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Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae and Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii have separate uptake systems for 4-hydroxybenzoate and protocatechuate. The 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake system (pobP) is inhibited by a range of compounds with substitution at the 4-position on the aromatic ring whereas the uptake system for protocatechuate (pcaP) is markedly inhibited only by other dihydroxybenzoic acids. The rate of 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake is very low in Rhizobium leguminosarum and Rhizobium trifolii grown on protocatechuate but mutants defective in 4-hydroxybenzoate uptake transport protocatechuate at rates similar to the wild-type grown under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Rhizobium strains (one each of Rh.japonicum, Rh. lupini, Rh. leguminosarum) take up 2-ketoglutaric acid in general much faster and from lower concentrations in the medium than strains of Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Chromobacterium violaceum. A strain of Enterobacter aerogenes, however, is more similar to some Rhizobium strains. The same strains of Rhizobium take up also phosphate much faster and from lower concentrations than the other bacteria tested. 4 strains of Rh. lupini proved to be significantly different from 4 strains of Rh. trifolii in taking up l-glutamic acid from three to ten times lower concentration within 5 h. A similar difference was noticed between 5 strains of Rh. leguminosarum and 2 strains of Rh. japonicum for the uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid and of l-glutamic acid. Isolated bacteriods from nodules of Glycine max var. Chippeway have a reduced uptake capacity for glutamic acid and for 2-ketoglutaric acid during the first 10–12 h, but reach the same value after 24 h as free living Rh. japonicum cells. The differences in the uptake kinetics are independent of cell concentration. The group II Rhizobium strains (Rh. japonicum and Rh. lupini, slow growing Rhizobium) are characterized by a rapid uptake of glutamic acid to a lowremaining concentration of 1–3×10-7 M and an uptake of 2-ketoglutaric acid to a remaining concentration of 2–5×10-7 M. The group I Rhizobium strains (Rh. trifolii and Rh. leguminosarum, fast growing Rhizobium), can be characterized by a much slower uptake of both substances with a more than ten times higher concentration of both metabolites remaining in the medium after the same time.  相似文献   

Plasmids pIM13, pT127 and pBC16 delta 1, introduced by transformation into Clostridium acetobutylicum N1-4081, were shown to replicate in, and to confer antibiotic resistance upon this new host. Recombinant plasmids were constructed by inserting erythromycin-resistant plasmid pIM13 into the unique ClaI site of pBR322 or by ligating a tetracycline-resistant determinant of plasmid pT127 to HindIII-linearized pIM13. The hybrid plasmids replicated and expressed erythromycin resistance in C. acetobutylicum strain N1-4081 and in Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, indicating that they might be useful as shuttle vectors for transferring genes between these strains. The efficiency and stability of different replicons in C. acetobutylicum were compared.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolution from root nodules has been reported to make N2 fixation by some legume-Rhizobium symbiotic systems inefficient. We have surveyed the extent of H2 evolution and estimated relative efficiencies of nodules of Austrian winter peas formed by 15 strains of R. leguminosarum. Their rates of H2 evolution in air were about 30% of the rates of H2 evolution under an atmosphere in which N2 was replaced by Ar. Relative efficiency values based on C2H2 reduction rates ranged from 0.55 to 0.80. With some of the strains, hydrogenase activities were demonstrated in intact nodules and in bacteroids, but the levels of activity were insufficient to recycle all the H2 evolved by the nitrogenase system. In both intact nodules and bacteroids the hydrogenase is less sensitive to O2 damage than the nitrogenase system, so H2 uptake capacity was observed in intact nodules by suppressing the nitrogenase-dependent H2 evolution with an atmosphere containing a high O2 concentration, and in bacteroids by using aerobically prepared bacteroid suspensions. The hydrogenase activity of both was dependent on O2 consumption. A K mfor H2 of near 4 M was determined in suspension of bacteroids from nodules formed by strains 128C53 and 128C56.  相似文献   

