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ts1 is a highly neuropathogenic and lymphocytopathic mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB (MoMuLV-TB). We previously reported that the primary neuropathogenic determinant of ts1 maps to a single amino acid substitution, Val-25-->Ile, in precursor envelope protein gPr80env. This Val-25-->Ile substitution apparently renders gPr80env inefficient for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. These findings suggest that the cytopathic effect of ts1 in neural cells might be due to the accumulation of gPr80env in the endoplasmic reticulum. Since endothelial and glial cells are targets of ts1 infection in the central nervous system, we established primary endothelial and astrocyte cultures to investigate the mechanism of cell killing caused by ts1. A continuous cell line, TB, was used as a control. Our results showed that both ts1 and MoMuLV-TB replicated and induced a cytopathic effect in astrocyte cultures, albeit to different degrees; ts1 appeared to be more lethal than MoMuLV-TB. On the other hand, ts1 and MoMuLV-TB infections of endothelial or TB cells were not cytopathic. The cytopathic effect in infected astrocytes correlated with the inefficiency of gPr80env transport and the intracellular accumulation of gPr80env as well as aberrant virus particles.  相似文献   

ts1 and ts7, the paralytogenic, temperature-sensitive mutants of Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV), together with their wild-type parent, MoMuLV-TB, were molecularly cloned. ts1-19, ts7-22, and wt-25, the infectious viruses obtained on transfection to NIH/3T3 cells of the lambda Charon 21A recombinants of ts1, ts7, and wt, were found to have retained the characteristics of their non-molecularly cloned parents. In contrast to the wt virus, ts1-19 and ts7-22 are temperature-sensitive, inefficient in the intracellular processing of Pr80env at the restrictive temperature, and able to induce paralysis in CFW/D mice. Like the non-molecularly cloned ts7, the ts7-22 virion was also shown to be heat labile. The heat lability of the ts7 virion distinguishes it from ts1. Endonuclease restriction mapping with 11 endonucleases demonstrated that the base composition of MoMuLV-TB differs from that of the standard MoMuLV, but no difference was detected between the molecularly cloned ts1 and ts7 genomes. However, ts1 and ts7 differ from MoMuLV in the loss or acquisition of four different restriction sites, whereas they differ from MoMuLV-TB in the loss or acquisition of three different restriction sites.  相似文献   

ts1, a temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB, induces hind-limb paralysis in mice. The DNA of both the ts1 and Moloney murine leukemia virus TB env genes has been sequenced, and the encoded amino acid sequences have been deduced from the DNA sequences. Four amino acids in the ts1 envelope protein have been identified which may be responsible for the ts1 phenotype, which includes temperature sensitivity, nonprocessing of Pr80env, and neurovirulence.  相似文献   

Q X Li  H Fan 《Journal of virology》1990,64(8):3701-3711
We described previously a preleukemic state in mice inoculated with Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) characterized by generalized hematopoietic hyperplasia in the spleen. To investigate this further, long-term bone marrow cultures (LTBMC) from preleukemic mice were established. Surprisingly, LTBMC from M-MuLV-inoculated preleukemic mice showed less hematopoiesis than LTBMC from control mice. This resulted from a quantitative defect in establishment of bone marrow stromal cells in the LTBMC. This phenomenon could also be observed in LTBMC from normal mice infected in vitro with a stock of M-MuLV containing a mink cell focus-forming virus (MCF) derivative (M-MCF), but not in LTBMC infected with M-MuLV alone. This implicated MCF derivatives in the reduction in bone marrow stromal cells. The phenomenon could also be detected in infected NIH 3T3 cells. Combined infection of M-MuLV plus M-MCF resulted in fewer cells, in comparison to uninfected cells or cells infected with either virus alone. Further studies indicated that this was predominantly due to an inhibition in cell growth rather than to cell lysis. The cytopathic effect did not appear to result from overreplication of viral DNA, as measured by Southern blots. Thus, combined infection with M-MuLV and an MCF derivative had cytostatic effects on cell growth. This phenomenon might also contribute to the leukemogenic process in vivo.  相似文献   

