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Partial or complete sterility is an obvious feature in triploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) which contributes to improving rearing performances. Despite the significance of sterility, the molecular mechanism behind it remains elusive and related research was limited. This study focused on six reproduction-related genes and compared their different behavior in gene expression and DNA methylation pattern between triploid and diploid oysters in order to provide more molecular information. The gonadal development of triploid oyster was examined by histology before molecular analysis. Gametogenesis disturbance was observed in triploid oysters at different development stages (stage II and III) with more serious impairment in females. QPCR showed significant gene expression difference between diploid and triploid in two genes: putative Vg and cgER. Gene expression of putative Vg was delayed in triploids while for cgER triploid oyster showed higher expression and the difference was significant at stage III. DNA methylation pattern of these two genes were further investigated by bisulfite sequencing. Between diploid and triploid oysters, no difference was observed in total methylation level but some individual loci showed different patterns: significantly high methylation rate of loci 2284 in cgER was observed in triploid oyster which has a higher expression of this gene. This study indicated that putative Vg and cgER might play a role in partial sterile in triploid C. gigas. Gene expression could be regulated by the methylation pattern at specific individual locus, which deserves equivalent attention as well as total DNA methylation level.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the geographical and ecological distribution of Allium scorodoprasum cytotypes in Lithuania. 46 populations were studied: environmental variables were recorded and somatic chromosome numbers of 797 individuals from all populations were assessed. Diploids were found in 13 populations in the northern part of the study area, while triploids occurred in 33 populations from the western part of Lithuania. A. scorodoprasum frequently occurred in river valleys, particularly in the rarely flooded high level floodplains or on lower terraces. Only one population was recorded in Alno-Ulmion forest and three on the Glechometalia hederaceae forest edges, while 42 populations occurred in mesophilous or semidry Arrhenatheretalia elatioris, Mesobromion erecti and Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei grasslands. No distinct differences in relative frequencies of diploid and triploid cytotypes in different plant communities were found whereas the soil chemical composition between the habitats of both cytotypes differed statistically. These differences however were indicative of the geographical separation of habitats rather than ecological differentiation between the two cytotypes. The results suggest that there were at least two separate roads of colonization of diploid and triploid A. scorodoprasum into Lithuania.  相似文献   

The extremely high diversity of spined loach biotypes in the Lower Danube has been detected by biochemical genetic investigation and cytometric analysis of 358 specimens collected in the riverbed and shallow channels. Along with two diploid species (C. elongatoides and C. “tanaitica”), six hybrid forms were revealed, namely, diploid C. elongatoides-“tanaitica”; triploid C. 2 elongatoides-“tanaitica,” C. elongatoides-2 “tanaitica,” and C. 2 elongatoides-species-1; and tetraploid C. 3 elongatoides-“tanaitica” and C. elongatoides-species-2-2 “tanaitica.” In addition, specimens with recombinant genotypes were also found. In spite of the apomictic mode of reproduction, the polyploids did not possess clonal structure, but according to the level of polymorphism and the genotype distribution, they were isomorphous to parental diploid species. Thus, in contrast to the polyploidy in Cobitids of the Dnieper, which have appeared in the basin due to the expansion, the polyploids of the Lower Danube are autochthonous and were derived by crossing with local diploid species. The process is apparently proceeds without any limitations.  相似文献   


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Through high-throughput sequencing, we compared the relative expression levels of miRNA in three full-sib Populus triploid populations with that in their parents and one diploid hybrid population. We found similar numbers of miRNAs differentially expressed between the parents and the four progeny hybrid populations. In addition, unbalanced parental expression level dominance of miRNAs were found in the three allotriploid and interspecific hybrid populations, which may reprogram gene expression networks and contribute to the growth of Populus hybrids. These results indicated that hybridization has a great impact on the miRNA expression variation in the newly synthesized Populus triploid and diploid hybrid populations. However, we also found no significant differences in miRNA expression among one diploid and three triploid hybrid populations, hinting that miRNA abundances do not increase with the genome content. No dosage effect of miRNA expression could lead to dosage-dependent negative effects on target genes and their downstream pathway in polyploids. We speculate that polyploids may gain advantages from the slight decrease in miRNA regulation, suggesting an important molecular mechanism of polyploid advantage.


