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Abundance and diversity of small mammals are usually affected strongly by grazing either due to decreased food availability or quality, decreased suitability of soil for building burrow systems due to trampling and/or due to increased predation risk in the structurally simpler grazed areas. We estimated the effects of grazing-induced changes in vegetation and soil and of increased predation on small mammals in a Mediterranean grassland landscape. We measured vegetation structure, soil compaction and small mammal abundance and species composition in 22 plots of 8 Sherman live traps each, arranged according to an unbalanced two-way ANOVA design with two grazing levels (grazed areas and cattle exclosures) and two predator abundance levels (increased densities of Eurasian kestrels Falco tinnunculus by means of nest boxes and control). Plots were sampled during 2 consecutive years in early summer and early fall. Exclosure from cattle increased significantly vegetation height and volume and decreased soil compaction. Grazing-induced changes in vegetation height and volume and in soil compaction produced strong effects on small mammal abundance and species richness. Increased kestrel densities did not have significant additive or interactive effects, with the effects of grazing-induced vegetation and soil gradients on abundance or richness of small mammals. Our results suggest that the effects of grazing on small mammal communities in Mediterranean montane grasslands were mainly due to reduced food availability and by negative effects of trampling on the suitability of soils for building burrow systems. Decreased food quality and increased predation in grazed areas seemed to play a minor role, if any. Reductions in stock densities would then favor generalist predator populations in Mediterranean grasslands through the expected positive effects of such reductions on the availability of food and burrows for small mammals.  相似文献   

Effects of ground cover upon arboreal spiders and their ability to control pests were studied in an apple orchard over six years. The ground cover treatments were: (1) annual and perennial flowering herbs (FLOWER), (2) regularly mowed grass (GRASS) and (3) weed-free bare ground (BAREgr) in the alleys. Spider abundance and species richness increased significantly in FLOWER compared to BAREgr, with GRASS being intermediate between the other two treatments. The effects of ground cover vegetation varied across spider guilds and individual species. The number of stalkers (Salticidae) increased sharply with the amount of vegetation in the alleys, while the increase was much less steep in ambushers (mainly Thomisidae and Philodromidae), and we found no significant difference between the treatments in space web builders (Theridiidae) and orb web builders (mainly Araneidae). The spider community was dominated by the intraguild predator Carrhotus xanthogramma (Salticidae), which showed a 3.5-fold increase in FLOWER compared to BAREgr and represented 40, 54 and 63% of the total spider abundance in BAREgr, GRASS and FLOWER treatments, respectively. The other species were less numerous and their response to FLOWER compared to BAREgr treatments ranged from a ninefold increase to a sixfold decrease. Within potential prey groups, hymenopteran parasitoids, dipterans and Auchenorrhyncha were the best predictors of spider abundance. In contrast, the abundance of apple pests was independent of spider density and showed no difference between treatments, indicating that spiders in the studied orchard had little impact on the size of the pest populations. This study demonstrates that functional traits and abundances of spider guilds and species, rather than the total spider abundance per se, might explain the success or failure of spiders in conservation biological control.  相似文献   

Standard management of Czech hay meadows consists of machine mowing twice a year, with the first mowing in or before mid-June and the second mowing 40–60 days later. Here, we aimed to analyse the effects of the first year of implementation of the agri-environment scheme (AES), which consisted of allowing 3–10% of permanent grasslands within each land block to remain unmown until at least August 15, on the abundance and diversity of spiders. We conducted the study at 40 paired sampling sites in three meadow types in northern Czechia. Spiders were sampled using pitfall traps and sweeping, and the plant cover and vascular plant species composition were analysed. Nearly all study sites were associated with 100% vegetation cover, and hosted 209 vascular plant species, of which 12 were threatened. The number of vascular plant species exhibited only modest differences between the study sites under standard and AES-prescribed management. We captured a total of 3889 individuals of 103 spider species. The abundance of spiders was three-times higher at sites subjected to AES management. The number of species was similar irrespective of the management applied, but the species composition differed in response to the management (Sørensen index 0.562–0.736). The AES management was associated with higher abundance of common vegetation-dwelling farmland spiders, but epigeic spiders decreased there or were insensitive to AES management. It remains to be investigated whether threatened vegetation-dwelling spiders may benefit from similar AESs at sites of their occurrence, such as in fen meadows or steppes.  相似文献   

