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Summary The pinealocytes of the pig contain conspicuous dense bodies, the nature and role of which are not yet fully elucidated. The aim of this study was to demonstrate whether or not these structures are involved in the secretion process. The tannic acid-Ringer incubation (TARI)-method, which allows a clear-cut ultrastructural study of secretory discharge by exocytosis, has been used. The results indicate that pig pinealocytes release the content of the dense bodies with an amorphous inner structure into the extracellular space via exocytosis and that this secretion is quantitatively important. The secreted material is proteinaceous in nature; this indicates that polypeptides are released by the pineal.  相似文献   

Summary A combined thin-section/freeze-fracture study was performed on the superficial pineal gland of the golden hamster, comparing the parenchymal and interstitial cells of this animal with those previously investigated in rats. In contrast to rats, no gap junctions and gap/tight junction combinations could be found between pineal parenchymal cells of the hamster. Furthermore, the interstitial cells of the hamster pineal gland were found to have large flat cytoplasmic processes, which abut over large areas equipped with tight junctions. In thin sections, profiles of interstitial cell processes were seen to surround groups of pinealocytes. Interstitial cells and their sheet-like, tight junction-sealed processes thus appear to delimit lobule-like compartments of the hamster pineal gland. Because the classification of the interstitial cells is uncertain, the expression of several markers characteristic of mature and immature astrocytes and astrocyte subpopulations has been investigated by indirect immunohistology. Many of the non-neuronal elements in the pineal gland are vimentin-positive glial cells, subpopulations of which express glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA) and C1 antigen. The astroglial character of these cells is supported by the lack of expression of markers for neuronal, meningeal and endothelial cells. M1 antigen-positive cells have not been detected.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 185/9-2)  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the central innervation of the guinea-pig pineal gland was investigated. The habenulae and the pineal stalk contain myelinated and non-myelinated nerve fibres with few dense-cored and electron-lucent vesicles. Some myelinated fibres leave the main nerve fibre bundles, lose their myelin-sheaths and terminate in the pineal gland. Although direct proof is lacking, the non-myelinated fibres appear to end near the site where the bulk of the myelinated fibres are located. Here a neuropil area exists where synapses between non-myelinated fibre elements are abundant. Neurosecretory fibres were also seen. The results support the concept of functional interrelationships between hypothalamus, epithalamus and the pineal gland.  相似文献   

Summary A light microscopic investigation of the rabbit pineal gland with the aid of silver-stained sections gave the following results. In the gland a medulla and a cortex can be distinguished, the medulla containing so-called light and dark pinealocytes, the cortex only light ones. Autonomic nerve fibres reach the pineal organ by two routes: (1) via the perivascular spaces of pineal blood vessels and (2) via two distinct nerve bundles, the nervi conarii. Bilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy revealed that these pinealo-petal nerve fibres are mainly orthosympathetic postganglionic. Intramural pineal neurones with synaptic-like structures on their cell bodies and dendrites point to the presence of a parasympathetic innervation next to the orthosympathetic one. Direct afferent or efferent neural connections with the brain appeared to be absent. Acknowledgements. The author wishes to thank Professor Dr. J. Ariëns Kappers for encouragement and help, Mr. H. K. Koerten for his technical assistance and Miss A. M. Feddema for typing the manuscipt.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons (SR), functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied electron microscopically with regard to number, intracellular localization and topographical relationships, both under normal and experimental conditions. Pineal glands of guinea-pigs serving as controls contained 1.75 ribbon fields/unit area in the males and 2.58 in the females. In animals subjected to continuous illumination for 64 days the number of ribbon fields increased 20-fold in the males and 9-fold in the females. Continuous darkness (26 to 70 days) had varying effects; in some animals SR increased either strongly or moderately, in others they appeared unchanged. Under continuous illumination a higher percentage of ribbon fields bordered the cell membrane than in the controls. Moreover, paired ribbon fields occurred. The topographical analysis revealed that 98 % of the ribbon fields bordering the cell membrane lay opposite another pinealocyte and the remainder opposite nerve fibres, blood vessels and collagenous fibres. It is suggested that SR of mammalian pinealocytes do not represent non-functioning phylogenetic relics but true organelles possibly involved in coupling adjacent pinealocytes functionally.This study was supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn.  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons, functionally enigmatic structures of mammalian pinealocytes, were studied during the postnatal development of the pineal gland in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). On day 4 post partum, synaptic ribbons appear in cells that have already started to differentiate into pinealocytes. Between days 4 and 9, an increase in the number of synaptic ribbons occurs, concomitant with the continuing differentiation of the pineal tissue. Between days 9 and 16, when differentiation of this tissue is almost completed, the number of synaptic ribbons decreases and approaches that characteristic of the adult pineal gland. During development, the synaptic ribbons increase in length, and dense core vesicles are frequently found in the vicinity of these structures. It is assumed that a functional relationship exists between dense core vesicles and the synaptic ribbons, which are considered to be engaged in a certain form of secretory activity of the mammalian pineal gland.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Summary The formation and secretion of ecdysteroid by the prothoracic gland cells of Galleria mellonella (Insecta, Lepidoptera) were investigated electron microscopically and immunocytochemically. The moulting hormone ecdysone becomes first evident in vesicles and tubules of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER). The SER forms secretory granules in which ecdysone was shown immunocytochemically. The Golgi apparatus seems not to be directly involved in ecdysone secretion. The secretory granules are released from the cells by exocytosis.Supported by the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu LeipzigThe author is grateful to Mrs. Angelika Schmidt for her excellent assistance  相似文献   

