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内蒙古查布地区下白垩统巨齿龙足印化石   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
内蒙古鄂尔多斯市鄂托克旗查布地区下白垩统中产有大量的蜥脚类和兽脚类恐龙足迹及鸟类足迹化石,作者对这个地区的足迹化石进行全面普查,发现许多新暴露出来的恐龙足迹化石,包括兽脚类恐龙足迹一新属新种Chapuslockleyiichnogen.etichnosp.nov.属于巨齿龙类(megalosaurid)所留。与兽脚类足迹保存在一起的蜥脚类足迹Brontopodusbirdi分布凌乱,反映了造迹恐龙搏斗的场面。通过测量连续的兽脚类足迹计算,Chapuslockleyi的造迹恐龙的行走速度为4.33km/h。通过足迹化石还识别出造迹恐龙的病态特征。  相似文献   

详细描述了中国西北部新疆吐鲁番市鄯善足迹点、中侏罗统三间房组的兽脚类足迹组合。连同新发现在内,共描述了143个足迹,并阐明其不同的保存状况与额外形态变化。在足迹分类学上,这批足迹被归入石炭张北足迹(Changpeipus carbonicus),该足迹种常见于中国其他侏罗纪足迹点。前人的研究认为此地有两种不同的足迹形态,但研究表明这是由软且湿滑的基底造成的额外形态变化。足迹的结构特征亦不支持此地存在不同的足迹种。此外,对比了其他化石点类似的足迹,认为张北足迹为单型属,即模式种石炭张北足迹。鄯善足迹点的足迹长度从12.2 cm(几个孤立的样本)到47 cm,足迹应由不同年龄段的、小型至中型的同类造迹者或不同类的造迹者所留。奇异的足迹状态包括了一个滑动造成的足迹,足迹由三道平行条带构成,条带应为第II,III和IV趾所留。一个与其关联的"正常"足迹可能与该滑动足迹构成一个单步。与足迹共生的、丰富的无脊椎动物遗迹化石支持该化石点的沉积环境是一个逐步扩大和深化的湖泊。前人的研究将此地的无脊椎动物遗迹化石归入洛克迹(Lockeia),新的研究将其归入福尔斯迹(Fuersichnus),这类遗迹被归于泥食性昆虫幼虫或其他无脊椎动物所留。福尔斯迹指示的环境特征是在泥泞的河漫滩或湖泊边缘居住与/或觅食。  相似文献   

河北侏罗-白垩纪界线最古老的恐爪龙类足迹   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述中国河北省赤城县倪家沟化石点一组恐龙行迹,并命名一新属新种--中国猛龙足迹(Menglongipus sinensis ichnogen.et ichnosp.nov.).足迹来自土城子组,位于侏罗-白孚纪界线.相邻的义县组曾发现最古老的恐爪龙类骨骼化石,而中国猛龙足迹的发现表明恐爪龙类早在义县组之前便出现在该地区.中国猛龙足迹的造迹者体长约65cm,非常接近于基十的近鸟类.此外,为四川伶盗龙足迹(Velociraptorichnus sichuanensis)的模式标本提供更多细节,并讨论驰龙类足迹型与其他兽脚类足迹之间的联系.  相似文献   

中国江苏省东海县南古寨孟疃组发现了数种恐龙足迹,包括兽脚类足迹和蜥脚类足迹。这些足迹出现在同一层位的四个相邻的足迹化石点。这些足迹化石点至少保存了三种不同形态的兽脚类足迹和未成年—成年的蜥脚类足迹。南古寨三号足迹化石点的兽脚类足迹和蜥脚类足迹出现了"回填"现象,这是在足迹所附带的沉积物与基底地面相互作用下,产生的流体和塑性行为下形成的。  相似文献   

近年来,中国西北部兰州-民和盆地的中铺地区河口群发现了一批恐龙骨骼化石和足迹化石。中铺地区的蜥脚类与兽脚类足迹组合相对丰富,但大多数标本保存较差。大夏足迹点发现了保存较好的类似亚洲足迹的跷脚龙类足迹(Asianopodus-like grallatorid tracks),足迹有着中趾弱前凸(weak mesaxony)。李家沟一号点的足迹组合包括了较大的兽脚类足迹和大型的、非三趾型四足类足迹,后者可能是蜥脚类足迹。李家沟二号点的足迹为多层的蜥脚类足迹,这表明了这类恐龙的活跃性,巨龙类的骨骸也可能来自同一层位。虽然中铺足迹组合不如同属河口群的盐锅峡足迹组合那么具有多样化与得以充分暴露,但依然体现了该地区以及中国早白垩世地层的典型足迹组合。  相似文献   

