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Wang D  Li Y  Zhang R  Jiang D  Ma X  Zhou Y  Cheng J 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(19):1613-1618
With the assistance of improved base stacking hybridization, a low-density microarray, containing 12 capture probes, was used to identify 7 known hypertrophic cardiomyopathy-related mutations in the gene of MYH7 (-myosin heavy chain). The hybridization targets, amplified from 11 plasmids containing wild type or mutation sequences of MYH7 and healthy genomic DNA, were prepared by single-step fluorescence labeled asymmetric PCR. Six single base substitutions and a trinucleotide deletion were identified unambiguously, and the average discrimination ratio (Qmut) for artificial heterozygous samples was as high as 16.2.  相似文献   

A simple method has been developed and validated for direct, sensitive detection and specific identification of 16S rRNA. We first report our direct investigation of discrimination efficiency for sequence variations in RNA using oligonucleotide microarrays assisted by base stacking hybridization, and demonstrate that the sequence variations of double base substitution, single base substitution and single base deletion in RNA could be directly identified. With the help of tyramide signal amplification (TSA), the detection sensitivity of this method for four clinically important bacterial species was below 0.5, 5, 1 and 1 ng of total RNA, which are 100-1000 fold more sensitive than the published methods.  相似文献   

Yin BC  Li H  Ye BC 《Analytical biochemistry》2008,383(2):270-278
DNA microarray technology has become powerful and popular in mutation/single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and genotyping. However, this method is often associated with considerable signal noise of nonbiological origin that may compromise the data quality and interpretation. To achieve a high degree of reliability, accuracy, and sensitivity in data analysis, an effective normalization method to minimize the technical variability is highly desired. In the current study, a simple and robust normalization method is described. The method is based on introduction of a reference probe coimmobilized with SNP probes on the microarray for a dual-probe hybridization (DPH) reaction. The reference probe is used as an intraspot control for the customized microarrays. Using this method, the interassay coefficient of variation (CV) was reduced significantly by approximately 10%. After DPH normalization, the CVs and ranges of the ratios were reduced by two to five times. The relative magnitudes of variation of different sources were also analyzed by analysis of variance. Glass slides were shown to contribute the most to the variance, whereas sampling and residual errors had relatively modest contribution. The results showed that this DPH-based spot-dependent normalization method is an effective solution for reducing experimental variation associated with microarray genotyping data.  相似文献   

The effects of single-base-pair near-terminal and terminal mismatches on the dissociation temperature (T(d)) and signal intensity of short DNA duplexes were determined by using oligonucleotide microarrays and neural network (NN) analyses. Two perfect-match probes and 29 probes having a single-base-pair mismatch at positions 1 to 5 from the 5' terminus of the probe were designed to target one of two short sequences representing 16S rRNA. Nonequilibrium dissociation rates (i.e., melting profiles) of all probe-target duplexes were determined simultaneously. Analysis of variance revealed that position of the mismatch, type of mismatch, and formamide concentration significantly affected the T(d) and signal intensity. Increasing the concentration of formamide in the washing buffer decreased the T(d) and signal intensity, and it decreased the variability of the signal. Although T(d)s of probe-target duplexes with mismatches in the first or second position were not significantly different from one another, duplexes with mismatches in the third to fifth positions had significantly lower T(d)s than those with mismatches in the first or second position. The trained NNs predicted the T(d) with high accuracies (R(2) = 0.93). However, the NNs predicted the signal intensity only moderately accurately (R(2) = 0.67), presumably due to increased noise in the signal intensity at low formamide concentrations. Sensitivity analysis revealed that the concentration of formamide explained most (75%) of the variability in T(d)s, followed by position of the mismatch (19%) and type of mismatch (6%). The results suggest that position of the mismatch at or near the 5' terminus plays a greater role in determining the T(d) and signal intensity of duplexes than the type of mismatch.  相似文献   

