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 Two acyl-CoA-binding-protein (ACBP) isoforms were isolated from proembryogenic masses of Digitalis lanata Ehrh. by column chromatography and preparative HPLC. The ACBPs had molecular masses of 9926 and 9997 Da, respectively. Partial sequence data indicated high similarity to each other and to ACBPs of other plant species such as Ricinus communis, Brassica napus and Arabidopsis thaliana. The isolated ACBPs bound palmitoyl-CoA with high affinity as determined by isoelectric-point shift. Received: 29 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 August 1999  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone that encodes progesterone 5beta-reductase (5beta-POR) was isolated from Digitalis lanata leaves. The reading frame of the 5beta-POR gene is 1170 nucleotides corresponding to 389 amino acids. For expression, a Sph1/Sal1 5beta-POR fragment was cloned into the pQE vector and was transformed into Escherichia coli strain M15[pREP4]. The recombinant gene was functionally expressed and the recombinant enzyme was characterized. The K(m) and v(max) values for the putative natural substrate progesterone were calculated to be 0.120 mM and 45 nkat mg(-1) protein, respectively. Only 5beta-pregnane-3,20-dione but not its alpha-isomer was formed when progesterone was used as the substrate. Kinetic constants for cortisol, cortexone, 4-androstene-3,17-dione and NADPH were also determined. The molecular organization of the 5beta-POR gene in D. lanata was determined by Southern blot analysis. The 5beta-POR is highly conserved within the genus Digitalis and the respective genes and proteins share considerable homology to putative progesterone reductases from other plant species.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation experiments were performed with Digitalis lanata cell cultures. The main stress was laid on the behaviour of the cells during the preculture period and the capacity of various preculture additives to induce freeze tolerance. The following compounds were used as preculture additives: trehalose, mannitol, sucrose, melibiose, proline, and sorbitol. They are listed in the order of their respective efficiency. Using trehalose, high post-thaw viability rates were achieved and the cells resumed growth after a short lag period. Melibiose was used as a preculture additive for the first time. Its suitability was in the range of that of sucrose. Proline and sorbitol were not able to induce freeze tolerance in Digitalis cells. Cell viability showed a considerable decrease at the beginning of the preculture period. This reduction was found to be transient in the presence of trehalose, mannitol, sucrose, and melibiose. The damaging effects of proline and sorbitol were too severe to be compensated for by the cells. The PAL activity increased markedly in the presence of proline, whereas the trehalose-treated and the control cells behaved nearly identical to one another.  相似文献   

A biotechnological approach is proposed for conservation of a terraneous part of woolly foxglove under anaerobic conditions with a subsequent air-sun drying of the biologically transformed raw material. During the conservation primary foxglove glycosides completely convert to secondary ones which do not transform further. A simple method is described for preparation from the transformed raw material of an enriched glycoside fraction with the yield of 3.6% and for isolation from this fraction of highly purified digoxin with the yield of 0.06% of the starting raw material, and the other secondary glycosides can be also isolated.  相似文献   

A clone of cardenolide 16'-O-glucohydrolase cDNA (CGH I) was obtained from Digitalis lanata which encodes a protein of 642 amino acids (calculated molecular mass 73.2 kDa). The amino acid sequence derived from CGH I showed high homology to a widely distributed family of beta-glucohydrolases (glycosyl hydrolases family 1). The recombinant CGH I protein produced in Escherichia coli had CGH I activity. CGH I mRNA was detected in leaves, flowers, stems and fruits of D. lanata.  相似文献   

Cardiac glycoside transport was investigated on the organ and whole plant level. Uptake experiments were carried out with shoot and root cultures of Digitalis lanata. In both systems primary cardenolides, i.e., those with a terminal glucose in their oligosaccharide side chain, were taken up against their concentration gradient, whereas the glucose-free secondary cardenolides were not. Active uptake of primary cardenolides was further evidenced by KCN inhibition of uptake. Using plantlets grown in vitro the long-distance transport of primary cardenolides from the leaves to the roots was demonstrated. Cardenolides were also detected in etiolated leaves, induced on plants with green leaves, which are supposed to be unable to synthezise cardenolides de novo, providing further evidence for long-distance transport. Several primary cardenolides were detected in the honeydew excreted by aphids fed on Digitalis lanata leaves, indicating that the phloem is a transporting tissue for cardenolides. On the other hand, the xylem sap obtained by applying the pressure-chamber technique was cardenolide-free. It was concluded that in Digitalis primary cardenolides serve as both the transport and the storage form of cardenolides. After their synthesis they are either stored in the vacuoles of the source tissue or loaded into the sieve tubes, from which they are unloaded at other sites where they are trapped in the vacuoles of the respective sink tissue.  相似文献   

