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In heart failure (HF), there is a reduced baroreflex sensitivity at rest, and during dynamic exercise there is enhanced muscle metaboreflex activation (MRA). However, how the arterial baroreflex modulates HR during exercise is unknown. We tested the hypothesis that spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (SBRS) is attenuated during exercise in HF and that MRA further depresses SBRS. In seven conscious dogs we measured heart rate (HR), cardiac output, and left ventricular systolic pressure at rest and during mild and moderate dynamic exercise, before and during MRA (via imposed reductions of hindlimb blood flow), and before and after induction of HF (by rapid ventricular pacing). SBRS was assessed by the sequences method. In control, SBRS was reduced from rest with a progressive resetting of the baroreflex stimulus-response relationship in proportion to exercise intensity and magnitude of MRA. In HF, SBRS was significantly depressed in all settings; however, the changes with exercise and MRA occurred with a pattern similar to the control state. As in control, the baroreflex stimulus-response relationship showed an intensity- and muscle metaboreflex (MMR)-dependent rightward and upward shift. The results of this study indicate that HF induces an impairment in baroreflex control of HR at rest and during exercise, although the effects of exercise and MRA on SBRS occur with a similar pattern as in control, indicating the persistence of some vagal activity.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the interaction [with respect to the regulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and blood pressure] between the arterial baroreflex and muscle metaboreflex in humans. In 10 healthy subjects who performed a 1-min sustained handgrip exercise at 50% maximal voluntary contraction followed by forearm occlusion, arterial baroreflex control of MSNA (burst incidence and strength and total activity) was evaluated by analyzing the relationship between beat-by-beat spontaneous variations in diastolic arterial blood pressure (DAP) and MSNA both during supine rest (control) and during postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI). During PEMI (vs. control), 1) the linear relationship between burst incidence and DAP was shifted rightward with no alteration in sensitivity, 2) the linear relationship between burst strength and DAP was shifted rightward and upward with no change in sensitivity, and 3) the linear relationship between total activity and DAP was shifted to a higher blood pressure and its sensitivity was increased. The modification of the control of total activity that occurs in PEMI could be a consequence of alterations in the baroreflex control of both MSNA burst incidence and burst strength. These results suggest that the arterial baroreflex and muscle metaboreflex interact to control both the occurrence and strength of MSNA bursts.  相似文献   

Hypoperfusion of active skeletal muscle elicits a reflex pressor response termed the muscle metaboreflex. Dynamic exercise attenuates spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity (SBRS) in the control of heart rate (HR) during rapid, spontaneous changes in blood pressure (BP). Our objective was to determine whether muscle metaboreflex activation (MRA) further diminishes SBRS. Conscious dogs were chronically instrumented for measurement of HR, cardiac output, mean arterial pressure, and left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) at rest and during mild (3.2 km/h) or moderate (6.4 km/h at 10% grade) dynamic exercise before and after MRA (via partial reduction of hindlimb blood flow). SBRS was evaluated as the slopes of the linear relations (LRs) between HR and LVSP during spontaneous sequences of at least three consecutive beats when HR changed inversely vs. pressure (expressed as beats x min(-1) x mmHg(-1)). During mild exercise, these LRs shifted upward, with a significant decrease in SBRS (-3.0 +/- 0.4 vs. -5.2 +/- 0.4, P<0.05 vs. rest). MRA shifted LRs upward and rightward and decreased SBRS (-2.1 +/- 0.1, P<0.05 vs. mild exercise). Moderate exercise shifted LRs upward and rightward and significantly decreased SBRS (-1.2 +/- 0.1, P<0.05 vs. rest). MRA elicited further upward and rightward shifts of the LRs and reductions in SBRS (-0.9 +/- 0.1, P<0.05 vs. moderate exercise). We conclude that dynamic exercise resets the arterial baroreflex to higher BP and HR as exercise intensity increases. In addition, increases in exercise intensity, as well as MRA, attenuate SBRS.  相似文献   

