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As part of an effort to describe the connections of the somatosensory system in Galago garnetti, a small prosimian primate, injections of tracers into cortex revealed that two somatosensory areas, the second somatosensory area (S2) and the parietal ventral somatosensory area (PV), project densely to the ipsilateral superior colliculus, while the primary somatosensory area (S1 or area 3b) does not. The three cortical areas were defined in microelectrode mapping experiments and recordings were used to identify appropriate injection sites in the same cases. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) were placed in S1 in different mediolateral locations representing body regions from toes to face in five galagos, and none of these injections labeled projections to the superior colliculus. In contrast, each of the two injections in the face representation of S2 in two galagos and three injections in face and forelimb representations of PV in three galagos produced dense patches of labeled terminations and axons in the intermediate gray (layer IV) over the full extent of the superior colliculus. The results suggest that the higher-order somatosensory areas, PV and S2, are directly involved in the visuomotor functions of the superior colliculus in prosimian primates, while S1 is not. The somatosensory inputs appear to be too widespread to contribute to a detailed somatotopic representation in the superior colliculus, but they may be a source of somatosensory modulation of retinotopically guided oculomotor instructions.  相似文献   

The gross relationships and light microscopic anatomy of the suprarenal gland of a prosimian primate, Galago senegalensis, is described. The left gland is located medial to the pole of the left kidney in a fascial compartment of its own. The right suprarenal is located medial to the pole of the right kidney in intimate apposition to the liver and inferior vena cava. The capsule of the right gland blends with the capsule of the right lobe of the liver and is also contiguous with the adventitia of the inferior vena cava. The histologic appearance of the gland is similar to that of other primate genera. The zona glomerulosa is poorly developed; the zona fasciculata is composed of cell cords and is relatively well developed and the zona reticularis shows no unusual characteristics. The organization of the lipid content of the various cortical zones show a considerably different pattern than previously reported. The zona glomerulosa contains numerous large lipid droplets. In contrast to the bi-laminar pattern of lipid deposition seen in other primates, the Galago shows three distinct layers of lipid droplets in the zona fasciculata. The zona reticularis has a moderate population of lipid droplets essentially similar to that reported in most other forms. The medulla, except for a sparse number of centrally displaced zona reticularis cells, is completely devoid of lipid deposits. The junction of the zona reticularis and medulla is distinct, although a connective tissue capsule is not present.  相似文献   

The superior colliculus (SC) in primates plays an important role in orienting gaze and arms toward novel stimuli. Here we ask whether neurons in the intermediate and deep layers of the SC are also involved in the interaction with objects. In two trained monkeys we found a large number of SC units that were specifically activated when the monkeys contacted and pushed a target that had been reached with either hand. These neurons, however, were silent when the monkeys simply looked at or reached for the target but did not touch it. The activity related to interacting with objects was spatially tuned and increased with push strength. Neurons in the SC with this type of activity may be involved in a somatosensory-motor feedback loop that monitors the force of the active muscles together with the spatial position of the limb required for proper interaction with an object.  相似文献   

