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《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2637-2647
We have compared the molecular specificities of the adhesive interactions of melanoma and fibroblastic cells with fibronectin. Several striking differences were found in the sensitivity of the two cell types to inhibition by a series of synthetic peptides modeled on the Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS) tetrapeptide adhesion signal. Further evidence for differences between the melanoma and fibroblastic cell adhesion systems was obtained by examining adhesion to proteolytic fragments of fibronectin. Fibroblastic BHK cells spread readily on fl3, a 75-kD fragment representing the RGDS-containing, "cell-binding" domain of fibronectin, but B16-F10 melanoma cells could not. The melanoma cells were able to spread instead on f9, a 113-kD fragment derived from the large subunit of fibronectin that contains at least part of the type III connecting segment difference region (or "V" region); f7, a fragment from the small fibronectin subunit that lacks this alternatively spliced polypeptide was inactive. Monoclonal antibody and fl3 inhibition experiments confirmed the inability of the melanoma cells to use the RGDS sequence; neither molecule affected melanoma cell spreading, but both completely abrogated fibroblast adhesion. By systematic analysis of a series of six overlapping synthetic peptides spanning the entire type III connecting segment, a novel attachment site was identified in a peptide near the COOH- terminus of this region. The tetrapeptide sequence Arg-Glu-Asp-Val (REDV), which is somewhat related to RGDS, was present in this peptide in a highly hydrophilic region of the type III connecting segment. REDV appeared to be functionally important, since this synthetic tetrapeptide was inhibitory for melanoma cell adhesion to fibronectin but was inactive for fibroblastic cell adhesion. REDV therefore represents a novel adhesive recognition signal in fibronectin that possesses cell type specificity. These results suggest that, for some cell types, regulation of the adhesion-promoting activity of fibronectin may occur by alternative mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

E T Fung  R H Scheller 《FEBS letters》1999,451(2):203-208
Septins are a family of cytoskeletal proteins involved in cytokinesis, targeting of proteins to specific sites on the plasma membrane, and cellular morphogenesis. While many aspects of their function in cytokinesis in yeast cells have been investigated, the function of septins in mammalian cells is less well understood. For example, septins are present in post-mitotic neurons, suggesting they have other roles in, for example, establishing cell polarity. The full extent of the septin gene family is not known in mammalian cells. To better understand the septin gene family, we have cloned and characterized a novel mammalian septin.  相似文献   



The first type III repeat of fibronectin is known to be involved in fibronectin matrix assembly, and recombinant proteins from this type III repeat can inhibit cell proliferation, tumor metastasis and angiogenesis. We have analyzed the way rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMCs) interact with a recombinant protein encompassing a C-terminal portion of the first type III repeat of fibronectin (protein III1-C).  相似文献   

Alternative splicing is one of the key mechanisms extending the complexity of genetic information and at the same time adaptability of higher eukaryotes. As a result, the broad spectrum of isoforms produced by alternative splicing allows organisms to fine-tune their proteome; however, the functions of the majority of alternatively spliced protein isoforms are largely unknown. Ribosomal protein isoforms are one of the groups for which data are limited. Here we report characterization of an alternatively spliced isoform of the ribosomal uL10 protein, named uL10β. The uL10 protein constitutes the core element of the ribosomal stalk structure within the GTPase associated center, which represents the landing platform for translational GTPases – trGTPases. The stalk plays an important role in the ribosome-dependent stimulation of GTP by trGTPases, which confer unidirectional trajectory for the ribosome, allosterically contributing to the speed and accuracy of translation. We have shown that the newly identified uL10β protein is stably expressed in mammalian cells and is primarily located within the nuclear compartment with a minor signal within the cytoplasm. Importantly, uL10β is able to bind to the ribosomal particle, but is mainly associated with 60S and 80S particles; additionally, the uL10β undergoes re-localization into the mitochondria upon endoplasmic reticulum stress induction. Our results suggest a specific stress-related dual role of uL10β, supporting the idea of existence of specialized ribosomes with an altered GTPase associated center.  相似文献   

