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The biogeochemistry of mangrove sediments was investigated in several mangrove forest communities in Gazi Bay, a coastal lagoon in Kenya, Africa. Carbon dioxide fluxes, sediment median grain sizes, sedimentary organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus contents and pore-water characteristics (ammonium, nitrate, sulfate and chloride) could be related to forest type. Mangrove sediments have pH values that range from 3.5 to 8.3 due to the limited buffer capacity of these sediments and intense acidifying processes such as aerobic degradation of organic matter, oxidation of reduced components, ammonium uptake by roots and root respiration. The mangrove sediments are nitrogen-rich compared to mangrove litter, as a result of microbial nitrogen retention, uptake and fixation, and import of nitrogen-rich material. It appears that mangrove sediments in Gazi Bay act as a nutrient and carbon sink rather than as a source for adjacent seagrass and reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

A new genus, Papillonema gen.n., is erected to accomodate the two species P. danieli gen. et sp. n. and P. clavatum (Gerlach, 1957) comb.n. from intertidal sediments of a tropical mangrove. Papillonema gen.n. is characterized by prominent papilliform labial sensillae, an elongate muscular terminal bulb (up to 60% of pharyngeal length), and three precloacal supplements. Comments are given on the use of the terms head capsule, head region, and cervical setae.Abbreviations a: body length divided by maximum body diameter - abd: anal body diameter - amph %: diameter of the amphid as a percentage of the corresponding head diameter - aw: amphidial width - b: body length divided by pharyngeal length - bdcs: body diameter at level of the cephalic setae - bdnr: body diameter at level of nerve ring - c: body length divided by tail length - cs: length of cephalic setae - da: distance from anterior to anus - dcs: distance from anterior edge to cephalic setae - dnr: distance from anterior edge to nerve ring - dv: distance from anterior to vulva - gub: length of the gubernaculum - hw: head width - L: body length - Isp: length of sperm cells - mbd: maximum body diameter - mbd ph: body diameter at level of pharynx - ph: pharyngeal length - spic: length of spicules measured along the arc - t: tail length - tmr: length of non-annulated tail end - V: position of vulva as a percentage of the total body length from anterior - wsp: width of sperm cells  相似文献   

Recolonization of epibiotic flora and fauna in two fringing Sonneratia alba reforestation plots was investigated and compared to a natural mangrove stand and a denuded site in Gazi Bay, Kenya. The reforested sites differed with respect to land history and planting density. Habitat availability in the form of pneumatophore surface differed among forested sites (P<0.001), and between landward and seaward zones (P<0.05). Eighteen algal species were found in the natural area compared to 23 and 10 in replanted sites. Only one species was encountered in the denuded area. SIMPER analysis distinguished Enteromorpha ramulosa, Polysiphonia sp., Hypnea sp. and Caloglossa leprieuri as the main algal species responsible for differences between sites. Algal biomass was positively correlated to pneumatophores area (P<0.001). Total algal biomass differed markedly between forested sites: 1.4 (matrix replantation), 28.6 (natural stand) and 44.3 g m−2 (integrated replantation) in the seaward zones. The matrix replantation showed strong differences in algal community assemblages compared to the other forested sites, and this site also had significantly lower biomass of sessile benthic fauna (P<0.001). Statistical differences in algal (P<0.01) and sponge (P<0.05) community composition between landward and seaward zones were observed in all sites and trunk fouling fauna was distinctly different between sites. Reasons for the above patterns are discussed and it is suggested that zonation patterns affecting pneumatophore surface and inundation time, in combination with proximity of sites to natural seeding areas, are the most likely explanations for observed patterns of epibiotic community distribution in this study.  相似文献   

