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Phorbol esters cause an apparent differentiation of human T leukemic cell lines. It was shown previously that TPA induces the expression of the interleukin 2 (IL 2) receptor and the T3 complex on some T cell lines, including CCRF-CEM. We demonstrate that expression of the IL 2 receptor correlated with an induction of the 3.5 and 1.5 kb IL 2 receptor mRNA. In addition, the TPA-induced expression of the T3 polypeptides was found to be accompanied by induction of a putative T cell antigen receptor heterodimer on CEM cells. This was demonstrated by the co-precipitation of the T cell receptor with T3 from digitonin-solubilized cells. The cells expressed high levels of T3 delta- and T cell receptor beta-chain mRNA in the absence of TPA. The effect of TPA was to cause a rapid accumulation of T cell receptor alpha-chain mRNA. This suggested that the alpha-chain gene was rearranged before TPA induction and that expression of the T cell receptor/T3 complex on the cell surface was regulated by the level of alpha-chain expression. It was also shown that cloned sublines of CEM cells which expressed different T cell antigen phenotypes differed in their response to TPA.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood T cells were purified by a four-step procedure which included depletion of plastic-adherent cells, rosetting with sheep red blood cells, nylon wool passage, and treatment with mouse monoclonal antibodies to human Ia antigens plus complement. The purified T cells completely failed to proliferate to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Bacterially derived recombinant human interleukin 2 (IL 2) reconstituted the proliferative response of resting T cells to PHA. The optimal concentration of IL 2 required was 100 to 200 U/ml. IL 2 alone caused no T cell proliferation. Both PHA and IL 2 needed to be present together for the proliferation of T cells to occur. Incubation of T cells with either PHA or IL 2 alone for up to 18 hr, followed by washing, then by the addition of the reciprocal reagent, resulted in no T cell proliferation. Expression of IL 2 receptors and of Ia antigens, as assessed by indirect immunofluorescent staining, revealed that both PHA and IL 2 needed to be present for Tac and Ia antigen expression by T cells. T cells incubated with PHA and IL 2 for 18 to 42 hr acquired responsiveness to IL 2. These T cells remained absolutely dependent on IL 2 for proliferation to occur. In contrast to T cells stimulated with PHA in the presence of monocytes, T cells stimulated with PHA and IL 2 released no detectable IL 2. The failure of IL 2 secretion was not caused by down-regulation of IL 2 production by IL 2 itself, because the addition of IL 2 to cultures of T cells stimulated with PHA in the presence of monocytes did not interfere with IL 2 production. These results indicate that IL 2 is a sufficient signal to induce the expression of its receptor in PHA-stimulated T cells and subsequent proliferation but is not sufficient to cause endogenous IL 2 release.  相似文献   

Congenital deficiency of the enzyme adenosine deaminase (ADA) leads to severe combined immunodeficiency. 2'Deoxycoformycin (dCF), a tightly binding inhibitor of ADA, can induce the metabolic state of ADA deficiency. In vivo, the drug causes specific impairment of lymphocyte function and shows strong immunosuppressive properties. However, to decide whether inhibition of the enzyme ADA offers an attractive approach for immunosuppressive therapy, more information is needed about the immunologic mechanisms affected. In human T cells, we investigated the effect of dCF and deoxyadenosine (AdR) on cell activation, interleukin 2 (IL 2) production, and IL 2 receptor induction after allogeneic and lectin-induced stimulation. After allogeneic stimulation, dCF and AdR affected several events in T cellular immune response. Early events in T cell activation showed to be most sensitive to the drugs. Primary MLC was completely inhibited by concentrations as low as 1 microM dCF and 1 microM AdR. The addition of human recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2) could not abrogate the inhibitory effect of the drugs. Apart from activation of T cells, the drugs interfered with proliferation of activated T cells. Two events in activated T cells were affected: IL 2 production and IL 2 receptor expression. In secondary MLC, IL 2 production was markedly reduced in the presence of 9 microM dCF and 60 microM AdR. These concentrations appeared also to affect IL 2 receptor expression in 12-day primary MLC cells stimulated with rIL 2. Lectin stimulation was also affected by the drugs. In phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated cultures, 9 microM dCF and 60 microM AdR resulted in inhibition of proliferation and IL 2 receptor expression, whereas IL 2 production was normal. It is concluded that dCF and AdR interfere with several events in T cellular immune response such as cell activation, IL 2 production, and IL 2 receptor expression. According to these results, inhibition of the enzyme ADA seems an attractive approach to immunosuppressive therapy.  相似文献   

