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Rapid evolution challenges the assumption that evolution is too slow to impact short-term ecological dynamics. This insight motivates the study of 'Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics' or how evolution and ecological processes reciprocally interact on short time scales. We tested how rapid evolution impacts concurrent population dynamics using an aphid (Myzus persicae) and an undomesticated host (Hirschfeldia incana) in replicated wild populations. We manipulated evolvability by creating non-evolving (single clone) and potentially evolving (two-clone) aphid populations that contained genetic variation in intrinsic growth rate. We observed significant evolution in two-clone populations whether or not they were exposed to predators and competitors. Evolving populations grew up to 42% faster and attained up to 67% higher density, compared with non-evolving control populations but only in treatments exposed to competitors and predators. Increased density also correlates with relative fitness of competing clones suggesting a full eco-evolutionary dynamic cycle defined as reciprocal interactions between evolution and density.  相似文献   

Interest in eco‐evolutionary dynamics is rapidly increasing thanks to ground‐breaking research indicating that evolution can occur rapidly and can alter the outcome of ecological processes. A key challenge in this sub‐discipline is establishing how important the contribution of evolutionary and ecological processes and their interactions are to observed shifts in population and community characteristics. Although a variety of metrics to separate and quantify the effects of evolutionary and ecological contributions to observed trait changes have been used, they often allocate fractions of observed changes to ecology and evolution in different ways. We used a mathematical and numerical comparison of two commonly used frameworks – the Price equation and reaction norms – to reveal that the Price equation cannot partition genetic from non‐genetic trait change within lineages, whereas the reaction norm approach cannot partition among‐ from within‐lineage trait change. We developed a new metric that combines the strengths of both Price‐based and reaction norm metrics, extended all metrics to analyse community change and also incorporated extinction and colonisation of species in these metrics. Depending on whether our new metric is applied to populations or communities, it can correctly separate intraspecific, interspecific, evolutionary, non‐evolutionary and interacting eco‐evolutionary contributions to trait change.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has major implications. Biodiversity–ecosystem functioning relationships are generally investigated at the interspecific level, although intraspecific diversity (i.e. within‐species diversity) is increasingly perceived as an important ecological facet of biodiversity. Here, we provide a quantitative and integrative synthesis testing, across diverse plant and animal species, whether intraspecific diversity is a major driver of community dynamics and ecosystem functioning. We specifically tested (i) whether the number of genotypes/phenotypes (i.e. intraspecific richness) or the specific identity of genotypes/phenotypes (i.e. intraspecific variation) in populations modulate the structure of communities and the functioning of ecosystems, (ii) whether the ecological effects of intraspecific richness and variation are strong in magnitude, and (iii) whether these effects vary among taxonomic groups and ecological responses. We found a non‐linear relationship between intraspecific richness and community and ecosystem dynamics that follows a saturating curve shape, as observed for biodiversity–function relationships measured at the interspecific level. Importantly, intraspecific richness modulated ecological dynamics with a magnitude that was equal to that previously reported for interspecific richness. Our results further confirm, based on a database containing more than 50 species, that intraspecific variation also has substantial effects on ecological dynamics. We demonstrated that the effects of intraspecific variation are twice as high as expected by chance, and that they might have been underestimated previously. Finally, we found that the ecological effects of intraspecific variation are not homogeneous and are actually stronger when intraspecific variation is manipulated in primary producers than in consumer species, and when they are measured at the ecosystem rather than at the community level. Overall, we demonstrated that the two facets of intraspecific diversity (richness and variation) can both strongly affect community and ecosystem dynamics, which reveals the pivotal role of within‐species biodiversity for understanding ecological dynamics.  相似文献   

