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Polypeptide composition of extracellular enveloped vaccinia virus.   总被引:32,自引:28,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Extracellular enveloped vaccinia (EEV) virus grown in SIRC and in HeLa cells was purified by consecutive equilibrium centrifugations in sucrose and cesium chloride gradients. A higher degree of purity was obtained with virus material prepared in SIRC cells. The polypeptides of purified EEV and INV (intracellular naked vaccinia) virus were compared in polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. Three proteins (200,000 molecular weight [200K], 95K, and 13K) detected in HeLa-derived INV were absent in EEV. In addition, two INV proteins (65K and 30K) occurred in reduced concentrations in EEV, white another INV protein (27K) was increased in EEV. INV from SIRC cells showed similar alterations of these proteins (with the exception of the 30K and 13K proteins). Detergent treatment, ether extraction, and Pronase treatment showed that these six proteins are located at the surface of INV and are not cecessary for infectivity. Eight proteins (210K, 110K, 89K, 42K, 37K, 21.5K, 21K, and 20K) were detected in EEV that were absent from inv. Brij-58 treatment was employed to remove the envelope from EEV, resulting in the formation of naked particles and an envelope fraction which were separated on cesium chloride gradients. The envelope fractions contained all eight proteins. Seven of the eight proteins were glycoproteins, with the 37K protein being the only unglycosylated protein. It is concluded that a processing of surface INV particle proteins occurs during evelopment. The resultant EEV particle is comprised of an INV particle with a modified surface composition enclosed in an envelope containing virus-specific proteins unique to EEV.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a ubiquitous post-translational modification responsible for a multitude of crucial biological roles. As obligate parasites, viruses exploit host-cell machinery to glycosylate their own proteins during replication. Viral envelope proteins from a variety of human pathogens including HIV-1, influenza virus, Lassa virus, SARS, Zika virus, dengue virus, and Ebola virus have evolved to be extensively glycosylated. These host-cell derived glycans facilitate diverse structural and functional roles during the viral life-cycle, ranging from immune evasion by glycan shielding to enhancement of immune cell infection. In this review, we highlight the imperative and auxiliary roles glycans play, and how specific oligosaccharide structures facilitate these functions during viral pathogenesis. We discuss the growing efforts to exploit viral glycobiology in the development of anti-viral vaccines and therapies.  相似文献   

R Blasco  B Moss 《Journal of virology》1992,66(7):4170-4179
The roles of intracellular naked (INV), cell-associated enveloped (CEV), and extracellular enveloped (EEV) forms of vaccinia virus in cell-to-cell and longer-range spread were investigated by using two closely related strains of vaccinia virus, WR and IHD-J. We confirmed previous results that WR and IHD-J produced similar amounts of INV and formed similar-size primary plaques but that IHD-J produced 10 to 40 times more EEV and spread to distant cells much more efficiently than did WR. Nevertheless, cells infected with WR and IHD-J had similar amounts of CEV, indicating that wrapping and transport of WR virions were unimpaired. A WR mutant with a deletion in VP37, the major outer envelope protein, formed normal amounts of INV; however, the generation of CEV was blocked and plaque formation was inhibited. These results suggested that CEV is the form of virus that mediates cell-to-cell spread. Marker rescue experiments indicated that the differences in EEV production by WR and IHD-J were not due to sequence differences in VP37. The low amount of WR EEV could be attributed to retention of CEV on the cell membrane. In support of this hypothesis, mild treatment with trypsin released as much or more infectious virus from cells infected with WR as it did with cells infected with IHD-J. Most of the virus released by trypsin sedimented with the buoyant density of EEV. Also, addition of trypsin to cells following inoculation with WR led to a comet-shaped distribution of secondary plaques characteristic of IHD-J. These results demonstrated that the release of CEV from the cell surface was limiting for extracellular virus formation and affirmed the role of EEV in long-range spread.  相似文献   

The Tyr-X-X-Leu (YxxL) motif of the vaccinia virus F13L protein was examined for late (L) domain activity. The ability of an F13L deletion virus to form plaques was restored by PCR products containing single alanine substitutions within the motif and a YAAL construct but not by constructs lacking both the Y and L residues. Recombinant viruses possessing alanine substitutions in place of the tyrosine or the leucine residue in the YxxL motif demonstrated small, asymmetrical plaques. RNA interference-dependent depletion of Alix and TSG101 (host proteins involved in L domain-dependent protein trafficking) diminished extracellular enveloped virion production to various degrees, suggesting that the YxxL motif is a genuine L domain.  相似文献   

