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噬菌体短肽库的构建及其随机短肽的多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
噬菌体短肽库是将随机合成的寡核苷酸序列通过与单链噬菌体外壳蛋白基因融合,从而将随机短短肽表达于噬菌体的表面,将体外随机化学合成的寡聚核苷酸序列重组到单价噬菌体表达载体,构建了噬菌体短肽库,证明其库容为2×10^7集落形成单位,重组率为93%。  相似文献   

目的多肽的筛选可通过亲和筛选直接得到富集,并具有繁殖性,目前已广泛应用于多肽药物的开发,蛋白分子结构与功能的研究,疫苗研制等多种领域,特别是对于抗原决定簇的精确定位,蛋白分子之间,蛋白与核酸分子之间相互作用的结合模型和生物活性小配体的获得以及在未知蛋白分子一级结构的情况下直接获取其空间结构方面是一个非常有效的研究工具。  相似文献   

噬菌体肽库技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
80年代中期,George P.Smith在前人对丝状噬菌体分子生物学研究的基础上首先提出了噬菌体展示技术(Phage Display),其核心就是将蛋白质分子的表型和基因型巧妙地结合于丝状噬菌体这样一个便于对其进行一系列生化和遗传操作的载体上,从而大大简化了蛋白质分子表达库的筛选和鉴定。基于这一优点,噬菌  相似文献   

以识别戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)构象依赖性中和表位的单克隆抗体8C11、8H3作为固相筛选分子,对噬菌体随机7肽库进行4轮筛选后,随机挑取单克隆噬菌体进行测序。合成优势7肽序列基因,将其插入HBcAg-AA78-83位置之中,进行原核表达,所获重组蛋白经蛋白印迹实验证实可与相应单抗结合,电镜下可见重组蛋白能形成与HBcAg相似的类病毒颗粒。化学合成单抗8H3筛选出的优势7肽,所获7肽经生物传感器结合实验证实与单抗8H3结合。这些结果提示用噬菌体7肽库可以筛选出部分模拟构象性表位的短肽,为亚单位疫苗的研制提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

近年来,噬菌体肽库生物淘筛方法又取得了新的进展,出现了以活细胞、病毒及组织器官等复杂生物体系,代替纯化的抗原、抗体或受体分子等作为筛选靶标的方法,并取得了较好的应用效果. 其中,以肿瘤组织筛选噬菌体肽库获得的短肽能选择性富集于肿瘤组织,在肿瘤靶向性治疗中具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

噬菌体表面显示肽库研究进展韩照中苏国富黄翠芬(军事医学科学院生物工程研究所,北京100071)关键词噬菌体表面显示肽库1990年,Scot首次将随机序列肽与丝状噬菌体的表面蛋白gll融合,并呈现在噬菌体表面,建立噬菌体表面显示肽库(pep-tides...  相似文献   

以脂质A为靶标,筛选噬菌体展示十二肽库,三轮后随机挑取14个噬菌体克隆进行结合活性鉴定,并对5个克隆进行序列分析。结果表明,14个克隆全部是阳性克隆,测序结果显示4个阳性克隆的序列完全一样。说明筛选到了一个脂质A的结合多肽。  相似文献   

噬菌体肽库技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
噬菌体肽库是近年发展起来的一项新技术,它的建立对许多领域的技术进展起到了促进作用,显示了广阔的应用前景。本文对这一技术的进展做一概括性综述。  相似文献   

噬菌体短肽库是将随机合成的寡核苷酸序列通过与单链噬菌体外壳蛋白基因融合,从而将随机短肽表达于噬菌体的表面。将体外随机化学合成的寡聚核苷酸序列重组到单价噬菌体表达载体,构建了噬菌体短肽库,证明其库容为2×10 ̄7集落形成单位(cfu),重组率为93%。同时将11个随机克隆进行序列测定,证实其寡聚核苷酸序列和氨基酸的分布几乎是完全随机的,其多样性可以满足特异性短肽筛选的要求。  相似文献   

应用噬菌体随机9肽库筛选庚型肝炎病毒抗原表位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曹洁  赵平  戚中田 《病毒学报》2000,16(3):270-272
The purpose of the study was to screen the antigenic epitope with monoclonal antibody against hepatitis G virus envelope protein 2 (HGV E2) from phage-displayed constrained nonapeptide library (PVⅢ9aa-cys). E. coli XLl-blue infected with PVⅢ9aa-cys was spread on 2×YT plates containing ampicillin and tetracycline. Transducting unit(TU) of PVⅢ9aa-cys was about 1.6×10 12 /ml by calculating the number of clones. The DNA sequence of PVⅢ9aa-cys, determined with cycle sequencing, was found randomly arranged in NNN order. Both ends of the nonapeptide(NNN) 9 linked with a cysteine respectively. Through four rounds biopanning of PVⅢ9aa-cys with MAb M-13-IgG, 6 of 14 positive clones were proved sharing the consensus aa sequence VXXSPL while 4 clones shared sequence VXSPL. Sequence VX(X) SPL was of homology with VRSPL of HGV E2 between aa 218-222. Average 0.D. value(A 450 ) of 10 phage clones with the consensus aa sequence were higher than those of the other 4 clones and PVⅢ9aa-cys(P<0.05). These results demonstrate the possibility that sequence VRSPL is an antigenic epitope of HGV E2. This work provides new information for the diagnosis of HGV infection as well as vaccine development of HGV.  相似文献   