Intraspecific trait variation is widespread in nature, yet its effects on community dynamics are not well understood. Here we explore the consequences of intraspecific trait variation for coexistence in two‐ and multispecies competitive communities. For two species, the likelihood of coexistence is in general reduced by intraspecific variation, except when the species have almost equal trait means but different trait variances, such that one is a generalist and the other a specialist consumer. In multispecies communities, the only strong effect of non‐heritable intraspecific variation is to reduce expected species richness. However, when intraspecific variation is heritable, allowing for the possibility of trait evolution, communities are much more resilient against environmental disturbance and exhibit far more predictable trait patterns. Our results are robust to varying model parameters and relaxing model assumptions.  相似文献   

Consumer–resource interactions are fundamental components of ecological communities. Classic features of consumer–resource models are that temporal dynamics are often cyclic, with a ¼‐period lag between resource and consumer population peaks. However, there are few published empirical examples of this pattern. Here, we show that many published examples of consumer–resource cycling show instead patterns indicating eco‐evolutionary dynamics. When prey evolve along a trade‐off between defence and competitive ability, two‐species consumer–resource cycles become longer and antiphase (half‐period lag, so consumer maxima coincide with minima of the resource species). Using stringent criteria, we identified 21 two‐species consumer–resource time series, published between 1934 and 1997, suitable to investigate for eco‐evolutionary dynamics. We developed a statistical method to probe for a transition from classic to eco‐evolutionary cycles, and find evidence for eco‐evolutionary type cycles in about half of the studies. We show that rapid prey evolution is the most likely explanation for the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations have been performed on mutants of superoxide dismutase (SOD) on some residues present in the electrostatic loop. These calculations have provided the solution structures for the mutants Thr-137 → IIe and Arg; Lys-136 → Ala; Glu-132 → Gln; Glu-133 → Gln; Glu-132, Glu-133 → Gln-132, Gln-133 and → Gln-132, Lys-133. The structural and dynamic properties of these mutants have been correlated with the catalytic properties and available spectroscopic data. The water molecule present in the active site close to the copper ion in wild type (WT) SOD is missing in the MD average structure of the Thr-137 → IIe mutant, while this molecule is present in the MD average structures of all the other mutants and of WT SOD. This agrees with the experimental data. This is an important result that shows the validity of our calculations and their ability to reproduce even subtle structural features. Addition of one or more positive charges on the 132 and/or 133 positions does not sizably perturb the structure of the active site channel, while the introduction of a positively charged residue (Arg) on position 137 has a large effect on the structure of the electrostatic loop. Analysis of the MD average structures of these mutants has pointed out that the simple electrostatic effects of charged residues in the channel are not the only factor relevant for enzymatic behavior but that the structure of the electrostatic loop and the location of the charged residues also contribute to the catalytic properties of SOD. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Our starting point is a selection-mutation equation describing the adaptive dynamics of a quantitative trait under the influence of an ecological feedback loop. Based on the assumption of small (but frequent) mutations we employ asymptotic analysis to derive a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Well-established and powerful numerical tools for solving the Hamilton-Jacobi equations then allow us to easily compute the evolution of the trait in a monomorphic population when this evolution is continuous but also when the trait exhibits a jump. By adapting the numerical method we can, at the expense of a significantly increased computing time, also capture the branching event in which a monomorphic population turns dimorphic and subsequently follow the evolution of the two traits in the dimorphic population. From the beginning we concentrate on a caricatural yet interesting model for competition for two resources. This provides the perhaps simplest example of branching and has the great advantage that it can be analyzed and understood in detail.  相似文献   

