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Biogeochemistry of calcium in a broad-leaved forest ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study of the biogeochemical cycle of Ca has been carried out in an oak-hornbeam forest ecosystem on a soil derived from the alteration of Famennian (upper Devonian) shales. The physical nature of the geologic substrate made it possible to use the watershed-ecosystem approach by monitoring the loss of Ca by streamflow. Input of hydrogen ions and Ca from rain were average as well as that of mineral nitrogen of which 50% was ammonium-N. Modelling the biogeochemical cycle of Ca in this ecosystem proved to be difficult owing to the heterogeneity of the geologic substrate.The cationic denudation occured mostly with bicarbonate ion as a carrier of the base cations towards the streamflow. Seasonal effects on streamwater cationic composition were in relation to maximal soil respiration occuring in the autumn. In addition to this effect, the electrolyte concentration of streamwater was determined by rain and by changes in concentration of the soil solution either by evapotranspiration or by freezing. In spite of widely fluctuating values of flow rate, the concentration of the streamflow remained constant within a factor of two or at the most three. The mechanism underlying this buffering action of the soil on the concentration of the solution flowing through it, was shown to be related to ion-exchange processes.  相似文献   

Lead compounds, especially ionic organolead compounds (OLC), are highly toxic and mobile pollutants strongly affecting many ecosystems. Soil pools and fluxes with precipitation, litterfall and runoff of trimethyllead (TML), one of the dominant ionic OLC in the environment, and Pbtotal were investigated in a forested ecosystem in NE-Bavaria, Germany. In addition, ad/desorption of TML to soils was studied in batch experiments and its degradation in soils was investigated using long term incubations. Total soil storage in the catchment was 11.56 mg Pb ha–1 for TML and 222 kg Pb ha–1 for Pbtotal. More than 90% of the soil storage of TML was found in the wetland soils of the catchment representing only 30% of the area. Most Pbtotal (>90%) was found in the upland soils. In upland soils, TML was only detectable in the forest floor. The annual total deposition from the atmosphere, estimated as throughfall + litterfall fluxes, amounted to 3.7 mg Pb ha–1 year–1 for TML and 52 g Pb ha–1 year–1 for Pbtotal. The contribution of litterfall was 1.5 and 32%, respectively. The concentrations of TML and Pbtotal in wet precipitation were: fog > throughfall > bulk precipitation. The annual fluxes with runoff from the catchment was 0.5 mg Pb ha–1 year–1 for TML and 2.8 g Pb ha–1 year–1 for Pbtotal. TML degraded rapidly in the forest floor (Oa horizon) with a half-life (t 1/2) of 33.5 days. The degradation of TML in Fen (t 1/2 = 421 days) and in the mineral soil (Bw-C horizon, t 1/2 = 612 days) was much slower. Emission of tetramethyllead from wetland soils was not observed during the 1 year incubation. The adsorption affinity of TML to different soils was Fen > Oa > A Bw-C. The ratio of total soil storages to the present annual input were 3.6 years for TML. TML and Pbtotal are still deposited in remote areas even after the use of tetraalkyllead as additives has been terminated for years. The rates of deposition are, however, much lower than in the past. Forest soils act as a sink for deposited TML and Pbtotal. TML is accumulated mostly in wetland soils and seems to be stable under anoxic conditions for a long time. In upland soils, TML decomposes rapidly. Only small amounts of TML are transferred from soils into runoff.  相似文献   