The migration of human keratinocytes over the wound bed plays an important role in the re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds. Fibronectin, a large glycoprotein matrix component that is abundant within cutaneous wound beds, promotes keratinocyte migration. However, the mechanisms by which keratinocytes migrate over fibronectin are unknown. In this study, we sought to identify specific sites within the fibronectin molecule that induce keratinocyte locomotion and to characterize the cell surface receptors involved. The data show that the domain within the fibronectin molecule that induces human keratinocyte migration is the 120 kD cell-binding domain close to the carboxyl terminus. The 40 kD heparin-binding domain near the carboxyl terminus and the 45 kD gelatin-binding domain near the amino terminus did not promote keratinocyte migration. In addition, keratinocyte migration on both fibronectin and the 120 kD cell-binding domain was completely inhibited by the presence of GRGDSP peptide, suggesting that keratinocyte migration on fibronectin is mediated by recognizing the RGD sequence located within the cell-binding domain of fibronectin. Furthermore, keratinocytes were able to migrate directly on immobilized RGD substratum. Cell migration on fibronectin is mediated by the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin since antibodies blocking the alpha 5 and the beta 1 subunits completely inhibited keratinocyte migration on fibronectin. In addition, we demonstrate that human keratinocytes express alpha 5 beta 1 integrin in culture by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Yokoi F  Dang MT  Mitsui S  Li Y 《FEBS letters》2005,579(21):4822-4828
Mutations of SGCE encoding epsilon-sarcoglycan cause myoclonus-dystonia. SGCE is paternally expressed; however, 5-10% of patients show maternal inheritance of the disease. We found Sgce was exclusively paternally expressed in mice by using a novel polymorphism marker. The result was confirmed in Sgce heterozygous knockout mice. This finding suggests that maternally inherited myoclonus-dystonia may not result from maternal expression of SGCE. Furthermore, we report a new family of alternatively spliced Sgce mRNA expressed in the brain coding for different C-terminal sequences possessing a PDZ-binding motif. Our results provide a better basis for diagnosis and understanding of the pathogenesis of myoclonus-dystonia.  相似文献   

Fibulin is a recently described extracellular matrix (ECM) and plasma glycoprotein (Argraves, W. S., Tran, H., Burgess, W. H., and Dickerson, K. (1990) J. Cell Biol. 111, 3155-3164). In this report, ligand affinity chromatography and solid-phase binding analyses were performed to determine which ECM protein(s) interact with fibulin. Fibulin-Sepharose bound two polypeptides of 240 and 100 kDa from the culture medium of metabolically radiolabeled fibroblasts. These two proteins were identified as fibronectin (FN) and fibulin, respectively, based on their electrophoretic behavior and reactivity with monoclonal antibodies. Consistent with the findings of affinity chromatography, fibulin bound to surfaces coated with FN (either plasma or cellular form) or fibulin but not with other ECM proteins, such as laminin, merosin, and types I and IV collagen. The binding of fibulin to solid-phase FN was estimated to have a Kd of 139 nM, whereas the Kd for self-interaction was 322 nM. Evaluation of proteolytic fragments from all regions of FN allowed a fibulin-binding site to be localized within a 23-kDa heparin-binding fragment containing type III repeats 13-14. Heparin did not compete for the interaction between fibulin and FN, suggesting that the binding sites for fibulin and heparin are distinct.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix components such as fibronectin has a complex basis, involving multiple determinants on the molecule that react with discrete cell surface macromolecules. Our previous results have demonstrated that normal and transformed cells adhere and spread on a 33-kD heparin binding fragment that originates from the carboxy-terminal end of particular isoforms (A-chains) of human fibronectin. This fragment promotes melanoma adhesion and spreading in an arginyl-glycyl-aspartyl-serine (RGDS) independent manner, suggesting that cell adhesion to this region of fibronectin is independent of the typical RGD/integrin-mediated binding. Two synthetic peptides from this region of fibronectin were recently identified that bound [3H]heparin in a solid-phase assay and promoted the adhesion and spreading of melanoma cells (McCarthy, J. B., M. K. Chelberg, D. J. Mickelson, and L. T. Furcht. 1988. Biochemistry. 27:1380-1388). The current studies further define the cell adhesion and heparin binding properties of one of these synthetic peptides. This peptide, termed peptide I, has the sequence YEKPGSP-PREVVPRPRPGV and represents residues 1906-1924 of human plasma fibronectin. In addition to promoting RGD-independent melanoma adhesion and spreading in a concentration-dependent manner, this peptide significantly inhibited cell adhesion to the 33-kD fragment or intact fibronectin. Polyclonal antibodies generated against peptide I also significantly inhibited cell adhesion to the peptide, to the 33-kD fragment, but had minimal effect on melanoma adhesion to fibronectin. Anti-peptide I antibodies also partially inhibited [3H]heparin binding to fibronectin, suggesting that peptide I represents a major heparin binding domain on the intact molecule. The cell adhesion activity of another peptide from the 33-kD fragment, termed CS1 (Humphries, M. J., A. Komoriya, S. K. Akiyama, K. Olden, and K. M. Yamada. 1987. J. Biol. Chem., 262:6886-6892) was contrasted with peptide I. Whereas both peptides promoted RGD-independent cell adhesion, peptide CS1 failed to bind heparin, and exogenous peptide CS1 failed to inhibit peptide I-mediated cell adhesion. The results demonstrate a role for distinct heparin-dependent and -independent cell adhesion determinants on the 33-kD fragment, neither of which are related to the RGD-dependent integrin interaction with fibronectin.  相似文献   