A rapid extraction method followed by high-performance liquid chromatographic assay was developed for the quantitative determination of the cardioactive glycosides of Digitalis lanata. The leaf samples were extracted with water or aqueous alcohols. The simple extraction method gives a better yield than the methods described previously. Lanatoside C and its metabolites have been separated on a reversed-phase column with various mixtures of acetonitrile, methanol, and water as mobile phases for isocratic elution. Extraction and quantitative determination of lanatoside C and digoxin from a leaf sample require not more than 30 min.  相似文献   

The effects of different drying methods on desiccation toleranceand longevity in seeds of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.) wereassessed from just prior to mass maturity (when seeds have attainedmaximum dry weight), and at intervals during the post-abscissionphase of development. Tolerance of drying under seed conservationconditions (15% relative humidity, RH, and 15 °C), was acquiredclose to mass maturity at 36 d after flowering (DAF). Increasesin desiccation tolerance were induced when drying was delayedfor 4 d by placing seeds in a near-saturated atmosphere (approx.100% RH), or if seeds were pre-dried for 7 d at either approx.32% or approx. 73% RH. Irrespective of the drying treatment, seed longevity increasedthroughout the sampling period, i.e. beyond the point of massmaturity and throughout the post-abscission phase, up to thepoint of incipient natural dispersal. At each developmentalstage, delayed drying or pre-drying led to an increase in seedlongevity under controlled ageing conditions compared with seedsdried directly under seed conservation conditions. Increasesin longevity were apparent as increases in the estimates forthe intercept of transformed seed survival curves (Ki) and forthe standard deviation of the normal distribution of seed lifespans,and also in the mean time to death of individuals in storage,consistent with a continuation of ripening events. The results are discussed in relation to the assessment of seedlongevity and to current post-harvest drying practices for seedsintended for long-term ex-situ conservation.Copyright 1995,1999 Academic Press Digitalis purpurea L., foxglove, seed development, seed drying, seed longevity  相似文献   

Three forms of prunasin hydrolase (PH I, PH IIa, and PH IIb), which catalyze the hydrolysis of (R)-prunasin to mandelonitrile and D-glucose, have been purified from homogenates of mature black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) seeds. Hydroxyapatite chromatography completely resolved PH I from PH IIa and PH IIb. PH IIa and IIb, which coeluted on hydroxyapatite, were resolved by gel filtration. PH IIa was a dimer with a native molecular weight of 140,000. Both PH I and PH IIb were monomeric with molecular weights of 68,000. The isozymes appeared to be glycoproteins based on their binding to concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B with subsequent elution by alpha-methyl-D-glucoside. When presented several potential glycosidic substrates, these enzymes exhibited a narrow specificity towards (R)-prunasin. Km values for (R)-prunasin for PH I, PH IIa, and PH IIb were 1.73, 2.3, and 1.35 mM, respectively. PH I and PH IIb possessed fivefold greater Vmax/Km values than PH IIa. Ortho- and para-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucosides were hydrolyzed at the same active site. All forms had a pH optimum of 5.0 in citrate-phosphate buffer. PH I and PH IIb were competitively inhibited by castanospermine with Ki values of 0.19 and 0.09 mM, respectively. PH activity was not stimulated by any metal ion tested and was unaffected by diethyldithiocarbamate, o-phenanthroline, 2,2'-dipyridyl, and EDTA.  相似文献   

Developing capsules of foxglove (Digitalis purpurea L.) weredetached at 4-d intervals between 12 and 28 d after flowering(DAF) and attached to canes within a natural foxglove standsuch that they were experiencing field conditions identicalto those experienced by normally developing, on-plant capsules.Seeds were subsequently harvested at 4-d intervals until 40total d after flowering (tDAF). Capsule detachment resultedin the cessation of dry matter accumulation; the mean dry weightof seeds from 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 DAF-detached capsules was21, 32, 51, 60, and 79% respectively, of the mean dry weightof seeds during the post-abscission phase of normal, on-plantdevelopment. Nonetheless, seeds from detached capsules acquiredthe ability to germinate at harvest and tolerance to dryingunder seed conservation conditions (15% relative humidity and15 °C). The capability to withstand storage also arose followingcapsule detachment. Seed longevity increased the longer theperiod of detachment but, in the earlier-detached capsules (12,16, and 20 DAF) longevity subsequently declined. Only seedsfrom later detached capsules (24 and 28 DAF) acquired longevitieswhich were comparable with seeds from on-plant capsules, however,no seeds from detached capsules were as long lived as seedsfrom on-plant capsules harvested at 40 DAF. Digitalis purpurea L.; foxglove; capsule detachment; seed development; desiccation tolerance; longevity  相似文献   