The p220 antigen is found on the high m.w. form of the T200 common leukocyte antigen family. Although T200 monoclonal antibodies (MAb) react with all hematopoietic cells, p220 MAb react only with B cells, NK cells, about 50% of CD4+ T helper cells, and about 90% of CD8+ T suppressor cells. The p220 antigen appears to play an important role in T cell activation, because anti-p220 MAb at doses as low as 5 ng/ml accelerate the proliferation kinetics of PHA-stimulated T cells and augment anti-CD3-driven proliferation when IL 2 is in excess. Fab fragments have no effect on PHA-stimulated cells but partially block proliferation in response to anti-CD3. Our data suggest that p220 is functionally related to expression of the IL 2 receptor. Anti-p220 MAb cause an increase in the number of T cells that express the IL 2 receptor early after activation. In addition, T cells begin to turn off expression of p220 after activation, and two-color immunofluorescence shows that by day 3 after activation the cells expressing the most IL 2 receptor have the least p220. The loss of p220 on T cells may reflect a post-thymic differentiation process related to cell activation. Our data are consistent with a model where the p220- T cells in peripheral blood are a more activated population of T cells that have lost p220 and its ability to regulate their IL 2 receptor expression.  相似文献   

We have assessed the inhibitory effects of various monoclonal antibodies on the expression of the IL 2 receptor. Anti-LFA-1, but not anti-Ly-2, markedly inhibited the induction of the IL 2 receptor on the Ly-2+ subset. T-depleted spleen cells, L cells, and B lymphoma cells all functioned as potent accessory cells (AC) for the induction of the IL 2 receptor on L3T4+ T cells. Anti-LFA-1 inhibited the induction of the IL 2 receptor irrespective of the type of AC used. Anti-L3T4 only inhibited the induction of IL 2 receptor expression when L cells were the source of AC. The inhibitory capacity of anti-L3T4 was not related to the expression of Ia on the AC population, because the magnitude of inhibition was comparable in cultures containing either Ia+ or Ia- L cells, whereas no inhibition was seen with either Ia+ or Ia-B lymphoma cells. We conclude from these studies that LFA-1 plays a critical role in mitogen-induced activation of both T cell subsets by promoting both T-AC and T-T interactions. Although anti-L3T4 can inhibit T cell activation in the absence of the recognition of Ia, the mechanism of inhibition and the proposed target molecule for L3T4 on the AC or the T cell have not been determined in our studies. A number of different models for the function of this cell surface antigen are discussed.  相似文献   

The accessory cell requirements for the induction of the IL 2 receptor by the lectin Con A on murine T cell subsets were directly assayed with anti-IL 2 receptor monoclonal antibodies. Substantial levels of IL 2 receptor expression were induced on T lymphocytes of the MHC class I-restricted, suppressor/cytotoxic phenotype (L3T4-, Ly-2+) in the presence and absence of accessory cells. In contrast, high levels of IL 2 receptor expression could only be induced on T cells of the MHC class II-restricted, helper/inducer phenotype (L3T4+, LY-2-) in the presence, but not in the absence, of accessory cells. Ia- cells such as the P388D1 macrophage line or cultured fibroblasts (DAP X 3) were as efficient as the Ia+ B cell hybridoma LB in providing accessory cell function for the L3T4+, Ly-2- subset. PMA, but not purified human IL 1, could substitute for accessory cells for both IL 2 receptor expression and IL 2 secretion by the L3T4+, Ly-2- subset. These data suggest that IL 2 receptor induction on the L3T4+, Ly-2- subset is complex, possibly requiring a T cell-accessory cell interaction, whereas the lectin may directly trigger IL 2 receptor expression on L3T4-, Ly-2+ T cells.  相似文献   

