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Abstract. 1. The dispersal of the gall-forming tephritid Urophora cardui L. (Diptera: Tephritidae) and its endoparasitoid Eurytoma serratulae Latr. (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) from an experimental colony were investigated over a period of 4 years.
2. The dispersal rate for both fly and endoparasitoid was one to two magnitudes higher than in previous studies, which found 100 m per generation maximally. The dispersal rate of the endoparasitoid was not less than that of its host. Most newly founded colonies were small and had high extinction rates.
3. The viability of colonies of U. cardui did not correlate with the distance from the dispersal centre.
4. The dispersal rates observed are high enough to allow a multiple spread and extinction in mid-Europe in the post-pleistocene period.  相似文献   

Namin SM  Nozari J 《ZooKeys》2011,(152):63-70
Urophora merzisp. n. reared from flower heads of Centaurea behen Linnaeus is described from Iran. It is similar to Urophora campestris, Urophora sachalinensis, Urophora stylata, Urophora tsoii and Urophora vera in wing pattern with 3 well developed crossbands and indistinct subbasal crossband, differing in aculeus tip with two pairs of diminished preapical steps and different host plants.  相似文献   

Two European gall-producing insects,Urophora affinisFrfld. (Diptera: Tephritidae) andMetzneria paucipunctella(Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were introduced into Virginia in 1986 for biological control of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosaLam.). Adults ofU. affinis(n = 2625) andM. paucipunctella(n = 450) were released at two sites in Montgomery County, Virginia, and their populations were monitored yearly by dissecting spotted knapweed flower heads. Beginning in 1992, knapweed samples collected at various distances from the release sites were checked for dispersal.U. affinisis well established and is spreading slowly. The number of larvae per flower head and the seed numbers are inversely related as plants with the greatest number of larvae per spotted knapweed head had the lowest number of seeds. Knapweed density has declined at one of the release sites which had the highest rate of infestation byU. affinis.Establishment of the moth,M. paucipunctella,is less certain as it has been recovered at a very low level from only one site.  相似文献   

We test the adaptive value of clutch size observed in a natural population of the chestnut weevil Curculio elephas. Clutch size is defined as the number of immatures per infested chestnut. In natural conditions, clutch size averages 1.7 eggs. By manipulating clutch size in the field, we demonstrate that deviations from the theoretical ”Lack clutch size”, estimated as eight immatures, are mainly due to proximate and delayed effects of clutch size on offspring performance. We show the existence of a trade-off between clutch size and larval weight. The latter, a key life-history trait, is highly correlated with fitness because it is a strong determinant of larval survival and potential fecundity of offspring females. The fitness of different potential oviposition strategies characterized by their clutch sizes, ranging from one to nine immatures, was calculated from field- estimated parameters. Chestnut weevil females obtain an evolutionary advantage by laying their eggs singly, since, for instance, fitness of single-egg clutches exceeds fitness of two-egg clutches and four-egg clutches by 8.0% and 15.1% respectively. Received 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

Egg and clutch sizes, and gonad somatic index (GSI) at maturity of the amphidromous goby Rhinogobius giurinus were examined in the Aizu River, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The goby tended to have a larger clutch size, with smaller eggs, and matured at the lower GSI, compared with those in the three sympatric amphidromous species of R. brunneus complex. Higher water temperature and abundant food conditions may affect the optimal egg size in R. giurinus. Besides, higher larval survival rate during downstream migration may affect lower GSI at maturity in this goby that usually inhabits lower reaches of the river.  相似文献   

J. J. Sanz  J. Moreno 《Oecologia》1995,103(3):358-364
We performed a food provisioning experiment in a population of Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca breeding at high altitude in central Spain to test if food availability before and during laying determines clutch size. Food was provided to one of two pairs with the same date of initiation of nest-building (15 dyads of subsequently reproducing pairs were thus created). Food provisioning began on the day of initiation of nest-building and ended on the day after the last egg was laid. Although laying date was unaffected by the experiment, clutch size in the experimental treatment was significantly larger. This result could indicate that food availability at laying (1) proximately constrained clutch size or (2) that females evaluated future conditions for incubating eggs and feeding nestlings based on food availability at laying. Reproductive success (proportion of eggs that resulted in fledged young) was significantly reduced in the experimental treatment. This effect suggest that supplemented females were tricked by the experiment into laying more eggs than the number of eggs they were able to incubate with success and the number of nestlings they were able to feed, a source of error in clutch size adjustment which could be common in non-experimental situations.  相似文献   

Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the most recent of four tephritid fruit fly species accidentally introduced into Hawaii. Although parasitoids have been released against other tephritid fruit fly species and have shown partial success in Hawaii, no parasitoids were released until 2004 to suppress populations of B. latifrons. The present study was conducted to document the parasitoid complex that has naturally established against B. latifrons in Hawaii and to assess whether there is a need for improving the biological control of this species. Based on ripe turkeyberry (Solanum torvum Sw) fruit collections over three consecutive years B. latifrons was the dominant tephritid fruit fly infestating turkeyberry at all four sites surveyed, across three major islands in Hawaii. The overall percentage parasitism of B. latifrons ranged from a low of 0.8% (Hana, Maui) to a high of 8.8% (Kahaluu, Oahu). Five primary parasitoid species were recovered from individually held B. latifrons puparia: Fopius arisanus (Sonan), Psyttalia incisi (Silvestri), Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), D. tryoni (Cameron), and Tetrastichus giffardianus Silvestri. F. arisanus was the predominant parasitoid at three of the four sites. Low levels of parasitism suggest that there is a need to improve biological control of B. latifrons, to minimize chances of this species causing economic impacts on crop production in Hawaii. We discuss the possibility of improving biological control of B. latifrons through augmentative releases of F. arisanus or introduction and release of specific and efficient new parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Under controlled conditions, the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann) preferred to initiate oviposition into preexisting, naturally formed oviposition punctures in a host fruit, kumquat (Fortunella japonica),over establishing new sites on the fruit. This preference was expressed despite the presence of naturally deposited host-marking pheromone (HMP)shown previously to deter oviposition. An almost-identical preference for existing punctures was expressed when females were presented with fruit bearing artificially made punctures on which HMP had been naturally deposited. Using artificial punctures and HMP extracts, the occurrence of punctures was manipulated independently of the presence of HMP.Under field-cage conditions, we found that (1) punctures stimulated egg-laying on kumquats, regardless of HMP treatment; (2) HMP extract inhibited egg-laying, regardless of the occurrence of punctures; and (3) the extent to which HMP inhibited egg-laying was greater on fruit free of punctures than on fruit bearing them. The physiological, evolutionary, and pest management implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Larger male Caribbean fruit flies are more likely to be chosen as mates and defeat rivals in territorial contests. Yet males are smaller than females. Adaptive explanations for relatively small male size include (1) acceleration of male development to maximize female encounter rates, (2) selection for greater female size to increase fecundity, and (3) selection for body sizes most suitable for sexually dimorphic degrees of mobility, speed, and distance flight. None of these unambiguously accounts for the degree of sexual dimorphism. Male development is not accelerated relative to that of females. On average, males remain inside fruit longer than females and those males with extended development periods are smaller than more rapidly developing individuals. There is no evidence that female enlargement alone, presumably for greater fecundity, has generated the degree of dimorphism in the Caribbean fruit fly or other fruit flies. The relationship between dimorphism and mean female body size in 27 species of Tephritidae is the opposite of what would be predicted if differences in dimorphism were due to differences in unilateral female enlargement. Larger size in a species or in one sex of a species may be an adaptation for extensive flight. In general, among 32 species of fruit flies, as body size increases, wing shape becomes progressively more suited for distance flight. However, there are important exceptions to this correlation. Both sexual selection and nonadaptive allometries may contribute to the range of dimorphisms within the family.  相似文献   

Infectivity of six entomopathogenic nematode (EPNs) species against Bactrocera oleae was compared. Similar infection levels were observed when third-instar larvae were exposed to infective juveniles (IJs) on a sand-potting soil substrate. When IJs were sprayed over naturally infested fallen olives, many larvae died within treated olives as well as in the soil; Steinernema feltiae caused the highest overall mortality of 67.9%. In addition, three laboratory experiments were conducted to optimize a time period for S. feltiae field application. (1) Abundance of fly larvae inside fallen olives was estimated over the 2006–2007 season with the highest number of susceptible larvae (3 mm and larger) per 100 olives being observed during December, 2006. (2) S. feltiae efficacy against fly larvae dropped to the soil post-IJ-application was determined. B. oleae added to the substrate before and after nematode application were infected at similar levels. (3) Effect of three temperature regimes (min–max: 10–27, 6–18, and 3–12 °C) corresponding to October through December in Davis, California on S. feltiae survival and infectivity was determined. After 8 weeks, the IJs at the 3–12 °C treatment showed the highest survival rate. However, the cold temperature significantly limited S. feltiae infectivity. Our results demonstrate that B. oleae mature larvae are susceptible to EPN infection both in the soil and within infested olives. Being the most effective species, S. feltiae may have the potential to suppress overwintering populations of B. oleae. We suggest that November is the optimal time for S. feltiae field application in Northern California.  相似文献   