Ikeda T  Hikosaka O 《Neuron》2003,39(4):693-700
Eye movements are often influenced by expectation of reward. Using a memory-guided saccade task with an asymmetric reward schedule, we show that visual responses of monkey SC neurons increase when the visual stimulus indicates an upcoming reward. The increase occurred in two distinct manners: (1) reactively, as an increase in the gain of the visual response when the stimulus indicated an upcoming reward; (2) proactively, as an increase in anticipatory activity when reward was expected in the neuron's response field. These effects were observed mostly in saccade-related SC neurons in the deeper layer which would receive inputs from the cortical eye fields and the basal ganglia. These results, together with recent findings, suggest that the gain modulation may be determined by the inputs from both the cortical eye fields and the basal ganglia, whereas the anticipatory bias may be derived mainly from the basal ganglia.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of tectal projections of two visual areas of the superior temporal sulcus (MT and MST areas) has been studied, in five Macaca fascicularis, by means of the autoradiographic method tracing the anterograde transport of tritiated aminoacids intracortically injected. 2. In all cases the ipsilateral superior colliculi (SC) were found labelled, whereas the contralateral ones were devoid of label. 3. The three brains injected in the MT area resulted in SC labels that involved the superficial gray layer (SGS), the stratum opticum (SO) and the intermediate gray layer (SGI), sparing the layers below SGI. 4. The collicular labels found after injections within the MST area exhibited their distribution over the deep SC subdivision, whereas they spared all the superficial layers but the deep part of the SO. 5. In two animals with large uptake zones, one in MT and the other in MST, the labelling within the SGI showed a cluster-like pattern. 6. The distinct found bulk of projections of MT and MST respectively to the superficial and deep subdivisions of the SC, along with a number of peculiar connections of the MST area as mentioned in the text, contribute to depict an overall neural network in which MST appears to be more strongly involved than MT in linking sensory visual with oculomotor attentive functions.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of epsilon and gamma genes and encoded globins and high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of globin compositions in blood hemolysates obtained from embryos, fetuses and adults show that the prosimian primate Galago crassicaudatus expresses its epsilon and gamma genes only embryonically. Since rabbit, mouse and galago all have embryonic gamma genes but simian primates have fetal gamma genes, we conclude that gamma E evolved into gamma F in stem-simians. An elevated non-synonymous substitution rate characterizes this transition. The alignment of epsilon and gamma nucleotide sequences and the parsimoniously reconstructed evolutionary history of these sequences identify several anciently conserved cis-regulatory elements (phylogenetic footprints) important for gamma expression in primates and also cis-mutations which may have been involved in the recruitment of the gamma gene to a fetal program in simian primates.  相似文献   

Krauzlis R  Dill N 《Neuron》2002,35(2):355-363
We have examined the role of the superior colliculus (SC) in choosing targets for pursuit and saccades by comparing neuronal activity at sites representing the possible choices. After recording during a two-alternative forced-choice paradigm, we measured the difference in activity of the populations representing the two choices by computing receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves on a millisecond timescale. A signal indicating the correct choice emerged from noise over time, forming a tradeoff between speed and accuracy. The observed performance corresponded to particular points along the predicted speed-accuracy curves-pursuit emphasizing speed and saccades emphasizing accuracy. These results show that activity from the same set of neurons in the superior colliculus can predict target choices for both pursuit and saccades.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of tarsiers within the primates has been a controversial subject for over a century. Despite numerous morphological and molecular studies, there has been weak support for grouping tarsiers with either strepsirrhine primates in a prosimian clade or with anthropoids in a haplorrhine clade. Here, we take advantage of the recently released whole genome assembly of the Philippine tarsier, Tarsius syrichta, in order to infer the phylogenetic relationship of Tarsius within the order Primates. We also present estimates of divergence times within the primates. Using a 1.26 million base pair multiple sequence alignment derived from 1078 orthologous genes, we provide overwhelming statistical support for the presence of a haplorrhine clade. We also present divergence date estimates using local relaxed molecular clock methods. The estimated time of the most recent common ancestor of extant Primates ranged from 64.9 Ma to 72.6 Ma, and haplorrhines were estimated to have a most recent common ancestor between 58.9 Ma and 68.6 Ma. Examination of rates of nucleotide substitution in the three major extant primate clades show that anthropoids have a slower substitution rate than either strepsirrhines or tarsiers. Our results provide the framework on which primate morphological, reproductive, and genomic features can be reconstructed in the broader context of mammalian phylogeny.  相似文献   

Summary Several types of terminals were found in the three superficial collicular layers of Galago. At least two axon terminals with round vesicles (R1 and R2) could be distinguished on the basis of vesicle packing and electron density of the cytoplasmic and mitochondrial matrices. R1 axon terminals were characterized by aggregations of vesicles in an electron lucent cytoplasm and mitochondria with a relatively dark matrix, while in R2 axon terminals the vesicles were more evenly distributed in an electron dense cytoplasm and the mitochondrial matrix was pale. R2 endings occurred in clusters in the stratum griseum superficiale; they were absent in the stratum zonale. R1 endings were found in all three superficial collicular layers. Both types of R terminals made asymmetrical contacts with small dendrites, dendritic spines and F profiles. Profiles containing flattened vesicles and establishing symmetrical contacts were numerous, and many could be identified as dendrites by accepting as criteria for dendrites evenly spaced microtubules, clusters of ribosomes and the fact that these F profiles were postsynaptic to other terminals. F terminals were presynaptic to other F profiles, dendrites and somata; they were postsynaptic to R terminals and took part in serial synapses. Dendrodendritic contacts were frequent, somatodendritic contacts rare. After eye enucleation most R2 axon terminals underwent the electron dense degenerative reaction. The degeneration process was a lengthy one; many degenerating boutons were found 30 days after axotomy and some persisted up to 180 days postoperatively. There was strong indication that the superior colliculus received more crossed than uncrossed retinofugal fibers. The crossed and uncrossed retinocollicular axons terminated in two different substrata of the stratum griseum superficiale.This study was supported by N.I.H. Grant RR-00165 to Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center and N.I.H Grant EY 00638-03 to J. Tigges. — The opportunity to use the electron microscopic facilities of the Fernbank Science Center for the initial stage of this work is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

