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1. The diurnal changes in the levels of lactic (LA) and pyruvic (PA) acids and values of pH were studied in standard-bred mares and their foals, for 13 weeks of foal life, throughout 2 years. 2. The studies began when a foal was 7 days old and were repeated every 2 weeks until foals reached 13 weeks of age. 3. Blood samples were taken every 4 hr for one day, each second week. 4. In the LA, PA levels and pH values no diurnal rhythm was stated in lactating mares during study periods. 5. In foals the diurnal rhythm in LA and PA occurred in the 3rd month of their life, with the acrophase at night hours. 6. The significant correlations between foal and their mother metabolites studied were observed. 7. The environmental factors (air temperature, humidity) influence fluctuations of the amplitude in parameters studied in the horse blood.  相似文献   

1. In six standard-bred mares and their foals diurnal changes in the cortisol and glucose levels and in FDPA activity were studies for 13 weeks of foal life. 2. In the cortisol level diurnal rhythm was found in the 3rd, 7th and 11th week of foal life and in the 11th week of lactation in mares. 3. In mares the mean diurnal cortisol level changed from 32 ng/ml in the first week to 57 in the 11th week and in foals from 24 in the first week to 16 ng/ml in the 11th week. 4. In the glucose level no diurnal rhythm was observed. 5. In mares the mean diurnal glucose level after parturition was about 58 mg/100 ml and increased to 83-85 mg/100 ml. In foals it changed from 105 to 128 mg/100 ml. 6. In the activity of FDPA no diurnal rhythm was observed. 7. The mean activity of FDPA changed in mares from 3.3 to 4.4 U and in foals from 5.7 to 7.5 U.  相似文献   

Changes in plasma sodium, potassium, chloride, total carbon dioxide, urea, creatinine, glucose, total bilirubin, iron, total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (AP), aspartate amino transferase (AST), calcium, inorganic phosphorus, cholesterol and triglycerides were studied in 45 Thoroughbred foals 15 min to 28 days after birth. The results were analysed in 3 groups; Group 1 (0--12 h), Group 2 (12--36 h), Group 3 (1--4 weeks). When Group 2 was compared to Group 1, there were significant reductions of sodium, creatinine, iron and calcium and elevations of total protein and bilirubin. When Group 3 was compared to Group 1 there were significant reductions of sodium, chloride, urea, creatinine, bilirubin, iron and AP. Significant elevations occurred in glucose, total protein, AST, inorganic phosphorus and triglycerides.  相似文献   

In 34 pure-bred Arabian horses, divided into four groups (Gr. I, 10 pregnant mares; Gr. II, seven barren mares; Gr. III, 10 foals born in 1981; Gr. IV, seven foals born in 1982), seasonal changes in haemoglobin level, haematocrit value, sedimentation rate, red blood cell number and diameter, percentage of erythroblasts and reticulocytes, and index F were studied. Seasonal cyclicity was found in all groups in the haemoglobin level, haematocrit value and RBC diameter. It was also found in the sedimentation rate (PCV) and in index F, but not for the youngest foals (Gr. IV). For the RBC number the cyclicity is given in both groups of foals, and the erythroblast and reticulocyte percentage only in the older foals (Gr. III). Out of eight indices studied cyclicity was found in all foals in Gr. III, in five of the mares in Groups I and II, and in four of the youngest foals in Gr. IV. There is no difference in the cyclicity of indices studied between pregnant and barren mares.  相似文献   