In the present study the tidal transport of macrolitter between the mangrove forest in Gazi bay (Kenya) and the adjacent seagrass meadows in the bay was investigated, by deploying large standing nets, which extended over the entire height of the water column, in the transition zone between both ecosystems. In addition, the presence of macrolitter on the floor ofRhizophora mucronata andCeriops tagal stands was studied. The macromaterial (>2 mm) that was collected with the nets consisted of mangrove material (26%, mostly leaf material), seagrass leaves (60%) and macroalgae (14%). Transport was bidirectional, indicating shuttle movements of the litter, driven by the opposite flow direction of flood and ebb tides. Litter from the mangrove species consisted mainly of leaves from species occurring at the outer zone of the forest,i.e., Rhizophora mucronata andSonneratia alba. This finding suggests that the complex spatial structure of the forest hampers outflow of macrolitter from the more inner parts. Consequently, this material remains trapped within the forest. The dominant presence of seagrass litter in the macromaterial transported with the tidal water, and the conspicuous and persistent presence of seagrass litter in the low lying, peripheralR. mucronata plots (but not in the more elevatedC. tagal plots) suggest that the mangrove forest of Gazi bay is the recipient of carbon and nutrients from the seagrass system. It is hypothesized that the element cycling of the inner parts of the mangrove forest proceeds as that of a rather closed system, whereas element cycling in the outer parts has conspicuous reciprocal connections with the adjacent seagrass meadows.  相似文献   

Haplosporidian parasites infect various invertebrate hosts including some commercially important shellfish. Haplosporidium nelsoni (along with Perkinsus marinus) has severely affected Eastern oyster production on the eastern seaboard of the United States and flat oyster production in Europe has been severely impacted by Bonamia ostreae. These parasites are also often present at a very low prevalence and there are a variety of morphologically similar species that can be difficult to differentiate during cytological or histological diagnosis hence the need to develop specific tests. Recently, a Minchinia sp. was described affecting rock oysters (Saccostrea cuccullata) in north Western Australia. In this study, two in situ hybridisation (ISH) assays and a PCR assay have been developed and optimised for use in investigating these parasites. The first ISH assay used a 166bp polynucleotide probe while the second used a 30bp oligonucleotide probe. The specificity of each ISH assay was assessed by applying each probe to a variety of haplosporidian (5), a paramyxian (1) or ciliophora (1) parasites. The polynucleotide probe produced strong hybridisation signals against all of the haplosporidian parasites tested (Minchinia sp., Minchinia teredinis, Bonamia roughleyi, H. nelsoni and Haplosporidium costale) while the oligonucleotide probe recognised only the Minchinia sp. Both probes failed to detect the paramyxian (Marteilia sp.) or the Rhynchodid-like ciliate. The PCR assay amplifies a 220bp region and detected Minchinia sp. DNA from 50ng of genomic DNA extracted from the tissues of infected oysters and 10fg of amplified Minchinia sp. DNA. The assay did not react to oysters infected with H. nelsoni or H. costale. The ability of the PCR and oligonucleotide ISH assay to diagnose Minchinia sp. infected oysters was compared to histological examination from a sample of 56 oysters. The PCR assay revealed 26 infections while histological examination detected 14 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH assay detected 29 infections. The oligonucleotide ISH and PCR assays were found to be significantly more sensitive than histology for detecting the parasite.  相似文献   

Some interesting cultural observations on Scytonema stuposum (Kuetz.) Born., were recorded. It was observed that frequently one or more terminal cells of a branch get cut off but they still remain attached over the sheath of the mother filament. Even in this condition such structures continue their growth and may become a multicellular body. Later, such a structure gets detached from the mother filament and serve as a hormogonium.  相似文献   

Gitahi  S. M.  Harper  D. M.  Muchiri  S. M.  Tole  M. P.  Ng'ang'a  R. N. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):123-128
Water, sediment, red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and black bass (Micropterus salmoides) from Lake Naivasha were analyzed for selected organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticide residues. The mean p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE residue levels recorded in black bass (28.3 (± 30.0), 34.2 (±54.0) and 16.1 (±16.1) g kg–1, respectively) and crayfish (4.6 (±5.1), 3.2 (±2.8), and 1.4 (±1.1) g kg–1, respectively), were higher than previously recorded. This indicated recent usage of technical DDT in the lake's catchment. Levels of p,p'-DDT, higher than those of p,p'-DDE further emphasized this. Mean lindane, dieldrin, -endosulfan and aldrin concentrations in black bass were 100.5, 34.6, 21.6 and 16.7 g kg–1, respectively. The same residues were detected at lower concentrations in crayfish at 2.0, 2.0, 2.0 and 1.9 g kg–1, respectively. The higher fat content (3.7 ± 2.7% SD) in black bass (compared to 0.6 ± 0.3% in crayfish) accounted for the significantly higher residue concentrations in black bass. Organophosphate pesticides were the most commonly used pesticides in the lake's catchment, but none was detected in any of the samples. The results indicate that there is need for further work to identify sources and fate of pesticide contaminants, as well as to improve monitoring of pesticide use throughout the catchment.  相似文献   

