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Control of exocytosis in adrenal chromaffin cells.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Upon repetitive or maintained stimulation, chromaffin cells secrete catecholamines initially at a very high rate which then relaxes with multiple kinetic components. The complex kinetics are often modeled as resulting from the successive depletion of several functional pools of secretory granules which may reflect specific protein-mediated steps in granule maturation. The fastest component represents granules fully primed for exocytosis. This 'readily releasable pool' may, under some circumstances, consist of only about a dozen granules which can be released within tens of milliseconds. Modulating the size of this pool may be an important way for cells to regulate secretion.  相似文献   

Cultured chromaffin cells can be permeabilized with digitonin; the cell interior is then accessible to the cytoplasm, and addition of calcium provokes release of catecholamines. Increasing the incubation time between the permeabilization step and calcium-induced stimulation resulted in a progressive inhibition of secretion reaching 60% after 20 min. Cytosoluble proteins which leak from detergent-permeabilized cells were collected, dialyzed, and concentrated. When these proteins were added back to permeabilized cells which were unable to secrete, catecholamine release was fully restored, suggesting that certain proteins necessary for exocytosis had been dialyzed from these cells. One of the released proteins was characterized as calmodulin. However, addition of calmodulin alone was ineffective in maintaining or restoring secretory activity in digitonin-permeabilized cells, excluding calmodulin as the sole factor responsible for the loss of release. Protein kinase C was also identified as one of the leaked proteins. This enzyme is known to be retained in cells in the presence of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA). However, under TPA-dependent conditions, there was also a loss of secretory activity. The present paper shows that among the proteins leaked from digitonin-permeabilized cells, there are specific proteins crucial to the exocytotic mechanism.  相似文献   

Several drugs produce rapid changes in the kinetics of exocytosis of catecholamines, as measured at the single event level with amperometry. This study is intended to unveil whether the mechanism(s) responsible for these effects involve changes in the intravesicular pH. Cell incubation with bafilomycin A1, a blocker of the vesicular proton pump, caused both a deceleration in the kinetics of exocytosis and a reduction in the catecholamine content of vesicle. These effects were also observed upon reduction of proton gradient by nigericin or NH4Cl. pH measurements using fluorescent probes (acridine orange, quinacrine or enhanced green fluorescent protein-synaptobrevin) showed a strong correlation between vesicular pH and the kinetics of exocytosis. Hence, all maneuvers tested that decelerated exocytosis also alkalinized secretory vesicles and vice versa. On the other hand, calcium entry caused a transient acidification of granules. We therefore propose that the regulation of vesicular pH is, at least partially, a necessary step in the modulation of the kinetics of exocytosis and quantal size operated by some cell signals.  相似文献   

Marengo FD 《Cell calcium》2005,38(2):87-99
The relationship between the localized Ca(2+) concentration and depolarization-induced exocytosis was studied in patch-clamped adrenal chromaffin cells using pulsed-laser Ca(2+) imaging and membrane capacitance measurements. Short depolarizing voltage steps induced Ca(2+) gradients and small "synchronous" increases in capacitance during the pulses. Longer pulses increased the capacitance changes, which saturated at 16 fF, suggesting the presence of a small immediately releasable pool of fusion-ready vesicles. A Hill plot of the capacitance changes versus the estimated Ca(2+) concentration in a thin (100 nm) shell beneath the membrane gave n = 2.3 and K(d) = 1.4 microM. Repetitive stimulation elicited a more complex pattern of exocytosis: early pulses induced synchronous capacitance increases, but after five or more pulses there was facilitation of the synchronous responses and gradual increases in capacitance continued between pulses (asynchronous exocytosis) as the steep submembrane Ca(2+) gradients collapsed. Raising the pipette Ca(2+) concentration led to early facilitation of the synchronous response and early appearance of asynchronous exocytosis. We used this data to develop a kinetic model of depolarization-induced exocytosis, where Ca(2+)-dependent fusion of vesicles occurs from a small immediately releasable pool with an affinity of 1-2 microM and vesicles are mobilized to this pool in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The MgATP dependency of secretion was investigated in digitonin-permeabilized adrenal chromaffin cells. Shortly after permeabilization there is a component of Ca2+-dependent secretion that occurs in the absence of MgATP in the medium. This secretion occurs from cells which are permeable to Ca2+/[ethylene-bis(oxyethylenenitrilo)]tetraacetic acid buffers, to nucleotides, and to proteins. It is prevented by treatment of cells with metabolic inhibitors to reduce cellular ATP prior to permeabilization. The rate of MgATP-independent secretion is rapid and terminates by approximately 2 min after introduction of Ca2+. MgATP-independent secretion is labile and is lost unless Ca2+ is introduced within 8 min of permeabilization. MgATP-dependent secretion occurs at a slower rate than MgATP-independent secretion and continues at a constant rate for 12 min. Preincubation of permeabilized cells with MgATP enhances Ca2+-dependent secretion during a subsequent incubation in the absence of MgATP. Similar MgATP sensitivities are observed when MgATP is present only prior to or only during stimulation with Ca2+ with half-maximal stimulation occurring at 0.4-0.5 and 0.6 mM MgATP, respectively. The data indicate that intact cells are primed by intracellular ATP so that immediately upon permeabilization, there is a component of secretion which is independent of medium MgATP. MgATP partially maintains the primed state after permeabilization by acting before Ca2+ in the secretory pathway.  相似文献   

