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1. Omnivorous woodland ant species trade off between the ability to find and behaviourally control food resources. Dominant species can limit the ability of subordinates to harvest certain food items. However, subordinate species, by being faster discoverers, could gain access to such food items by arriving at them first. 2. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that resource‐directed discovery occurs in ant communities and that good discoverers preferentially discover high value resources. We did this by measuring time to discovery and the number of discoveries of high and low levels of two resource types, crickets and honey, for species occurring in Texas and Arizona woodland ant communities. 3. Ants discovered resources roughly 10 times faster in Texas than in Arizona. They discovered crickets more rapidly than honey in both communities, but there was no difference in the discovery of different resource levels. We also found that species were not biased in their discovery of different resource types or levels. 4. These results provide indirect evidence that discovery is directed by resource stimuli but that such directedness does not impact interspecific exploitative competition.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate how different acquisition geometries and reconstruction parameters affect the performance of four digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) systems (Senographe Essential – GE, Mammomat Inspiration – Siemens, Selenia Dimensions – Hologic and Amulet Innovality – Fujifilm) on the basis of a physical characterization.Average Glandular Dose (AGD) and image quality parameters such as in-plane/in-depth resolution, signal difference to noise ratio (SDNR) and artefact spread function (ASF) were examined.Measured AGD values resulted below EUREF limits for 2D imaging. A large variability was recorded among the investigated systems: the mean dose ratio DBT/2D ranged between 1.1 and 1.9.In-plane resolution was in the range: 2.2 mm−1–3.8 mm−1 in chest wall-nipple direction. A worse resolution was found for all devices in tube travel direction.In-depth resolution improved with increasing scan angle but was also affected by the choice of reconstruction and post-processing algorithms. The highest z-resolution was provided by Siemens (50°, FWHM = 2.3 mm) followed by GE (25°, FWHM = 2.8 mm), while the Fujifilm HR showed the lowest one, despite its wide scan angle (40°, FWHM = 4.1 mm).The ASF was dependent on scan angle: smaller range systems showed wider ASF curves; however a clear relationship was not found between scan angle and ASF, due to the different post processing and reconstruction algorithms.SDNR analysis, performed on Fujifilm system, demonstrated that pixel binning improves detectability for a fixed dose/projection.In conclusion, we provide a performance comparison among four DBT systems under a clinical acquisition mode.  相似文献   

Interspecific differences in traits can alter the relative niche use of species within the same environment. Bats provide an excellent model to study niche use because they use a wide variety of behavioral, acoustic, and morphological traits that may lead to multi‐species, functional groups. Predatory bats have been classified by their foraging location (edge, clutter, open space), ability to use aerial hawking or substrate gleaning and echolocation call design and flexibility, all of which may dictate their prey use. For example, high frequency, broadband calls do not travel far but offer high object resolution while high intensity, low frequency calls travel further but provide lower resolution. Because these behaviors can be flexible, four behavioral categories have been proposed: (a) gleaning, (b) behaviorally flexible (gleaning and hawking), (c) clutter‐tolerant hawking, and (d) open space hawking. Many recent studies of diet in bats use molecular tools to identify prey but mainly focus on one or two species in isolation; few studies provide evidence for substantial differences in prey use despite the many behavioral, acoustic, and morphological differences. Here, we analyze the diet of 17 sympatric species in the Chihuahuan desert and test the hypothesis that peak echolocation frequency and behavioral categories are linked to differences in diet. We find no significant correlation between dietary richness and echolocation peak frequency though it spanned close to 100 kHz across species. Our data, however, suggest that bats which use both gleaning and hawking strategies have the broadest diets and are most differentiated from clutter‐tolerant aerial hawking species.  相似文献   

For closely related sympatric species to coexist, they must differ to some degree in their ecological requirements or niches ( e.g. , diets) to avoid interspecific competition. Baleen whales in the Antarctic feed primarily on krill, and the large sympatric prewhaling community suggests resource partitioning among these species or a nonlimiting prey resource. In order to examine ecological differences between sympatric humpback and minke whales around the Western Antarctic Peninsula, we made measurements of the physical environment, observations of whale distribution, and concurrent acoustic measurements of krill aggregations. Mantel's tests and classification and regression tree models indicate both similarities and differences in the spatial associations between humpback and minke whales, environmental features, and prey. The data suggest (1) similarities (proximity to shore) and differences (prey abundance versus deep water temperatures) in horizontal spatial distribution patterns, (2) unambiguous vertical resource partitioning with minke whales associating with deeper krill aggregations across a range of spatial scales, and (3) that interference competition between these two species is unlikely. These results add to the paucity of ecological knowledge relating baleen whales and their prey in the Antarctic and should be considered in conservation and management efforts for Southern Ocean cetaceans and ecosystems.  相似文献   