Hybridization of rRNAs to microarrays is a promising approach for prokaryotic and eukaryotic species identification. Typically, the amount of bound target is measured by fluorescent intensity and it is assumed that the signal intensity is directly related to the target concentration. Using thirteen different eukaryotic LSU rRNA target sequences and 7693 short perfect match oligonucleotide probes, we have assessed current approaches for predicting signal intensities by comparing Gibbs free energy (ΔG°) calculations to experimental results. Our evaluation revealed a poor statistical relationship between predicted and actual intensities. Although signal intensities for a given target varied up to 70-fold, none of the predictors were able to fully explain this variation. Also, no combination of different free energy terms, as assessed by principal component and neural network analyses, provided a reliable predictor of hybridization efficiency. We also examined the effects of single-base pair mismatch (MM) (all possible types and positions) on signal intensities of duplexes. We found that the MM effects differ from those that were predicted from solution-based hybridizations. These results recommend against the application of probe design software tools that use thermodynamic parameters to assess probe quality for species identification. Our results imply that the thermodynamic properties of oligonucleotide hybridization are by far not yet understood.  相似文献   

The discrimination between perfect-match and single-base-pair-mismatched nucleic acid duplexes was investigated by using oligonucleotide DNA microarrays and nonequilibrium dissociation rates (melting profiles). DNA and RNA versions of two synthetic targets corresponding to the 16S rRNA sequences of Staphylococcus epidermidis (38 nucleotides) and Nitrosomonas eutropha (39 nucleotides) were hybridized to perfect-match probes (18-mer and 19-mer) and to a set of probes having all possible single-base-pair mismatches. The melting profiles of all probe-target duplexes were determined in parallel by using an imposed temperature step gradient. We derived an optimum wash temperature for each probe and target by using a simple formula to calculate a discrimination index for each temperature of the step gradient. This optimum corresponded to the output of an independent analysis using a customized neural network program. These results together provide an experimental and analytical framework for optimizing mismatch discrimination among all probes on a DNA microarray.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays that are used as end-point detectors for PCR assays are typically composed of short (15-25 mer) oligonucleotide probes bound to glass. When designing these detectors, we have frequently encountered situations where a probe would not hybridize to its complementary, terminally labeled PCR amplicon. To determine if failures could be explained by general phenomenon such as secondary structure, we designed a microarray to detect eight regions of the Escherichia coli 16S rDNA gene. We then amplified eight amplicons of different lengths using a biotin conjugated, antisense primer. Amplicons were then hybridized to the microarray and detected using a combination of signal amplification and fluorescence. In most cases, probe sequences complementary to the 5' region of the amplified products (sense orientation) did not hybridize to their respective amplicon. We tested for positional bias and showed that a biotin conjugated sense primer mirrored the same probe failures. Nick translated products, however, hybridized to all probes. Because nick translation generates many labeled fragments of random length, we concluded that this method disrupted secondary structure that otherwise prevented the amplicons from hybridizing to their respective probes. We also show that nick translation does not compromise detector sensitivity even when used with long PCR amplicons (ca. 1.5 kbp). Despite the increased cost of the nick translation, we concluded that this labeling strategy will reduce the time needed to design new assays as well as avoid possible false negatives during field applications. Alternative labeling strategies are also discussed.  相似文献   

Gene expression analysis by means of microarrays is based on the sequence-specific binding of RNA to DNA oligonucleotide probes and its measurement using fluorescent labels. The binding of RNA fragments involving sequences other than the intended target is problematic because it adds a chemical background to the signal, which is not related to the expression degree of the target gene. The article presents a molecular signature of specific and nonspecific hybridization with potential consequences for gene expression analysis. We analyzed the signal intensities of perfect match (PM) and mismatch (MM) probes of GeneChip microarrays to specify the effect of specific and nonspecific hybridization. We found that these events give rise to different relations between the PM and MM intensities as function of the middle base of the PM, namely a triplet-like (C > G approximately T > A > 0) and a duplet-like (C approximately T > 0 > G approximately A) pattern of the PM-MM log-intensity difference upon binding of specific and nonspecific RNA fragments, respectively. The systematic behavior of the intensity difference can be rationalized on the level of basepairings of DNA/RNA oligonucleotide duplexes in the middle of the probe sequence. Nonspecific binding is characterized by the reversal of the central Watson-Crick (WC) pairing for each PM/MM probe pair, whereas specific binding refers to the combination of a WC and a self-complementary (SC) pairing in PM and MM probes, respectively. The Gibbs free energy contribution of WC pairs to duplex stability is asymmetric for purines and pyrimidines of the PM and decreases according to C > G approximately T > A. SC pairings on the average only weakly contribute to duplex stability. The intensity of complementary MM introduces a systematic source of variation which decreases the precision of expression measures based on the MM intensities.  相似文献   