Allozymic variation in seven enzymes coded by eight loci was studied in seven populations of terrestrial Epipactis orchids, including four populations of E. helleborine, one population of E. palustris and two of E. microphylla, from Latium (Central Italy).Heterozygosity estimates reveal that E. helleborine (EH) is the most variable species (HET=0.233; P=0.59; A=1.8), followed by E. palustris (EP) (HET=0.085; P=0.29; A=1.3) while E. microphylla (EM) is monomorphic for all the loci examined.It is suggested that the two EM populations examined, with a total lack of genetic variability, could originate from the same genetically impoverished ancestral population. Also the low variability amount of EP can be ascribed to genetic drift, probably due to a founder event.Nei's identity coefficients were also calculated. These show a high similarity in EH (=0.987) and EM (=1.000) populations. Average identity value between EP and EM is 0.289, between EP and EH is 0.336 and between EM and EH is 0.784. These data reveal that E. palustris presents a remarkable genetic, besides geographical and ecological, differentiation.  相似文献   

A mixture of oligogalacturonic acids, the partial degradation substances of polygalacturonic acid, promoted shoot growth in cockscomb (Celosia argentea L.) seedlings, which generally had a high sensitivity for growth-promoting substances. The effect of the mixture of oligogalacturonic acids on shoot growth of cockscomb was higher than that of the polygalacturonic acid at concentrations above 30 ppm. These oligomers were loaded onto an anion exchange column, DEAE Sephadex A-25, and separated into individual oligomer sizes using the NH4HCO3 eluent system. This separation method has the advantage of using NH4HCO3 as the eluent solution; NH4HCO3 in the sample solution is effectively removed by lyophilization. Each of the isolated oligogalacturonic acids gave a single band on a fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE), and they showed the m/z value which corresponded to their molecular ion peaks [M-H]- on a fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) analysis. These results showed that the successive chromatography method used in this study is well suited for the preparation of oligogalacturonic acid for the plant growth test. Furthermore, we showed that the effective degree of polymerization (DP) of oligogalacturonic acid was around 8 on shoot growth of cockscomb seedlings, and the effects of both smaller and larger oligogalacturonic acids were slightly lower than that of octa-galacturonide. Octa-galacturonide promoted shoot growth of cockscomb at concentrations above 10 mM, and showed a 66% promotion at the most effective concentration of 300 mM. Root growth was slightly inhibited at concentrations above 300 mM. These results suggest that DP around 8 of oligogalacturonic acids has the function to control shoot growth in cockscomb as a growth-promoting substance.  相似文献   

A mixture of oligogalacturonic acids, the partial degradation substances of polygalacturonic acid, promoted shoot growth in cockscomb (Celosia argentea L.) seedlings, which generally had a high sensitivity for growth-promoting substances. The effect of the mixture of oligogalacturonic acids on shoot growth of cockscomb was higher than that of the polygalacturonic acid at concentrations above 30 ppm. These oligomers were loaded onto an anion exchange column, DEAE Sephadex A-25, and separated into individual oligomer sizes using the NH4HCO3 eluent system. This separation method has the advantage of using NH4HCO3 as the eluent solution; NH4HCO3 in the sample solution is effectively removed by lyophilization. Each of the isolated oligogalacturonic acids gave a single band on a fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis (FACE), and they showed the m/z value which corresponded to their molecular ion peaks [M-H]- on a fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) analysis. These results showed that the successive chromatography method used in this study is well suited for the preparation of oligogalacturonic acid for the plant growth test. Furthermore, we showed that the effective degree of polymerization (DP) of oligogalacturonic acid was around 8 on shoot growth of cockscomb seedlings, and the effects of both smaller and larger oligogalacturonic acids were slightly lower than that of octa-galacturonide. Octa-galacturonide promoted shoot growth of cockscomb at concentrations above 10 mM, and showed a 66% promotion at the most effective concentration of 300 mM. Root growth was slightly inhibited at concentrations above 300 mM. These results suggest that DP around 8 of oligogalacturonic acids has the function to control shoot growth in cockscomb as a growth-promoting substance.  相似文献   

 Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to assess levels and patterns of genetic diversity in Digitalis obscura L. (Scrophulariaceae), an outcrossing cardenolide-producing medicinal plant species. A total of 50 plants from six natural populations on the Iberian Peninsula were analysed by six arbitrarily chosen decamer primers resulting in 96 highly reproducible RAPD bands. To avoid bias in parameter estimation, analyses of population genetic structure were restricted to bands (35 of 96) whose observed frequencies were less than 1–3/n in each population. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) with distances among individuals corrected for the dominant nature of RAPDs (genotypic analysis) showed that most of the variation (84.8%) occurred among individuals within populations, which is expected for an outcrossing organism. Of the remaining variance, 9.7% was attributed to differences between regions, and 5.5% for differences among populations within regions. Estimates of the Wright, Weir and Cockerham and Lynch and Milligan FST from null-allele frequencies corroborated AMOVA partitioning and provided significant evidence for population differentiation in D. obscura. A non-parametric test for the homogeneity of molecular variance (HOMOVA) also showed significant differences in the amount of genetic variability present in the six populations. UPGMA cluster analyses, based on Apostol genetic distance, revealed grouping of some geographically proximate populations. Nevertheless, a Mantel test did not give a significant correlation between geographic and genetic distances. This is the first report of the partitioning of genetic variability within and between populations of D. obscura and provides important baseline data for optimising sampling strategies and for conserving the genetic resources of this medicinal species. Received: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   