In HeLa cells the assembly of modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), an attenuated vaccinia virus (VV) strain, is blocked. No intracellular mature viruses (IMVs) are made and instead, immature viruses accumulate, some of which undergo condensation and are released from the cell. The condensed particles may undergo wrapping by membranes of the trans-Golgi network and fusion with the plasma membrane prior to their release (M. W. Carroll and B. Moss, Virology 238:198-211, 1997). The present study shows by electron microscopy (EM), however, that the dense particles made in HeLa cells are also released by a budding process at the plasma membrane. By labeling the plasma membrane with antibodies to B5R, a membrane protein of the extracellular enveloped virus, we show that budding occurs at sites that concentrate this protein. EM quantitation revealed that the cell surface around a budding profile was as strongly labeled with anti-B5R antibody as were the extracellular particles, whereas the remainder of the plasma membrane was significantly less labeled. To test whether budding was a characteristic of MVA infection, HeLa cells were infected with the replication competent VV strains Western Reserve strain (WR) and International Health Department strain-J (IHD-J) and also prepared for EM. EM analyses, surprisingly, revealed for both virus strains IMVs that evidently budded at the cell surface at sites that were significantly labeled with anti-B5R. EM also indicated that budding of MVA dense particles was more efficient than budding of IMVs from WR- or IHD-J-infected cells. This was confirmed by semipurifying [(35)S]methionine-labeled dense particles or extracellular enveloped virus (EEVs) from the culture supernatant of MVA- or IHD-J-infected HeLa cells, respectively, showing that threefold more labeled dense particles were secreted than EEVs. Finally, although the released MVA dense particles contain some DNA, they are not infectious, as assessed by plaque assays.  相似文献   

Inhibition of neuraminidase (NA) activity prevents release of progeny virions from influenza-infected cells and removal of neuraminic (sialic) acid moieties from glycans attached to hemagglutinin (HA). Neuraminic acid moieties situated near the HA receptor-binding site can reduce the efficiency of virus binding and decrease viral dependence on NA activity for replication. With the use of reverse genetics technique, we investigated the effect of glycans attached at Asn 94a, 129, and 163 on the virus susceptibility to NA inhibitors in MDCK cells and demonstrated that the glycan attached at Asn 163 plays a dominant role in compensation for the loss of NA activity.  相似文献   

Husain M  Moss B 《Journal of virology》2005,79(7):4080-4089
Infectious intracellular mature vaccinia virus particles are wrapped by cisternae, which may arise from trans-Golgi or early endosomal membranes, and are transported along microtubules to the plasma membrane where exocytosis occurs. We used EH21, a dominant-negative form of Eps15 that is an essential component of clathrin-coated pits, to investigate the extent and importance of endocytosis of viral envelope proteins from the cell surface. Several recombinant vaccinia viruses that inducibly or constitutively express an enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP)-EH21 fusion protein were constructed. Expression of GFP-EH21 blocked uptake of transferrin, a marker for clathrin-mediated endocytosis, as well as association of adaptor protein-2 with clathrin-coated pits. When GFP-EH21 was expressed, there were increased amounts of viral envelope proteins, including A33, A36, B5, and F13, in the plasma membrane, and their internalization was inhibited. Wrapping of virions appeared to be qualitatively unaffected as judged by electron microscopy, a finding consistent with a primary trans-Golgi origin of the cisternae. However, GFP-EH21 expression caused a 50% reduction in released enveloped virions, decreased formation of satellite plaques, and delayed virus spread, indicating an important role for receptor-mediated endocytosis. Due to dynamic interconnection between endocytic and exocytic pathways, viral proteins recovered from the plasma membrane could be used by trans-Golgi or endosomal cisternae to form new viral envelopes. Adherence of enveloped virions to unrecycled viral proteins on the cell surface may also contribute to decreased virus release in the presence of GFP-EH21. In addition to a salvage function, the retrieval of viral proteins from the cell surface may reduce immune recognition.  相似文献   

Husain M  Moss B 《Journal of virology》2003,77(16):9008-9019
The F13L protein of vaccinia virus, an essential and abundant palmitoylated peripheral membrane component of intra- and extracellular enveloped virions, associates with Golgi, endosomal, and plasma membranes in the presence or absence of other viral proteins. In the present study, the trafficking of a fully functional F13L-green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimera in transfected and productively infected cells was analyzed using specific markers and inhibitors. We found that Sar1(H79G), a trans-dominant-negative protein inhibitor of cargo transport from the endoplasmic reticulum, had no apparent effect on the intracellular distribution of F13L-GFP, suggesting that the initial membrane localization occurs at a downstream compartment of the secretory pathway. Recycling of F13L-GFP from the plasma membrane was demonstrated by partial colocalization with FM4-64, a fluorescent membrane marker of endocytosis. Punctate F13L-GFP fluorescence overlapped with clathrin and Texas red-conjugated transferrin, suggesting that endocytosis occurred via clathrin-coated pits. The inhibitory effects of chlorpromazine and trans-dominant-negative forms of dynamin and Eps15 protein on the recycling of F13L-GFP provided further evidence for clathrin-mediated endocytosis. In addition, the F13L protein was specifically coimmunoprecipitated with alpha-adaptin, a component of the AP-2 complex that interacts with Eps15. Nocodazole and wortmannin perturbed the intracellular trafficking of F13L-GFP, consistent with its entry into late and early endosomes through the secretory and endocytic pathways, respectively. The recycling pathway described here provides a mechanism for the reutilization of the F13L protein following its deposition in the plasma membrane during the exocytosis of enveloped virions.  相似文献   