Whether the activation of metabolically sensitive skeletal muscle afferents (i.e., muscle metaboreflex) influences cardiac baroreflex responsiveness remains incompletely understood. A potential explanation for contrasting findings of previous reports may be related to differences in the magnitude of muscle metaboreflex activation utilized. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the influence of graded intensities of muscle metaboreflex activation on cardiac baroreflex function. In eight healthy subjects (24 +/- 1 yr), the graded isolation of the muscle metaboreflex was achieved by post-exercise ischemia (PEI) following moderate- (PEI-M) and high- (PEI-H) intensity isometric handgrip performed at 35% and 45% maximum voluntary contraction, respectively. Beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) and blood pressure were measured continuously. Rapid pulse trains of neck pressure and neck suction (+40 to -80 Torr) were applied to derive carotid baroreflex stimulus-response curves. Mean blood pressure increased significantly from rest during PEI-M (+13 +/- 3 mmHg) and was further augmented during PEI-H (+26 +/- 4 mmHg), indicating graded metaboreflex activation. However, the operating point gain and maximal gain (-0.51 +/- 0.09, -0.48 +/- 0.13, and -0.49 +/- 0.12 beats.min(-1).mmHg(-1) for rest; PEI-M and PEI-H) of the carotid-cardiac baroreflex function curve were unchanged from rest during PEI-M and PEI-H (P > 0.05 vs. rest). Furthermore, the carotid-cardiac baroreflex function curve was progressively reset rightward from rest to PEI-M to PEI-H, with no upward resetting. These findings suggest that the muscle metaboreflex contributes to the resetting of the carotid baroreflex control of HR; however, it would appear not to influence carotid-cardiac baroreflex responsiveness in humans, even with high-intensity activation during PEI.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that spontaneous baroreflex-induced changes in heart rate (HR) do not always translate into changes in cardiac output (CO) at rest. We have also shown that heart failure (HF) decreases this linkage between changes in HR and CO. Whether dynamic exercise and muscle metaboreflex activation (via imposed reductions in hindlimb blood flow) further alter this translation in normal and HF conditions is unknown. We examined these questions using conscious, chronically instrumented dogs before and after pacing-induced HF during mild and moderate dynamic exercise with and without muscle metaboreflex activation. We measured left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP), CO, and HR and analyzed the spontaneous HR-LVSP and CO-LVSP relationships. In normal animals, mild exercise significantly decreased HR-LVSP (-3.08 +/- 0.5 vs. -5.14 +/- 0.6 beats.min(-1).mmHg(-1); P < 0.05) and CO-LVSP (-134.74 +/- 24.5 vs. -208.6 +/- 22.2 ml.min(-1).mmHg(-1); P < 0.05). Moderate exercise further decreased both and, in addition, significantly reduced HR-CO translation (25.9 +/- 2.8% vs. 52.3 +/- 4.2%; P < 0.05). Muscle metaboreflex activation at both workloads decreased HR-LVSP, whereas it had no significant effect on CO-LVSP and the HR-CO translation. HF significantly decreased HR-LVSP, CO-LVSP, and the HR-CO translation in all situations. We conclude that spontaneous baroreflex HR responses do not always cause changes in CO during exercise. Moreover, muscle metaboreflex activation during mild and moderate dynamic exercise reduces this coupling. In addition, in HF the HR-CO translation also significantly decreases during both workloads and decreases even further with muscle metaboreflex activation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of skin cooling and heating on the heart rate (HR) control by the arterial baroreflex in humans. The subjects were 15 healthy men who underwent whole body thermal stress (esophageal temperatures, approximately 36.8 and approximately 37.0 degrees C; mean skin temperatures, approximately 26.4 and approximately 37.7 degrees C, in skin cooling and heating, respectively) produced by a cool or hot water-perfused suit during supine rest. The overall arterial baroreflex sensitivity in the HR control was calculated from spontaneous changes in beat-to-beat arterial pressure and HR during normothermic control and thermal stress periods. The carotid baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated from the maximum slope of the HR response to changes in carotid distending pressure, calculated as mean arterial pressure minus neck pressure. The overall arterial baroreflex sensitivity at existing arterial pressure increased during cooling (-1.32 +/- 0.25 vs. -2.13 +/- 0.20 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1) in the control and cooling periods, respectively, P < 0.05), whereas it did not change significantly during heating (-1.39 +/- 0. 23 vs. -1.40 +/- 0.15 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1) in the control and heating periods, respectively). Neither the cool nor heat loadings altered the carotid baroreflex sensitivity in the HR control. These results suggest that the sensitivity of HR control by the extracarotid (presumably aortic) baroreflex was augmented by whole body skin cooling, whereas the sensitivities of HR control by arterial baroreflex remain unchanged during mild whole body heating in humans.  相似文献   

