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Normal values of Bohr effect of oxygenation of partially oxidized hemoglobin A with ferrihemes liganded either with H2O and OH or with CN have been found in the range of pH values from 6.8 to 7.6 in 45 micrometer (Fe)-hemoglobin containing 36--38% of ferrihemes. As the changes of oxygen affinity of Hb A induced by changes of pH are due to the modifications of R state, this quaternary conformation is thought to be unchanged in the studied of R state, this quaternary conformation is thought to be unchanged in the studied forms of partially oxidized hemoglobin. It is suggested that interactions between ferric and ferrous hemes leading to the increased affinity of ferrous hemes to oxygen occur in deoxygenated form of partially oxidized hemoglobin. In partially oxidized hemoglobin with ferric hemes liganded with H2O asymmetry of oxygen binding curves has been noted, which is not observed in forms with ferric hemes liganded with OH ot CN. This shows the effect of ligands of ferric hemes on interactions between chains containing ferric and ferrous hemes.  相似文献   

Structural alterations of the haem vicinity of the high-spin derivatives of bovine ferric myoglobin (metmyoglobin) and human haemoglobin and the changes of the interaction with inositol hexaphosphate induced by ethanediol were monitored by solvent-proton magnetic relaxation. On addition of ethanediol up to 60% the fluoromet derivatives exhibit a gradual increase in the accessibility of the haem for the molecules from the solvent. In aquomethaemoglobin solutions with more than 25% ethanediol there is no unique explanation of proton magnetic relaxation. Ethanediol enhances the binding of inositol hexaphosphate to methaemoglobin, but the structural consequences of this binding on the haem-pockets seem to be diminished. The mechanisms of the observed structural and functional alterations of myoglobin as well as haemoglobin tetramer are discussed here.  相似文献   

Frozen solution electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of the aquo, methanol, and ethanol complexes of ferric myoglobin and hemoglobin are quantitatively analyzed in terms of the rhombic to tetragonal symmetry ratio and the admixture of quartet states, both with regard to central values of these parameters and the widths of their distributions. In both the methanol and ethanol complexes of ferric myoglobin the main change from the aquo complex is a narrowing of the spread in the rhombic to tetragonal symmetry ratio (reduction in structural variation). The alcohol complexes of both the alpha- and beta-chains within the tetramer of ferric hemoglobin are characterized by a lowering of symmetry (as compared with the aquo complex). Qualitative differences in distribution widths among the complexes are consistent with an origin in molecular structure and dynamics rather than in ice matrix-induced strain.  相似文献   

The heme methyl and vinyl α-proton signals have been assigned in low-spin ferric cyanide and azide ligated derivatives of the intact tetramer of hemoglobin A, as well as the isolated chains, by reconstituting the proteins with selectively deuterated hemins. For the hemoglobin cyanide tetramer, assignment to individual subunits was effected by forming hybrid hemoglobins possessing isotope-labeled hemins in only one type of subunit. The heme methyl contact shift pattern has 1-methyl and 5-methyl shifts furthest downfield in both chains and the individual subunits of the intact hemoglobin in both the cyanide- and azide-ligated species, which is consistent with a dominant rhombic perturbation due to the proximal His-F8 imidazole π bonding in the known structure for human adult hemoglobin. The individual chain and subunit assignments confirm that the detailed electronic/magnetic properties of the heme pocket are essentially unaltered upon assembling the R-state tetramer from the isolated subunits.  相似文献   