Cattle influence grassland dynamics in three ways: herbage removal, dung deposition and trampling. The objective of this study was to assess the effects of these factors, separately or in combination, and to compare them with cattle grazing over a one year period in a field experiment conducted in the Jura Mountains of northwestern Switzerland. A set of controlled treatments simulating the three factors was applied in a fenced area: (1) repeated mowing — three levels; (2) intensive trampling — two levels; (3) manuring with a liquid mixture of dung and urine — three levels. All treatments were applied homogeneously to the entire surface of each of the 40 plots inside the exclosure. Additionally, ten plots outside the fenced area represented reference plots with regular cattle pasturing. The multivariate response of species composition was assessed three times with the point‐intercept method: in spring before the treatments, in autumn after one season of treatments and at the beginning of the following year after winter rest. Multivariate analyses of vegetation data in the first year showed an overwhelming seasonal shift and significant differences induced by treatments. Abandoned and manured plots showed the largest deviation from the cattle grazed reference. Herbage removal, simulated by repeated mowing, appeared to be the most important factor for maintaining vegetation texture. Seasonal treatment effects were only partially carried over to the next spring, showing an unexpected resilience of the plant community, probably due to life‐history traits and competition release following climatic disturbance in winter.  相似文献   

Conversion of natural habitats to oil palm agriculture has caused declines in biodiversity and changes in ecosystem functions. To preserve biodiversity we must protect natural habitats, but once oil palm plantations are established, developing more-environmentally friendly management strategies could support higher levels of within-plantation biodiversity and boost the delivery of ecosystem services, possibly increasing oil palm productivity. In this study, we use a before-after control-impact (BACI) experiment to test whether three understory vegetation management strategies affect spider abundance, species richness, and species-level community composition in canopy and ground microhabitats in mature oil palm plantations. Our treatments encompassed the range of current management practices and included heavy applications of herbicides to eliminate all understory vegetation, maintaining some understory vegetation using business-as-usual herbicide applications, and enhancing understory vegetation by not applying any herbicides. We focussed on spiders, as they are both biologically and economically important in oil palm plantations, owing to their important pest control services. We identified more than 1000 spiders, representing 20 families and 83 morphospecies. The treatments did not affect any aspects of spider biodiversity, although the abundance and species richness of canopy-dwelling spiders changed between pre- and post-treatment sample periods, independent of treatment. Our findings indicate that differences in understory vegetation management practices do not affect spiders, or the pest management services that they provide, in mature oil palm plantations. As such, more extreme changes in management would probably be required to enhance spider biodiversity in oil palm plantations in the long-term. Further studies are needed to determine the practicalities of such approaches, to assess how changes in vegetation management practices affect spiders in additional microhabitats, and how the impacts of such approaches vary across the 20–30 year oil palm commercial life cycle.  相似文献   

Species-rich grasslands are rare in the Netherlands and need consistent vegetation management to retain their characteristic biodiversity. Roadside verges are important refuges for grassland plants since the mowing management no longer aims at traffic safety only but also strives for botanical diversity. Although arthropods are highly abundant in roadside verges, the effect of different mowing practices on this group is largely unknown. During 4 years, we studied ground beetles, weevils, ants and ground-dwelling spiders with pitfall traps in experimental plots in roadside verges with five different mowing treatments: (i) no management, (ii) and (iii) mowing once a year with and without hay removal, (iv) and (v) mowing twice a year with and without hay removal. This was done in a plant productivity gradient; the experiment was repeated in low-, medium- and high-productive verges. In the low-productive site, the effect of management on the arthropods only existed in a higher abundance in plots mown twice per year with hay removal. In the medium- and high-productive sites, mowing twice a year with hay removal resulted not only in highest abundances but also in highest arthropod species richness. Mowing twice without hay removal and mowing once with removal showed intermediate values, while mowing once per year without removal and particularly the absence of management resulted in low diversity and low abundance. To promote ground-dwelling arthropods in medium-to-high-productive grassland verges, we recommend a management of mowing twice a year with the removal of hay. It is reasoned that some form of rotational management, aiming at leaving some vegetation refuges intact after mowing events, may further promote arthropod survival. However, caution should be taken that these refuges are not too large, as overall suitability for ground-dwelling arthropod decreases rapidly in such patches. Out of several studied vegetation characteristics, the number of flowering plant species (medium-productive verge) and total flower abundance (high-productive verge) appeared to represent suitable, and easily monitored, proxies that significantly mirror arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

