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Network responses to DNA damaging agents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Begley TJ  Samson LD 《DNA Repair》2004,3(8-9):1123-1132

Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSBs) were isolated from different plant rhizosphere soils of various agroecological regions of India. These isolates showed synthesis of pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), production of gluconic acid, and release of phosphorus from insoluble tricalcium phosphate. The bacterial isolates synthesizing PQQ also showed higher tolerance to ultraviolet C radiation and mitomycin C as compared to Escherichia coli but were less tolerant than Deinococcus radiodurans. Unlike E. coli, PSB isolates showed higher tolerance to DNA damage when grown in the absence of inorganic phosphate. Higher tolerance to ultraviolet C radiation and oxidative stress in these PSBs grown under PQQ synthesis inducible conditions, namely phosphate starvation, might suggest the possible additional role of this redox cofactor in the survival of these isolates under extreme abiotic stress conditions.  相似文献   

Targeted gene repair, a form of oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, employs end-modified single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides to mediate single-base changes in chromosomal DNA. In this work, we use a specific 72-mer to direct the repair of a mutated eGFP gene stably integrated in the genome of DLD-1 cells. Corrected cells express eGFP that can be identified and quantitated by FACS. The repair of this mutant gene is dependent on the presence of a specifically designed oligonucleotide and the frequency with which the mutation is reversed is affected by the induction of DNA damage. We used hydroxyurea, VP16 (etoposide), and thymidine to modulate the rate of DNA replication through the stalling of the replication forks or the introduction of lesions. Addition of hydroxyurea or VP16 before the electroporation of the oligonucleotide, results in an accumulation of double-strand breaks (DSB) whose repair is facilitated by either nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination (HR). The addition of thymidine results in DNA damage within replication forks, damage that is repaired through the process of homologous recombination. Our data suggest that gene repair activity is elevated when DNA damage induces or activates the homologous recombination pathway.  相似文献   

Gene-disruption studies involving poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (Parp) have identified the various roles of Parp in cellular responses to DNA damage. The partial rescue of V[D]J recombination process in SCID/Parp(-/-) double mutant mice indicates the participation of Parp in the repair of DNA strand break. Parp(-/-) mice are more sensitive to the lethal effects of alkylating agents. Parp is also thought to be involved in base-excision repair after DNA damage caused by alkylating agents. On the other hand, resistance of Parp(-/-) mice to DNA damage induced by reactive oxygen species implicates the contribution of Parp to cell death through NAD depletion. Parp(-/-) mice with two different genetic backgrounds also show enhanced sensitivity to the lethal effects of gamma-irradiation. Parp(-/-) mice show more severe villous atrophy of the small intestine compared to the wild-type counterpart in a genetic background of 129Sv/C57BL6. Other forms of enhanced tissue damage have been identified in Parp(-/-) mice with a genetic background of 129Sv/ICR. For example, Parp(-/-) mice exhibit extensive hemorrhage in the glandular stomach and other tissues, such as the testes, after gamma-irradiation. Severe myelosuppression is also observed in both Parp(+/+) and Parp(-/-) mice, but Parp(+/+) mice show extensive extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen during the recovery phase of post-irradiation, whereas the spleen of Parp(-/-) mice exhibits severe atrophy with no extramedullary hematopoiesis. The absence of extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen is probably the underlying mechanism of hemorrhagic tendency in various tissues of Parp(-/-) mice. These findings suggest that loss of Parp activity could contribute to post-irradiation tissue hemorrhage.  相似文献   