 Saccade-related burst neurons (SRBNs) in the monkey superior colliculus (SC) have been hypothesized to provide the brainstem saccadic burst generator with the dynamic error signal and the movement initiating trigger signal. To test this claim, we performed two sets of open-loop simulations on a burst generator model with the local feedback disconnected using experimentally obtained SRBN activity as both the driving and trigger signal inputs to the model. First, using neural data obtained from cells located near the middle of the rostral to caudal extent of the SC, the internal parameters of the model were optimized by means of a stochastic hill-climbing algorithm to produce an intermediate-sized saccade. The parameter values obtained from the optimization were then fixed and additional simulations were done using the experimental data from rostral collicular neurons (small saccades) and from more caudal neurons (large saccades); the model generated realistic saccades, matching both position and velocity profiles of real saccades to the centers of the movement fields of all these cells. Second, the model was driven by SRBN activity affiliated with interrupted saccades, the resumed eye movements observed following electrical stimulation of the omnipause region. Once again, the model produced eye movements that closely resembled the interrupted saccades produced by such simulations, but minor readjustment of parameters reflecting the weight of the projection of the trigger signal was required. Our study demonstrates that a model of the burst generator produces reasonably realistic saccades when driven with actual samples of SRBN discharges. Received: 25 October 1994/Accepted in revised form: 20 June 1995  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the beta globin gene cluster of the prosimian Galago crassicaudatus has been determined. A total sequence spanning 41,101 bp contains and links together previously published sequences of the five galago beta-like globin genes (5'-epsilon-gamma-psi eta-delta-beta-3'). A computer-aided search for middle interspersed repetitive sequences identified 10 LINE (L1) elements, including a 5' truncated repeat that is orthologous to the full-length L1 element found in the human epsilon-gamma intergenic region. SINE elements that were identified included one Alu type I repeat, four Alu type II repeats, and two methionine tRNA-derived Monomer (type III) elements. Alu type II and Monomer sequences are unique to the galago genome. Structural analyses of the cluster sequence reveals that it is relatively A+T rich (about 62%) and regions with high G+C content are associated primarily with globin coding regions. Comparative analyses with the beta globin cluster sequences of human, rabbit, and mouse reveal extensive sequence homologies in their genic regions, but only human, galago, and rabbit sequences share extensive intergenic sequence homologies. Divergence analyses of aligned intergenic and flanking sequences from orthologous human, galago, and rabbit sequences show a gradation in the rate of nucleotide sequence evolution along the cluster where sequences 5' of the epsilon globin gene region show the least sequence divergence and sequences just 5' of the beta globin gene region show the greatest sequence divergence.  相似文献   

Chronic intracortical perfusion of GABA (Gamma Amino Butyric Acid) and its subsequent withdrawal generates the GABA withdrawal syndrome (GWS). This particular epileptic model has been observed in the motor cortex of monkeys and rats. Our purpose was to study the GWS in the motor cortex (MC), dorsal hippocampus (DH), and superior colliculus (SC). Thirty chronically-implanted adult Wistar rats were separated into 3 groups of 10 (8 experimental and 2 controls). The first group received GABA in MC, the second in the DH and the third in the SC. GABA was released in doses of 10 to 60 micrograms/microliter/h for 6 days employing osmotic mini-pumps. Two control rats per group received saline solution in the above-mentioned structures. Rats perfused in the MC showed GWS after interruption of the GABA flow. The group perfused in the DH showed paroxysmal discharges and epileptic seizures during perfusion. They also later showed GWS. No epileptic effects were observed in the SC-perfused group during either the GABA perfusion or during withdrawal. None of the six control animals showed epileptic effects. Our results show that the SC offers a strong resistance to GWS. This could be explained by the particular neuronal network structure of rat SC.  相似文献   