A fungal infection occurred in the eggs and larvae of mangrove crab (Scylla serrata) in seed production in Bali, Indonesia. The causative fungus was classified as a member of the genusLagenidium (Oomycetes, Lagenidiales). After comparison of its biological and physiological characteristics with those ofL. callinectes ATCC 24973, a known parasite of various crustaceans, was concluded that the isolate is a new species ofLagenidium, L. thermophilum, because of its rapid and thermotolerant growth and unique discharge process. Fungal growth was observed on PYG agar containing 0–5.0% (w/v) NaCl and 0–2.5% (w/v) KCI. Similar pathogenicity toward the zoeae of swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Ecology of an oyster population (Crassostrea cucullata (Born)), associated with the roots of Rhizophora micronata Link, on an islet in the Negombo lagoon on the west coast of Sri Lanka, was studied. The associated fauna was described.I.H.E. Oude Delft 95, Delft, Holland  相似文献   

红树植物杯萼海桑是最耐盐的红树植物之一。S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶(S-adenosylmethionine synthetase,SAMS)是S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(S-adenosylmethionine,SAM)生物合成途径的关键酶。SAMS作为一个逆境胁迫响应蛋白在植物的耐盐调控中发挥着极其重要的作用。本文结合杯萼海桑根的转录组注释,根据编码区序列设计引物,通过PCR克隆杯萼海桑SAMS基因的编码区cDNA,并对其进行生物信息分析,为研究杯萼海桑适应逆境的机制奠定理论基础。结果显示PCR扩增了一个长1 182 bp的基因片段,该片段编码由393个氨基酸组成的S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶。同源性比对及进化树分析显示杯萼海桑的SAMS氨基酸序列进化上相对保守。本研究首次从红树林植物杯萼海桑中克隆S-腺苷甲硫氨酸合成酶基因,并获得其编码区序列,为进一步研究杯萼海桑应对逆境胁迫的分子生物学机制与胁迫相关基因调控网络奠定基础。  相似文献   

Studies on the seasonality of 5Gracilaria species (G. corticata, G. crassa, G. millardetii, G. salicornia, G. verrucosa) were carried out. The seasonal abundance of the various species varied with time and geographical location. Nevertheless, a general single peak was evident between the months of September and December.G. verrucosa on the other hand had its peak biomass in July/August.G. millardetti is the only species which apparently preferred lower salinities; the rest of the species had no special trends as far as salinity is concerned. The occurrence ofG. verrucosa for a very short period during the cool part of the year is attributed to the high temperature that prevails in the coastal waters.  相似文献   

On the example of P. subtruncatum, a widely distributed bivalve, we studied the relationship between environmental and morphological variability. The main questions addressed were: (1) are there differences in shell morphology between different populations, (2) are they dependent on sediment composition, hydrology or water chemistry, (3) are there differences in morphological variability between stable and unstable environments. Measurements of specimen from nine sampling sites showed high variability in shell shape and size. Length‐height relation, symmetry, width and dry weight of the shell all varied significantly. Shell shape was significantly correlated with sediment composition and dependent on hydrological connectivity, with higher, asymmetric shells occurring in sandy sediments and lower, rounded shells in muddy sediments. Analysis of intrapopulation morphometric variation showed that variability is higher in habitats with high temporal and spatial environmental variability and lower in habitats with low or reduced environmental heterogeneity. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Ovassiminea brevicula (Pfeiffer) (Assimineidae: Gastropoda) was oneof the most abundant and representative benthic invertebrates in the SamutSongkhram mangrove swamp, Thailand. It lived mainly in the mangrove forest with high average densities ranging from 44 to 340 snails·m-2and abundant in the sites where much litter, dead branches and seedlingswere present. Average shell length in the mature forest ranged from 4.73to 5.74 mm (range: 2.26–8.30 mm) and size structures showeddifferent patterns among the stations. In the seaward mudflat, O. breviculaappeared immediately after the saplings of Avicennia alba Blume1826 were planted. Thereafter, its densities increased with the growth of A. alba trees, probably due to provision of favourable microhabitats underthe canopies. In the mudflat with only small saplings and outside the canopyof the young forest 2 years after planting, mean shell lengths were 3.45 and3.19 mm respectively. Under the canopy of the young forest, however,mean shell length was 4.34 mm with a few larger snails. Three cohortswere separated for snail populations in the mature forest and larval recruitmentseemed to occur from February to May.  相似文献   