Lead compounds, especially ionic organolead compounds (OLC), are highly toxic and mobile pollutants strongly affecting many ecosystems. Soil pools and fluxes with precipitation, litterfall and runoff of trimethyllead (TML), one of the dominant ionic OLC in the environment, and Pbtotal were investigated in a forested ecosystem in NE-Bavaria, Germany. In addition, ad/desorption of TML to soils was studied in batch experiments and its degradation in soils was investigated using long term incubations. Total soil storage in the catchment was 11.56?mg Pb?ha?1 for TML and 222?kg Pb?ha?1 for Pbtotal. More than 90% of the soil storage of TML was found in the wetland soils of the catchment representing only 30% of the area. Most Pbtotal (>90%) was found in the upland soils. In upland soils, TML was only detectable in the forest floor. The annual total deposition from the atmosphere, estimated as throughfall?+?litterfall fluxes, amounted to 3.7?mg Pb?ha?1 year?1 for TML and 52?g Pb?ha?1 year?1 for Pbtotal. The contribution of litterfall was 1.5 and 32%, respectively. The concentrations of TML and Pbtotal in wet precipitation were: fog?>?throughfall?>?bulk precipitation. The annual fluxes with runoff from the catchment was 0.5?mg Pb?ha?1 year?1 for TML and 2.8?g Pb?ha?1 year?1 for Pbtotal. TML degraded rapidly in the forest floor (Oa horizon) with a half-life (t) of 33.5 days. The degradation of TML in Fen (t?=?421 days) and in the mineral soil (Bw-C horizon, t?=?612 days) was much slower. Emission of tetramethyllead from wetland soils was not observed during the 1 year incubation. The adsorption affinity of TML to different soils was Fen?>?Oa?>?A?≥?Bw-C. The ratio of total soil storages to the present annual input were 3.6 years for TML. TML and Pbtotal are still deposited in remote areas even after the use of tetraalkyllead as additives has been terminated for years. The rates of deposition are, however, much lower than in the past. Forest soils act as a sink for deposited TML and Pbtotal. TML is accumulated mostly in wetland soils and seems to be stable under anoxic conditions for a long time. In upland soils, TML decomposes rapidly. Only small amounts of TML are transferred from soils into runoff.  相似文献   

Microbial mats have arguably been the most important ecosystem on Earth over its 3.5 Gyr inhabitation. Mats have persisted as consortia for billions of years and occupy some of Earth's most hostile environments. With rare exceptions (e.g. microbial mats developed on geothermal springs at Yellowstone National Park, USA), today's mats do not exist under conditions analogous to Precambrian habitats with substantially lower oxygen and sulphate concentrations. This study uses a numerical model of a microbial mat to investigate how mat composition in the past might have differed from modern mats. We present a numerical model of mat biogeochemistry that simulates the growth of cyanobacteria (CYA), colourless sulphur bacteria (CSB), and purple sulphur bacteria (PSB), with sulphate‐reducing bacteria (SRB) and heterotrophic bacteria represented by parameterized sulphate reduction rates and heterotrophic consumption rates, respectively. Variations in the availability of light, oxygen, sulphide, and sulphate at the upper boundary of the mat are the driving forces in the model. Mats with remarkably similar biomass and chemical profiles develop in models under oxygen boundary conditions ranging from 2.5 × 10?13 to 0.25 mm and sulphate boundary concentrations ranging from 0.29 to 29 mm , designed to simulate various environments from Archean to modern. The modelled mats show little sensitivity to oxygen boundary conditions because, independent of the overlying oxygen concentrations, cyanobacterial photosynthesis creates similar O2 concentrations of 0.45–0.65 mm in the upper reaches of the mat during the photoperiod. Varying sulphate boundary conditions have more effect on the biological composition of the mat. Sulphide generated from sulphate reduction controls the magnitude and distribution of the PSB population, and plays a part in the distribution of CSB. CSB are the most sensitive species to environmental change, varying with oxygen and sulphide.  相似文献   