  1. Herbivores consider the variation of forage qualities (nutritional content and digestibility) as well as quantities (biomass) when foraging. Such selection patterns may change based on the scale of foraging, particularly in the case of ungulates that forage at many scales.
  2. To test selection for quality and quantity in free‐ranging herbivores across scales, however, we must first develop landscape‐wide quantitative estimates of both forage quantity and quality. Stoichiometric distribution models (StDMs) bring opportunity to address this because they predict the elemental measures and stoichiometry of resources at landscape extents.
  3. Here, we use StDMs to predict elemental measures of understory white birch quality (% nitrogen) and quantity (g carbon/m2) across two boreal landscapes. We analyzed global positioning system (GPS) collared moose (n = 14) selection for forage quantity and quality at the landscape, home range, and patch extents using both individual and pooled resource selection analyses. We predicted that as the scale of resource selection decreased from the landscape to the patch, selection for white birch quantity would decrease and selection for quality would increase.
  4. Counter to our prediction, pooled‐models showed selection for our estimates of quantity and quality to be neutral with low explanatory power and no scalar trends. At the individual‐level, however, we found evidence for quality and quantity trade‐offs, most notably at the home‐range scale where resource selection models explain the largest amount of variation in selection. Furthermore, individuals did not follow the same trade‐off tactic, with some preferring forage quantity over quality and vice versa.
  5. Such individual trade‐offs show that moose may be flexible in attaining a limiting nutrient. Our findings suggest that herbivores may respond to forage elemental compositions and quantities, giving tools like StDMs merit toward animal ecology applications. The integration of StDMs and animal movement data represents a promising avenue for progress in the field of zoogeochemistry.

Under seminatural conditions feeding and postfeeding behaviors of individual apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella(Diptera: Tephritidae), were recorded after flies were presented with yeast hydrolysate or sucrose droplets, varying in either concentration, amount of food solute, or total droplet volume. The objectives were (a) to establish, at a constant level of previous food deprivation, food ingestion thresholds in relation to food quality and quantity and (b) to study the effect of initial food quantity and quality on food handling time and subsequent food foraging behavior. For both carbohydrate and protein substrates, fly foraging time after feeding on a tree branchlet was positively related to total amount of food solute previously encountered on a leaf surface, though largely independent of food volume or concentration. The volume and concentration of food presented, however, significantly affected food handling and processing time and therefore foraging time. In fact, total branchlet residence time was more closely linked to food handling and processing time than to foraging time. Less time was needed for uptake of liquid than dry food, the latter requiring liquification by salivary secretion and eliciting considerable intermittent cleaning of mouthparts by feeding flies. Similar to the situation in other fluid feeders, uptake time in R. pomonelladecreased with increasing dilution, although below a threshold of a 30% concentration of solute, the rate of nutrient intake decreased rapidly. When the level of dilution and total volume of food ingested were great enough, engorged flies entered extended quiescent postfeeding periods during which they extrude orally droplets of liquid crop contents (bubbling). After this they reinitiated feeding, followed by more bubbling and feeding bouts. Multivariate logistic regression analysis suggested that bubbling behavior is determined by liquid food volume and degree of dilution, hunger, and temperature. Although thresholds triggering bubbling decreased with increasing temperature, higher temperature by itself did not result in bubbling behavior. This suggests that bubbling is not primarily a mechanism to achieve evaporative cooling as has been suggested but, rather, a behavior to eliminate excess water, thereby enabling engorged flies to continue feeding on diluted food sources.  相似文献   

