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The laminated layer of the larval stage (metacestode) of the cestode parasite Echinococcus multilocularis is composed largely of carbohydrates, which form a tight microfibrillar meshwork around the entire metacestode. Since this laminated layer is the only parasite structure which is in constant contact with host immune and non-immune cells, and appears largely resistant to physiological and immunological reactions of the host, it most likely carries out important functions with regard to host-parasite interactions. In infected hosts, the metacestode is usually concentrically covered by host connective tissue cells and large amounts of collagen, causing a dense scar-like fibrosis, and it is likely that host-derived components are incorporated into the laminated layer at the host-parasite interface. Therefore, in order to obtain information on the molecular composition of this structure, we used parasite larvae which were generated through in vitro cultivation and thus were largely devoid of interfering host components. Lectin fluorescence on section-labelling of metacestodes embedded in LR-White suggested that the laminated layer is largely composed of N-acetyl-beta-D-galactosaminyl, and alpha- and beta-D-galactosyl residues, as well as of the core structure of O-linked carbohydrate chains, N-acetylgalactosamine-beta-1.3-galactose, while N-linked glycopeptides and alpha-D-mannosyl residues and/or glucosyl residues were found mainly within the germinal layer, and within the cellular mass and the surface of developing protoscoleces. Lectin-gold EM confirmed these findings. The laminated layer was isolated from in vitro cultivated metacestodes by urea extraction, and the ultrastructure of the purified laminated layer was assessed comparatively with respect to the laminated layer of intact parasites. The glycan composition was determined using SDS-PAGE and lectin blotting. This work has laid the basis for a more detailed dissection of the molecular composition of the laminated layer.  相似文献   

The laminated layer (LL) is the massive carbohydrate-rich structure that protects Echinococcus larvae, which cause cystic echinococcosis (hydatid disease) and alveolar echinococcosis. Increased understanding of the biochemistry of the LL is allowing a more informed analysis of its immunology. The LL not only protects the parasite against host attack but also shapes the overall immune response against it. Because of its dense glycosylation, it probably contains few T-cell epitopes, being important instead in T-cell independent antibody responses. Crucially, it is decoded in non-inflammatory fashion by innate immunity, surely contributing to the strong immune-regulation observed in Echinococcus infections. Defining the active LL molecular motifs and corresponding host innate receptors is a feasible and promising goal in the field of helminth-derived immune-regulatory molecules.  相似文献   

Echinococcus larvae are protected by a massive carbohydrate-rich acellular structure, called the laminated layer. In spite of being widely considered the crucial element of these host-parasite interfaces, the laminated layer has been historically poorly understood. In fact, it is still often called 'chitinous', 'hyaline' or 'cuticular' layer, or said to be composed of polysaccharides. However, over the past few years the laminated layer was found to be comprised of mucins bearing defined galactose-rich carbohydrates, and accompanied, in the case of Echinococcus granulosus, by calcium inositol hexakisphosphate deposits. In this review, the architecture and biosynthesis of this unusual structure is discussed at depth in terms of what is known and what needs to be discovered.  相似文献   