The heme methyl and vinyl alpha-proton signals have been assigned in low-spin ferric cyanide and azide ligated derivatives of the intact tetramer of hemoglobin A, as well as the isolated chains, by reconstituting the proteins with selectively deuterated hemins. For the hemoglobin cyanide tetramer, assignment to individual subunits was effected by forming hybrid hemoglobins possessing isotope-labeled hemins in only one type of subunit. The heme methyl contact shift pattern has 1-methyl and 5-methyl shifts furthest downfield in both chains and the individual subunits of the intact hemoglobin in both the cyanide- and azide-ligated species, which is consistent with a dominant rhombic perturbation due to the proximal His-F8 imidazole pi bonding in the known structure for human adult hemoglobin. The individual chain and subunit assignments confirm that the detailed electronic/magnetic properties of the heme pocket are essentially unaltered upon assembling the R-state tetramer from the isolated subunits.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of hemoglobin types of 409 baboons of various species, mostly from Senegal, corresponds with the findings of other authors. Baboon hemoglobin is homogeneous as a whole, but differs electrophoretically from that of other monkey species. However, a difference in the electrophoretic mobility of the nonhemoglobin fraction of Papio anubis and Papio cynocephalus suggests a possibly different amino-acid sequence. This information may be useful for the classification in doubtful cases.  相似文献   

The allosteric transition in triply ferric hemoglobin has been studied with different ferric ligands. This valency hybrid permits observation of oxygen or CO binding properties to the single ferrous subunit, whereas the liganded state of the other three ferric subunits can be varied. The ferric hemoglobin (Hb) tetramer in the absence of effectors is generally in the high oxygen affinity (R) state; addition of inositol hexaphosphate induces a transition towards the deoxy (T) conformation. The fraction of T-state formed depends on the ferric ligand and is correlated with the spin state of the ferric iron complexes. High-spin ferric ligands such as water or fluoride show the most T-state, whereas low-spin ligands such as cyanide show the least. The oxygen equilibrium data and kinetics of CO recombination indicate that the allosteric equilibrium can be treated in a fashion analogous to the two-state model. The binding of a low-spin ferric ligand induces a change in the allosteric equilibrium towards the R-state by about a factor of 150 (at pH 6.5), similar to that of the ferrous ligands oxygen or CO; however, each high-spin ferric ligand induces a T to R shift by a factor of 40.  相似文献   

