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Chlorophyllin (Chln), a sodium-copper salt derivative of chlorophyll, like chlorophyll-a and -b found in green plants, has been studied for its protective action against the carcinogenic effects of various physical and chemical agents and in relation to the mutagenic and clastogenic activities of genotoxic agents. The aim of the present study was to evaluate chlorophyllin in different phases of the cell cycle for clastogenicity and anticlastogenicity, the latter in reversing DNA damage induced by ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). The test for chromosomal aberrations was performed in cultured mammalian cells (CHO-K1). The three Chln concentrations tested (6.25, 12.5 and 25 microg/ml) were not clastogenic and damage induced by EMS (1240 microg/ml) was reduced in cells treated with Chln as well during S (25-48%) and G2/S (70-80%). The results demonstrate a greater protective effectiveness of Chln against EMS during G2/S.  相似文献   

The autofluorescence other than intrinsic protein emission of viable cultured mammalian cells has been investigated. The fluorescence was found to originate in discrete cytoplasmic vesicle-like regions and to be absent from the nucleus. Excitation and emission spectra of viable cells revealed at least two distinct fluorescent species. Comparison of cell spectra with spectra of known cellular metabolites suggested that most, if not all, of the fluorescence arises from intracellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and riboflavin and flavin coenzymes. Various changes in culture conditions did not affect the observed autofluorescence intensity. A multiparameter flow system (MACCS) was used to compare the fluorescence intensities of numerous cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A (Con A) induced endoreduplication in an established cell line, Don, of the Chinese hamster. The inducibility of Con A was inhibited by α-methyl-D-mannoside. When a secondary culture of kidney cells (CHK), which showed the contact-inhibition of growth, was used, there was an increase in spontaneous endoreduplication. CHK cells or some of them were more sensitive to Con A than Don cells, in which few spontaneous endoreduplications were observed. Mitotic shake-off after Con A treatment led to the higher ratio of endoreduplicated cells to normal mitoses, suggesting that endoreduplicating cells do not “round-up” and probably do not condense chromosomes through the cell cycle until M is reached.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry provides a rapid, sensitive and accurate analytical means to monitor hybridoma cell cultures. The use of flow cytometry has enabled us to study the changes in DNA, RNA, protein, IgG, mitochondrial activity and cell size that take place during the growth cycle of batch culture. The temporal changes in the levels of these analytes and their heterogeneity have been related to the growth/death kinetics. The maximum proportion of S-cells was reached early in the growth phase while a population of low fluorescence cells with lower polidy than G1, dead cells and fragmented nuclei emerged during the death phase. Supplementation with amino acids during the exponential phase prolonged the growth cycle by enhancing cell proliferation. The fraction of S/G2 cells was much reduced by a reduction in serum concentration but was maintained during the prolonged non-proliferating "stationary" phase. The magnitude of Rhodamine 123 staining showed a consistent and general decrease during late exponential and decline phases. This trend was accompanied by an increase in the fraction of the Propidium Iodide-stained population which reflected the deteriorating metabolic and membrane integrity. Decrease in mean fluorescence intensity for DNA, RNA, protein and intracellular IgG was noted at the decline phase. Intracellular immunofluorescence was a more reliable indicator of antibody productivity than surface immunofluorescence.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-microtubule association in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A Triton X-100-lysed cell system has been used to identify calmodulin on the cytoskeleton of 3T3 and transformed SV3T3 cells. By indirect immunofluorescence, calmodulin was found to be associated with both the cytoplasmic microtubule complex and the centrosomes. A number of cytoplasmic microtubules more resistant to disassembly upon either cold (0-4 degrees C) or hypotonic treatment, as well as following dilution have been identified. Most of the stable microtubules appeared to be associated with the centrosome at one end and with the plasma membrane at the other end. These microtubules could be induced to depolymerize, however, by micromolar Ca++ concentrations. These data suggest that, by interacting directly with the microtubule, calmodulin may influence microtubule assembly and ensure the Ca++-sensitivity of both mitotic and cytoplasmic microtubules.  相似文献   