D I Mundy  W J Strittmatter 《Cell》1985,40(3):645-656
Exocytosis is initiated by the receptor-mediated influx of calcium that results in fusion of the secretory vesicle with the plasma membrane. We examined the possibility that calcium-dependent exocytosis in mast cells and adrenal chromaffin cells requires metalloendoprotease activity. Metalloendoprotease inhibitors and dipeptide substrates block exocytosis in these cells with the same specificity and dose dependency as that with which they interact with metalloendoproteases. Metalloendoprotease activity is identified in these cells with fluorogenic synthetic substrates, which also blocked exocytosis. Metalloendoprotease activity is highest in the plasma membrane of chromaffin cells. The metalloendoprotease appears to be required in exocytosis at a step dependent on or after calcium entry, since exocytosis initiated by direct calcium introduction in both mast cells and chromaffin cells is blocked by metalloendoprotease inhibitors.  相似文献   

Cultured bovine adrenal medullary chromaffin cells were stimulated to secrete catecholamines by addition of veratridine or nicotine. The formation of an exocytotic pit exposes a major secretory granule membrane antigen, the enzyme dopamine beta-hydroxylase, to the external medium. By including antiserum to this enzyme in the medium, we were able to visualize sites of exocytosis by decoration of bound antibody using a fluorescent second antibody. Internalization of this antibody- antigen complex was then followed in chase experiments: approximately half the surface complex was internalized in 15-30 min. In other experiments, secretion was triggered in the absence of antiserum, and surface enzyme was revealed by binding antibodies at various times after secretion had been halted by an antagonist. Surface patches of antigen remained discrete from the bulk of the plasma membrane for at least 30 min, although a substantial proportion of the antigen was internalized within this time. Cell surface concanavalin A receptors were internalized at a roughly similar rate, suggesting that mechanisms may be similar. After internalization, chromaffin granule membranes fused to larger structures, possibly lysosomes, and were transported over a few hours to the perinuclear region of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium-dependent exocytosis in leaky bovine adrenal medullary cells has a requirement for Mg-ATP. One possibility is that exocytosis depends in some way on the operation of the ATP-dependent proton pump that serves to maintain the core of the secretory vesicles both acid and at a positive potential with respect to the cytosol. This possibility has been tested in leaky cells by monitoring exocytosis under conditions where the secretory vesicle pH and potential gradients are measuredin situ. The results show rather clearly that exocytosis can persist, with unchanged Ca-activation kinetics, in the virtual absence both of a difference in pH between the cytosol and secretory vesicle core and also of a difference in potential across the vesicle membrane. The results do not, however, exclude a small modulating effect of vesicle pH or potential on exocytosis and shed no light on whether or not the plasma membrane potential, which is maintained close to zero in these experiments, influences exocytosis.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