The laminated layer of the hydatid cyst of E. granulosus equinus grown in mice has a polysaccharide substrate, which is not glycogen, but which possesses 1,2 glycols. This periodate-reactive component is demonstrated at the ultrastructural level using the thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate technique which is also positive in Golgi-derived vesicles in the cytons and within the superficial cytoplasm at the parasite tissue/laminated layer interface. A carboxyl-acid mucopolysaccharide, lacking uronic and sialic acid residues, is present and weak reactions for sulphated acid mucopolysaccharide are recorded. The equivocal evidence for the presence of a chitin-like substrate is discussed. The predominantly basic protein component of the laminated layer has histochemically identifiable SS groups which are only very weakly demonstrated at the cytochemical level. Arginine and tryptophan are recorded. Lipid levels are low, and divalent cations, possibly calcium, are present.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate host-parasite interactions and infection strategies of helminths at the molecular level, the availability of suitable in vitro cultivation systems for this group of parasites is of vital importance. One of the few helminth systems for which in vitro cultivation has been relatively successfully carried out in the past is the larval stage of the fox-tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, the causative agent of alveolar echinococcosis. Respective ‘first generation’ cultivation systems relied on the co-incubation of larval tissue, isolated from laboratory rodents, with host feeder cells. Although these techniques have been very successful in producing metacestode material for drug screening assays or the establishment of cDNA libraries, the continuous presence of host cells prevented detailed studies on the influence of defined host factors on larval growth. To facilitate such investigations, we have recently introduced the first truly axenic system for long-term in vitro maintenance of metacestode vesicles and used it to establish a technique for parasite cell cultivation. The resulting culture system, which allows the complete in vitro regeneration of metacestode vesicles from germinal cells, is a highly useful tool to study the cellular and molecular basis of a variety of developmental processes that occur during the infection of the mammalian host. Furthermore, it provides a solid basis for establishing transgenic techniques in cestodes for the first time. We consider it an appropriate time point to discuss the characteristics of these ‘second generation’ cultivation systems in comparison with former techniques, to present our first successful attempts to introduce foreign DNA into Echinococcus cells, and to share our ideas on how a fully transgenic Echinococcus strain can be generated in the near future.  相似文献   

Cysts of E. multilocularis were minced to prepare a crude homogenate and after addition of glycerol at a final concentration of 10%, cryopreservation was performed at a rate of 1 degree C min-1 in a controlled-rate freezer. The aliquots were subsequently stored in liquid nitrogen. All 22 isolates tested were successfully cryopreserved and their viability maintained.  相似文献   

Histogenesis of the metacestode of Echinococcus vogeli was traced mainly in rodents inoculated intraperitoneally with finely minced infective vesicles. The fragments aggregated in the peritoneal cavity and coalesced, forming structures (plaques) from which primary vesicles arose. From primordia in their germinal tissue, exogenous vesicles developed, enlarged, and migrated outward to the surface of the laminated membrane, where they remained attached and proliferated. Each unit of vesicles so formed retained discrete identity and, within 6-8 mo, acquired an adventitia; thereafter, exogenous multiplication ceased and endogenous proliferation supervened. Large numbers of daughter cysts arose in the germinal tissue lining chambers within the units; endogenous proliferation also finally ceased, and the daughter cysts produced brood capsules containing protoscoleces. Primordia of exogenous vesicles were not observed in the walls of daughter cysts. Production of protoscoleces involved 3 processes: they developed in typical brood capsules, singly in minute brood capsules, or directly from germinal tissue. Exogenous proliferation is not characteristic in the natural intermediate host of E. vogeli, the paca. Evidently in primates, the initial proliferation in the liver is followed by extension of the metacestode into the peritoneal cavity and eventual invasion of abdominal and thoracic organs. Exogenous proliferation by a process unique to E. vogeli accounts for the clinical course of polycystic hydatid disease.  相似文献   

This article reviews the use of an in vitro culture model for the maintenance and proliferation of Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes and the formation of protoscoleces. This model has been used to identify and characterize parasite molecules involved in host-parasite interactions, and is a suitable tool to perform in vitro drug-screening assays. The development of a simple and easy-to-handle assay to determine the effects of drugs on parasite viability, without the need for time-consuming animal experimentation, has opened the way for larger-scale in vitro drug screening.  相似文献   

