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Primary motoneurons, the earliest developing spinal motoneurons in zebrafish, have highly stereotyped axon projections. Although much is known about the development of these neurons, the molecular cues guiding their axons have not been identified. In a screen designed to reveal mutations affecting motor axons, we isolated two mutations in the stumpy gene that dramatically affect pathfinding by the primary motoneuron, CaP. In stumpy mutants, CaP axons extend along the common pathway, a region shared by other primary motor axons, but stall at an intermediate target, the horizontal myoseptum, and fail to extend along their axon-specific pathway during the first day of development. Later, most CaP axons progress a short distance beyond the horizontal myoseptum, but tend to stall at another intermediate target. Mosaic analysis revealed that stumpy function is needed both autonomously in CaP and non-autonomously in other cells. stumpy function is also required for axons of other primary and secondary motoneurons to progress properly past intermediate targets and to branch. These results reveal a series of intermediate targets involved in motor axon guidance and suggest that stumpy function is required for motor axons to progress from proximally located intermediate targets to distally located ones.  相似文献   

Individually identified primary motoneurons of the zebrafish embryo pioneer cell-specific peripheral motor nerves. Later, the growth cones of secondary motoneurons extend along pathways pioneered by primary motor axons. To learn whether primary motor axons are required for pathway navigation by secondary motoneurons, we ablated primary motoneurons and examined subsequent pathfinding by the growth cones of secondary motoneurons. We found that ablation of the primary motoneuron that pioneers the ventral nerve delayed ventral nerve formation, but a normal-appearing nerve eventually formed. Therefore, the secondary motoneurons that extend axons in the ventral nerve were able to pioneer that pathway in the absence of the pathway-specific primary motoneuron. In contrast, in the absence of the primary motoneuron that normally pioneers the dorsal nerve, secondary motoneurons did not pioneer a nerve in the normal location, instead they formed dorsal nerves in an atypical position. This difference in the ability of these two groups of motoneurons to pioneer their normal pathways suggests that the guidance rules followed by their growth cones may be very different. Furthermore, the observation that the atypical dorsal nerves formed in a consistent incorrect location suggests that the growth cones of the secondary motoneurons that extend dorsally make hierarchical pathway choices.  相似文献   

Semaphorins are a large class of proteins that function throughout the nervous system to guide axons. It had previously been shown that Semaphorin 5A (Sema5A) was a bifunctional axon guidance cue for mammalian midbrain neurons. We found that zebrafish sema5A was expressed in myotomes during the period of motor axon outgrowth. To determine whether Sema5A functioned in motor axon guidance, we knocked down Sema5A, which resulted in two phenotypes: a delay in motor axon extension into the ventral myotome and aberrant branching of these motor axons. Both phenotypes were rescued by injection of full-length rat Sema5A mRNA. However, adding back RNA encoding the sema domain alone significantly rescued the branching phenotype in sema5A morphants. Conversely, adding back RNA encoding the thrombospondin repeat (TSR) domain alone into sema5A morphants exclusively rescued delay in ventral motor axon extension. Together, these data show that Sema5A is a bifunctional axon guidance cue for vertebrate motor axons in vivo. The TSR domain promotes growth of developing motor axons into the ventral myotome whereas the sema domain mediates repulsion and keeps these motor axons from branching into surrounding myotome regions.  相似文献   

The zebrafish ennui mutation was identified from a mutagenesis screen for defects in early behavior. Homozygous ennui embryos swam more slowly than wild-type siblings but normal swimming recovered during larval stages and homozygous mutants survived until adulthood. Electrophysiological recordings from motoneurons and muscles suggested that the motor output of the CNS following mechanosensory stimulation was normal in ennui, but the synaptic currents at the neuromuscular junction were significantly reduced. Analysis of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) in ennui muscles showed a marked reduction in the size of synaptic clusters and their aberrant localization at the myotome segment borders of fast twitch muscle. Prepatterned, nerve-independent AChR clusters appeared normal in mutant embryos and dispersed upon outgrowth of motor axons onto the muscles. Genetic mosaic analysis showed that ennui is required cell autonomously in muscle fibers for normal synaptic localization of AChRs. Furthermore, exogenous agrin failed to induce AChR aggregation, suggesting that ennui is crucial for agrin function. Finally, motor axons branched more extensively in ennui fast twitch muscles especially in the region of the myotome borders. These results suggest that ennui is important for nerve-dependent AChR clustering and the stability of axon growth.  相似文献   

Dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons extend axons to specific targets in the gray matter of the spinal cord. During development, DRG axons grow into the dorsolateral margin of the spinal cord and projection into the dorsal mantle layer occurs after a ;waiting period' of a few days. Netrin 1 is a long-range diffusible factor expressed in the ventral midline of the developing neural tube, and has chemoattractive and chemorepulsive effects on growing axons. Netrin 1 is also expressed in the dorsal spinal cord. However, the roles of dorsally derived netrin 1 remain totally unknown. Here, we show that dorsal netrin 1 controls the correct guidance of primary sensory axons. During the waiting period, netrin 1 is transiently expressed or upregulated in the dorsal spinal cord, and the absence of netrin 1 results in the aberrant projection of sensory axons, including both cutaneous and proprioceptive afferents, into the dorsal mantle layer. Netrin 1 derived from the dorsal spinal cord, but not the floor plate, is involved in the correct projection of DRG axons. Furthermore, netrin 1 suppresses axon outgrowth from DRG in vitro. Unc5c(rcm) mutant shows abnormal invasion of DRG axons as observed in netrin 1 mutants. These results are the first direct evidence that netrin 1 in the dorsal spinal cord acts as an inhibitory cue for primary sensory axons and is a crucial signal for the formation of sensory afferent neural networks.  相似文献   

The dorsomedial motor nuclei were demonstrated by the cobalt-labeling technique applied to the so-called somatic motor cranial nerves. The motoneurons constituting these nuclei are oval-shaped and smaller than the motoneurons in the ventrolateral motor nuclei. They give rise to ventral and dorsal dendrite groups which have extensive arborization areas. A dorsolateral cell group in the rostral three quarters of the oculomotorius nucleus innervates ipsilateral eye muscles (m.obl.inf., m.rect.inf., m.rect.med.) and a ventromedial cell group innervates the contralateral m. rectus superior. Ipsilateral axons originate from ventral dendrites, contralateral axons emerge from the medial aspect of cell bodies, or from dorsal dendrites, and form a "knee" as they turn around the nucleus on their way to join the ipsilateral axons. A few labeled small cells found dorsal and lateral to the main nucleus in the central gray matter are regarded as representing the nucleus of Edinger-Westphal. The trochlearis nucleus is continuous with the ventromedial cell group of the oculomotorius nucleus. The axons originate in dorsal dendrites, run dorsally along the border of the gray matter and pierce the velum medullare on the contralateral side. A compact dendritic bundle of oculomotorius neurons traverse the nucleus, and side branches appear to be in close apposition to the trochlearis neurons. A dorsomedial and a ventrolateral cell group becomes labeled via the abducens nerve. The former supplies the m. rectus lateralis, while the latter corresponds to the accessorius abducens nucleus which innervates the mm. rectractores. Neurons in this latter nucleus are large and multipolar, resembling the neurons in the ventrolateral motor nuclei. Their axons originate from dorsal dendrites and form a "knee" around the dorsomedial aspect of the abducens nucleus. Cobalt applied to the hypoglossus nerve reaches a dorsomedial cell group (the nucleus proper), spinal motoneurons and sympathetic preganglionic neurons. Of the dorsomedial motor cells, the hypoglossus neurons are the largest, and a branch of their ventral dendrites terminates on the contralateral side. Some functional and developmental biological aspects of the morphological findings, such as the crossing axons and the peculiar morphology of the accessory abducens nucleus, are discussed.  相似文献   

In zebrafish embryos, each myotome is typically innervated by three primary motoneurons (PMNs): the caudal primary (CaP), middle primary (MiP) and rostral primary (RoP). PMN axons first exit the spinal cord through a single exit point located at the midpoint of the overlying somite, which is formed beneath the CaP cell body and is pioneered by the CaP axon. However, the placement of CaP cell bodies with respect to corresponding somites is poorly understood. Here, we determined the early events in CaP cell positioning using neuropilin 1a (nrp1a):gfp transgenic embryos in which CaPs were specifically labeled with GFP. CaP cell bodies first exhibit an irregular pattern in presence of newly formed corresponding somites and then migrate to achieve their proper positions by axonogenesis stages. CaPs are generated in excess compared with the number of somites, and two CaPs often overlap at the same position through this process. Next, we showed that CaP cell bodies remain in the initial irregular positions after knockdown of Neuropilin1a, a component of the class III semaphorin receptor. Irregular CaP position frequently results in aberrant double exit points of motor axons, and secondary motor axons form aberrant exit points following CaP axons. Its expression pattern suggests that sema3ab regulates the CaP position. Indeed, irregular CaP positions and exit points are induced by Sema3ab knockdown, whose ectopic expression can alter the position of CaP cell bodies. Results suggest that Semaphorin-Neuropilin signaling plays an important role in position fine-tuning of CaP cell bodies to ensure proper exit points of motor axons.  相似文献   

