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Suspension of adenovirus type 5 in 2.0 ml of cell culture fluid at 37 degrees C were subjected to smoke from four cigarettes over a 4-h period. The cigarettes were smoked in a normal manner, and the inhaled smoke was exhaled through glass tubing into the virus-containing fluid. The virus suspensions were then titrated, using monolayer cultures of HEp-2 cells. Smoke from filter-tipped or regular cigarettes caused a 2- to 3-log drop in titer of tissue culture infectious doses of adenovirus type 5 per 0.1 ml of virus suspension. No reductions in titers were observed with parallel suspensions of the virus subjected to normal inhaled and exhaled air.  相似文献   

Suspension of adenovirus type 5 in 2.0 ml of cell culture fluid at 37 degrees C were subjected to smoke from four cigarettes over a 4-h period. The cigarettes were smoked in a normal manner, and the inhaled smoke was exhaled through glass tubing into the virus-containing fluid. The virus suspensions were then titrated, using monolayer cultures of HEp-2 cells. Smoke from filter-tipped or regular cigarettes caused a 2- to 3-log drop in titer of tissue culture infectious doses of adenovirus type 5 per 0.1 ml of virus suspension. No reductions in titers were observed with parallel suspensions of the virus subjected to normal inhaled and exhaled air.  相似文献   



Smoking tobacco is a leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but although the majority of COPD cases can be directly related to smoking, only a quarter of smokers actually develop the disease. A potential reason for the disparity between smoking and COPD may involve an individual''s ability to mount a protective adaptive response to cigarette smoke (CS). Glutathione (GSH) is highly concentrated in the lung epithelial lining fluid (ELF) and protects against many inhaled oxidants. The changes in GSH that occur with CS are not well investigated; therefore the GSH adaptive response that occurs with a commonly utilized CS exposure was examined in mice.


Mice were exposed to CS for 5 h after which they were rested in filtered air for up to 16 h. GSH levels were measured in the ELF, bronchoalveolar lavage cells, plasma, and tissues. GSH synthesis was assessed by measuring γ-glutamylcysteine ligase (GCL) activity in lung and liver tissue.


GSH levels in the ELF, plasma, and liver were decreased by as much as 50% during the 5 h CS exposure period whereas the lung GSH levels were unchanged. Next, the time course of rebound in GSH levels after the CS exposure was examined. CS exposure initially decreased ELF GSH levels by 50% but within 2 h GSH levels rebound to about 3 times basal levels and peaked at 16 h with a 6-fold increase and over repeat exposures were maintained at a 3-fold elevation for up to 2 months. Similar changes were observed in tissue GCL activity which is the rate limiting step in GSH synthesis. Furthermore, elevation in ELF GSH levels was not arbitrary since the CS induced GSH adaptive response after a 3d exposure period prevented GSH levels from dropping below basal levels.


CS exposures evoke a powerful GSH adaptive response in the lung and systemically. These data suggests there may be a sensor that sets the ELF GSH adaptive response to prevent GSH levels from dipping below basal levels. Factors that disrupt GSH adaptive responses may contribute to the pathophysiology of COPD.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that the high concentrations of reactive nitrogen species in cigarette smoke and the known stimulatory effects of cigarette smoke on the inflammatory immune systems would lead to the formation of 5-nitro-γ-tocopherol (NGT). In order to assess γ-tocopherol nitration, human plasma was exposed in vitro to gas phase cigarette smoke (GPCS) or air for up to 6 h. A liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) method was developed to quantitate NGT. Detector response was linear from 0.1 to 3 pmol NGT, with a detection limit of 20 fmol. After a 1 h lag time, 6 h plasma exposure to GPCS depleted 75% of -T, 60% of γ-T and increased NGT from 3 to 134 nmol/l. The increase in NGT accounted for 20% of the γ-T decrease. NGT also correlated (R2 = 0.9043) with nitrate concentrations in GPCS-exposed plasma. The physiologic relevance of NGT was evaluated in a group of healthy humans. Smokers (n = 15) had plasma NGT concentrations double those of nonsmokers (n = 19), regardless of corrections using lipids or γ-T; plasma -T and γ-T concentrations were similar between the groups. Our results show that LC-MS can be successfully used for NGT quantitation in biologic samples. Importantly, NGT in smokers' plasma suggests that cigarette smoking causes increased nitrosative stress.  相似文献   

N-demethylation of aminopyrine and C-hydroxylation of aniline by hepatic microsomal enzymes were measured during in vitro exposure to cigarette smoke. Metabolism of aminopyrine during smoke exposure was not significantly altered. Metabolism of aniline during smoke exposure was inhibited 70–80% (P < .001) thus indicating that an initial effect of exposure to cigarette smoke is a decreased rate of biotransformation via C-hydroxylation. This finding, coupled with the findings of other investigators who have shown that the delayed effect of exposure to cigarette smoke is induction of hydroxylase activity, suggests that cigarette smoke produces a biphasic alteration in certain hepatic biotransformation processes.  相似文献   