We examined web-building spider species richness and abundance in forests across a deer density gradient to determine the effects of sika deer browsing on spiders among habitats and feeding guilds. Deer decreased the abundance of web-building spiders in understory vegetation but increased their abundance in the litter layer. Deer seemed to affect web-building spiders in the understory vegetation by reducing the number of sites for webs because vegetation complexity was positively correlated with spider density and negatively correlated with deer density. In contrast, the presence of vegetation just above the litter layer decreased the spider density, and deer exerted a negative effect on this vegetation, possibly resulting in an indirect positive effect on spider density. The vegetation just above the litter layer may be unsuitable as a scaffold for building webs if it is too flexible to serve as a reliable web support, and may even hinder spiders from building webs on litter. Alternatively, the negative effect of this vegetation on spiders in the litter may be as a result of reduced local prey availability under the leaves because of the reduced accessibility of aerial insects. The response to deer browsing on web-building spiders that inhabit the understory vegetation varied with feeding guild. Deer tended to affect web-invading spiders, which inhabit the webs of other spiders and steal prey, more heavily than other web-building spiders, probably because of the accumulated effects of habitat fragmentation through the trophic levels. Thus, the treatment of a particular higher-order taxon as a homogeneous group could result in misleading conclusions about the effects of mammalian herbivores.  相似文献   

放牧和刈割对内蒙古典型草原大型土壤动物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用连续3年全季节放牧、3种季节性轮牧、秋季刈割和不利用对照6种处理, 研究了内蒙古典型草原大型土壤动物群落特征.调查在春、夏和秋3个季节进行,共捕获大型土壤动物597只,隶属于2门4纲11目,49个类群.结果表明: 全季节放牧导致土壤动物的个体密度、生物量和多样性降低;而刈割的影响相对较轻,土壤动物的个体密度、生物量和多样性甚至有提高趋势.3种季节性轮牧处理中,夏季和秋季放牧2次处理对土壤动物群落个体密度、生物量和多样性等指标的负面影响较轻.刈割管理对退化典型草原大型土壤动物群落的恢复较为有利;夏季和秋季放牧2次处理对大型土壤动物群落的负面影响较轻,是较理想的草地可持续管理措施.  相似文献   

Fire can often occur in aquatic ecosystems, which may affect aquatic invertebrates. Despite the importance of aquatic invertebrates to ecosystem function, the effect of fire on these environments has been little studied. We studied the effects of fire on aquatic invertebrates in artesian springs in the arid zone of South Australia. Artesian springs are a unique and threatened ecosystem, containing several rare and endemic species. Evidence suggests these wetlands were routinely burnt by indigenous Aboriginal people before European settlement over 100 years ago. Recently, burning has been suggested as a reinstated management tool to control the dominant reed Phragmites australis. A reduction in the cover of the reed may benefit the threatened flora and fauna through enhancement of water flow. Three artesian springs were burnt and aquatic invertebrates sampled from the burnt and three unburnt springs. A single fire in late winter completely burnt the dominant vegetation, followed by recovery of Phragmites over the following 2 years. A single fire event did not deplete populations of endemic aquatic invertebrates in artesian springs, but probably did not substantially benefit these populations either. Isopods, amphipods, ostracods and three species of hydrobiid snail survived the fire event, and most had increased in number 1 month post fire but then returned to pre‐burnt numbers by 1 year post fire. Morphospecies richness of all identified invertebrates increased over time in all springs, but did not differ appreciably between burnt and unburnt springs. If burning artesian springs is to be adopted as a management tool to suppress the growth of Phragmites australis, we conclude that the endemic aquatic invertebrates will survive a single burn event, without negative effect to their populations.  相似文献   

The present paper studies butterfly, grasshopper and vascular plant communities in ten seasonally flooded grasslands with different anthropogenic disturbance regimes (NW Greece). Disturbance intensity was assessed on the basis of disturbance frequency and type (grazing, mowing, trampling, constructions). The distribution patterns of butterflies are regulated by humidity and elevation (Redundancy Analysis). Elevation, flower-heads abundance, low disturbance intensity and plant species richness predict grasshopper species richness well, while the latter together with humidity predict plant species richness (Generalized Linear Models). Chorthippus lacustris, a critically endangered endemic grasshopper species, is positively associated with humid microhabitats with high flower-heads abundance. An indicator value procedure reveals four butterfly species as being typical species for habitats with a pronounced character of hedgerows and tree lines. Conservation management of grassland butterflies should focus on the maintenance of the humid character of the humid grasslands as well as on the maintenance of hedgerows and tree lines. The reduction of human-induced disturbance towards occasional grazing and mowing seems to benefit both butterfly and grasshopper communities. Finally, we suggest the use of grasshoppers as surrogates for vascular plants and vice versa, given their congruent species richness patterns.  相似文献   