Vaccinia extracellular enveloped virus (EEV) is critical for cell-to-cell and long-range virus spread both in vitro and in vivo. The B5R gene encodes an EEV-specific type I membrane protein that is essential for efficient EEV formation. The majority of the B5R ectodomain consists of four domains with homology to short consensus repeat domains followed by a stalk. Previous studies have shown that polyclonal antibodies raised against the B5R ectodomain inhibit EEV infection. In this study, our goal was to elucidate the antigenic structure of B5R and relate this to its function. To do this, we produced multimilligram quantities of vaccinia virus B5R as a soluble protein [B5R(275t)] using a baculovirus expression system. We then selected and characterized a panel of 26 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize B5R(275t). Five of these MAbs neutralized EEV and inhibited comet formation. Two other MAbs were able only to neutralize EEV, while five others were able only to inhibit comet formation. This suggests that the EEV neutralization and comet inhibition assays measure different viral functions and that at least two different antigenic sites on B5R are important for these activities. We further characterized the MAbs and the antigenic structure of B5R(275t) by peptide mapping and by reciprocal MAb blocking studies using biosensor analysis. The epitopes recognized by neutralizing MAbs were localized to SCR1-SCR2 and/or the stalk of B5R(275t). Furthermore, the peptide and blocking data support the concept that SCR1 and the stalk may be in juxtaposition and may be part of the same functional domain.  相似文献   

HeLa, SIRC, and RK-13 cells were compared as to their production of intracellular naked vaccinia virus (INV) and extracellular enveloped vaccinia virus (EEV) after infection with vaccinia strains WR and IHD-J. IHD-J produced more EEV from all three cell lines than did WR, although both strains produced approximately the same quantity of INV. The most efficient EEV release was from RK-13 cells infected with IHD-J, which was 200 times more than from WR-infected SIRC cells. This permitted for the first time the purification of milligram quantities of EEV that contained much fewer cell protein contaminants than could be obtained from HeLa or SIRC cells. The INV surface proteins 200K, 95K, 65K, and 13K were present in both HeLa and RK-13 cell-derived INV but were absent in SIRC cell INV. These proteins were absent in EEV from all three cell lines. Four glycoproteins of molecular weights 210 x 10(3) (210K), 110K, 89K, and 42K and five glycoproteins in the 23K to 20K range plus a nonglycosylated protein of 37K were detected in EEV from the hemagglutinin-positive IHD-J vaccinia strain. The 89K glycoprotein was not present in EEV or membranes from cells infected with the hemagglutinin-negative vaccinia strain IHD-W. Antisera to IHD-W lacking hemagglutinin-inhibiting antibodies did not precipitate the 89K glycoprotein of IHD-J. The only glycoprotein that specifically attached to rooster erythrocytes was the 89K glycoprotein. This evidence indicates that the 89K glycoprotein is the vaccinia hemagglutinin.  相似文献   

The extracellular enveloped virus (EEV) form of vaccinia virus is bound by an envelope which is acquired by wrapping of intracellular virus particles with cytoplasmic vesicles containing trans-Golgi network markers. Six virus-encoded proteins have been reported as components of the EEV envelope. Of these, four proteins (A33R, A34R, A56R, and B5R) are glycoproteins, one (A36R) is a nonglycosylated transmembrane protein, and one (F13L) is a palmitylated peripheral membrane protein. During infection, these proteins localize to the Golgi complex, where they are incorporated into infectious virus that is then transported and released into the extracellular medium. We have investigated the fates of these proteins after expressing them individually in the absence of vaccinia infection, using a Semliki Forest virus expression system. Significant amounts of proteins A33R and A56R efficiently reached the cell surface, suggesting that they do not contain retention signals for intracellular compartments. In contrast, proteins A34R and F13L were retained intracellularly but showed distributions different from that of the normal infection. Protein A36R was partially retained intracellularly, decorating both the Golgi complex and structures associated with actin fibers. A36R was also transported to the plasma membrane, where it accumulated at the tips of cell projections. Protein B5R was efficiently targeted to the Golgi region. A green fluorescent protein fusion with the last 42 C-terminal amino acids of B5R was sufficient to target the chimeric protein to the Golgi region. However, B5R-deficient vaccinia virus showed a normal localization pattern for other EEV envelope proteins. These results point to the transmembrane or cytosolic domain of B5R protein as one, but not the only, determinant of the retention of EEV proteins in the wrapping compartment.  相似文献   