Although recent studies have extended our understanding of agrin's function during development, its function in the central nervous system (CNS) is not clearly understood. To address this question, zebrafish agrin was identified and characterized. Zebrafish agrin is expressed in the developing CNS and in nonneural structures such as somites and notochord. In agrin morphant embryos, acetylcholine receptor (AChR) cluster number and size on muscle fibers at the choice point were unaffected, whereas AChR clusters on muscle fibers in the dorsal and ventral regions of the myotome were reduced or absent. Defects in the axon outgrowth by primary motor neurons, subpopulations of branchiomotor neurons, and Rohon-Beard sensory neurons were also observed, which included truncation of axons and increased branching of motor axons. Moreover, agrin morphants exhibit significantly inhibited tail development in a dose-dependent manner, as well as defects in the formation of the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and reduced size of eyes and otic vesicles. Together these results show that agrin plays an important role in both peripheral and CNS development and also modulates posterior development in zebrafish.  相似文献   

The dorsal ramus nerve diverges dorsally from each spinal nerve to innervate the epaxial muscle and dermis that are derived in situ from each dermamyotome. The outgrowth of both the sensory and motor components of this nerve are sensitive to the proximity of the dermamyotome. Motoneurons display a direct target response that is not dependent upon the concurrent outgrowth of sensory neurites (Tosney: Dev. Biol. 122:540-588, 1987). Likewise, the outgrowth of sensory neurites could be directly dependent on the dermamyotome. Alternatively, sensory neurites could be dependent on motor axons that in turn require the dermamyotome for outgrowth. To distinguish between these possibilities, motor outgrowth was abolished by unilateral ventral neural tube deletion and the patterns of subsequent sensory neurite outgrowth were assessed. The cutaneous nerve branch formed in all cases. In contrast, neither of the epaxial muscle nerves formed in the absence of epaxial motoneuron outgrowth. Furthermore, sensory neurites could not be detected diverging into muscle from the cutaneous nerve or entering muscle via other novel routes. We conclude that motoneurons are essential for sensory outgrowth to epaxial muscle but not to cutaneous targets. It is clear that different subsets of navigational cues guide sensory afferents to muscle and to cutaneous destinations.  相似文献   

During development, cranial motor neurons extend their axons along distinct pathways into the periphery. For example, branchiomotor axons extend dorsally to leave the hindbrain via large dorsal exit points. They then grow in association with sensory ganglia, to their targets, the muscles of the branchial arches. We have investigated the possibility that pathway tissues might secrete diffusible chemorepellents or chemoattractants that guide cranial motor axons, using co-cultures in collagen gels. We found that explants of dorsal neural tube or hindbrain roof plate chemorepelled cranial motor axons, while explants of cranial sensory ganglia were weakly chemoattractive. Explants of branchial arch mesenchyme were strongly growth-promoting and chemoattractive for cranial motor axons. Enhanced and oriented axon outgrowth was also elicited by beads loaded with Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF); antibodies to this protein largely blocked the outgrowth and orientation effects of the branchial arch on motor axons. HGF was expressed in the branchial arches, whilst Met, which encodes an HGF receptor, was expressed by subpopulations of cranial motor neurons. Mice with targetted disruptions of HGF or Met showed defects in the navigation of hypoglossal motor axons into the branchial region. Branchial arch tissue may thus act as a target-derived factor that guides motor axons during development. This influence is likely to be mediated partly by Hepatocyte Growth Factor, although a component of branchial arch-mediated growth promotion and chemoattraction was not blocked by anti-HGF antibodies.  相似文献   

We provide the first analysis of how a segmentally reiterated pattern of neurons is specified along the anteroposterior axis of the vertebrate spinal cord by investigating how zebrafish primary motoneurons are patterned. Two identified primary motoneuron subtypes, MiP and CaP, occupy distinct locations within the ventral neural tube relative to overlying somites, express different genes and innervate different muscle territories. In all vertebrates examined so far, paraxial mesoderm-derived signals specify distinct motoneuron subpopulations in specific anteroposterior regions of the spinal cord. We show that signals from paraxial mesoderm also control the much finer-grained segmental patterning of zebrafish primary motoneurons. We examined primary motoneuron specification in several zebrafish mutants that have distinct effects on paraxial mesoderm development. Our findings suggest that in the absence of signals from paraxial mesoderm, primary motoneurons have a hybrid identity with respect to gene expression, and that under these conditions the CaP axon trajectory may be dominant.  相似文献   