A previous study indicated that Ca++ ionophores in conjunction with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) could induce normal T lymphocytes to express receptors for the T cell growth factor, interleukin 2 (IL 2), to secrete IL 2, and to proliferate (1). Here we used long-term alloreactive Lyt-2+ cytotoxic or T4+ "helper" T cell clones. In response to their specific alloantigen, all of the clones secreted IFN-gamma but only the T4+ clone secreted IL 2 and proliferated in response to the appropriate alloantigen in the absence of exogenous IL 2. The Ca++ ionophore ionomycin and TPA, used in conjunction, mimicked the effect of specific alloantigen on these T cell clones, i.e., they induced the secretion of IFN-gamma in all clones and the secretion of IL 2 in the T4+ clone. In the absence of exogenous IL 2, a proliferative response was induced only for the IL 2 secreting clone. Increased sensitivity to exogenous IL 2 for some T cell clones was also observed after either alloantigen or ionomycin and TPA treatment; this could be correlated with an increase in the expression of IL 2 receptors 6 hr after a pulse with ionomycin and TPA. These results suggest that, for a given T cell clone, activation of the Ca++ -dependent protein kinase c can replace the antigen-receptor triggering events leading to interleukin secretion and increased expression of IL 2 receptors but cannot substitute for the IL 2 dependent triggering of the IL 2 receptor.  相似文献   

High concentrations of interleukin 2 (IL 2) were shown to produce a delayed but pronounced proliferation of purified resting T cells in the apparent absence of other activation signals. Because these stimulatory effects of IL 2 occurred in the absence of detectable Tac+ cells, the possibility that IL 2 might be initially interacting with an IL 2 binding protein distinct from the Tac protein was studied. Chemical cross-linking studies with 125I-IL 2 revealed the presence of an IL 2 binding protein distinct from the Tac protein on the surface of these unstimulated T cells. This second IL 2 receptor has an estimated molecular size of 70,000 daltons, lacks reactivity with the anti-Tac antibody, and appears to be identical to the p70 protein recently proposed as a component of the high affinity IL 2 receptor. Scatchard analysis of IL 2 binding assays performed with the unactivated T cells revealed approximately 600 to 700 p70 sites per cell and an apparent Kd of 340 pM. These data indicate that the p70 protein present on resting T cells binds IL 2 with an intermediate affinity compared with the previously recognized high and low affinity forms of the receptor and may account for the high concentration of IL 2 needed to induce resting T cell proliferation. To investigate the early biologic consequences of IL 2 binding to the p70 protein, potential changes in the expression of genes involved in T cell activation were examined. Northern blotting revealed the rapid induction of c-myc, c-myb, and Tac mRNA after stimulation of resting T cells with a high concentration of IL 2. The anti-Tac antibody did not inhibit IL 2 induced expression of these genes, suggesting that the p70 protein rather than the Tac antigen or the high affinity IL 2 receptor complex mediated this signal. However, in contrast to these early activation events, the anti-Tac antibody significantly inhibited IL 2 induced T cell proliferation. This finding implicates the high affinity form of the IL 2 receptor in the proliferative response of the IL 2 activated T cells. Thus these data support a two step model for the induction of resting T cell proliferation by high doses of IL 2 involving the initial generation of an activation or "competence" signal through the p70 protein and a subsequent proliferation or "progression" signal through the high affinity form of the receptor.  相似文献   

In testing the recently discovered tumor promoter teleocidin (TCD), we found that like phorbol esters, TCD was mitogenic to human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and preferentially stimulated sheep erythrocyte-rosetted (ER) T cell-enriched populations. Stimulation of PBL with TCD induced synthesis and expression of receptors for interleukin 2 (IL 2), as shown by dot-blot analysis with the use of a synthetic oligonucleotide probe, cell surface staining with anti-Tac antibody followed by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis, and a functional proliferation assay in which TCD-stimulated cells were washed free of TCD and were recultured with human recombinant IL 2 (rIL 2). Increased expression of cell surface markers after TCD stimulation of PBL is not general, because TCD did not affect the expression of Leu-2a antigen, and it also reduced the density of Leu-3a and Leu-4 antigens. Stimulation of cultured, IL 2 receptor-positive PBL with rIL 2, but not TCD, was blocked by anti-rIL 2 antibodies. Furthermore, IL 2-specific mRNA was not detected in TCD-stimulated PBL, demonstrating that IL 2 was not required for TCD-induced T cell proliferation. In addition, TCD replaced IL 2 in inducing short-term proliferation of IL 2-dependent murine cytotoxic T cell lines. The findings that TCD induced IL 2-independent proliferation of T cells, and TCD and IL 2 synergized in inducing T cell proliferation, suggest that they initiate T cell proliferation via different mechanisms. The IL 2-independent activation of T cells, and the induction of IL 2 receptor expression by TCD, may be related to its ability to activate protein kinase C in cell membrane.  相似文献   