重新观察和修订发现于四川资中县金李井镇碾盘山村中侏罗统沙溪庙组中的碾盘山金李井足迹(Jin-lijingpus nianpanshanensis Young and Young,1987),将其归属于实雷龙足迹属,种名保留,更名为碾盘山实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes nianpanshanensis comb.nov.)。新足迹种的特征为:足迹长大于足迹宽,行迹1的足迹长39.8cm,足迹宽33.7cm,行迹2的足迹长26cm,足迹宽24.2cm。足迹深度在2.5—3.0cm之间,无前足迹,两足行走,三趾型,趾行式,趾端具爪,Ⅲ趾最长。两条行迹的趾间角分别为Ⅱ25°Ⅲ33°Ⅳ和Ⅱ29°Ⅲ30.6°Ⅳ。单步长与足迹长之比为2.5,行迹外宽与足迹宽之比为1.5,复步角约为160°。从足迹的形态、大小和深度以及行迹的方向和速度来看,这两条行迹的造迹恐龙之间可能有某种亲缘关系。  相似文献   

重庆市已报道了4处侏罗纪的恐龙足迹点,包括下侏罗统珍珠冲组的大足化石点,该地点发现了中国迄今最古老的蜥脚类行迹;另外两处化石点(南岸和金鸡)的层位曾被视为中或上侏罗统,这里首次将其确认为上侏罗统上沙溪庙组;第4处化石点(成渝), 本文全部作者目前都未曾观察,这里不做描述。南岸化石点是南岸重庆足迹(Chongqingpus nananensis)模式标本的所在地,位于重庆市中心,曾发现过大量兽脚类足迹,如今已消逝在城市化进程中。幸运的是,这批标本被保存于重庆自然博物馆,本文作者曾前后两次对其进行研究,并得出文中的结论。南岸重庆足迹为中型足迹(平均长约29 cm), 最可能被卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)所囊括,这批标本中有一些保存着边界不清的拇趾迹。该化石点的其他足迹被归于似异样龙足迹(cf. Anomoepus)。其他较小的、来自重庆市周边中侏罗统中部的足迹此前已被归于跷脚龙足迹(Grallator)。金鸡化石点保存了一条孤立的兽脚类行迹,因其粗壮的特征而被暂时归于似窄足龙足迹(cf. Therangospodus)。金鸡点的行迹也保存了非连续出现的拇趾迹。虽然重庆市和四川盆地及其周边更广泛地区之侏罗纪地层发现的兽脚类足迹日渐增多,但要明确其确切地质年龄及有效的足迹分类依然需要进一步工作。这是因为侏罗纪的恐龙足迹尽管丰富,但显示出连续变化的形态学特征,而保存状况的变化更使其难以在时间与空间上做出定义与鉴别。  相似文献   

四川盆地须家河组地层已发现了两处兽脚类恐龙足迹化石点,其大小分别与实雷龙足迹(Eubrontes)和跷脚龙足迹(Grallator)相仿。其中与实雷龙足迹大小相近的足迹包括了两个连续的后足迹,并构成行迹的一部分,已被命名为磁峰彭县足迹(Pengxianpus cifengensis)。与粗壮的实雷龙足迹相比,彭县足迹有着较细长的脚趾、保存尚清晰的趾垫、较宽的趾间角,这些特征都与晚三叠世–早侏罗世的卡岩塔足迹(Kayentapus)相似。目前尚不能证明彭县足迹和卡岩塔足迹属于同物异名,彭县足迹仍然被保留。两个足迹的部分区域都保存有皮肤纹理和多边形的鳞片印痕,其中最清晰的是第二个彭县足迹第四趾的跖趾垫处。与跷脚龙足迹大小相近的、较小的兽脚类恐龙足迹也组成不甚完整的行迹。它们表现出的较宽趾间角与卡岩塔足迹和彭县足迹相似,这里暂将其归入兽脚类足迹属种未定。彭县足迹的另一特别之处在于,岩板表面还有着小的前/后足迹,可归入似哺乳四足类动物足迹,其形态类似于北美和南非三叠系–侏罗系地层产出的同类足迹。这是亚洲东南部似哺乳类足迹的首次报道。  相似文献   