In 34 pure-breed Arabian horses divided into four groups (Gr. I, ten pregnant mares; Gr. II, seven barren mares; Gr. III, ten foals born in 1981; Gr. IV, seven foals born in 1982) seasonal changes in the white blood cell system, cortisol level and lyzozyme activity were studied. Seasonal periodicity was found in all groups for the number of lymphocytes, segmented neutrophils and eosinophils and cortisol level. Leukocyte periodicity was found in three groups, but not in the barren mares. In lyzozyme activity there was periodicity in three groups but not in the youngest foals. In the stab neutrophils, basophils and monocytes no cycle was observed. The behaviour of the indices studied showed the influence of age of the horses (mature vs young) and the physiological state of the mares (pregnancy or barrenness).  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to characterize luteal blood flow in pregnant and non-pregnant cows and to determine its value for early pregnancy diagnosis. Lactating dairy cows (n = 54), 5.2 ± 0.2 y old (mean ± SEM), average parity 2.4 ± 0.2, and ≥ 6 wk postpartum at the start of the study, were used. The corpus luteum (CL) was examined with transrectal color Doppler ultrasonography (10.0-MHz linear-array transducer) on Days 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, and 21 of the estrus cycle (estrus = Day 0). Artificially inseminated cows (n = 40) were retrospectively classified as pregnant (embryonic heartbeat on Day 25; n = 18), nonpregnant (interestrus interval 15 to 21 d, n = 18), or having an apparent early embryonic loss (interestrus interval >25 d, n = 4). There was a group by time interaction (P < 0.001) for luteal blood flow from Days 3 to 18; it was approximately 1.10 ± 0.08 cm2 (mean ± SEM) on Day 3, and increased to approximately 2.00 ± 0.08 cm2 on Day 13 (similar among groups). Thereafter, luteal blood flow was numerically (albeit not significantly) greater in pregnant cows, remained constant in those with apparent embryonic loss, and declined (not significantly) between Days 15 and 18 in nonpregnant cows. Luteal blood flow was greater in pregnant than in nonpregnant (P < 0.05) and nonbred cows (P < 0.05, n = 14) on Day 15 (2.50 ± 0.16, 2.01 ± 0.16, and 2.00 ± 0.18 cm2, respectively) and on Day 18 (2.40 ± 0.19, 1.45 ± 0.19, and 0.95 ± 0.21 cm2). In cows with apparent early embryonic loss, luteal blood flow was 2.00 ± 0.34 and 2.05 ± 0.39 cm2 on Days 15 and 18, which was less (not significantly) than in pregnant cows, but greater (P < 0.05) than in nonbred cows on Day 18. Although mean luteal blood flow was significantly greater in pregnant than nonpregnant (and nonbred) cows on Days 15 and 18, due to substantial variation among cows, it was not an appropriate diagnostic tool for pregnancy status.  相似文献   

