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Cell adhesion and spreading on solid phase fibronectin (FN), coated on plate or presented in extracellular matrix, are mediated by integrin receptors alpha5beta1, alpha4beta1, etc., although binding of "soluble-form FN" to cell surface varies extensively depending on glycosylation status of FN per se. Deposition or incorporation at the cell surface or pericellular matrix of soluble-form FN from body fluids or synthesized de novo takes place through a yet-unknown (perhaps integrin-independent) mechanism. Here we present evidence that the mechanism involves carbohydrate-to-carbohydrate interaction. Binding or incorporation of soluble-form placental or hepatoma FN to cell surface or pericellular matrix is highly dependent on the specific glycosylation status of FN per se and combination with glycosylation status of the cell surface, and is greatly promoted by a certain type of coexisting (shedded) glycosphingolipid. A few lines of study indicate that the process is mediated by interaction of FN carbohydrate with cell surface carbohydrate. The great enhancement of the binding process by glycosphingolipid is based on dual interaction of glycosphingolipid carbohydrate with FN carbohydrate and with cell surface carbohydrate. Here we present an example of promotion of binding of soluble-form FN from placenta or from hepatoma cells, having a specific carbohydrate epitope termed "disialyl-I," to K562 or VA13 cell surface in the presence of glycosphingolipid Gg3, which interacts specifically with disialyl-I.  相似文献   

Complement receptor 3 (CR3) is an integrin that recognizes several different ligands. Binding to CR3 in phagocytic cells activates signaling pathways involved in cytoskeleton rearrangement, regulation of cell motility, alteration of gene expression and phagocytosis of complement-opsonized as well as of some non-opsonized particles and pathogenic bacteria. However, CR3-mediated phagocytosis of some Gram-negative bacteria does not induce bacterial clearance. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella and Escherichia coli are eliminated after phagocytic cell-bacteria interaction mediated by CR3. However, Bordetella takes advantage of the CR3 function and uses it to enter into macrophages leading to bacterial survival. The final fate of the pathogen is determined by combinations of host and bacterial factors, in which molecular interactions between CR3 and bacterial ligands are involved.  相似文献   

We present the characterization of a new mouse cell surface protein, recognized by the 3138-specific monoclonal antibody. The expression of this antigen is predominantly restricted to the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues: bone marrow, spleen, lymph node, and thymus. Immunoblot analyses show that the 3138 determinant is present on molecules with different apparent relative masses. The 3138 antigen migrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a single band of M r 115 000 for normal nonstimulated spleen cells and thymocytes and as two bands of M r 115 000 and M r 125 000 for bone marrow cells and mitogen-stimulated spleen cells. The multiple sizes of the 3138 antigens (isoforms) found on various cell lines are not due to allelic polymorphism, but instead may reflect the specific cell type or reflect the cell's state of activation or maturation. Results from lectin chromatography and N-glycanase and neuraminidase studies suggest that the 3138 antigen is a heavily sialylated O-linked glycoprotein. The unusual features of this antigen indicate that it may be the mouse homologue of the rat W3/13 antigen and the human leukosialin/sialophorin antigens.Abbreviations used in this paper Con A concanavalin A - Gal galactose - Ga1Nac N-acetyl galactosamine - Ig immunoglobulin - IL-2 interleukin 2 - 2-ME 2-mercapto-ethanol - M r relative mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Th T helper - TX-100 Triton X-100 - TTS 0.3% TX-100, 0.01 M Tris, pH 7.4, 0.15 M NaCl  相似文献   