Previously, mouse NIH 3T3 cells were stably transfected with human DNA polymerase beta (beta-pol) cDNA in the antisense orientation and under the control of a metallothionein promoter [Zmudzka, B.Z. and Wilson, S.H. (1990) Som. Cell Mol. Gen., 16, 311-320]. To assess the feasibility of enhancing the efficacy of chemotherapy by an antisense approach and to confirm a role for beta-pol in cellular DNA repair, we looked for increased sensitivity to DNA damaging agents under conditions where beta-pol is down-regulated in the antisense cell line. Such a sensitization is anticipated only where beta-pol is rate-limiting in a DNA repair pathway. A number of agents were tested: cis-diamminedichloroplatinum II (cisplatin); 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1- nitrosourea (BCNU); ionizing radiation and the radio-mimetic drug bleomycin; the bifunctional alkylating agents nitrogen mustard and L-phenylalanine mustard (melphalan); the monofunctional alkylating agent methyl methane sulfonate (MMS) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In the cases of cisplatin and UV radiation, a significant enhancement of cytotoxicity was observed. Damage as a result of both of these agents is thought to be repaired by the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway. The results suggest that, in this cell line, beta-pol is involved in and is rate-limiting in NER. We propose that down-regulation of beta-pol by antisense approaches might be used to enhance the cytotoxic effects of cisplatin and other DNA damaging chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA's were separated using a counter-current distribution system for demonstrating alteration in secondary structure after heat denaturation and drug treatment. By using this method a complete separation of native and denatured DNA was achieved. Although the separation of DNA depends on the temperature used for denaturation, the counter-current distribution pattern did not follow exactly the hyperchromic shift. The results suggest that counter-current distribution offers a complementary approach for the study of DNA secondary structure as this method reveals alterations occurring over a wider temperature range than the increase in ultraviolet absorption. The changes in distribution pattern demonstrate cross-linkage occurring with nitrogen mustard and single-strand breaks following methylene dimethanesulphonate (MDMS) treatment in vitro.  相似文献   

Liu JS  Kuo SR  Melendy T 《Mutation research》2003,532(1-2):215-226
To better understand the different cellular responses to replication fork pausing versus blockage, early DNA damage response markers were compared after treatment of cultured mammalian cells with agents that either inhibit DNA polymerase activity (hydroxyurea (HU) or aphidicolin) or selectively induce S-phase DNA damage responses (the DNA alkylating agents, methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and adozelesin). These agents were compared for their relative abilities to induce phosphorylation of Chk1, H2AX, and replication protein A (RPA), and intra-nuclear focalization of gamma-H2AX and RPA. Treatment by aphidicolin and HU resulted in phosphorylation of Chk1, while HU, but not aphidicolin, induced focalization of gamma-H2AX and RPA. Surprisingly, pre-treatment with aphidicolin to stop replication fork progression, did not abrogate HU-induced gamma-H2AX and RPA focalization. This suggests that HU may act on the replication fork machinery directly, such that fork progression is not required to trigger these responses. The DNA-damaging fork-blocking agents, adozelesin and MMS, both induced phosphorylation and focalization of H2AX and RPA. Unlike adozelesin and HU, the pattern of MMS-induced RPA focalization did not match the BUdR incorporation pattern and was not blocked by aphidicolin, suggesting that MMS-induced damage is not replication fork-dependent. In support of this, MMS was the only reagent used that did not induce phosphorylation of Chk1. These results indicate that induction of DNA damage checkpoint responses due to adozelesin is both replication fork and fork progression dependent, induction by HU is replication fork dependent but progression independent, while induction by MMS is independent of both replication forks and fork progression.  相似文献   

Cells harvested from Fanconi anemia (FA) patients show an increased hypersensitivity to the multifunctional DNA damaging agent mitomycin C (MMC), which causes cross-links in DNA as well as 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) adducts indicative of escalated oxidative DNA damage. We show here that the Drosophila multifunctional S3 cDNA, which encodes an N-glycosylase/apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) lyase activity was found to correct the FA Group A (FA(A)) and FA Group C (FA(C)) sensitivity to MMC and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Furthermore, the Drosophila S3 cDNA was shown to protect AP endonuclease deficient E. coli cells against H(2)O(2) and MMC, and also protect 8-oxoG repair deficient mutM E. coli strains against MMC and H2O2 cell toxicity. Conversely, the human S3 protein failed to complement the AP endonuclease deficient E. coli strain, most likely because it lacks N-glycosylase activity for the repair of oxidatively-damaged DNA bases. Although the human S3 gene is clearly not the genetic alteration in FA cells, our results suggest that oxidative DNA damage is intimately involved in the overall FA phenotype, and the cytotoxic effect of selective DNA damaging agents in FA cells can be overcome by trans-complementation with specific DNA repair cDNAs. Based on these findings, we would predict other oxidative repair proteins, or oxidative scavengers, could serve as protective agents against the oxidative DNA damage that occurs in FA.  相似文献   

