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Our understanding of locomotor evolution in anthropoid primates has been limited to those taxa for which good postcranial fossil material and appropriate modern analogues are available. We report the results of an analysis of semicircular canal size variation in 16 fossil anthropoid species dating from the Late Eocene to the Late Miocene, and use these data to reconstruct evolutionary changes in locomotor adaptations in anthropoid primates over the last 35 Ma. Phylogenetically informed regression analyses of semicircular canal size reveal three important aspects of anthropoid locomotor evolution: (i) the earliest anthropoid primates engaged in relatively slow locomotor behaviours, suggesting that this was the basal anthropoid pattern; (ii) platyrrhines from the Miocene of South America were relatively agile compared with earlier anthropoids; and (iii) while the last common ancestor of cercopithecoids and hominoids likely was relatively slow like earlier stem catarrhines, the results suggest that the basal crown catarrhine may have been a relatively agile animal. The latter scenario would indicate that hominoids of the later Miocene secondarily derived their relatively slow locomotor repertoires.  相似文献   

In situations where there is a need to minimize sampling error or sample size, the coefficient of variation (CV) may be used to evaluate sampling error as a function of the number of observations or subjects in a sample. For example, CV is useful for estimating the minimum number of electron micrographs (Nmin) required to obtain a representative field sample for stereological analysis. To facilitate the determination of Nmin, we have written a program (COEFficient) for DOS microcomputers which calculates CVs. COEF assists the user in reducing error to that which solely reflects biological variability, thereby minimizing the time and cost of subsequent analyses.  相似文献   

The spectacular diversity in sexually selected traits in the animal kingdom has inspired the hypothesis that sexual selection can promote species divergence. In recent years, several studies have attempted to test this idea by correlating species richness with estimates of sexual selection across phylogenies. These studies have yielded mixed results and it remains unclear whether the comparative evidence can be taken as generally supportive. Here, we conduct a meta‐analysis of the comparative evidence and find a small but significant positive overall correlation between sexual selection and speciation rate. However, we also find that effect size estimates are influenced by methodological choices. Analyses that included deeper phylogenetic nodes yielded weaker correlations, and different proxies for sexual selection showed different relationships with species richness. We discuss the biological and methodological implications of these findings. We argue that progress requires more representative sampling and justification of chosen proxies for sexual selection and speciation rate, as well as more mechanistic approaches.  相似文献   

Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant commonly prescribed in humans for pain and sleep disorders and in non‐human primates for self‐injurious behaviors. Here, we report a clinical case on the teratogenic effect of maternal‐fetal amitriptyline exposure.  相似文献   

It is possible to account for hormesis under current regulatory guidelines by invoking criteria for departure from default risk assessment procedures. However, past experience suggests that it will be difficult to amass enough evidence for hormesis in an individual case to permit departure from default procedures. Accordingly, hormesis is likely to be important in agency risk assessments only if guidelines are modified to incorporate hormesis as a default assumption. This could be appropriate if hormesis is determined to be a universal or near-universal phenomenon. Although there is ample evidence that hormesis occurs in many specific situations, the overall prevalence of hormesis is very difficult to evaluate based on currently available data. The lack of a valid statistical test for hormesis is a major limitation when evaluating evidence for hormesis. The attempts at estimating the prevalence of hormesis reviewed herein did not adequately control for false positives and/or may have had inadequate power to detect hormesis. Some suggestions are made for constructing a database and analyzing the data therein that would provide more readily interpretable information on the prevalence of hormesis.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the interleukin 2 receptor alpha (IL2RA) gene have been suggested to be associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D) susceptibility. However, the results from individual studies are inconsistent. To explore the association of IL2RA polymorphisms with T1D, including rs11594656, rs2104286, rs3118470, rs41295061 and rs706778, a meta‐analysis involving 10 independent studies with 19 outcomes was conducted: five studies with a total of 10,572 cases and 12,956 controls were analysed for rs11594656 with T1D risk, three studies with 7300 cases and 8331 controls for rs2104286, three studies with 3880 cases and 5409 controls for rs3118470, five studies with 11,253 cases and 13,834 controls for rs41295061 and three studies with 1896 cases and 1709 controls for rs706778 respectively. Using minor allelic comparison, the five investigated SNPs were all observed to have a significant association with T1D: For rs11594656, fixed effect model (FEM) odds ratio (OR) 0.87, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.83, 0.91; rs2104286, FEM OR 0.81, 95% CI 0.77, 0.85; rs3118470, FEM OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.16, 1.31; rs41295061, random effect model (REM) OR 0.67, 95% CI 0.60, 0.76 and rs706778 FEM OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.08, 1.33. Similar results were obtained when all the included studies were calculated by a REM. Our meta‐analysis suggests that all five SNPs in the IL2RA gene are risk factors for T1D risk, and rs11594656, rs2104286 and rs41295061 are the most associated SNPs in the populations investigated. This conclusion warrants confirmation by further studies.  相似文献   