Acute bovine pulmonary edema is a naturally occurring lung disease caused by 3-methylindole (3MI), a ruminal fermentation product of tryptophan. Morphological and in vitro studies have suggested that 3MI causes abnormalities in phospholipid synthesis. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of 3MI on the quantity and functional quality of surfactant using the goat as an experimental model. Following intravenous infusion of 3MI, goats were killed at 6-, 18-, and 30-h intervals. The lungs were removed and intracellular surfactant, in the form of lamellar bodies, and extracellular surfactant from alveolar lavage were quantified. 3MI treatment did cause modest changes in the lamellar body phospholipid pools, decreasing the quantity of phosphatidylcholine and the proportion of palmitate in this fraction. The quantity of lavage phospholipids was not significantly affected. There was an increase in the protein content of the lavage, reflecting the presence of edema. The functional quality of the surfactant isolated from the lavage fraction was tested in vitro using a pulsating bubble surfactometer. 3MI infusion decreased the ability of surfactant to lower the surface tension of an air bubble at maximum radius and during compression.  相似文献   

Xenopus is an essential vertebrate model system for biomedical research that has contributed to important discoveries in many disciplines, including cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, developmental biology, and neurobiology. However, unlike other model systems no central repository/stock center for Xenopus had been established until recently. Similar to mouse, zebrafish, and fly communities, which have established stock centers, Xenopus researchers need to maintain and distribute rapidly growing numbers of inbred, mutant, and transgenic frog strains, along with DNA and protein resources, and individual laboratories struggle to accomplish this efficiently. In the last 5 years, two resource centers were founded to address this need: the European Xenopus Resource Center (EXRC) at the University of Portsmouth in England, and the National Xenopus Resource (NXR) at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA. These two centers work together to provide resources and support to the Xenopus research community. The EXRC and NXR serve as stock centers and acquire, produce, maintain and distribute mutant, inbred and transgenic Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis lines. Independently, the EXRC is a repository for Xenopus cDNAs, fosmids, and antibodies; it also provides oocytes and wild-type frogs within the United Kingdom. The NXR will complement these services by providing research training and promoting intellectual interchange through hosting mini-courses and workshops and offering space for researchers to perform short-term projects at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Together the EXRC and NXR will enable researchers to improve productivity by providing resources and expertise to all levels, from graduate students to experienced PIs. These two centers will also enable investigators that use other animal systems to take advantage of Xenopus' unique experimental features to complement their studies.  相似文献   

PurposeTo assess the task-based performance of images obtained under different focal spot size and acquisition mode on a dual-energy CT scanner.MethodsAxial CT image series of the Catphan phantom were obtained using a tube focus at different sizes. Acquisitions were performed in standard single-energy, high resolution (HR) and dual-energy modes. Images were reconstructed using conventional and high definition (HD) kernels. Task-based transfer function at the 50% level (TTF50%) for teflon, delrin, low density polyethylene (LDPE) and acrylic, as well as image noise and noise texture, were assessed across all focal spots and acquisition modes using Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) analysis. A non-prewhitening mathematical observer model was used to calculate detectability index (dNPW).ResultsTTF50% degraded with increasing focal spot size. TTF50% ranged from 0.67 mm−1 for teflon to 0.25 mm−1 for acrylic. For standard kernel, image noise and NPS-determined average spatial frequency were 8.3 HU and 0.29 mm−1, respectively in single-energy, 12.0 HU and 0.37 mm−1 in HR, and 7.9 HU and 0.26 mm−1 in dual-energy mode. For standard kernel, dNPW was 61 in single-energy and HR mode and reduced to 56 in dual-energy mode.ConclusionsThe task-based image quality assessment metrics have shown that spatial resolution is higher for higher image contrast materials and detectability is higher in the standard single-energy mode compared to HR and dual-energy mode. The results of the current study provide CT operators the required knowledge to characterize their CT system towards the optimization of its clinical performance.  相似文献   

1. Predators impose costs on their prey but may also provide benefits such as protection against other (e.g. nest) predators. The optimal breeding location in relation to the distance from a nesting raptor varies so as to minimize the sum of costs of adult and nest predation. We provide a conceptual model to account for variation in the relative predation risks and derive qualitative predictions for how different prey species should respond to the distance from goshawk Accipiter gentilis nests. 2. We test the model predictions using a comprehensive collection of data from northern Finland and central Norway. First, we carried out a series of experiments with artificial bird nests to test if goshawks may provide protection against nest predation. Second, we conducted standard bird censuses and nest-box experiments to detect how the density or territory occupancy of several prey species varies with distance from the nearest goshawk nest. 3. Nest predation rate increased with distance from goshawk nest indicating that goshawks may provide protection for birds' nests against nest predation. Abundance (or probability of presence) of the main prey species of goshawks peaked at intermediate distances from goshawk nests, reflecting the trade-off. The abundance of small songbird species decreased with distance from goshawk nests. The goshawk poses little risk to small songbirds and they may benefit from goshawk proximity in protection against nest predation. Finally, no pattern with distance in pied flycatcher territory (nest box) occupation rate or the onset of egg-laying was detected. This is expected, as flycatchers neither suffer from marked nest predation risk nor are favoured goshawk prey. 4. Our results suggest that territory location in relation to the nest of a predator is a trade-off situation where adult birds weigh the risk of themselves being predated against the benefits accrued from increased nest survival. Prey species appear able to detect and measure alternative predation risks, and respond adaptively. From the prey perspective, the landscape is a mosaic of habitat patches the quality of which varies according to structural and floristic features, but also to the spatial distribution of predators.  相似文献   