Environmental disturbances such as deforestation, urbanization or pollution have been widely acknowledged to play a key role in the emergence of many infectious diseases, including mosquito-borne viruses. However, we have little understanding of how habitat isolation affects the communities containing disease vectors. Here, we test the effects of habitat type and isolation on the colonization rates, species richness and abundances of mosquitoes and their aquatic predators in water-filled containers in northwestern Thailand. For eight weeks water-filled containers were monitored in areas containing forest, urban and agricultural habitats and mixtures of these three. Mosquito larvae of the genera Aedes and Culex appeared to be differentially affected by the presence of the dominant predator; Toxorhynchites splendens (Culicidae). Therefore, a predation experiment was conducted to determine predator response to prey density and its relative effects on different mosquito prey populations. Colonization rates, species richness and abundances of mosquito predators were strongly related to forest habitat and to the distance from other aquatic habitats. Areas with more tree cover had higher predator species richness and abundance in containers. Containers that were close to surface water were more rapidly colonized than those further away. In all habitat types, including urban areas, when predators were present, the number of mosquito larvae was much lower. Containers in urban areas closer to water-bodies, or with more canopy cover, had higher predator colonization rates and species richness. T. splendens (Culicidae) preyed on the larvae of two mosquito genera at different rates, which appeared to be related to prey behaviour. This study shows that anthropogenic landscape modification has an important effect on the natural biological control of mosquitoes. Vector control programmes and urban planning should attempt to integrate ecological theory when developing strategies to reduce mosquito populations. This would result in management strategies that are beneficial for both public health and biodiversity.  相似文献   

The Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri) is one of many endangered endemic species of the Florida Keys. The main threats are habitat loss and fragmentation from sea‐level rise, development, and habitat succession. Exotic predators such as free‐ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) pose an additional threat to these endangered small mammals. Management strategies have focused on habitat restoration and exotic predator control. However, the effectiveness of predator removal and the effects of anthropogenic habitat modifications and restoration have not been evaluated. Between 2013 and 2015, we used camera traps to survey marsh rabbits and free‐ranging cats at 84 sites in the National Key Deer Refuge, Big Pine Key, Florida, USA. We used dynamic occupancy models to determine factors associated with marsh rabbit occurrence, colonization, extinction, and the co‐occurrence of marsh rabbits and cats during a period of predator removal. Rabbit occurrence was positively related to freshwater habitat and patch size, but was negatively related to the number of individual cats detected at each site. Furthermore, marsh rabbit colonization was negatively associated with relative increases in the number of individual cats at each site between survey years. Cat occurrence was negatively associated with increasing distance from human developments. The probability of cat site extinction was positively related to a 2‐year trapping effort, indicating that predator removal reduced the cat population. Dynamic co‐occurrence models suggested that cats and marsh rabbits co‐occur less frequently than expected under random conditions, whereas co‐detections were site and survey‐specific. Rabbit site extinction and colonization were not strongly conditional on cat presence, but corresponded with a negative association. Our results suggest that while rabbits can colonize and persist at sites where cats occur, it is the number of individual cats at a site that more strongly influences rabbit occupancy and colonization. These findings indicate that continued predator management would likely benefit endangered small mammals as they recolonize restored habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract The interface of protein structural biology, protein biophysics, molecular evolution, and molecular population genetics forms the foundations for a mechanistic understanding of many aspects of protein biochemistry. Current efforts in interdisciplinary protein modeling are in their infancy and the state-of-the art of such models is described. Beyond the relationship between amino acid substitution and static protein structure, protein function, and corresponding organismal fitness, other considerations are also discussed. More complex mutational processes such as insertion and deletion and domain rearrangements and even circular permutations should be evaluated. The role of intrinsically disordered proteins is still controversial, but may be increasingly important to consider. Protein geometry and protein dynamics as a deviation from static considerations of protein structure are also important. Protein expression level is known to be a major determinant of evolutionary rate and several considerations including selection at the mRNA level and the role of interaction specificity are discussed. Lastly, the relationship between modeling and needed high-throughput experimental data as well as experimental examination of protein evolution using ancestral sequence resurrection and in vitro biochemistry are presented, towards an aim of ultimately generating better models for biological inference and prediction.  相似文献   

