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Relationship of changes in diaphragmatic muscle blood flow to muscle contractile activity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bark H.; Supinski G. S.; Lamanna J. C.; Kelsen S. G. 《Journal of applied physiology》1987,62(1):291-299
The effect of increases in diaphragmatic muscle contractile activity on diaphragm blood flow remains unclear. The present study examined the effect of electrically induced isometric diaphragmatic muscle contractions on diaphragmatic blood flow. Studies were performed on diaphragmatic muscle strips prepared in anesthetized mechanically ventilated dogs. Diaphragmatic contractile activity was quantitated as the tension-time index (TTI) (i.e., the product of tension magnitude and duration). Blood flow to the strip (Qdi) was measured from the volume of the phrenic venous effluent using a drop counter. The separate effects on Qdi of 30-s periods of continuous and rhythmic contractions were examined. Qdi increased with increases in TTI and peaked at a TTI of 20-30% of maximum after which Qdi fell progressively with further increases in TTI. At levels of TTI greater than 30%, the pattern of muscle contraction significantly affected blood flow. Qdi was significantly lower during activity and the postcontraction hyperemia significantly greater at a given TTI when contractions were continuous than when contractions were intermittent. Above a TTI of 30%, Qdi during contraction decreased linearly with increases in duty cycle and curvilinearly with increases in tension. We conclude that during isometric diaphragmatic contractions, diaphragmatic blood flow may become mechanically impeded, and the magnitude of the impediment in blood flow depends on the pattern of diaphragmatic contractions. With increases in contractile activity above a critical level, changes in duty cycle exert progressively greater effects on diaphragmatic blood flow than changes in muscle tension. 相似文献
Peak absolute force, specific tension (peak absolute force per cross-sectional area), cross-sectional area, maximal unloaded shortening velocity (Vo; determined by the slack test), and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform compositions were determined in 124 single skeletal fibers from the soleus muscle of 12-, 24-, 30-, 36-, and 37-mo-old Fischer 344 Brown Norway F1 Hybrid rats. All fibers expressed the type I MHC isoform. The mean Vo remained unchanged from 12 to 24 mo but did decrease significantly from the 24- to 30-mo time period (from 1.71 +/- 0.13 to 0.85 +/- 0.09 fiber lengths/s). Fiber cross-sectional area remained constant until 36 mo of age, at which time there was a 20% decrease from the values at 12 mo of age (from 5,558 +/- 232 to 4,339 +/- 280 micrometer2). A significant decrease in peak absolute force of single fibers occurred between 12 and 24 mo of age (from 51 +/- 2 x 10(-5) to 35 +/- 2 x 10(-5) N) and then remained constant until 36 mo, when another 43% decrease occurred. Like peak absolute force, the specific tension decreased significantly between 12 and 24 mo by 20%, and another 32% decline was observed at 37 mo. Thus, by 24 mo, there was a dissociation between the loss of fiber cross-sectional area and force. The results suggest time-specific changes of the contractile properties with aging that are independent of each other. Underlying mechanisms responsible for the time-dependent and contractile property-specific changes are unknown. Age-related changes in the molecular dynamics of myosin may be the underlying mechanism for altered force production. The presence of more than one beta/slow MHC isoform may be the mechanism for the altered Vo with age. 相似文献
Segerström AB Holmbäck AM Hansson O Elgzyri T Eriksson KF Ringsberg K Groop L Wollmer P Thorsson O 《Journal of strength and conditioning research / National Strength & Conditioning Association》2011,25(1):16-22
The aim of the study was to determine the relation between peak oxygen uptake V(O2)peak), peak work rate (WRpeak), fiber-type composition, and lower extremity strength and endurance during a maximal incremental cycle test. Thirty-nine healthy sedentary men, aged 30-46, participated in the study. Subjects performed a maximal incremental cycle test and isokinetic knee extension (KE) and flexion (KF) strength and endurance tests at velocities of 60 and 180° · s(-1). Muscle biopsies were taken from m. vastus lateralis and analyzed for fiber-type composition. A significant correlation existed between KE strength and V(O2)peak and WRpeak. Also, KF endurance correlated significantly to V(O2)peak and WRpeak. The KE endurance correlated significantly to WRpeak (rp = 0.32, p < 0.05) and almost significantly to V(O2)peak (rp = 0.28, p = 0.06). Stepwise multiple regression analyses showed that KE strength, KF endurance, and the percentage of type I fibers could explain up to 40% of the variation in V(O2) and WRpeak. The performance of sedentary subjects in a maximal incremental cycle test is highly affected by knee muscle strength and endurance. Fiber-type composition also contributes but to a smaller extent. 相似文献