Soluble complexes of Ig and antigen have been detected in the serum of mice within 6 hr after immunization. Such complexes are taken up by a subpopulation of T cells. We present evidence which suggests that the complexes are formed through the mediation of a factor released from T cells, tentatively called Ig-antigen complexing factor or IACF. IACF is produced as a result of a macrophage/T-cell interaction, when macrophages are present in an optimal proportion in relation to T cells (4%). Particulate or aggregated substances stimulate macrophages to release a mediator which subsequently acts on Fc receptor-negative T cells to produce IACF. Free-SH groups are important for the activity of the macrophage mediator. Mercaptoethanol and l-cysteine can also release IACF from T cells in the absence of macrophages. Protein synthesis is necessary for the production of this factor, the activity of which is abolished by trypsin digestion. It is postulated that the complexes of Ig and antigen formed under the influence of IACF represent a mechanism of presentation of antigen to T cells.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous factor VIII related antigen isolated from endothelial cell postculture medium was characterized. On crossed immunoelectrophoresis, slow moving less anodal populations of factor VIII related antigen molecules were more prominent in endothelial cell postculture medium than in plasma. The protein synthesized by endothelial cells appeared as two discrete protein bands of different molecular weight in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. In contrast the factor VIII related antigen isolated from plasma moved as a single protein band in an identical gel system. The factor VIII related antigen from endothelial cell postculture medium was immunoisolated using monospecific rabbit antibody to normal human plasma factor VIII related antigen, electrophoresed on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels, radiolabeled with 125I, trypsinized and subjected to peptide mapping using two-dimensional high voltage electrophoresis and thin-layer chromatography. The two forms of endothelial cell factor VIII antigen had virtually identical peptide maps. These studies suggest that the molecular heterogeneity of the factor VIII related antigen sytem reflects polymeric associations of identical subunits. Circulation in vivo may alter the ratio of polymer subsets.  相似文献   

The present study describes the holes in the inner vitelline membrane of fertile eggs of the quail Coturnix japonica, which remain after the spermatozoa pass through. It was shown that the light-microscopically observable 'holes' correspond mostly to electron-microscopically defined 'disks', and, to a lesser extent (about 5%), real holes. Immunofluorescent staining of the vitelline membranes with an antiquail ZPC antiserum was used to discriminate the holes from the disks light-microscopically. Over 96% of holes were accompanied by calcium-coated sperm-associated bodies, indicating a close relationship between the two. There was no preferential localization of the disks, holes or sperm-associated bodies in the vitelline membrane around the egg. The sperm-associated bodies bound with the spermatozoa at the posterior end of sperm flagella. Incubation of the inner vitelline membranes, isolated from the largest follicles, with spermatozoa resulted in production only of the disks, whereas the holes (about 9%) were produced when the sperm-associated bodies were added to the system. It was suggested that the sperm-associated bodies assist fertile spermatozoa in binding to the inner vitelline membrane, making holes in the membrane and passing through them in fertile eggs.  相似文献   

This study reports on the in vitro interactions between T cells from Listeria-immunized mice, macrophages from normal mice, and heat-killed Listeria organisms. This interaction was assayed either by determing the amount of thymocyte mitogen in culture fluids after 24 hr, or by estimating the degree of T cell proliferation after 96 hr. Each assay depended on critical concentrations of macrophages, T cells, and heat-killed Listeria, points that were evaluated in a number of experiments. Both assays required specific Listeria-immune T cells. For an effective interaction, the T cells and the macrophages had to share the I-A region of the H-2 gene complex. Macrophages bearing Ia, which represented a minor population of macrophages, were essential for the proliferative response to macrophage-associated Listeria. Also, Ia-bearing macrophages were an important component in the interactions leading to increased secretion of mitogen. The immunogenic moiety associated with Listeria was short-lived, disappearing 24 hr after uptake of Listeria by macrophages. The interactions were not blocked by anti-Listeria antibodies but were partially sensitive to trypsinization.  相似文献   

