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As a result of suppressed recombination, heterogametic sex chromosomes (either Y or W) are usually assumed to gradually shorten over evolutionary time as a way to remove accumulated mutations. However, suppressed recombination removes the most obvious mechanism for excising portions of sex chromosomes. We examined ratios of W/Z chromosome size across 224 bird species from 146 genera. Much of the data were obtained from a previous study (Rutkowska et al. 2012. Biology Letters 8 : 636–638), who, similar to ourselves, found no gradual decrease in W chromosome length over evolutionary time. However, we show an abrupt decrease in W chromosome length at or just after the phylogenetic split between the two extant bird superorders, Paleognathae and Neognathae, indicating that the key to understanding sex chromosome evolution may have little to do with gradual suppression of recombination.  相似文献   

Females and males often exhibit different survival in nature, and it has been hypothesized that sex chromosomes may play a role in driving differential survival rates. For instance, the Y chromosome in mammals and the W chromosome in birds are often degenerated, with reduced numbers of genes, and loss of the Y chromosome in old men is associated with shorter life expectancy. However, mosaic loss of sex chromosomes has not been investigated in any non-human species. Here, we tested whether mosaic loss of the W chromosome (LOW) occurs with ageing in wild birds as a natural consequence of cellular senescence. Using loci-specific PCR and a target sequencing approach we estimated LOW in both young and adult individuals of two long-lived bird species and showed that the copy number of W chromosomes remains constant across age groups. Our results suggest that LOW is not a consequence of cellular ageing in birds. We concluded that the inheritance of the W chromosome in birds, unlike the Y chromosome in mammals, is more stable.  相似文献   

Parallel divergence and degradation of the avian W sex chromosome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex chromosomes are ubiquitous in birds but our understanding of how they originated and evolved has remained incomplete. Recent work by Tsuda et al. on tinamou and ratite birds suggests that, although all bird sex chromosomes evolved from the same pair of autosomes, the Z and W sex chromosomes have diverged from one another several times independently. This parallel evolution of the avian W presents a means for comparison in studies of sex chromosome evolution, which could help us understand more about the general forces that shape the development of all types of sex chromosome.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes may provide a context for studying the local effects of mutation rate on molecular evolution, since the two types of sex chromosomes are generally exposed to different mutational environments in male and female germ lines. Importantly, recent studies of some vertebrates have provided evidence for a higher mutation rate among males than among females. Thus, in birds, the Z chromosome, which spends two thirds of its time in the male germ line, is exposed to more mutations than the female-specific W chromosome. We show here that levels of nucleotide diversity are drastically higher on the avian Z chromosome than in paralogous sequences on the W chromosome. In fact, no intraspecific polymorphism whatsoever was seen in about 3.4 kb of CHD1W intron sequence from a total of >150 W chromosome copies of seven different bird species. In contrast, the amount of genetic variability in paralogous sequences on the Z chromosome was significant, with an average pairwise nucleotide diversity (d) of 0.0020 between CHD1Z introns and with 37 segregating sites in a total of 3.8 kb of Z sequence. The contrasting levels of genetic variability on the avian sex chromosomes are thus in a direction predicted from a male-biased mutation rate. However, although a low gene number, as well as some other factors, argues against background selection and/or selective sweeps shaping the genetic variability of the avian W chromosome, we cannot completely exclude selection as a contributor to the low levels of variation on the W chromosome.  相似文献   

In birds, there are two main models for the determination of sex: the ‘Z Dosage’ model in which the number, or dose, of Z chromosomes determines sex, and the ‘Dominant W’ model which argues that a specific gene in the W chromosome may influence Z gene expression and determine sex. The best evidence for W determination of sex comes from birds with 2 copies of the Z chromosome paired with a single W (e.g. ZZW) which are nonetheless females. Here, we expand the species where such a mechanism may operate by reporting a case of a triploid Neotropical passerine bird with sexually dimorphic plumage, the São Paulo marsh antwren Formicivora paludicola. Evidence from 17 autosomal unlinked microsatellite loci, and CHD1 sex‐linked locus, indicate that this individual is a 3n ZZW triploid with intermediate plumage pattern. This example expands our knowledge of sex determination mechanisms in birds by demonstrating that both the W and the two Z chromosomes affect the expression of morphological secondary sexual traits in a non‐galliform bird.  相似文献   

