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Thirty-two dimensions of the maxillary and mandibular dental arches were measured on 320 adult skulls derived from Anglo-saxon to modern times. Multivariate analysis showed varying patterns of contrast between the samples, depending upon which arch dimensions were considered. The results suggest that dental arch changes occur independently of jaw changes.  相似文献   

Maxillofacial and dental arch dimensions of the Bolivian Aymara population are age and sex dependent. Interpopulational comparisons reveal these dimensions to differ from those seen in Aleuts, Australian aborigines, and Swedes, but to be similar to those of the indigenous Taiwanese. Finally, these dimensions are not the same in Aymara of unmixed ancestry, and Mestizos residing in the same villages.  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify the relationship of primate bony pelvic structure to locomotor habit. As with most of the postcranial skeleton, the pelvic bones of species within the Ceboidea and the Cercopithecoidea are remarkably similar visually except for variations in size. Yet there are substantial differences in locomotor pattern between the species in these taxa. I performed canonical analyses on a sample of 17 pelvic variables describing 22 primate species of the Ceboidea, the Cercopithecoidea, and the Hominoidea to discover which variables were significant in separating them into groups. In both analyses there was good separation of major taxa and additional separation of groups that differed in locomotor habit. The separation of colobine from cercopithecine monkeys was particularly consistent. In the analysis, including all 22 species, the variables given particular weight by the canonical analysis were the same as those traditionally used by anatomists for the same purpose. Specifically, breadth of the ischial tuberosity (reflecting presence or absence of ischial callosities) separated the Old from the New World monkeys. Breadth of the iliac tuberosity, in which man and to some extent other hominoids differ from other primates, and ilium height, in which man differs from other primates, were significant. Sagittal diameter of the pelvis was also substantially weighted. Having established that the technique would select variables of anatomical significance, the same method was applied to a study of monkeys only where the characteristics that differ between groups are not well established. Breadth of the ischial tuberosity was again important in separating the Ceboidea from the Cercopithecoidea. Discrimination of locomotor groups within these large divisions was brought about mainly by ischial length and the sagittal diameter of the pelvis. In studying these variables and their relationship to size in greater detail, it was found that among cercopithecoid monkeys, the colobines showed relatively lower values than did cercopithecines for both these dimensions. Atelines showed low values for ischial length but high values for the sagittal pelvic diameter. Biomechanical explanations of these observations are suggested.  相似文献   

Dental casts of 99 Kurdish and 98 Yemenite Jewish children evenly distributed between the sexes, aged 12 years, were measured for mesio-distal and buccolingual tooth dimensions, and arch depth and width. Dental dimensions showed significant differences between the two groups in certain permanent teeth in mesiodistal length, while in the buccolingual diameter the differences did not reach statistical significance. Dental arch form in Kurdish children was more rounded due to significantly bigger arch width, while arch depth was not significantly different from Yemenites. Intragroup sex differences were found in both groups with reference to arch dimensions, while in the dental parameters they were more strongly expressed in Kurdish children.  相似文献   

The average inbreeding coefficients of the highly consanguineous Fur and Baggara tribes of Western Sudan were 0.04167 and 0.04450, respectively. Two hundred ninety-eight subjects from the two tribes were tested for polymorphism of hemoglobins, seven red cell enzymes, and four serum proteins. The Baggara showed a higher gene frequency of HbS and TfD and lower gene frequency of GdA and PC compared to the Fur. Both tribes showed a low gene frequency of PGM1 and high frequency of G6PD deficiency when compared to other Sudanese tribes. In spite of the high degree of inbreeding, no significant deviation from the Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium was observed in either tribe. The effects of inbreeding seem to be offset by mixing between the two tribes on Gabal Marra Plateau. The flow of the sickle gene from the Baggara into the Fur and other Sudanese tribes is discussed.  相似文献   

The patterns of age change in dental arch breadths and depths were studied longitudinally in Australian Aboriginals, 92 males and 68 females. Three types of change in relative arch dimensions were recognized: a divergent pattern in which the differences between maxillary and mandibular dimensions increased with age, a convergent pattern in which the differences decreased, and a parallel pattern in which the arch differences remained metrically stable. The feature that best distinguished the Aboriginals from Caucasian groups was the high frequency of subjects, 71% of males and 40% of females, who showed a divergent growth pattern. The association between divergent growth in arch breadths and the development of alternate intercuspation, which is characterized by an inability to occlude the teeth on both sides of the arch at the same time, is discussed.  相似文献   