T-tubes in cultured mammalian myocardial cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary T-tubes are among the last structural elements of the mammalian myocyte to develop in vivo. We were able to identify T-tubes in early cultures of neonatal rat myocytes. Ventricles were excised from 3- to 4-day-old neonatal rats, incubated overnight in cold trypsin, and treated with sequential changes of collagenase-hyaluronidase. Fractions of cells isolated in this manner were pooled and cultured in plastic petri dishes. In cells prepared for transmission electron microscopy, T-tubes were observed at the cell periphery of cultured myocytes, but were more difficult to identify as the cultures aged and became overgrown by fibroblasts. T-tubes were identified by virtue of their continuity with the sarcolemma, their relatively large diameter, and their regular entry at the level of the Z line. Even at optimal culture ages, T-tubes were not present in every myocyte. At the times T-tubes could be located, myocytes were beating and had begun to establish intercalated discs and gap junctions. The de novo formation of T-tubes in cultured myocytes of neonatal rat heart reflects a duplication of in vivo differentiation by the cultured myocyte. The appropriateness of cultured myocytes in the study of the development and physiology of the heart is emphasized by the in vitro formation of T-tubes.Supported by research grants from the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc., The Schlieder Foundation, and USPH-Training Grant HL 07098-04. The authors are indebted to Philip Constantin for assistance in dissociating and culturing heart tissue.  相似文献   

Proline oxidase in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We sought a cultured cell line with Proline Oxidase activity to study the regulation and physiologic role of the enzyme in mammalian tissues. Among the cell lines tested, only LLC-RK1 cells, derived from rabbit kidney, had significant Proline Oxidase activity; the Km for proline of the enzyme from these cells was similar to that for the liver enzyme. LLC cells, Proline Oxidase positive, were able to convert proline to CO2. In contrast, CHL cells, Proline Oxidase negative, did not have this capability. The presence of Proline Oxidase in LLC cells and the absence of the enzyme in fibroblasts suggest that Proline Oxidase may serve as a marker enzyme for distinguishing parenchymal kidney cells from fibroblasts in culture. Cells transformed by SV40 virus and cells transformed by methylcholanthrene had activities higher that the parent cell line, but this effect of transformation could not be generalized to all transformed cells. Finally, L-hydroxy proline at 100-fold greater concentration than substrate L-proline failed to decrease proline oxidation. This finding suggests distinct degradative enzymes for these two amino acids.  相似文献   

Tubulin dynamics in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:84,自引:60,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
Bovine neurotubulin has been labeled with dichlorotriazinyl- aminofluorescein (DTAF-tubulin) and microinjected into cultured mammalian cells strains PTK1 and BSC. The fibrous, fluorescence patterns that developed in the microinjected cells were almost indistinguishable from the pattern of microtubules seen in the same cells by indirect immunofluorescence. DTAF-tubulin participated in the formation of all visible, microtubule-related structures at all cell cycle stages for at least 48 h after injection. Treatments of injected cells with Nocodazole or Taxol showed that DTAF-tubulin closely mimicked the behavior of endogenous tubulin. The rate at which microtubules incorporated DTAF-tubulin depended on the cell-cycle stage of the injected cell. Mitotic microtubules became fluorescent within seconds while interphase microtubules required minutes. Studies using fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching confirmed this apparent difference in tubulin dynamics between mitotic and interphase cells. The temporal patterns of redistribution included a rapid phase (approximately 3 s) that we attribute to diffusion of free DTAF-tubulin and a second, slower phase that seems to represent the exchange of bleached DTAF-tubulin in microtubules with free, unbleached DTAF- tubulin. Mean half times of redistribution were 18-fold shorter in mitotic cells than they were in interphase cells.  相似文献   

KB cell ribonuclease has been purified 260-fold and the fundamental properties have been studied. Though the enzyme is concentrated in the lysosomal fraction, appreciable quantities are present in the cell sap and nuclear fractions. Comparison of the optimal temperature and pH for activity, and the heat stability of enzyme from these three fractions suggests that only one species of this enzyme exists in these cells. The enzyme behaves as an endonuclease, cleaving synthetic pyrimidine polynucleotides to smaller oligonucleotides with cyclic 2′:3′ end-groups. The final product is pyrimidine nucleoside 3′ monophosphate. Polyadenylic acid is not hydrolyzed. Of the properties examined in this study only two differences were noted between KB cell and pancreatic ribonuclease. KB cell enzyme acts optimally at pH 6 as opposed to an optimum at pH 7 to 8 for pancreatic enzyme. In addition ribonuclease from KB cells is definitely less stable to heating at 100°C than is the enzyme isolated from pancreas.  相似文献   