Evidence supporting a key role for anaerobic methane oxidation in the global methane cycle is reviewed. Emphasis is on recent microbiological advances. The driving force for research on this process continues to be the fact that microbial communities intercept and consume methane from anoxic environments, methane that would otherwise enter the atmosphere. Anaerobic methane oxidation is biogeochemically important because methane is a potent greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and is abundant in anoxic environments. Geochemical evidence for this process has been observed in numerous marine sediments along the continental margins, in methane seeps and vents, around methane hydrate deposits, and in anoxic waters. The anaerobic oxidation of methane is performed by at least two phylogenetically distinct groups of archaea, the ANME-1 and ANME-2. These archaea are frequently observed as consortia with sulfate-reducing bacteria, and the metabolism of these consortia presumably involves a syntrophic association based on interspecies electron transfer. The archaeal member of a consortium apparently oxidizes methane and shuttles reduced compounds to the sulfate-reducing bacteria. Despite recent advances in understanding anaerobic methane oxidation, uncertainties still remain regarding the nature and necessity of the syntrophic association, the biochemical pathway of methane oxidation, and the interaction of the process with the local chemical and physical environment. This review will consider the microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of anaerobic methane oxidation with a special emphasis on the interactions between the responsible organisms and their environment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

益生元与肠道微生态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
益生元是一种非消化的成分,通过选择性的刺激肠道中一种或少数种益生菌的增长和/或活性而对宿主有利.具有抵抗致病菌侵入的天然功能.目前广泛研究的有果糖和半乳糖,体内与体外试验均表明不被正常人酶类所消化,在大肠中容易发酵,粪便内未能检出这种糖的成分.通过大肠细菌对益生元的发酵产生的短链脂肪酸是刺激双歧杆菌和乳杆菌增长的重要因素.应用现代技术获得了人肠道微生物细菌群的组成与种类的多样性.本文综述有关益生元的研究状况,强调益生元选择性刺激的机制和对人生理功能的影响.  相似文献   

肠道微生态与肥胖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的肠道是一个丰富的微生态系统,含有100万亿多的微生物,种类多达500-1000个,这些微生物的基因总数是人体基因组所含基因总数的100倍。肠道微生物丛的组成种类和数量与宿主的肥胖有关,无菌小鼠含有的脂肪量比正常饲养小鼠低42%,如果将微生物丛植入到无菌小鼠体内后,导致脂肪总量增加57%。提示肠道微生物丛可以明显的促进小鼠对热能的摄人,促使脂肪的沉积,触动全身性炎症反应。因此,对肥胖的治疗可以采用益生菌和益生元来调节肠道微生物丛的状态以期获得治疗效果。本研究述及肠道微生丛对宿主肥胖及其代谢机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

分子生物学技术的研究表明,肠道微生物群落无论是亚种或菌株水平有极大的多样性,宿主与微生物之间相互选择,构成了一个相对稳定的超级生物体.由于微生物群落是由多种细胞系组成,细胞间或细胞与宿主之间有信息交流能力,在宿主的营养、免疫和代谢中有重作用.肠道微生物定植抗力机制还未完全清楚,但至少有三种机制认为:(1)正常肠道微生物的代谢物可直接抑制致病菌的生长;(2)正常肠道微生物的生长可以竟争性的消耗掉致病菌所需的营养物质;(3)正常肠道微生物可诱导或刺激宿主的先天和后于的免疫反应.  相似文献   

Nitrogen additions and microbial biomass: a meta-analysis of ecosystem studies   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Treseder KK 《Ecology letters》2008,11(10):1111-1120
Nitrogen (N) enrichment is an element of global change that could influence the growth and abundance of many organisms. In this meta-analysis, I synthesized responses of microbial biomass to N additions in 82 published field studies. I hypothesized that the biomass of fungi, bacteria or the microbial community as a whole would be altered under N additions. I also predicted that changes in biomass would parallel changes in soil CO2 emissions. Microbial biomass declined 15% on average under N fertilization, but fungi and bacteria were not significantly altered in studies that examined each group separately. Moreover, declines in abundance of microbes and fungi were more evident in studies of longer durations and with higher total amounts of N added. In addition, responses of microbial biomass to N fertilization were significantly correlated with responses of soil CO2 emissions. There were no significant effects of biomes, fertilizer types, ambient N deposition rates or methods of measuring biomass. Altogether, these results suggest that N enrichment could reduce microbial biomass in many ecosystems, with corresponding declines in soil CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