Continuous measurement of leg blood flow (LBF) using Doppler ultrasound with simultaneous noninvasive mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) measurement permits beat-to-beat estimates of leg vascular resistance (LVR) in humans. We tested the hypothesis that the beat-to-beat fluctuations in LVR and the dynamic relationship between MAP and LVR are modulated by the activation of muscle metaboreflex. Twelve healthy subjects performed a 1-min isometric handgrip exercise at 50% maximal voluntary contraction, which was followed by a period of imposed postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI). We then employed transfer function analysis to examine the dynamic relationships between MAP and LBF and between MAP and LVR, both at rest (control) and during PEMI. We found the following. 1) The spectral power for LBF and LVR in low-frequency ( approximately 0.03-0.15 Hz) range significantly increased from control during PEMI without a significant change in the high-frequency ( approximately 0.15-0.35 Hz) power. 2) During PEMI, the transfer function gains for MAP-LBF and MAP-LVR relationships in the low-frequency ( approximately 0.05-0.15 Hz) range were significantly increased during PEMI (vs. control) but were unchanged in the high-frequency ( approximately 0.2-0.3 Hz) range. 3) The phases for MAP-LBF and MAP-LVR relationships were not different during control and PEMI. The phase for MAP-LVR relationship revealed that changes in MAP were followed by directionally similar changes in LVR, which is consistent with the characteristics of intrinsic vascular regulatory mechanisms such as the myogenic response of the resistance arteries. We suggest that, in humans, modulation of the dynamic MAP-LVR relationship during activation of the muscle metaboreflex reflects complex interactions between intrinsic vascular regulatory mechanisms and sympathetic vascular regulation.  相似文献   

Autonomic mechanisms of muscle metaboreflex control of heart rate   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Previous studies have shown that heart failure (HF) or sinoaortic denervation (SAD) alters the strength and mechanisms of the muscle metaboreflex during dynamic exercise. However, it is still unknown to what extent SAD may modify the muscle metaboreflex in HF. Therefore, we quantified the contribution of cardiac output (CO) and peripheral vasoconstriction to metaboreflex-mediated increases in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) in conscious, chronically instrumented dogs before and after induction of HF in both barointact and SAD conditions during mild and moderate exercise. The muscle metaboreflex was activated via partial reductions in hindlimb blood flow. After SAD, the metaboreflex pressor responses were significantly higher with respect to the barointact condition despite lower CO responses. The pressor response was significantly lower in HF after SAD but still higher than that of HF in the barointact condition. During control experiments in the barointact condition, total vascular conductance summed from all beds except the hindlimbs did not change with muscle metaboreflex activation, whereas in the SAD condition both before and after induction of HF significant vasoconstriction occurred. We conclude that SAD substantially increased the contribution of peripheral vasoconstriction to metaboreflex-induced increases in MAP, whereas in HF SAD did not markedly alter the patterns of the reflex responses, likely reflecting that in HF the ability of the arterial baroreflex to buffer metaboreflex responses is impaired.  相似文献   

Moderate exercise training (Ex) enhances work capacity and quality of life in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). We investigated the autonomic components of resting heart rate (HR) and the baroreflex control of HR in conscious, instrumented rabbits with pacing-induced CHF after Ex. Sham and CHF rabbits were exercise trained for 4 wk at 15-18 m/min, 6 days/wk. Arterial pressure and HR were recorded before and after metoprolol (1 mg/kg iv) or after atropine (0.2 mg/kg iv). Mean arterial pressure was altered by infusions of sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine. The data were fit to a sigmoid (logistic) function. Baseline HRs were 266.5 +/- 8.4 and 232.1 +/- 1.6 beats/min in CHF and CHF Ex rabbits, respectively (P < 0.05). In the unblocked state, CHF rabbits had a significantly depressed peak baroreflex slope (1.7 +/- 0.3 vs. 5.6 +/- 0.7 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1); P < 0.001) and HR range (128.6 +/- 34.5 vs. 253.2 +/- 20.3 beats/min; P < 0.05) compared with normal subjects. Ex increased baroreflex slope to 4.9 +/- 0.3 from 1.7 +/- 0.3 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1) in unblocked rabbits (P < 0.001 compared with CHF non-Ex). Ex did not alter baroreflex function in sham animals. After metoprolol, baroreflex slope was significantly increased in CHF Ex rabbits (1.5 +/- 0.2 vs. 3.0 +/- 0.2 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1); P < 0.05). After atropine, there was no significant change in baroreflex slope or HR range between CHF Ex and CHF rabbits. These data support the view that enhancement of baroreflex control of HR after Ex is due to an augmentation of vagal tone.