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Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) hold significant therapeutic potential as novel targets for the treatment of cancer. ZSTK474 (4a) is a potent, pan-PI3K inhibitor currently under clinical evaluation for the treatment of cancer. Structural studies have shown that derivatisation at the 5- or 6-position of the benzimidazole ring may influence potency and isoform selectivity. However, synthesis of these derivatives by the traditional route results in a mixture of the two regioisomers. We have developed a straightforward regioselective synthesis that gave convenient access to 5- and 6-methoxysubstituted benzimidazole derivatives of ZSTK474. While 5-methoxy substitution abolished activity at all isoforms, the 6-methoxy substitution is consistently 10-fold more potent. This synthesis will allow convenient access to further 6-position derivatives, thus allowing the full scope of the structure-activity relationships of ZSTK474 to be probed.  相似文献   

Several amines were shown to inhibit growth stimulation in quiescent confluent and sparse cultures of Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 cells by changing for a fresh medium containing 10-20% serum. Proliferation was inhibited by dansylcadaverine (0.1 mM), chloroquine (0.05 mM), 5-methoxytryptamine (0.1 mM), cystamine (0.1 mM), dimethylurea (100 mM), methylurea (100 mM), and in some experiments--by urea (100 mM). The inhibitory activity was not associated with a direct influence of amines on DNA synthesis or thymidine phosphorylation. The findings suggest that amines may influence the process of clustering of growth factor-receptor complexes, or the fusion of plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles containing some components required for cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) is a serine-threonine protein kinase that plays a significant role in neuronal development. In association with p25, CDK5 abnormally phosphorylates a number of cellular targets involved in neurodegenerative disorders. Using active site homology and previous structure–activity relationships, a new series of potent CDK5 inhibitors was designed. This report describes the optimization of 6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyridines as CDK5 inhibitors.  相似文献   

La3+ stimulated quiescent Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 ceils to enter the DNA-synthesizing S phase of the cell cycle. La3+ and insulin interacted synergistically to increase DNA synthesis. A brief exposure of the cells to soluble LaCl3 optimally stimulated entry into S. La3+ was similar to Al3+ in its mitogenic properties (J. Cell. Physiol.118 , 298, 1984), but La3+ was 10 times more potent than Al3+.  相似文献   

Micromolar concentrations of AI3+ are shown to be strongly mitogenic for quiescent cultures of Swiss 3T3 and 3T6 cells. AI3+ caused a striking shift in the dose-response curve for the effect of fetal bovine serum on 3H-thymidine incorporation. In the absence of serum the mitogenic effect of aluminum was greatly potentiated by insulin or cholera toxin, but not epidermal growth factor or 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate. The stimulation of DNA synthesis was maximal by 15-20 microM AI3+ X AI3+ at 100 microM had no inhibitory effect on DNA synthesis. AI3+ had no significant effect on cellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the presence or absence of insulin or an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases.  相似文献   

In exponentially growing 3T6 cells, the synthesis of deoxythymidine triphosphate (dTTP) is balanced by its utilization for DNA replication, with a turnover of the dTTP pool of around 5 min. We now investigate the effects of two inhibitors of DNA synthesis (aphidicolin and hydroxyurea) on the synthesis and degradation of pyrimidine deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs). Complete inhibition of DNA replication with aphidicolin did not decrease the turnover of pyrimidine dNTP pools labeled from the corresponding [3H]deoxynucleosides, only partially inhibited the in situ activity of thymidylate synthetase and resulted in excretion into the medium of thymidine derived from breakdown of dTTP synthesized de novo. These data demonstrate continued synthesis of dTTP in the absence of DNA replication. In contrast, hydroxyurea decreased the turnover of pyrimidine dNTP pools 5-50-fold. Hydroxyurea is an inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase and stops DNA synthesis by depleting cells of purine dNTPs but not pyrimidine dNTPs. Our results suggest that degradation of dNTPs is turned off by an unknown mechanism when de novo synthesis is blocked.  相似文献   

Summary T7 RNA polymerase is synthesized in vitro, dependent on T7 DNA. The in vitro synthesized T7 polymerase has the characteristic properties: resistance to rifampicin and streptolydigin and the typical template specificity.  相似文献   

Rifampicin resistant DNA synthesis in phage T4 infected Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have found that net DNA synthesis in T4 infected cells is rifampicin resistant. This finding implies that both the initiation of each T4 genome and its elongation are rifampicin resistant processes.  相似文献   