Soil bacteria of the genus Rhizobium possess complex genomes consisting of a chromosome and in addition, often, multiple extrachromosomal replicons, which are usually equipped with repABC genes that control their replication and partition. The replication regions of four plasmids of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii TA1 (RtTA1) were identified and characterized. They all contained a complete set of repABC genes. The structural diversity of the rep regions of RtTA1 plasmids was demonstrated for parS and incα elements, and this was especially apparent in the case of symbiotic plasmid (pSym). Incompatibility assays with recombinant constructs containing parS or incα demonstrated that RtTA1 plasmids belong to different incompatibility groups. Horizontal acquisition was plausibly the main contributor to the origin of RtTA1 plasmids and pSym is probably the newest plasmid of this strain. Phylogenetic and incompatibility analyses of repABC regions of three closely related strains: RtTA1, R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 and Rhizobium etli CFN42, provided data on coexistence of their replicons in a common genomic framework.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii TA1 grows on 4-hydroxymandelate and enzymes involved in its catabolism are inducible. Strain TA1 does not grown on mandelate or cis, cis-muconate, but spontaneous mutants capable of growth on these substrates were isolated. Enzymes involved in mandelate degradation were also inducible. The presence of intermediates of the mandelate and hydroxymandelate pathways resulted in a significant decrease in some of the enzymes involved in their degradation. Succinate and acetate, end products of the pathways, and glucose caused reductions in the levels of enzymes in the mandelate and hydroxymandelate pathways.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum strain VF39, isolated from nodules of field-grown faba beans in the Federal Republic of Germany, was shown to contain six plasmids ranging in molecular weight from 90 to 400 Md. Hybridisation to nif gene probes, plasmid curing, and mobilisation to other strains of Rhizobium and to Agrobacterium showed that the third largest plasmid, pRleVF39d (220 Md), carried genes for nodulation and nitrogen fixation. This plasmid was incompatible with pRL10JI, the Sym plasmid of R. leguminosarum strain JB300. Of the other plasmids, the two smallest (pRleVF39a and pRleVF39b, 90 and 160 Md respectively) were shown to be self-transmissible at a low frequency. Although melanin production is as yet unreported in strains of R. leguminosarum biovar viceae, strain VF39 produced a dark pigment, which, since it was not produced on minimal media and its production was greatly enhanced by the presence of tyrosine in the media, is probably melanin-like. Derivatives of VF39 cured of pRleVF39a no longer produced this pigment, but regained the ability to produce it when this plasmid was transferred into them. Strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, R. meliloti, and some strains of R. leguminosarum carrying pRleVF39a did not produce this pigment, indicating perhaps that some genes elsewhere on the VF39 genome are also involved in pigment production. Plasmid pRleVF39a appeared to be incompatible with the cryptic Rhizobium plasmids pRle336b and pRL8JI (both ca. 100 Md), but was compatible with the R. leguminosarum biovar phaseoli Sym plasmids pRP1JI, pRP2JI and pRph51a, all of which also code for melanin production. The absence of pRleVF39a in cured derivatives of VF39 had no effect on the symbiotic performance or competitive ability of this strain.  相似文献   

Lithgow  J.K.  Danino  V. E.  Jones  J.  Downie  J.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,232(1-2):3-12
Strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum use a cell density-dependent gene regulatory system to assess their population density. This is achieved by the accumulation of N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) in the environment during growth of the bacteria and these AHLs stimulate the induction of various bacterial genes that are up-regulated in the late-exponential and stationary phases of growth. A genetically well-characterised strain of R. leguminosarum biovar viciae was found to have four genes, whose products synthesise different AHLs. We have analysed AHL production by four genetically distinct isolates of R. leguminosarum, three of bv. viciae and one of bv. phaseoli. Distinct differences were seen in the pattern of AHLs produced by the bv. viciae strains compared with bv. phaseoli and the increased levels and diversity of AHLs found in bv. viciae strains can be attributed to the rhiI gene, which is located on the symbiotic (Sym) plasmid and is up-regulated when the bacteria are grown in the rhizosphere. Additional complexity to the profile of AHLs is found to be associated with highly transmissible plasmid pRL1JI of R. leguminosarum bv. viciae, but this is not observed with some other strains, including those carrying different transmissible plasmids. In addition to AHLs produced by the products of genes on the symbiotic plasmid, there is clear evidence for the presence of other AHL production loci. Expression levels and patterns of AHLs can change markedly in different growth media. These results indicate that there is a network of quorum-sensing loci in different strains of R. leguminosarum and these loci may play a role in adapting to rhizosphere growth and plasmid transfer.  相似文献   