A new look at the evolution of avian sex chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Birds have a ubiquitous, female heterogametic, ZW sex chromosome system. The current model suggests that the Z chromosome and its degraded partner, the W chromosome, evolved from an ancestral pair of autosomes independently from the mammalian XY male heteromorphic sex chromosomes--which are similar in size, but not gene content (Graves, 1995; Fridolfsson et al., 1998). Furthermore the degradation of the W has been proposed to be progressive, with the basal clade of birds (the ratites) possessing virtually homomorphic sex chromosomes and the more recently derived birds (the carinates) possessing highly heteromorphic sex chromosomes (Ohno, 1967; Solari, 1993). Recent findings have suggested an alternative to independent evolution of bird and mammal chromosomes, in which an XY system took over directly from an ancestral ZW system. Here we examine recent research into avian sex chromosomes and offer alternative suggestions as to their evolution.  相似文献   

Heteromorphisms between sex chromosomes are rarely found in anurans and sex chromosome differentiation is considered to be a set of recent recurrent events in the evolutionary history of this group. This paper describes for the first time heteromorphic sex chromosomes Z and W in the leiuperid genus Physalaemus. They were found in P. ephippifer, a species of the P. cuvieri group, and corresponded to the eighth pair of its karyotype. The W chromosome differed from the Z chromosome by the presence of an additional segment in the short arm, composed of a distal NOR and an adjacent terminal DAPI-positive C-band. The identification of this sex chromosome pair may help in future investigations into the sex determining genes in the genus Physalaemus.  相似文献   

Recent progress of chicken genome projects has revealed that bird ZW and mammalian XY sex chromosomes were derived from different autosomal pairs of the common ancestor; however, the evolutionary relationship between bird and reptilian sex chromosomes is still unclear. The Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) exhibits genetic sex determination, but no distinguishable (heteromorphic) sex chromosomes have been identified. In order to investigate this further, we performed molecular cytogenetic analyses of this species, and thereby identified ZZ/ZW-type micro-sex chromosomes. In addition, we cloned reptile homologues of chicken Z-linked genes from three reptilian species, the Chinese soft-shelled turtle and the Japanese four-striped rat snake (Elaphe quadrivirgata), which have heteromorphic sex chromosomes, and the Siam crocodile (Crocodylus siamensis), which exhibits temperature-dependent sex determination and lacks sex chromosomes. We then mapped them to chromosomes of each species using FISH. The linkage of the genes has been highly conserved in all species: the chicken Z chromosome corresponded to the turtle chromosome 6q, snake chromosome 2p and crocodile chromosome 3. The order of the genes was identical among the three species. The absence of homology between the bird Z chromosome and the snake and turtle Z sex chromosomes suggests that the origin of the sex chromosomes and the causative genes of sex determination are different between birds and reptiles.  相似文献   

Some species of the genus Characidium have heteromorphic ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes with a totally heterochromatic W chromosome. Methods for chromosome microdissection associated with chromosome painting have become important tools for cytogenetic studies in Neotropical fish. In Characidium cf. fasciatum, the Z chromosome contains a pericentromeric heterochromatin block, whereas the W chromosome is completely heterochromatic. Therefore, a probe was produced from the W chromosome through microdissection and degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction amplification. FISH was performed using the W probe on the chromosomes of specimens of this species. This revealed expressive marks in the pericentromeric region of the Z chromosome as well as a completely painted W chromosome. When applying the same probe on chromosome preparations of C. cf. gomesi and Characidium sp., a pattern similar to C. cf. fasciatum was found, while C. cf. zebra, C. cf. lagosantense and Crenuchus spilurus species showed no hybridization signals. Structural changes in the chromosomes of an ancestral sexual system in the group that includes the species C. cf. gomesi, C. cf. fasciatum and Characidium sp., could have contributed to the process of speciation and could represent a causal mechanism of chromosomal diversification in this group. The heterochromatinization process possibly began in homomorphic and homologous chromosomes of an ancestral form, and this process could have given rise to the current patterns found in the species with sex chromosome heteromorphism.  相似文献   