Thermoregulation constitutes an important share of the energy budget of endotherms. Elevated thermoregulatory requirements must be met by oxygen supply through the blood, as heat is produced mainly via aerobic processes. In contrast to mammal studies, it remains unclear whether elevated thermoregulatory needs are followed by changes in haematological variables in birds. We investigated haematocrit (HCT), haemoglobin content per volume of blood (HGB), number of red blood cells (RBCcount), and size of the erythrocytes (RBCarea) in zebra finches Taeniopygia guttata acclimated to either cold or thermoneutral ambient temperatures under laboratory conditions. Seventy‐nine females were maintained for six weeks either in cold (T = +12°C) or thermoneutral (T = +32°C) ambient temperature prior to blood collection. On average, HGB, HCT and RBCcount were significantly lower by about 10% in cold acclimated compared to thermoneutral acclimated birds. Only RBCarea was not different between the two acclimation temperatures. Mean HCT, one of the most commonly measured haematological variable for example was 53 ± 0.9% (LSM ± SEM) in thermoneutral and 49 ± 0.8 % (LSM ± SEM) in cold acclimated zebra finches. On first sight, the observed lower values for three out of the four determined haematological variables in response to acclimation to cold question oxygen supply to be indeed a limiting factor for heat production. However, higher demands of oxygen supply due to increased thermoregulation in birds may instead require specific optimisation of blood viscosity and modulation by other cardiovascular properties. Nucleated red blood cells in birds may pose different strain on blood viscosity compared to non‐nucleated mammalian erythrocytes and explain the contrasting response in haematological variables to temperature acclimation between birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the influence of age and ingested food (colostrum and mature milk) on the concentrations of selected blood biochemical components connected with nitrogen and mineral metabolism in dairy calves during their first week of life. The experiment was carried out on 13 Polish Black and White breed dairy calves. The animals were fed colostrum within the first 3 days of postnatal life and thereafter the mature milk of their dams until the end ofthe experiment (7 days). The obtained results showed that intensive catabolic and anabolic changes in nitrogen occur in the first week of life. These changes were particularly intense during the first 24-48 hours of life and may reflect dynamic tissue remodelling. The results of this experiment also show that healthy calves efficiently regulate water and electrolyte homeostasis.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrin IX and its derivatives are used as photosensitizers in the photodynamic therapy of cancer. Protoporphyrin IX penetrates into human red blood cells and releases oxygen from them. This leads to a change in the morphology of the cells. Spectrophotometric studies reveal that protoporphyrin IX interacts with haemoglobin and myoglobin forming ground state complexes. For both proteins, the binding affinity constant decreases, while the possible number of binding sites increases, as the aggregation state of the porphyrin is increased. The interactions lead to conformational changes of both haemoglobin and myoglobin as observed in circular dichroism studies. Upon binding with the proteins, protoporphyrin IX releases the heme-bound oxygen from the oxyproteins, which is dependent on the stoichiometric ratios of the porphyrin: protein. The peroxidase activities of haemoglobin and myoglobin are potentiated by the protein-porphyrin complexation. Possible mechanisms underlying the relation between the porphyrin-induced structural modifications of the heme proteins and alterations in their functional properties have been discussed. The findings may have a role in establishing efficacy of therapeutic uses of porphyrins as well as in elucidating their mechanisms of action as therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

We have studied the changes in the fatty acid profiles of red blood cell membrane phospholipids in 47 infants who were exclusively fed human milk from birth to 1 month of life. Twenty blood samples were obtained from cord, 15 at 7 days and 12 at 30 days after birth. Membrane phospholipids were obtained from erythrocyte ghosts by thin-layer chromatography and fatty acid composition was determined by gas liquid chromatography. Phosphatidylcholine showed the most important changes during early life; stearic, w6 eicosatrienoic and arachidonic acids decreased whereas oleic and linoleic acids increased. In phosphatidylethanolamine, palmitic and stearic acid declined and oleic, linoleic and docosahexenoic acids increased with advancing age. Small changes were noted for individual fatty acids in phosphatidylserine. In sphingomyelin stearic acid increased from birth to 1 month and linoleic, arachidonic and nervonic acids decreased. Total polyunsaturated fatty acids of the w6 series greater than 18 carbon atoms increased with advancing age in phosphatidylethanolamine and decreased in choline and serine phosphoglycerides and in sphingomyelin. Long chain fatty acids derived from linoleic acid decreased in phosphatidylcholine but increased in ethanolamine and serine phosphoglycerides. The different behavior in the changes observed in fatty acid patterns for each erythrocyte membrane phospholipid may be a consequence of its different location in the cell membrane bilayer and specific exchange with plasma lipid fractions.  相似文献   

Newborn babies are able, like the young of many animal species, to recognize their mothers' body odors and to orient towards them. The question arises whether infants can also use artificial odors applied to their mothers' bodies in the same way as animals can. In experiments, breast-feeding mothers perfumed their breasts for two weeks and their infants were tested in a choice test situation. At the age of one week the infants oriented their heads significantly more often to that side where they smelled their mothers' perfumes than to the side where they smelled a control odor. At the age of four weeks (mothers had stopped perfuming at two weeks) the infants did not prefer their mothers' perfumes any more.All the infants showed the “tonic neck reflex,” i.e., they significantly preferred one side, mostly the right, for their head turning. Consequently, these two preferences sometimes caused a conflict of response for the infants in our experiments. The interplay of the preference for turning to the side of mother's perfume and turning to a special side, as well as the biological meaning of both, is discussed and compared with the findings of other authors.  相似文献   