离龙是一类生活在中侏罗世至中新世的半水生掠食性动物。白垩纪早期,部分离龙类演化为与现生鳄鱼形态类似的大型长吻爬行动物,称为新离龙类。报道了来自山东省下白垩统蒙阴组的一长吻型离龙新种——袖珍蒙山龙(Mengshanosaurus minimus),正型标本头骨全长仅35 mm,是迄今为止发现的最小新离龙类个体。根据未完全骨化的颅腔和额骨-顶骨间尚存未愈合的圆孔,推测蒙山龙正型标本为一幼年个体。系统发育分析显示,蒙山龙属于新离龙类,具有单个外鼻孔,单一鼻骨和下颞孔开放等新离龙类的共有衍征。在新离龙类内部,蒙山龙分类位置较为基干,为伊克昭龙属(Ikechosaurus)、车尔龙属(Tchoiria)、西莫多龙属(Simoedosaurus)和鳄龙属(Champsosaurus)组成的支系的姐妹群。蒙山龙区别于其他新离龙类的特征包括泪孔位于前额骨与泪骨之间,以及增大的腭面齿(宽度超过上颌齿的1/3)。蒙山龙具有长吻和紧密排列的尖利牙齿,推测离龙类幼体与现生鳄类幼体食性类似,以水生昆虫和无脊椎动物为食。现生鳄类在发育过程中,吻部的形态常发生改变,牙齿也会从尖细的形状转向圆钝;而蒙山龙的吻部和牙齿的形态与已知大体型的成体新离龙类没有明显区别,这说明相较于现生鳄类,新离龙类在发育过程中生态位的变化并不显著。  相似文献   

研究和讨论贵州贞丰龙场中三叠统关岭组中发现的一系列足迹。通过与贞丰县牛场足迹进行比较,利用现场采制的石膏拓模以及胶片描图,绘制单个足迹和一系列足迹的图形,并测出步蝠角和趾间角等角度。参照国际上流行的计算方法,利用足迹学的知识对现场足迹进行分析,初步得出造迹动物形态和运动状态的一些特征。同时,通过牛场、龙场两地足迹趾尖印痕的对比,着重讨论手兽在运动时脚掌着地和发力的挣点,从而阐述该造迹动物的一些运动习性。文中还将研究的足迹与恐龙进行简单对比,期待以后对手兽更深入的研究能够更好地认识恐龙的出现。  相似文献   

Two thin‐toed tridactyl tracks in a fluvial sandstone bed of the Eumeralla Formation (Albian) at Dinosaur Cove (Victoria, Australia) were likely made by avian trackmakers, making these the oldest known fossil bird tracks in Australia and the only Early Cretaceous ones from Gondwana. These tracks, which co‐occur on the same surface with a slightly larger nonavian theropod track, are distinguishable by their anisodactyl form, hallux impressions and wide digit II–IV divarication angles. A lengthy hallux impression and other deformational structures associated with one track indicate foot movement consistent with an abrupt stop, suggesting its tracemaker landed after either flight or a hop. The single nonavian theropod track is similar to other tracks described from the Eumeralla Formation at another locality. The avian footprints are larger than most Early Cretaceous avian tracks recorded worldwide, indicating sizeable enantiornithine or ornithurine species in formerly polar environments of Australia. The avian tracks further supplement scant body fossil evidence of Early Cretaceous birds in southern Australia, which includes a furcula from the Wonthaggi Formation. Because of this discovery, Dinosaur Cove, previously known for its vertebrate body fossils, is added to a growing list of Early Cretaceous vertebrate tracksites in southern Australia.  相似文献   