Age-related changes in the twitch contractile properties of human thenar motor units 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Doherty, Timothy J., and William F. Brown. Age-relatedchanges in the twitch contractile properties of human thenar motorunits. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):93-101, 1997.The purpose of this study was to examine theeffects of aging on the contractile and electrophysiological propertiesof human thenar motor units (MUs). Percutaneous electrical stimulationof single motor axons within the median nerve was used to isolate andexamine the twitch tensions, contractile speeds, and surface-detectedMU action potential (S-MUAP) sizes of 48 thenar MUs in 17 youngersubjects (25-53 yr) and 44 thenar MUs in 9 older subjects(64-77 yr). A wide range of twitch tensions, contractile speeds,and S-MUAP sizes was observed in both age groups. However, oldersubjects had significantly larger MU twitch tensions and slower MUtwitch contraction and half-relaxation times. These changes wereaccompanied by increased S-MUAP sizes. These findings suggest that thehuman thenar MU pool undergoes significant age-related increase in MUsize and slowing of contractile speed. Such adaptation may help toovercome previously reported age-related losses of thenar MUs. 相似文献
I N Golovistikov N Z Porakishvili 《Nauchnye doklady vysshe? shkoly. Biologicheskie nauki》1984,(11):78-82
It has been shown that the content of G and A immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA) in blood serum increases with human age. IgM quantity is maximum at child age and at old age (about 80 years old and elder), at the age of 15-20 it is minimum. Immunoglobulin concentration is higher in female's blood serum than in male's, particularly at middle and old ages. The role of X-chromosome in regulation of serum IgM concentration is being discussed. 相似文献
Anuran larvae undergo water-to-land transition during late metamorphosis. We investigated the development of the iliofibularis muscle in bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana) between Gosner's stage 37 and stage 46 (the last stage). The tadpoles began staying in shallow water at least as early as stage 37, kicking from stage 39, active hindlimb swimming from stage 41, and emerging onto shore from stage 42. For control tadpoles kept in water throughout metamorphosis, muscle mass and length increased two- to threefold between stages 37 and 46, with rapid increases at stage 40. Large, steady increases were found in femur mass, tetanic tension, contraction rate, and power between stages 37 and 46. Concentrations of ATP and creatine phosphate and rates of the phosphagen depletion and the activity of creatine kinase increased significantly, mainly after stage 43. Shortening velocity, tetanic rise time, and half-relaxation time varied little. Energy charge (the amount of metabolically available energy stored in the adenine nucleotide pool) remained unchanged until stage 43 but decreased at stage 46. Compared with the control, experimental tadpoles that were allowed access to both water and land exhibited 1.2- to 1.8-fold greater increases in femur mass, tetanic tension, power, phosphagen depletion rates, and creatine kinase activities at late metamorphic stages but no significant differences for other parameters measured. In sum, most hindlimb development proceeds on the basis of the increasingly active use of limbs for locomotion in water. The further increases in tension, mechanical power, and "chemical power" on emergence would be advantageous for terrestrial antigravity performance. 相似文献
High-performance muscles such as the shaker muscles in the tails of western diamond-backed rattlesnakes (Crotalus atrox) are excellent systems for studying the relationship between contractile performance and metabolic capacity. We observed that shaker muscle contraction frequency increases dramatically with growth in small individuals but then declines gradually in large individuals. We tested whether metabolic capacity changed with performance, using shaker muscle contraction frequency as an indicator of performance and maximal activities of citrate synthase and lactate dehydrogenase as indicators of aerobic and anaerobic capacities, respectively. Contraction frequency increased 20-fold in 20-100-g individuals but then declined by approximately 30% in individuals approaching 1,000 g. Mass-independent aerobic capacity was positively correlated with contractile performance, whereas mass-independent anaerobic capacity was slightly but negatively correlated with performance; body mass was not correlated with performance. Rattle mass increased faster than the ability to generate force. Early in ontogeny, shaker muscle performance appears to be limited by aerobic capacity, but later performance becomes limited equally by aerobic capacity and the mechanical constraint of moving a larger mass without proportionally thicker muscles. This high-performance muscle appears to shift during ontogeny from a metabolic constraint to combined metabolic and mechanical constraints. 相似文献