The W chromosome of the silkworm Bombyx mori is devoid of functional genes, except for the putative female-determining gene (Fem). To localize Fem, we investigated the presence of W-specific DNA markers on strains in which an autosomal fragment containing dominant marker genes was attached to the W chromosome. We produced new W-chromosomal fragments from the existing Zebra-W strain (T(W;3)Ze chromosome) by X-irradiation, and then carried out deletion mapping of these and sex-limited yellow cocoon strains (T(W;2)Y-Chu, -Abe and -Ban types) from different Japanese stock centers. Of 12 RAPD markers identified in the normal W chromosomes of most silkworm strains in Japan, the newly irradiated W(B-YL-YS)Ze chromosome contained three, the T(W;2)Y-Chu chromosome contained six, and the T(W;2)Y-Abe and -Ban chromosomes contained only one (W-Rikishi). To investigate the ability of the reduced W-chromosome translocation fragments to form heterochromatin bodies, which are found in nuclei of normal adult female sucking stomachs, we examined cells of the normal type p50 strain and the T(W;2)Y-Chu and -Abe strains. A single sex heterochromatin body was found in nuclei of p50 females, whereas we detected only small sex heterochromatin bodies in the T(W;2)Y-Chu strain and no sex heterochromatin body in the T(W;2)Y-Abe strain. Since adult females of all strains were normal and fertile, we conclude that only extremely limited region, containing the W-Rikishi RAPD sequence of the W chromosome, is required to determine femaleness. Based on a comparison of the normal W-chromosome and 7 translocation and W-deletion strains we present a map of Fem relative to the 12 W-specific RAPD markers.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes are derived from ordinary autosomes. The X chromosome is thought to maintain most of its ancestral genes over evolutionary time, whereas its Y counterpart degenerates, owing to its lack of recombination. Genomic analyses of young sex chromosome pairs support this view and have shed light on the evolutionary processes underlying loss of gene function on the Y. Studies of ancestral sex chromosomes, however, have also revealed that the process of sex chromosome evolution can be more dynamic than traditionally appreciated. In particular, ancient Y-chromosomes are characterized not only by a loss of genes relative to the X but also by recurrent gains of individual genes or genomic regions, and they often accumulate genes beneficial to males. Furthermore, X chromosomes are not passive players in this evolutionary process but respond both to their sex-biased transmission and to Y-chromosome degeneration, through feminization and the evolution of dosage compensation.  相似文献   

The possible origins and differentiation of a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system in Semaprochilodus taeniurus, the only species of the family Prochilodontidae known to possess heteromorphic sex chromosomes, were examined by conventional (C-banding) and molecular (cross-species hybridization of W-specific WCP, Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with telomere (TTAGGG)n, and Rex1 probes) cytogenetic protocols. Several segments obtained by W-specific probe were cloned, and the sequences localized on the W chromosome were identified by DNA sequencing and search of nucleotide collections of the NCBI and GIRI using BLAST and CENSOR, respectively. Blocks of constitutive heterochromatin in chromosomes of S. taeniurus were observed in the centromere of all autosomal chromosomes and in the terminal, interstitial, and pericentromeric regions of the W chromosome, which did not demonstrate interstitial telomeric sites with FISH of the telomere probe. The Rex1 probe displayed a compartmentalized distribution pattern in some chromosomes and showed signs of invasion of the pericentromeric region in the W chromosome. Chromosomal painting with the W-specific WCP of S. taeniurus onto its own chromosomes showed complete staining of the W chromosome, centromeric sites, and the ends of the Z chromosome, as well as other autosomes. However, cross-species painting using this WCP on chromosomes of S. insignis, Prochilodus lineatus, and P. nigricans did not reveal a proto-W element, but instead demonstrated scattered positive signals of repetitive DNAs. Identification of the W-specific repetitive sequences showed high similarity to microsatellites and transposable elements. Classes of repetitive DNA identified in the W chromosome suggested that the genetic degeneration of this chromosome in S. taeniurus occurred through accumulation of these repetitive DNAs.  相似文献   