Summary Neurons projecting from the brain to the pineal gland via the pineal stalk were investigated in the golden hamster with the use of the retrograde horseradish-peroxidase tracing method both in vivo and in vitro. Labelled perikarya were observed in the medial and lateral habenular nuclei as well as in the posterior commissure. Single cells located in the ependymal lining of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses were also retrogradely labelled. These results show that a distinct central innervation of the pineal gland exists in the golden hamster, in agreement with findings in other mammalian species investigated by means of a similar methodology. In addition, also direct signals from the cerebrospinal fluid to the parenchyma might be conducted via cells located within the ependymal layer of the pineal- and suprapineal recesses.This study was supported by grants from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst to M.M. (312/dk-4-is), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to H.W.K. (Ko 758/2-2, 2-3), and the Carlsberg Foundation  相似文献   

The effects of vitamin A-deficiency and inflammation were studied in the conducting airways of Syrian golden hamsters. An important goal of the study was to characterize epithelial changes that occur early in vitamin A-deficiency, that might precede yet predispose to infection, and precipitate inflammatory changes in the lungs. Age-matched vitamin A-replete control and vitamin A-deprived hamsters were killed at 33 days of age (preweight-plateau); at 41 days of age (weight plateau-early weight loss); and at 48–55 days of age (prolonged weight plateau followed by weight loss). A tablet containing bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) was implanted subcutaneously into each hamster 7 h before it was killed. No changes were seen in the conducting airway epithelium of vitamin A-deprived hamsters in the preweight plateau. However, labelling of secretory cells for BrdU was reduced 6–7 fold in the epithelium lining the lobar bronchus (p< 0.0002) and the bronchioles (p< 0.0001), and the proportions of ciliated cells were decreased (p<0.0001) at both airway levels in vitamin A-deficient hamsters in the weight plateau-early weight loss stage. Changes in cellular morphology were minimal in the intrapulmonary airway epithelium at this time but a few small focal patches of epidermoid metaplasia were seen in the tracheal epithelium. Small foci of inflammation were closely associated with the airways in the weight plateau, and the inflammation became more widespread when the deficiency was prolonged. The results suggest that the defense of the lungs to infection was impaired initially in the vitamin A-deficient hamsters by a widespread reduction in the numbers of ciliated cells throughout the epithelium of the conducting airways (trachea, bronchi, bronchioles). At the foci of inflammation, labelling of epithelial secretory cells for BrdU was greatly increased at all airway levels. A highly stratified cornifying epidermoid metaplasia developed in the tracheal epithelium, and goblet cell metaplasia developed in the cranial portion of the lobar bronchus, in association with submucosal inflammation. Goblet cell metaplasia appeared to be the only abnormality that wasnot reversed when vitamin A was restored to the diet. This is contribution no. 2911 from the Pathobiology Laboratory  相似文献   