Four isolates of larval Echinococcus multilocularis originating from Switzerland (CH/1, CH/6 and CH/22) and Alaska (A/1) were used to prepare crude homogenate or small tissue fragments (STF) in Eagle's Minimal Essential Medium with Earle's salts (EMEM/A), or 0.2 g tissue blocks (TB) which were suspended in the same medium. After addition of dimethylsulfoxide or glycerol in final concentrations of 5% and 10% (v/v), respectively, aliquots of 1.0 ml, containing either 0.1 ml crude homogenate or STF, or one block of 0.2 g, were kept in cryotubes for 30 min at +2-4 degrees C (precooling phase), cooled subsequently to lower temperatures following a two-step or three-step schedule and finally plunged into liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees C). After storage for one week the samples were rapidly thawed at +37 degrees C for approximately 3 min, washed in fresh EMEM/A (37 degrees C) and transferred into the peritoneal cavity of Meriones for viability testing. As judged by histological examinations and metacestode weights of each 24 Meriones infected with cryopreserved homogenate, STF or TB, respectively, 46%, 87% or 100% contained viable, proliferating parasites. The best proliferation rate occurred when 10% glycerol was used as cryoprotectant and after precooling a three-step freezing schedule was employed (30 min at -28 degrees C, 30 min at -80 degrees C, transfer to liquid nitrogen). Cooling rates were determined as 0.7, 1.0 and 1.7 degrees C min-1 for the precooling phase, step 1 and step 2, respectively, and estimated as 65 degrees C min-1 for step 3. These results demonstrate that metacestodes of E. multilocularis can be successfully maintained by cryopreservation without losing their proliferative capacity in the intermediate host.  相似文献   

Lipids extracted from the laminated layers of horse liver and lung hydatids, including a daughter liver cyst, were analysed using TLC. No differences in lipid composition was detected in 11 liver cysts, whether from the same or different livers, and di- and triacylglycerols, cholesterol, wax and steryl esters, oleic acid, sphingomyelin, phosphatidyl choline, phosphatidyl inositol and ceramide hexosides were detected. The daughter cyst differed from its "parent" cyst in lacking diacylglycerols and wax and steryl esters. The lung cyst differed from the liver cysts in that cholesterol, wax and steryl esters and diacylglycerols were not detected.  相似文献   

Neutral glycosphingolipids of the metacestodes of Echinococcus multilocularis, an animal and human parasite, were resolved by high performance thin layer chromatography into 12 fractions. Nine of these fractions were permethylated, analyzed by electron impact-mass spectrometry, and submitted to methylation analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Native fractions were analyzed by liquid secondary ion-mass spectrometry and degraded sequentially by exoglycosidases. In addition to a previously described galactosylceramide, a di-, a tri-, and a tetragalactosyl-ceramide having Gal beta 1-6Gal internal linkages were characterized. This type of carbohydrate chain has been described in glycolipids of a marine mollusk, Turbo cornutus (Matsubara, T., and Hayashi, A. (1981) J. Biochem. (Tokyo), 89, 645-650). In addition two novel fucolipids were found with the following structures: Fuc alpha 1-3Gal beta 1-6Gal-Cer and Gal beta 1-6(Fuc alpha 1-3)Gal beta 1-6Gal-Cer. Ceramides contained sphinganine and either nonhydroxy fatty acids with 16, 18, 26, and 28 carbon atoms, or hydroxy fatty acids, with 16 and 18 carbon atoms. Di-, tri-, and tetragalactosylceramides containing the Gal beta 1-6Gal disaccharide were found to be immunogenic in humans.  相似文献   