3D dental microtexture analysis is a powerful tool for reconstructing the diets of extinct primates. This method is based on the comparison of fossils with extant species of known diet. The diets of primates are highly diversified and include fruits, seeds, grass, tree leaves, bark, roots, tubers, and animal resources. Fruits remain the main component in the diets of most primates. We tested whether the proportion of fruit consumed is correlated with dental microtexture. Two methods of microtexture analysis, the scale-sensitive fractal analysis (SSFA) and the Dental Areal Surface Texture Analysis (DASTA; after ISO/FDIS 25178-2), were applied to specimens of eight primate species (Alouatta seniculus, Gorilla gorilla, Lophocebus albigena, Macaca fascicularis, Pan troglodytes, Papio cynocephalus, Pongo abelii, Theropithecus gelada). These species largely differ in the mean annual proportion of fruit (from 0 to 90%) in their diet, as well as in their consumption of other hard items (seeds, bark, and insect cuticles) and of abrasive plants. We find the complexity and heterogeneity of textures (SSFA) to correlate with the proportion of fruits consumed. Textural fill volume (SSFA) indicates the proportion of both fruits and other hard items processed. Furthermore, anisotropy (SSFA) relates to the consumption of abrasive plants like grass and other monocots. ISO parameters valley height, root mean square height, material volume, density of peaks, and closed hill and dale areas (DASTA) describe the functional interaction between food items and enamel facets during mastication. The shallow, plastic deformation of enamel surfaces induced by small hard particles, such as phytoliths or dust, results in flat microtexture relief, whereas the brittle, deep fracture caused by large hard items such as hard seeds creates larger relief.  相似文献   

In a survey of dental health status of ancient Southern Peru, 101 skeletal remains were studied from five cultures: Paracas, Nazca, Tiahuanaco, Ica, and Inca. The Paracas and Ica cultures exhibited more missing antemortem teeth per mandible than the other cultures. Frequency of missing one or more third molars was less than expected and not as high as reported in peoples of Mongoloid heritage. The Paracas, Ica and Nazca, "coastal" cultures had a higher caries incidence than the "inland" cultures. Whether this relates to some difference in diet or water supply remains unresolved and warrants further investigation. Moderate attrition was noted in all the Precolumbian cultures but pulpal involvement was not observed. Osteitis, noted in all the cultures, was more pronounced in the Nazca, Paracas and Ica cultures. There appeared to be a direct relationship between caries involvement and the number of missing antemortem teeth to osteitis. Calculus was heavier in the Paracas and Ica cultures. In addition, the Paracas culture exhibited a dark brown stain on the teeth which may imply some difference between the cultures in either the food, water or social habits.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the tooth and dental arch dimensions in twins have suggested that the size and form of the dentition is more under genetic control than the size and form of the dental arch. A study of dentition and dental arch was carried out on three sets of same-sex triplets, two sets being monozygotic and one set dizygotic. No significant differences were found in the dental arch dimensions in any set of the triplets. The tooth dimensions showed no significant differenes in the monozygotic triplet sets or in the monozygotic pair from the dizygotic triplet set, but showed significant differences between the monozygotic pair and the third member of the dizygotic set. This confirms the data obtained from twin studies.  相似文献   

The assessment of jaw movement direction from dental microwear   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to resolve several controversies about unusual jaw movements such as thegosis and orthal retraction, information about direction of jaw movement is essential. Ryan (1979a,b) proposed that asymmetry of microwear striations might provide such data. In vivo occurrences of asymmetric striations on chimpanzee molars are presented and analyzed. Results suggest that either thegosis contacts commonly occur on chimpanzee molars or that Ryan's model, as developed in vitro, does not accurately apply to naturally occurring molar microwear.  相似文献   

Studies of dental microwear have been used to relate tooth form to function in a variety of recent and extinct mammals. Probably the most important aspect of microwear analysis is the possibility of using it to deduce the diet of extinct animals. Such deductions must be based on comparative studies of modern species with known diets, but to date, only qualitative studies have been attempted and all have been based on small samples. Here we report quantitative differences in dental microwear between primate species that are known to have different diets. Occlusal facets with different functions have previously been shown to exhibit different microwear patterns. However, the differences between facets of one species are shown to be far less than those between homologous facets of different species. Study of seven species of extant primates shows that enamel microwear can be used to distinguish between those with a mainly frugivorous diet and those with a mainly folivorous one. Microwear can also distinguish hard-object feeders from soft-fruit eaters. The microwear of Miocene Sivapithecus indicus cannot be distinguished statistically from that of the chimpanzee, but it is different from that of the other species. On this evidence S. indicus was not a hard-object feeder and the adaptive significance of its thick molar enamel is at present unknown.  相似文献   