Summary In the present study an attempt was made to demonstrate melatonin in the rat pineal gland by means of immunohistochemistry. The anti-body used was raised against 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptophan which is chemically similar to melatonin. Specific fluorescence was demonstrable only in pineals from rats killed during the night, when melatonin formation is high. It was restricted to parenchymal cells lying in a marginal zone of the organ. These results are discussed in relation to a subdivision of the pineal parenchyma into cortical and medullary areas.Supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (VO 135/4) within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Circadian regulation of pineal melatonin content was studied in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus), especially melatonin peak width and the temporal correlation to wheel-running activity. Melatonin was measured by radioimmunoassay in glands removed at different circadian times with respect to activity onset (= CT 12). Pineal melatonin peak width (h; for mean 125 pg/gland) and activity duration () were both 4–5 h longer after 12 or 27 weeks than after 5 or 6 days in continuous darkness (DD). Increased peak width was associated with a delay in the morning decline (M) of melatonin to baseline, correlated with a similar delay in wheel-running offset. In contrast, the evening rise (E) in melatonin occurred at approximately the same circadian phase regardless of the length of DD. Fifteen min light pulses produced similar phase-shifts in melatonin and activity. In a phase advance shift, M advanced at once, while E advanced only after several days of adjustment. Independent timing of shifts in the E and M components of the melatonin rhythm suggest that these events are controlled separately by at least two circadian oscillators whose mutual phase relationship determines melatonin peak width. This two-oscillator control of melatonin peak width is integral to the circadian mechanism of hamster photoperiodic time measurement.Abbreviations CT circadian time - DD continuous dark - L: D light: dark cycle - PMEL pineal melatonin - PRC phase response curve - RIA radioimmunoassay; , duration (h) of the active phase of the circadian wheel-running rhythm; , free-running period  相似文献   

Summary Serial sections of 90 Sprague-Dawley rat brains with the pineal in situ were scanned to determine the occurrence and regional distribution of calcareous concretions within the pineal gland and its surrounding leptomeningeal tissue. In 90 % of the cases examined concretions were found in varying number and appearance, predominantly lying in the dorsal region of the pineal gland and in the distal portion of the pineal stalk.Discussing the hypothesis advanced by Lukaszyk and Reiter (1975) that the origin of pineal concretions may be related to a neurosecretory process involving a pineal carrier protein, called neuroepiphysin, it is thought that, in view of the intra- and extra-pineal occurrence of concretions, processes other than secretion should be considered. Since in the pineal organ lymphatics are lacking it may well be that, due to a reduced drainage of tissue fluid, the coagulation of intercellular organic debris mingled with minerals increases with age.Supported by a grant (Vo 135/4) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Summary Synaptic ribbons in the pineal organ of the goldfish were examined electron microscopically with particular attention to their topography. These structures were formed of parallel membranes, which were poorly preserved with OsO4 fixation and could be extracted from thin sections with pronase indicating their proteinaceous nature. Synaptic ribbons were closely apposed to the plasma membrane bordering dendrites of ganglion cells, but were also related to processes of both photoreceptor and supportive cells. Their close proximity to invaginations of the plasma membrane and portions of the endoplasmic reticulum suggest that they are involved in the turnover of cytoplasmic membranes. Tubular and spherical organelles of unknown function are also described.  相似文献   