Hybridization with three types of induced 2n gametes transmitted different parental heterozygosities has been proven as an efficient method for Populus triploid production. Several researches have shown that miRNA could be non-additively expressed in allopolyploids. However, it is still unclear whether the non-additively expressed miRNAs result from the effect of hybridization or polyploidization, and whether a dose response to the additional genomic content exists for the expression of miRNA. Toward this end, through high-throughput sequencing, we compared the expression levels of miRNA in three full-sib Populus triploid populations with that in their parents and one interspecific hybrid population. We found similar numbers of miRNAs differentially expressed between the parents and the four progeny hybrid populations. Unbalanced parental expression level dominance of miRNAs were found in the three triploid and diploid hybrid populations, which may reprogram gene expression networks and affect the growth of Populus hybrids. These results indicated that hybridization has a great impact on the miRNA expression variation in the newly synthesized Populus triploid and diploid hybrid populations. However, we also found no significant differences in miRNA expression among the three triploid populations and the diploid hybrid population. No dosage effect of miRNA expression could lead to dosage-dependent negative effects on target genes and their downstream pathway in polyploids. We speculate that polyploids may gain advantages from the decrease in miRNA negative regulation, suggesting an important molecular mechanism of polyploid advantage.

Deschampsia antarctica3 E. Desv. is one of the two flowering plants that, along with Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl., was able to settle the ice-free areas of Antarctica. In order to identify the possible adaptations of the D. antarctica reproductive system to adverse environmental conditions, comparative cytoembryological analysis of plants of this species growing on the Antarctic Peninsula with plants of the closely related species D. beringensis Hult. from the Kamchatka Peninsula was conducted. It was found that both species are characterized by sexual mode of reproduction, equal size of pollen grains (25.5 ± 2.2 and 26.2 ± 1.9 μm, respectively), same features of the embryo sac structure, and emryo- and endospermogenesis. Interspecies differences have been found in mature embryo sac size (326.8 ± 12.8 and 161.7 ± 10.4 μm), pollen sterility percentage (86.1 ± 8.9 and 35.3 ± 9.2%), and quantity of pollen in the anthers (140 ± 15.3 and 1578 ± 88.6). Possible causes and significance of these differences are discussed. No unique adaptations of seed reproduction system that are inherent exclusively to D. antarctica were found. The D. antarctica reproduction strategy is based on the combination of autogamy (and its extreme form cleistogamy) with production of excess pollen quantity for its mode of pollination.  相似文献   

Diploid and triploid hybrid females of Cobitis as a rule produce unreduced eggs which mainly develop gynogenetically, but some of the eggs incorporate sperm genome and develop into triploids and tetraploids, respectively. Here, we observed for the first time the meiotic chromosomes in the germinal vesicles (GVs) of mature oocytes of three diploid C. taenia (2n = 48) and 20 allopolyploid females of Cobitis (18 triploid 3n = 74 and 2 tetraploid 4n = 99). The majority of GVs in diploid, triploid and tetraploid females contained 24, 74 and 96 or 99 bivalents, respectively. These results directly indicated premeiotic endomitosis as a mechanism underlying the formation of unreduced eggs in allopolyploid females of Cobitis.  相似文献   

Prunus fruticosa is a rare shrub occurring in Eurasian thermophilous forest-steppe alliances. The species frequently hybridizes with cultivated Prunus species in Europe (allochthonous tetraploid P. cerasus and partly indigenous diploid P. avium). Propidium iodide flow cytometry, distance-based morphometrics, elliptic Fourier analysis and embryology were employed to evaluate the extent of hybridization in six Slovak populations. Flow cytometric analyses revealed three ploidy levels: diploid (P. avium), triploid (P. × mohacsyana) and tetraploid (P. fruticosa, P. × eminens and P. cerasus). In addition, P. fruticosa and P. cerasus, at the tetraploid level, were found to differ in absolute genome size. An embryological evaluation suggested the existence of a triploid block in P. × mohacsyana and significant potential for hybridization among tetraploid taxa (indicated also by a continuous distribution of genome size data and further mirrored by morphometrics). Although hybrids significantly differ in ploidy level and embryological characteristics, they are almost indistinguishable using morphological characters. Hybridization with P. cerasus thus turns out to be a significant threat to wild populations of P. fruticosa compared to the relatively weak influence of P. avium.  相似文献   