Bcl-2 associated athanogene 3 (BAG3) has a modular structure that contains a BAG domain, a WW domain, a proline-rich (PxxP) domain to mediate potential interactions with chaperons and other proteins that participate in more than one signal transduction. In search for novel interacting partners, the current study identified that 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) was a novel partner interacting with BAG3. Interaction between GRP78 and BAG3 was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown. We also identified that the ATPase domain of GRP78 and BAG domain of BAG3 mediated their interaction. Counterintuitive for a prosurvival protein, BAG3 was found to promote the cytotoxicity of breast cancer MCF7, thyroid cancer FRO and glioma U87 cells subjected to genotoxic stress. In addition, the current study demonstrated that BAG3 interfered with the formation of the antiapoptotic GRP78-procaspase-7 complex, which resulted in an increased genotoxic stress-induced cytotoxicity in cancer cells. Furthermore, overexpression of GRP78 significantly blocked the enhancing effects of BAG3 on activation of caspase-7 and induction of apoptosis by genotoxic stress. Overall, these results suggested that through direct interaction BAG3 could prevent the antiapoptotic effect of GRP78 upon genotoxic stress.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that loss of TET1 may play a significant role in the formation of tumors. Because genomic instability is a hallmark of cancer, we examined the potential involvement of 10-11 translocation 1 (TET1) in the DNA damage response (DDR). Here we demonstrate that, in response to clinically relevant doses of ionizing radiation (IR), human glial cells made TET1-deficient with lentiviral vectors displayed greater numbers of colony forming units and lower levels of apoptotic markers compared with glial cells transduced with control vectors; yet, they harbored greater DNA strand breaks. The G2/M check point and expression of cyclin B1 were greatly diminished in TET1-deficient cells, and TET1-deficient cells displayed lower levels of γH2A.x following exposure to IR. Levels of DNA-PKcs, which are DNA-PK complex members, were lower in TET1-deficient cells compared with control cell lines. However, levels of ATM were similar in both cell lines. Cyclin B1, DNA-PKcs, and γH2A.x levels were each rescued by reintroduction of the TET1 catalytic domain. Finally, cytosine methylation within intron 1 of PRKDC, the gene encoding DNA-PKcs, was significantly higher upon depletion of TET1. Taken together, this study illustrates the involvement of TET1 in the different arms of the DDR and suggests its loss results in the continued survival of cells with genomic instability.  相似文献   

NP95, which contains a ubiquitin-like domain, a cyclin A/E-Cdk2 phosphorylation site, a retinoblastoma (Rb) binding motif, and a ring finger domain, has been shown to be colocalized as foci with proliferating cell nuclear antigen in early and mid-S phase nuclei. We established Np95 nulligous embryonic stem cells by replacing the exons 2-7 of the Np95 gene with a neo cassette and by selecting out a spontaneously occurring homologous chromosome crossing over with a higher concentration of neomycin. Np95-null cells were more sensitive to x-rays, UV light, N-methyl-N"-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), and hydroxyurea than embryonic stem wild type (Np95(+/+)) or heterozygously inactivated (Np95(+/-)) cells. Expression of transfected Np95 cDNA in Np95-null cells restored the resistance to x-rays, UV, MNNG, or hydroxyurea concurrently to a level similar to that of Np95(+/-) cells, although slightly below that of wild type (Np95(+/+)) cells. These findings suggest that NP95 plays a role in the repair of DNA damage incurred by these agents. The frequency of spontaneous sister chromatid exchange was significantly higher for Np95-null cells than for Np95(+/+) cells or Np95(+/-) cells (p < 0.001). We conclude that NP95 functions as a common component in the multiple response pathways against DNA damage and replication arrest and thereby contributes to genomic stability.  相似文献   