The role of N-linked glycosylation in the biological activity of the measles virus (MV) fusion (F) protein was analyzed by expressing glycosylation mutants with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors. There are three potential N-linked glycosylation sites located on the F2 subunit polypeptide of MV F, at asparagine residues 29, 61, and 67. Each of the three potential glycosylation sites was mutated separately as well as in combination with the other sites. Expression of mutant proteins in mammalian cells showed that all three sites are used for the addition of N-linked oligosaccharides. Cell surface expression of mutant proteins was reduced by 50% relative to the wild-type level when glycosylation at either Asn-29 or Asn-61 was abolished. Despite the similar levels of cell surface expression, the Asn-29 and Asn-61 mutant proteins had different biological activities. While the Asn-61 mutant was capable of inducing syncytium formation, the Asn-29 mutant protein did not exhibit any significant cell fusion activity. Inactivation of the Asn-67 glycosylation site also reduced cell surface transport of mutant protein but had little effect on its ability to cause cell fusion. However, when the Asn-67 mutation was combined with mutations at either of the other two sites, cleavage-dependent activation, cell surface expression, and cell fusion activity were completely abolished. Our data show that the loss of N-linked oligosaccharides markedly impaired the proteolytic cleavage, stability, and biological activity of the MV F protein. The oligosaccharide side chains in MV F are thus essential for optimum conformation of the extracellular F2 subunit that is presumed to bind cellular membranes.  相似文献   

High-voltage (1,000-kV) electron microscope examination of whole BSC-1 cells infected with vaccinia virus at different times after infection revealed the presence of increasing numbers of virions no longer confined to factories but situated along the cell periphery of monolayer cells. Stereoscopic images showed each virus enclosed within a membrane-like component of the host cell cytoplasm. Viruses within factories appeared to lack similar enclosures. Cytochalasin B, but not vinblastine, caused the enclosures to disrupt. Vaccinia viruses were observed to escape the host cell individually from the tips of microvillie and within packets of cytoplasm. Observations suggest that the intracellular movement and release of vaccinia virus utilize a host cell cytoplasmic network that involves microfilaments for stability.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins of Semliki Forest virus, grown in chicken embryo cells, were labeled with radioactive sugars. The data indicate a high mannose content of the nonstructural precursor glycoprotein NSP 63. This protein can also be readily labeled with 2-deoxy-D-glucose. The envelope glycoproteins E1 and E2 are relatively rich in galactose, glucosamine, and fucose. Glycosylation can be impaired by 2-deoxy-D-glucose or D-glucosamine or by omission of sugars in the culture medium. Under these conditions characteristic changes in the electrophoretic profile of the viral polypeptides are observed: in the regions of glycoproteins NSP 97, NSP 63, and E1 and E2 new protein peaks can be detected. These polypeptides seem to be aberrant forms of the glycoproteins. When compared with the normal molecules they have lower molecular weights and contain less carbohydrates, especially mannose. Pulse-chase experiments indicate that the altered glycoproteins are degraded very slowly if at all. If, however, impairment is caused by omission of sugars in the culture medium, the radioactivity is chased after addition of glucose from the region between NSP 63 and E1 + E2 into the E1 + E2 peak. This suggests a completion of the carbohydrate chains under these conditions.  相似文献   

The processing and transport of the envelope glycoprotein complex of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in the persistently infected Crandell feline kidney (CRFK) cell line were investigated. Pulse-chase analyses revealed that the glycoprotein is synthesized as a precursor with an Mr of 145,000 (gp145) and is quickly trimmed to a molecule with an Mr of 130,000 (gp130). Treatment of gp130 with endoglycosidase H (endo H) resulted in a protein with an Mr of 75,000, indicating that nearly half the weight of the gp130 precursor consists of endo H-sensitive glycans during biosynthesis. Chase periods of up to 8 h revealed intermediates during the further processing of this glycoprotein precursor. Initially, two minor protein species with apparent Mrs of 100,000 and 90,000 were detected along with gp130. At later chase times these two species appeared to migrate as a single dominant species with an Mr of 95,000 (gp95). Concomitant with the appearance of gp95 was another protein with an Mr of approximately 40,000 (gp40). Chase periods of up to 8 h revealed that approximately half of the precursor was processed into the gp95-gp40 complex within 4 h. gp95 was efficiently transported from the cell into the culture medium by 1 to 2 h after labeling, whereas gp40 was not observed to be released from infected CRFK cells. Analysis of the processing in the presence of monensin, castanospermine, and swainsonine also suggests the existence of these intermediates in the processing of this lentivirus glycoprotein. As with human immunodeficiency virus, virus produced in the presence of glucosidase inhibitors and reduced infectivity for T-lymphocyte cultures.  相似文献   

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