The contents of eight trace elements (Ti, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Ba, and Pb) in muscles of syntopic sexual and clonal spined loaches (the golden loach Sabanejewia baltica, diploid males and females of Cobitis taenia, and congeneric triploid clonal females) from the upper Dnieper River and in the syntopic spined loaches (males and females of C. melanoleuca and males of C. taenia) from the upper Volga River basin were determined using the X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy technique. The contents of Cu in the clonal triploid Cobitis females and diploid C. taenia females from the Dnieper are different. The intersexual differences in the contents of Pb and Zn between C. taenia males and females, as well as the interspecific differences in the content of Ti between the spined loaches from the Dnieper and Volga basins were revealed. The concentrations of Cu and Pb correlated with the individual fish size. The potential for the use of the revealed differences in the trace element contents as an indicator of the divergence of ecological niches in the syntopic spined loaches is discussed.  相似文献   

Triploidy has generally been considered to be an evolutionary dead end due to problems of chromosomal pairing and segregation during meiosis. Thus, the formation of tetraploids and diploids from triploid types is a rare phenomenon. In the present study, we demonstrated that inbreeding of the triploid planarian Dugesia ryukyuensis resulted in both diploid and triploid offspring in nature. In the triploids of D. ryukyuensis, chiasmata between homologous chromosomes were observed in both female and male germ lines. This result suggests that both diploid and triploid offspring of this species are produced bisexually by zygotic fusion between sperm and eggs. Hence, this phenomenon may be a novel mechanism in planarian for escaping the triploid state.  相似文献   

Heat resistance of the gastrocnemius muscle was studied in five species of the Rana esculenta complex. It was similar in R. bedriagae, R. lessonae, and in the European form of R. ridibunda; while North African R. saharica demonstrated a lower heat resistance. No heterosis was expressed in R. esculenta, a clonal hybrid of R. lessonae and R. ridibunda, for the heat resistance of the muscle. Moreover, this species demonstrated low heat resistance at the highest test temperature (42°C). Comparison of diploid and triploid R. esculenta syntopically occurring in the same water bodies demonstrated no differences between them, thus, suggesting that polyploidy has no effect on this parameter at least in this case.  相似文献   

A new Dienia type of the embryogenesis of orchid plants differing from the Liparis type, earlier observed for the tribe Malaxideae, has been described in Dienia ophrydis (J. Köenig) Seidenf. (Orchidaceae). The Dienia-type embryogenesis is characterized by the following features: (1) development of a single-celled suspensor formed by a cb-derivative, (2) linear arrangement of embryo cells at the tetrad stage, (3) atypical origin of some tiers, and (4) no divisions of the ci and cb cells. A hypothesis about the convergent similarity between the Dienia and Caryophyllaceae types of embryogenesis has been proposed. A number of embryo sac and embryo structures typical for D. ophrydis, including “petassum,” “fitting,” and “suspensor mantle,” have been first described. A “petassum” represents the remains of cell walls of the pollen tube and probably the filamentous apparatus of synergids sealing the micropyle side of a fertilized embryo sac. The sole suspensor cell has a special appendix (“fitting”), which connects it to the embryo. The suspensor and the fitting are surrounded by a special envelope (“suspensor mantle”), which does not cover the basal cell of the embryo (ci).  相似文献   

Chromosome numbers for 98 plants ofF. pallens, 19 ofF. psammophila, F. belensis andF. vaginata, and 44 ofF. ovina (originating from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia and Latvia) are given. In addition to theF. ovina andF. pallens groups, chromosome counts for the following taxa are also reported:F. alpestris (2n=14) reported for the first time in this work,F. amethystina subsp.amethystina (2n=28),F. brevipila (2n=42),F. cinerea (2n=28),F. rupicola subsp.rupicola (2n=42) andF. versicolor subsp.versicolor (2n=14).InF. pallens, two ploidy levels (2n=2x=14+0-1B, 2n=4x=28+0-1B) as well as two natural triploid plants (2n=21+0-1B), were found. In addition to the fourF. pallens types that have been distinguished in Austria, one new tetraploid type (F. pallens “scabrifolia”) from the Czech Republic and Germany is reported and its taxonomy is discussed. The distributions of the Oberösterreich-Niederösterreich and Pannonisches-HügellandF. pallens types outside of Austria are documented.Only the diploid chromosome number (2n=14) was found inF. psammophila andF. vaginata. Chromosome numbers forF. psammophila subsp.muellerstollii andF. belensis (both 2n=14) were determined here for the first time. Two ploidy levels, 2n=14+0-5B corresponding toF. ovina subsp.ovina and 2n=28 corresponding toF. ovina subsp.guestphalica andF. cf.duernsteinensis were confirmed inF. ovina. Differences in chromosome structure (simple and multiple secondary constrictions) betweenF. pallens as opposed toF. psammophila andF. vaginata are discussed. A complete survey of published chromosome counts for Central European species from theF. ovina andF. pallens groups is included.  相似文献   