Incubation of human leukocytes with cysteamine can lead to the induction of DNA strand breaks. The induction of breaks is biphasic with increasing concentration of scavenger. The number of breaks increases in a dose-dependent manner to a maximum and then decreases at higher concentrations. Catalase has been shown to prevent the production of breaks, indicating an involvement of hydrogen peroxide. Cysteamine reacts with oxygen to generate hydrogen peroxide but at higher concentrations it also reacts with hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the biphasic effect of cysteamine on leukocyte DNA may be due to the sum of two separate reaction pathways. (i) Cysteamine reacts with oxygen to generate hydrogen peroxide which leads to DNA strand breakage. (ii) At higher concentrations, it eliminates hydrogen peroxide by reacting with it, thereby protecting the cellular DNA. Other antioxidant scavengers such as WR2721, acetylcysteine and ascorbate can also autooxidize to produce strand breaks. Thiourea and tetramethylurea do not. When tested for their ability to protect cells against DNA damage from added H2O2, the agent which most damaging by itself, cysteamine, was also the most protective.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic action of physical and chemical agents on 10 skin fibroblast strains in culture derived from individuals with Cockayne's syndrome was measured in terms of colony-forming ability. As compared to fibroblasts from normal donors, all Cockayne cell strains tested exhibited a significantly increased sensitivity to UV light and a normal sensitivity to X-rays. Cells from two sets of parents of unrelated Cockayne children showed an intermediate level of UV sensitivity. There was no effect of 0.5 mM caffeine on UV survival in normal and two Cockayne strains tested, indicating that postreplicational repair in Cockayne cells as measured by caffeine sensitivity was probably normal. Sensitivity of normal and Cockayne cells to the chemical carcinogens and mutagens 4NQO, N-AcO-AAF, ICR-170 and EMS was also compared. An increased sensitivity of Cockayne cells to 4NQO or N-AcO-AAF, but not the ICR-170 or EMS, was observed. However, unlike the intermediate UV sensitivity, the cell strains from two parents of Cockayne patients showed the same sensitivity to N-AcO-AAF or 4NQO as fibroblasts from normal individuals. Quantiation of damage to the DNA after 20 J . m-2 UV irradiation indicates normal levels of [3H] thymidine incorporation in the Cockayne cells, in contrast to UV-irradiated xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP 12BE) in which there was a very low level of repari synthesis. Moreover, we have shown previously that excision of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers in 2 of the 10 Cockayne cell strains was normal.  相似文献   

Amitraz is formamidine pesticide widely used as insecticide and acaricide. In veterinary medicine, amitraz has important uses against ticks, mites and lice on animals. Also, amitraz is used in apiculture to control Varroa destructor. It this study, the alkaline Comet assay was used to evaluate DNA damaging effects of amitraz in human lymphocytes. Isolated human lymphocytes were incubated with varying concentrations of amitraz (0.035, 0.35, 3.5, 35 and 350 μg/mL). The Comet assay demonstrated that all concentrations of amitraz caused statistically significant increase in the level of DNA damage, thus indicating that amitraz possesses genotoxic potential. The concentration of amitraz that produced the highest DNA damage (3.5 μg/mL) was chosen for further analysis with the antioxidant catalase. The obtained results showed that co-treatment with antioxidant catalase (100 IU/mL or 500 IU/mL) significantly reduced the level of DNA damage, indicating the possible involvement of reactive oxygen species in DNA damaging effects of amitraz. Flow cytometric analysis revealed increase of the apoptotic index following treatment with amitraz. However, co-treatment with catalase reduced the apoptotic index, while treatment with catalase alone reduced the percentage of apoptotoc cells even in comparison with the negative control. Therefore, catalase had protective effects against ROS-mediated DNA damage and apoptosis.  相似文献   

DNA repair is known as a defense mechanism against genotoxic insults. However, the most lethal type of DNA damages, double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs), can be produced by DNA repair. We have previously demonstrated that when long patch base excision repair attempts to repair a synthetic substrate containing two uracils, the repair produces DSBs (Vispe, S. and Satoh, M. S. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 27386-27392 and Vispe, S., Ho, E. L., Yung, T. M., and Satoh, M. S. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 35279-35285). In this synthetic substrate, the two uracils are located on the opposite DNA strands (separated by an intervening sequence stable at 37 degrees C) and represent a high risk site for DSB formation. It is not clear, however, whether similar high risk sites are also induced in genomic DNA by exposure to DNA damaging agents. Thus, to investigate the mechanisms of DSB formation, we have modified the DSB formation assay developed previously and demonstrated that high risk sites for DSB formation are indeed generated in genomic DNA by exposure of cells to alkylating agents. In fact, genomic DNA containing alkylated base damages, which could represent high risk sites, are converted into DSBs by enzymes present in extracts prepared from cells derived from clinically normal individuals. Furthermore, DSBs are also produced by extracts from cells derived from ataxia-telangiectasia patients who show cancer proneness due to an impaired response to DSBs. These results suggest the presence of a novel link between base damage formation and DSBs and between long patch base excision repair and human diseases that occur due to an impaired response to DSB.  相似文献   