Reuse of materials in DNA hybridization-based methods has been known since the advent of Southern membranes. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization is essentially Southern hybridization with multiple probes immobilized on a solid surface. We show that comparative genomic hybridization microarrays fabricated with maskless array synthesizer technology can be used up to four times with the application of 1,3-dimethylurea as an array-stripping agent. We reproducibly detected chromosomal aberrations (0.6-22.4Mb in size) in four hybridization rounds using regenerated microarray slides. We also demonstrated that regenerated arrays can detect smaller alterations (16-200kbp), such as common copy number variants, as well as complex aberration profiles in tumor DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular markers are used to provide the link between genotype and phenotype, for the production of molecular genetic maps and to assess genetic diversity within and between related species. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant molecular genetic marker. SNPs can be identified in silico , but care must be taken to ensure that the identified SNPs reflect true genetic variation and are not a result of errors associated with DNA sequencing. The SNP detection method autoSNP has been developed to identify SNPs from sequence data for any species. Confidence in the predicted SNPs is based on sequence redundancy, and haplotype co-segregation scores are calculated for a further independent measure of confidence. We have extended the autoSNP method to produce autoSNPdb, which integrates SNP and gene annotation information with a graphical viewer. We have applied this software to public barley expressed sequences, and the resulting database is available over the Internet. SNPs can be viewed and searched by sequence, functional annotation or predicted synteny with a reference genome, in this case rice. The correlation between SNPs and barley cultivar, expressed tissue type and development stage has been collated for ease of exploration. An average of one SNP per 240 bp was identified, with SNPs more prevalent in the 5' regions and simple sequence repeat (SSR) flanking sequences. Overall, autoSNPdb can provide a wealth of genetic polymorphism information for any species for which sequence data are available.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel allele-specific primer elongation protocol using a DNA polymerase on oligonucleotide chips. Oligonucleotide primers carrying polymorphic sites at their free 3'end were covalently bound to glass slides. The generation of single-stranded targets of genomic DNA containing single nuclotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be typed was achieved by an asymmetric PCR reaction or exonuclease treatment of phosphothioate (PTO)-modified PCR products. In the presence of DNA polymerase and all four dNTPs, with Cy3-dUTP replacing dTTP, allele-specific extension of the immobilized primers took place along a stretch of target DNA sequence. The yield of elongated products was increased by repeated reaction cycles. We performed multiplexed assays with many small DNA targets, or used single targets of up to 4.4 kb mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence to detect multiple SNPs in one reaction. The latter approach greatly simplifies preamplification of SNP-containing regions, thereby providing a framework for typing hundreds of mtDNA polymorphisms.  相似文献   

High‐throughput microarray experiments often generate far more biological information than is required to test the experimental hypotheses. Many microarray analyses are considered finished after differential expression and additional analyses are typically not performed, leaving untapped biological information left undiscovered. This is especially true if the microarray experiment is from an ecological study of multiple populations. Comparisons across populations may also contain important genomic polymorphisms, and a subset of these polymorphisms may be identified with microarrays using techniques for the detection of single feature polymorphisms (SFP). SFPs are differences in microarray probe level intensities caused by genetic polymorphisms such as single‐nucleotide polymorphisms and small insertions/deletions and not expression differences. In this study, we provide a new algorithm for the detection of SFPs, evaluate the algorithm using existing data from two publicly available Affymetrix Barley (Hordeum vulgare) microarray data sets and compare them to two previously published SFP detection algorithms. Results show that our algorithm provides more consistent and sensitive calling of SFPs with a lower false discovery rate. Simultaneous analysis of SFPs and differential expression is a low‐cost method for the enhanced analysis of microarray data, enabling additional biological inferences to be made.  相似文献   