Summary In a total of 96 rat pineals studied 31 were found to contain striated muscle fibers or their precursors. The muscle fibers were most frequently present in the stalk region and more frequently found in the left than in the right hemisphere. Size measurements revealed that the lengths of pineal muscle cell nuclei differ only slightly from those of the sphincter muscle of the iris. However, the yellowish appearance of pineal muscle cell nuclei under darkfield investigation, a phenomenon observed in all muscular tissues of mesenchymal origin and connective tissue cells, may support the hypothesis that pineal musculature is of mesenchymal rather than ectodermal origin.Supported by a grant (Vo 135/4) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Summary Antigenic markers characteristic of astrocytes and their differentiative states (i.e., glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), vimentin, and M1 and C1 antigens) were investigated in the pineal gland of mouse and rat using double immunolabeling techniques. In both species the socalled interstitial cells as characterized by TEM were shown to be astrocytes, since they expressed vimentin, but neither fibronectin (a marker for fibroblasts and endothelial cells) nor the neuron-specific L1 antigen or tetanus toxin receptors. Subpopulations of vimentin-positive pineal astrocytes were also GFAP- and C1- antigen-positive. M1- antigenpositive cells were not detected.It is concluded that a considerable proportion of interstitial cells in the pineal gland of rat and mouse are immature astrocytes which, in contrast to other parts of the central nervous system, persist into adulthood.Supported in part by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Scha 185/9-4)S.-K. Huang was a recipient of a Humboldt Foundation fellowship.  相似文献   

The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin. This secretion exhibits a circadian rhythm with a zenith during night and a nadir during day. We have performed proteome analysis of the superficial pineal gland in rats during daytime and nighttime. The proteins were extracted and subjected to 2-DE. Of 1747 protein spots revealed by electrophoresis, densitometric analysis showed the up-regulation of 25 proteins during nighttime and of 35 proteins during daytime. Thirty-seven of the proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. The proteins up-regulated during the night are involved in the Krebs cycle, energy transduction, calcium binding, and intracellular transport. During the daytime, enzymes involved in glycolysis, electron transport, and also the Krebs cycle were up-regulated as well as proteins taking part in RNA binding and RNA processing. Our data show a prominent day-night variation of the protein levels in the rat pineal gland. Some proteins are up-regulated during the night concomitant with the melatonin secretion of the gland. Other proteins are up-regulated during the day indicating a pineal metabolism not related to the melatonin synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of subcutaneously injected DT gamma E (beta-endorphin, (beta E)2-17) on the pineal melatonin level was compared with that of closely related peptides and the neuroleptic drug haloperidol. As found previously, DT gamma E (3 ng/rat and 300 ng/rat) increased the melatonin levels. Similar doses of DT alpha E (beta E 2-16), DT beta E (beta E 2-31), gamma E (beta E 1-17), alpha E (beta E 1-16) and beta E failed to significantly change the melatonin levels in both the dark and the light phase. Haloperidol in a dose of 300 ng/rat exhibited a similar effect as DT gamma E.  相似文献   

Summary Pineal glands of normal adult mice, 7 to 42 days after bilateral superior cervical gangliectomy and 5 and 16 hours after one dose of reserpine (10 mg/kg) were studied under the electron microscope. The architecture of the gland is basically similar to that of other mammalian pineal glands previously studied. Mouse pinealocytes are polymorphic cells with perivascular and intercellular processes. Its most prominent feature is the presence of abundant granulated vesicles with a mean diameter of 1100 Å and a dense core of about 800 Å intermingled with clear vesicles of similar size distributed throughout the cytoplasm and more concentrated in perivascular and intercellular processes. These processes were seen in continuity with the perykaryon and remained after bilateral superior cervical gangliectomy. Processes containing the plurivesicular component of adrenergic nerves situated in perivascular and intercellular spaces disappeared after bilateral superior cervical gangliectomy. Reserpine depleted small granulated vesicles of nerves but the larger ones of perikaryon and polar processes remained almost unchanged.The histochemical technique of Wood was positive for catechol- and indolamines in the nerves. The reaction was negative in the perikaryon and polar processes.The significance of these findings is discussed.This work has been supported by grants of the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina and U.S. Air Force AF-AFOSR 67-0963 A.I am greatly indebted to Miss Haydee Agoff and Mr. Alberto Saenz for their skillful technical assistance.  相似文献   

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