This comment presents current and emerging areas of research which the U.S. National Science Foundation believes have special promise for advancing ecosystem science. These areas are: (1) major element cycle interactions; (2) trace element and organic compound controls on ecosystem dynamics; (3) the role of consumers on ecosystem dynamics; (4) ecosystem dynamics in contrasting environments; (5) landscape ecology; and (6) enhancement of theory and methodology. The Ecosystem Studies Program of the National Science Foundation has identified these as areas to be emphasized in its long range planning program (revised March, 1985). Biogeochemical studies are emphasized in many of these research priority areas.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic microbial mats are remarkably complete self-sustaining ecosystems at the millimeter scale, yet they have substantially affected environmental processes on a planetary scale. These mats may be direct descendents of the most ancient biological communities in which even oxygenic photosynthesis might have developed. Photosynthetic mats are excellent natural laboratories to help us to learn how microbial populations associate to control dynamic biogeochemical gradients.  相似文献   

The functioning of natural microbial ecosystems is influenced by various biotic and abiotic conditions. The careful experimental manipulation of environmental conditions can drive microbial ecosystems toward exhibiting desirable types of functionality. Such manipulations can be systematically approached by viewing them as a combinatorial optimization problem, in which the optimal configuration of environmental conditions is sought. Such an effort requires a sound optimization technique. Genetic algorithms are a class of optimization methods that should be suitable for such a task because they can deal with multiple interacting variables and with experimental noise and because they do not require an intricate understanding or modelling of the ecosystem of interest. We propose the use of genetic algorithms to drive undefined microbial ecosystems in desirable directions by combinatorially optimizing sets of environmental conditions. We tested this approach in a model system where the microbial ecosystem of a human saliva sample was manipulated in successive steps to display increasing amounts of azo dye decoloration. The results of our experiments indicated that a genetic algorithm was capable of optimizing ecosystem function by manipulating the presence or absence of a set of 10 chemical supplements. Genetic algorithms hold promise for use as a tool in environmental microbiology for the efficient control of the functioning of natural and undefined microbial ecosystems.  相似文献   

Oscillations and chaos can be modelled and observed in a realistic simulation model of interacting prey-predator populations based on Monte Carlo simulation methods. These nonlinear phenomena are linked with some biological and physical bifurcation parameters and mathematical tools from dynamical systems theory may be used in order to characterize this behaviour. Chaotic dynamics are therefore, in our simulation, more the rule than the exception, and are related to delays associated with spatial degrees of freedom.  相似文献   

Lennon JT  Martiny JB 《Ecology letters》2008,11(11):1178-1188
Predation and parasitism often regulate population dynamics, community interactions, and ecosystem functioning. The strength of these top-down pressures is variable, however, and may be influenced by both ecological and evolutionary processes. We conducted a chemostat experiment to assess the direct and indirect effects of viruses on a marine microbial food web comprised of an autotrophic host (Synechococcus) and non-target heterotrophic bacteria. Viruses dramatically altered the host population dynamics, which in turn influenced phosphorus resource availability and the stoichiometric allocation of nutrients into microbial biomass. These virus effects diminished with time, but could not be attributed to changes in the abundance or composition of heterotrophic bacteria. Instead, attenuation of the virus effects coincided with the detection of resistant host phenotypes, suggesting that rapid evolution buffered the effect of viruses on nutrient cycling. Our results demonstrate that evolutionary processes are important for community dynamics and ecosystem processes on ecologically relevant time scales.  相似文献   