In crops, invertebrate natural enemies such as spiders have been documented as responding to non-crop vegetation at the local and landscape scales, particularly in northern Europe. Much of this information is based on data from arable or annual crops and it is possible that spider numbers in more persistent perennial systems including vineyards may be less dependent on non-crop vegetation. To test the relationship between spider abundance and non-crop vegetation within the context of Australian vineyards, we sampled spiders in 54 vineyards with adjacent non-crop vegetation, from three different regions. Landscape composition in the area surrounding each of the 54 sites was characterized at 11 spatial scales from 95?m to 3?km radius and spiders were sampled monthly using canopy sticky traps and ground pitfall traps. There were only weak relationships between pasture or woody vegetation and the abundance of spiders in vineyards at all spatial scales. At the local scale, abundance of most spider families tended to be greater in vineyards with adjacent pasture. At the landscape scale there were inconsistent patterns. We discuss possible reasons for these apparent contrasting patterns between perennial and annual crops and European compared to Australian agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Alpine pastures are typical examples of “high nature value farmlands”, representing important habitats harbouring unique biological communities. Disturbance induced by overgrazing influences significantly ecosystem processes, in which invertebrates play a major role. To develop new models of sustainable management of pastures, more knowledge is needed of the animal communities, essential to the ecological functioning of pasture ecosystems. The apparent poor ecological state of several pastures in the Natural Regional Park of Alpi Marittime (NW-Italy) lead us to evaluate the influence of grazing history on biodiversity, using spider and harvestmen assemblages as key groups. Four different pastoral types characterized by four different grazing histories were identified using the Daget-Poissonet method. Spiders and harvestmen were collected by means of pitfall traps. Arachnid assemblages were characterized in terms of composition, abundance, species richness, richness of endemic species and taxonomic relatedness. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were used to test differences among assemblages occurring in each pastoral type. Furthermore, we tested differences in terms of plant communities (species richness and percentage of zoogenic species). Specificity and fidelity of every spider and harvestmen species within pastoral types were explored by the IndVal (Indicator Value) procedure. Fifty-eight species of spiders and seven species of harvestmen were collected (2,304 individuals). Pastoral types related to intensive grazing were characterized by the dominance of diurnal wanderer spiders (namely Lycosidae) while, conversely, nocturnal wanderers (mainly Gnaphosidae) were more abundant in extensive pastoral types. Results show that both species richness and spider abundance were higher in abandoned areas of extensive grazing, while endemic assemblages were richer in extensive grazed areas, which also hosted the most diverse plant community. Furthermore, most of the indicator species of spiders of this type were endemic, characterized by more demanding ecological requirements.  相似文献   

If soil detritivores provide a significant prey source for predators in the vegetation, then augmentation of the soil community could affect the grazing food web. Specifically, increases in predator density could enhance any top‐down effects and reduce herbivory. We tested this hypothesis by providing detrital subsidies in the form of composted vegetable matter to 36 m2 plots in soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. (Fabales: Fabaceae), fields that were managed using either conventional or conservation tillage practices. The foliage‐dwelling spiders, insect predators, and leaf‐chewing insects were censused and the body size of one large spider species, Argiope trifasciata (Forskål) (Araneae: Araneidae), was measured. In addition, the density and size of the plants were assessed and leaf damage was quantified. Any effects of treatments on the palatability of soybean plants to herbivores were determined in two laboratory experiments. Compost increased the density of foliage dwelling spiders and the abdomen size of A. trifasciata. We uncovered no treatment effects on insect predators, herbivorous insects, or plant characteristics except that compost addition reduced leaf damage. In addition, there was a negative correlation across plots between spider abundance and soybean leaf damage and abdomen width of A. trifasciata and weed herbivory levels across plots. These results suggest a connection between the soil community and the foliage food web, but the spiders appear to have exerted a top‐down effect without a shift in herbivore abundance. Further study of the specific seasonality of the herbivores and their behavior in the presence of spiders are needed to uncover the underlying mechanism. Nevertheless, these results provide evidence for complex linkage between the soil and grazing food webs that may be important to biological control.  相似文献   