Conditions for labeling the dATP pool of V79 and 3T3 cells from [3H]deoxyadenosine (salvage) or [3H]adenine (via ribonucleotide reduction) were established. With deoxyadenosine the specific radioactivity of dATP reached a constant value after 60 min. In resting 3T3 cells this value was 30 times higher than in S-phase cells. Turnover of dATP and absolute rates of DNA synthesis and excretion of breakdown products of dATP were determined from the accumulation of isotope in various compartments and the specific activity of dATP. In S-phase cells the dATP pool had a half-life of 4 min, identical to that of dTTP determined earlier. Deoxyadenosine was the major breakdown product of dATP in the presence of an inhibitor of adenosine deaminase. The rate of deoxyadenosine excretion of V79 cells amounted to 4% of the rate of dATP incorporation into DNA. Inhibition of DNA replication increased deoxyadenosine excretion 5- to 10-fold, demonstrating a continued de novo synthesis of dATP, albeit at a slightly reduced rate. Our results fit a model involving a substrate cycle between dAMP and deoxyadenosine regulating the dATP pool, similar to the model of substrate cycles involved in the regulation of pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide pools developed earlier.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of regulating tubulin synthesis in cultured mammalian cells.   总被引:64,自引:0,他引:64  
A Ben-Ze'ev  S R Farmer  S Penman 《Cell》1979,17(2):319-325
Colchicine and nocadazole both depolymerize microtubules in cultured fibroblasts and lead to a rapid inhibition of tubulin synthesis. The level of translatable tubulin mRNA is greatly reduced in drug-treated cells as demonstrated by translation in a reticulocyte-derived in vitro protein synthesizing system. A model of tubulin synthesis regulation is proposed in which the elevated level of unpolymerized tubulin in drug-treated cells inhibits the formation of new tubulin mRNA and the preexisting message decays rapidly. In agreement with this model, tubulin message is found to be short-lived and has an approximately 2 hr half-life in cells treated with actinomycin D. Another prediction of the proposed model is that destabilization of microtubules without a concomitant increase in free tubulin will not inhibit tubulin synthesis. Vinblastine also disrupts microtubules but leads to the aggregation of tubulin into large paracrystals with an apparent decrease in the concentration of free tubulin. This drug does not inhibit tubulin production but rather leads to a measurable enhancement of tubulin synthesis.  相似文献   

Iodinated proteins were degraded after injection into HeLa cells at first-order rates with half-lives varying from three hours for the trout monhistone chromosomal protein, HMG-T, -to 60 hours for whale myoglobin. Fluoresceinated-bovine serum albumin (fl-BSA) was degraded almost twice as fast as unmodified BSA. The rate of degradation of 125I-BSA was very similar in eight cell lines of mouse, human, monkey and rat origin. Microinjected proteins were analyzed on SDS-acrylamide gels after injection, and for BSA and immunoglobin G, all remaining intracellular 125I migrated at the molecular weight of the injected proteins. By contrasting, more than 80% of the extracellular 125I chromatographed as iodotyrosine. With the exception of fl-BSA, which exhibited perinuclear accumulation in approximately one-half of the injected cells, autoradiography showed that throughout the period of study the injected proteins remained dispersed in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Radiosensitization of cultured mammalian cells was studied with halogenated pyrimidines, such as 5-iodouridine or 6-chloropurine, which have been shown to promote bacterial cell lethality when combined with gamma-irradiation. When Chinese hamster cells were exposed to gamma-rays to acidic pH values and the number of colonies was scored after 6 to 11 days of incubation, many more cells were inactivated in the presence of the drug than in its absence. This may be due to radiation-induced cytotoxic iodine radicals from the reagent in the case of 5-iodouridine, because the cells were inactivated efficiently only be contact with the previously-irradiated drug solution. The toxicity of the irradiated drug solution increased remarkably when the pH shifted to acidic side. The radiosensitization and the cytotoxic effects of gamma-irradiated drug solution were not found with 6-chloropurine. This may be the first observation on the lethal effect of chemical radicals on mammalian cells, and it is concluded that radiosensitization with 5-iodouridine does not require the drug incorporation into cellular DNA, at least under the conditions adopted in the present studies.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint, which prevents anaphase onset upon spindle damage or incorrect chromosome alignment, presents a problem for experimental analysis of protein function in anaphase and cytokinesis. This is because the functional disruption of many proteins before anaphase onset can activate this checkpoint, preventing anaphase and subsequent cell cycle events. This paper compares new and old methods of overriding the spindle checkpoint in prometaphase mammalian tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthetase activity in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Radiation-stimulated DNA synthesis in cultured mammalian cells   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A type of DNA synthesis in mammalian cells that is stimulated by ultraviolet light has been studied by means of radioautography and density gradient centrifugation. The characteristics of this synthesis are: (a) it is not semiconservative; (b) it is enhanced by the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine in the DNA molecule; (c) the degree of stimulation is dose dependent; (d) there is less variability in the rate of incorporation of H3-thymidine during this synthesis than during normal DNA synthesis; (e) it occurs in cells that are not in the normal DNA synthesis phase (G1 and G2 cells). This kind of synthesis has been found in cultured cell lines from five different species; however, in some strains, the presence of bromouracil in the DNA is required before it can be demonstrated by radioautography.  相似文献   

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