Desferoxamine blocks IL 2 receptor expression on human T lymphocytes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Thymidine uptake by PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes is reduced in the presence of 100 microM or greater concentrations of the iron-chelating agent desferoxamine (DF). We assessed expression of IL 2 receptor, 4F2 and Ia antigens, IL 2 production, and cell cycle progression by blood mononuclear cells (MNC) stimulated by PHA in the presence or absence of DF to determine whether the lack of T cell proliferation was a manifestation of inhibition of an earlier activation event. Tac antigen expression on PHA-stimulated MNC was inhibited by DF throughout 8 days of culture, and those cells which were positive had a low density of Tac antigen as compared with controls without DF. Expression of other activation antigens, 4F2 and Ia, was not impaired by DF. The supernatants of the DF-containing and control cultures contained equivalent IL 2 activity, as measured on the HT-2 cell line. Cell cycle analysis of these cultures shows that the addition of DF at the beginning of culture blocks most cells from undergoing G0 to G1 transition, whereas later addition of DF arrests the progression of the T cell blasts through the cell cycle. Separation of cells cultured with PHA and DF into Tac+ and Tac- subsets showed that progression from G0 to G1 was restricted to the former subset. These results suggest that interference with IL 2 receptor expression might contribute to the block in mitogen-induced proliferation caused by DF.  相似文献   

T cell antigen receptor activation pathways: the tyrosine kinase connection.   总被引:90,自引:0,他引:90  
R D Klausner  L E Samelson 《Cell》1991,64(5):875-878

Association of protein kinase C activation with IL 2 receptor expression   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Tac antigen (as a measure of the IL 2 receptor) acquisition and regulation by IL 2, an antigen-receptor agonist (anti-T3), phorbol esters, and phytohemagglutinin (PHA) were studied. Phorbol esters stimulated de novo acquisition of Tac antigen, which was associated with the subcellular redistribution of protein kinase C (PK-C) from cytosol to particulate membranes of human T lymphocytes. PHA and anti-T3 (alpha-T3) antibody also stimulated a transient redistribution and activation of PK-C that reached a maximum within 20 min after stimulation. Both phorbol esters and alpha-T3 could increase Tac expression and stimulate PK-C translocation on 5 and 12 day activated T cells that were at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle due to IL 2 deprivation. Tac antigen-specific mRNA was seen in the nucleus within 2 hr after stimulation. In contrast, IL 2 alone could only increase Tac expression and stimulate PK-C translocation on day 5 but not day 12 activated T cells. IL 2 synergizes with alpha-T3 and phorbol ester for the regulation of Tac expression. Although IL 2 increased expression of Tac, the majority if not all of these receptors possessed low affinity for IL 2. These data suggest that the activation of PK-C is a common transmembrane signal shared by IL 2 and antigen stimulation. The results also imply that PK-C activation is necessary for the regulation of Tac antigen expression.  相似文献   