The changes of biotransformation enzymes will substantially affect the host's ability to metabolize drugs and other xenobiotic compounds. In order to further elucidate this process and promote the development in treatment of echinococcosis, we investigated the effects of Echinococcus multilocularis infection and drug treatment on biotransformation enzymes in mouse liver. In microsomal and cytosolic fractions, from the six activities assayed, significant decrease of glutathione S-transferases (GST) activity and significant increase of 7-pentoxyresorufin (PROD) and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) activity were observed in the mice infected with E. multilocularis metacestodes. In addition, after six weeks treatment of albendazole in E. multilocularis infected mice, significant decreased GST activity and significant increase of 7- ethoxyresorufin (EROD), PROD, and particularly 3-fold higher 7-methoxyresorufin (MROD) activity were observed. The 3-bromopyruvate treated mice only exhibited significantly lower GST activity. Our results demonstrate that E. multilocularis metacestodes infection can affect the activities of main hepatic biotransformation enzymes and such alterations of activity may further affect the hepatic biotransformation of xenobiotics. Moreover, albendazole and 3-bromopyruvate, the promising potential drug against Echinococcus, affected different hepatic biotransformation enzymes and may affect their metabolism. The findings will help to develop rational treatments with less side effects and promote the development of more efficient treatments against E. multilocularis.  相似文献   

Sera from confirmed patients of 5 hydatidosis, 67 neurocysticercosis and 89 other parasitic diseases were tested for specific antibody (IgG) levels by ELISA to cystic fluid antigens from metacestodes of Echinococcus granulosus (HF) and Taenia solium (CF). All hydatidosis sera reacted positively to both HF and CF while neurocysticercosis sera did in 49.3% to HF and 85.1% to CF. The frequencies of cross-reactions were lower in other parasitic diseases to both antigens. By SDS-PAGE, protein bands of 64, 35, 22 and 7 kilodaltons (kDa) were found common in HF and CF. SDS-PAGE/immunoblot exhibited that hydatidosis sera reacted crossly to CF at 135, 110, 100, 86, 64, 45, 39, 35 and 24 kDa bands while neurocysticercosis sera did to HF at 135, 100, 86, 64, 52, 39, 35, 29 and 24 kDa bands. These results indicated that protein bands of 135, 100, 86, 64, 39, 35 and 24 kDa were major common components in HF and CF. Protein bands of 7 kDa in HF and 15, 10 and 7 kDa in CF did not react crossly and were specific components in respective antigens.  相似文献   

Gossypol, a natural biphenyl compound inhibits Taenia taeniaeformis metacestode development in vivo. In this paper, the direct effect of gossypol on metacestodes was examined. Within 24 hr of incubation at 37 degrees C in greater than or equal to 10(-5) M gossypol, shedding of the tegument from the surface of the metacestodes was observed. There was a significant decrease in [3H]thymidine uptake by T. taeniaeformis in greater than or equal to 10(-5)M gossypol. In addition, NADH lactate dehydrogenase activity of metacestodes was significantly inhibited in greater than or equal to 10(-5) M gossypol. Thus, gossypol has a direct inhibitory effect on T. taeniaeformis metacestodes in vitro.  相似文献   

To date, nothing is known about the genetic diversity of the Echinococcus neotropical species, Echinococcus vogeli and Echinococcus oligarthrus. Here we used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence polymorphisms to uncover the genetic structure, transmission and history of E. vogeli in the Brazilian Amazon, based on a sample of 38 isolates obtained from human and wild animal hosts. We confirm that the parasite is partially synanthropic and show that its populations are diverse. Furthermore, significant geographical structuring is found, with western and eastern populations being genetically divergent.  相似文献   

In mice infected with metacestodes of Taenia crassiceps, the following compounds were at least partially effective when injected intraperitoneally at the dosage indicated: cambendazole (500 mg/kg), mebendazole (6.25 mg/kg), oxibendazole (500 mg/kg), 5-benzamido-2(4-thiazolyl)benzimidazole (500 mg/kg), 2-carboethoxyamino benzimidazole (125 mg/kg), and 2-carbomethoxyamino benzimidazole (500 mg/kg). The following were inactive at the dosage indicated: parbendazole (500 mg/kg), thiabendazole (1,000 mg/kg), and fenbendazole (1,000 mg/kg). Mebendazole, which showed some activity at 6.25 mg/kg, was highly active as a single intraperitoneal dose at 25 mg/kg. When injected subcutaneously, mebendazole was much less active than when given intraperitoneally. In mice infected with metacestodes of Echinococcus multilocularis, intraperitoneal injection of mebendazole at 75 to 150 mg/kg, daily for 3 days, was highly effective (95 to 100% reduction in cyst mass). In contrast, oral administration at 1,000 mg/kg, daily for 3 days, was only partially effective. The drug was also effective when given intraperitoneally to infected cotton rats. A water-soluble benzimidazole, carboxymethyleneamino cambendazole, was approximately 50% effective in mice when injected daily for 3 days at a dosage of 75 or 150 mg/kg. The results suggest that, in metacestode infections of medical importance, it may be possible to kill the parasite by delivering a drug to its immediate vicinity, and so to reduce the required dosage with respect to the host.  相似文献   