Although cytosolic Ca2+ transients are known to influence the magnitude and duration of hormone and neurotransmitter release, the processes regulating the decay of such transients after cell stimulation are not well understood. Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ efflux across the secretory vesicle membrane, following its incorporation into the plasma membrane, may play a significant role in Ca2+ efflux after stimulation of secretion. We have measured an enhanced 45Ca2+ efflux from cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells following cell stimulation with depolarizing medium (75 mM K+) or nicotine (10 microM). Such stimulation also causes Ca2+ uptake via voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and secretion of catecholamines. Na+ replacement with any of several substitutes (N-methyl-glucamine, Li+, choline, or sucrose) during cell stimulation inhibited the enhanced 45Ca2+ efflux, indicating and Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ efflux process. Na+ deprivation did not inhibit 45Ca2+ uptake or catecholamine secretion evoked by elevated K+. Suppression of exocytotic incorporation of secretory vesicle membranes into the plasma membrane with hypertonic medium (620 mOsm) or by lowering temperature to 12 degrees C inhibited K(+)-stimulated 45Ca2+ efflux in Na(+)-containing medium but did not inhibit the stimulated 45Ca2+ uptake. Enhancement of exocytotic secretion with pertussis toxin resulted in an enhanced 45Ca2+ efflux without affecting calcium uptake. The combined results suggest that Na(+)-dependent Ca2+ efflux across secretory vesicle membranes, following their incorporation into the plasma membrane during exocytosis, plays a significant role in regulating calcium efflux and the decay of cytosolic Ca2+ in adrenal chromaffin cells and possibly in related secretory cells.  相似文献   

An osmotic mechanism for exocytosis from dissociated chromaffin cells   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Dissociated chromaffin cells from bovine adrenal medulla were stimulated to secrete epinephrine and dopamine beta-hydroxylase with a variety of secretagogues in a study designed to test the hypothesis that the chemiosmotic lysis reaction of isolated chromaffin granules might in some way be related to the mechanism of release during exocytosis. Increasing the osmotic strength of the incubation medium with either NaCl or sucrose led to suppression of secretion of epinephrine from the cells regardless of whether secretion was induced with veratridine or acetylcholine. Suppression of secretion was approximately exponential with respect to osmotic strength. Epinephrine secretion occurred only if the medium contained a permeant anion such as chloride, and secretion induced by veratridine was suppressed when Na isethionate replaced NaCl in the medium. In an extensive study with different monovalent anions veratridine supported epinephrine secretion according to the following activity series: Br-, I-, NO3- greater than methylsulfate, SCN- greater than Cl greater than acetate much greater than isethionate. A similar series, except for the potency of NO3-, was observed with A23187 as agonist. In general, the anion series for granule lysis was analogous. However, there was a poor quantitative correlation between the anion dependence of chemiosmotic granule lysis and the anion dependence of cell secretion. Anion transport inhibitors such as probenecid and pyridoxal phosphate also inhibited secretion while the stilbene disulfonates were inactive. The ineffectiveness of the stilbene disulfonates further distinguished chemiosmotic granule lysis from cell secretion. Secretion of catecholamines, induced by veratridine or nicotine, a cholinergic agonist, was suppressed when NaCl in the medium was replaced by isosmotic sucrose and unexpectedly low levels of dopamine beta-hydroxylase were observed in some cases. In sum, these properties of secreting chromaffin cells resembled some properties of isolated chromaffin granules incubated in ATP and Cl-, but were different in a number of instances. We, therefore, have interpreted our data to indicate that while some mechanistic relationships may indeed exist between the release event in exocytosis from chromaffin cells and the chemiosmotic lysis reaction characteristic of isolated chromaffin granules, an understanding of the energetics of exocytosis awaits the discovery of reasons for the quantitative differences between the two systems.  相似文献   