The overwintering of trees in northern areas depends on processes regulated by photoperiod and temperature. To identify the physiological and genetic factors involved in this environmental control, three latitudinal ecotypes of pubescent birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) growing in a common garden experiment were used. Each ecotype responded to the shortening of the photoperiod according to its specific critical daylength, resulting in the induction of freezing tolerance and dehydration of buds first in the northern ecotype, followed by the central and southern ecotypes, respectively. By contrast, there was no clear difference in the timing of dormancy release, bud rehydration, and deacclimation in the spring, suggesting that these traits were controlled mainly by temperature. To elucidate the role of dehydrins (DHN) in the overwintering process, two DHN genomic clones were isolated from pubescent birch and expression of the corresponding genes, both in field and under controlled conditions, was characterized. BpuDhn1 was found to encode an Y(n)K(n)-type of basic DHN, while BpuDhn2 encoded an acidic, SK(n)-type of DHN. In field-grown trees the level of BpuDhn1 increased in buds during the autumn, while the level of BpuDhn2 was highest during the coldest winter months. Under controlled conditions BpuDhn1 increased in response to the combined effect of short daylength and low, non-freezing temperatures whereas the expression of BpuDhn2 was mainly controlled by low temperature while photoperiod had less effect on its expression. These results suggest that DHNs participate in the sensitive environmental regulation of the overwintering process in birch.  相似文献   

Two forms of the beta-glucosidase amygdalin hydrolase (AH I and II), which catalyze the hydrolysis of (R)-amygdalin to (R)-prunasin and D-glucose, have been purified over 200-fold from mature black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) seeds. These proteins showed very similar molecular and kinetic properties but could be resolved by chromatofocusing and isoelectric focusing. AH I and II were monomeric (Mr 60,000) and had isoelectric points of 6.6 and 6.5, respectively. Their glycoprotein character was indicated by positive periodic acid-Schiff staining and by their binding to concanavalin A-Sepharose 4B with subsequent elution by alpha-Me-D-glucoside. Of the natural glycosidic substrates tested, both enzymes showed a pronounced preference for the endogenous cyanogenic disaccharide (R)-amygdalin. They also hydrolyzed at the same active site the synthetic substrates p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucoside and 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucoside but were inactive towards (R)-prunasin, p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucoside, and 4-methylumbelliferyl-alpha-D-glucoside. Maximum hydrolytic activity was shown in citrate-phosphate buffer in the pH range 4.5-5.0. AH I and II were inhibited competitively by the reaction product (R)-prunasin and noncompetitively (mixed type) by delta-gluconolactone and castanospermine.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - The goal of the study was to develop a complex technique for the extraction and purification of polysaccharides from the leaves of birch (Betula pendula...  相似文献   

The design of cost-efficient control strategies for invasive species that are too widespread and abundant for complete eradication, at least in the short term, will benefit from a rigorous analysis of invasion patterns and associated effects on native biodiversity. In this paper, the case of the invasive North American tree Prunus serotina in Flanders (Belgium) is presented. Our main objectives were to determine the susceptibility of forest stands to invasion by P. serotina and the subsequent effects of invasion on the understorey community. We used the large database of the first Flemish Forest Inventory. Multiple logistic regressions indicated that P. serotina occurred more frequently in privately owned, younger forest on coarse-textured, dry soils (podzols), and the combination of these factors allowed us to correctly predict presence/absence of P. serotina in 70% of the validation plots. However, locational variables proved to be important as well, indicating that the invasion process is still ongoing. Prediction of P. serotina densities by means of multiple linear regressions was less successful. Effects on the understorey richness were analysed by comparing the number of species and the mean Ellenberg values between pairs of plots, only differing by the presence of P. serotina in the shrub layer. A reduction of the understorey richness following invasion was only pronounced on the more moist soils, while compositional changes mainly occurred on drier soils. It is concluded that priority for control should be given to landscapes with a low fraction of invaded stands and to forest stands located on more moist soils. However, using its potential to threaten native biodiversity as an argument for control should be done with care as further research is needed whether the observed negative effects are due to a species (i.e. native vs. non-native) or a density effect (high vs. low).  相似文献   

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