Effectively summarizing complex community relationships is an important feature in studies such as biodiversity, global change, and invasion ecology. The reliability of such community summaries depends on the degree of sampling variability that is present in the data, the structure of the data, and the choice of ordination method, but the relative importance of these factors is not understood. We compared the validity of results from different ordination methods by applying five levels of sampling error to a simulated coenoplane model at two gradient lengths using two types of data (abundance and presence–absence). The multivariate methods we compared were correspondence analysis (CA), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), principal component analysis (PCA) and principal coordinates analysis (PCoA). Our results showed CA and PCA using presence–absence data were the most successful methods regardless of sampling error and gradient length, closely followed by the other methods using presence–absence data. With abundance data, PCA and CA were the most successful approaches with the short and long gradients, respectively. Approaches based on PCoA and NMDS using abundance data did not perform well regardless of the choice of distance measure used in the analysis. Both of these methods, along with the PCA using abundance data, were strongly affected by the longer gradient, leading to more distorted results.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies worldwide. Interleukin‐1‐beta (IL‐1β) is a pro‐inflammatory cytokine and potent inhibitor of gastric acid secretion. Some studies provided evidence of the association between IL‐1B 31 polymorphism and gastric cancer risk while other studies did not. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive meta‐analysis to reassess the association. A systematic literature search of the PubMed and EMBASE databases identified 37 studies with 6108 cases and 8980 controls for this meta‐analysis. The crude odd ratios (ORs) and the 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to evaluate the strength of the association. Meta‐regression was used to determine the major source of heterogeneity across the studies. The pooled analysis did not suggest the significant association of IL‐1B 31 C>T polymorphism with gastric cancer risk. Stratified analysis was performed by ethnicity, source of control, genotype method, and indicated a significantly increased gastric cancer risk associated with IL‐1B 31T variant in the population‐based subgroup (heterozygous model: OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.03–1.45). Moreover, stratified analysis by Helicobacter pylori infection status indicated that IL‐1B 31 polymorphism increased gastric cancer risk in infection‐positive subgroup (homozygous model: OR = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.02–1.78; heterozygous model: OR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.04–1.66; recessive model: OR = 1.29, 95% CI = 1.04–1.61). The study suggested that IL‐1B 31 polymorphism might confer susceptibility to gastric cancer in the presence of H. pylori infection, indicating a gene–environment interaction in gastric carcinogenesis.  相似文献   



Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a worldwide health issue and is well known for being the main cause of developing secondary liver complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The PNPLA3 rs738409 polymorphism has been investigated conclusively with occurrence risk of steatosis and cirrhosis. Therefore, performing a meta‐analysis of the available studies with the aim of clarifying the association between rs738409 and occurrence risk of steatosis and cirrhosis among HBV‐infected patients would be helpful.


Chronic HBV infection was defined as the persistence of HBsAg for more than 6 months. To gather sufficient data for this meta‐analysis, reliable databases were conclusively searched using appropriate keywords. Only studies that satisfied the inclusion criteria were enrolled in the present study.


This meta‐analysis pooled four studies with 1135 cases of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) to evaluate the impact of PNPLA3 SNP on liver steatosis and also pooled five studies with 3713 cases of CHB to evaluate the impact of PNPLA3 SNP on cirrhosis. The association of rs738409 with each complication was investigated. The rs738409 was found to be associated with steatosis in recessive [p = 4.57 × 10–6, odds ratio (OR) = 2.85], dominant (p = 4.35 × 10‐6, OR = 1.84), co‐dominant (p = 6.18 × 10‐8; OR = 3.74) and allelic (p = 9.79 × 10‐9; OR = 1.78) models. No association was found between rs738409 and cirrhosis development in recessive (p = 0.99, OR = 1.00), dominant (p = 0.30, OR = 0.92), co‐dominant (p = 0.74; OR = 0.96) and allelic (p = 0.45; OR = 0.96) models.