An approach to analyze mismatches using short and specific oligonucleotide probes directly synthesized on bacterial magnetic particles (BMPs) by phosphoramidite methods was exploited. Approximately 126 molecules of 4-mer oligonucleotides/particle were synthesized on BMPs with high reaction efficiencies. Hybridization between FITC-labeled oligonucleotides and chemically synthesized oligonucleotides on BMPs was performed. Perfect matched and mismatched hybridizations were successfully discriminated by using the oligonucleotide probes on BMPs.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have developed a rapid, high throughput method for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping that employs an oligonucleotide ligation assay (OLA) and flow cytometric analysis of fluorescent microspheres. METHODS: A fluoresceinated oligonucleotide reporter sequence is added to a "capture" probe by OLA. Capture probes are designed to hybridize both to genomic "targets" amplified by polymerase chain reaction and to a separate complementary DNA sequence that has been coupled to a microsphere. These sequences on the capture probes are called "ZipCodes". The OLA-modified capture probes are hybridized to ZipCode complement-coupled microspheres. The use of microspheres with different ratios of red and orange fluorescence makes a multiplexed format possible where many SNPs may be analyzed in a single tube. Flow cytometric analysis of the microspheres simultaneously identifies both the microsphere type and the fluorescent green signal associated with the SNP genotype. RESULTS: Application of this methodology is demonstrated by the multiplexed genotyping of seven CEPH DNA samples for nine SNP markers located near the ApoE locus on chromosome 19. The microsphere-based SNP analysis agreed with genotyping by sequencing in all cases. CONCLUSIONS: Multiplexed SNP genotyping by OLA with flow cytometric analysis of fluorescent microspheres is an accurate and rapid method for the analysis of SNPs.  相似文献   

Accurate analysis of DNA sequence variation in not only humans and animals but also other organisms has played a significant role in expanding our knowledge about genetic variety and diversity in a number of different biological areas. The search for an understanding of the causes of genetic variants and mutations has resulted in the development of a simple laboratory technique, known as the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method, for the detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). PCR-RFLP allows rapid detection of point mutations after the genomic sequences are amplified by PCR. The mutation is discriminated by digestion with specific restriction endonucleases and is identified by gel electrophoresis after staining with ethidium bromide (EtBr). This convenient and simple method is inexpensive and accurate for SNP genotyping and especially useful in small basic research studies of complex genetic diseases. The whole protocol takes only a day to carry out.  相似文献   

Fabrication of DNA microarrays using unmodified oligonucleotide probes   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Call DR  Chandler DP  Brockman F 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):368-72, 374, 376 passim
Microarrays printed on glass slides are often constructed by covalently linking oligonucleotide probes to a derivatized surface. These procedures typically require relatively expensive amine- or thiol-modified oligonucleotide probes that add considerable expense to larger arrays. We describe a system by which unmodified oligonucleotide probes are bound to either nonderivatized or epoxy-silane-derivatized glass slides. Biotinylated PCR products are heat denatured, hybridized to the arrays, and detected using an enzymatic amplification system. Unmodified probes appear to detach from the slide surface at high pH (> 10.0), suggesting that hydrogen bonding plays a significant role in probe attachment. Regardless of surface preparation, high temperature (up to 65 degrees C) and low ionic strength (deionized water) do not disturb probe attachment; hence, the fabrication method described here is suitable for a wide range of hybridization stringencies and conditions. We illustrate kinetics of room temperature hybridizations for probes attached to nonderivatized slides, and we demonstrate that unmodified probes produce hybridization signals equal to amine-modified, covalently bound probes. Our method provides a cost-effective alternative to conventional attachment strategies that is particularly suitable for genotyping PCR products with nucleic acid microarrays.  相似文献   

Short oligonucleotide probes have been linked to a solid support by simple electrostatic adsorption onto a positively charged surface film. Attachment was obtained by microfluidic application of unmodified oligonucleotides in distilled water onto amino-silanized glass. It has been demonstrated that an extremely stable monolayer of oligonucleotide is obtained by this method, at a density of about 10(11) molecules/mm(2), which approaches the limit expected for a two-dimensional closest-packed array. Application of oligonucleotide by adsorption is followed by capping with acetic anhydride in the vapor phase, and then capping with succinic anhydride in solution to form a surface with weak negative charge. The capping method has been successfully employed for microarray fabrication and for the analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms in the k-ras gene. The data reveal that, subsequent to capping, the adsorptive association of oligonucleotide to the surface yields a probe layer which is capable of single nucleotide base mismatch discrimination and high apparent binding affinity.  相似文献   

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