The seed‐fly Urophora solstitialis was imported into Australia from southern France. Previous workers had shown that this seed‐fly limited its attack to selected members of the genus Carduus. Host specificity studies revealed that no native Australian plant tested from the family Asteraceae was a suitable host plant. Permission to release the fly was granted, and it was released in three regions of the New South Wales tablelands. The fly underwent a second generation at two of the release sites, and reasons for its failure to do so at the third are suggested. It has successfully established itself in all three regions, having completed a full seasonal cycle in the field.  相似文献   

Steinmetz R  Johannesen J  Seitz A 《Genetica》2004,122(3):277-290
In the present study we investigate a contact zone between two population groups of the tephritid fly Urophora cardui. We investigate scenarios that may have produced the genetic differentiation of the two groups, and we describe the 'rare allele phenomenon' from the contact zone. The rare allele phenomenon refers to alleles that are found at high frequency in contact zones but are rare or lacking outside the contact zone. The phenomenon is often observed in hybrid zones between subspecies of limited reproductive compatibility, but seldom in populations with random mating. Clinal genetic variation was observed at three loci in the contact zone. Three alleles at the locus Aat showed steep clines, between 20--70 km wide. A rare Aat-A allele occurred at high frequency in the centre of the contact zone. Two further loci, Hk and Pgd, showed less steep clinal genetic variation, the transition being in and slightly south of the centre of the Aat cline. Populations showed Hardy--Weinberg proportions and there was no evidence for linkage dis-equlibrium. These findings suggest random mating and gradual introgression between the population systems, which may originate from at least two range expansions. Aat's steep clines and rare allele may indicate selection on Aat alleles, although we presently can not quantify any agents. Because U. cardui experiences random mating in the contact zone with no apparent 'hybrid' incompatibility, mating experiments offer the possibility for future enquiries about the genetic basis of the rare allele phenomenon.  相似文献   

Models of small clutch sizes predict a number of invariant relationships between means and variances of measures of reproductive investment. However, empirical tests of the models have been lagging behind theoretical work. We tested the predictions using data on the mallee dragon, Ctenophorus fordi, a species where the basic assumptions of the models are likely to be fulfilled. Some, but not all, qualitative predictions of the models were shown to hold true, but the data fitted poorly to quantitative predictions. The patterns of deviation from theory may suggest the presence of a lower, and potentially an upper, limit on egg mass. We also argue that multiple and non-independent allocation decisions between total reproductive effort, growth and maintenance, and offspring size-number allocation could be important factors in the evolution of size-number strategies in lizards and thus need to be taken into account in theoretical models. The present study shows the potential to use small clutch size models to gain further insights into reproductive investment and allocation decisions in squamates.  相似文献   

Superparasitism frequency and its effects on the quality of mass-reared Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) parasitoids were investigated under laboratory conditions. Percentage of adult emergence, sex ratio, survival, fecundity and flight ability of adult parasitoids that emerged from Anastrepha ludens (Loew) pupae with different levels of superparasitism were determined. A high prevalence of superparasitism was observed. The number of scars per pupa, produced by insertion of the parasitoid ovipositor, ranged from 1 to 30, with an average (±SD) of 8.3 ± 6.2. Adult parasitoid emergence decreased as the level of superparasitism increased. However, the fraction of females rose with increasing superparasitism and the flight ability was lower in adults emerging from pupae with only one scar, compared with adults emerging from superparasitized hosts. Female longevity and fecundity were not affected by superparasitism. Our results support the hypothesis that superparasitism in D. longicaudata might be adaptive, since adults emerging from hosts with moderate levels of superparasitism showed the highest percentage of emergence and there were no significant differences in the other quality control parameters tested. Our findings are relevant to the mass rearing process, where the ratio of hosts to parasitoids can be optimized as well as the distribution of eggs deposited in host larvae. This contributes to efficient mass rearing methods for augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