P F Szurek  E Floyd  P H Yuen    P K Wong 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5241-5249
ts1, a spontaneous temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB, causes hind-limb paralysis in mice. A Val-25----Ile substitution in gPr80env is responsible for temperature sensitivity, inefficient processing of gPr80env, and neurovirulence. In this study, the Ile-25 in gPr80env was replaced with Thr, Ala, Leu, Gly, and Glu by site-directed mutagenesis of the codon for Ile-25 to generate a new set of mutant viruses, i.e., ts1-T, -A, -L, -G, and -E, respectively. The phenotypic characteristics of these mutant viruses differed from those of ts1. For each mutant, the degree of temperature sensitivity was correlated with the degree of inefficient processing of gPr80env, and the following rank order was observed for both parameters: ts1-E greater than ts1-G greater than ts1-L greater than ts1-A greater than ts1 greater than ts1-T. In FVB/N mice, mutant viruses of low and intermediate temperature sensitivity and inefficiency in processing of gPr80env were neurovirulent and consistently caused mutant-specific disease profiles: ts1-T caused severe whole-body tremor, ts1-A generally caused hind-limb paralysis, and ts1-L generally caused a delayed-onset paraparesis. By 150 days postinfection, FVB/N mice that were infected with ts1-G and -E, mutants of high temperature sensitivity and inefficiency in processing of gPr80env, had lymphoid leukemia instead of a neurological disease. These results suggest that the dynamics of gPr80env processing are important in determining the neurovirulent phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

V Berteaux  J P Rousset  M Cassan 《Biochimie》1991,73(10):1291-1293
Expression of the pol gene of the murine leukemia viruses is subject to translational control at the UAG termination codon of the upstream gene gag. Previous experiments have suggested that: i) Moloney murine leukemia virus infection induces a tRNA(Gln)iii) in an in vitro system using the tobacco mosaic virus as template, this tRNA is able to increase readthrough at the UAG codon [1]. Here we demonstrate that, in vivo, Moloney murine leukemia virus infection does not increase translational readthrough at either the tobacco mosaic virus or the Moloney murine leukemia virus UAG stop codons.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus TB (MoMuLV-TB), ts1, which is defective in intracellular processing of envelope precursor protein (Pr80env), also possesses the ability to induce hind-limb paralysis in infected mice. To investigate whether ts1 has acquired neurotropism and to determine to what extent it can replicate in the central nervous system, we compared viral titers in the spleen, plasma, spinal cord, and brain throughout the course of infection of mice infected with ts1 and parental wild-type (wt) MoMuLV-TB. In both the ts1- and wt-inoculated mice, the concentrations of infectious virus recovered from the plasma and spleen increased rapidly and reached a plateau by 10 days postinfection (p.i.). In contrast, virus concentrations in the spinal cord and brain of ts1-inoculated mice increased gradually and reached a titer comparable to that in the spleen and exceeding that in the plasma only at 25 to 30 days p.i. At this time, the virus titer was approximately 200X greater in ts1-infected spinal cord tissue and approximately 20X greater in ts1-infected brain tissue than in the same wt-infected tissues. Paralysis became evident at 25 to 30 days p.i. in ts1-inoculated mice, whereas the wt-inoculated mice were normal. In addition, a substantial amount of Pr80env was detected in the spinal cords of ts1-inoculated mice compared with that found in the spinal cords of wt-inoculated mice. The infectious virus isolated from ts1-infected nerve tissue was found to possess the characteristic phenotype of the ts1 virus. Microscopic lesions of ts1-inoculated mice at 30 days p.i. consisted of vacuolar degeneration of motor neurons and spongy change of white matter in the brain stem and spinal cord. Similar but less severe lesions were observed in wt-inoculated mice. With primary cultures of central nervous system tissue we showed that ts1 can infect and replicate in both neuron and glial cells. In contrast, although wt MoMuLV-TB replicated in glial cell-rich culture, viral replication was barely detectable in neuron-rich culture.  相似文献   

A progressive neurodegenerative disease occurred following infection of mice with a temperature-sensitive (ts) isolate of Moloney (Mo) murine leukemia virus (MuLV), ts Mo BA-1 MuLV. This NB-tropic ecotropic MuLV, which was ts for a late function, induced a syndrome of tremor, weakness of the hind limbs, and spasticity following infection of several strains of laboratory neonatal mice, including NFS, C3H/He, CBA, SJL, and BALB/c. The latent period of 8 to 16 weeks was considerably longer than that observed for the acute paralytic diseases observed following neonatal infection with other ts Mo-MuLV, rat-passaged Friend MuLV, and some wild mouse ecotropic MuLVs. Spongiform pathology without inflammation and degeneration of neurons devoid of budding virions occurred in the cerebellar grey matter, brain stem, and upper spinal cord; but lower spinal cord anterior horn cells were less obviously affected than in other MuLV-associated neuroparalytic syndromes. ts Mo BA-1 MuLV differed from other ts Mo-MuLV mutants that are capable of inducing a neuroparalytic syndrome in that while infected nervous system tissue contained high levels of MuLV p30 and gp70, no evidence of precursor accumulation or abnormal processing of MuLV p30 or gp70 could be demonstrated. The localization of virus within the nervous system suggests that direct neuronal infection may not be the etiologic mechanism in this MuLV-induced neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