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that acute hypoxia would alter the sensitivity of arterial baroreflex control of both heart rate and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. In 16 healthy, nonsmoking, normotensive subjects (8 women, 8 men, age 20-33 yr), we assessed baroreflex control of heart rate and muscle sympathetic nerve activity by using the modified Oxford technique during both normoxia and hypoxia (12% O(2)). Compared with normoxia, hypoxia reduced arterial O(2) saturation levels from 96.8 +/- 0.3 to 80.7 +/- 1.4% (P < 0.001), increased heart rate from 59.8 +/- 2.4 to 79.4 +/- 2.9 beats/min (P < 0.001), increased mean arterial pressure from 96.7 +/- 2.5 to 105.0 +/- 3.3 mmHg (P = 0.002), and increased sympathetic activity 126 +/- 58% (P < 0.05). The sensitivity for baroreflex control of both heart rate and sympathetic activity was not altered by hypoxia (heart rate: -1.02 +/- 0.09 vs. -1.02 +/- 0.11 beats. min(-1). mmHg(-1); nerve activity: -5.6 +/- 0.9 vs. -6.2 +/- 0.9 integrated activity. beat(-1). mmHg(-1); both P > 0.05). Acute exposure to hypoxia reset baroreflex control of both heart rate and sympathetic activity to higher pressures without changes in baroreflex sensitivity.  相似文献   

Recent data indicate that bilateral carotid sinus denervation in patients results in a chronic impairment in the rapid reflex control of blood pressure during orthostasis. These findings are inconsistent with previous human experimental investigations indicating a minimal role for the carotid baroreceptor-cardiac reflex in blood pressure control. Therefore, we reexamined arterial baroreflex [carotid (CBR) and aortic baroreflex (ABR)] control of heart rate (HR) using newly developed methodologies. In 10 healthy men, 27 +/- 1 yr old, an abrupt decrease in mean arterial pressure (MAP) was induced nonpharmacologically by releasing a unilateral arterial thigh cuff (300 Torr) after 9 min of resting leg ischemia under two conditions: 1) ABR and CBR deactivation (control) and 2) ABR deactivation. Under control conditions, cuff release decreased MAP by 13 +/- 1 mmHg, whereas HR increased 11 +/- 2 beats/min. During ABR deactivation, neck suction was gradually applied to maintain carotid sinus transmural pressure during the initial 20 s after cuff release (suction). This attenuated the increase in HR (6 +/- 1 beats/min) and caused a greater decrease in MAP (18 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.05). Furthermore, estimated cardiac baroreflex responsiveness (DeltaHR/DeltaMAP) was significantly reduced during suction compared with control conditions. These findings suggest that the carotid baroreceptors contribute more importantly to the reflex control of HR than previously reported in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Spontaneous baroreflex control of pulse interval (PI) was assessed in healthy volunteers under thermoneutral and heat stress conditions. Subjects rested in the supine position with their lower legs in a water bath at 34 degrees C. Heat stress was imposed by increasing the bath temperature to 44 degrees C. Arterial blood pressure (Finapres), PI (ECG), esophageal and skin temperature, and stroke volume were continuously collected during each 5-min experimental stage. Spontaneous baroreflex function was evaluated by multiple techniques, including 1) the mean slope of the linear relationship between PI and systolic blood pressure (SBP) with three or more simultaneous increasing or decreasing sequences, 2) the linear relationship between changes in PI and SBP (deltaPI/DeltaSBP) derived by using the first differential equation, 3) the linear relationship between changes in PI and SBP with simultaneously increasing or decreasing sequences (+deltaPI/+deltaSBP or -deltaPI/-deltaSBP), and 4) transfer function analysis. Heat stress increased esophageal temperature by 0.6 +/- 0.1 degrees C, decreased PI from 1,007 +/- 43 to 776 +/- 37 ms and stroke volume by 16 +/- 5 ml/beat. Heat stress reduced baroreflex sensitivity but increased the incidence of baroreflex slopes from 5.2 +/- 0.8 to 8.6 +/- 0.9 sequences per 100 heartbeats. Baroreflex sensitivity was significantly correlated with PI or vagal power (r2 = 0.45, r2 = 0.71, respectively; P < 0.05). However, the attenuation in baroreflex sensitivity during heat stress appeared related to a shift in autonomic balance (shift in resting PI) rather than heat stress per se.  相似文献   

