers were predominantly derived from genomic sequences of the Tobacco Genome Initiative (TGI) through bioinformatics screening for microsatellite motives. A total of 684 primer pairs were screened for functionality in a panel of 16 tobacco lines. Of those, 637 primer pairs were functional. Potential parents for mapping populations were evaluated for their polymorphism level through genetic similarity analysis. The similarity analysis revealed that the known groups of tobacco varieties (Burley, Flue-cured, Oriental and Dark) form distinct clusters. A mapping population, based on a cross between varieties Hicks Broad Leaf and Red Russian, and consisting of 186 F2 individuals, was selected for mapping. A total of 282 functional microsatellite markers were polymorphic in this population and 293 loci could be mapped together with the morphological trait flower color. Twenty-four tentative linkage groups spanning 1,920 cM could be identified. This map will provide the basis for the genetic mapping of traits in tobacco and for further analyses of the tobacco genome. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The importance of genetic polymorphism detected by microsatellites is now well established in mammalian genomes. Sequences with a CA repeat, specific to sunflower, Helianthus annuus L., were found by screening a genomic library in M13. After amplification, some polymorphism was detected on these sequences within a sample of cultivars and populations.  相似文献   

微卫星DNA在分子遗传标记研究中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
随着种群遗传学的发展 ,分子遗传标记特别是微卫星标记已经成为研究种群遗传的有力工具。本文就微卫星遗传标记的研究背景、技术应用以及优势与不足等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

In order to study genetic changes in populations of Daphnia galeata mendotae, I characterized seven polymorphic microsatellite loci. Primers to amplify these loci were tested on individual eggs from the resting egg bank of Onondaga Lake, NY. Levels of polymorphism and cross‐amplification in D. g. galeata indicate that they will be useful markers for ecological genetic studies on both adults and diapausing eggs of these species.  相似文献   

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