At present, the putative clinical use of the musculocutaneous and ostomusculocutaneous serratus anterior flaps has been compromised by the risk of partial or total necrosis of the skin overlying the lower part of the serratus anterior muscle. Therefore, the aim of this study was to delineate a skin area vascularized by perforant musculocutaneous branches of arteries stemming from the lower segment of the anterior serrated muscle. Black ink was injected in thoracodorsal artery branches for the serratus anterior muscle in 50 human cadavers before the autopsies (the study was approved by the Institutional Review Board). The surface area of the labeled skin was determined and its borders delineated by means of transparent millimeter grid. Planimetry data were subsequently analyzed with the aid of PC computer program. The results show that the calculated mean surface area (143.79 +/- 2.68 x 2.077; range 138.22-149.36 cm2) of the skin vascularized by perforant musculocuaneous branches stemming from the lower segment of the anterior serrated muscle, can serve as a reliable guide for taking serratus anterior flap in any patient. Therefore, appropriately sized musculocutaneous or osteomusculocutaneous serratus anterior flap can be safely and efficiently used in plastic and reconstructive surgery. 相似文献
Buehring B Belavy DL Michaelis I Gast U Felsenberg D Rittweger J 《Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985)》2011,111(1):87-94
Preservation of muscle function, known to decline in microgravity and simulation (bed rest), is important for successful spaceflight missions. Hence, there is great interest in developing interventions to prevent muscle-function loss. In this study, 20 males underwent 56 days of bed rest. Ten volunteers were randomized to do resistive vibration exercise (RVE). The other 10 served as controls. RVE consisted of muscle contractions against resistance and concurrent whole-body vibration. Main outcome parameters were maximal isometric plantar-flexion force (IPFF), electromyography (EMG)/force ratio, as well as jumping power and height. Measurements were obtained before and after bed rest, including a morning and evening assessment on the first day of recovery from bed rest. IPFF (-17.1%), jumping peak power (-24.1%), and height (-28.5%) declined (P < 0.05) in the control group. There was a trend to EMG/force ratio decrease (-20%; P = 0.051). RVE preserved IPFF and mitigated the decline of countermovement jump performance (peak power -12.2%; height -14.2%). In both groups, IPFF was reduced between the two measurements of the first day of reambulation. This study indicates that bed rest and countermeasure exercises differentially affect the various functions of skeletal muscle. Moreover, the time course during recovery needs to be considered more thoroughly in future studies, as IPFF declined not only with bed rest but also within the first day of reambulation. RVE was effective in maintaining IPFF but only mitigated the decline in jumping performance. More research is needed to develop countermeasures that maintain muscle strength as well as other muscle functions including power. 相似文献
Hinschen AK Rose'Meyer RB Headrick JP 《American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology》2001,280(5):H2380-H2389
We tested whether adenosine mediates nitric oxide (NO)-dependent and NO-independent dilation in coronary and aortic smooth muscle and whether age selectively impairs NO-dependent adenosine relaxation. Responses to adenosine and the relatively nonselective analog 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine (NECA) were studied in coronary vessels and aortas from immature (1-2 mo), mature (3-4 mo), and moderately aged (12-18 mo) Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats. Adenosine and NECA induced biphasic concentration-dependent coronary vasodilation, with data supporting high-sensitivity (pEC(50) = 5.2-5.8) and low-sensitivity (pEC(50) = 2.3-2.4) adenosine sites. Although sensitivity to adenosine and NECA was unaltered by age, response magnitude declined significantly. Treatment with 50 microM N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) markedly inhibited the high-sensitivity site, although response magnitude still declined with age. Aortic sensitivity to adenosine declined with age (pEC(50) = 4.7 +/- 0.2, 3.5 +/- 0.2, and 2.9 +/- 0.1 in immature, mature, and moderately aged aortas, respectively), and the adenosine receptor transduction maximum also decreased (16.1 +/- 0.8, 12.9 +/- 0.7, and 9.6 +/- 0.7 mN/mm(2) in immature, mature, and moderately aged aortas, respectively). L-NAME decreased aortic sensitivity to adenosine in immature and mature tissues but was ineffective in the moderately aged aorta. Data collectively indicate that 1) adenosine mediates NO-dependent and NO-independent coronary and aortic relaxation, 2) maturation and aging reduce NO-independent and NO-dependent adenosine responses, and 3) the age-related decline in aortic response also involves a reduction in the adenosine receptor transduction maximum. 相似文献
Folke Hammarqvist Gertrud Angsten Staffan Meurling Kerstin Andersson Jan Wernerman 《Amino acids》2010,39(2):359-366
The aim of the study was to explore if changes in muscle and plasma amino acid concentrations developed during growth and
differed from levels seen in adults. The gradient and concentrations of free amino acids in muscle and plasma were investigated
in relation to age in metabolic healthy children. Plasma and specimens from the abdominal muscle were obtained during elective
surgery. The children were grouped into three groups (group 1: < 1 year, n = 8; group 2: 1–4 years, n = 13 and group 3: 5–15 years, n = 15). A reference group of healthy adults (21–38 years, n = 22) was included in their comparisons and reflected specific differences between children and adults. In muscle the concentrations