Although the PNPLA3 rs738409 G allele has been associated with the risk of steatosis in CHB patients, no association between this polymorphism and the risk of cirrhosis was seen.  相似文献   

To effectively manage rare populations, accurate monitoring data are critical. Yet many monitoring programs are initiated without careful consideration of whether chosen sampling designs will provide accurate estimates of population parameters. Obtaining accurate estimates is especially difficult when natural variability is high, or limited budgets determine that only a small fraction of the population can be sampled. The Missouri bladderpod, Lesquerella filiformis Rollins, is a federally threatened winter annual that has an aggregated distribution pattern and exhibits dramatic interannual population fluctuations. Using the simulation program SAMPLE, we evaluated five candidate sampling designs appropriate for rare populations, based on 4 years of field data: (1) simple random sampling, (2) adaptive simple random sampling, (3) grid-based systematic sampling, (4) adaptive grid-based systematic sampling, and (5) GIS-based adaptive sampling. We compared the designs based on the precision of density estimates for fixed sample size, cost, and distance traveled. Sampling fraction and cost were the most important factors determining precision of density estimates, and relative design performance changed across the range of sampling fractions. Adaptive designs did not provide uniformly more precise estimates than conventional designs, in part because the spatial distribution of L. filiformis was relatively widespread within the study site. Adaptive designs tended to perform better as sampling fraction increased and when sampling costs, particularly distance traveled, were taken into account. The rate that units occupied by L. filiformis were encountered was higher for adaptive than for conventional designs. Overall, grid-based systematic designs were more efficient and practically implemented than the others. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



The pattern of increasing biological diversity from high latitudes to the equator [latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG)] has been recognized for > 200 years. Empirical studies have documented this pattern across many different organisms and locations. Our goal was to quantify the evidence for the global LDG and the associated spatial, taxonomic and environmental factors. We performed a meta‐analysis on a large number of individual LDGs that have been published in the 14 years since Hillebrand's ground‐breaking meta‐analysis of the LDG, using meta‐analysis and meta‐regression approaches largely new to the fields of ecology and biogeography.



Time period

January 2003–September 2015.

Major taxa studied

Bacteria, protists, plants, fungi and animals.


We synthesized the outcomes of 389 individual cases of LDGs from 199 papers published since 2003, using hierarchical mixed‐effects meta‐analysis and multiple meta‐regression. Additionally, we re‐analysed Hillebrand's original dataset using modern methods.


We confirmed the generality of the LDG, but found the pattern to be weaker than was found in Hillebrand's study. We identified previously unreported variation in LDG strength and slope across longitude, with evidence that the LDG is strongest in the Western Hemisphere. Locational characteristics, such as habitat and latitude range, contributed significantly to LDG strength, whereas organismal characteristics, including taxonomic group and trophic level, did not. Modern meta‐analytical models that incorporate hierarchical structure led to more conservative and sometimes contrasting effect size estimates relative to Hillebrand's initial analysis, whereas meta‐regression revealed underlying patterns in Hillebrand's dataset that were not apparent with a traditional analysis.

Main conclusions

We present evidence of global latitudinal, longitudinal and habitat‐based patterns in the LDG, which are apparent across both marine and terrestrial realms and over a broad taxonomic range of organisms, from bacteria to plants and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic studies are inconsistent regarding the association between plasma copeptin level and heart failure (HF). The aim of this study was to perform a meta‐analysis to determine whether high level of copeptin is correlated with incidence of HF and mortality in patients with HF. We searched PUBMED and EMBASE databases for studies conducted from 1966 through May 2016 to identify studies reporting hazard ratio (HR) estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the association between plasma copeptin level and HF. A random‐effects model was used to combine study‐specific risk estimates. A total of 13 studies were included in the meta‐analysis, with five studies on the incidence of HF and eight studies on the mortality of patients with HF. For incidence of HF, the summary HR indicated a borderline positive association of high plasma copeptin level with HF risk (HR, 1.60; 95% CI, 0.90–2.85). Furthermore, an increase of 1 standard deviation in log copeptin level was associated with a 17% increase in the risk of incident HF (HR, 1.17; 95% CI, 1.02–1.33). For all‐cause mortality of patients with HF, we also found a significant association between elevated plasma copeptin level and increased mortality of HF (HR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.33–2.33). Our dose–response analysis indicated that an increment in copeptin level of 1 pmol/l was associated with a 3% increase in all‐cause mortality (HR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01–1.05). In conclusion, our results suggest that elevated plasma copeptin level is associated with an increased risk of HF and all‐cause mortality in patients with HF.  相似文献   