In fish that exhibit paternal care, the females often choose their mates on the basis of male traits that are indicative of the parental ability of the males. In a marine goby, Eviota prasina, males tend their eggs within their nests until hatching, and females prefer males that have longer dorsal fins and exhibit courtship behavior with a higher frequency as their mates. In order to clarify the relationship between these sexually selected traits and the parental ability of males of E. prasina, the factors affecting the hatching success of eggs within male nests and the male parental care behavior were examined in an aquarium experiment. Females spawned their eggs in male nests and the clutch size of females showed a high individual variation (range = 88-833 eggs). The hatching success of eggs within male nests showed a positive correlation with the time spent by males in fanning eggs and the clutch size. In contrast to the prediction, however, the hatching success did not show a significant correlation with the sexually selected traits, i.e., the male dorsal fin length and the frequency of courtship displays. Moreover, multiple regression analysis indicated that the time spent by the males in fanning was the most important factor affecting the survival rate of the eggs. The time spent by males in fanning behavior was influenced by the clutch size within their nests; the fanning behavior of males occurred with a higher frequency when they tended larger clutches. Males are required to invest a greater effort in egg-tending behavior to achieve a higher hatching success when they receive larger clutches, probably due to the greater reward for their parental behavior. Based on their mate choice, females may obtain other benefits such as high quality offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although most studies on fruit fly oviposition behaviour focus on horizontal interactions with competitors and cues from host plants, vertical interactions with predators are poorly documented. The present study provides direct evidence indicating that the oviposition behaviour of the two main mango fruit fly species, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker) and Bactrocera invadens Drew‐Tsurata & White, is affected by secretions of the dominant arboreal ant Oecophylla longinoda (Latreille). When offered ant‐exposed and unexposed mangoes in the absence of the ants, both fly species are reluctant to land on ant‐exposed fruits and, when having landed, often take off quickly and fail to oviposit. The number of puparia collected from unexposed mangoes is approximately eight‐fold higher than from ant‐exposed ones. The results obtained from laboratory experiments and field observations confirm that adult fruit flies are more affected through repellence by ant cues than by direct predation. The use of cues by fruit flies in predator avoidance has implications for evolutionary ecology, behavioural ecology and chemical ecology.  相似文献   

Classical biological control is suggested as a tool worth developing now for possible future use in the integrated pest management of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly),Ceratitis capitata(Wiedemann), in California. Three factors that impact broadly on developing and implementing such a biological control program are: (1) the question of Medfly establishment, (2) quarantine considerations, and (3) agricultural and urban concerns. Each of these factors and their combined effects must be considered when discussing biological control of Medfly in California as shaped by historical perspectives on Medfly invasions, methods of Medfly eradication, and past biological control efforts against Medfly. We believe that biological control research should play a foundational role in any future Medfly management programs in California. Development of biological control should involve life history studies of Medfly and its natural enemies in their area of endemicity in sub-Saharan, southeast Africa. Medfly has been studied and should continue to be studied in areas it has invaded, because information derived from such studies provides insights into the potential distribution, abundance, and impact of Medfly populations in California. A plan for a biological research program on Medfly and its relatives and a biological control strategy are presented.  相似文献   

The genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of one of the major agricultural pests, the olive fruit fly Bactrocera oleae, are presented here. The mitotic metaphase complement of this insect consists of six pairs of chromosomes including one pair of heteromorphic sex chromosomes, with the male being the heterogametic sex. The analysis of the polytene complements of three larval tissues, the fat body, the salivary glands and the Malpighian tubules of this pest has shown (a) a total number of five long chromosomes (10 polytene arms) that correspond to the five autosomes of the mitotic nuclei and a heterochromatic mass corresponding to the sex chromosomes, (b) the constancy of the banding pattern of the three somatic tissues, (c) the absence of a typical chromocenter as an accumulation of heterochromatin, (d) the existence of reverse tandem duplications, and (e) the presence of toroid tips of the chromosome arms. The in situhybridization of genes or DNA sequences to the salivary gland polytene chromosomes of B. oleaeprovided molecular markers for all five autosomes and permitted the establishment of chromosomal homologies among B. olea, B. tryoniand Ceratitis capitata. The heat shock response of B. oleae, as revealed by heat-inducible puffing and protein pattern, shows a higher thermotolerance than Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

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