The differentiation of monocytes into dendritic cells (DC) is a key mechanism by which the innate immune system instructs the adaptive T cell response. In this study, we investigated whether leukocyte Ig-like receptor A2 (LILRA2) regulates DC differentiation by using leprosy as a model. LILRA2 protein expression was increased in the lesions of the progressive, lepromatous form vs the self-limited, tuberculoid form of leprosy. Double immunolabeling revealed LILRA2 expression on CD14+, CD68+ monocytes/macrophages. Activation of LILRA2 on peripheral blood monocytes impaired GM-CSF induced differentiation into immature DC, as evidenced by reduced expression of DC markers (MHC class II, CD1b, CD40, and CD206), but not macrophage markers (CD209 and CD14). Furthermore, LILRA2 activation abrogated Ag presentation to both CD1b- and MHC class II-restricted, Mycobacterium leprae-reactive T cells derived from leprosy patients, while cytokine profiles of LILRA2-activated monocytes demonstrated an increase in TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, and IL-10, but little effect on TGF-beta. Therefore, LILRA2 activation, by altering GM-CSF-induced monocyte differentiation into immature DC, provides a mechanism for down-regulating the ability of the innate immune system to activate the adaptive T cell response while promoting an inflammatory response.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that there are at least two separate pathways by which a single keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) reactive T cell clone can induce B cell differentiation. With the use of the high-dose antigen-driven system (10 micrograms/ml trinitrophenyl (TNP)-KLH), a KLH-specific T cell clone was able to induce a primary anti-TNP response in unprimed B cells. In the presence of aliquots of the same T cell clone, a low-dose of antigen (5 X 10(-2) micrograms/ml TNP-KLH) induced an immunoglobulin (Ig)G response in primed B cells. It has also been demonstrated that there are variant subclones of such KLH-specific helper T cell clones that are unable to provide antigen-specific help in the presence of low-dose antigen but maintain the high-dose antigen-driven helper response. This study was undertaken to investigate whether interleukin 2 (IL 2) had some activity in the low-dose, antigen-driven response induced by the T cell clone. With the use of a variant T cell clone (which lost low-dose, antigen-driven helper activity), it was demonstrated that IL 2 was capable of reconstituting the low-dose, antigen-driven helper activity. To investigate whether accessory cells were required in this system, we removed the adherent cell population from the primed spleen cells added to culture. Interestingly, removal of the G10-adherent cells eliminated the low-dose, antigen-driven response induced by IL 2. Additionally by add-back experiments, we were able to demonstrate that the necessary adherent cell population did not require major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restriction for reconstitution of the IL 2-dependent, low-dose, antigen-driven response. Furthermore, 1% concanavalin A (Con A) supernatant (Sn), but not interleukin 1 (IL 1), could replace this adherent cell function. These data suggest that in this system, IL 2 bypasses the MHC-restricted interaction between T cells and antigen-charged adherent cells; B cells can present antigen to cloned helper T cells efficiently for primary responses but need an added factor(s) to induce IgG production; and adherent cells are essential for IgG production in primed B cells, possibly through the release of soluble factor(s) included in Con A Sn.  相似文献   

The antigen receptor complex on murine MHC class II-restricted T cells consists of disulfide-linked alpha and beta chains noncovalently associated with four additional polypeptides, two that are endoglycosaminidase F-sensitive, gp26 and gp21, and two that are endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, p25 and p16. We demonstrate here that treatment of murine T cell hybridomas with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate results in phosphorylation of p25 and gp21 on serine residues. However, activation of cells by antigen results in the phosphorylation of the gp21 chain and a heretofore unidentified 21 kd protein. This newly defined polypeptide, p21, is specifically immunoprecipitated with the antigen receptor complex, is endoglycosaminidase F-resistant, and is itself part of a disulfide-linked molecule. Unlike antigen-induced phosphorylation of gp21, which occurs on serine residues, phosphorylation of p21 occurs uniquely on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

IL2RA, a subunit of the high affinity receptor for interleukin-2 (IL2), plays a crucial role in immune homeostasis. Notably, IL2RA expression is induced in CD4+ T cells in response to various stimuli and is constitutive in regulatory T cells (Tregs). We selected for our study 18 CpGs located within cognate regulatory regions of the IL2RA locus and characterized their methylation in naive, regulatory, and memory CD4+ T cells. We found that 5/18 CpGs (notably CpG + 3502) show dynamic, active demethylation during the in vitro activation of naive CD4+ T cells. Demethylation of these CpGs correlates with appearance of IL2RA protein at the cell surface. We found no influence of cis located SNP alleles upon CpG methylation. Treg cells show constitutive demethylation at all studied CpGs. Methylation of 9/18 CpGs, including CpG +3502, decreases with age. Our data thus identify CpG +3502 and a few other CpGs at the IL2RA locus as coordinated epigenetic regulators of IL2RA expression in CD4+ T cells. This may contribute to unravel how the IL2RA locus can be involved in immune physiology and pathology.  相似文献   