In a 4 year study, in southern England, the abundance of apple orchard canopy spiders and their potential prey was manipulated using two pest management strategies based on broad spectrum (highly toxic both to spiders and pests) and selective (moderately toxic to spiders but highly toxic to pests) insecticides in the first part of the growing season. The spider community was left to develop freely afterwards. Apple orchard plots untreated by pesticides served as control.The effect of insecticides was detrimental to spider populations as the treatments coincided with the peak abundance of adults in May and early June. Within adults, the treatments were harmful to female spiders, whereas, male spiders were much less affected. As a result the proportion of males increased in all of the sampled spider families.The use of selective insecticides resulted in a higher spider abundance compared to the use of broad spectrum compounds while the highest spider abundance was found in the pesticide free trees, i.e. three significantly different spider abundance levels were produced in spring. Spider abundance began to increase unequally between the treatments afterwards and became identical in the two pesticide treated plots due to the immigration of juveniles from surrounding habitats. However, a similar equalisation of abundance was not observed between the pesticide treated plots and untreated control. Analysing the abundance pattern of potential prey in the plots of the studied orchard we concluded that the post-disturbance increase in spider abundance was regulated by prey availability.  相似文献   

Habitat structure determines spider diversity in highland ponds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wetlands (e.g. ponds, meadows) can be found in many landscapes, playing an important role in maintaining regional biodiversity and supporting heterogeneous communities. Spiders are diversified predators that are highly influenced by changes in plant community structure, heterogeneous habitats sustain high spider diversity and abundance. We investigated the characteristics of spider biodiversity in ponds with different habitat structures, by examining patterns across habitats of ponds with different vegetation levels. Sampling took place in four occasions over a year. We compared spider abundance, species richness and composition among ponds including distinct vegetation variables, related to life form, type of leaves, coverage and height. Overall 1174 individuals (194 adults) of 11 families and 37 morphospecies were sampled. We found mostly expected differences in the manner that communities were structured between different habitats. Thus, higher variability of abundance was explained for higher habitat structure of ponds. We also found differences in species composition between ponds with low emergent vegetation and higher habitat structures. Additionaly, spiders were consistently structured more by turnover than nestedness components, with a greater beta diversity of web-builders. Our results suggest varying levels of habitat structures and species substitution shape pond spider communities, depending on habitat heterogeneity and spider guild. Those findings demonstrate the clear role of spatial habitat structure, with more spider species preferring to build webs or actively hunt at vegetated environments on ponds.  相似文献   

Influence of ground cover on spider populations in a table grape vineyard   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Cover crops and/or resident ground vegetation have been used in California vineyards to increase the number of predators and decrease the number of pestiferous herbivores. The most common resident predators in vineyards are spiders (Araneae). Several observational studies suggest that the addition of cover crops results in an increase in spider density and a decrease in insect pest densities. 2. To test experimentally the effects of cover crops and/or resident ground vegetation (hereafter collectively referred to as ground cover) on spider populations, a 3-year study was undertaken in a commercial vineyard. Large, replicated plots were established with and without ground cover during the growing season. Spider species diversity was analysed on the vines and on the ground cover. 3. On the vines, there was no significant difference in spider species richness or the total number of spiders in plots with and without ground cover. There were differences in the relative abundance of two spiders between treatments, with one species (Trachelas pacificus [Chamberlin & Ivie]) more abundant in plots with ground cover and another (Hololena nedra Chamberlin & Ivie) more common on vines in plots with no ground cover. Annual variation in spider abundance was greater than variation due to ground cover treatment. 4. On the ground cover, the spider species diversity was considerably different from that found on the vines above, suggesting that there is little movement of spiders between the ground cover and the vines. Enhancement of T. pacificus populations on vines with ground covers may be a result of prey species movement between the ground cover and the vines. Spider abundance was sparse on the bare ground. 5. The maintenance of ground cover increased spider species diversity in the vineyard as a whole (vine and ground cover). However, the relatively small changes in spider abundance on the vines indicate there are limitations in the use of ground covers for pest management with respect to generalist predators.  相似文献   