The unicellular protozoan Paramecium caudatum contains a monomeric hemoglobin (Hb) that has only 116 amino acid residues. This Hb shares the simultaneous presence of a distal E7 glutamine and a B10 tyrosine with several invertebrate Hbs. In the study presented here, we have used ligand binding kinetics and resonance Raman spectroscopy to characterize the effect of the distal pocket residues of Paramecium Hb in stabilizing the heme-bound ligands. In the ferric state, the high-spin to low-spin (aquo-hydroxy) transition takes place with a pK(a) of approximately 9.0. The oxygen affinity (P(50) = 0.45 Torr) is similar to that of myoglobin. The oxygen on- and off-rates are also similar to those of sperm whale myoglobin. Resonance Raman data suggest hydrogen bonding stabilization of bound oxygen, evidenced by a relatively low frequency of Fe-OO stretching (563 cm(-1)). We propose that the oxy complex is an equilibrium mixture of a hydrogen-bonded closed structure and an open structure. Oxygen will dissociate preferentially from the open structure, and therefore, the fraction of open structure population controls the rate of oxygen dissociation. In the CO complex, the Fe-CO stretching frequency at 493 cm(-1) suggests an open heme pocket, which is consistent with the higher on- and off-rates for CO relative to those in myoglobin. A high rate of ligand binding is also consistent with the observation of an Fe-histidine stretching frequency at 220 cm(-1), indicating the absence of significant proximal strain. We postulate that the function of Paramecium Hb is to supply oxygen for cellular oxidative processes.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics and kinetics for cyanide, azide, thiocyanate and imidazole binding to recombinant ferric Vitreoscilla sp. homodimeric hemoglobin (Vitreoscilla Hb) have been determined at pH 6.4 and 7.0, and 20.0 degrees C, in solution and in the crystalline state. Moreover, the three-dimensional structures of the diligated thiocyanate and imidazole derivatives of recombinant ferric Vitreoscilla Hb have been determined by X-ray crystallography at 1.8 A (Rfactor=19.9%) and 2.1 A (Rfactor=23.8%) resolution, respectively. Ferric Vitreoscilla Hb displays an anticooperative ligand binding behaviour in solution. This very unusual feature can only be accounted for by assuming ligand-linked conformational changes in the monoligated species, which lead to the observed 300-fold decrease in the affinity of cyanide, azide, thiocyanate and imidazole for the monoligated ferric Vitreoscilla Hb with respect to that of the fully unligated homodimer. In the crystalline state, thermodynamics for azide and imidazole binding to ferric Vitreoscilla Hb may be described as a simple process with an overall ligand affinity for the homodimer corresponding to that for diligation in solution. These data suggest that the ligand-free homodimer, observed in the crystalline state, is constrained in a low affinity conformation whose ligand binding properties closely resemble those of the monoligated species in solution. From the kinetic viewpoint, anticooperativity is reflected by the 300-fold decrease of the second-order rate constant for cyanide and imidazole binding to the monoligated ferric Vitreoscilla Hb with respect to that for ligand association to the ligand-free homodimer in solution. On the other hand, values of the first-order rate constant for cyanide and imidazole dissociation from the diligated and monoligated derivatives of ferric Vitreoscilla Hb in solution are closely similar. As a whole, ligand binding and structural properties of ferric Vitreoscilla Hb appear to be unique among all Hbs investigated to date.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic monomeric hemoglobin I from the bacteria-harboring gill of the bivalve mollusc Lucina pectinata has been crystallized in a form suitable for atomic resolution X-ray structural investigations. The crystals have been grown at pH 4.8, in 0.05 M-acetate buffer, using 2.6 M-ammonium sulfate as precipitating agent. The crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1), with unit cell constants a = 50.0 A, b = 38.6 A, c = 42.1 A, beta = 107.1 degrees, and contain one molecule (14,000 Mr) in the asymmetric unit. By means of single crystal microspectrophotometry it has been shown that the crystals contain the ferric form of L. pectinata "sulfide reactive" hemoglobin I. On the other hand, by careful control of the buffering medium composition, it has been possible to obtain stable crystals of the deoxy, oxy and sulfide forms of the protein.  相似文献   

This study reports the syntheses and the characterization of 12 ferric complexes of pyridoxal thiosemicarbazone. The richness of the coordination chemistry of this ligand is highlighted by the modulation of its charge from neutral H2L to anionic L2−, thus leading to a wide family of ferric compounds with charge varying from +3 to −1. The structures of complexes [Fe(HL)2]ClO4 · 2H2O and [Fe(HL)L] · 4.5H2O were solved and discussed with a particular attention brought to the intermolecular interactions occurring between the complexes. The investigation of magnetic properties of these compounds revealed that two of them are in the HS state at any temperature, whereas the others are in the LS state. These results are discussed in relation to the modulation of the electronic properties of the ligand.  相似文献   

The behavior of charge transfer band, appearing at 600-650 nm in ferric high spin derivatives of myoglobin and hemoglobin, was studied under various conditions by low temperature optical and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. Optical absorption spectra have demonstrated that: (1) The charge transfer band at 630 nm of myoglobin (Fe3+)-H2O (pH 7.0) at room temperature split into three bands, 627 nm, 645 nm and 664 nm (shoulder) at 77 degrees K, whereas that of hemoglobin (Fe3+)-H2O showed no splitting. (2) By lowering the pH value from 7.5 to 4.3 this splitting in myoglobin was observed to disappear only in the presence of a small amount of phosphate ion, accompanying a midpoint at pH 6.7 +/- 0.1. This does not originate from the released hemin. (3) Hemin (pH 7.55) showed no splitting of the charge transfer band at 77 degrees K. (4) This splitting depended on the species of 6th ligand. For myoglobin-F- the splitting could scarcely be observed, whereas the proton-donating ligands such as HCOOH and CH3OH exhibit the splitting as well as H2O. Magnetic circular dichroism spectra have demonstrated that: (5) The charge transfer band at 600-500 nm indicated Faraday A term and B term. (6) A negative B term band was observed at 650 nm for myoglobin-H2O in the glassic solvent of potassium glycerophosphate-glycerol, whereas it was not observed for hemoglobin-H2O. Several discussions were performed on the origin of splitting of the charge transfer band in myoglobin-H2O. It is now concluded that the hydrogen bond between the 6th ligand and the distal histidine contributes to the splitting of the charge transfer band around 630 nm for myoglobin Fe3+)-H2O at low temperature and that disappearance of the splitting at low pH is originated from the presence of phosphate ion.  相似文献   