刘念  李凡  远航 《中国病毒学》2006,21(3):281-283
本实验将柯萨奇病毒B3型(CVB3)大量扩增,应用蔗糖密度梯度离心法纯化病毒.利用噬菌体随机9肽库进行筛选,3轮淘洗后,测定噬菌体克隆抗病毒复制能力.提取阳性克隆DNA并进行测序,推导外源多肽的氨基酸序列.结果表明3个具有明显抗病毒复制能力的噬菌体阳性克隆被筛选出来,使TCID50由10-7.5SFU/mL分别降至10-5.25、10-6、10-5.5SFU/mL,由此证明可以应用噬菌体肽库来筛选具有抗病毒作用的多肽,本研究为抗病毒多肽制剂的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

刘念  李凡  远航 《Virologica Sinica》2006,21(3):281-283
本实验将柯萨奇病毒B3型(CVB3)大量扩增,应用蔗糖密度梯度离心法纯化病毒。利用噬菌体随机9肽库进行筛选,3轮淘洗后,测定噬菌体克隆抗病毒复制能力。提取阳性克隆DNA并进行测序,推导外源多肽的氨基酸序列。结果表明:3个具有明显抗病毒复制能力的噬菌体阳性克隆被筛选出来,使TCID50由10-7.5SFU/mL分别降至10-5.25、10-6、10-5.5SFU/mL,由此证明可以应用噬菌体肽库来筛选具有抗病毒作用的多肽,本研究为抗病毒多肽制剂的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GMCSF) 为筛选文库的靶分子, 通过高效筛选(High throughputscreening, HTS) 方法来筛选多种多肽噬菌体文库, 在一个以噬菌体主要蛋白质为载体的多肽噬菌体文库中筛选到了一些与GMCSF结合的多肽, 并通过了ELISA和微淘选(micropanning) 实验的证实。这些多肽先导化合物经过进一步的优化, 可能成为GMCSF细胞因子的拮抗剂  相似文献   

为了获得人N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体(NR)主亚基(NR1)M3-M4环B细胞表位,以人NR1分子M3-M4环单克隆抗体MAB363淘筛噬菌体展示随机12肽库,对筛选克隆进行特异性ELISA检测和竞争结合实验分析.从30个克隆中得到一个阳性克隆序列“VHTNPSTWQPIL”(克隆1),原核表达的NR1 M3-M4环可以与克隆1竞争结合MAB363.固相合成5个表位探针短肽,发现其中只有R(22)LRNPSKD可以与M3-M4环竞争结合抗体,将NPS三个氨基酸残基逐一敲除,缺失N或NP的合成肽和M3-M4环竞争抗体的能力减弱,缺失NPS的合成肽完全没有竞争能力,证明MAB363的表位为NPS,S可能是关键性残基.上述结论为免疫干预防治兴奋毒性脑损害策略的实施提供了一个重要线索和依据.  相似文献   

目的:利用噬菌体展示肽库技术筛选鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV)的模拟抗原表位。方法:用IBV阳性血清纯化IgG作为靶标。对噬菌体展示随机12肽库进行筛选,通过ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA鉴定筛选克隆的结合特性,并对阳性克隆提取ssDNA进行测序分析。结果:3轮生物淘洗后,目标噬菌体得到125倍富集。随机挑选50个克隆进行ELISA和竞争抑制ELISA。其中有12个噬菌体克隆可以与IBV阳性血清高特异性结合。测序分析发现,这12个克隆带有2种氨基酸序列。即KSPKHSSSALHF和SFFQLNLHRPTS。且未发现这2种序列与GenBank中已发表的IBV氨基酸序列有同源性。结论:结果提示。这2个肽可能是IBV抗原的模拟表位。  相似文献   

通过噬菌体展示技术筛选出与HIV-1p24抗原结合的多肽,为用多肽辅助p24抗原检测提供实验基础.以重组p24抗原为靶蛋白,对噬菌体随机七肽库进行三轮筛选,用EUSA鉴定第三轮筛选到的噬菌体克隆与p24重组抗原的结合能力,再对噬菌体克隆进行测序分析,同时研究了ELISA中噬菌体加入量及多种封闭剂对噬菌体特异性结合能力的...  相似文献   