Identifying immunogenic tumor antigens plays a critical role in developing efficient diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for treatment of cancer. Using a recently developed technology, serological identification of antigens by recombinant expression cloning (SEREX), we identified a total of 8 genes whose expression elicited antibody responses in prostate cancer patients. Of the 8 genes, 5 represented known genes in the GenBank database, 2 were previously uncharacterized genes, and 1 showed sequence homology to a mouse gene. The sequence feature and the expression of one of the novel genes, prostate antigen recognized and identified by SEREX (PARIS-1), are determined in this study. The PARIS-1 cDNA is 3257 bp in length and contains a complete open reading frame of 2751 bp encoding for a primary translation product of 917 amino acids. Using Northern blot hybridization assay, we detected a single species of approximately 3.3 kb PARIS-1 mRNA that is differentially expressed in prostate normal and cancer cells. Western blot analysis confirmed the expression of the PARIS-1 protein in these cells. Structure analysis revealed that PARIS-1 protein contains a TBC domain that is conserved in the family of cell cycle-regulatory and Rab GTPase-activating proteins (Rab-GAP). Thus, the PARIS-1 protein may play a role in regulation of cell differentiation and growth or represent a new member of the Rab-GAP family.  相似文献   

Nox5 belongs to the calcium-regulated subfamily of NADPH oxidases (Nox). Like other calcium-regulated Noxes, Nox5 has an EF-hand-containing calcium-binding domain at its N-terminus, a transmembrane heme-containing region, and a C-terminal dehydrogenase (DH) domain that binds FAD and NADPH. While Nox1-4 require regulatory subunits, including p22phox, Nox5 activity does not depend on any subunits. We found that inactive point mutants and truncated forms of Nox5 (including the naturally expressed splice form, Nox5S) inhibit full-length Nox5, consistent with formation of a dominant negative complex. Oligomerization of full-length Nox5 was demonstrated using co-immunoprecipitation of coexpressed, differentially tagged forms of Nox5 and occurred in a manner independent of calcium ion. Several approaches were used to show that the DH domain mediates oligomerization: Nox5 could be isolated as a multimer when the calcium-binding domain and/or the N-terminal polybasic region (PBR-N) was deleted, but deletion of the DH domain eliminated oligomerization. Further, a chimera containing the transmembrane domain of Ciona intestinalis voltage sensor-containing phosphatase (CiVSP) fused to the Nox5 DH domain formed a co-immunoprecipitating complex with, and functioned as a dominant inhibitor of, full-length Nox5. Radiation inactivation of Nox5 overexpressed in HEK293 cells and endogenously expressed in human aortic smooth muscle cells indicated molecular masses of ~350 and ~300 kDa, respectively, consistent with a tetramer being the functionally active unit. Thus, Nox5 forms a catalytically active oligomer in the membrane that is mediated by its dehydrogenase domain. As a result of oligomerization, the short, calcium-independent splice form, Nox5S, may function as an endogenous inhibitor of calcium-stimulated ROS generation by full-length Nox5.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify human melanoma-associated Ag (MAA) that are immunogenic in patients, because these molecules may be useful immunogens to implement active specific immunotherapy. To this end, an expression cDNA library constructed from the human melanoma cell line A375 was screened with sera from patients with melanoma. A 1029-bp cDNA (designated D-1) was isolated. Its nucleotide sequence showed no significant homology with viral and mammalian sequences stored in GE-NETYX. cDNA D-1 hybridized to a 2.0-kb mRNA species from human melanoma, neuroblastoma, erythroleukemia, B lymphoid, and T lymphoid cell lines but not from a renal carcinoma cell line, PBL, and cultured skin fibroblasts. The D-1 clone produced a fusion protein that displayed a significantly higher reactivity with sera from patients with melanoma than from healthy controls. Furthermore, D-1 fusion protein induced in mice antibodies that immunoprecipitated a 50-kDa component from cultured human melanoma cells. The structural properties of D-1 MAA are different from those of previously described MAA. These results suggest that the approach we have applied may be useful to identify novel MAA expressed by melanoma cells. Furthermore, the immunogenicity of recombinant D-1 protein suggests that it may be a valuable immunogen to implement active specific immunotherapy in patients with melanoma, if additional experiments show that it has the appropriate tissue distribution.  相似文献   