The Japanese Lepisorus thunbergianus complex contains diploid and tetraploid races of L. thunbergianus and a hexaploid species, L. mikawanus. Here, we performed molecular phylogenetic analysis on this complex to delimit species and to elucidate the evolutionary origins of tetraploid and hexaploid species. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) phylogeny supported the monophyly of the complex. Based on a single-copy nuclear gene (PgiC) tree, the tetraploid L. thunbergianus samples could be classified into two variants: an allotetraploid of hybrid origin between diploid L. thunbergianus and Japanese L. angustus and another allotetraploid of hybrid origin between diploid L. thunbergianus and an unknown diploid race of L. tosaensis. These variants can be recognized morphologically and distinguished from their parent species. Hence, here we described these allopolyploids as new species, L. nigripes and L. kuratae, respectively. The hexaploid species L. mikawanus has three types of PgiC alleles, each of which was derived from diploid L. thunbergianus, L. tosaensis, and Japanese L. angustus, while cpDNA shows that it is included in Japanese L. thunbergianus clade. Based on the cpDNA phylogeny and PgiC nucleotide sequences, we therefore concluded that L. mikawanus is an allohexaploid that originated through hybridization between tetraploid species, L. nigripes and an unknown ancestral diploid race of L. tosaensis.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is one of the most important evolutionary processes in plants. In natural populations, polyploids usually emerge from unreduced gametes which either fuse with reduced ones, resulting in triploid offspring (triploid bridge), or with other unreduced gametes, resulting in tetraploid embryos. The frequencies of these two pathways, and male versus female gamete contributions, however, are largely unexplored. Ranunculus kuepferi occurs with diploid, triploid and autotetraploid cytotypes in the Alps, whereby diploids are mostly sexual, while tetraploids are facultative apomicts. To test for the occurrence of polyploidization events by triploid bridge, we investigated 551 plants of natural populations via flow cytometric seed screening. We assessed ploidy shifts in the embryo to reconstruct female versus male gamete contributions to polyploid embryo and/or endosperm formation. Seed formation via unreduced egg cells (BIII hybrids) occurred in all three cytotypes, while only in one case both gametes were unreduced. Polyploids further formed seeds with reduced, unfertilized egg cells (polyhaploids and aneuploids). Pollen was highly variable in diameter, but only pollen >27 μm was viable, whereby diploids produced higher proportions of well-developed pollen. Pollen size was not informative for the formation of unreduced pollen. These results suggest that a female triploid bridge via unreduced egg cells is the major pathway toward polyploidization in R. kuepferi, maybe as a consequence of constraints of endosperm development. Triploids resulting from unreduced male gametes were not observed, which explains the lack of obligate sexual tetraploid individuals and populations. Unreduced egg cell formation in diploids represents the first step toward apomixis.  相似文献   


Key message

We report the development and characterization of Brassica oleracea - nigra monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) to dissect the Brassica B genome.