The T cell antigen receptor is composed of at least seven chains derived from six different gene products. Upon stimulation, several chains can be phosphorylated. Two of these, CD3-gamma and CD3-epsilon are phosphorylated on serine residues. In addition, a 21-kDa nonglycosylated receptor component is phosphorylated, upon activation, on tyrosine residues. We have referred to this phosphoprotein as p21 because we have previously not been able to assign the tyrosine phosphorylation to any of the described receptor subunits (Samelson, L. E., Patel, M. D., Weissman, A. M., Harford, J. B., and Klausner, R. D. (1986) Cell 46, 1083-1090). In this paper, we demonstrate that it is the 16-kDa zeta chain which is the tyrosine phosphorylated subunit, and thus the p21 nomenclature can be replaced. This phosphorylation results in a shift of the apparent Mr of zeta to 21 kDa. Proof that p21 is tyrosine phosphorylated zeta was afforded by a number of approaches. Specific anti-zeta antibodies directly precipitated phospho-p21. Metabolically labeled protein corresponding to p21 could only be observed after activation. When this 21-kDa band was isolated after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reanalyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after treatment with alkaline phosphatase, its migration was identical with that of zeta. Furthermore, peptide mapping of metabolically labeled p21 (after gel isolation and dephosphorylation) showed it to be indistinguishable from p21. Thus, one of the early events of T cell activation is the tyrosine phosphorylation of the zeta chain of the T cell antigen receptor.  相似文献   

We have studied the in vivo regulation and expression of the murine IL 2 receptor after antigen sensitization. High and low affinity receptor expression has been studied by flow cytometry analysis and radiolabeled IL 2 binding. Both anti-IL 2 receptor antibody and unlabeled IL 2 inhibited the radiolabeled IL 2 binding. The kinetics of expression of the IL 2 receptor closely correspond to the proliferative response, as assessed by IUdR radioisotope uptake. The expression of IL 2 receptors correlated with the proliferative response profile of the murine strains surveyed during a study of responses to picryl chloride. Neither immune compromised 4-mo-old MRL/lpr mice nor athymic nude mice generated significant antigen-specific proliferative responses or IL 2 receptor expression after antigen sensitization. Mice rendered specifically unresponsive to antigen displayed reduced proliferative responses to the tolerizing antigen, as well as reduced numbers of IL 2 receptor-positive cells. Finally, the treatment of mice with immunosuppressive drugs reduced both the proliferative responses as well as the number of IL 2 receptor-positive cells. However, at the cellular level, the drugs produced different effects on IL 2 receptor expression.  相似文献   

A new T cell molecule defined by the mAb 143-4-2 has been identified that is involved in T cell activation. The expression of the 143-4-2-defined epitope is linked to the previously characterized Ly-6 locus and restricted to bone marrow cells and to a subset of peripheral Lyt-2+ cells. In comparison to other anti-Ly-6.2 mAb, the 143-4-2 mAb appears to be directed at an allogeneic determinant of the Ly-6.2C molecule. The anti-Ly-6.2C antibody can promote the lysis of antigen-non-bearing target cells by alloreactive CTL clones, and in the presence of cofactors (PMA or IL 2) induces a subset of Lyt-2+ cells to proliferate, perhaps through an autocrine pathway. Although the antibody described has antigen-like effects as described for anti-TcR complex reagents, studies performed with a recently derived anti-murine T3 mAb suggest that the Ly-6.2C molecule is not associated on the cell surface with components of the TcR complex. Nevertheless, cell surface expression of the TcR complex is required for optimal triggering of T cells via the Ly-6.2C molecule. Because Ly-6.2C determinants are expressed in bone marrow and not in the thymus, the possibility is considered that expression of this molecule identifies a distinct subset of extrathymically derived T cells.  相似文献   

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