New reports of dinosaur tracksites in the Tuchengzi Formation in the newly established Yanqing Global Geopark, Beijing, China, support previous inferences that the track assemblages from this formation are saurischian-dominated. More specifically, the assemblages appear theropod-dominated, with the majority of well-preserved tracks conforming to the Grallator type (sensus lato), thus representing relatively small trackmakers. Such ichnofaunas supplement the skeletal record from this unit that lacks theropods thus far, proving a larger diversity of dinosaur faunas in that region. Sauropods are represented by medium to large sized and narrow and wide-gauge groups, respectively. The latter correspond with earlier discoveries of titanosauriform skeletons in the same unit. Previous records of ornithischian tracks cannot be positively confirmed. Purported occurrences are re-evaluated here, the trackways and imprints, except of a single possible specimen, re-assigned to theropods. Palecologically the Tuchengzi ichnofauna is characteristic of semi-arid fluvio-lacustrine inland basins with Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous deposits in northern China that all show assemblages with abundant theropod and sauropod tracks and minor components of ornithopod, pterosaur and bird tracks.  相似文献   

Abstract: New dinosaur tracksites are described from the Bajocian–Bathonian Bemaraha Formation of western Madagascar. Two track‐bearing surfaces can be followed over a distance of at least 4 km, suggesting the existence of a hitherto unrecognized megatracksite. The track assemblage is theropod dominated, but sauropod tracks also occur at one site. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the abundant theropod track material suggests that most, if not all, theropod footprints are attributable to a single trackmaker and are referred to Kayentapus isp. Although this ichnogenus, originally described from the Lower Jurassic of North America, has never been recorded from Gondwana nor from the Middle Jurassic, track morphology strongly suggests this attribution. Palaeogeographical, sedimentological and ichnological data suggest that the dinosaur tracks formed in an intertidal to supratidal setting where the coastline influenced the preferred walking direction of the animals.  相似文献   

Three chirothere footprint sites are documented from the Middle Triassic (Anisian) fluvial Otter Sandstone Formation of Sidmouth, Devon, UK. One site, on the foreshore below Peak Hill, has revealed numerous tracks, including a probable manus imprint, which are recorded here. Another site, also beneath Peak Hill, has produced a single probable manus track from a higher horizon. The third site, on the foreshore below Salcombe Hill Cliff, has yielded a small number of pes tracks similar to those from Peak Hill. The footprints at all sites are interpreted as belonging to a large Chirotherium ichnospecies, perhaps C. barthii Kaup. Unusually, the tracks are preserved in mudstone, often in convex epirelief, and are inferred to have been generated subaqueously. The apparent restriction of the footprints to the higher part of the Otter Sandstone Formation supports other evidence, such as a greater abundance of vertebrate skeletal material, subhorizontal rather than vertical rhizocretions, and a greater frequency of lacustrine facies, for a less arid climate and higher water table than lower in the sequence.  相似文献   

记河北省后城组新发现之小型兽脚类足迹(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
几十年前人们就已经开始研究中国东北侏罗纪—白垩纪界线附近地层中的小型兽脚类恐龙足迹,虽然这些遗迹化石比辽宁省义县组带羽毛的恐龙及其他实体化石逊色了许多。本文记述了河北省承德南双庙后城组(土城子组)最下部河流相沉积中发现的一组兽脚类恐龙足迹。南双庙足迹具有三趾,趾粗大,其形态与美国下侏罗统经典的"brontozoid"足迹(Gral- lator,Anchisauripus和Eubrontes)相符。虽然许多产自辽宁土城子组中基本同时的brontozoid足迹被鉴定为小型的跷脚龙足迹属(Grallator),但南双庙足迹更大一些(全长可达28.8 cm),可能应该归入安琪龙足迹属(Anchisauripus)。南双庙足迹很可能是一群小型兽脚类行走而产生。在辽宁义县组的兽脚类恐龙中,最可能留下这类足迹的是小型的窃蛋龙类——尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)。不过这个解释还很勉强,因为这些足迹缺乏鉴定性特征,而且河北的后城组与辽宁的义县组之间还有一定的时间及地理间隔。  相似文献   