A band of 23 pregnant mares on a Thoroughbred breeding farm all had serum virus-neutralizing antibody titres to equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1). Antibody was not transferred to their foals in utero. All foals received antibody from colostrum and developed antibody titres similar to their dams. The serum virus-neutralizing antibody titres were observed in 10 of these foals for 1 year. Decay of passive immunity occurred at the rate of 3.25 two-fold dilutions in 100 days and reached zero at the mean time of 180 days. The foals were exposed to EHV-1 twice. Foals with a geometric mean titre of 1 : 25 experienced infection and a rise of titre, while those with a geometric mean titre of 1 : 76 resisted infection.  相似文献   

Transrectal color Doppler sonography was used to compare changes in uterine blood flow between cyclic and early pregnant lactating dairy cows. Examinations were carried out in 53 multiparous lactating cows on days 3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18 and 21 (day 0=estrus). Fourteen cows were examined during the estrous cycle and thirty-nine cows after insemination with frozen/thawed sperm. Uterine blood flow was reflected by the time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMV) and the pulsatility index (PI) in the uterine artery ipsilateral to the corpus luteum. Twenty-one cows that were not pregnant on day 25 were excluded from the study. There was high inter-individual variability in PI- (CV: 22-62%) and TAMV-values (CV: 22-42%) at all examinations. In cyclic cows, TAMV values increased between days 13 and 18 and PI values decreased between days 15 and 21 (P<0.05). In pregnant cows (n=18), TAMV values increased from days 9 to 11 and then decreased to minimal values by day 18 (P<0.05). The PI values decreased between days 3 and 11 and then increased to maximum levels on day 18 (P<0.05). On day 21, both variables reached (P<0.05) values that did not differ (P>0.05) from those on day 11. The changes in TAMV were correlated with estrogen and progesterone concentrations (r=0.69 and -0.70, respectively; P<0.05) in cycling cows, but not in pregnant cows (P>0.05). The PI values did not correlate with steroid hormone levels (P>0.05). Differences in uterine blood flow between cycling and early pregnant cows were observed only on day 18 (P<0.05). The results show that in pregnant cows changes in uterine blood supply can be detected already in the second week after insemination; these changes do not occur in the second week of the cycle.  相似文献   

In a related paper, we showed that mares that reproduced early in life tended to have higher fecundity because of a decrease in the duration of inter-birth intervals relative to mares that reproduced later in life. However, we know that young mares are subordinate to older mares. Hence, costs associated with low dominance rank might offset the benefits of earlier reproduction. We compared harassment of foals of female Jeju ponies that first reproduced at three years of age with that of foals of females that first reproduced at five years of age. As a consequence of their positions in the linear dominance hierarchy, foals born to and guarded by young mares were harassed more frequently than foals whose mothers were older when they first reproduced. A mare that reproduced early in life guarded her offspring more closely and intervened between her foal and neighboring mares more frequently than those mares which first reproduced when older. This need to guard their foals and the harm that might ensue from frequent harassment might counter-balance selection towards earlier reproduction in mares.  相似文献   

The action on haemoglobin of P. berghei growing in mature red cells, P. berghei growing in reticulocytes and P. berghei R.C. (which grows almost exclusively in reticulocytes) was compared. P. berghei growing in reticulocytes had a much higher level of proteolytic activity on haemoglobin than that of P. berghei growing in mature red cells. The amount of residual hematin was considerably reduced. In P. berghei R.C. and P. berghei growing in reticulocytes, the pigment seems to be exocyted as it is forming. The mechanism of haemoglobin degradation seemed therefore to be linked to the nature of the host red cell.  相似文献   

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