To better understand the molecular mechanism involved in retrovirus ts1-induced paralytic disease in mice, we constructed a panel of recombinant viruses between ts1 and the wild-type viruses Moloney murine leukemia virus (MoMuLV) and MoMuLV-TB, a strain of MoMuLV. These recombinant viruses were constructed in an attempt to identify the sequence(s) in the genome of ts1 which contains the critical mutation(s) responsible for the neurovirulence of ts1. Two functionally distinct sequences in the genome of ts1 were found to be responsible for its paralytogenic ability. One of these sequences, the 0.77-kilobase-pair XbaI-BamHI (nucleotides 5765 to 6537) fragment which encodes the 5' half of gp70 and 11 base pairs upstream of the env gene coding sequence, determines the inability of ts1 to process Pr80env. The other sequence, the 2.30-kilobase-pair BamHI-PstI (nucleotides 538 to 8264 and 1 to 567) fragment, which comprises nearly two-thirds of the env gene, the long terminal repeat, and the 5' noncoding sequence, determines the enhanced neurotropism of ts1. Replacement of any one of these two regions with the homologous region from either one of the two wild-type viruses resulted in recombinant viruses which either totally failed to induce paralysis or induced a greatly attenuated form of paresis in some of the infected mice.  相似文献   

Genetic studies have indicated that integration of retroviral DNA into the host genome depends on the presence of the inverted repeats at the free termini of the long terminal repeats on the unintegrated DNA and on the product of the 3' end of the pol gene (the integrase [IN] protein). While the precise function of the Moloney murine leukemia virus IN protein is uncertain, others have shown that it is a DNA-binding protein and functions in the processing of the inverted repeats prior to integration. By using site-directed mutagenesis, we cloned and expressed the IN protein in Escherichia coli. Crude extracts of total cellular protein were fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred to nitrocellulose filters, denatured in guanidine, renatured, and incubated with oligonucleotide probes. Single- and double-stranded oligonucleotides corresponding to the termini of unintegrated linear viral DNA were specifically bound by the IN protein in this assay. These data suggest that the role of the Moloney IN protein in the early steps of integration involves sequence-specific recognition of the DNA sequences found at the ends of the long terminal repeats.  相似文献   

B K Brightman  B R Davis    H Fan 《Journal of virology》1990,64(9):4582-4584
We previously showed that neonatal mice inoculated with Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) exhibit a preleukemic state characterized by splenomegaly and increased numbers of hematopoietic progenitors. An M-MuLV variant with greatly reduced leukemogenic potential, Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV, does not generally induce this preleukemic state. In order to investigate the mechanism involved in M-MuLV induction of preleukemic hyperplasia, we tested the CFU-mixed myeloid and erythroid (CFUmix) from M-MuLV- and Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-inoculated mice for the presence of virus by antibody staining and for the release of infectious virus. The majority of CFUmix colonies from both M-MuLV- and Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-inoculated mice contained infectious virus even though M-MuLV-inoculated mice showed elevated levels of CFUmix while the Mo+PyF101 M-MuLV-inoculated mice did not. This indicates that direct infection of hematopoietic progenitors was not sufficient to induce hyperplasia. Rather, hematopoietic hyperplasia may result indirectly from infection of some other cell type.  相似文献   

