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花粉白苗的研究,以水稻为材料的较多,且大多研究培养基成分、培养温度、培养材料等对白苗分化的影响、花粉白苗的亚显微结构及遗传生化分析等。但就花粉白苗的成因问题目前仍不清楚。我们对小麦不同小孢子发育时期的花药分别培养,初步探讨了花粉白苗分化与小孢子发育时期之间的关系。  相似文献   

小麦不同发育时期花药对离体培养的反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
花药的发育时期是决定花药培养时诱导频率高低的重要因素。据文献报道,绝大多数植物只在花药中小孢子处于单核期至二核期时才对离体培养有反应(即产生愈伤组织),只有少数植物能从四分体时期的花药获得花粉胚,如烟草、毛地黄、油菜、大麦、野生二粒小麦、玉米  相似文献   

花药的发育时期是决定花药培养时诱导频 率高低的重要因素。据文献报道,绝大多数植 物只在花药中小抱子处于单核期至二核期时才 对离体培养有反应(即产生愈伤组织),只有少 数植物能从四分体时期的花药获得花粉胚,如 烟草、毛地黄、油菜、大麦、野生二粒小麦、玉米 等。也有一些作者培养过减数分裂时期的花药, 但只有Gresshoff和Doy在番茄、拟南芥菜及 葡萄[11l有过成功的报道。较晚的花药发育时期 方面,Nitzsche[1a1曾报道从多花黑麦草及苇状 羊茅杂种“将近成熟”的花药获得少量愈伤组 织,Kameya等[123曾从Brassica属的成熟花粉 获得愈伤组织,但没有分化成苗。到目前为止, 还没有一种植物能从上述各个时期的花药产生 花粉胚。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of synergids of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus L.) was investigated using transmission electron microscopy at following stages of embryo sacs: 1. Unpollination, on the first flowering day. 2. Unpollination, on 2nd day after anthesis (DAA). 3. Fertilization, on DAA 2. The synergids with distinct filiform apparatus at the micropylar end have abundant organelle, such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and plastids in cytoplasm, which indicate that they are active on the first flowering day. No wall is present at the chalazal part of synergid, and there are some flocculent materials and vesicles in the spaces of cytoplasma membranes among synergid, egg cell and central cell in embryo sacs at the first and the second stages. On DAA 2, in unpollinated embryo sacs, the central large vacuole of synergid is divided into several smaller ones and the starch grains decrease in cytoplasm. There is no newly synthesized wall at the chalazal end of persistent synergid in fertilized embryo sacs. The contents of degenerated synergid, in the form of electron dense granules, are located in the wide space among central cell, zygote and persistent synergid, and some of them migrate into central cell through cytoplasma membrane. Therefore, it is deduced that the contents of synergid might serve as a nutrient supplement to the development of endosperm, but not embryo.  相似文献   

影响枣试管苗生长分化的因素(简报)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
骏枣试管苗在生长与分化过程中,以MS培养基的营养水平,温度25 ̄27℃为适宜,外植体是茎段比茎端好,斜剪和斜插对生长分化有利,生长素为0.3 ̄0.5mg/L为宜,细胞分裂素(6-BA)以1 ̄1.5mg/L为宜,两者最佳配比为1:3。  相似文献   

白魔芋不同外植体的组培和分化条件初探(简报)   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
白魔芋的5种营养器官以11种培养基进行培养的结果表明,培养基M6适于侧芽生长和皮下组织诱导愈伤组织;M9适于主芽和基部组织诱导愈伤组织;M2适于皮上胸芽组织分化生长。皮上胸芽组织为最好的接种材料。  相似文献   

诸葛菜花药不同发育时期蛋白质格局研究郑常文,刘智慧,刘丙辰,尹金虎,董长江,黄玉祥,罗鹏(四川大学生物系,成都610064)本文以诸葛菜(Orychophragmusviolaceus)为材料,揭示其雄性发育过程中蛋白质合成的特征,为深入研究植物雄配...  相似文献   

用化学诱变剂甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)、乙烯亚胺(EI)和1—甲基—3—硝基—1—亚硝基胍(MNNG)处理培养早期的水稻花药,观察到花粉白苗的形成增加而绿苗的形成减少。因此花粉总苗数中白苗所占的百分数显著增高,例如用 EMS 2.5ml/1在26℃处理品种8126的培养花药,花粉苗中白苗为34.9%,而对照为6.7%。但即使在这种情况下,所培养出的花粉植株中只有很少数发生性状突变。白苗也在少数绿色花粉植株后代中出现,其频率第二代比第三代高100倍以上。试验结果有利于认为水稻白化苗的成因可能是培养花粉中某些基因的缺失。化学诱变剂处理导致较多花粉发育成白苗,这对于试图利用水稻培养花粉进行诱变以便获得某种突变体是一大障碍。  相似文献   

棉胚珠愈伤组织诱导纤维分化初探(简报)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
开花当天的棉花胚珠切块在MS-GA3培养基上愈伤组织快速形成,随着时间年龄的增加,过氧化物酶活性变化平缓,纤维诱导分化率高;而在MS-2,4-D培养基上,愈伤组织生长缓慢,过氧化物酶活性起伏上升,整个过程中纤维诱导分化率差别不大。  相似文献   

水稻试管苗保存技术(简报)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多效唑与6-BA及NAA配合使用明显抑制水稻试管苗地上部生长,促进根系发育,对再生苗的发育影响较小,其有效作用期90天左右。水稻试管苗在含多效唑的N_6培养基上可保存4~6个月,对长期保存试管苗多效唑适宜浓度为5~10mg/L,移植前3~4周应补加一次营养液以利壮苗。  相似文献   