The sex chromosomes of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, are designated ZW for the female and ZZ for the male. We previously characterized a female-specific randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker, designated Female-218, from the translocation-bearing W chromosomes. These W chromosomes contain a region of the second chromosome, which carries visible larval markers of the p loci. We used strain TWPB in which female larvae have black skin due to the p(B) gene (T(W;2)p(B), +p/+p) while male larvae have whitish skin (+p/+p). To determine whether the Female-218 RAPD marker is derived from the "W region" or a "second chromosome fragment", we induced a detachment of the translocated W chromosome, T(W;2)p(B), by treating the eggs with hot water at an early developmental stage. After hot water treatment, we obtained 27 white female larvae out of 4850 female larvae. The Female-218 RAPD marker was not amplified in 26 out of 27 white female larvae, and was amplified from one white female larva. Moreover, we obtained 11 black male larvae out of 5377 male larvae. Eight out of 11 black male larvae became adult moths, and the Female-218 RAPD marker was amplified from all eight male moths. Examination of the genetic relationship between the Female-218 RAPD marker and the second chromosome fragment of the translocated W chromosome strongly indicates that the Female-218 RAPD marker is amplified from the region of second chromosome fragment of the T(W;2)p(B) chromosome.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes of the Japanese frog Rana rugosa are heteromorphic in the male (XX/XY) or in the female (ZZ/ZW) in two geographic forms, whereas they are still homomorphic in both sexes in two other forms (Hiroshima and Isehara types). To make clear the origin and differentiation mechanisms of the heteromorphic sex chromosomes, we isolated a sex-linked gene, ADP/ATP translocase, and constructed a phylogenetic tree of the genes derived from the sex chromosomes. The tree shows that the Hiroshima gene diverges first, and the rest form two clusters: one includes the Y and Z genes and the other includes the X, W, and Isehara genes. The Hiroshima gene shares more sequence similarity with the Y and Z genes than with the X, W, and Isehara genes. This suggests that the Y and Z sex chromosomes originate from the Hiroshima type, whereas the X and W chromosomes originate from the Isehara-type sex chromosome. Thus, we infer that hybridization between two ancestral forms, with the Hiroshima-type sex chromosome in one and the Isehara-type sex chromosome in the other, was the primary event causing differentiation of the heteromorphic sex chromosomes.   相似文献   

In many species of animals, one of the sexes has a chromosome that is structurally and functionally different from its socalled homologue. Conventionally, it is called Y chromosome or W chromosome depending on whether it is present in males or females respectively. The corresponding homologous chromosomes are called X and Z chromosomes. The dimorphic sex chromosomes are believed to have originated from undifferentiated autosomes. In extant species it is difficult to envisage the changes that have occurred in the evolution of dimorphic sex chromosomes. In our laboratory, interracial hybridization between twoDrosophila chromosomal races has resulted in the evolution of a novel race, which we have called Cytorace 1. Here we record that in the genome of Cytorace 1 one of the autosomes of its parents is inherited in a manner similar to that of a classical Y chromosome. Thus this unique Cytorace 1 has the youngest neo-Y sex chromosome (5000 days old; about 300 generations) and it can serve as a ‘window’ for following the transition of an autosome to a Y sex chromosome.  相似文献   