We have isolated 48 strains of Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar phaseoli from nodules of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivated on 32 different soils at 22 various locations in Rwanda, Central Africa. The symbiotic effectiveness of the strains was appraised in the greenhouse by measuring shoots dry matter and total plant nitrogen content after six weeks of growth. Of the strains tested 19%, 58% and 23% were rated very effective, effective and ineffective, respectively. A very significant correlation (r=0.96, P<0.01) was observed between shoots dry matter and total N content. By using the total nitrogen balance method, it was estimated that in the presence of a very effective strain, up to 86% of the N present in the shoots comes from N2 fixation. No significant correlations were observed between the symbiotic effectiveness of the strains and the pH of the soils from which they originated, the tolerance of the strains to acidity or their ability to produce organic acids. The nine very effective strains selected were highly competitive against two ineffective strains with the two P. vulgaris cultivars Rubona-5 and Kiryumukwe.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.Contribution no 367, Station de recherches, Agriculture Canada.  相似文献   

Two Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viceae bacteriophages with contrasting properties were isolated from a field site in which the survival of genetically modified R. leguminosarum inoculants had been monitored for several years. Inoculant strain RSM2004 was used as the indicator for phage isolation and propagation. One phage, RL1RES, was temperate and could not replicate in any of the 42 indigenous R. leguminosarum field isolates tested although nested PCR indicated that phage sequences were present in six of the isolates. The second phage, RL2RES, was virulent, capable of generalised transduction, contained DNA with modified cytosine residues, and was capable of infecting all field isolates tested although the GM inoculant strain CT0370 was resistant. Sequence with homology to RL2RES was detected by nested PCR in six of the 42 field-isolates. These were not the same isolates that showed homology to RL1RES. The implication of these findings for the survival of rhizobial inoculants, and the ecology of phages and their host bacteria, are discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteroids of R. leguminosarum MNF3841 isolated from pea nodules using Percoll gradients had activities of TCA cycle enzymes up to 6-fold higher than those measured in free-living cells grown on fumarate or sucrose. Activities of sugar catabolic enzymes on the other hand were 2–14-fold lower in isolated bacteroids than in sucrose-grown free-living cells. In continuous culture, cells of strain MNF3841 grown on sucrose under P i limitation had 2–3-fold higher activities of invertase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the Entner-Doudoroff enzymes and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, than cells grown on fumarate. With one exception O2 limited cultures had similar activities of the carbon catabolic enzymes to P i-limited cultures grown in the same substrate. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in O2-limited cells grown of fumarate was 50% lower than in P i-limited cells. Co-utilization of fumarate and sucrose occurred with chemostat cultures supplied with both under a variety of conditions.Abbreviations E-D Entner-Doudoroff - EMP Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas - PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase - HEPES N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid]  相似文献   

The mRNA population in pea root hairs was characterized by means of in vitro translation of total root hair RNA followed by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the translation products. Root hairs contain several mRNAs not detectable in total RNA preparations from roots. Most of these root hair-specific mRNAs occur in elongating root hairs at higher levels than in mature root hairs. The expression of some genes in pea root hairs is typically affected by inoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum. One gene, encoding RH-42, is specifically induced while the expression of another gene, encoding RH-44, is markedly enhanced. Using R. leguminosarum mutants it was shown that the nodC gene is required for the induction and enhancement of expression of the RH-42 and RH-44 genes, respectively, while the Rhizobium chromosomal gene pss1, involved in exopolysaccharide synthesis, is not essential. After induction of the nod genes with apigenin the bacteria excrete into the culture medium a factor that causes root hair deformation. This deformation factor stimulates the expression of the RH-44 gene but does not induce the expression of the gene encoding RH-42.  相似文献   

Wheat straw impregnated with a nutrient solution was used to culture Rhizobium leguminosarum. The fermentation was carried out in a periodic pressure, oscillating, solid-state fermenter. At 30 °C and 3 atm, Rhizobium leguminosarum grew to 5.3×1010 c.f.u. g–1 substrate dry matter in about 36 h, while only 1.8×1010 c.f.u. g–1 substrate dry matter was obtained in a conventional static tray fermenter.  相似文献   