Fibronectin contains at least two major domains that support cell adhesion. One is the central cell-binding domain that is recognized by a variety of cell types via the integrin alpha 5 beta 1. The second, originally identified by its ability to support melanoma cell adhesion, is located in the alternatively spliced type III connecting segment (IIICS). A dominant cell type-specific adhesion site within the IIICS has been localized to a peptide designated as CS1 comprising its amino-terminal 25 residues. The receptor for CS1 is the integrin alpha 4 beta 1. We have synthesized a variety of peptides with overlapping sequences in order to identify the minimum active amino acid sequence of this major cell adhesion site. A peptide comprising the carboxyl-terminal 8 amino acids of CS1, EILDVPST, was found to support melanoma cell spreading, while all peptides without this sequence had little or no activity. Two smaller overlapping pentapeptides, EILDV and LDVPS, were also active, whereas EILEV, containing a conservative substitution of Glu for Asp, was inactive. These data suggested that the minimum sequence for cell adhesion activity is Leu-Asp-Val, the tripeptide sequence common to both active peptides. This prediction was confirmed by the observed ability of the Leu-Asp-Val peptide itself to block spreading on fibronectin, whereas Leu-Glu-Val was inactive. Interspecies amino acid sequence comparison also supports the importance of the LDV sequence, since it is completely conserved in the IIICS regions of human, rat, bovine, and avian fibronectins.  相似文献   

Fibronectin splice variants containing the EIIIA and/or EIIIB exons are prominently expressed in the vasculature of a variety of human tumors but not in normal adult tissues. To understand the functions of these splice variants in physiological and tumor angiogenesis, we used EIIIB-null and EIIIA-null strains of mice to examine neovascularization of mouse retinas, pancreatic tumors in Rip-Tag transgenic mice, and transplanted melanomas. Contrary to expectations, physiological and tumor angiogenesis was not significantly affected by the absence of either EIIIA or EIIIB splice variants. Tumor growth was also not affected. In addition, the expression levels of smooth muscle alpha actin, believed to be modulated by EIIIA-containing fibronectins, were not affected either. Our experiments show that despite their tight regulation during angiogenesis, the presence of EIIIA or EIIIB splice variants individually is not essential for neovascularization.  相似文献   

We have recently reported the attachment and spreading of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) upon substrates containing covalently grafted Arg-Glu-Asp-Val (REDV) peptide (Hubbell, J. A., Massia, S. P., Desai, N. P., and Drumheller, P. D. (1991) Bio/Technology 9, 568-572). This peptide has been reported to be the minimal active sequence within the CS5 site of the alternatively spliced type III connecting segment (IIICS) region of fibronectin, and the integrin alpha 4 beta 1 has been identified as the receptor on melanoma cells for this site. The integrin alpha 4 beta 1 has also been identified as the receptor for the CS1 site in the IIICS region on cells of neural crest origin, melanoma cells, lymphocytes, and hematopoietic stem cells. In this study, we demonstrate that this integrin also serves as a receptor on HUVECs for the peptide REDV from the CS5 site. The alpha 4 subunit was shown to be expressed upon HUVEC membranes by whole-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antifunctional antibodies directed against integrin subunits alpha 4 and beta 1 inhibited cell adhesion on REDV-grafted substrates, but not on RGD-grafted substrates. The alpha 4 subunit localized into fibrillar structures within spread cells on the REDV-grafted substrates, but not within spread cells on RGD-grafted substrates. Two proteins (144 and 120 kDa) were isolated from HUVEC extracts by REDV ligand affinity chromatography and were demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and Western blot to be the integrin subunits alpha 4 (144 kDa) and beta 1 (120 kDa); furthermore, the immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated that the subunits formed a complex. HUVEC binding to REDV-grafted substrates was inhibited by both soluble REDV and RGD, demonstrating that adhesion was biospecific and that the REDV peptide is RGD-like. In this report we demonstrate for the first time that alpha 4 is present in the endothelial cell membrane, in contrast to previous reports by others, and that integrin alpha 4 beta 1 is the receptor for REDV-mediated adhesion to the IIICS region of region of plasma fibronectin.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of fibronectin to sulfated proteoglycans at the cell surface.   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
M E Perkins  T H Ji  R O Hynes 《Cell》1979,16(4):941-952
Fibronectin is a major surface protein of normal animal cells but is absent from many transformed cells. Addition of fibronectin to transformed cells causes increased cell substrate adhesion and changes in the morphology and cytoskeleton of the cells. We have coupled fibronectin to photoactivable chemical cross-linkers and have added it to cells to identify those molecules to which it binds. In this way, fibronectin can be cross-linked to sulfated proteoglycans at the cell surface. The cross-linking is specific for fibronectin. The fibronectin-proteoglycan complex is sensitive to chondroitinase ABC and AC and to trypsin. Addition of fibronectin also affects binding of hyaluronic acid to the cells. These results suggest that fibronectin interacts with proteoglycans at the cell surface. The existence of such interactions may have implications for the role of fibronectin and proteoglycans in cell adhesion.  相似文献   

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