Marine microbial communities experience daily fluctuations in light and temperature that can have important ramifications for carbon and nutrient cycling. Elucidation of such short time scale community-wide dynamics is hindered by system complexity. Hypersaline aquatic environments have lower species richness than marine environments and can be well-defined spatially, hence they provide a model system for diel cycle analysis. We conducted a 3-day time series experiment in a well-defined pool in hypersaline Lake Tyrrell, Australia. Microbial communities were tracked by combining cultivation-independent lipidomic, metagenomic and microscopy methods. The ratio of total bacterial to archaeal core lipids in the planktonic community increased by up to 58% during daylight hours and decreased by up to 32% overnight. However, total organism abundances remained relatively consistent over 3 days. Metagenomic analysis of the planktonic community composition, resolved at the genome level, showed dominance by Haloquadratum species and six uncultured members of the Halobacteriaceae. The post 0.8 μm filtrate contained six different nanohaloarchaeal types, three of which have not been identified previously, and cryo-transmission electron microscopy imaging confirmed the presence of small cells. Notably, these nano-sized archaea showed a strong diel cycle, with a pronounced increase in relative abundance over the night periods. We detected no eukaryotic algae or other photosynthetic primary producers, suggesting that carbon resources may derive from patchily distributed microbial mats at the sediment-water interface or from surrounding land. Results show the operation of a strong community-level diel cycle, probably driven by interconnected temperature, light abundance, dissolved oxygen concentration and nutrient flux effects.  相似文献   

城市生态系统空气微生物群落研究进展   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
空气微生物是城市生态系统重要的生物组成部分 ,空气中广泛分布的细菌、真菌孢子、放线菌和病毒等生物粒子不仅具有极其重要的生态功能 ,还与城市空气污染 ,城市环境质量和人体健康密切相关。从生态系统角度出发 ,着重论述了城市微生物气溶胶的粒谱范围、空气微生物的主要类型、空气微生物浓度的时空变化和空气微生物群落结构的影响因素。综述结果表明 :城市微生物气溶胶的粒谱范围为 0 .0 0 2~ 30 μm;在调查的城市中 ,空气细菌有 2 1属 ,其中优势菌属为芽孢杆菌属 (Bacillus)、葡萄球菌属 (Staphylococcus)、微球菌属 (Micrococcus)和微杆菌属 (Microbacterium ) ,真菌有 2 1属 ,其中优势菌属为交链孢属(Alternaria)、青霉属 (Penicillium)、曲霉属 (Aspergillus)和木霉属 (Trichoderma) ,放线菌共有 7属 ;一年中冬季空气微生物浓度最低 ,一天中空气微生物浓度在 8:0 0~ 10 :0 0出现高峰 ,2 :0 0~ 4 :0 0或者 12 :0 0~ 14 :0 0出现低峰 ,交通干线和商业区空气微生物的浓度较高 ,公园绿地较低 ,并且随着高度的增加空气微生物浓度随之减少 ;污染因子 SO2 、NO2 、NO和环境因素风速风向、温度、相对湿度、光照、雨、雪等影响空气微生物的数量和浓度。在经济发达 ,人口流动较多的城市如北京、上海、广  相似文献   

Biofilms represent a metabolically active and structurally complex component of freshwater ecosystems. Ephemeral prairie streams are hydrologically harsh and prone to frequent perturbation. Elucidating both functional and structural community changes over time within prairie streams provides a general understanding of microbial responses to environmental disturbance. We examined microbial succession of biofilm communities at three sites in a third‐order stream at Konza Prairie over a 2‐ to 64‐day period. Microbial abundance (bacterial abundance, chlorophyll a concentrations) increased and never plateaued during the experiment. Net primary productivity (net balance of oxygen consumption and production) of the developing biofilms did not differ statistically from zero until 64 days suggesting a balance of the use of autochthonous and allochthonous energy sources until late succession. Bacterial communities (MiSeq analyses of the V4 region of 16S rRNA) established quickly. Bacterial richness, diversity and evenness were high after 2 days and increased over time. Several dominant bacterial phyla (Beta‐, Alphaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Chloroflexi) and genera (Luteolibacter, Flavobacterium, Gemmatimonas, Hydrogenophaga) differed in relative abundance over space and time. Bacterial community composition differed across both space and successional time. Pairwise comparisons of phylogenetic turnover in bacterial community composition indicated that early‐stage succession (≤16 days) was driven by stochastic processes, whereas later stages were driven by deterministic selection regardless of site. Our data suggest that microbial biofilms predictably develop both functionally and structurally indicating distinct successional trajectories of bacterial communities in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

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