Species enter and persist in local communities because of their ecological fit to local conditions, and recently, ecologists have moved from measuring diversity as species richness and evenness, to using measures that reflect species ecological differences. There are two principal approaches for quantifying species ecological differences: functional (trait‐based) and phylogenetic pairwise distances between species. Both approaches have produced new ecological insights, yet at the same time methodological issues and assumptions limit them. Traits and phylogeny may provide different, and perhaps complementary, information about species' differences. To adequately test assembly hypotheses, a framework integrating the information provided by traits and phylogenies is required. We propose an intuitive measure for combining functional and phylogenetic pairwise distances, which provides a useful way to assess how functional and phylogenetic distances contribute to understanding patterns of community assembly. Here, we show that both traits and phylogeny inform community assembly patterns in alpine plant communities across an elevation gradient, because they represent complementary information. Differences in historical selection pressures have produced variation in the strength of the trait‐phylogeny correlation, and as such, integrating traits and phylogeny can enhance the ability to detect assembly patterns across habitats or environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Yu H  Daura X  van Gunsteren WF 《Proteins》2004,54(1):116-127
We have performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to study the dimerization, folding, and binding to a protein of peptides containing an unnatural amino acid. NMR studies have shown that the substitution of one residue in a tripeptide beta-strand by the unnatural amino acid Hao (5-HO2CCONH-2-MeO-C6H3-CO-NHNH2) modifies the conformational flexibility of the beta-strand and the hydrogen-bonding properties of its two edges: The number of hydrogen-bond donors and acceptors increases at one edge, whereas at the other, they are sterically hindered. In simulations in chloroform, the Hao-containing peptide 9 (i-PrCO-Phe-Hao-Val-NHBu) forms a beta-sheet-like hydrogen-bonded dimer, in good agreement with the available experimental data. Addition of methanol to the solution induces instability of this beta-sheet, as confirmed by the experiments. MD simulations also reproduce the folding of the synthetic peptide 1a (i-PrCO-Hao-Ut-Phe-Ile-Leu-NHMe) into a beta-hairpin-like structure in chloroform. Finally, the Hao-containing peptide, Ac-Ala-Hao-Ala-NHMe, is shown to form a stable complex with the Ras analogue, Rap1 A, in water at room temperature. Together with the available experimental data, these simulation studies indicate that Hao-containing peptides may serve as inhibitors of beta-sheet interactions between proteins.  相似文献   

Phenotypes may evolve to become integrated in response to functional demands. Once evolved, integrated phenotypes, often modular, can also influence the trajectory of subsequent responses to selection. Clearly, connecting modularity and functionally adaptive evolution has been challenging. The teleost skull and jaw structures are useful for understanding this connection because of the key roles that these structures play in feeding in novel environments with different prey resources. In the present study, we examined such a structure in the threespine stickleback: the opercular four‐bar lever that functions in jaw opening. Comparing oceanic and two fresh‐water populations, we find marked phenotypic divergence in the skull opercular region, and the major axes of morphological and functional variation of the lever are found to be highly correlated. All three populations share the same global skull integration structure, and a conserved, strongly‐supported modular organization is evident in the region encompassing the lever. Importantly, a boundary between two modules that subdivides the lever apparatus corresponds to the region of most prominent morphological evolution. The matched modular phenotypic and functional architecture of head and jaw structures of stickleback therefore may be important for facilitating their rapid adaptive transitions between highly divergent habitats. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 111 , 375–390.  相似文献   

A new and very promising strategy for HIV drug discovery consists in blocking the multiple functional interactions between HIV‐1 integrase (IN) and its cellular cofactors. At present, this line of action is hindered by the absence of three‐dimensional structures of IN in complex with any of them. In this article, we developed a full‐length three‐dimensional structure of IN, including the highly flexible terminal residues 270–288, which are not experimentally solved. Additionally, we built models of IN complexed to the human acetyltransferases GCN5 and p300 based on available structural and mutagenesis data. Then, we studied the dynamical behavior of these models by means of the Coarse‐Grained Molecular Dynamics (CGMD) and Essential Dynamics (ED) to locate and characterize the nature of the largest collective motions. We found correlated motions involving distant regions of IN. Moreover, we found that these are influenced by the binding with the acetyltransferases (HATs). Taken together these findings suggest a way to affect the acetyltransferase binding by an allosteric type of inhibition and provide an important new approach for the drug design against HIV disease. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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