The incubation of pea seedling roots with the surface agglutinins R1and R2of Rhizobium leguminosarum252 brought about an increase in the activity of proteases, -glucosidase, and, especially, succinate dehydrogenase in the roots. The data presented show that rhizobial agglutinins play an important part in the formation and functioning of legume–rhizobial associations.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum strains that can form nodules on Pisum sativum cv. Afghanistan have been reported as uncommon in Europe, North America and Africa [11, 12]. The organization of the nodulation regions of the symbiotic plasmids of five strains of R. leguminosarum originating from Denmark [9], which can nodulate P. sativum cv. Afghanistan, was compared with that of a Turkish strain (TOM [18]) by DNA hybridizations. Four of the five Danish strains were found to be very similar to the Turkish strain with respect to the overall organizations of their respective nodulation regions.  相似文献   

The GroEL molecular chaperone of Escherichia coli and its cofactor GroES are highly conserved, and are required for the folding of many proteins. Most but not all bacteria express single GroEL and GroES proteins. Rhizobium leguminosarum strain A34 encodes three complete operons encoding homologues to GroEL and GroES. We have used circular dichroism and measurement of ATPase activity to compare the stabilities of these chaperonins after expression in and purification from E. coli. Significant differences in the stabilities of the proteins with respect to denaturant and temperature were found. The proteins also differed in their ability to refold denatured lactate dehydrogenase. This study, the first to compare the properties of three different GroEL homologues from the same organism, shows that despite the high degree of similarity between different homologues, they can display distinct properties in vitro.  相似文献   

Symbiotic interactions between peas and Rhizobium leguminosarum were investigated by inoculating four pea lines, three of which are strain-specific resistant to the European strain 311d, with various combinations of two strains of Rhizobium, 311d and Tom++. The strains were almost equally good to infect the susceptible European cultivar Hero when added singly inoculated. After mixed inoculation (1:1 proportion) strain analysis by ELISA revealed that the nodules were preferentially formed by 311d, although some Tom++ nodules were also found mainly on the upper part of the root. Our conclusion is that Tom++ is less compatible in comparison with 311d. In addition, we found that as the Hero plants emerged, they were becoming more resistant towards infection with not adapted bacteria. The strain-specific resistant lines from Afghanistan belong to two different systems: Afgh. I, completely resistant to 311d and highly nodulating with Tom++, and Afgh. III, incompletely resistant to 311d and poorly nodulating with Tom++. Mixed inoculations resulted in nodule depressions, as compared to single inoculations with Tom++ ranging from 87% to 14%. The ability of 311d to block infection sites on the roots were found to depend on the degree of symbiotic adaptation between Afgh. I and Tom++, respectively Afgh. III and Tom++. Strain analysis after double strain inoculation of Afgh. I plants revealed that some nodules were induced by strain 311d. Thus, the presence of Tom++ in this case influences the degree of host resistance. However, in Afgh. III plants the resistance towards nodulation were unaffected by the presence of Tom++. We suggest that the degree of symbiotic adaptation may change the barrier of resistance towards infection.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting Pseudomonas fluorescens strain 267, isolated from soil, produced pseudobactin A, 7-sulfonic acid derivatives of pseudobactin A and several B group vitamins. In coinoculation with Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain 24.1, strain 267 promoted clover growth and enhanced symbiotic nitrogen fixation under controlled conditions. To better understand the beneficial effect of P. fluorescens 267 on clover inoculated with rhizobia, the colonization of clover roots by mTn5-gusA marked bacteria was studied in single and mixed infections under controlled conditions. Histochemical assays combined with light and electron microscopy showed that P. fluorescens 267.4 (i) efficiently colonized clover root surface; (ii) was heterogeneously distributed along the roots without the preference to defined root zone; (iii) formed microcolonies on the surface of clover root epidermis; (iv) penetrated the first layer of the primary root cortex parenchyma and (v) colonized endophytically the inner root tissues of clover.  相似文献   

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