Several viruses, including influenza, induce an imbalance of intracellular redox state toward pro-oxidant conditions. Through different mechanisms these alterations contribute both to influenza virus replication and to the pathogenesis of virus-induced disease. At the same time, influenza virus activates several intracellular signaling pathways involved in important physiological functions of the cell. Interestingly, many of these pathways are finely regulated by small changes in intracellular redox state, and the virus-induced redox imbalance might also control viral replication through this mechanism. Here we review the main intracellular redox-sensitive pathways activated upon influenza infection and involved in regulating viral replication.  相似文献   

Indirect interactions among species can greatly affect their abundances and the structure of the community they live in. Using a field experiment, we tested the hypothesis that congeneric butterfly species interact indirectly through a shared pupal parasitoid. We predicted that symmetrical apparent competition would lead to high parasitism of both species, and the effect would increase with regional butterfly abundance. Instead, parasitism of one host, Melitaea cinxia, was reduced in the presence of the second host, M. athalia. Parasitism of M. athalia did not differ whether or not M. cinxia was present. This pattern did not vary with regional butterfly abundance, though overall rate of parasitism did. Details of the experiment suggest that the apparent commensalism occurred because M. cinxia pupae are protected by silk tents whereas M. athalia are exposed, causing locally foraging parasitoids to favour the more accessible host where the two are present together. The local short-term apparent commensalism favouring M. cinxia opposes the landscape scale trend, in which parasitism increases where butterfly density is high. The outcome of this study illustrates short-term apparent commensalism, that host suitability can depend on relative accessibility, and that indirect interactions occurring at different scales may be in opposition.  相似文献   

Humans and laboratory animals recognize human modified LDL as immunogenic. Immune complexes (ICs) isolated from human sera contain malondialdehyde-modified LDL (MDA-LDL) and N (epsilon)(carboxymethyl)lysine-modified LDL (CML-LDL) as well as antibodies reacting with MDA-LDL, copper-oxidized LDL (OxLDL), CML-LDL, and advanced glycosylation end product (AGE)-modified LDL. OxLDL and AGE-LDL antibodies isolated from human sera recognize the same LDL modifications and do not react with modified non-LDL proteins. Rabbit antibodies have different reactivity patterns: MDA-LDL antibodies react strongly with MDA-LDL and MDA-BSA but weakly with OxLDL; OxLDL antibodies react strongly with OxLDL and weakly with MDA-LDL; CML-LDL antibodies react with CML-LDL > CML-BSA > AGE-LDL > OxLDL; AGE-LDL antibodies react strongly with AGE-LDL, react weakly with OxLDL, and do not react with CML-LDL. Thus, human and rabbit antibodies seem to recognize different epitopes. Capture assays carried out with all rabbit antibodies showed binding of apolipoprotein B-rich lipoproteins isolated from ICs, suggesting that laboratory-generated epitopes are expressed by in vivo-modified LDL, although they are not necessarily recognized by the human immune system. Thus, the definition of immunogenic forms of modified LDL eliciting human autoimmune responses requires the isolation and characterization of autoantibodies and modified LDL from human samples, whereas rabbit antibodies can be used to detect in vivo-modified human LDL.  相似文献   

Methoxypolyethylene glycol of 5000 daltons (PEG) was attached covalently to bovine liver arginase using 2,4,6-trichloro-s-triazine as the coupling agent. The conjugate (PEG-arginase), with PEG attached to 53% of the amino groups, retained 65% of its original enzymatic activity. Mice were injected intravenously with arginase or PEG-arginase for periods of one to three months. The blood-circulating life of PEG-arginase was greatly extended over that of arginase. The half-life of injected arginase at day 30 was less than 1 h, whereas that of the PEG-enzyme was 12 h. Antisera from mice injected with native arginase reacted against arginase but not against PEG-arginase when tested by immunodiffusion. Antisera from animals injected with PEG-arginase reacted neither with native arginase nor PEG-arginase. The data indicate that arginase modified by PEG has been rendered both non-immunogenic and non-antigenic when tested in mice. The injection of PEG-arginase into mice did not induce tolerance toward the native enzyme. Injected PEG-arginase, in the presence of precipitating antibody directed against native arginase, circulated at the same level as in virgin animals. The attachment of PEG to arginase altered its kinetic properties.  相似文献   