A central concept in the physiology of neurosecretion is that a rise in cytosolic [Ca2+] in the vicinity of plasmalemmal Ca2+ channels due to Ca2+ influx elicits exocytosis. Here, we examine the effect on spontaneous exocytosis of a rise in focal cytosolic [Ca2+] in the vicinity of ryanodine receptors (RYRs) due to release from internal stores in the form of Ca2+ syntillas. Ca2+ syntillas are focal cytosolic transients mediated by RYRs, which we first found in hypothalamic magnocellular neuronal terminals. (scintilla, Latin for spark; found in nerve terminals, normally synaptic structures.) We have also observed Ca2+ syntillas in mouse adrenal chromaffin cells. Here, we examine the effect of Ca2+ syntillas on exocytosis in chromaffin cells. In such a study on elicited exocytosis, there are two sources of Ca2+: one due to influx from the cell exterior through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, and that due to release from intracellular stores. To eliminate complications arising from Ca2+ influx, we have examined spontaneous exocytosis where influx is not activated. We report here that decreasing syntillas leads to an increase in spontaneous exocytosis measured amperometrically. Two independent lines of experimentation each lead to this conclusion. In one case, release from stores was blocked by ryanodine; in another, stores were partially emptied using thapsigargin plus caffeine, after which syntillas were decreased. We conclude that Ca2+ syntillas act to inhibit spontaneous exocytosis, and we propose a simple model to account quantitatively for this action of syntillas.  相似文献   

Neurons and neuroendocrine cells release transmitters and hormones by exocytosis, a highly regulated process in which secretory vesicles or granules fuse with the plasma membrane to release their contents in response to a calcium trigger. Several stages have been recognized in exocytosis. After recruitment and docking at the plasma membrane, vesicles/granules enter a priming step, which is then followed by the fusion process. Cortical actin remodelling accompanies the exocytotic reaction, but the links between actin dynamics and trafficking events remain poorly understood. Here, we review the action of Rho and ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) GTPases within the exocytotic pathway in adrenal chromaffin cells. Rho proteins are well known for their pivotal role in regulating the actin cytoskeleton. ARFs were originally identified as regulators of vesicle transport within cells. The possible interplay between these two families of GTPases and their downstream effectors provides novel insights into the mechanisms that govern exocytosis.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion remains one of the less well-understood processes in cell biology. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed to explain how the generation of fusogenic lipids at sites of exocytosis facilitates secretion in mammalian cells. Over the last decade, chromaffin cells have served as an important cellular model to demonstrate a key role for phospholipase D1 (PLD1) generated phosphatidic acid in regulated exocytosis. The current model proposes that phosphatidic acid plays a biophysical role, generating a negative curvature and thus promoting fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane. Moreover, multiple signaling pathways converging on PLD1 regulation have been unraveled in chromaffin cells, suggesting a complex level of regulation dependant on the physiological context.  相似文献   

Catecholamine-storing chromaffin cells, isolated from bovine adrenal medullae by collagenase digestion, were stimulated with carbachol at 37 degrees C; aliquots for controls were kept at 37 degrees C: Starting from this temperature, cells were ultrarapidly frozen with the use of a sandwich-propane-jet procedure and freeze-fractured. The replicas were analysed quantitatively for exocytotic activity: After stimulation the cell membrane displayed a significant increase of exo-endocytotic openings varying in size from 20 to 300 nm. The number of openings increased in parallel to the catecholamine output. At no stage could a clearing of membrane-intercalated particles (MIPs) be observed. Openings of all size classes were etchable. Results from the PF-face were comparable with those of the EF-face. We conclude that (i) exocytosis in isolated chromaffin cells starts as a focal event; the smallest possible stages are about 10 nm in size, (ii) fusion proceeds without previous rearrangement of MIPs, and (iii) the opening starts without formation of a diaphragm.  相似文献   

The heavy and light chains of botulinum A toxin were separated by anion exchange chromatography. Their intracellular actions were studied using bovine adrenal chromaffin cells permeabilized with streptolysin O. Purified light chain inhibited the Ca2+-stimulated [3H]noradrenaline release with a half-maximal effect at about 1.8 nM. The inhibition was incomplete. Heavy chain up to 28 nM was neither effective by itself nor did it enhance the inhibitory effect of light chain. It is concluded that the light chain of botulinum A toxin contains the functional domain responsible for the inhibition of exocytosis.  相似文献   

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