During the development of the nervous system, the migration of many cells and axons is guided by extracellular molecules. These molecules bind to receptors at the tips of the growth cones of migrating axons and trigger intracellular signaling to steer the axons along the correct trajectories. We have identified a novel mutant, enu-3 (enhancer of Unc), that enhances the motor neuron axon outgrowth defects observed in strains of Caenorhabditis elegans that lack either the UNC-5 receptor or its ligand UNC-6/Netrin. Specifically, the double-mutant strains have enhanced axonal outgrowth defects mainly in DB4, DB5 and DB6 motor neurons. enu-3 single mutants have weak motor neuron axon migration defects. Both outgrowth defects of double mutants and axon migration defects of enu-3 mutants were rescued by expression of the H04D03.1 gene product. ENU-3/H04D03.1 encodes a novel predicted putative trans-membrane protein of 204 amino acids. It is a member of a family of highly homologous proteins of previously unknown function in the C. elegans genome. ENU-3 is expressed in the PVT interneuron and is weakly expressed in many cell bodies along the ventral cord, including those of the DA and DB motor neurons. We conclude that ENU-3 is a novel C. elegans protein that affects both motor axon outgrowth and guidance.  相似文献   

In order for axons to reach their proper targets, both spatiotemporal regulation of guidance molecules and stepwise control of growth cone sensitivity to guidance molecules is required. Here, we show that, in zebrafish, Sema3a1, a secreted class 3 semaphorin, plays an essential role in guiding the caudal primary (CaP) motor axon that pioneers the initial region of the motor pathway. The expression pattern of Sema3a1 suggests that it delimits the pioneer CaP axons to the initial, common pathway via a repulsive action, but then CaP axons become insensitive to Sema3a1 beyond the common pathway. Indeed, nrp1a, which probably encodes a component of the Sema3a1 receptor, is specifically expressed by CaP during the early part of its outgrowth but not during later stages when extending into sema3a1-expressing muscle cells. To examine this hypothesis directly, expression of sema3a1 and/or nrp1a was manipulated in several ways. First, antisense knockdown of Sema3a1 induced CaP axons to branch excessively, stall and/or follow aberrant pathways. Furthermore, dynamic analysis showed they extended more lateral filopodia and often failed to pause at the horizontal myoseptal choice point. Second, antisense knockdown of Nrp1a and double knockdown of Nrp1a/Sema3a1 induced similar outgrowth defects in CaP. Third, CaP axons were inhibited by focally misexpressed sema3a1 along the initial common pathway but not along their pathway beyond the common pathway. Thus, as predicted, Sema3a1 is repulsive to CaP axons in the common region of the pathway, but not beyond the common pathway. Fourth, induced ubiquitous overexpression of sema3a1 caused the CaP axons but not the other primary motor axons to follow aberrant pathways. These results suggest that the repulsive response to Sema3a1 of the primary motor axons along the common pathway is both cell-type specific and dynamically regulated, perhaps via regulation of nrp1a.  相似文献   

In the developing Drosophila visual system, glia migrate into stereotyped positions within the photoreceptor axon target fields and provide positional information for photoreceptor axon guidance. Glial migration conversely depends on photoreceptor axons, as glia precursors stall in their progenitor zones when retinal innervation is eliminated. Our results support the view that this requirement for retinal innervation reflects a role of photoreceptor axons in the establishment of an axonal scaffold that guides glial cell migration. Optic lobe cortical axons extend from dorsal and ventral positions towards incoming photoreceptor axons and establish at least four separate pathways that direct glia to proper destinations in the optic lobe neuropiles. Photoreceptor axons induce the outgrowth of these scaffold axons. Most glia do not migrate when the scaffold axons are missing. Moreover, glia follow the aberrant pathways of scaffold axons that project aberrantly, as occurs in the mutant dachsous. The local absence of glia is accompanied by extensive apoptosis of optic lobe cortical neurons. These observations reveal a mechanism for coordinating photoreceptor axon arrival in the brain with the distribution of glia to multiple target destinations, where they are required for axon guidance and neuronal survival.  相似文献   