Assembly of type C retroviruses such as Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) ordinarily occurs at the plasma membranes of infected cells and absolutely requires the particle core precursor protein, Pr65gag. Previously we have shown that Pr65gag is membrane associated and that at least a portion of intracellular Pr65gag protein appears to be routed to the plasma membrane by a vesicular transport pathway. Here we show that intracellular particle formation can occur in M-MuLV-infected cells. M-MuLV immature particles were observed by electron microscopy budding into and within rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and vacuolar compartments. Biochemical fractionation studies indicated that intracellular Pr65gag was present in nonionic detergent-resistant complexes of greater than 150S. Additionally, viral RNA and polymerase functions appeared to be associated with intracellular particles, as were Gag-beta-galactosidase fusion proteins which have the capacity to be incorporated into virions. Immature intracellular particles in postnuclear lysates could be proteolytically processed in vitro to mature forms, while extracellular immature M-MuLV particles remained immature as long as 10 h during incubations. The occurrence of M-MuLV-derived intracellular particles demonstrates that Pr65gag can associate with intracellular membranes and indicates that if a plasma membrane Pr65gag receptor exists, it also can be found in other membrane compartments. These results support the hypothesis that intracellular particles may serve as a virus reservoir during in vivo infections.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of the ploidy of Moloney murine leukemia virus.   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
An assay for Moloney murine leukemia virus was developed that made use of the production of morphologically altered foci in nonproducer mouse cells (15F) carrying murine sarcoma virus. Wild-type (wt) virus gave a ratio of titers at 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 1.05 +/- 0.45 (standard deviation;n = 20). A spontaneous, thermosensitive (ts) mutant of Moloney murine leukemia virus, ts3, defective in a late viral function, gave 39 degrees C/34degrees C = 0. A murine cell line (TB) was mixedly infected with ts3 and wt (multiplicities of infection, 7.8:4.3), cloned after infection, and shown to be infected by both viruses. At 34 degrees C it produced wt, ts, and particles of mixed parentage. The heterozygotes (hz) had ratios of assays 39 degrees C/34 degrees C = 0.06 to 0.84 (mean, 0.36). To eliminate possible interference by multiploid particles with determination of the proportions of the three types of particles, the virus produced by the mixedly infected, cloned cell line at 34 degrees C was distributed by velocity sedimentation in a sucrose gradient, and virus was picked from the lightest part of the gradient. The proportions of ts, wt, and hz were 0.27, 0.26, and 0.47. Those particles identified as hz segreated ts, wt, and hz in the proportions 0.24, 0.27, and 0.49, respectively. These values were not significantly different from those predicted from a diploid model of the genome.  相似文献   

Yuan B  Fassati A  Yueh A  Goff SP 《Journal of virology》2002,76(21):10801-10810
Mutations affecting either the N- or C-terminal regions of the Gag protein p12 block replication of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV). Viruses carrying mutations in this portion of gag can mediate the assembly and release of virions but are unable to successfully carry out the early phase of the M-MuLV life cycle. Wild-type and mutant viruses were found to synthesize similar levels of linear viral DNA in both cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions, and there were no significant differences in either the density or sedimentation of the viral protein-nucleic acid complexes. Analysis of the termini of the linear viral DNAs showed that the 3' ends of the mutant viral DNA were processed normally by the integrase. Further, the preintegration complexes extracted from the cytoplasm of cells infected with the mutant viruses were competent for integration into target DNA in vitro. Nevertheless, no circular viral DNAs were detected in cells infected by the mutants, and functional proviruses were not formed. These results suggest that p12 has an unexpected role in the early phase of the life cycle and is needed after viral DNA synthesis to deliver the incoming DNA to the correct location and in the appropriate state to permit either circularization or integration of the viral DNA in vivo.  相似文献   

Specific cDNA probes of Moloney and AKR murine leukemia viruses have been prepared to characterize the proviral integration sites of these viruses in the genomes of Balb/Mo and Balb/c mice. The genetically transmitted Moloney provirus of Balb/Mo mice was detected in a characteristic Eco RI DNA fragment of 16 x 10(6) daltons. No fragment of this size was detected in tissue DNAs from Balb/c mice infected as newborns with Moloney virus. We conclude that a viral integration site, occupied in preimplantation mouse embryos, is not necessarily occupied when virus infects cells in post-natal animals. Balb/Mo and Balb/c mice do carry the AkR structural gene in an Eco RI DNA fragment of 12 x 10(6) daltons. Further restriction analysis of this fragment indicated that both mouse lines carry one AKR-type provirus. Leukemogenesis in Balb/Mo and newborn infected Balb/c mice is accompanied by reintegration of Moloney viral sequences in new chromosomal sites of tumor tissues. Part of the reintegrated Moloney viral sequences are of subgenomic size. The AKR viral sequences, however, are not found in new sites. Further restriction analysis revealed that the development of Moloney virus-induced leukemia in Balb/Mo mice does not lead to detectable structural alteration of the genetically transmitted Moloney and AKR structural genes. Possible mechanisms of the reintegration process are also discussed.  相似文献   

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