Endothelial activation/injury following exposure to cigarette smoke may explain incidence of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease in smokers. We investigated cigarette smoke extract (CSE) effects relative to activation, injury, and survival of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and compared circulating levels of specific endothelial activation markers between smokers and healthy non-smokers before and after smoking cessation. Viability and toxicity of HUVEC were tested by MTT and LDH assay. Release (by endothelial cells) and circulating levels (in smokers) of von Willebrand Factor (vWF), thrombomodulin (TM), was evaluated by ELISA. Incubation with increasing concentrations of CSE reduced the percentage of viable cells, being 33.9%, 23.9% after CSE 4%, 6% respectively. Dose- and time-dependent release of LDH was observed after incubation with CSE. vWF, TM release were assayed after CSE 2% HUVEC stimulation. Significant 42%, 61%, 76% increase in vWF concentration was detected respectively at 30', 60', 120'. Reduction in circulating levels of vWF, from a median value of 144.0% to 123.7%, was observed in the quitters group after smoking cessation. Exposure to cigarette smoke is cytotoxic and induces activation/injury of endothelium in vitro and in vivo. These findings may provide pathogenetic basis by which smoking can predispose to development of atherothrombosis and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Two groups of rats with experimental alveolitis were exposed to cigarette smoke. After comparing the results, the possible muffling effect of the cigarette smoke related to interstitial lung disease was discussed. 180 rats were divided into 6 groups of 30 animals each: Group 1: untreated controls; Group 2: exposed to cigarette smoke for 2 months; Group 3: sensitized with bovine albumin (BA) and exposed to an atmosphere with this antigen for two months, to reproduce a type of extrinsic allergic alveolitis (EAA); Group 4: treated with a single daily dose of anti-lung serum for three days followed by two days without treatment, to reproduce a type of Goodpasture's syndrome; Group 5: exposed to cigarette smoke and to BA; Group 6: exposed to cigarette smoke and treated with anti-lung serum. The animals were sacrificed and their lungs were treated for: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), percentage lymphocyte count, polymorphonuclear (PMN) and alveolar macrophages (AM); semiquantitative and morphometric histological study. The semiquantitative study determined the area of the studied lung incision, affected by granulomae, increased alveolar aerial spaces, thickened alveolar walls and haemosiderine lung area. The morphometric study, based on the linear integration method, evaluated: the distance between two alveolar walls, the amount of interstice per field; and the number of AM with haemosiderine per field was counted. From the results we point out that the treated animals had significantly higher lymphocyte and BAL PMN counts than the untreated ones; no significant differences were found between the singly and doubly treated animals. The animals exposed to cigarette smoke and treated with anti-lung serum were those that showed the least number of lymphocytes and PMN of all the treated animals. The semiquantitative variables studied were all increased in comparison to the control group, most of the increases being significant. The morphometric variables revealed significant differences with respect to the untreated group, except for the animals which were treated with anti-lung serum and cigarette smoke, which showed a minimum decrease in the alveolar size and a slight increase of the interstitial tissue. Only one morphometric variable showed a significant difference between the group treated with anti-lung serum and the one treated with anti-lung serum and cigarette smoke: the number of AM with haemosiderine in the lung.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Changes in some lung cytotoxic parameters after exposure to refractory ceramic fibres (RCF) or to cigarette smoke (S) and after combined exposure to RCF+S were studied in male Wistar rats in order to evaluate their potential adverse health effects. Four groups of rats were treated as follows : 1) intratracheally instilled by saline solution (0.4 ml); 2) intratracheally instilled by 4 mg of RCF; 3) exposed only to S (85 mg of total particulate matter/m(3) air ) for two hours daily; 4) exposed to RCF+S. After 6 months the animals were exsanguinated and the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was perfomed. Viability and phagocytic activity of alveolar macrophages (AM), activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in cell-free BAL fluid (cf-BALF), acid phosphatase (ACP) and cathepsin D (CATD) in cfBALF, in BALF cells and in the lung tissue were estimated. Viability of AM was depressed by every type of exposure with RCF+S effect being at least additive. Phagocytic activity of AM increased in the presence of RCF. No significant changes in LDH activity were found. Activities of lysosomal enzymes measured in the lung tissue homogenates were not significantly changed, but those in the cfBALF increased especially after exposure to S with most expressive increase in BALF cells after exposure to S and RCF+S. In the case of CATD the effect of RCF+S was more than additive. The results point out to the persistence of the RCF exposure cytotoxic effects and their amplification by cigarette smoke.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke is a complex mixture of more than 4,000 constituents. Its effects on cell biology are poorly understood, partly because whole smoke exposure in vitro is technically challenging. To investigate the effects of smoke on cell signaling and function, a three-dimensional air-liquid interface model of tracheobronchial epithelium, grown from primary human lung epithelial cells, was exposed to air or whole mainstream cigarette smoke for 1 h in a purpose-designed chamber. Gene expression profiles were then determined at 1, 6, and 24 h postexposure using Affymetrix HGU133-2 Plus microarrays. Cells from three different donors were used in the study, and the experiment was performed in triplicate for each donor. Genes significantly regulated by smoke, compared with the air control, in all experiments were determined. Genes exhibiting differential expression were assigned to functional categories and mapped to signaling pathways. Effects were observed on many cellular processes including xenobiotic metabolism, oxidant/antioxidant balance, and DNA damage and repair. Notably, there was marked downregulation of the transforming growth factor-beta pathway, which has not been previously reported. This study provides important data on the acute effects of whole cigarette smoke on mucociliary epithelium and may be used to gain a greater understanding of smoke toxicity.  相似文献   