Mammalian DNA repair--use of mutants hypersensitive to cytotoxic agents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mutant mammalian cells hypersensitive to DNA damaging agents are a useful tool for the characterization of DNA repair pathways, and can be used to isolate, by transfection, DNA repair genes and genes that confer basal resistance to cytotoxic agents. These genes may be important in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and resistance of cancer cells to therapy.  相似文献   

CDC25B, one of the three members of the CDC25 dual-specificity phosphatase family, plays a critical role in the control of the cell cycle and in the checkpoint response to DNA damage. CDC25B is responsible for the initial dephosphorylation and activation of the cyclin-dependent kinases, thus initiating the train of events leading to entry into mitosis.1 The critical role played by CDC25B is illustrated by the fact that it is specifically required for checkpoint recovery2, 3 and that unscheduled accumulation of CDC25B is responsible for illegitimate entry into mitosis.3-5 Here, we report that in p53-/- colon carcinoma cells, a moderate increase in the CDC25B level is sufficient to impair the DNA damage checkpoint, to increase spontaneous mutagenesis, and to sensitize cells to ionising radiation and genotoxic agents. Using a tumour cell spheroid assay as an alternative to animal studies, we demonstrate that the level of CDC25B expression modulates growth inhibition and apoptotic death. Since CDC25B overexpression has been observed in a significant number of human cancers, including colon carcinoma, and is often associated with high grade tumours and poor prognosis1, our work suggests that the expression level of CDC25B might be a potential key parameter of the cellular response to cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The involvement of DNA polymerases alpha, beta, and gamma in DNA repair synthesis was investigated in subcellular preparations of cultured hamster and human cells. A variety of DNA damaging agents, including bleomycin, neocarzinostatin, UV irradiation, and alkylating agents, were utilized to induce DNA repair. The sensitivity of repair synthesis, as well as replicative synthesis and purified DNA polymerase beta activity, to inhibition by the DNA polymerase inhibitors dideoxythymidine triphosphate, aphidicolin, cytosine arabinoside triphosphate, and N-ethylmaleimide was determined. No evidence was obtained for a major role of polymerase gamma in any type of repair synthesis. In both hamster and human cells, the sensitivity of bleomycin- and neocarzinostatin-induced repair synthesis to ddTTP inhibition was essentially identical with that observed for purified polymerase beta, indicating these repair processes proceeded through a mechanism utilizing polymerase beta. Repair synthesis induced by UV irradiation and alkylating agents was not sensitive to ddTTP, indicating repair of these lesions occurred through a pathway primarily utilizing a different DNA polymerase; presumably polymerase alpha. However, replicative synthesis was much more sensitive to polymerase alpha inhibitors than was repair synthesis induced by UV irradiation or alkylating agents. Neither the amount of DNA damage nor the amount of induced repair synthesis influenced the degree to which the different DNA polymerases were involved in repair synthesis. The possibility that "patch size" or the actual type of DNA damage determines the extent to which different polymerases participate in DNA repair synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Metallodrugs provide important first-line treatment against various forms of human cancer. To overcome chemotherapeutic resistance and widen treatment possibilities, new agents with improved or alternative modes of action are highly sought after. Here, we present a click chemistry strategy for developing DNA damaging metallodrugs. The approach involves the development of a series of polyamine ligands where three primary, secondary or tertiary alkyne-amines were selected and ‘clicked’ using the copper-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction to a 1,3,5-azide mesitylene core to produce a family of compounds we call the ‘Tri-Click’ (TC) series. From the isolated library, one dominant ligand (TC1) emerged as a high-affinity copper(II) binding agent with potent DNA recognition and damaging properties. Using a range of in vitro biophysical and molecular techniques—including free radical scavengers, spin trapping antioxidants and base excision repair (BER) enzymes—the oxidative DNA damaging mechanism of copper-bound TC1 was elucidated. This activity was then compared to intracellular results obtained from peripheral blood mononuclear cells exposed to Cu(II)–TC1 where use of BER enzymes and fluorescently modified dNTPs enabled the characterisation and quantification of genomic DNA lesions produced by the complex. The approach can serve as a new avenue for the design of DNA damaging agents with unique activity profiles.  相似文献   

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