The bush dog (Speothos venaticus) acts as the natural definitive host in the life cycle of Echinococcus vogeli, the causative agent of polycystic hydatid disease, a zoonotic neglected disease in the South America. We report a case of natural infection by Echinococcus vogeli in a bush dog from the Brazilian Amazon, confirmed by the morphological and morphometric examination of adult parasites and their hooks obtained from the small intestine of the canid. Additionally, mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis corroborated these findings. This is the second report of natural infection by E. vogeli in a bush dog.  相似文献   

黑土肥沃耕层构建效应   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
东北黑土区粘重的耕地土壤,经多年不合理耕作后产生了较厚的“犁底层”,成为该地区农业生产的主要限制因子.本研究利用田间试验,分析了构建肥沃耕层对作物产量、土壤物理性质、土壤含水量和微生物数量的影响.结果表明:肥沃耕层构建后,土壤形成了一个深厚的耕层,作物产量增加.与常规耕作法相比,向20~35 cm土层施用秸秆和有机肥使土壤容重分别降低了9.88%和6.20%,总孔隙度分别增加了9.58%和6.02%,饱和导水率分别增加了167.99%和73.78%,表明肥沃耕层的构建能够有效地改善土壤的通气透水性,提高大气降水的入渗能力;向“犁底层”施用秸秆和有机肥处理0~100 cm土层土壤含水量和水分利用效率均显著高于常规耕作法,该处理玉米出苗率与0~35 cm土层土壤含水量之间呈显著正相关关系.肥沃耕层的构建由于增加了土壤中的有机碳源和透气性,从而增加了土壤中的微生物数量.  相似文献   

Adults of alveolar Echinococcus species with different uterine structures were collected from Vulpes corsac in the Hulunbeier Pasture of Northeastern China in 2001. They were Echinococcus multilocularis Leuckart, 1863 (type No. 3, similar to E. m. multilocularis), with vaselike uterus; Echinococcus cf. sibiricensis Rausch et Schiller, 1954 (type No. 1), with pyriform uterus; and Echinococcus sp. (type No. 2) with spherical uterus at segment top. The metacestode development in rodents also differed among those 3 parasites. In the case of E. multilocularis (type No. 3), many germinal cells grew on the inner surface of early cysts, most of which metastasized into host tissue to form brood vesicles or from the germinal cell layer on the inner surface of the vesicle wall. Cells also had an appearance of proliferating by means of alveolar buds from alveolar tissue that developed outward to form new alveolar foci. In Echinococcus cf. sibiricensis (type No. 1), the formation of alveolar vesicles was due to the metastasizing of germinal tissue into host tissue; protoscoleces grew in the center of alveolar vesicles. In type No. 2 (Echinococcus sp.), the formation of the alveolar vesicle was by multiplication of germinal cell layers on the inner surface of alveolar cysts; protoscoleces grew from the germinal cell layer and mesh in the vesicles. On the basis of uterine structure and on differences in development of metacestodes in experimental rodents, we propose that the 3 types of Echinococcus represent 3 independent species: E. multilocularis, Echinococcus sibiricensis, and Echinococcus sp. (type No. 2-as yet under study).  相似文献   

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