Vertebrates exhibit a variety of sex determining mechanisms which fall broadly into two classes: environmental or genetic. In birds and mammals sex is determined by a genetic mechanism. In mammals males are the heterogametic sex (XY) with the Y chromosome acting as a dominant determiner of sex due to the action of the testis-determining factor, SRY. In birds females are the heterogametic sex (ZW); however, it is not known whether the W chromosome carries a dominant ovary-determining gene, or whether Z chromosome dosage determines sex. Using an experimental approach, which assumes only that the sex-determining event in birds is accompanied by sex-specific changes in gene expression, we have identified a novel gene, ASW (Avian Sex-specific W-linked). The putative protein for ASW is related to the HIT (histidine triad) family of proteins. ASW shows female-specific expression in genital ridges and maps to the chicken W chromosome. In addition, we show that, with the exception of ratites, ASW is linked to the W chromosome in each of 17 bird species from nine different families of the class Aves. Received: 18 October 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Comparative genomic studies are revealing that, in sharp contrast with the strong stability found in birds and mammals, sex determination mechanisms are surprisingly labile in cold‐blooded vertebrates, with frequent transitions between different pairs of sex chromosomes. It was recently suggested that, in context of this high turnover, some chromosome pairs might be more likely than others to be co‐opted as sex chromosomes. Empirical support, however, is still very limited. Here we show that sex‐linked markers from three highly divergent groups of anurans map to Xenopus tropicalis scaffold 1, a large part of which is homologous to the avian sex chromosome. Accordingly, the bird sex determination gene DMRT1, known to play a key role in sex differentiation across many animal lineages, is sex linked in all three groups. Our data provide strong support for the idea that some chromosome pairs are more likely than others to be co‐opted as sex chromosomes because they harbor key genes from the sex determination pathway.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the avian CHD1 genes on the Z and W sex chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Fridolfsson AK  Ellegren H 《Genetics》2000,155(4):1903-1912
Genes shared between the nonrecombining parts of the two types of sex chromosomes offer a potential means to study the molecular evolution of the same gene exposed to different genomic environments. We have analyzed the molecular evolution of the coding sequence of the first pair of genes found to be shared by the avian Z (present in both sexes) and W (female-specific) sex chromosomes, CHD1Z and CHD1W. We show here that these two genes evolve independently but are highly conserved at nucleotide as well as amino acid levels, thus not indicating a female-specific role of the CHD1W gene. From comparisons of sequence data from three avian lineages, the frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions (K(a)) was found to be higher for CHD1W (1.55 per 100 sites) than for CHD1Z (0.81), while the opposite was found for synonymous substitutions (K(s), 13.5 vs. 22.7). We argue that the lower effective population size and the absence of recombination on the W chromosome will generally imply that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate faster on this chromosome than on the Z chromosome. The same should be true for the Y chromosome relative to the X chromosome in XY systems. Our data are compatible with a male-biased mutation rate, manifested by the faster rate of neutral evolution (synonymous substitutions) on the Z chromosome than on the female-specific W chromosome.  相似文献   

Two models, Z Dosage and Dominant W, have been proposed to explain sex determination in birds, in which males are characterized by the presence of two Z chromosomes, and females are hemizygous with a Z and a W chromosome. According to the Z Dosage model, high dosage of a Z-linked gene triggers male development, whereas the Dominant W model postulates that a still unknown W-linked gene triggers female development. Using 33 polymorphic microsatellite markers, we describe a female triploid Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus identified by characteristic triallelic genotypes at 14 autosomal markers that produced viable diploid offspring. Chromatogram analysis showed that the sex chromosome composition of this female was ZZW. Together with two previously described ZZW female birds, our results suggest a prominent role for a female determining gene on the W chromosome. These results imply that avian sex determination is more dynamic and complex than currently envisioned.  相似文献   

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