Park HJ  Yang C  Treff N  Satterlee JD  Kang C 《Proteins》2002,49(1):49-60
Erythrocytes of the marine annelid, Glycera dibranchiata, contain a mixture of monomeric and polymeric hemoglobins. There are three major monomer hemoglobin components, II, III, IV (also called GMH2, 3, and 4), that have been highly purified and well characterized. We have now crystallized GMH3 and GMH4 and determined their structures to 1.4-1.8 A resolution. The structures were determined for these two monomer hemoglobins in the oxidized (Fe3+, ferric, or met-) forms in both the unligated and cyanide-ligated states. This work differs from two published, refined structures of a Glycera dibranchiata monomer hemoglobin, which has a sequence that is substantially different from any bona fide major monomer hemoglobins (GMH2, 3, or 4). The high-resolution crystal structures (presented here) and the previous NMR structure of CO-ligated GMH4, provide a basis for interpreting structure/function details of the monomer hemoglobins. These details include: (1) the strong correlation between temperature factor and NMR dynamics for respective protein forms; (2) the unique nature of the HisE7Leu primary sequence substitutions in GMH3 and GMH4 and their impact on cyanide ion binding kinetics; (3) the LeuB10Phe difference between GMH3 and GMH4 and its impact on ligand binding; and (4) elucidation of changes in the structural details of the distal and proximal heme pockets upon cyanide binding.  相似文献   

The effects of protein conformation on the spin-state equilibria of several derivatives of carp hemoglobin have been examined. This has been done by measuring the pH dependence of the paramagnetic susceptibilities of these derivatives in the presence and absence of inositol hexakisphosphate, P6-inositol. In all cases the addition of P6-inositol at low pH and the lowering of the pH in the presence of P6-inositol shift the spin-state equilibrium in favor of the high-spin electronic configuration. The P6-inositol and pH dependence of these magnetic properties parallels the pH and P6-inositol dependence of the conformational state of the hemoglobin as determined in earlier studies and further supports a thermodynamic linkage between the electronic state of the iron atoms and the quaternary structure of the hemoglobin molecule.  相似文献   

The anaerobic parasitic nematode Ascaris suum has an oxygen-avid hemoglobin in the perienteric fluid, the biological function of which remains elusive. Here, we report that Ascaris cytochrome b5 is expressed specifically in the intestinal parasitic stage and is secreted into the perienteric fluid, thus co-localizing with Ascaris hemoglobin. We also found that cytochrome b5 reduces Ascaris non-functioning ferric methemoglobin more efficiently than mammalian methemoglobin. Furthermore, a computer graphics model of the electron transfer complex between Ascaris cytochrome b5 and Ascaris hemoglobin strongly suggested that these two proteins are physiological redox partners. Nitric oxide has been reported to react easily with oxygen captured in hemoglobin to form nitrate, but not toxic free radicals, which may result in production of methemoglobin for the cytochrome b5 to regenerate functional ferrous hemoglobin. Therefore, our findings suggest that Ascaris cytochrome b5 is a key redox partner of Ascaris hemoglobin, which acts as an antioxidant.  相似文献   

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