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描述了中国广西凤仙花科Balsaminaceae凤仙花属Impatiens一新变种——瑶山凤仙花I. macrovexilla var. yaoshanensis S. X. Yu, Y. L. Chen & H. N. Qin。该变种与原变种不同在于叶卵圆形或卵状矩圆形, 侧生萼片全缘, 翼瓣的上部裂片全缘, 翼瓣背部的小耳明显, 此外花粉形态和种皮纹饰等性状也支持该变种的建立。  相似文献   

报道了越南凤仙花科(Balsaminaceae)1新记录种:那坡凤仙花(Impatiens napoensis Y.L.Chen)。该种产自越南北部河江省(Ha Giang)的Quan Ba地区,凭证标本保存在越南科学技术院生态和生物资源研究所标本馆(HN)和中国科学院华南植物园标本馆(IBSC)。提供了该种的描述、彩色照片、生态学、花果期等信息。  相似文献   

报道了中国凤仙花属一新记录种——高大凤仙花(Impatiens kerriae Craib)。该种原产于泰国,在中国为首次记录。该文对高大凤仙花的特征进行了详细描述,尤其是对花果特征及花果期进行了重新描述和补充。凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。  相似文献   

陈永霞  杨宏  罗强 《广西植物》2019,39(11):1475-1481
该文报道了四川凤仙花属四新记录种,即睫毛萼凤仙花(Impatiens blepharosepala Pritz. ex Diels)、红纹凤仙花(Impatiens rubro-striata Hook. f.)、滇西北凤仙花(Impatiens lecomtei Hook. f.)及松林凤仙花(Impatiens pinetorum Hook. f. ex W. W. Smith),并进行了鉴定和讨论,同时提供了相关照片。凭证标本保存于西昌学院标本室(XIAS)中。我国西南地区是世界五大凤仙花属植物分布中心地区之一,此次在四川发现的四新记录种均为我国特有种,该发现对于研究我国西南地区凤仙花属植物的起源和扩散路线具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

描述了四川凤仙花属一新种,凉山凤仙花。新种与黄麻叶凤仙花近缘,主要区别:花序2~6花,均垂于叶片下,囊状的唇瓣肿胀,在中部明显弯曲,翼瓣基部裂片先端长渐尖或尾尖,上部裂片背腹约120°~180°扭转。  相似文献   

描述了四川凤仙花属一新种,凉山凤仙花。新种与黄麻叶凤仙花近缘,主要区别:花序2~6花,均垂于叶片下,囊状的唇瓣肿胀,在中部明显弯曲,翼瓣基部裂片先端长渐尖或尾尖,上部裂片背腹约120°~180°扭转。  相似文献   

凤仙花属植物的花部形态历来是该属的属下划分及种间界定的关键性状,基于大量的有花标本及野外实地调查,并参照了模式标本对海南凤仙花和龙州凤仙花的花部形态进行了补充描述。  相似文献   

朱长山  杨好伟 《植物研究》1994,14(3):243-245
本文发表了河南凤仙花属一新种,即奇异凤仙花Impatiens paradoxa C.S.Zhu et H.W.Yang,sp.nov.  相似文献   

本文发表了浙江凤仙花属一新种即泰顺凤仙花Impatiens taishunensis Y.L.Chen et Y.L.Xu, sp.nov.。  相似文献   

Two forms of pollen morphology of Impatiens L. (Balsminaceae) have been described before: 3-colpate and 4-colpate pollen grains. Pollen grains of 13 species of Impatiens on Mt. Omei were examined under SEM for the first time and both forms were observed here, which imply the diversity of species in this region. Of the two forms, 3-colpate one is quite similar to that of the genus Hydrocera Blume (Balsaminaceae) in external morphology. This relation also exists between the 3-colpate pollen group and Hydrocera in habit, habitat, and distribution, etc. It is supposed that the group with 3-colpate pollen type is a natural one, and may have a close relationship with Hydrocera. The pollen morphology is of important significance in classification of the taxa and evaluation of systematic position in the fami-ly balsaminaceae.  相似文献   