For the short-tailed cricket, Anurogryllus muticus, burrow-making behavior is essential. All nymphal instars construct burrows, but in the adult stage the rate of burrowing behavior is age dependent. Increases in photophase and light intensity stimulate burrowing, and the explicit negative phototaxis is correlated with the cricket's inability to exist under dry conditions. Ingestion of substrate during burrow construction may serve to acquire additional moisture. There is no evidence of burrow recognition, and crickets can construct a burrow when needed. The natural distribution of burrows at the plot investigated on Moorea supports the notion thatA. muticus builds burrows where the preferred food plantAlysicarpus vaginalis is most abundant. By minimizing the traveling distance to food sources when foraging they can retreat to their burrow again.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to optimise protocols for freezing spermatozoa of the Pacific oyster. All the phases of the cryopreservation procedure (choice of cryoprotectant, cooling, freezing, and thawing) were studied in relation to the species of spermatozoa to restore on thawing the morphological and physiological characteristics of fresh semen. The choice of type and concentration of cryoprotectant in which semen is incubated before freezing is fundamental for a successful cryopreservation: the cryoprotectants (dimethylsulfoxide--Me(2)SO, ethylene glycol--EG, propylene glycol-PG, and glycerol in concentrations between 5 and 15%) were tested for their toxicity on the semen exposed up to 30 min at +26 degrees C (room temperature) by evaluating its ability to fertilise and the embryo development to the regular D larval stage. The best cryoprotectants, Me(2)SO, EG, and PG 5, 10, and 15% respectively, were used for the pre-cooling (adaptation/cooling) tests. Two different adaptation/cooling procedures were tested: (A) from +26 degrees C to 0-2 degrees C (2.6 degrees C/min) and (B) at +26 degrees C for 15 min. Lastly, using the cryoprotectants and the adaptation procedure (B) that had given the best results in the preceding stages of the experiment, four cooling rates were tested: 6, 11, 16, and 21 degrees C/min. It was seen that the semen that was incubated with EG 10%, adapted at +26 degrees C for 15 min, and then cooled at a rate of 6 degrees C/min showed a percentage of regular D larvae on thawing comparable to that of fresh semen (p > 0.05).  相似文献   

During a combined research project at several stations along the Lower Saxony coast (German North Sea) antifouling biocides were analysed in water, sediment and biota. Pathological alterations in blue mussel, Pacific oyster and periwinkle found in the harbour of Norderney and a reference station are presented here and discussed on the background of chemical analyses. The molluscan species from the reference station Borkum East flat did not show any pathological effects in central organs, except those provoked by an infestation in the gastro-intestinal tract by the copepod Mytilicola intestinalis and trematode larvae. In most animals, the metacercaria were found in the interstitial tissue without any inflammatory reaction. In a minor number of specimens, an inflammatory reaction in the mucosa and sub-mucosa of the intestine occurred in association with Mytilicola infestation. These reactions may be evoked through mechanical irritation of the gut epithelium, metabolic products of the parasites or invading bacteria. In contrast to the observed pathological changes of mussels, oysters and periwinkles in Norderney harbour were not found to be associated with parasitic infestation. The most prominent pathological alterations were observed in the digestive system and in the gonad. In the gastro-intestinal tract inflammatory reactions, atrophy and necrosis of tubules in the mid gut gland were most pronounced in spring at the beginning of the pleasure boat season in the Pacific oyster and to a minor degree in the blue mussel and the periwinkle. The latter displayed additional inflammatory and necrotic processes in the gills. Especially in the gonad, an elevated resorption rate of gametes was present in the Pacific oyster and in the periwinkle. In addition, impact of organotin compounds was reflected in an intersex index of up to 1.4 in Littorina littorea in coincidence with masculinization of the reproductive organs.  相似文献   

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