短肽库中VEGF受体拮抗剂的筛选及生物学活性鉴定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
为获得可溶性血管内皮细胞生长因子受体 (s VEGFR,soluble VEGF receptor)的拮抗剂 ,以固相化可溶性 VEGF受体 s Flt- 1和 s KDR通过生物淘选筛选噬菌体十二肽库 .采用 ELISA及竞争性 ELISA筛选阳性克隆 ,12 5I- VEGF竞争性放射免疫吸附实验进一步鉴定阳性克隆的体外结合活性 .经过 3~ 4轮生物淘选的短肽库有明显富集 .初筛后约 3%的噬菌体克隆可同时结合相应的可溶性受体及人脐静脉内皮细胞 .其中 6个克隆与内皮细胞的结合 ,可以部分地被变性复性处理的原核表达血管内皮细胞生长因子 (VEGF)竞争抑制 .4个噬菌体克隆可竞争性抑制 12 5I- VEGF与可溶性受体的体外结合反应 .两个 KDR阳性克隆 K2 37与 K93可在体外抑制内皮细胞的增殖 .克隆K2 37与 F90可抑制鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管形成 .阳性克隆可作为血管内皮细胞生长因子受体拮抗剂 ,具有良好的应用前景 .  相似文献   

Tannerella forsythia is a gram-negative bacteria, which is strongly associated with the development of periodontal disease. Karilysin is a newly identified metalloprotease-like enzyme, that is secreted from T. forsythia. Karilysin modulates the host immune response and is therefore considered a likely drug target. In this study peptides were selected towards the catalytic domain from Karilysin (Kly18) by phage display. The peptides were linear with low micromolar binding affinities. The two best binders (peptide14 and peptide15), shared the consensus sequence XWFPXXXGGG. A peptide15 fusion with Maltose Binding protein (MBP) was produced with peptide15 fused to the N-terminus of MBP. The peptide15-MBP was expressed in E. coli and the purified fusion-protein was used to verify Kly18 specific binding. Chemically synthesised peptide15 (SWFPLRSGGG) could inhibit the enzymatic activity of both Kly18 and intact Karilysin (Kly48). Furthermore, peptide15 could slow down the autoprocessing of intact Kly48 to Kly18. The WFP motif was important for inhibition and a truncation study further demonstrated that the N-terminal serine was also essential for Kly18 inhibition. The SWFP peptide had a Ki value in the low micromolar range, which was similar to the intact peptide15. In conclusion SWFP is the first reported inhibitor of Karilysin and can be used as a valuable tool in structure-function studies of Karilysin.  相似文献   

Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax with the ability to not only produce a tripartite toxin, but also an enveloping capsule comprised primarily of γ-D-glutamic acid residues. The purpose of this study was to isolate peptide ligands capable of binding to the native capsule of B. anthracis from a commercial phage display peptide library using a synthetic form of the capsule consisting of 12 γ-D-glutamic acid residues. Following four rounds of selection, 80 clones were selected randomly and analysed by DNA sequencing. Four clones, each containing a unique consensus sequence, were identified by sequence alignment analysis. Phage particles were prepared and their derived 12-mer peptides were also chemically synthesized and conjugated to BSA. Both the phage particles and free peptide-BSA conjugates were evaluated by ELISA for binding to encapsulated cells of B. anthracis as well as a B. anthracis capsule extract. All the phage particles tested except one were able to bind to both the encapsulated cells and the capsule extract. However, the peptide-BSA conjugates could only bind to the encapsulated cells. One of the peptide-BSA conjugates, with the sequence DSSRIPMQWHPQ (termed G1), was fluorescently labelled and its binding to the encapsulated cells was further confirmed by confocal microscopy. The results demonstrated that the synthetic capsule was effective in isolating phage-displayed peptides with binding affinity for the native capsule of B. anthracis.  相似文献   

Mink enteritis virus (MEV) causes high morbidity and mortality in mink worldwide, and there are no effective treatments. This study used a phage display library to find specific peptides capable of binding MEV and preventing its replication in F81 cells. After three rounds of biopanning, the phage enrichment was 117 times higher than that after the first round. Twelve phage clones that showed threefold higher MEV-binding affinity than controls were selected by ELISA. Following sequence analyses, the peptides RLNNRARIILRA and LAHKSRLYERHM were synthesized and used for antiviral experiments. MTT assays demonstrated that both peptides increased cell viability by >20 % at 100 μg/ml when pre-incubated with MEV. However, no effect was seen if the peptides were added 2 h after viral inoculation of cells, indicating that the antiviral activity is due to inhibition of viral attachment to the cell surface.  相似文献   

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