由于卢氏凤仙花Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen[=Impatiens heterosepala S.Y.Wang(1988)non J.D.Hook.(1924)]的主模式和副模式全部遗失,在此指定了卢氏凤仙花的新模式。  相似文献   

首次从窄萼凤仙花(Impatiens stenosepala Pritz.ex Diels)中分离得到九个化合物,通过波谱学方法分别鉴定为槲皮素(1)、山柰酚(2)、阿魏酸(3)、对羟基苯甲酸(4)、4’-OH黄芩素(5)、洋芹素(6)、2,5,7,8-四羟基萘醌(7)、5,8-二羟基萘醌(8)及东莨菪素(9)。  相似文献   

由于卢氏凤仙花Impatiens lushiensis Y.L.Chen[=Impatiens heterosepala S.Y.Wang(1988)non J.D.Hook.(1924)]的主模式和副模式全部遗失,在此指定了卢氏凤仙花的新模式。  相似文献   

以航天诱变凤仙花院3 株系SP4 代中的三种不同花色(粉花、红花、紫花) 突变系为材料, 对其雄配子体染色体数目、排列方式和花粉活力进行比较分析, 并观察了四分孢子时期的分裂情况。将观察结果同SP1 、SP2 和SP3 的观察结果进行跟踪比较。结果发现SP4 代粉花和红花突变系的小孢子染色体数目趋向正常。紫花突变系花粉染色体数目正常比例仅为2. 88% , 平均为10.46 条, 并且紫色花突变系出现多分孢子、畸形花粉和花粉染色体排列不规则现象。TTC 染色统计分析发现, 紫花突变系花粉活力较低, 而粉花及红花突变系的花粉活力较高。研究结果表明红花和粉花突变系已经趋于稳定, 但紫花突变系远未达到稳定。本研究为凤仙花新品种(系) 的选育提供了参考。  相似文献   

The seed surface of 12 species of Impatiens L. from Mt. Omei was observed under SEM for the first time. The important characters used in the paper include cell specialization on seed surface, arrangement pattern of the cells, the degree of the cell elevation, chalazal zone morphology and appendix at the tail of the seed. According to these characters, the seed surface morphology of 12 species can be divided into two types: 1. the seed without conspicuous differentiation of surface cells, laevigate on the surface, represented by I. wilsoni; the seeds of species indicated by 3-colpate pollen grains are expected to belong to the type. 2. the seed with the large cell elevation at different levels, surface scabrous, represented by the other 11 species; most species with 4-colpate pollen have this kind of seeds. The results verify that the seed morphology of the genus can supply characters significant to taxonomy of the genus at species level. The evolution of seed surface of Impatiens has close correlation with that ofthe flower and pollen morphology.  相似文献   

报道了中国凤仙花属一新记录种:紫花辐射凤仙花(Impatiens dalaiensis Gogoi&Borah)。该种分布于云南省腾冲县高黎贡山自然保护区,生长在常绿阔叶林下水沟边。本种主要辨别特征为:花轮生,紫色;唇瓣舟状,口部具芒;翼瓣远侧裂片长带状且螺旋扭曲。该种2015年发表时记载模式标本采自印度,而我们将原始文献中记录的模式标本采集点GPS经纬度信息标记于地图上时却发现,地点位于中国西藏自治区察隅县境内,故对原文记述的模式产地信息提出质疑。  相似文献   

The cytokinin content of the basal portion of stem cuttings of Impatiens wallerana was examined daily. Both qualitative and quantitative changes were observed in the levels of cytokinin-like compounds over the period of root formation in the stem cuttings. The peak in polar cyokinin-like activity coincided with the initial stages of root primordia initiation and development. Non-polar cytokinin-like activity showed greater fluctuations but only exhibited a substantial increase after the roots had extended through the epidermis and had begun to elongate. It is probable that it is the metabolic ability of the stem tissue to alter the initial levels of hormones present that enables efficient adventitious root formation.  相似文献   

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