The core antigen of hepatitis B virus as a carrier for immunogenic peptides   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The core antigen of hepatitis B virus (HBcAg) made in Escherichia coli yields particles that closely resemble the viral nucleocapsid. Extensive modifications can be made to the primary structure of HBcAg without impairing particle assembly. This enables other peptide sequences, including very long sequences, to be added, substituted, or inserted into the nucleocapsid subunit while retaining the ability to form highly immunogenic particles. These also retain the T cell epitopes of HBcAg and constitute powerful delivery systems for a diverse range of immunogenic epitopes and have significant potential for development of multicomponent vaccines.  相似文献   

Herein, we demonstrate the control of protein heteroconjugation via a tyrosyl coupling reaction by using electrostatic interaction. Aspartic acid and arginine were introduced to a tyrosine containing peptide tag (Y-tag) to provide electrostatic charge. Designed negatively or positively charged Y-tags were tethered to the C-terminus of Escherichia coli alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and streptavidin (SA), and these model proteins were subjected to horseradish peroxidase (HRP) treatment. The negatively charged Y-tags showed low reactivity due to repulsive interactions between the Y-tags with the negatively charged BAP and SA. In contrast, the positively charged Y-tags showed high reactivity, indicating that the electrostatic interaction between Y-tags and proteins significantly affects the tyrosyl radical mediated protein cross-linking. From the heteroconjugation reaction of BAP and SA, the SA with the positively charged Y-tags exhibited favorable cross-linking toward negatively charged BAP, and the BAP-SA conjugates prepared from BAP with GY-tag (GGGGY) and SA with RYR-tag (RRYRR) had the best performance on a biotin-coated microplate. Encompassing the reactive tyrosine residue with arginine residues reduced the reactivity against HRP, enabling the modulation of cross-linking reaction rates with BAP-GY. Thus, by introducing a proper electrostatic interaction to Y-tags, it is possible to kinetically control the heteroconjugation behavior of proteins, thereby maximizing the functions of protein heteroconjugates.  相似文献   

The weakly immunogenic murine P1A Ag is a useful experimental model for the development of new vaccination strategies that could potentially be used against human tumors. An i.m. DNA-based immunization procedure, consisting of three inoculations with the P1A-coding pBKCMV-P1A plasmid at 10-day intervals, resulted in CTL generation in all treated BALB/c mice. Surprisingly, gene gun skin bombardment with the pBKCMV-P1A vector did not induce CTL, nor was it protective against a lethal challenge with the syngeneic P1A-positive J558 tumor cell line. To speed up the immunization procedure, we pretreated the tibialis anterior muscles with cardiotoxin, which induces degeneration of myocytes while sparing immature satellite cells. The high muscle-regenerative activity observable after cardiotoxin inoculation was associated with infiltration of inflammatory cells and expression of proinflammatory cytokines. A single pBKCMV-P1A plasmid inoculation in cardiotoxin-treated BALB/c mice allowed for sustained expansion of P1A-specific CTL and the induction of strong lytic activity in <2 wk. Cardiotoxin adjuvanticity could not be replaced by another muscle-degenerating substance, such as bupivacaine, or by MF59, a Th1 response-promoting adjuvant. Although this vaccination schedule failed to induce tumor rejection in all immunized mice, the analysis of CD8 T cell responses at an individual mouse level disclosed that the cytotoxic activity of P1A-specific CTL was correlated to the antitumor efficacy. These results highlight the critical need to identify reliable, specific immunological parameters that may predict success or failure of an immune response against cancer.  相似文献   

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