of 8 out of 19 amino acids analysed increased with age, namely taurine, aspartate, threonine, alanine, valine, isoleucine,
leucine, histidine, as well as the total sums of branched chain amino acids (BCAA), basic amino acids (BAA) and total sum
of amino acids (P < 0.05). In plasma the concentrations of threonine, glutamine, valine, cysteine, methionine, leucine, lysine, tryptophane,
arginine, BCAA, BAA and the essential amino acids correlated with age (P < 0.05). These results indicate that there is an age dependency of the amino acid pattern in skeletal muscle and plasma during
growth. 相似文献
Thirty-seven pineal bodies have been studied. They have been obtained from persons of both sex at the age of 18 up to 88 years, perished from accidental causes. Specific volumes of the epiphyseal tissues and vascular constructions of all types have been determined in histological preparations. In young age (up to 40-45 years) the volume of the intraorganic epiphyseal vascular bed is greater, and its blood supply is better than in persons of elderly and old age, when the sclerosing process in the organ occurs at the expense of outgrowth of fibrous elements of the connective tissue carcass. During the pineal body involution, the volume of its intraorganic vascular bed decreases essentially. This results in certain disturbances of blood supply and affects functional activity of the organ. 相似文献
Iu S Borovikov N A Chernogriadskaia M S Bogdanova Iu M Rozanov V P Kirillina 《Tsitologiia》1976,18(11):1371-1377
Increase of anisotropy of F-actin fluorescence of balanus and rabbit muscle fibers under the influence of ATP, AMP and pyrophosphate in EGTA presence was detected by means of the polarized ultraviolet (UV) fluorescent microscopy methods. The fluorescence anisotropy changes are assumed to be associated with the conformational changes in the actin. ATP cause more noticeable changes of actin structure, than pyrophosphate and AMP. The conformational changes in the actin of balanus and rabbit muscle fibres were similar. ATP and its analogs induced also decrease of UV fluorescence anisotropy of A-band which appears to be associated with conformational changes in myosin. It was siggested that the changes in fluorescence of anisotropy of A-bands are due to structural changes in both HMM and LMM parts of myosin molecule. 相似文献
Previous studies have increased antioxidant capacity in skeletal muscle to attenuate oxidative stress and muscle atrophy during limb immobilization (Appell HJ, Duarte JAR, and Soares JMC. Int J Sports Med 18: 157-160, 1997; Kondo H, Miura M, Nakagaki I, Sasaki S, and Itokawa Y. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 262: E583-E590, 1992). The purpose of this study was to determine the level of oxidative stress in muscle during hindlimb unweighting (HLU) and whether antioxidant supplementation can attenuate the atrophy and changes in contractile properties resulting from 14 days of unweighting. Muscle unweighting caused a 44% decrease in soleus (Sol) and a 30% decrease in gastrocnemius (GS) mass, a 7% decrease in body weight, and 28% decrease in tetanic force in the GS. Protein carbonyls increased by 44% in the Sol with HLU. Antioxidant supplementation did not attenuate the GS or Sol atrophy or the decrease in GS force generation during HLU. Sol and GS protein concentration was not different between groups. The GS was also subjected to three different oxidative challenges to determine whether the supplement increased the antioxidant capacity of the muscle. In all cases, muscles exhibited an increased antioxidant capacity. These data indicate that antioxidant supplementation was not an effective countermeasure to the atrophy associated with HLU. 相似文献
Energy for muscle contractions is supplied by ATP generated from 1) the net hydrolysis of phosphocreatine (PCr) through the creatine kinase reaction, 2) oxidative phosphorylation, and 3) anaerobic glycolysis. The effect of old age on these pathways is unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine whether age may affect ATP synthesis rates from these pathways during maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC). Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to assess high-energy phosphate metabolite concentrations in skeletal muscle of eight young (20-35 yr) and eight older (65-80 yr) men. Oxidative capacity was assessed from PCr recovery after a 16-s MVIC. We determined the contribution of each pathway to total ATP synthesis during a 60-s MVIC. Oxidative capacity was similar across age groups. Similar rates of ATP synthesis from PCr hydrolysis and oxidative phosphorylation were observed in young and older men during the 60-s MVIC. Glycolytic flux was higher in young than older men during the 60-s contraction (P < 0.001). When expressed relative to the overall ATP synthesis rate, older men relied on oxidative phosphorylation more than young men (P = 0.014) and derived a smaller proportion of ATP from anaerobic glycolysis (P < 0.001). These data demonstrate that although oxidative capacity was unaltered with age, peak glycolytic flux and overall ATP production from anaerobic glycolysis were lower in older men during a high-intensity contraction. Whether this represents an age-related limitation in glycolytic metabolism or a preferential reliance on oxidative ATP production remains to be determined. 相似文献