Effect of posture on arterial baroreflex control of heart rate in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Altered baroreflex function may contribute to the cardiovascular changes associated with weightlessness. Since central blood volume (CBV) increases during simulated weightlessness we have examined the possibility that acute changes in CBV may modify baroreceptor function. We used graded head-up tilt (HUT) and head-down tilt (HDT) to induce changes in CBV, and neck suction to stimulate carotid baroreceptors, in 6 subjects. The increase in pulse interval induced by a negative pressure of 8.2 kPa (62 mm Hg) imposed for 10 s while supine was compared with the increase while tilted for 8 min at +/- 15 degrees, +/- 30 degrees and +/- 45 degrees. During HDT at 15 degrees the pulse interval over the first 5 cardiac cycles following suction onset was 51 +/- (SEM) 18 ms longer (p less than 0.05), at 30 degrees it was 61 +/- 20 ms longer (p less than 0.05), and at 45 degrees it was 74 +/- 35 ms longer (p less than 0.01), compared with supine. During HUT at 15 degrees the pulse interval was 25 +/- 9 ms shorter (p less than 0.05) than when supine, but was not significantly different at 30 degrees and 45 degrees. These responses occurred independently of changes in brachial blood pressure. Attenuation was also observed after 5 min (56 +/- 17 ms; less than 0.05), and after 40 min (25 +/- 9 ms; p less than 0.05) of 60 degrees HUT compared with supine. We conclude that posture does modify arterial baroreflex control of heart rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Accumulation of metabolic end products within skeletal muscle stimulates sensory nerves, thus evoking a pressor response termed "metaboreflex." The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in hemodynamics occurring during metaboreflex activation obtained by postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI) after two different exercise intensities. In twelve healthy subjects, the metaboreflex was studied with the PEMI method at the start of recovery from one leg-dynamic knee extension performed at intensities of 30% (PEMI 30%) and 70% (PEMI 70%) of the maximum workload achieved in a preliminary test. Control exercise recovery tests at the same intensities were also conducted. Central hemodynamics were evaluated by means of impedance cardiography. The main findings were that 1) during metaboreflex, exercise conducted against the higher workload caused a more pronounced blood pressure increase than the strain conducted against the lower workload; and 2) during PEMI 70%, this blood pressure response was mainly achieved through enhancement of myocardial contractility that increased stroke volume and, in turn, cardiac output, whereas during PEMI 30%, the blood pressure response was reached predominantly by means of vasoconstriction. Thus a substantial enhancement of myocardial contractility was reached only in the PEMI 70% test. These results suggest that hemodynamic regulation during metaboreflex engagement caused by PEMI in humans is dependent on the intensity of the previous effort. Moreover, the cardiovascular response during metaboreflex is not merely achieved by vasoconstriction alone, but it appears that there is a complex interplay between peripheral vasoconstriction and heart contractility recruitment.  相似文献   

Nishiyasu, Takeshi, Nobusuke Tan, Keiko Morimoto, RyokoSone, and Naotoshi Murakami. Cardiovascular and humoral responses to sustained muscle metaboreflex activation in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 84(1): 116-122, 1998.The cardiovascular and humoral responses to sustained musclemetaboreflex activation were examined in eight male volunteers whilethey performed two 24-min exercise protocols. Each of these consistedof six 1-min bouts of isometric handgrip exercise (the left and righthands being used alternately) at 50% of maximal voluntary contraction;after each bout, there was either 3-min postexercise occlusion(occlusion protocol) or 3-min rest (control protocol). In the occlusionprotocol, mean arterial blood pressure was ~25 mmHg higher thanduring the control protocol, indicating that the muscle metaboreflexwas activated during occlusion. During the control protocol, plasmarenin activity, plasma vasopressin, and adrenocorticotropic hormonevalues were not significantly different from the values at rest. Duringthe occlusion protocol, however, plasma renin activity, plasmavasopressin, and adrenocorticotropic hormone were all significantlyincreased at 25 min. These data demonstrate that, in humans, thesustained activation of the muscle metaboreflex causes the secretion of several hormones originating from different regions.