Glasshouse and mini-sward experiments were done to determine the relative roles of grazing and trampling by livestock in transmitting white clover mosaic (WC1MV) and subterranean clover mottle (SCMoV) viruses between clover plants in pastures. Wounding due to grazing was simulated by repeatedly cutting plants with serrated scissors (glasshouse) or mowing (mini-swards), while wounding due to trampling was simulated by repeatedly bashing plants with the flat end of a wooden hammer handle (glasshouse) or rolling (mini-swards). In glasshouse experiments, cutting was more effective than bashing in transmitting WC1MV to white clover (Trifolium repens) plants but cutting and bashing transmitted it to subterranean clover (T. subterraneum) plants at similar rates. In an experiment with white clover mini-swards, mowing was more effective than rolling in transmitting WC1MV, and when both were combined, initially spread exceeded that obtained when the spread from mowing and rolling alone was added together. In glasshouse experiments, bashing was more effective than cutting in transmitting SCMoV to subterranean clover plants. In one experiment, neither mowing nor rolling spread SCMoV in mini-swards of subterranean clover. When transmission to subterranean clover cultivars which were ‘susceptible’ or ‘moderately susceptible’ to SCMoV was compared in glasshouse experiments, repeated bashing spread the virus more slowly to the ‘moderately susceptible’ cultivars. When mixed with ruminant saliva, infective sap containing WC1MV or SCMoV was still infective to clover plants after 4 wk storage at room temperature. When infective sap was allowed to dry naturally on a metal surface, SCMoV still infected clover plants when the dried sap was taken up in tap water after 4 but not 14 days, while WC1MV was infective after 24 h but not 4 days. These results suggest that grazing and mowing are more effective than trampling at transmitting WC1MV to white clover plants in pastures, while trampling is more effective at spreading SCMoV to subterranean clover. However, both transmitted WC1MV to subterranean clover at similar rates. Possible reasons for these differences are discussed in relation to differences in clover plant morphology and virus-specific factors.  相似文献   

1 Spiders and carabid beetles are abundant generalist predators that prey upon insect pests of soybean. A field experiment was conducted to determine the impact of spiders and carabids on soybean yield. Prior to planting, three 7 × 7 m plots were fenced in order to reduce spider and carabid immigration. Carabids that emerged within the plots were not removed, but spiders that ballooned into these predator‐reduction plots or that entered by climbing the fence were removed by pitfall trapping and searching the vegetation. Three unmanipulated, unfenced plots served as the control treatment. 2 Densities of spiders on soybean vegetation, and activity‐densities of spiders and carabids determined by pitfall trapping, were c. 75% lower in the spider‐carabid reduction treatment than in control plots. Despite clear differences between treatments in numbers and activity of these major generalist predators, the weight of soybeans harvested did not differ between control and spider‐carabid reduction plots. 3 Paralleling the absence of an effect of predator reduction on soybean yield was the absence of any significant difference between treatments in densities of whiteflies (Aleyrodidae), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), thrips (Thysanoptera), Lepidoptera larvae and herbivorous Coleoptera. 4 Our experiment provides no evidence that spiders and carabid beetles at ambient densities affect soybean yield. Low populations of pest species or low predation pressure on soybean pests by spiders and carabids at the ambient densities of this experiment could be responsible for this result.  相似文献   

Abstract In the dry eucalypt forests of north‐eastern New South Wales, Australia, cattle grazing occurs at low intensities and is accompanied by frequent low‐intensity burning. This study investigated the combined effects of this management practice on the ground‐dwelling and arboreal (low vegetation) spider assemblages. Spiders were sampled at 49 sites representing a range of grazing intensities, using pitfall trapping, litter extraction and sweep sampling. A total of 237 spider morphospecies from 37 families were collected using this composite sampling strategy. The abundance, richness, composition and structure of spider assemblages in grazed and ungrazed forest sites were compared and related to a range of environmental variables. Spider assemblages responded to a range of environmental factors at the landscape, habitat and microhabitat scales. Forest type, spatial relationships and habitat variability at the site scale were more important in determining spider assemblages than localized low‐intensity grazing and burning. However, it is possible that a threshold intensity of grazing may exist, above which spiders respond to grazing and burning. Although low‐intensity grazing and burning may not affect spider assemblages below a threshold stocking rate, that stocking rate has yet to be established.  相似文献   

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