Objective: Very‐low‐calorie diets (VLCDs), providing <800 kcal/d, have been used since the 1970s to induce rapid weight loss. Previous reviews of the literature have disagreed concerning the relative efficacy of VLCDs vs. conventional low‐calorie diets (LCDs) for achieving long‐term weight loss. Research Methods and Procedures: We sought to update findings on the clinical use, safety, and efficacy of VLCDs and to perform a meta‐analysis of randomized trials that compared the long‐term efficacy of LCDs and VLCDs. Original research articles were retrieved by a Medline search and from prior reviews of VLCDs. Trials were included only if they were randomized comparisons of LCDs and VLCDs and included a follow‐up assessment at least 1 year after maximum weight loss. Data were abstracted by both authors regarding: duration of VLCD, total length of treatment, attrition, short‐ and long‐term weight loss, changes in weight‐related comorbidities, and adverse effects. Results: Six randomized trials were found that met inclusion criteria. VLCDs, compared with LCDs, induced significantly greater short‐term weight losses (16.1 ± 1.6% vs. 9.7 ± 2.4% of initial weight, respectively; p = 0.0001) but similar long‐term losses (6.3 ± 3.2% vs. 5.0 ± 4.0%, respectively; p > 0.2). Attrition was similar with VLCD and LCD regimens. Discussion: VLCDs did not produce greater long‐term weight losses than LCDs. In the United States, the use of liquid meal replacements as part of a 1000 to 1500 kcal/d diet may provide an effective and less expensive alternative to VLCDs. In Europe, VLCDs are used with less intensive medical supervision than in the United States, which reduces the cost of this approach.  相似文献   

Assessing the role of local populations in a landscape context has become increasingly important in the fields of conservation biology and ecology. A growing number of studies attempt to determine the source–sink status of local populations. As the source–sink concept is commonly used for management decisions in nature conservation, accurate assessment approaches are crucial. Based on a systematic literature review of studies published between 2002 and 2013, we evaluated a priori predictions on methodological and biological factors that may influence the occurrence of source or sink populations. The review yielded 90 assessments from 73 publications that included qualitative and quantitative evidence for either source or sink population(s) for one or multiple species. Overall, sink populations tended to occur more often than source populations. Moreover, the occurrence of source or sink populations differed among taxonomic classes. Sinks were more often found than sources in mammals, while there was a non‐significant trend for the opposite to be true for amphibians. Univariate and multivariate analyses showed that the occurrence of sources was positively related to connectivity of local populations. Our review furthermore highlights that more than 25 years after Pulliam's widely cited publication on ‘sources, sinks, and population regulation’, in‐depth assessments of the source–sink status of populations based on combined consideration of demographic parameters such as fecundity, survival, emigration and immigration are still scarce. To increase our understanding of source–sink systems from ecological, evolutionary and conservation‐related perspectives, we recommend that forthcoming studies on source–sink dynamics should pay more attention to the study design (i.e. connectivity of study populations) and that the assessment of the source–sink status of local populations is based on λ values calculated from demographic rates.  相似文献   

Summary Identification of novel biomarkers for risk assessment is important for both effective disease prevention and optimal treatment recommendation. Discovery relies on the precious yet limited resource of stored biological samples from large prospective cohort studies. Case‐cohort sampling design provides a cost‐effective tool in the context of biomarker evaluation, especially when the clinical condition of interest is rare. Existing statistical methods focus on making efficient inference on relative hazard parameters from the Cox regression model. Drawing on recent theoretical development on the weighted likelihood for semiparametric models under two‐phase studies ( Breslow and Wellner, 2007 ), we propose statistical methods to evaluate accuracy and predictiveness of a risk prediction biomarker, with censored time‐to‐event outcome under stratified case‐cohort sampling. We consider nonparametric methods and a semiparametric method. We derive large sample properties of proposed estimators and evaluate their finite sample performance using numerical studies. We illustrate new procedures using data from Framingham Offspring Study to evaluate the accuracy of a recently developed risk score incorporating biomarker information for predicting cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Sexual selection hypotheses stipulate that the major histocompatibility complex genes (MHC) constitute a key molecular underpinning for mate choice in vertebrates. The last four decades saw growing empirical literature on the role of MHC diversity and dissimilarity in mate choice for a wide range of vertebrate animals, but with mixed support for its significance in natural populations. Using formal phylogenetic meta‐analysis and meta‐regression techniques, we quantitatively review the existing literature on MHC‐dependent mating preferences in nonhuman vertebrates with a focus on the role of MHC diversity and dissimilarity. Overall, we found small, statistically nonsignificant, average effect sizes for both diversity‐ and dissimilarity‐based mate choice (= 0.113 and 0.064, respectively). Importantly, however, meta‐regression models revealed statistically significant support regarding female choice for diversity, and choice for dissimilarity (regardless of choosy sex) only when dissimilarity is characterized across multiple loci. Little difference was found among vertebrate taxa; however, the lack of statistical power meant statistically significant effects were limited to some taxa. We found little sign of publication bias; thus, our results are likely to be robust. In light of our quantitative assessment, methodological improvements and fruitful future avenues of research are highlighted.  相似文献   

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