Ten healthy male and 10 healthy female 'never-smoking' subjects (ages 21-50) participated in a 5-day environmental room study to determine if an acute exposure to a high level of fresh diluted sidestream smoke (FDSS) would alter urinary mutagenicity. On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, the 20 subjects sat in environmental rooms for 7.33h and were exposed to filtered and humidified air. On Wednesday, the 20 subjects were exposed in the environmental rooms for 7.33h to an average respirable suspended particle (RSP) concentration of 179 microg/m(3) of FDSS generated by machine smoking 1R4F Kentucky reference cigarettes. This level of FDSS is approximately three times the ETS level seen in the top 5% of US workplaces which allow smoking. A cumulative 7.33h air sample from each environmental room was collected and determined to be mutagenic by Ames Salmonella assay. Subjects' urinary mutagenicity was measured on Wednesday as compared with Tuesday or Thursday by assaying concentrates of 24h urine samples in Ames Salmonella bacterial strains TA98 and YG1024. Diet was strictly controlled on all study days, with broiled and pan-fried meat not served to minimize ingestion of mutagenic protein pyrolysis products. Although all the urinary mutagenicity values were within the range reported for minor changes in diet, the subjects experienced a small but statistically significant increase (p<0.05) in urinary mutagenicity in strain YG1024, but not in the less sensitive strain TA98 on the day of FDSS exposure.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic effect of cigarette smoke condensate on human polymorphs was investigated in vitro by the method of vital dye exclusion. Exposure to 1/800 of the smoke from one high-tar cigarette killed a detectable proportion of a population of 10(6) cells. The response among the cells from 40 healthy people varied widely, the percentage of dead cells ranging from 3% to 66% and from 17% to 87% at exposure levels of 125 micrograms and 250 micrograms cigarette smoke condensate respectively. Differences in individuals'' responses were reproducible and unrelated to age or sex or smoking habit. The cells from 10 patients with irreversible obstructive airways disease and probable emphysema were significantly more sensitive than those from 10 patients with no respiratory disability matched for age and smoking habits. Genetically influenced variation in cellular response to cytotoxicity may be an important determinant of the risk of developing emphysema among smokers.  相似文献   

In vitro translation with adenovirus polyribosomes.   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Polyribosomes isolated from adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-infected HeLa cells late in productive infection can be used for translation in cell-free systems. At least eight viral polypeptides are synthesized, including the precursors to virion polypeptides VI and VII. Separation of polyribosomes by zonal rate centrifugation followed by translation in a cell-free system reveals a correlation between the sizes of the polyribosomes and the polypeptides synthesized. The cell-free extracts incorporate amino acid linearly for only 10 min and show little or no capacity to reinitiate protein synthesis. The elongation efficiency measured as the number of amino acids incorporated per ribosome in 20 min is low, ranging from 10 to 100. The maximum chain elongation rate is estimated to be 10 to 20 amino acids per min. The limited elongation has been used to assess the relative concentration of mRNA's engaged in translation.  相似文献   