Use of DNA polymorphism detected by M13 phage DNA in population studies]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hypervariable "minisatellite" regions detected in human genome by wild-type phage M13 DNA were found to have high polymorphism and somatic stability. Analysis of individual specific patterns of hybridization of 44 human DNAs from the Kirov province is presented. Molecular weight of fragments varied from 2 to 6 kb. Mean frequency of a fragment in the population under study is p = 0.294 +/- 0.158. The mean number of fragments per individual is 11.6 +/- 1.8. Comparison between the Kirov population and that of Krasnodar studied earlier was carried out. The mean genetic distance between Kirov and Krasnodar populations calculated according to Nei is 0.2082. The possibility of using in population-genetic studies of hypervariable DNA markers having fingerprint type of hybridization is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure-based design and synthesis of a new series of c-Jun N-terminal kinase-3 inhibitors with selectivity against JNK1 and p38alpha is reported. The novel series of substituted 6-anilinoindazoles were designed based on a combination of hits from high throughput screening and X-ray crystal structure information of the compounds crystallized into the JNK3 ATP binding active site.  相似文献   

The penetration of phage T5 DNA into the Escherichia coli envelope takes place through ion channels (Boulanger, P., and Letellier, L. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 3168-3172). To identify putative phage protein(s) involved in the formation of these channels, E. coli cells were infected at 37 degrees C with radioactively labeled phage and their envelopes were fractionated. After a flotation gradient, proteins belonging to the phage tail were recovered both in fractions containing the contact sites between the inner and outer membranes and in the outer membrane. The electrophoretic banding pattern of phage proteins indicates that the contact sites were enriched in the protein pb2. Moreover, infected cells were significantly enriched in contact sites as compared to intact cells. There was no enrichment of contact sites and very little radioactivity was found in this fraction and in the outer membrane when the cells were infected at 4 degrees C (i.e. under conditions where the phage does not inject its DNA). These results suggest that both contact sites and pb2 may play a central role in the translocation of phage T5 DNA.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of NaDNA from E. coli T4 and T6 phages has been studied by the X-ray diffraction method. Molecules of these DNAs as well as T2 phage DNA molecules contain hydroxymethylcytosine glucosylated at different position instead of cytosine. At high relative humidity these DNAs are shown to exist in B-conformaion. As humidity decreases the transformation into T=conformation takes place in the T4 phage DNA whereas in the T6 phage DNA changes of secondary structure similar to B-T transformation occur which do not result however in the appearance of all the characteristics of the T-conformation.  相似文献   

T5-induced DNA polymerase has an associated 3' to 5' exonuclease activity. Both single-stranded and duplex DNA are hydrolyzed by this enzyme in a quasi-processive manner. This is indicated by the results of polymer-challenge experiments utilizing product analysis techniques. Due to the quasi-processive mode of hydrolysis, the kinetics of label release from the 3'-terminally labeled oligonucleotide substrates, annealed to complementary homopolymers, show an initial high rate of hydrolysis. In the case of both single-stranded and duplex DNA substrates, hydrolysis seems to continue, at best, up to the point where the enzyme is five or six nucleotides away from the 5-end. The enzyme carries out mismatch repair, as evidenced by experiments with primer molecules containing improper base residues at the 3'-OH terminus. Control experiments with complementary base residues at the 3'-end indicate that extensive removal of terminal residue takes place in the presence of dNTP's only when such residues are "improper" in the Watson-Crick sense.  相似文献   

Novel (non-fluoroquinolone) inhibitors of bacterial type II topoisomerases (NBTIs) are an emerging class of antibacterial agents. We report an optimized series of cyclobutylaryl-substituted NBTIs. Compound 14 demonstrated excellent activity both in vitro (S. aureus MIC90 = 0.125 μg/mL) and in vivo (systemic and tissue infections). Enhanced inhibition of Topoisomerase IV correlated with improved activity in S. aureus strains with mutations conferring resistance to NBTIs. Compound 14 also displayed an improved hERG IC50 of 85.9 μM and a favorable profile in the anesthetized guinea pig model.  相似文献   

Secondary structure of phage T2 DNA   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

1. The increased protein synthesis of quiescent 3T3 cells in response to insulin was separated into three distinct phases based on their response to various inhibitors of RNA synthesis. 2. The first increase in protein synthesis was insensitive to the inhibitors used, and probably resulted from activation of existing protein synthesizing mechanism. 3. The second phase was sensitive to a varying extent to alpha-amanitin and 5,6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosylbenzimidazole, implying the need for new mRNA synthesis as well as the production of new ribosomes indicated by its further sensitivity to low concentration (10 ng/ml) of Actinomycin D. 4. The final phase was insensitive to inhibitors of new ribosome formation, but still depended on new mRNA. alpha-difluoromethylornithine, an inhibitor of de novo polyamine synthesis, partly inhibited the insulin induced stimulation of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

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