Rapid recovery of resting hemodynamics from tachycardia- or arrhythmia-induced heart failure (HF) has been demonstrated in both humans and animals. However, little is known about cardiovascular responses to exercise in animals or about reflex control of the cardiovascular system during exercise while recovering from HF. Inasmuch as the reduced cardiac output (CO) during exercise in HF has been shown to lead to underperfusion of active skeletal muscle and tonic activation of the muscle metaboreflex, an improved CO during exercise in subjects recovering from HF may lead to higher skeletal muscle blood flows and to relief of this metabolic stimulus. We investigated cardiovascular responses to graded treadmill exercise and metaboreflex activation [evoked by imposed graded reductions in hindlimb blood flow (HLBF) during mild and moderate exercise] in chronically instrumented dogs during control, mild to moderate HF (induced by rapid ventricular pacing), and recovery from HF. Most hemodynamic responses to graded exercise returned to control within 24 h of disconnecting the pacemaker. After 2 wk of recovery, CO and HLBF at each workload were significantly higher than control. In addition, whereas the increase in CO that normally occurs with metaboreflex activation was markedly attenuated in HF, it completely returned in the recovery experiments. We conclude that cardiovascular responses to graded exercise during the recovery from pacing-induced HF return rapidly to near or above control and that the increased CO and HLBF in recovery likely relieved the metabolic stimulus and tonic metaboreflex activation that may have occurred during moderate exercise in HF.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the arterial baroreflex opposes the pressor response mediated by muscle metaboreflex activation during mild dynamic exercise. However, no studies have investigated the mechanisms contributing to metaboreflex-mediated pressor responses during dynamic exercise after arterial baroreceptor denervation. Therefore, we investigated the contribution of cardiac output (CO) and peripheral vasoconstriction in mediating the pressor response to graded reductions in hindlimb perfusion in conscious, chronically instrumented dogs before and after sinoaortic denervation (SAD) during mild and moderate exercise. In control experiments, the metaboreflex pressor responses were mediated via increases in CO. After SAD, the metaboreflex pressor responses were significantly greater and significantly smaller increases in CO occurred. During control experiments, nonischemic vascular conductance (NIVC) did not change with muscle metaboreflex activation, whereas after SAD NIVC significantly decreased with metaboreflex activation; thus SAD shifted the mechanisms of the muscle metaboreflex from mainly increases in CO to combined cardiac and peripheral vasoconstrictor responses. We conclude that the major mechanism by which the arterial baroreflex buffers the muscle metaboreflex is inhibition of metaboreflex-mediated peripheral vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Hypoperfusion of active skeletal muscle elicits a reflex pressor response termed the muscle metaboreflex. Our aim was to determine the muscle metaboreflex threshold and gain in humans by creating an open-loop relationship between active muscle blood flow and hemodynamic responses during a rhythmic handgrip exercise. Eleven healthy subjects performed the exercise at 5 or 15% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in random order. During the exercise, forearm blood flow (FBF), which was continuously measured using Doppler ultrasound, was reduced in five steps by manipulating the inner pressure of an occlusion cuff on the upper arm. The FBF at each level was maintained for 3 min. The initial reductions in FBF elicited no hemodynamic changes, but once FBF fell below a threshold, mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) increased and total vascular conductance (TVC) decreased in a linear manner. The threshold FBF during the 15% MVC trial was significantly higher than during the 5% MVC trial. The gain was then estimated as the slope of the relationship between the hemodynamic responses and FBFs below the threshold. The gains for the MAP and TVC responses did not differ between workloads, but the gain for the HR response was greater in the 15% MVC trial. Our findings thus indicate that increasing the workload shifts the threshold for the muscle metaboreflex to higher blood flows without changing the gain of the reflex for the MAP and TVC responses, whereas it enhances the gain for the HR response.  相似文献   

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