During nervous system development, neurons form synaptic contacts with distant target cells. These connections are formed by the extension of axonal processes along predetermined pathways. Axon outgrowth is directed by growth cones located at the tips of these neuronal processes. Although the behavior of growth cones has been well-characterized in vitro, it is difficult to observe growth cones in vivo. We have observed motor neuron growth cones migrating in living Caenorhabditis elegans larvae using time-lapse confocal microscopy. Specifically, we observed the VD motor neurons extend axons from the ventral to dorsal nerve cord during the L2 stage. The growth cones of these neurons are round and migrate rapidly across the epidermis if they are unobstructed. When they contact axons of the lateral nerve fascicles, growth cones stall and spread out along the fascicle to form anvil-shaped structures. After pausing for a few minutes, they extend lamellipodia beyond the fascicle and resume migration toward the dorsal nerve cord. Growth cones stall again when they contact the body wall muscles. These muscles are tightly attached to the epidermis by narrowly spaced circumferential attachment structures. Stalled growth cones extend fingers dorsally between these hypodermal attachment structures. When a single finger has projected through the body wall muscle quadrant, the growth cone located on the ventral side of the muscle collapses and a new growth cone forms at the dorsal tip of the predominating finger. Thus, we observe that complete growth cone collapse occurs in vivo and not just in culture assays. In contrast to studies indicating that collapse occurs upon contact with repulsive substrata, collapse of the VD growth cones may result from an intrinsic signal that serves to maintain growth cone primacy and conserve cellular material.  相似文献   

The development of patterned axon outgrowth and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) formation was examined after partially or totally removing chick somitic mesoderm. Since the dermamyotome is not essential and a full complement of limb muscles developed, alterations in neural patterns could be ascribed to deletion of sclerotome. When somitic tissue was completely removed, axons extended and DRG formed, but in an unsegmented pattern. Therefore the somite does not elicit outgrowth of axons or migration of DRG precursors, it is not a manditory substratum and it is not required for DRG condensation. These results suggest that posterior sclerotome is relatively inhibitory to invasion, an inhibition that is released when sclerotome is absent. When somites were partially deleted, axonal segmentation was not lost proportionally with the amount of sclerotome removed, suggesting that properties that may vary with sclerotome volume (such as diffusible cues) do not play a primary role. Instead, spinal nerves lost segmentation only when ventral sclerotome was deleted, regardless of whether dorsal sclerotome was or was not removed. This strongly suggests that axonal segmentation is imposed by direct interactions between growth cones and extracellular matrices or surfaces sclerotome cells. While DRG tended to be normally segmented when ventral sclerotome was deleted and to lose segmentation when dorsomedial sclerotome was absent, a coordinate loss of DRG segmentation with sclerotome volume could not be ruled out. However it is clear that axonal and DRG segmentation are independent. Observations on a subset of embryos in which the notochord was displaced relative to the spinal cord suggest that the ventromedial sclerotome surrounding the notochord inhibits axon advance. Posterior and ventromedial sclerotome are hypothesized to act as barriers to axon outgrowth due to some feature of their common cartilaginous development. Specific innervation patterns were also examined. When the notochord was displaced toward the control limb, axons on this side made and corrected projection errors, suggesting that the notochord can influence the precision of axonal pathway selection. In contrast, motor axons that entered the limb on all operated sides innervated muscle with their normal precision despite the absence of the somite and axonal segmentation. Therefore, the somite and the process of spinal nerve segmentation are largely irrelevant to the specificity of motoneuron projection.  相似文献   

The ventral cord in C. elegans is the major longitudinal axon tract containing essential components of the motor circuit. In genetic screens using transgenic animals expressing neuron specific GFP reporters, we identified twelve genes required for the correct outgrowth of interneuron axons of the motor circuit. In mutant animals, axons fail to navigate correctly towards the ventral cord or fail to fasciculate correctly within the ventral cord. Several of those mutants define previously uncharacterized genes. Two of the genes, ast-4 and ast-7, are involved in the generation of left-right asymmetry of the two ventral cord axon tracts. Three other genes specifically affect pioneer-follower relationships between early and late outgrowing axons, controlling either differentiation of a pioneer neuron (lin-11) or the ability of axons to follow a pioneer (ast-2, unc-130). Navigation of the ventral cord pioneer neuron AVG itself is defective in ast-4, ast-6 and unc-130 mutants. Correlation of these defects with navigation defects in different classes of follower axons revealed a true pioneer role for AVG in the guidance of interneurons in the ventral cord. Taken together, these genes provide a basis to address different aspects of axon navigation within the ventral cord of C. elegans.  相似文献   

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