In habitats where resource availability declines during the growing season, selection may favor early‐flowering individuals. Under such ephemerally favorable conditions, late‐blooming species (and individuals) may be particularly vulnerable to resource limitation of seed production. In California, a region prone to seasonal drought, members of the annual genus Clarkia are among the last to flower in the spring. We compared pollen limitation (PL) of seed set and outcrossing rates between early‐ and late‐flowering individuals in two mixed‐mating Clarkia taxa to detect whether flowering time is associated with changes in seed set due to resource depletion, PL, or increased selfing. In 2008–2010, we hand‐pollinated one flower on a total of 1855 individual plants either Early (near the onset of flowering) or Late (near the end of flowering) in the flowering season and compared seed set to adjacent, open‐pollinated flowers on the same stem. To assess the contribution of pollen quality to reproduction, we first (2008) used allozymes to estimate outcrossing rates of seeds produced by Early and Late open‐pollinated flowers. Second (2009), we conducted an anther‐removal experiment to estimate self‐pollen deposition. Seed set in Clarkia unguiculata was not pollen‐limited. Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana was pollen‐limited in 2008 and 2010, but not 2009. PL did not differ between Early and Late treatments. In both taxa, seed set of Early flowers was greater than Late flowers, but not due to PL in the latter. Reproduction was generally pollinator‐dependent. Most pollen deposition was xenogamous, and outcrossing rates were >0.7 – and similar between Early and Late periods. These results suggest that pollen receipt and pollen quality remain seasonally consistent. By contrast, the resources necessary to provision seeds decline, reducing the fitness benefits associated with resource allocation to ovules.  相似文献   

Expression of the green fluorescent protein (gfp) gene, under regulatory control of either the constitutive 35S promoter or the developmentally-regulated lectin promoter was monitored and quantified using a newly-developed automated tracking system. The automated system consisted of a computer-controlled two-dimensional robotics table and a programmable image acquisition system, which was used to semi-continuously monitor gfp gene expression during development of transgenic soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] somatic embryos. Quantitative analysis of GFP expression showed that, during somatic embryo proliferation and early development, expression of lectin-GFP was not detected. During late embryo development, expression of lectin-GFP gradually increased until the levels were similar to those of 35S-GFP. The use of an automated image collection system and image analysis facilitated the frequent monitoring and quantification of gfp gene expression on a large number of samples over an extended period of time.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Summary The foraging pattern of four sympatric fungus-growing termite species was followed for five months of the dry season in a semi-arid savanna (Senegal). Experimental plots were established with and without termites (exclusion with insecticide) and amended with different litter quality: Acacia leaves, millet canes, ground millet (<500 µm), Combretum wood and cattle manure. Results showed different foraging patterns between the fungus-growing species. Odontotermes nilensis, for example, rapidly developed its foraging activity on the litter. In contrast, Macrotermes subhyalinus delayed its foraging activity but, extensively collected the food after its discovery. Differences in food preference were evident between the termite species: Odonto-termes nilensis foraged preferentially on millet, canes and Acacia leaves, Macrotermes subhyalinus preferred cane and ground millet. Ancistrotermes guineensis selected the millet, and Microtermes sp. was mostly recorded foraging on pieces of dead wood. Relationships between different foraging parameters were established to assess the relative intensity of this activity over the dry season. The comparison between untreated plots and plots treated with Fipronil® (Aventis) clearly demonstrated that the exclusion of termites from part of the savanna is possible and that this possibility can be used to study their role on the soil and organic matter cycle in situ.  相似文献   

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