目的研究一年内Xive种植体周常见致病菌的变化情况,为种植体的定期维护提供理论基础。方法临床选取32名种植患者的44枚种植体,记录了修复后1个月,修复后3个月,修复后6个月,修复后12个月四个时段,入选种植牙的菌斑指数(PLI),牙龈指数(G1),牙龈出血指数(GBI),探诊深度(PD);采用产黑菌、放线菌、具核梭杆菌及厌氧菌的选择性培养基对龈下菌斑标本进行了分离培养。结果随时间延长,种植体周几种龈下菌的检出量除牯放菌外不断增加,1个月到3个月时增加的趋势最为明显,到6个月左右趋于稳定。厌氧菌总数、产黑菌、核梭菌、粘放菌的统计值在1个月和3个月、3个月和6个月比较差异有显著性,但在6个月和12个月比较差异无显著性。各临床指标和X-线指标随时问的变化差异无显著性。结论在临床工作中,应注意加强修复后3个月时种植患者的口腔维护,防止种植体周围炎的发生,提高种植成功率。  相似文献   

Pyrolysis mass spectrometry (PyMS) is a rapid, simple, high-resolution analytical method based on thermal degradation of complex material in a vacuum, and has been widely applied to the discrimination of closely related microbial strains. Minimally prepared samples of embryogenic and non-embryogenic calluses derived from various higher plants (sweet potato, morning glory, Korean ginseng, Siberian ginseng, and balloon flower) were subjected to PyMS for spectral fingerprinting. A dendrogram based on the unweighted pair group method, with arithmetic mean of pyrolysis mass spectra, divided the calluses into Siberian ginseng embryogenic callus and the others, which were subsequently divided into embryogenic and non-embryogenic callus groups, regardless of plant species from which the calluses were derived. In the non-embryogenic callus group, the dendrogram was in agreement with the known taxonomy of the plants. These results indicate that PyMS analysis could be applied for discriminating plant calluses based on embryogenic capacity and taxonomic classification.  相似文献   

Four skeletal series (Corinth, Greece; Gran Quivira, New Mexico; Semna South, Sudanese Nubia, and a large group from scattered sites in England) were coded for sex, jaw, tooth group, dental attrition, dental caries, site and time period. Through thec concepts of a basal level of caries and a cariosity gradient, a single model was found which best described the occurrence of this disease in these samples. All factors were found to contribute significantly to the model. Within the possible subsamples the general characteristics are that the profiles of males, of the mandibulae and of those with light attrition are more likely to have lower overall dental caries levels and to be relatively more carious in the back of the mouth than the front when compared to the pooled sample of all teeth and caries. The opposite is also found to be generally true; the teeth of females, maxillae and heavy attrition are associated with more caries, especially toward the front of the mouth. These results imply that samples appearing otherwise homogeneous display much variation. They also reveal distinct regularities in the reactions of diverse human groups to dental caries.  相似文献   

百合品种间的数量分类研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
张西丽  周厚高  周焱  宁云芬   《广西植物》2000,20(4):325-328
根据 4 8个形态学性状 ,应用聚类分析将 9个不同来源的百合品种分为 3个类群 :亚洲系、东方系和麝香系。并显示了东方系和麝香系亲缘关系较近 ,符合北美百合协会对百合品种的分类与百合的育种历史、演化关系。文中将 4 8个形态学性状数据集划分为营养器官性状与生殖器官性状两个数据子集。单独采用营养器官性状子集进行聚类分析时 ,出现较大的差异 ,而对生殖器官性状子集的分析结果较为合理  相似文献   

Molar enamel is thicker among frugivorous extant Old World monkeys and apes than among their folivorous close relatives. Furthermore, species that have the thickest molar enamel reportedly eat fruits, seeds, and nuts that are so hard that they cannot be broken by their sympatric thinner-enameled relatives. Species with relatively thick enamel show no tendency toward a terrestrial feeding pattern. Members of the Ramapithecinae, the stock which probably gave rise to Pliocene-Recent hominids, had very thick molar enamel. This suggests that they ate hard seeds, nuts, and fruits previously available only to arboreal rodents and forest-floor pigs. There is no reason to believe that these anatomical features had to evolve in non-rain-forest environments, as others have argued.  相似文献   