Brassica nigra (2n = 16, BB) represents the diploid Brassica B genome which carries many useful genes and traits for breeding but received limited studies. To dissect the B genome from B. nigra, the triploid F1 hybrid (2n = 26, CCB) obtained previously from the cross B. oleracea var. alboglabra (2n = 18, CC) × B. nigra was used as the maternal parent and backcrossed successively to parental B. oleracea. The progenies in BC1 to BC3 generations were analyzed by the methods of FISH and SSR markers to screen the monosomic alien addition lines (MAALs) with each of eight different B-genome chromosomes added to C genome (2n = 19, CC + 1B1?8), and seven different MAALs were established, except for the one with chromosome B2 which existed in one triple addition. Most of these MAALs were distinguishable morphologically from each other, as they expressed the characters from B. nigra differently and at variable extents. The alien chromosome remained unpaired as a univalent in 86.24% pollen mother cells at diakinesis or metaphase I, and formed a trivalent with two C-genome chromosomes in 13.76% cells. Transmission frequency of all the added chromosomes was far higher through the ovules (averagely 14.40%) than the pollen (2.64%). The B1, B4 and B5 chromosomes were transmitted by female at much higher rates (22.38–30.00%) than the other four (B3, B6, B7, B8) (5.04–8.42%). The MAALs should be valuable for exploiting the genome structure and evolution of B. nigra.

RNA interference is a powerful method to inhibit specific gene expression. Recently, silencing target genes by feeding has been successfully carried out in nematodes, insects, and small aquatic organisms. A non-invasive feeding-based RNA interference is reported here for the first time in a mollusk bivalve, the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. In this Trojan horse strategy, the unicellular alga Heterocapsa triquetra is the food supply used as a vector to feed oysters with Escherichia coli strain HT115 engineered to express the double-stranded RNA targeting gene. To test the efficacy of the method, the Clock gene, a central gene of the circadian clock, was targeted for knockout. Results demonstrated specific and systemic efficiency of the Trojan horse strategy in reducing Clock mRNA abundance. Consequences of Clock disruption were observed in Clock-related genes (Bmal, Tim1, Per, Cry1, Cry2, Rev.-erb, and Ror) and triploid oysters were more sensitive than diploid to the interference. This non-invasive approach shows an involvement of the circadian clock in oyster bioaccumulation of toxins produced by the harmful alga Alexandrium minutum.  相似文献   

Most perennial herbaceous plants are able to reproduce vegetatively as well as sexually. Sometimes, such plants may lose the capacity for sexual reproduction. We have studied the case of sterility in triploid populations (2n = 3x = 45) of Gladiolus tenuis M.Bieb. in a considerable part of its area of distribution. Initially, we recorded the presence of a large clone of G. tenuis to the east of the Volga River, as a result of isozyme analysis. We also used AFLP fingerprinting to genotype 55 samples from 10 populations of G. tenuis and one population of the closely related G. imbricutus L. This analysis revealed an extremely low genetic diversity in sterile triploid populations of G. tenuis and a rather high genetic diversity in fertile tetraploid populations (2n = 4x = 60) over most of the area of this species. Genetic distances between fertile and sterile populations of G. tenuis were similar to those between different species of gladioli. It appears that a single sterile genotype has spread vegetatively over 800 km, propagating by daughter corms. The study of the reproductive features of G. tenuis suggests that the cause of sterility may be self-incompatibility between individuals of the clone.  相似文献   

An investigation of the genetic structure of the Aporrectodea caliginosa-A. trapezoids diploidpolyploid complex of earthworms found in the Ukraine is performed by means of biochemical genetic marking with respect to six loci (Aat, Es-1,-2,-3, and-4, and Mdh) and karyotyping. All 646 individuals from 21 samples are analyzed at the biochemical gene level and karyotype samples are obtained from 70 specimens. As a result, diploid amphimictic A. caliginosa individuals (2n = 36), which form panmictic populations, and triploid (2n = 54) A. trapezoides individuals, represented by 19 hypothetical clones discovered in the course of an analysis of 157 specimens, are clearly differentiated. A clear trend towards dominance of the triploid forms in the steppe zone of Ukraine is discovered. Here they represent roughly 70% as against 12% of all A. (superspecies) caliginosa individuals in the northern forest regions. Based on the stated nature of the heterozygosity of the loci studied and the behavior of the chromosomes in meiosis, it may be claimed that the cloned forms are allotriploids, formed as a result of hybridization of a series of related forms, which, judging from the allelic pools, does not include amphimictic species that now inhabit the territory of Ukraine. That is, either the apomictic clones of A. trapezoides lack a local origin and their appearance among the fauna of Ukraine is a consequence of settlement in arid steppe regions that are unfavorable for earthworms or, on the other hand, amphimictic A. caliginosa is an invasive species.  相似文献   

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