Since our earlier studies of 23 individual weakly acidic constituents of cigarette smoke indicated that benzenes having vicinal oxygenation or a conjugated double bond induce sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE), we have now selected and examined a complementary set of 27 smoke constituents for their SCE-inducing properties. Of the 50 compounds tested in all, 23 were found to induce SCE, and these include all benzaldehydes but one and the majority of the compounds having a conjugated carbon-carbon double bond as well as several of the guaiacols. These groups of active compounds comprise important flavourants such as vanillin, ethylvanillin, isoeugenol and guaiacol. The structure-activity relationships encountered here may be useful in predicting the SCE-inducing activity of related compounds.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is not understood. We have previously shown increased levels of mediators that control vasoconstriction (endothelin-1), vascular cell proliferation (endothelin-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor), and vasodilation (endothelial nitric oxide synthase) in the intrapulmonary arteries of animals exposed to cigarette smoke. To determine whether these mediators could be implicated in the structural remodeling of the arterial vasculature and increased pulmonary arterial pressure caused by chronic cigarette smoke exposure, guinea pigs were exposed to daily cigarette smoke for 6 mo. Pulmonary arterial pressures were measured. Intrapulmonary artery structure was analyzed by morphometry, artery mediator protein expression by immunohistochemistry, and artery mediator gene expression by laser capture microdissection and real-time RT-PCR. We found that the smoke-exposed animals developed increases in pulmonary arterial pressure and increased muscularization of the small pulmonary arteries. Gene expression and protein levels of all three mediators were increased, and pulmonary arterial pressure correlated both with the levels of mediator production and with the degree of arterial muscularization. We conclude that chronic smoke exposure produces increased vasoactive mediator expression in the small intrapulmonary arteries and that these mediators are associated with vascular remodeling as well as increased pulmonary arterial pressure. These findings support the idea that hypertension in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a result of direct cigarette smoke-mediated effects on the vasculature and suggest that interference with endothelin and VEGF production and activity or augmentation of nitric oxide levels may be beneficial.  相似文献   

Chemiluminescence from cigarette smoke (aerosol) and smoke "extracts" (suspensoids) are described. The emissons from aqueous and organic suspensoids persist for hours, are proportional to oxygen solubilities, possess energy of at least 1.8 electron volts, and display characteristics which suggest that the emissions may be partially sensitized by singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Cigarette smokers have been reported to void urine which is more mutagenic than that voided by non-smokers, but the specific urinary mutagen(s) have not been identified. Since mechanistic studies are best performed in animal models, the objective of this study was to determine if a model to study the role of cigarette smoke and its components in urinary mutagenicity could be developed in rats. XAD-2 resin was used to concentrate the urine and the microsuspension modification of the Ames test used to quantify mutagenicity. Nicotine administered by intraperitoneal injection at 0.8 mg/kg (the maximum tolerated dose) or inhalation of carbon monoxide for 14 days at the maximum tolerated dose (1800 ppm, resulting in 68% carboxyhemoglobin) did not increase urinary mutagenicity. Cigarette smoke condensate (CSC) prepared by electrostatic precipitation of mainstream smoke increased urinary mutagenicity at doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg when administered acutely by either i.p. injection or gavage, verifying that the assay system was capable of detecting cigarette smoke-related mutagens in the urine. However, cigarette smoke administered by the appropriate route of exposure, nose-only inhalation, for 1, 7, 14 or 90 days (1 h per day) did not increase urinary mutagenicity. The smoke concentration administered was at or near the maximum tolerated dose as evidenced by carboxyhemoglobin concentrations of approximately 50%, and of 10% or more weight loss in exposed animals. Thus, although cigarette smoke condensate is mutagenic in vitro and mutagenic urine was observed when rats were given high doses of CSC by inappropriate routes of administration, acute or subchronic inhalation exposure to the maximum tolerated dose of whole cigarette smoke did not increase urinary mutagenicity in rats. These results indicate that the rat may be an inappropriate model to study urinary mutagenicity following the inhalation of tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the pathology of cigarette smoke-increased permeability at the bronchioalveolar junction of the guinea pig. After exposure to either smoke or room air, guinea pigs were anesthetized and fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-D, mol wt 10,000) was aerosolized into their lungs. Blood samples taken through a carotid arterial cannula were analyzed by gel chromatography and spectrofluorometry for the presence of FITC-D. The results confirmed that, after smoke exposure, increased amounts of intact FITC-D molecules with a reported Einstein-Stokes radius of 22.2 A crossed the respiratory epithelium into the vascular space. Transmission electron-microscopic studies showed that the FITC-D diffused across damaged type I pneumocyte membranes and cytoplasm to reach the basal lamina and entered the alveolar capillaries through endothelial tight junctions. Damage to the alveolar epithelium was more frequent for the smoke-exposed animals than the room air-exposed animals (P less than 0.05). We conclude that smoke exposure damages type I cells and that inhaled FITC-D crosses the epithelial barrier at damaged type I cells of the bronchioloalveolar junctions.  相似文献   

Summary Various cigarette smoke condensates (CSC) were analyzed with respect to the induction of sister-chromatid exchanges (SCE) in human lymphocytes in vitro. CSC from a reference cigarette, from three different tobaccos of the reference cigarette, and from a British cigarette induced similar SCE frequencies. CSC from the reference cigarette did not induce SCE in Chinese hamster bone marrow cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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