The present paper is an attempt to propose a preliminary taxomomic treatment of the genus Hippolytia Poljak. and to analyse the geographical distribution of its composite elements. This small genus with 17 species is divided into 2 sections, namely, section Anthodesma Shih and section Hippolytia. Anthodesma is a small section with 3 species and is characterized by fascicled corymbs, campanulate and nitid involucres, rigidly herbaceous phyllaries, and undershrubs, while Hippolytia consisting of 14 species is characterized by corymbose inflorescence or glomerules or compund heads, cuneate and unpolished involucres, herbaceous phyllaries with pitch black margines. There are 12 species of Hippolytia in China, of which 3 are proposed as new in the present paper. Regarding the distribution pattern of Hippolytia, it is noteworthy to note that its range of distribution forms a more or less U-shape as shown in map 2. It may be seen that Hippolytia distributes in Central Asia-Sino-Himalaya-Median Asia. Section Anthodesma Shih occurs in central Asia, while section Hippolytia in the whole Himalayan region and northern Meridional Ranges and Median Asia. There seems to be no center of species concentration within the total range of Hippolytia, whose species are localized in distribution, for example, H. desmantha Shih is known only from Qinghai provence (Yu-Shu-Hsien), H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih is restricted to Ninghsia and central part of Kansu provence. It is interesting to note that H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih and H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih are referred to as vicarious species. The localization of the species distribution and the obvious discontinuity of morphological characters between species indicate a remarkable geographical influence on the species formation of Hippolytia. Hippolytia is an alpine genus of temperate zone of Asia, in which 64 per cent of species occurs at high elevations of above 3300m. altitude, 30 per cent of species are distributed in middle elevations of above 2200m. altitude. The life forms are microundershrubs, erect perennial herbs, glomerule stemless herbs or stemless herbs. It is very possible that its geographical origin and development may be linked up with occurance of desert steppe, especially of alpine meadow vegetations in the northern temperate zone of Asia. With regard to the geographical elements to which each species of Hippolytia belongs, it seems to indicate that H. trifida (Turcz.) Poljak., H. alashanensis (Ling) Shih and H. desmantha Shih belong to the geographical elements of central Asia, while H. yunnanensis (J. F. Jeffrey) Shih, H. glomerata Shih, H. tomentosa (DC.) Tzvel., H. senecionis (Bess.) Poljak. H. longifolia (Wall.) Shih, H. kennedayi (Dunn) Ling, H. syncalathiformis Shih, H. gossypina (Hook. f. et Thoms.) Shih and H. nana (C. B. Clarke) Shih to Himalayan elements, and H. darvasica (C. Winkl.) Poljak., H. megacephala (Rupr.) Poljak,, H. herderi (Rgl. et Schmalh.) Poljak. to Median Asia, H. delavayi (W. W. Smith) Shih to North-West-Yunna.  相似文献   

Traditional morphometric approaches for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal and modern human dental remains are mainly characterized by caliper measurements of tooth crowns. Several studies have recently described differences in dental tissue proportions and enamel thickness between Neanderthal and modern human teeth. At least for the lower second deciduous molar (dm2), a three-dimensional lateral relative enamel thickness index has been proposed for separating the two taxa. This index has the advantage over other measurements of being applicable to worn teeth because it ignores the occlusal aspect of the crown. Nevertheless, a comparative evaluation of traditional crown dimensions and lateral dental tissue proportion measurements for taxonomic assignment of Neanderthal and modern human dm2s has not yet been performed.In this study, we compare various parameters gathered from the lateral aspects of the crown. These parameters include crown diameters, height of the lateral wall of the crown (lateral crown height = LCH), lateral enamel thickness, and dentine volume of the lateral wall, including the volume of the coronal pulp chamber (lateral dentine plus pulp volume = LDPV), in a 3D digital sample of Neanderthal and modern human dm2s to evaluate their utility in separating the two taxa.The LDPV and the LCH allow us to discriminate between Neanderthals and modern humans with 88.5% and 92.3% accuracy, respectively. Though our results confirm that Neanderthal dm2s have lower relative enamel thickness (RET) index compared with modern humans (p = 0.005), only 70% of the specimens were correctly classified on the basis of the RET index. We also emphasize that results of the lateral enamel thickness method depend on the magnitude of the interproximal wear. Accordingly, we suggest using the LCH or the LDPV to discriminate between Neanderthal and modern human dm2s. These parameters are more independent of interproximal wear and loss of lateral enamel.  相似文献   

Bromage and Dean originally outlined a nondestructive method for the study of enamel formation and concluded that early hominids resembled the extant apes more closely than they did modern humans in their rates of growth and maturation. The method used assumed that an enamel circadian rhythmicity was referable to a longer near-weekly period represented by perikymata (periodic surface growth features). This assumption became a matter of debate and discussion. In this study, developing teeth in Macaca nemestrina were labeled with polychrome fluorescent dyes. Examination of the distribution of these dyes in two sectioned teeth provides experimental confirmation of enamel circadian periodicity.  相似文献   

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