影响小麦花粉植株分化的几个因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩玉琴 《生物技术》1994,4(3):26-28
以小麦杂种F1代花粉愈伤组织为材料,研究了影响花粉植株分化的几个因素。试验结果表明,随着花药培养时间的延长.其愈伤组织的分化能力逐渐降低;分化培养基中附加KT和BA两种细胞分裂素相结合有利于绿苗分化;4℃─5℃低温处理愈伤组织24小时能提高绿苗分化率。  相似文献   

普通小麦具有偏凸山羊草(Ae. ventricosa)细胞质的不育系为Ven型胞质雄性不育系(Ven cytoplasmic male sterility, Ven CMS),是粘类小麦CMS的一种类型。该研究对小麦Ven型雄性不育系冀5418A及其同型保持系冀5419B的单核期和二核期的花药进行差异蛋白质组学分析,探讨小麦质核互作雄性不育的分子机制。通过双向电泳分离花药蛋白,基质辅助激光解析飞行时间串联质谱(MALDI TOF TOF)对差异表达蛋白进行质谱鉴定,利用生物信息学进行差异表达蛋白鉴定和功能注释分析。结果表明,在分子量19.0~100.0 kD、等电点4~7线性范围内,共检测到约2 000个蛋白点。2个时期共检测到差异蛋白98个,其中两个时期差异表达变化一致的蛋白点56个;数据库搜索获得鉴定的蛋白点41个,其中18个蛋白的表达量在冀5418A 中显著下调,23个在冀5418B 中明显下调。在不育系和可育系中均有参与能量代谢、活性氧代谢、核糖体合成、花粉物质合成的差异蛋白。GO分析预测差异蛋白生物学过程多涉及电子传递和能量代谢、核糖体代谢、活性氧代谢等,细胞组成主要是在膜区域和线粒体,分子功能主要是DNA和RNA结合功能和水解酶等。KEGG分析表明,较多蛋白分布于碳水化合物代谢、活性氧代谢和蛋白组装和折叠途径。推测不育系冀5418A 的雄性不育性除了涉及能量代谢、活性氧清除过程,核糖体蛋白、伴侣蛋白等也有重要作用,雄性不育性可能还与蛋白质加工、物质合成过程的紊乱有关。  相似文献   

1. The normal development of pollen cells can be transformed by the exoision itself of anther culture: The second mitotic division of pollen grains has been prevented; The frequency of anomalous division of pollen grains was higher than that present in anthers in vive; The generative nuclei after the first mitosis were more or less globular in form and in their subsequent developments most of them do not become spindly-shape which is particular to the generative cells in vive. In the meantime, they show a weak staining reaction with Feulgen reagent. 2. The higher concentrations of hormones were found to enhance the frequency of abnormal division obviously. Of anthers cultured on the four N6 media added with various concentration ratios of IAA to Kinetin 2:10, 10:2, 2:12, and 12:2 mg/l. The mean percentages of abnormal pollen grains were 34.02%, 35.28%, 34.27% and 36.65% respectively. 3. The higher hormone level may promote the formation of multicellular pollen grains obviously. When the IAA concentration was raised up to 12 mg/l, the mean multieellular pollen grain yields per anther increased to 13.3 unit, while the control without hormone was only 4 unit.  相似文献   

通过对小麦和水稻花药培养白化苗质体的电镜观察,表明白化苗质体早期发育正常,但没有观察到正常的成熟叶绿体。对白化苗质体的类囊体膜蛋白的分析表明,它缺乏细胞核编码的chla/b AP_2,质体DNA编码的chla AP_2和chla AP_3。质体DNA编码的ATPasc的α、β亚基显示了分子量和含量的变化。色素蛋白质的分析表明在白化苗质体中有两种小分子置的色素蛋白存在。文章还对产生上述结果的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

不同基因型小麦花药培养过程中药壁变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在相同的培养条件下 ,比较了不同基因型小麦花药培养过程中药壁变化的差异。组织切片观察表明 :易诱导材料花药培养过程中 ,药壁细胞发育充实 ,活力强 ,降解衰退较难诱导材料有所延缓 ;两种材料的花药刚离体时绒毡层就存在着明显的差异  相似文献   

The anomalous pollen grains in vivo at the frequencies of 2.61% and 6.81% respectively were found in anthers of two hybrid materials of wheat from which we had obtained the higher frequencies of induction of pollen embryos in anther culture in the past few years. This indicated that the pollen dimorphism also presented itself in the anthers on wheat plants. A comparative cytological study of development of anomalous pollen grains in vivo and of the early stages of the formation of pollen embryos in vitro was carried out and the results suggest that in cytological details there is an obvious similarity between them. This reveals the possibility that the pollen embryos night derive itself from the anomalous pollen grains in wheat as in the other plants. Therefore, it was considered that the appearance and frequency of the anomalous pollen grains could show the senibility of the development of microspores to the changes of various internal and external factors. The significance of the sensibility for the formation of pollen embryos in anther culture of wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

黄瓜花器形态发生、小孢子发育与花药培养   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
孢子发育时期与花蕾形态特征、花药颜色具有相关性。本试验目的是确定黄瓜花药的最佳培养时期,并确定对应的选蕾标准。对基因型、预处理等花药培养主要影响因素研究结果表明:不同基因型小孢子单核中后期花蕾长度不同,形态上没有差异;同一基因型的小孢子发育不同时期的花器特征和诱导率均有差异,单核中后期花药诱导率最高;低温预处理有利于保持小孢子的活力;花药培养中以黑暗中4℃、48~72h低温预处理最有助于愈伤发生。实验结果表明,黄瓜花药培养中小孢子最佳培养时期为单核中后期,取蕾标准为:花蕾长度0.90~1.50cm,绿色,瓣尖未张开,花药白绿色或淡绿色。  相似文献   

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