This report evaluates the performance of a biologically motivated neural network model of the primate superior colliculus (SC). Consistent with known anatomy and physiology, its major features include excitatory connections between its output elements, nigral gating mechanisms, and an eye displacement feedback of reticular origin to recalculate the metrics of saccades to memorized targets in retinotopic coordinates. Despite the fact that it makes no use of eye position or eye velocity information, the model can account for the accuracy of saccades in double step stimulation experiments. Further, the model accounts for the effects of focal SC lesions. Finally, it accounts for the properties of saccades evoked in response to the electrical stimulation of the SC. These include the approximate size constancy of evoked saccades despite increases of stimulus intensity, the fact that the size of evoked saccades depends on the time that has elapsed from a previous saccade, the fact that staircases of saccades are evoked in response to prolonged stimuli, and the fact that the size of saccades evoked in response to the simultaneous stimulation of two SC sites is the average of the saccades that are evoked when the two sites are separately stimulated. Received: 3 November 1997 / Accepted in revised form: 30 June 1998  相似文献   

Hematological and serum chemistry values, as well as rectal temperatures, were obtained from greater galagos (Galago garnettii and G. crassicaudatus), in order to establish normative values. No species or sex differences were found for four hematological parameters and 15 serum chemistry parameters. Species differences were seen in phosphate, magnesium, cholesterol, alkaline phosphate, G-glutamyl transferase, mean corpuscular volume and leucocyte, neutrophil, and lymphocyte number. Significant sex differences were observed in glucose, hemoglobin, and hematocrit values. Species and sex differences were seen in chloride and erythrocyte number.  相似文献   

The delta globin gene in simian primates is either weakly expressed (in hominoids and New World monkeys) or silent (in Old World monkeys). In prosimian primates, however, an unequal homologous crossover between the psi eta and delta loci of lemurs produced a hybrid psi eta delta pseudogene locus, whereas in tarsier the delta locus encodes a beta-type chain found in 18% of adult tarsier hemoglobin molecules. In the present study, the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the galago delta and beta globin genes and their encoded peptides were determined, and evidence is provided showing that the galago delta locus encodes a beta-type chain (beta 2) found in 40% of the galago fetal and postnatal hemoglobin molecules, whereas the beta locus encodes the remaining 60% of the beta-type chain (beta 1). Galago beta 1 and beta 2 chains differ from each other by only one amino acid residue. The homology between the galago delta and beta loci extends from 800 base pairs 5' of the proximal CCAAT element to near the end of exon 3 as a result of a recombination event in which beta sequence replaced delta sequence. After this initial recombination event, concerted evolution between the loci continued over their conserved coding, intron 1, and promoter regions but failed to occur between the two loci in their intron 2 and distal 5'-flanking sequences where the two loci have now diverged by 20%. Calculations based on this divergence value and on a rate of noncoding sequence evolution of 4.2 x 10(-9) to 5.5 x 10(-9) substitutions/site/year for the lorisiform lineage to galago yielded a date of 18-24 million years ago for the initial recombination event. The fact that the promoter sequences of the galago delta locus are the same as that of the galago beta locus may account for the high level of expression of the galago delta gene.  相似文献   

The intake of six sweeteners was recorded together with theireffects on the impulse activity of the chorda tympani propernerve during their application to the tongue. The sweetenerswere: acetosulfam, aspartame, D-tryptophan, glycine, xylitoland thaumatin. They were used at human equi-sweet concentrations.In all species, D-tryptophan was strongly preferred and gavea significant response, while aspartame and thaumatin gave neithera significant behavioral nor a significant neural response.Acetosulfam, glycine and xylitol elicited neural responses,but their behavioral effects differed from a rejection in somespecies to a preference in others. Miraculin, which has a sweetnessinducing effect in man, showed this effect only in the platyrrhineanspecies and not in the prosimian.  相似文献   

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