In Gondwana, Early Jurassic dinosaur track sites are especially concentrated in Lesotho. Despite intensive investigations during the third quarter of the twentieth century, a limited number of vertebrate track sites of this country have been studied with rigorous ichnological and sedimentological methodology. Here, we present a previously mentioned, but undescribed track site in the upper Elliot Formation (Hettangian?) of Lesotho, located near Roma (at Lephoto dam). Two tridactyl ichnite morphologies, made by bipedal vertebrate trackmakers are recognised. The first can be identified as Grallator-like, an ichnotaxon common in the Lower Jurassic of both Laurasia and Gondwana that can be attributed to small and medium-size theropod dinosaurs. In contrast, the second ichnite type is reminiscent of Trisauropodiscus, which is a rare ichnotaxon that resembles tracks of small birds and is known with certainty in Lesotho from only a few places. We suggest that at our upper Elliot Formation study site, Trisauropodiscus was potentially made by a heterodontosaurid ornithischian dinosaur. Our work provides further evidence that the ichnological record of the Stormberg Group of southern Africa is in a unique position to shed light not only on Early Jurassic biostratigraphy and palaeoenvironments but also on the biodiversity and palaeobiology of early dinosaurs.  相似文献   

A diverse assemblage of dinosaur and bird tracks from Niobrara County, Wyoming, represents the first vertebrate ichnofauna reported from the bone-rich Lance Formation (Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous). The ichnofauna includes a hadrosaur track with skin impressions; three theropod track types, including the tetradactyl track Saurexallopus zerbsti (ichnosp. nov.); a tridactyl dinosaur footprint with a fusiform digit III; possible Tyrannosaurus tracks; four distinctive avian ichnites; and invertebrate traces. The footprints are generally well-preserved and so offer a unique insight into the ecology of a small river valley during the Maastrichtian.

Saurexallopus zerbsti ichnosp. nov. from the Lance is similar to Saurexallopus lovei recently reported from the Maastrichtian, Harebell Formation, of northwestern Wyoming, but is represented by much better material, facilitating amendment of the ichnogenus. Skeletal equivalents for Saurexallopus are not currently known. Similarly, the tridactyl track with fusiform digit III is similar to footprints reported from the coeval Laramie Formation of Colorado and may also be similar to ichnogenus Ornithomimipus from the Edmonton Group of Alberta (though not necessarily of ornithomimid affinity). The hadrosaurian track with the skin impression is reminiscent of a similar ichnite reported from the Maastrichtian, St. Mary River Formation in Alberta, which is herein named Hadrosauropodus langstoni as part of a reassessment of Cretaceous ornithopod track ichnotaxonomy. Such correlations demonstrate the utility of tracks for local or regional biostratigraphy (palichnostratigraphy) in western North America. It is also clear that tracks add to our knowledge of the composition and distribution of dinosaurian and avian components of Maastrichtian faunas. In particular the bird tracks indicate a diversity of at least four species, one of which was a semi-palmate form, hitherto unknown in the ichnological record and named Sarjeantichnus semipalmatus.  相似文献   

Pterosaur tracks (cf. Pteraichnus) from the Summerville Formation of the Ferron area of central Utah add to the growing record of Pteraichnus tracksites in the Late Jurassic Summerville Formation and time-equivalent, or near time-equivalent, deposits. The site is typical in revealing high pterosaur track densities, but low ichnodiversity suggesting congregations or “flocks” of many individuals. Footprint length varies from 2.0 to 7.0 cms. The ratio of well-preserved pes:manus tracks is about 1:3.4. This reflects a bias in favor of preservation of manus tracks due to the greater weight-bearing role of the front limbs, as noted in other pterosaur track assemblages. The sample also reveals a number of well-preserved trackways including one suggestive of pes-only progression that might be associated with take off or landing, and another that shows pronounced lengthening of stride indicating acceleration.

One well-preserved medium-sized theropod trackway (Therangospodus) and other larger theropod track casts (cf. Megalosauripus) are associated with what otherwise appears to be a nearly monospecific pterosaur track assemblage. However, traces of a fifth pes digit suggest some tracks are of rhamphorynchoid rather than pterodactyloid origin, as usually inferred for Pteraichnus. The tracks occur at several horizons in a thin stratigraphic interval of ripple marked sandstones and siltstones. Overall the assemblage is similar to others found in the same time interval in the Western Interior from central and eastern Utah through central and southern Wyoming, Colorado, northeastern Arizona, and western Oklahoma. This vast “Pteraichnus ichnofacies,” with associated saurischian tracks, remains the only ichnological evidence of pre-Cretaceous pterosaurs in North America and sheds important light on the vertebrate ecology of the Summerville Formation and contiguous deposits.  相似文献   

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